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f,t'?r '" v&r w '- gc(7ii'ir' v-w!t-vj V . !c ut .-.' i m i i f IS I'.K l 3 fl k v& 'j rt .? K- ?& , "2 tf 1 t; . .1 y. i i i District Attornoy Issues Warn ing to Those Contemplating Trickery at Polls INTIMIDATION IS A CRIME Dtetrlrt Attorney Ttotnn hn.i repeated his warning, given before prunnr.v rice Hon, against violation of the election laws for tomorrow. Tti n statement lie calls attention to various features of the law anil espe cially warns aliens not. to attempt to vote, reminding them of the inves tigation he is now making Into eligi bility of those who were prompted from the draft and who voted at the pri mary. IIo also warns against Interference or intimidation of voters, and against policemen coining within fifty feet of nn election place unless to mnke an arrest or to preserve order. Kntan'.s Warning Tlis statement follows: "The approaching general election prompts me to renew the statement which I made liefore primary election respecting the rights of citizens In the exercise of the franchise anil the rights and duties of election officers, city em ployes, policemen and other persons having to do with election. All election nflioers nre privileged from arrest while performing their du ties on election day, except on wan ant Issued by a judge of n court of record, and no election officer can be arrested on election dny on a warrant issued by a magistrate. "A police officer, whether In uniform or otherwise, has no right to lie In or about any polling place, or within fifty feet thereof, either during the count ing and preparation of the return, ex cept to make an arrest or to preserve order, Ion a Crime "It is a crime for any one to as sault or intimidate any voter during the holding of an election, or to attempt to influence or overawe a voter, or lo prevent him from voting. "It is the duty of every magistrate or police official, having in custody any one charged with crime, to furnish the nocuscd or his counsel, free of chnrge, with a copy of the chnrge so that bail may be catered for the accused. "No voter can bo assisted in mark ing his ballot unless he declnres to the' judge of the election that he has a disability and by reason thereof needs assistance in marking his ballot. "A voter is guilty of a crime who falsely declares that he lias disability and therefore needs assistance. He is likewise guilty of a crime if he allows his ballot to bo seen by another person with the intention of letting it be known how he is about to vote." "Aliens have no right to vote, and if nny foreign-born person, unnaturalized, attempts to vote, lie will he prosecuted. I n in investigating charges that a largo number of persons who claimed exception under the draft law as aliens have registered and will attempt to vote at the general election without having since been naturalized, and I especially warn all aliens who attempt to vote without being naturalized that they will be vigorously prosecuted. "The district attorney's office will be open on election day for the purpose of protecting citizens in their legal rights, and I will be ready to secure prompt writs of habeas corpus in cases of illegal arrests. "I call upon the law-abiding citizens, in case they see nets of intimidation, thuggery and other violation of the law, to obtain the names and addresses of tho law-breakers and the names and addresses of any witnesses who may be present and to promptly report to me so that the arrests may be prompt and the prosecution and punishment swift and certain. To this end I pledge the power ol my on ice. N. Y. FIRM ABSOLVED Forstmann & Hoffman Declared In nocent by Merton E. Lewis 'Sew York, Nov. II. Julius Forst mann and tho firm of Forstnuinn & Hoffman Co., who were accused of br ing: Involved in flerninny'H "wool plot'' exposed by the State Department's dis covery early in 1918 of tlm "linns Smith letters" to the imperial government, have been declared innocent of all blame. In a letter to their counsel, made pub lic last night, Merton K. Lewis, for merly state attorney general reversed .his opinion by which on April t, l'.HK he nproved a subordinate's finding that they were disloyal citizens. The Forstmann & Hoffman Co. was mentioned among other persons nnd firms in the Smith correspondence deal ing with n plot to buy large amounts of wool here for war shipment to Ger many. Alfred Ij. Pecker, then deputy attorney general, reported that in his opinion Julius Forstmann was involved In the "wool plot." Mr. Lewis's letter declared that "anv public officer may inuke a mistake in war times when quick action is required but where it appears that an innocent man hns suffered with the guilty, 1 feel it my duty to my so and express my regret." 