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umeuoixuasM e 10 EVENING PUBLIC LED013Tl--PniL,VDELPHTA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1921 w ;i i't THE PLAYGOER'S WEEKLY TALK TUB theatres lonk ns If they nre coins to shako n wicked week In our midst , tiA' Thnt Is. tlldirlllir 111 nom of llio titles of the Incomlnit lit ( tractions The AdelpM Is abstract nml , simple with its ""Sonndiil.' The I'mrest Is moro rom-rete and" tempntnl will "The HcnnclaiH of 13:n And tho Wal nut will mace pome of tlw tIiiIi'IUt aii'l i rowillness which IJIIxali'than niicllotce liked mixed with tho tlrnnm if pow and poosy which ShakespiMiro uiivn thei Mr. Wnlter Hampden will mnko his Mr full-IU'dircd Im-ul (TigUKvment m tragedy, a romed.i, and a farre nt I historic ptai ImuM'. TI1R celebrated Shiihespenrenn ai'-i brplr." Ins enpneement at the Wnltvi A en Mond.ii nlRht with his prodm-ilo. ..'I Tim Men-hunt of Venter" This '' mark hi" ll--t nppeurniu'e in riultme i phla ns Sin lo. k. aithnuKh It has been 1 , his repertolte for some time and lia ( been rmh re.-eld elsewhere "tin., Merchant' ul.l be repented on Thurl.i night aivl Saturday afternoon "IU'v lot," in wlili h Mr llarnpdi'ii broke al ' 'eoords two sciinpiii aff" w.tli bis re-cot d fun of slt. -eight performance? un jiroadwni. and wtiich he plned her.' nt several matinees will tie pre.sciiieri o . Tuesdnv nnd Snturdm nights and "eel nesday' afternoon, iiln'e "Tho T amine of tho Sirv." I" whiih Mr llimpib" will m e h T'hi'llph'ii debut . -I'etrurhir. will be offi'ied or tVidnesda and Krlday n Khl.'. The riert nre for the seeon.; a- la-' wek w Tl be iinnoiiii. ed early in th- week It will Ini Hide a 'at remai of Charles Ilann Kennrd famous play. "The Servant t'i th- House. i:i which Mr ltntnpden made h s first RreJi t-uccess in tins hti own counti, a' Manson. FEATURED ON PHILADELPHIA STAGES II EG. MON. KVK.- COSMO 1! MIIiT"N' S -or rial," wUh i'hntie 'h. r Walker In the leadlnc rob' with a bonirtfut. clever i. who, hedped about by the il. ' . an- and June has to do uni! wiMpan inventions of nrlniv decided she wolll'l like ' i.non men as the realti ar I" their ele mental mement" She choose n "hcrt. breaker nrt.m f e tltt cNVrim-iit. uolriK to bis tiil o at MRht. I lie loses in U"i In fultUUtiK her poctatlont.. Tli' situ.nlon ii becumlni; ' HlnrniltiK when her mothci . aunt and uncle urrl"" bnMnp; followed Her " nn place She never fn'ter cros the hall lives a very respectable fn.- ' tho family 'ie s-mls for him and In troduces him a her iubiiml Tho sci-ot-d art s her liourti.'- Mi" seeks to p"t rid of the "husband ill seeks to teach her a lesson for hr in discretion. Aft.r that th- real compli cations hecln. llnw thev flnallv maniiRC to etralclven out m.itters !s told in thr- bubbling not" .mEsmmsi.' 7nrw .j iiv 1 . mmrnimf&: m,, m$:- . - n CDiTH ALFySPRi iife - TMrEHRO .1 ViNviOF s '-J EiPflbk i nif-1 - Hi- nnv attraction Olhcr W&t'T, V?lIN(a TIME SjNCOPAT OV - rtSSTB tavi ite uni.ri , T .-T4 jniiLXjr-. i. -- .ctvi. rr. mi'u' , n' -kat .,.! -v ,i, Mi-r It Is the -ule . ! . M jsSRlsS:JSr -onr:'ii fi,r :i "real-true" Krrnt "wji. Sa' ',i mi ii ,ii ti be th" possessor of bV,.inlc a St A. ? I hair .:4l r yrf id?.T :. .KIXSJS A- CHHRV . !S?y Kra ,Ar tlfSffiii'fff 0aK?ay , a are inriUMl topM-riry on ins verj '- i - ii-i iii in ii'(i .u ii nrnni i hi i lie . : AnCTI SZDI I I rKlCliS Nsh "."" auc l0 f ' J d. L nl I I POP. MAT. TIIURS. (Be.t SmIi) $1.50 rtiii..m:i.i'iit.,s i.uwhno Tin.Aiitiis. inmxTiiiN 01 i.m. a. j. J. smitKitTi Niitiiriliir Milliner (llfil Hrul) $2.00 -THE GKKATEST COMEDY TlUl.MPII IXYEAUS- CHARLES CHERRY JUNE WALEiER in COSAIO HAMILTON'S mtmm'ivo sTosn TO TION l t MI, tVJONTHS AT THE 3JTH ST. THEATRE IN B - l u YORK 0$jBSS0' -TIIK MOST TALKEO.OK I'LAV IN AMERICA- SAM S. SHUBERT prices SrwSVtfS-OT NEXT WEEK LAST WEEK OF THE THE MUSICAL COMEDY GEM rnitAT th producer of th is not an ;ic-idnt