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' C , j A r. ; 'tw . -..& fel -ni iniMMfeiiii warn iiaarifc: Snr, :.,.,, t.y-l . (. f I V Eoenfesf tMs le&gec PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBERS, 1919 Tr . Prizewinners atWater Color Show : Bazaar d' Orient Aides : Girls at Lacrosse : "Aphrodite :p PORTRAIT: GIFFORD A. COCHRAN, JR, by Emily Drayton Taylor, 1604 Pino, street. 'l winner of the coveted miniature painters' medal of honor awarded for "high achievement I at tho discretion of the officers of the Pe insylvania Society of Miniaturo Painters. , i '"-ff;-v' . ;,- J -?- V3P. v-. dm -He. rS SfV F " T l .- i. iaii i wi "wm, r ;gjwnw " 'i&a III II 111 II) . '. dEVk, H& mIhfHw gk. Ha iHBHHHLnifBBii fl MP. Ledger Photo Service. THE DESTROYER PATROL, by Lieutenant Commander Henry Reuterdahl, U. S, N., New York, famous marine artist, which was awarded the Beck prize of $100 at the annual water-color and miniature exhibition of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. It is given to the best work in tho show which has been reproduced in color i Underwood and Underwood DOROTHY DAL TON, photoplay star, who made her stage debut in New York in the dram atization of Pierro Louys's "Aphro- i n i m nn mini mi i r i in mi -ii i irnnn ! i n BBfe " - I N'fiab; jpfHl v LOOKINK D6WN- ON THE POOLS', by Alfred Hayward, awarded Dana water- i . f I color medal. He is the artjst of "Somebody's Stenog," in thd EVENING PUBLIC j liEDGEIt . THE BEAUTY CORNER Irfdrer rtnoto Service, AT THE BAZAR D' ORIENT, given by the Armenian committee of the Emergency Aid at 1615 Chestnut street. In the group are Miss Mary Dercum, Miss Louisa Ashhurst, Miss Judith Jennings, Miss Corinne Free man, Miss Anna Walthour and Mrs. Charles V. McLean. " ' ' ' ' ''''' i- ' j" jthk. jwBBBifc? liflBBBBB tCi' Jl s msB- ""'' k 5- " ' S i- ,ldM&. v!aB BVIflBHB Ledger Photo Service. NOT AT all mindful of winter's aippjng breezes in her moaish at- BAveater ana grcatcoau Central News. jpping b t&e of ENGLISH GIRLS at lacrosse. An excitinc moment near tho goal in a match played at tho Paddington Recreation Ground, London, between Miss II. Walker's and Miss A. Smythe's teams. lutcia MipnADCT jrirCT loan ,iTv,'v,in nvenue. Philadelphia. "phoiodraphu for this back-page feature should be ubviiKed through the mail, " addressed to the Btauly Corner, EvjdniHo Pubuo Leocpr. ' , . Ji V 4i " - - Vl . l i. ? .. .; - ,.V . V ,,'rj ii'.Cj.. " p vf r -' rt 1 rK't ;wi l L.-H. i , '. .-" ' CfT,-A. ffi.C i? - LM 5TR..ti ' . iL, - ..- iJiU.