5.HURTINCRAP GAME RIOT One of the Victims a Woman and Twice-Shot Man May Die Sbamoliln, I'a., Nov. ". One man was probably fatally shot by a patrol man, three others were seriously injured nnd a woman was badly liinnbiindled in a riot here Inst night following a light about n crap game on a secluded street. Bernard O'ilrien. aged twenty, is in the Khninokin State Hospital wilii a bul let wound close to the heart and nn other through the abdomen. Walter Sliusta and John Oanlo also are in the hospital with concussion of (lie brain. Mrc. Frank Hlkcrn suffered several broken ribs when she attempted to keep rioters out of her home. IMwnrd IM baugh, a patrolman, called from his bed, was licdly battered on the head be fore other officers went to his rescue. Tho tight started about division of n stake, and Sliusta was attacked by others, of tho players. Two factious plunged into the fight, and within a short time moro than n score of men were battling in the street. Roebllnrjs Aid T. R. Fund Trenton, Nov. 3. John A. Korb ling's Sons' Company, the wire manu facturers, has contributed .V00 to the Mercer county branch ot the Koose- tt Memorial Association. Surrogate Samuel II. Itullock, treasurer of the branch, who announced tho gift, said PAN 10 PUNSt ELECTION FRAUDS also that contributions to date had 1 reached nbout 51000. Parent-Teacher Association Formed Cape May Court House, Nov, tl. A 'Parent -Teacher Association was organ ized, with John Itoss, president; 1'rofessor Clark, vice president; Mrs, Martin Spalding, secretary and Miss .Helen Johnson, treasurer. The. com mitted on constitution nnd bylaws, named by President Uoss, is: Profes- y'iMM" ClsrJt, Jaruea Vance nnd Mrs. Mo vjClintopk, EMPLOYES OF CITY Will Now Mayor "Clonn Houso"? Question Worrying "Littlo Fellows" on Payroll OWE JOBS TO VARE LEADERS "On edge" best describes the feelings of several thousand city employes who nre spending their time wondering where they get off with the ndvent of a new administration. Will the new Mayor "clean house" wholly or In part, or will he recognize years of service as an indication of ability and faithfulness? This nnd other questions of a similar nature are hourly being asked by the little fellows in the public building. On the eve of the election many cltv emplojes face the declaration of Con gressman Moore that die expects lo,al! to the whole ticket Willi fern, ntul .1r...wl In view of the attitude of Vnre ward I leaders, especially toward men on the West 1'hllndelpliiu councitmanic ticket Power of Ward licaders to l!r Shuun .Most pit v cninloTcs nre fnithdil nri mnrily to the ward leader to whom lie owe their position. Marry A. Mnk. the Organization leader of the Vnr sivtn ward, lias the largest number f appointee lo his credit. His attitude toward the regular ticket will be shown by the vole west of the Srhmlkill and south of Market street. Home cilj employes, if ordered to cut the ticket lomorrow, may bolt with a view to proving their loyalty to the new regime anil in the hope of retaining their bread and butter. Others will "take u chance," no matter what orders reach them. Aside from tho possibility nf disloy alty, the average worker who has been m city politics for many years believes in the honesty and fairness of Con gressman Moore. As nn old-timer put it today, "llampy knows the game. He's n good fellow, and 1 don't be lieve he will go lifter us, little fel lows." All of Congressman Moore's public declarations have been to the effect that reprisals would follow dislovnlty, hut his statement is believed to lie di rected toward lli- big leaders nnd not directly ut the ordinary worker in the city service. I.onlt for Nn Onrral Cleanup. I'.aeli four years new alliances nre made in City Hall and changes of sonic powers result. The situation this year. uowever, is iiitn-ii more involved nan oruinnrny. ami rnr that reason most persons on the city payroll are a bit anxious as to