tune, as is one; tested b watched his i'ici-i-sg of OerrK- Wli'i ScandaN of 10-. ir a fresk of fo--,1 hv riMiUs. I" al ius asBO-latei 'vlio Ilia r .ireir To.lav tner- i i-' j..i-, .v., t Wit- w a runiinaoie r mi Of Zlecfeld In tMl producers own lii--tlcular field Wlv-n ouns Heorir- -f.l In the tw. nties !iiinonrc"d li- v as jtoIpk t produ :i bi- run- atone ' it r.locfeldlan 1 n. s 1 p-.nh-po.0ieri for hla iffront. rv. bu' i'-i. bud no iff-ct on the d't-rnitn-d ounc in.n It Is the pl;m of ii'orc Willi- to V' duce a new r-ii- each si aon and he i nlrrndv at work m.iklnK plan for the -SoandaU of I-.-1 " The IJlf edition Is rem-ir.b-ied b-r- as .1 fjn-ful colorrul hnd d.incliiK-ful sho W": T is the difleietn o e is; -cort:-n ' '.inau ,i i hair Ii i'as b-ei asaerled thiit In the con tv wi-r- T1- Stoiin" hns its In. i Fren-b-i'atmdl.ins nn u race of dark-ha'Ti-d p-opl. . ind that blonde h.ilr i the r(v ptlon rattier tlmn the rul- "Whe i I .i.iiptiil Mr Itro.ulhurst nfi'et in n ,i- Munctti'" says the oti!.' won.i" .n tl'.- .',t-it of "Th- Storm." "I w-nt i.p I'uiiddii to brush up on the nl'ibei There .iiriuti I noted that so I"ri ncli i '.m.. .Iih n.-i po.-JM'Ssed blonde hair. I trsc. . back ; -ars and v-ars and 1'nrti-d one nallv I'n nch-Cuim-dlnii" cum- from Hr-tMen- i Itrlttany ), Krnnc- nnd 'm tliat locality b'ond- h.ilr Is w:.i' ttW MUU?E. Ot-ptitlttTI .Mr LE VEDY rr-.-it f prei that i nsacement In i TT IS .. tr of IMi. ' Itirr: 'ore' "lieelash-t, a i.ijn-iil for 'h- Hroad 'veek after i" . bis had to b- canceled. After h-r bieakdown in th" West, nh Theatrical Billboard for the Coming If'cclc tl M.XCT Walter .lanniden. the di tlnKuNheil actor, tn his "Hamlet." nlieadv familiar hero, and as Shyloik and ivtruchio for the tlrst time In rhliad-lr-h'u. Firi-t week: "Merchant of Vrnlc", ' Mondny iiiid Thur'-dav nlchls and Saiurihr tMiitl iee. "Hatnlct" on T.ieda and Satur-i or. nlflits anil w e'iii-ua i.i it nc- hnd to -iow l the host'itu! ,"'i! i N-w York b- b Wheth-r sin ill n In th- spnnc find her nat..' '.. doubt Sh- is no.v out of ,i. brought buck to i.n-'i ,Iohn lrew - -a 1 1 - 'er tour later pl.- l'li'i-idelphla. . it I -natter of "'I.milnir of the dav nnd l-'rlday Sh'-tilKhti on W-diies- ,'p i 'lamace'H , v nil t-verytl.iiiK f popular favor- .ore. (lark, tun VOUlll.'tn "Scandals o' sicon.l of these "annua' i il'ic'd by I'.eoRe While n.nston.'Oeorsn Hickel. ! I.oti lloltz and l.a Silj.! be-.w c n In'lS'- .otn-il'. with (nunc? Ceorce V llobart. uu'hnr nt Huddles." who iu disc'ioinc t'i --ub. 1ect onlv tjie olb-" dm. should k'lo i . tor "Uuddies" l di scribed js a comeU with music He also rote th. bo-k I' r thirty-seven "inn-i-a! lome.i'-s' "In musical lorn-ill 'i - .ae n on-; written, .irnimd lb- music i 'n rem in a i comedy with music the inuMc Is an int. r- j , notation and uo-s not nominal- ine MOl IEGRAMS FROM SCREI'A TO I'ATROX M.ITV Ay-AI.IT k.v a1. til ! Thit is tin difference tertaltiment th- two 'ortri differentiated. Mr. llobnrt a'; dies" b atn- a and what Hie ! for It bv H. ' action of "i,. pi-,; After makl"; b 'irt il'a; die" Mr lloi.i-t il.e,.b. ,),,-, Of Am-r.ian v,j,,.rs awaiting their i-turn to Am Mr. I lobar? defined and p. r-M-a'.ed ho'. Vi-imeui "lit1' "'IS'c.' i. s in-1 im'.ii- v rlH-: ll'.r...i!ll -n. a-.' to Hie lifter the wrir willd find It. musi- thei naturul exprcsMon of e.ubiriinro and I emotion With Hits in m.inl o. s'-i-ht a comiioser who would ea h the -pint of tho polder" Mr 1 1:111. m work as a I- 'lul'i - of sotiC-wriUr Hint In- experi. p. In fanmlian aro iiidn'iibd i n proper -an or in- Job. pUinnil NA-M beli-- out tb n "' tninw Toks. Tin ' tna-i- i.'.i tin n re peculiar gt ' a !.. s West "I walk ! a b . a : ,. nre tlsh' ep;ain. i M' a'' a I'lnn-i'-ai. 'i ho ;.i"o - h-mi! Ins a tlfti flft; Am -..'in .nil 1 bale ii'odi ,. d tin -.1; a!'. - " tpo'-tiesi f p. of n . i-i, a , , I want to !- a ri"in" -p.-' 'Now t'.