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f$iyr -t, -iji1'- !,'iflyi,,(iw7 rr. ,. iA- r . .a i 3 . 7TZ KTi. l VTTTBl ,X- tT,j;iV'' ,($ T-i'Mv, ,,.?. . v -v v'1- ' " """fit"-1f-V , . (fjJCflB ml I. . I i. , I ' I Etienitm Ihxfaltt I&eibQer PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1921 'lift 111 ii i Mf l I 'i,. ? I 1' fit iWSf ': ftfcr ih t'sb-ax f1 j! i-1 f , fH w:w" "T?- assiBa&i HTr- s. . l' unHMi A V fiStel ; .X3: ill w K .f , i 1 ) H :i i V 1 .4 I ;' I'V Ii' IT' I r, i i . W ' 61 I L i 1'V Ml. ! r ! iti ;! P ' t H. r IT V El.' k I- f Ei ' Ilk '4HL LHWHHHMI - s :!- h- - .,' '; ' m . ' - --r -; .-. . ?. . -1 . ' " , '' ggHLJ M '' ' s4fii', '' :x '-' ' ':'"' "s it.' - v '- "" ' 1. 1. . 1 I - 'Ms- v- tHti if ' jQBVi&K',, ?& VlV WHwmSmWmBk V: E&JBzK wMjWffgiiBiAM ir'RMi i i. . KI t rs H SMI! V, I' Pno,.knt Willinm .. ' I aft retumi'v '' N w k from a ivimth's'.'-n in Utrmmia THK "IMP" WIN'S. Sir Thomas Upton had no part in this race. These ice yachts arc on the f?2s?' Shrewsburv ri-er, nenr Long Branch, during a trial race. The "Scout" was second. The final - championship races will be held on February B wood & VBdW00,,. ENGLISH NOVELIST I? ( 2 1 V h4- 1. f 1 t a n i r 1 ilISS HOPE HAMPTON, th- a, trv, ,.;lnn; Pl bockcr. oik.' df :lv latest criat n- . !-r ' ,v t jar -a" ' IN PHILADELPHIA. WALKING IN THE SAND. Gilhort K. Chesterton and Mrs. Chesterton Miss Gertrude L. P. Conawav. of were guests of George Gibbs yesterday. Mr. this city, among the early arrival Chesterton lectured at the Hellcvue-Stratford at Palm Beach last night I,o.!;rr I'tiDtii Sitmi"". Intomnllnmi . U' A i c IK MOl AHrilP Ih s Y. STANLEY THEATRE. The new moving picture house at Nineteenth and Market streets, opened its doors to the public this morning, following the oflicial opening last night. The beauty of the ' ' ''' h,(l M nl 'tn, ,j 'trior lecorat'ons makes the theatre ono of the most artistic show houses in the country. A view of the boxes and the stage is shown at the left. Jules K. Mastbaum is the president of th 1 i . lur )u "aide Stanley Company of America, owner of the new theatre. The exterior of the theatre shows the Market street frontage and just a portion of the Nineteenth street side i i r i i i. i ir -- ....--. , 1 CAT OH I Hl Wi hp -' . I' v - - r( (t! I it s A M hi' .1 M- tary of r'-v Iutrh legation, at Ucrm wr )v '.'.vs of Switzerland NVws Vi olr (irvi (;kkp:rs nd what thev do pi... i y ii yi'y ' " 'wi iin (til l l .ASS OKI' iChRS. Alary 1) Angelo, treasurer; .. i.i...oi,n, . 1. 1 i-.-.ue.ii; i 1uitme ,. u.uss, lu-aoer ot iaiigua,;e, Hetty Truehtham, reader of mathematics, and Matilda S. Topkis, suirmanzer (left to right), of the South Philade'pliia High School for Girl. .ViK, r i'i,. . - n MINERVA ROOT, president COLON! L ICE CREAM CO.'S OFHt I! FORCE JFDoE LiM'RK'KS. These employes of the Colonial Ice Cream Co.. .-.Mi aledictirian of the South Hon . -h Fourtn -treet, made the award that is announeed in the liin'rick content today. In the picture from left to relit 11 .idilphia High School for arc im-uTim!, front row) Miss Eleanor Turner, Miss Olga Loi-che, Miss Helen M. Martin, Miss Mae Schaefer, Miss Mra Girls graduating class wir ,u.i .Mis-- l.sttur .lereuitii; (sianiinu' Dacu row) Herman .N dansz, t tin lies a. HUlebrand, J. N. Reid, R. Swammrg ! olf- I ind A. Lew i- Stmu 1 Jgi r I not j SEMAPHORE SENTINELS f ftfmP iBk, .s IHUH ill l:l M THE BEAUTY CORNER i H KI FS I" 111 - l1'""'1 a'. inue, cu'tng m ' -il '' ii'i'i.. holders at the Fh::.. ! 'phi.i Hadgo Co.. !MJ Market s' r - I!:, m... nough metal for 5000 holder a ..f a.- i hlM, I I IK -I.VL, AT 1 Hi; ZOO. Ernoht ! ii . t,n ,-M'ton, 'he ruituiaiit, iirojiped several lih n'o the wide (.pen iinniihs ff the seals yesterday morning Iljer 1'ltot j -'. . RESERVE PATROLMAN FRANK C. HYERS, ra tioned at Twelfth and ftlnrket htreets, where he has been for a year. For many years ho was at Fifteenth and Market streetr,, Myers lives at .19-12 North Fifth street, is married and lias been a patrolman for twelve years iJir riwtu tknic. J ALIM-N i iii i 'if. i hazards in an interview on the eut-iiiiai page l.eJk-tir l'hulu Hcrvlo. MISS LILLIAN SPEECE ,110 Orkney streot Philadelphia M? 'T'Tftl- f A .jtiM... - . .v ft