the outcome or the bal loting of their particular districts to morrow. That Congressman Moore plans no general cleanup i.s generally believed, and the men who have faithfully served the city, even though appointed through the power of the Vnres, believe thev have little to fear nt the hands of the new Mayor. The forty-odd clerks of Councils arc in a peculiar position, in thnt their re lention or dismissal depends entirely upon tun new organization of Coun cil, as it is believed that many of the positions will be found unnecessary under a Council of twenty-one mem bers. As the sheriff's office, now in full control of the Vares, is not under civil service, most of the employes of this department expect the "gnte." They are busy looking for new berths else where, cither in or out of the city 'crvioe. ' FACE RIOTERS ON TRIAL i More Than 100 Negroes Will Face Court for Elaine, Ark., Disorder Helena, Arli.. Nov. !!. (Ily A. P.I Trial of murder and assault to murder charges against more than 100 negroes for nllegcd participation in the recent race disturbances near Elaine, a small Jown in the southern part of this county, was scheduled to begin here today. At torneys for both sides announced they were ready to take up the cases of eighteen defendants during the day. In addition to the cases against the negroes, two attorneys, O. S. Hratton and (J. F. Casey, face charges of bar ratry in connection with the disturb ances, which resulted in the killing of five white persons, n score of negroes nnd the dispatch of federal troops to the scene. The cases against the at torneys, it was said, probably will not be reached until later in the term. STEALS ANCIENT CHAIN Acrobatic Art Collector Spurns Cost ly Jewels In Louvre Paris, Nov. II. Following the mys terious theft of a 1100(1-year -old I'bon iiicinn gold chain from a show case in the Louvre, the Paris police are 'look ing for an acrobatic art collector. They say the thief must be an ac robat, because the theft was accom plished by climbing up tho otitsido of the Louvre to the top door. He must be an art collector, because he ignored jewels of great worth in nearby .show cases and took only the chain, which is ut littlo intrinsic value. DIOGONES, YOUR LANTERN! Ohio Claims Landlord Who Has Not Raised Rents AUron, O., Nov. .".. America's most remarkable landlord has been discovered here. He is a mini who not only will not profiteer, but during the last six years; has not increased the rents on his tenants nt all. He is renting six modern live-room frame dwellings to dny nt the sauin prico which he charg ed the first year his tenants moved in. Th luiuseri rent at $!! a month. Other similar houses here are renting nt .?( and 5"."i n month. 'Fly Flags Tomorrow," Asks Moore Committee Kly your flags tomorrow and show your patriotism hy voting the Ite publloan ticket, is the word that comes today from the Moore Fulled Republican campaign headquarters. "It seems to me. that Tuesday tdiould be a, day of patriotic en thusiasm," said Murdoch Kendrick, manager of the United Itenubllcan campaign. "Tho flags ought to be Hying from every home and from every place of business in the city. It's the patriotic duty of citizens to Jink the. mayoralty campaign with all the great movements toward nntionn' progress. The, better the cities the better the states, and in the end the better the country. It's the patriotic hity of Americans to vote for Con gressman Moore," AWAIT THEIR FATE EYBKtHa PUBLIC MEN Saw No Lights, Testify Auto Crash Survivors Continued Vrom 1'iurn One along with its occupants singiu; talking. Closed Itnail Caused Detour It had been planned to run to Pauls -boro, which is near litllingtport, uvcr the Crown 1'oint road, but the road was closed for repairs and u detour had lo be made mor the Salem pike. One Irehme,er. the driver. lot his way. Frank Sauter. -Tu West Thajcr streel, who had been sitting in the middle of the trink. volunteered to get out and ask for direction". Sauter found some nne who told him tlm route lo be followed. Instead ol clambering back to his seat. Sauter stood on the running board of the truck to direct the drhcr. Four other Muing men were riding on the running board. As the heavy truck rumbled and lurched over the wet roadway it drew near tlm railroad crossing nt Clarks horo. The single-track Hue there is the Salem