-'i a i In. am. in i n i. his sho-s as ti.n ih l, c)'i' I y on I kiiiov f-r i i -1. .,'. i. .1 . typo down .- .v-w orl, i i i 'I hev all w.ih. 'i i'h i mi f prance It's a detail bv Those iletaiN 'at (i.r iwrt ;ri 'he per f women of the igc ''.at rented dia-iatlc Instoty in tn th- ipialfy of m'.ster-. . Thi Hi, a if of invfterv ts on- m ine -'. -iicfiw,... iiitrlhutKl to th- ftrlltle.j; PoIKh ... iress. I'ola xeim. ' s sun 1 ..' a Kuroprun fihotoiiramn. ra'swin, llnd.l wli,. h vn,ta.. d Kir-t National has e ,,...' uir-i for presentation In America and wl.i h will b' tli- ,-iiiraciion nt mv M."ley n xt - 1; P.iiK"--s wlm reniembi ' the tur -r" when N.- movn -ni'atiu' Into protnnierc after a Mini of otc-.uruy in an lan-t .id- Kcmlan itock cninpan. know hoi-tin- t.ero' ui'd niihtlc appeal wot her fan In a '-!.(:'. t.l-fht Hernhardt s al I" al i ' no le.-s an extrnor ,li. nrv'featation of the iternal f..e,t ,'tr- . xi.ns-.ini: fs. If In . liaracter ii dl(T. -Inic as Joan of Ale liu-e, Karlia.'!. of Buil l'S Rroup a Fran.. 1 1. -an mi.i th. h- -S t. in-' aa' but a t'i i ' i i anil "amine Jullbert and ModJesKa. few. i ot tlrin tl belief - mft-d iicT-.-- must -. of the, eMlBtll.lMc H e CiiVSI k 'a I H ' I 1 'Line- .f !,. i- i-tn ara T-' . Titian ' rai'd 'a'.' n . ' ar n " a"d !. "in'ii;'.i ine of a I art I' t!.- -mu.l that count m I'tior ,r wi . an. 'in O.llllf 1, .ii.. .. , dr,,. . tlniiya i: SLMAPfll" i" Ma-y , i..e with a ri.ultl- ' StaMlonc, - f-eW i: : i d ii'w.n to b- near ' v. r alii -tloi i.. M ti ap- . , . ...,,, ,,, ) i ofh. -. u-aware ! H . .li'iiiiA'" hobb' Is roll- bur'- ad d lum'-ei. .- ,-i - of tbi- other sex b baialte, -fader WHO 1. K'i'ni: i"ir ladl-s at a '1 it- runs h-.iil'n'i mto Uu-i.-rt m s-. Wlni, Hie po.-ltion ,u r-ad-r "f ir.iitrmost ' .. . show- Mary Mar" i' w-e. hii'vi ver. and , ', ml 'I-1 h-r homely dt.- r.'.'ii ' the vents ' pro Ann 1'en e W-lforiK - ar. len- tnred In this iar pruuu' lion inn "entrepreneur" has travestl-.l unn'nt fashion-., folhlcs and frail:!-" Mich hs th- protlteor. the rent problem, the Volstead int. etc. Th- "Sp'dir Dal let" Is a tioMl feature. MtKI.t'tll "Scandal " a tbree-a, t p"n: hi romo Hamilton fenturm i'h; -l-s Chern and June Walker A r -ry vophUticaltd conn d; of an up-aiui-ilouii; not to sa ip-iind-darln:. i-"''-l of .'hnnu end r - -ir. - who u,.,.i- n, 'earn the macii'ln- temperament In' Us estute. Continuiti! Attractions ' Ui:0.D "I'K "' My Heart." tM. all of ,T. Hartle- Manner"' i om-dy drama.; with l.auretti Tailor iissumlt'K her i r-d- of th- clelitihtful h-rolii'i for the tirit lime In Philadelphia. . 1".. Mat thew and Peril A'ncs nre prlnrlpaN ir. -upnort Tin- ni'peailii-; story deals with expcMen.-es oT .ill American daughter of an lrl-hman and hN HnBllsh w if" in lb- lnvids and sncinl".". ch'll attnosphei- of her t eCier's old Poire. '"K'ssicK Time v 'th t-. and lMith Taliaferro - cast, whlcii lmludes Lett;- Vorke and other ii- favorlti.' Ivan the!) ' lUs.- to ' l";p-nioiili adapted Unlini: with th- love l. rh einnlov-r. though .virrnnnr -- William N-r- 1 e nllriK i lev rrtick Doai.e n ustcal ei'i' i "ir- 11 wrot. iieof(f Ilohii l-'ri"i -n far. e iif'alri ot an - ir.s !o. ts tot '.aikl'ii; III the jjlot Sloili OHI'in.1 M Wc'.l.lllm- Hells. b- as attrae'li - as its title, and show mi; Mae lr-inond and her talentiil lomrianv at th-ir bc-t. The plot tela of the line affair of llegglu Carter, whose iilnns lor a se, ond intirrlnite are turned topM-t'iry on his ver widdlmr eve. As a proof that the company car do the li-hter thmKb and ns an .-mini.