branch of the West Jersey und Seashore Jfailroad. ".My iod! Watch Out for the Train" j The pike crosses the railroad diago- naily. v cbcr. with his aceonleon, wii-i entertaining the merrymakers as the! truck iiiuiroaeheil tho truck. The hilarity was stopped suddenly by a frightened cry from one of the men on tho running board. "Watch the trainl My (iod. watch nut for the. train!" he called. The front wheels of the truck had humped over the rail as the live men on the side jumped nnd panic gripped those within. A medley of cries and moans reached the cars of the engineer as he franti cally worked at his throttle and brake levers. Passengers Heard Crash Passengers in the two coaches which comprised the train heard the crush of the collusion. There i.s n bridge jus bej und the Clarkboro crossing, and the conductor at first thought the train had gone through the bridge. When the train crew and passengers rnn to the front the locomotive head light revealed the ghastly tragedy. At least seven of the masipieraders had been killed outright. Modie.s were jammed in n heap and crushed limbs trailed over the edge of the wrecked machine. Four of the iiiasnueruders had been hurled to the ground by the impact, they lay huddled in their motley gar ments near the track. When the extent of the tragedy was realized men und women passengers devoted themselves to the injured. The deajl were extricated from the wreck age and laid in a line along the road- Women Isc Skirts as liandages Women ripped up their skirts and petticoats for bandages, twisted tourni quets about bleeding limbs nnd ran for water at nearby houses. Telephone calls were sent for auto mobiles and for physicians. The crash occurred nt 11:1,'! o'clock nnd twenij -live minutes later doctors began arriv ing from Clarksboro and nearby towns. Word was sent to Camden and a spe cial train was made up there and dis patched to Clarksboro. Klcven of the injured were placed on the special train, but two died on the run to the Cooper Hospital in Camden. Others of the injured were taken to the private hospital of Dr. .1. (!. Harris I nderwnod. at Woodbury. Kuril Used as Temporary .Morgue Twelve of the dead were taken to the undertaking establishment of .loscph V. Clark in Clarksboro. The undertaker transformed his barn linn a temporary morgue anil ine sneci cd forms of the victims wcrolaid nut in orws lo await identification. In pitiful contrast, the wigs and masks and portions of the costume,, worn by the masiierndcrs were placed in a small room adjoining the tem porary death chamber. Scattered along thetrack from Hie point of collision to where the liain stopped were found sixteen kegs partly tilled with beer und two orthree whis ky flasks. JUMPING CONTEST FATAL Lad Competing With Chum Falls and Fractures Skull A jumping contest with a boy com panion proved fatal to William I'odwill, eleven years old. of .'(117 North Hope street. He die'd from a fracture of the skull last night at the .Samaritan Hospital. Tlm boy ami his chum were passing a dwelling owned by Rugene IConnernw ski nt .TJ20 Howard street, where a railing had been put up to guard a newly made pavement. The boys made n wager as to which could make the best Jump over the railing. Young Poilwlll leaped and fell so that the back of his head struck the pavement. Mine Blast Fatal to Two Pottsvllle, I'a.. Nov. "?. Two miners arc now dead froifi the explosion nt Good Spring colliery, near here, while five others are seriously wounded. Wil liam Kepler, nne of the injured men, who died Sundty. leaves u widow and fifteen children. James StuUman, who r.lso died yesterday. Is survived by his widow and four children. An invest I. gatlon just completed leaves no doubt that the explosion was caused by one of the lamps of the miners setting tiro to a pocket of gas. : aw jhk imek r ,im mr -z ' " .a-'w W " . ,4dWUtt . vTi 4Hr7ZK9'amB(VI . -X WT'.'VPVd TVZfiUn2'W&. VXT "1 T ASTVr Vf wr.' .T J -W KB, MM H Hftv idBBfflr. 'AM K$. w' A. JraM - Wim wBfmS M&ldwo. cJ.sanpo ausust friend -Andrew moode dOSEPHEGET g I T sm booth Kssm&dm i jssafe s I BJ-W?J5 , I m?l to .ywS y. (U ; i , .x&Yi I TJWw3E.'. 1 AITtfSV V I .of? w. reiftWi VW BBB K V Z" XRVKV t X. ? . vmiAulgm&i,. iri.'JMjSis ' ri&JS1? Wfi5wta ,... . ., . n. . ..... . . . . .. . madams wl '( . ..' rf; fit W$$m LEDGEB-pfoLADELPHlA, EONDAY, AND WOMEN KILLED IN CLAfeKSBORO E JL C pm FORKMICLESI U. S. ARMY GOODS I AJ't4K.fVW ", 1 iMMMI. tXI ..A M. -.IT v.vrMi'VM-!''4' V "'' : ' . .- s I Jt - i L " . : r& X&MW ... . . . . ,w,V i s?, . W !:?7?,kfr and WILLIe-NM WH K-t-K. VV, II IV ,a k vjfWsT .. .mmWmM ,edwarp ohle i.oui& huwter marrv weitzel- SSSmm f If ELECTRIC 9 WiT tkii i I LIGHTED Y SS.SS;ffi $&';. PWt ciii'i '.'. . mk , v ... , ST - W" "- kJP02T900n. FROM & A(gnrl, Wk - ' BLEW WHISTLE A6AIN' XVI20 SRDS 4$!F' f'- AT SMALL CRORQD n yBV LOCOMOTIVE bfcCTffl fa$mmzil 1 sWF MOTOR TRUCrC WIM.IUIIIBWITT M RWmAADn r-i i r. i r-r n i nirnn .,- FN U FRAL AUTOS NOT ' ul1LllnL nvJ ' ,-'vJ ''U ' CLASSED WITH TAXIS Service Board Holds Privately Owned Vehicles Are Not Common Carriers A group of funeral car owners and owners nf private cars for hire todav met with I'ublic Service Commissioner's Menu and Samuel ('lenient, dr., in City Hall. There were ti."i0 at the confer ence. "The public service commission of tin state," said Commissioner Iieun, "will not place the owners of funeral cars and the owners of private cars for hire under the rules governing common car riers, such as taxis. Such owners will nor he compelled to get a certificate of public conveyance. The commission recognizes funeral cars as in a outside that of common carriers. "The public is protected in the fu neral car service by a schedule of rates tiled wfth the funeral directors of the cit. And these rates are fixed. "In addition, the cominissiou will not require owners ot cars on demand to place conspicuous placards on the cur or to install a taxi meter, as it is neces sary for taxi owners to do. NEW HIGH-SPEED SCHEDULE Trains on "L" to Operate on Three Minute Basis During Day A new hi'hedule on the Market street subway and elevated system, making an IN per cent Increase in service, went into effect this morning. The schedule, provides for operation of trains M a three-minute instead of a foiir-iuinute basis, hy making vir tually every other train run only be tween Sixty-third and Second streets. Night line trains will make trips every Iwentv minutes in-tcad of every lifted) minutes. oer-nirs nni nrn tush it ir. tSEEMS COLDER THAN IT IS J ' ... . .Mercury Was Down Only to 43 at ' 8 This Mornlnu II seemed like winter this morning, hut it was only because recent weather had been so warm and unseasonable. Tin' drop at !l a. in. was only -10 above zero, which is not surprising weather for this time. of the jear. Killing frosts are long overdue and can be expected nl any time, having al ways appeared in the past between Oc tober '', nnd November 1,". The chilly weather will probably stimulate buying in some Hues of goods which have lagged because of the un seasonable weather so far this year. The weather bureau predicts fnlr weather today with cloudy and slightly warmer weather tomorrow. SCORES BITUMINOUS MINERS Manufacturers' Club Weekly Criti cizes Demands ai "Impossible"' The attitude of the coal miners was criticized as having no foundation, either in justice, in right or in It n -inanity, in The Manufacturer, a weekly publication of the Manufacturers' Club. The article crftlcizes the strike vote because It was counted secretly. "What ever may be the final result of the ngltation by the leaders of the coal miners to force impossible demands upon the operators," says the article, "there is no doubt the miners have in jured their position before the people by their extravagant dmnands." Airplane Patrolman Nabs Man hau Franriscii. Nov. ."!. The success ot tin airplane as an aid to police work was demonstrated Saturday, when Han Francisco's aerial patrolman, Ivau Clatcs, made his first trip. He flew to Alameda, across the bay, and took aboard .Tames M. Keller, wanted on a charge of carrying concealed veapous. dates brought the prisoner to the city jail. 1 Mr driven i -Mv i A rMf ! ' w i MYI ' JZW B im' -N Mi A Ml .) M' w K It? i uw fcJ Hf TRAIN HAL? Lj , ULIi7. UADC liailA t ' ti "A.zr ' i'-px ? ,rr s m sl3? EIIUK -1 I I .1 ' fi S f wS .riw ax i Ar-iict. O , V J7 l-'.r'l. M S.I.HKH.SJ I C SB if BORO STATION- .Mm... WfM. -uiimin.iini i Diagram showing how train struck autotruck at Clarksboro, X. J Saturday night. Fourteen wcro hilled and thirteen injured EIGHT HELDFOR DEATH j SUGAR CONTROlbTlL OF PERSHING DRIVER! ON SENATE CALENDAR One Prisoner, a Major in U. S. Army, Declares