-, entertalnmet t "Weddiiu- Hells' n bvliif; prcHetited lo i Hock patrons ISutlrsiitie CASIS" - Jacob., and .brnioii s "Sport' lnt Widows" pn lent np a cast of I fnorites In clitnciiu;, "-inlni: and com cdy roles: Al. K Hall, a favorite liHich producer, tops the cast. An elaborate w-ulc and electrical equip ment to delight those who like this f-ort of effect, and ,i tiro-;ram of a' tractlv jingles to send them home whistling VKOVI.VS - tror-"Toii-n Scnndal". new nnd a compan lies beaded hi" comedian, and IV hfl Shutla. dancli'm comedienne Klalmrntc costumes lire promised, with a i lilncn' ensemble underlined, .laz." tunis. Tll() - "I"'- Tempters." n tvplcal I,i'w Talbot production, with such favorite- a- llert rtertratid, Charles Hums. Per. i .ludah nnd Ted tiiilck. A special chorus, noted for ability to s.ns and dance, is a feature. A(li"i linns in Ailvunrc rrnnv iwv SllCRt'li --"Tickle Mi, musical edy In eiuht M-eins. bv (itto bach, ns.-ar Hiiintm r- t-in. 'il. 1'rnnl: Mi.rucl and noie by H Sto'h-irt With l-'rank Tinnn. iJAUIllf'li "Call th- n .ctor." coined , by J-aii Archibald produced by , p'avlil lt-las. o, with Charlotte Wn'ki r, Jenet H-eelier. Kama Marlnoff, Tom; Wise. Willlati Mu-r.s and Phil p Merlvnlc in the UIK) I ft "Transi'latitmi; Jean.' a lliel- i coined, bv lie famous French coMnl i orators. Uoliert d- llers and 'l.isto'i! Armand- CniUa-t 1'enfjrcs Mar-1 paret Lawrence and rthur 1; r,. ;; r.iM" n M'.'i.' -- ' Smllin" Thru," w.ih Cowl ns star In a dual role. ir.l..Vt'7' "Th- Mas'i'jerader. ' feat, it- ltiR Uuj Hates Post. C II I' .s' T X I' T "Iloii'vdcw " niusiicl comedy, with score by Kfrem . in- h.illHt, the noted violinist Dak I'liaiiiinuiiccil ADI'l.I'lll- "Adnm and live ' . mile l hi iJui llolton and iI-oik- Middletoti Bfo.lJ--"The Hottentot. with "Wil li. ".Collier J8x5X, m 1 11 h i I k I iJSkfi SiiJJjuJLaiAi E'j .SHV.1, AVm I7 yLuwit v. r .'dhici WJLV Ea 1 ml IntWMShVW COMPOSED BV IV'SN OAYLL Y vfil ; WK EDITH TALIAFERRO jf ! J; lO W& Tir ORIGINAL CAST ') ODUCTION J&sfJJt ANa TF 0!?ir,lAIAI. AT VJ WOnl ICTION Ti-- DlUrZCT FROM Tf,LA$T0?TMATRE.ML,t02p: i1 t -m it' if 1IH srlf mH Beg.Mon.,Feb.l4. Seats 3L NOW AMTHUn HAMMERSTEIN5 IN" I ACIS AND II SCUKUIS M'AV "l IlItK (AST AMI I'ltlllll CTION HEIKL vzmmi. Hill IN l ill Har- ml tbert A MUSIGIflLCOMEDY iiltii llarliaih. lrnr llntnincrtlfin II. anil Trank .Miinilfl sinili.irt Mau-fil 2WFFIf( wTv Y)Arrit kk 7I5 . vrkNi ) w v wf if 0 D DI' IN THE MER.RX lfi. MUSICAL PLAy m ACOMEOY &v oEORoE V H0BAPT MUSIC BV E. C HIULIAM cJolliest 9 Row lruTovoa, E)ES 50? TO $2.50 SSf" P0R VOED. MAT AVft $1.50 MATINEE SAT'gfffi $200 LYRIC THIS IS Your w QUEUE LAST 2 WEEKS ' WILLIAM HARRIS, JR preservt III llppl.rpl i.' liiiiiiiin innir names ami l,iiM.alilrs. Ilerl I rem Ii l"flr llrnrllls at llmir 1 lienlirs, Amil.v llfiirllt l)ei , t'lirslniit hi. r timS Wfc 2M WITH LBfTAPlIT W OPEIRA n&9IIiyQ dl.HOUS I Otifra House Hliltr EVES txs"rPT 5O0TO $2.50 POR Vi)ED. MAT && $ 1. SO SAT- MAT bist siets $2.00 I IH'-llllll llr, I 1 1 ll SI I'limie 11 I li'.MII, uAnnif k- tln but '.1 featurln- nowstorn "Th- -...di- b' a t-al. both torm. : I.i: sri. ir 11 - fore of w ll,'' w-oinlo full - ilbi-Ue b- linnl' al contrti i:,. ' . I ebidrat-a'!" hi.i'i df Ulrl of the b'u vo'"i. bell.iter' nt . orl-M-.i.t-. t-inanci- of McCorinlcli. , lire and a 1 at- madi At the Ice Palace .. am- ii ei k w 1.1 brothers. - iru' Tl lent. nlnt about 1 H-d the Ml-. 'or h. r hand. niou-i m--. ers and stunt leitor'n.--. l'alace The.i l.-i niitht for Sai'an.ic the wmiei- . ,11 nn al Thr national rtirure --I itris. . the Una I ore i'or aMonal barrel jump Hi v Ube- TlSRINi; TIMK tdy i,t -l-e . under the mnniicn bell,'" l,iw the la " H.ti tl. -. i "The Wh te Slave. nisny oth.-t in.iir n'ais bU has stu-'it r".a '. I, s ml tho theatre..! bisiov- hainiB out when a l.o- on t.- busmess the late . v. r.iln.r at th.. i,l -h..w .. col -l.roii-ic j if I'..,Ut- c 'an. ti ll" ' Hob. ' Kin of 'l -ll ait1 ..r rttier Vr -,i,e S.atai ler man on nnd tin "tinseim-in "" , f n'trt.iiniru h',0' ''' Wil-n The l-eri-' v. ..v...