Shooting Accidental K I'aso, Tex., Nov. I!. (Hy A. P.) (Illicinls nt I'lis Cruces. N. M were iin estimating today the fatal shouting of T. Ilutchings, automobile race driver, near Iiu'uark, N. M., sixteen miles w,est of here, yesterday by a party of four men and four women, one of them a major' ill the fnited Slates army. The eight are being held at I,as Ciuces on charges of murder. Major F. M. Scunlnnd, one of the eight, de clared the shootiug was accidental. He said they were shootiug nt n target when Hatchings passed in his car in the El I'aso-Phoenix road race. After Ilutchings wus shot Oliver Ijee.. his mechanician, drove the car with the wounded driver, into Las Cruces and returned to the scene of the shoot ing with county officers who made the arrests, ilutchings was driver for fienernl Pershing during the Amerirnn punitive expedition into Mexico, and has been a contestant N in most of the automo bile rnees of the southwest. His home was in Almnogordo, N. M. The men under Arrest nre Major Scnnland, Hurry C. OvcMtreet and "Clinll;" Altaman, of El Paso; Fred Jut'lvMiu, of Alpine. Tex. The women nre liiiiip Jtennett, Mrs. Ovcrstrret, Mrs. l. rJ Holbrook and Mrs. B. M. Mcpherson, of El Paso. Mulchings wns shot through the :plnn and died nfter being brought to nn El Pao hospltnl. "SKULL" OVER ROYAL ARMS Sinn Fein Flag Painted on Wall of Court Room IJflfast, Nov. !l. The magistrates of the hnlleft court nt Reltnrhel. Pntinlv- f avan. on entering the court found the royal nr'ms with the bench disfigured nnd with the outline of n skull drawn nver them, together With the inscrlp Mnn. H. i, p. (remilescat in pace). A large .Sinn Fein Jlng was painted "ii the wall, with the Hag of the Irish republic beneath. The Hepublicau flag is also floating over the town hall, the t'lty council iguprlug a request for its removal. . ' NOVja&LBEB 3, 11)19 CRASH Plan to Continue Equalization Board Will Come Up for Early Action Washington, Nov. !1. fPy A. P.) The bill proposing continuation of fed eral control over spgar during 1!K!0. wns reported today to the Senate nnd placed nn the culendar with a view to ciirjy action. In a majority report, Senator Mo Nary, Hepublicau. of Oregon, author of the bill nnd chairman of th(v Senate agriculture subcommittee which investi gated tho sugar shortage, declared "a seriojis situation will ensue" if the sugar equalization hoard's control be discontinued. Minority views, presented by Sen ator Uaiisdell, Democrat, of Louisiana, expressed agreement in tho plan to con tinue the equalization hoard, with au thority for its purchase of Cuban sugar, but opposed giving the board power to buy and sell the domestic product as an unwarranted interfer ence with natural economic laws nnd ns likely to. unduly depress prices of Loui siana and other domestic sugar. v Senator McNnry's report suggested that present conditions were largely psycholigical, due to fears of future shortages. Data In Hie hunds'of the committee, tho report stated, showed that about 7!(I,(HH tons of Cuban nnd domestic sugar was available for' distribu tion until January I, which should meet, tnc needs ot tne country. 'Jlie world scarcity of sugar was estimated at 2,0(10,000 tons over the pre-war aver age. IIKATIIS .HOYD. Nov, I, AONKS. daushlfr of Martha A. FlnnMoy iml the lata KUward Ilovd. IMMtvei and frlondu invited to Fen-ice, Wed., -J i. in., at 81)31 Haverforrt ave. Int, Fernwood, Cem. Remains may he viewed Tuea. eventnic. IIKI.P 1VANTKD fKMAI.K CURLS wanted to learn optratlnit 0f en velope machine; light,' agreeable work! ex. cedent worltins conitltlon. Apply Waiting, ratteraon Co.. 350 N 13th at. APAKTMKXTS I'OR KKNT FOR RENT Desirable nec-ond-floor apart ment In Weat Philadelphia on 8 32d at near JlarKett, particularly lullable tor doctor, dentlot or bualnes will make neceaaary alternation for bualneii ue. t'tlliena' Co. Htl Walnut at. swffl 's STOPPED .W,iir ' M A idicu nOi prMonn Inimo mi v niivmn J Admiral's' Imputation of Pro- Gormanism to Sinn Fein Ro sontod by National Bureau APPEAL TO DANIELS MADE Washington. Nov. 3. The demand that Secretary Daniels censor the lit erary work of Admiral Sims was made In an open letter addressed to Mr. Daniels by Daniel T. O'Connell. of Itos ton. director of the Irish nntlonal bu reau. , ,VT'le,,Ir''i'' national bureau respect fully calls your attention