--t i. S'an"'".! r-xt week trip of t. A" 1.I1M'. w'.l. 1 j !' thoroUKhness sure Hir-ciors I . ,1 "Hob "a. 1 p. l.o t. Mn Siuare T'.' "ftUCCehSfn 1 1lV t.lpe ,inu : Campbell to ti . in tho lobl- o' tiaiH ' h 'r-. : throuKh t' . Y.y. . that holds u-o... or actnss Tv t 1 e a. -tor n ,n The n-Kiiti"." k "Vounc .la-. In wrlitiiK " "What tl- ..trris Ret iimb r th-alUs-al and a i In there Is n ., of rcall i.n,. T. N.i all 'n 1 1 h. ' I i" ll-lja . I'm . Coer I h- Sh lb. n 1 1 . ' e, t-ir'. ti.i"f .. I Mad, t Ida n- H' ' :11c if 1 . Ii S'l , s p A' or a lii'ir s f no' if. f iral'" a ... tvp- ' - the I Mr I ,.,! '.I ju-to- T.rt pos.- 1 9U cess i -1 y fa r mlsuii-- of ); 1 oli:. tha- tl e ,,- -oil- f 'he 11' r trope.' .'s se al th- I ,ntd"' Ji.ctUli e k be. I' a d-ll edKe er 1 ,. a 'nn .1 ill unimportant HCi-rio- 01 a i, the d-n-ini: sieno m Ih.'.I-. which is uwi the I'.itaiiantnt plclure ,r.l w 1'. licUint.liiK o Arcadia -i in. n. " appeared i. tb- '.as tin Si" ll-d iri'in to i --a '.. id t,re t,ose-S"d ,'..'.'. In terrd'-chori a- 'I. on. Hobart's "i 11 1 ' Hillan s f .1 11 a.d of llilttnti) r.l to'. -r nni i.f 1 !.!. .1 . 1. dieted In a un 1 the arnrst c 'BKV W od and Ilalph 1 r 1 i ipal roles. CIll'Sl .'- VT "i:.i-t 1 West" drama of a i"auie--- si' e-sunij ' ijirl In San l'-anci co l"u Hn nfer Is starred as M'nn To;., t. -. cur ha-eil bride, whoso naetiony to Am-tnnn wuys when the see..o sliitts ft..!-. I'hlna make an ap I'M'.tis lltt'i : I .a -l two weeli" ;.V.'C--"Hudd.. Itttriu ti- illi ur.eful IIIU-I" " ii"d a shi n 1 uroup of don j Hreioii lion e In mild liiia- I Mirs.-in h;.'- ! Crot-f r w-lll 1 In . at the Ico ii'ci k from to o take part In Mullers, inter- ..ini Miss l.ea'i it.'V.ain nHLiD IWf ! Kill ' . 'In tl...' II'-. to' I er --h'jrt r,-i indll-e 1 lun R ll.l ' 'a'f " SI1JI.IO .11 u aiiili illi- II." .'., H Hmit and "U. I .it- 1: .1- -1 - . oh. Silvia I'larlt up to -date so-k.. . i-'red I,ind.-a;. Aus Mahnn 't,,,,., I'l-m-ess P.adjah. dan. ". "e ,11 '1 'a ' hyticoputlotil't , IM !'r"--l r a ,1 l".a .lie Klaiss. par-e;it-. '... Un a- I'atheUiHl Singer" "me-. ti 1 j, Ile.idiru;s. Iiumai. .iUBflir'. aid M.irt.mer MacKae, and 1 1 lerTud" 1 ',1,'! w 1 r Is. pi;nU.;r. I-ITl'.MMTtb 1 w t . ; ''K eh w th 11 t r-ui wh. re. a h I V s l.nov n ".t 'Hi I'd 111 Mae M'J I featured n Idol-- "f aa ml dytiiin ters Vi IP) ! !l . a'. iT f. , li ir- -lyANTIln ' ' can n t Tiro ad S'r MISS Till 'n- r that she .'it. : 1. spear, an jno.i j. that "I'.oin.o a ninl that Hi'" v of Bji Am. tn n. Jiart, upetiK the Inns ncter. " m. r' an r-. .',. rf. lomanti' v. ,1-,. .,., u ;. lor the olli-r da' loe il'vli'M 'a w bomehou 'I 1" bufore peoi'l. Tin urdor for private Oil 11 llUlcOIll be f lire h'lnd'' "When I aCHi'. apprur 'ti .Juliet I bar that 1 w u !". Mr he r Kiel Mr F t.'in.i Tl tor. ha i :'is if . "v it'.i. piod'ii 'Ion I i.i' ' I Powell are ii wli'.ei - .:. 'I- V'a'ona. 'Tited "')'l W tl, ,; i. -i !, 'Th- ai.nur. - in riivl'.HK-r M 'lr.t.i'r and cntni'i-i inusl- . .1 - ' inuilca' con.edi S'rn.M Hand; I'ecli und mediat s . Dorothy Hurtop . s,.it' ibrtrudc rjeorse i ii d ValK-nn, ocr'nllsti- t -.. In I to th- I' ,. ... , '' ii a'..- hi. n't i e Shalt "fi ii, Tj.e near fu'in-- . ' ,1'i.iet ' is her i hole . li.tfi'1 apped bi tin. lad; Hon i i. iC-.i nil, r, a ll . ' l.s liar 1 I m r.'t ,.. no -:i .-. I'r.u c- , . .1 . f . us St. .I'.ll.i:. . hi - ,..- --t idled at' II1- i.i a ar ll'i " 'i iinfoin i a-, m . th- p..".ui.-d fni i.i '.-o ul. at ".-n- th. chief Ijoo'l iriotion-pie'ure d.ri-tor J that one n. lit k-p up " no . rot ma s.i'd ii- ti,H o'f h. t-t re- -.. eiu to i is : not f :! ti ht-lR ried .'..I al r n"i ll- 0 'ItOllie. hae a I (. Ta"- I Inhk- ' b'l' w hf n Hi-ir I n-nts """", ! i and ; lurd tllo Wh. -'illlles of 1 i.r -i 'late .'-, i, ler I. nn ji' SUl if piCtur.-S I 'or" explalii'd Mr. Klt7.rn.ati-r-..-e,'"onii must be familiar with, nil the. ..,- l rod.. '"or.s as fi. : 1011.1 out , s-,,,,,,1 , ,m,ir, is nlaii'-i iri'iod'i-ltip a photoif aid. u I'c.'f.' '.ti.t 1. ant b- in - 1 1. -ttit.i' d S'.er.aeistii are iu.vja on' tli- 'r' I; ' 'i.k'O'bi-- 11 or. ar'istli. cont in..l "ori and H.uris. comedlnn.1 , Jack Neville. nui-iltaii . Knowles ut.u Wh'.'-, .:.' Martlnette, clowr. 1 Al.l.r.''IKSY "La IJernlrla, ba brlna. ' Tlie Interior Sex.' nm'i" "Tl.- I !'... of Annio Wood." skeb h il.e j... ., i;.-.rk.e duo. Hilt: Ho: le ni.u ,1'a.ep'. .rie, H.lMes, H.ll and A I r ma'.. 01i.-d.aii HIIOAIMAY M'Udi Land.' inu-a offer. 1 g I'., I"eate Oiiij Woman moil-- We.' -in and Ellno. slut. Vin ar.d i.'arri- Aei eomnlluns, Isab. IU S'ono ut.d hi 1 chums; new b'l 'ast half mm opiLiik house; i BEGINNING TODAY 3 SHOWS 2.30, 7 & 9 PRICES: 25c and 50c Reserved Scats, $1.00 desire to express my grateful appreciation to both press and public for the enthusiastic wel come accorded to my latest production. Maurice Tourneur. The Phiia. Critics Pronounced Maurice Tourneur's Screen version of the famous NEIL BURGESS' Great Racing Drama The Best Amusement Organization Ever on Tour Coming to the Walnut Street Theatre Philadelphia Starting Monday, Feb. 21st, Matinees Wednesday and Saturday Special Matinee Tuesday la anniHinrliic t.u.v Hate iiiinikenieiit urciiiilalinn put I ami plaeeil Ills on W,1l!NtiTU.N" Illimill.W eieelleiil ciutipiin.i tmir 1 mo only r llie brit pent Ine the oplnbiii etrprcti-cil by eiery theatre maiiiiRi'r iihere this nialthlvsH nltrae- linn has been preHCtitril. riiirdlnir to all preitnus plans Mr. l'nt Mils to bine been pbiylni; In I inidiiii al Ibis time, for after III.- phenomenal mm s lo Aiislralln It lias Inlenileil that "The 'Masrnierilder" shnlild be preienleil In the Ihiriipea n oii'lriiiinlis fur a runn, fruni lienee It mis lo start n world tour, but the iinii-iinl niiiiiber of reipn-ls fruni muiincers In inrli'iis I'lties In the I tilled state, for a return nr the Inn iii'ieslaleij elimiclni,' iilnns ulileli Iiiik Uept Mr. 1'iinI eiiii-taiill.i appearlni; hefnre Ainrrliaii nuilleiiieN. iilibh haie been aiiilnlilin; In niiinliers, Til I : 'l'lt l; AITIIK Till: TIII. II1.IM. TAXIlll TO II"" I TMIIST CXI'ACITY MlillTI.V ItV i mi nci Tiiitiii.i i) ttnn tiii: Mvsrcitv or ms mi, tn mi ni NOW A I'ltlMi: MIMsii.u IM) N ANOTllKIt .IIII.IIIA'T A Dttt .- MIOK TCII ltl:lM. MM(i IN Till: S 1.1' MS. Mr. past's inaiuiirer, Itlrbaril tt altnii Tnll.i. Is now abroad arranciiii: In have bis star and n.iiipaiii appear in Mr, Tull.i's theatre In London In "tin Masiiiiernder" a" well as "dinar the Tentmalier," his earlier jrreat siii.ess, as micii as Aiiierlcaii ImmiI.Iiiks n 1 1 1 allmi. The Idenllrnl eoiiipanv lliat nas tn bare earlier ilsltml Ihirniie, eMeptlnu for it few minor rules, is the Mime Hint bus tire te.l lids unusual success fur iijnmst four eon- seriillii. seasons th,. same wonderful scenic eiiilpiiienl with Its double reioliliii: KtBues, lis two inerhaiilinl irens lis triple electrical equipment and Inimitable resources that recpilre three inmiiiiintli rars lo transport, it III llsil I'lilbiilelplilii fur a lllnll.'il riicilKeiiirnl, The slate of Ibe WAI.MT sTIirilT Till: Tlli: Is liirite enousli to iieioiiiniodale liny al traction tliul has nier been plaeeil on tmir. IH'T Til II sTviii: Mir in: ci. i:ki. n 01 im:uv vitk:i: or norsi: wo i'koim:iitii . m un: ui:iir-Aii ci iitain i'imtVo'n" IO U('ommo"v"' mi;, posts poniii:iioi s i-iio. tiii iu orrif-r. wir.i. it i: oi-i.n ,,ii nroi i,ah sAi,i: or m:ts mondw. rr.iiniAitv urn. in, ohdi.hs i, hi be unci i rder reielicl noiv, iilien m ciiiupanlcil In ,1 Ii er pnstonire iiionrr order. toselher ultli elf-aililies.i',1 Mai.ipi',1 eaiel ,'. avoid error) add amnseiiienl lax of inc'r ll iieniiinii rnr Hie lllirillllnn hi oilier lilies Is .in. ..rllrl,.n ...nil mil... Ililinnie sale lll llllllnnlileilli he the hirers! In the lilslnrs- :t 1M.II,,. te llierefore siIKK).i (J1rlv appllinilon for seals. Mulits Mitiirdav mid II. ,11, la,, Mallnee.. Itov seals. :-,0i l"lrsl S'.'.iia. si. .in. SI, an. rirsi Hour, H and delphia. rri. I lour vi. oil mid I'!.. 111! Iliilioni, ft so 'liiilar l rilarsilay Matinee, Hum's "ill. rf.'