to nn article by Admiral William Snnwden Sims, which embodies an open Insult to mil ions of American citizens," savs the letter. "The article charges these lnval Americans with allying themselves with a cause which was openly hostile to America in the great war. Thai Ad intra) Sims asserts thai 'Sinn Fein.' whlrhin synonymous with the Irish republican movement, was not onlv 'openly disloyal' but, 'openly pro-CScr- man. He clinrpei tlm. n lm rnctllt of this nro-fiermanism. Minn l.'elners attacked Amerirnn sailors in the streets of Cork and that these attacks be came so serious thnt it wns necessary to Inr our American boys from the cilv. The Irish nntioniil bnrenii wishes to enter an omphalic protest against nn officer of the United States navy making use nt his nnrae nnd official position to give credence and dignity to oft-repented statements which nre either wholly false or bald misinter pretation of facts. Such statements. Were thev leveled alone nt the Irish people, might well he resented by their menu in tins country: nnd when they become part of a blltcr campaign of invective directed not alone nt Ireland hut at Americans of Irish blood, they necome a serious affront In a vrv con siderable proportion of the people of mo l nited Mtnies. "If it is the Intention of Adml'"' Sims to permit to bf published In book form or otherwise the same writ hiss herein complained of, the Irish na tional hiireau rcnuests tnar you. as ills superior, direct that such changes be made as will accorf! Justice, and only justice, to tho people of Ireland, nnd which will free millions of Ameri can citizens from the Imputation of giving moral and support lo Americas enemies: and that Admiral Sims be told thnt he needlessly leaves the paths of the historian to say un kind woribi of n peoole who supplied to the American navy some nf its hest of ficers and men: and finally that, by at tacking those of Irish blood in Ireland and In America, he is 'ending encour agement to a form of English propa ganda that will be used to the disad vantage of the i'lilted States navy whenever it serves the selfish interests of tho English to do so," CALL INDUSTRIAL MEETING Mining Congress Asks Governors and Others to Meet In St. Louis St. Louis. Nov. :i. A warning that "agents of disorganization are infesting the country to cripple production nt a time when America needs most all maxi mum production" is contained in a call sent out by the American Alining Con gress for ii national industrial confer ence to convene in this city to work out a business program for the nation." It is proposed that the conteience be conducted in connection with the Amer ican Alining Congress convention, the National Hold Conference nixl the Na tional Conference of War Mineral Pro ducers, on November 17 to 21. Invita tions to the industrial conference were ent last night to governors of all states, to national and to state anil national commercial bodies. If public nhcinls.' the invitations say, "and eniploers of labor fail to promptly recognize the dancers of u great national class war. with attend ant anarchy, disruption, bloodshed ami starvation, America s MiiTering will be laid at their feet. At the hour when America needs most of nil maximum production, nt tcmpls uie being made to close down the steel plants, ston all bituminous coal production, tie up the rail and water transportation of the country and paralyze or reduce every form nf urn. duct ion. 'Aecnts nf disorsanizatioii are oiiec- ntlng in every state and community and ii. is iiixii nine ,i conierence ot nusiuess men siiould discuss and adopt a busi ness program for the nation." Anniversary at Grace Church Special services nl the tirace Episco oal Church. Mt. Airy, yesterdnv mark ed the celebration of the sixtieth an niversary of the founding of the parish nnd the thirtieth nnniversnrv of the dedication of the church. The Itev. Thomas W. Kline, pastor of the church, orcnohed al the morning service. E. Caldwell & Co. Announce for the Week of Nov. third An exhibition of ENGLISH Gmm PLATES Believed to bo tho most intcrcstCnc, comprchenbivo and Important collec tion of English china over assembled in Philadelphia. And prescntinrj. for leisurely exam ination, past and present masterpieces from the Mintons, Wedgwood, Royal Worcester, Royal Doulton, Coalport, Cauldon and Copcland