.on, si.ftll, fl.llll, '! Italcony, tW"Wf')t'w,'w,'wl'Sl"Ml.iHii IWlWU.mnrai.Mil, u&v.mt4MKWXV&K&M'UVU . (iiiximt sTur.r.r iii:iihv ntni.iTii stki:it A Brilliant Bill of International Importance! M.xr wm;Iv DI.'-TINUl'ISIlr.D IHU DI.-TINUl'ISIlr.D AITIMI! T'l writ AM. IM.iHI i. Tic entinp; "TOM WALKKI. IX DIXIK" sfHTl. r.lMKIlY MltlUTY. Mltl'ITIN J1V Mt. UMJP "ALEXANDRIA" ' It liiNi, in - vs. np ii in rxMnt Msrrtsi iw FRED UNO RUSSIAN CATHEDRAL SINGERS P i ..Vi lAMlil (j i ,Tf Ti T Hl'IM 1 I nil I. AN TltH'Mt'll PRINCESS RADJArS 'v Ilhll r.V.MOI 1 ' ' I.I.HI'ATIIA DANC1. Ed. -PRESSLER & KLAISS-Bianchc . Vi) , FOUR READINGS SI NH'l'p, l. (iljA,,s MncRAE & CLEGG N"0LT.TV UN" lll.l;l.j .yU!A M'l.Ili MTIltfTIfi AND SLVIH i hi-; it.s!Y r itti.i: M.cnvv iv J.XTIt.V AIJIJUD ATTKAf no "THE GLAD GIRL" MINli.-. LnMi'Sf run s lows; p. ii N I.I IMNt. Mt T. ."lOe M Bile. MATS ON SAI A Itl;PIJItTOIIlK Ol' MIIIITS. S O'tl.OCI., 30c 10 Sill i o.m; i:i:k in aiv. i 1 Phiai j Orders '.'I tt.iurs la till Hire Onl.i No se its I ihl aslile. The first mall nrdrrs arnl tlr.t aiMilli'iints at the Imx of flrc iilll luir tlrsl rliohe of s'llts. I nitiiin .'Mats sam !! HimuumLMimLmmiauMjuauurtiMiMm s.iwf..Wn,l. r 11 r i o'lp.. of r fleo'jtn,-., Htoo.l . ' 'lit ' fill tl"io IlndintT an a teal!.. m linteo, s ,b i i Itnri'i ii . , '. m pla wiili lion He is ni. h a (.""at artlnt th it ' io'iIh i.n'.i I.. !(.-.! , ., MlitH laiiot ip,.- n.i pen Rliukespt'iov in '.- orlt n h jearu iiko 11 wan her tlr i with the Hard and the expense of i' herself, ' h, JudKhiK hv the roiiB' UBUM of th CI8II1H. was u lira '.i "l wan a b'l!.. puffid np t v..-i sa rnndldly ennfrsned -" mm i p CJ,i,. j,t1 Bald HO mam Hire ttnnitu that 1 tl ought I knew well, rverwhini; I'll a.linit that 1 do read i-Mtle.sniH All tl.i irtti'i e.-url thnt tn Katheritie In 'The TainliiB of tho Shrew' una not lailvlitte "I tried Til ttllflle Hitll noma of linn priiuteli i Mini! ila-ni Kiitiieime whh a !" t. . l"' . ' I ms tl a I had flouted a k'i"i f-na'ae.-.,... ireun nil.o That ih" pub te na. a. nm on e. lo a hidyhWe Kailiei ne and I i mild i i eh i i?e It MOWS. ' KATHAUIM1". II Y1H. hai been pralfced In tha rrus of Manet lo Fiicliard, the Utile lilondu I'Venoh-l ana. rlliui Klrl In "The Storm' nt the Garrlck, hut thtro siin to be considerable) ills- WKSI.KY UAI.I V T (f . ... Kr f . .-I ... ry po'e II. .-H r.lhi . temelll I '1 . 'irill'l!' - " ' '. slJe sljl.'' the .M.iroiioliin HAI.I.V Itir 'null tacr- li'd nliO elirtlb-l 're !lip- --. s t!ie ir. e ii-'l p. it a' . .nt - tuat add 'o Hi" t. i'i o I'ountv K'ur.' Maui .'i . ' ..Ll-itt'on cif NV 1 B'..-- . Iio-l- beltli; phnivi. to' upera IIoiih.'. l.a Of I'I" . Illl .1 1 es- 1' reeine fo d I.i -n ' l.a p. ti ori n ,) n u ai A sNiit'Ni-KMl'.N" " ford ih to appear at th Man- Pule. Star.ton be. KintllllK eionnay rtmoar- i -i in n. r :aiem I'nlted Artlm prodiienon The i i,iivo Ukthi. Ii of intertst to hr local i admirers rpIIOMAS MKIifMA.N will I" dun at In ' th. Stars wrlMi-n bi CPDSH Har.d' nonip. edv , Jllii- atd 'ant i a H7...I .Jan.. 1 Vorl: I'id.i 'Pro. 7 Vf. V i . II ..'.'i "l"1""! ( I ar K.. r; ;. i ". i KfVN "Quaker Citv Sfn r fiooln Clark and I-ar IVrn, P.i.rIow and Klnff. om Ilobo s .ii-Mei."abe Trio. inns,. and 11. II Talks. Oeneral Ptia.o, o-Tipari aei of darlnR: new ' llldeh Sleejl" III i'IIS b .laoioa MftJoo. nnd t.on. "Whllo Now sensational movie, . Idelh books IJ-illi Hoo niita tiBW bill last half :ii I'tnii'I.' Ilarion movie, with Thomn'mn and i'l ip " i ii If iilM 1)1 If I T'i i i W v2f sB7"HlSIH sfll 'JbSbvUIHbAi t mvmi ItV BMr ''iWPWJil'Sw fcSiD'fl SKA 1 1 1 MJMLllAW I Hi MMEd i ma wBm it lleslieil.'ulli, (.1. U A N .r iii;it. Manager Walnut street Theatre. I'lilladrlplila -MkIiIs k l No liar sraied Ilnriiiic I'rolnft-iin lg.'r."aW'WMM!lfl1yi """ in i nfirf Mm Greatest Acliievcinent The tory of a New England lleioois i ""',"3''I'i0,t!'1.V"lr:" I I frm