potteries. TO WHICH IS ADDED a representation of modern English crystal replicas of antique pieces and a number bf old Waterford decanters in Sheffield coasters, circa I COO A. D. JtWELCRS-SILVCnSMITHS-STATIONEna CHESTNUT AND JUNIPER STREETS American Bacon Bring3 Equiya- j Jont of 1 8 Cants a Pound at Frnnoh Snlo ,'i HOSPITALS GET SUPPLIES i Paris. Nov. .1. The French Goverulti ment's sale of military stocks pur-I chased from Tho United State wilt opened to the public In I'nris today in the flcht ncrnlnsf the hlirli cost of living. Similar sales In n dozen! other centers of France will bo started today, or as soon as the arrange? incuts, for placing the goods before thai mimic are compmteii. two tliousantl1. items were listed nt the outset, bilfcB the stocks have been depleted by sajesi during the last, two weeks to hospitals! enaritanie mm co-operative organun.7 nous nnu to retail merchants. The prices for the various com modities have been fixed nt n mfitfiflhir? of half the current retail prices, wltl many articles wlilcn nre uot much usci by the French workers offered at A less fraction of their original coatJ Heavy drafts on most nf the necessary! things, such ns shoes and clothingl nave iieen made ny ine government, but: vast (luniitities ot army goods still nrq uviiiiaoic. j At the present rnte of exch.arcn. mltw the dollar ntioted at hetween elirht. nnrl nine francs, the American equivalent! of some of the prices placer on the! goons nre ns ioiiows: Cocoa. 3.1 cents a pound ; haconi If c s n pound: canned teas, iu cents, pound I dried navy be'nns. !'., cents pound: taniocn. SU, cents; AmerlcnJ cheese, HO cents; sweet chocolate, till cents: dried niuiles. 127 cents; tnnlnirii raising, 17 cents: rice flour, 4i cents! "ii Minor or wueni nour is on snicj here, but it I.s expected sucnr will lid sold in some districts nt prices ttxel locally. (Ilothiiie also is offered, nrlivi cipnlly from the used stocks of eniisteJ men s garments, suitable for worKin men. No shoes nre available in Pnrislj but elsewhere nrniy shoes nre to be solJ nt ,2.SU and repaired shoes at 1.101 used overcoais are priced trom $j.;m tl $1.75; olive drab trousers, $3.40u khaki trousers, sixty-eight cents: shcenl (.kin lined canvas overcoats. SlO.Sflf wool drawers, sixtv-cight cents! wool socks, inriy-tive cents t cotton drawers! twenty-nine cents; wool lined leatuefl vests, .sj.fio. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE HEAD A SUICID Lieut. Col. filliott Kills Himse! cil mum juiis cm Result of ness II.. X-.. ' T I...L '.A, ;iuiiiHm:t. .nv. .. Jjieuenunn i oioiiei iiuncatt I'.iunit, oommnnuan or cadets nt St. John s College, thl city committed suicide yesterday b; shooting himself in the head. He ha! neen ill some time. In the morning he wired for his; brother. Ilichnrd Elliott, nt Atlanti City, who arrived shortly after th body was found. The body will h sent to Uoodlnwn, ?s. . lieutenant i nionei uiuotc was a native of New lork city, nnd enterei the service Just before the Spanish American war. heing commissioned from! the ranks m llilio as a first I euteiian in the Eighth Cavnlry. He was made n captain when placed nt the head of the military department of St. John's. nnd wns promoted to lieutenant colonel after the beginning nf the war. Hfl wiw mlirried but had been divorced for several years, ile leaves tierce, sous New York, Nov. ,'!. Lieutenant! Colonel Klliott, who committed suielda in Annapolis, was prominent in Newi nil k society. .More tlinu twenty-livi years ago he married Miss Sallie Ilnr gous, daughter of the lato Mr. anil -Mrs. i.ouis s. ttargous. of this citr. a famous belle, who after obtaining a dlvorre. wasjmirried in ItlO.T to Captain Woodbury ICaue, (mother leader of tho lour minuted" who served with tho Hough Killers in the Spanish-America War. Captain Kane died n few month' after ins marriage and his widow win married in r.iiglnui in IHK! to Cantal Dniiil'.K Howard (Jill, of the Itovn Field Artillery, son nf the Into Rev Thomas Howard Dili, one time chaplain ot tne Jii'itisn einuassy in rnris Hoover's Aid to Speak Dr. Vernon Kellogg, assistant to Herbert Hoover, will open the whites program of the University Extension Society tonight In Withcrspoon Ilnlli His subject will Ue "Kcfiout UuservaJ tinns iu (icrmany and l'oland. ""Hfc a- .V 9MtddAMMMi t .&dfc i'.'-ji a'JvaU