tommunity prcjented with e l'"l r'at'loli-r'o'her a.ts and j" rrulunt that makes it one of of II t.l'l Th'irMla' ,nard H - i a The I'rr.nljer of 'l H I'll' HO'l Ti IVIIH Hi . I I -' ' Stars :,. The 'IT k" written Mtor e an I tr i r "P ivr'i iin: 'he I i-ipun ' in i Heiten. will ho the fta' ire a Arcadia week of February 14 Ii Htnry of how a frivolous monc loilnu Blrl, hhnil to thn Ilncr thing-a of life In resrenorated through a hahv gho tlnda In the park. Spent trie if n a I- . Kmmett f'.iifovlo nnd Khii' l.tncre. s'.'s-i h'l '"ot, xvlophone; Hdlv and Krlille ' nliiBera ; Ai;nes Pinloy and Churlej Hill, rnusle ; Krwif ICiilcrt.'tlnnirnl WAh'lQV -The WtiHo Way Trio Nini; irn end dpneera, Esther IiiKhain. i ins i'K . omidlentie . Morlti Sl-ters, im-l t.viul iluteers. Illll.i Hold and II. ta ' lovnt. I'd m and U.ineim Ma I 'ori Itii'id I .Mlnsliils Oil Mil : I -' Iti.s'Uir.R tl n rtHll'inn.stii o'- .-tiaiideil In thu Snow' is tho hi'nrloiiH burlobfiun. Hoydau and I.cci in i kid und other fttvorltca. Museum I WOULD a Fat Women s Wood Sawlnc those rare pictures a second visit. tlint deserve WALNUT J-P-"SCUT2Y AT QTH ce.vjflroflMmaic; LVENINGS AT 8 I'i U.D. fr eAT MAT zW t. WrEKb ONlf arf.lHM'll. MONIIAY NlflHT America's Ablest Actor - WALT E fl IN MERCHANT OF VENICE ,v- CREAT RACING -run uv DRAMA f 1 H-prs Jiorg , -jr mai i .'A't.7!nf&. COUNTY FAS ' ' ' . r,,in T"c.. ' i-- "J'j.DAY VX fNJ ..LDDLDAf NAT NFF Crty,':- ' .wo fompt' 'rCtie &:it.'k.'6.' rMftt TAMIMr HSTTHF UDCiy mwr ni mw wi ihl. u-r.L.V7 ..cuts . if ic ,.- WW Jic, yMfi re.'ricfllQ iitfiffiJa - ule jfat PB1GESV '.:;, ..";''; '- ?j y ... :. Mm Mwm mmM 1 1 oNPHO r i 1 jnoVut wc IM fM' ., ; fipDnjfr- WM-MT .H0K KIGHTII :' I I--..X 8 I ii Vs... -.1 I I-AUIIJS' MATIM3K T0I U CASINO LIMERICK WINNERS lost ginl :ir.l lib Hi '!'- ""WIM'U'ixiHN'M1. 8'!. u. ,.- ( i:sah, "inn s in.!, V, ,., 1,7. i., ,',". v ',,.uv"f.,.ll.f,, ran iiiHpiii i .M..I.VI8 S. ''Dili SI I'I. II. ..I. I, .lil,. i. v . -...-... j - .:.''".".. I ll(,J . ll .. si'vrs; s. ,i ii i ss.( u Mi. iNeleit..,., f sra.s to I,e .a",!,. ,v' ..; ulmirrs r:"V.V'.y:..":".,...!,,l',!'., .. 1-elirililD illl. Ill-eaf .,., r,." ", iftrii.i..itr hit. ui lire liifiiriiiiitlnii anl.s from I slirrs . . . , . . . .-" 'in i .. Nni I.liaerlik l.inh trU Ili'KiiiiiiiiK alnnday Mat. .lilt-oils' & Jennon offer tho SPORTIUG MS ta l inisiial Allrarllaa -rresenleil In an I inisnal uy 52JrK M. Ii. II All. AVith the Irresistible Funmnkcr HALL Mippnrleil b.i a birue east nf prlnilpals and n ilionis of .' e .1 ...M-M..v.iH.c.,iS THREE SPECIAL CONCERTS BY THE PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA ixnroiii Miiiiiisv, ,......,,. Man. Eve. Feb. 21, Tie!,. LJ"p "1.... Ee., Mar. 3. nRAHMS' riPnniCM FREE Me EXHIBITION Than, L9 i B Bikii -w-.t j mc-vMn Mrucfiio m'MWmwmmm U , 4J " 1 . . i "4 ' arc- jlAt l a I i . I jM 1 1 win i wiiiwMiw'Wiiii mih in wii immipiwiiiiii piiMwii wmm i whhm,,,' . .,,'f- ; DUMON T'SMjS a , 'Sff,.. 5; oTr'nSS&'Y' N L W J V I A Orinltli'n, I I7MMR T T WF. Cl-I MinatreU I Sf A- DANCINCI T.T'iri-VsXiV ' I niiini lui A rip ........ rir Vts nr" i, ii ' WAljNfcl1 HROCRAM .It 'iWd'is " , ;rj"he,:ir,,,:l r "", seals. ;.1e. S. SI All ,. a "J.. ' ' "dflni . lo h-ratlua Na tax. ( U'Z'T'l ''" ''" Sl" '" ' Mt , ,. I . T.KUf!" liAl.l.l.ltll a I an I IV .VI M'T r- r. ,.'' 'I'm or l.urlv Mil rleana an ' ' .null-ill Mernoiinls by llorhiii'l Ituie I l"s"i l.j lull vWiDi'ar. ltiiU'i. eiiicii.i, Znrn and ntliere. I'elirlurv I.i In pviirnnr' It'll I C E SKATING AT I C Ii PALACE 'IIIMIIIAI. AIlMIS.'lON" ..r,,-yi.'l'!t"AV NIIIMTS II e ITiUJIt WIM.h- Nllllll' 73 ileepilnR Feb. VI) .Hi'n.ii,' afl. rtiiinns. 7a cats. nininiMf, Hllj afteiiioonn, 5r. t ? ' f i r ei n" unv nnriti"! in lien ir tv Jr- I.oweniitvni rlijeted lh orehentra for p. W iv iir-rn j;aat NTiavollalk sfttn -at EMMETT WELCH Uurli-C'iuff, "Iteaculne thi Dalloonltts" fA WOCIienut.IrOC.aiCrOrH'nlMvoRfnRi ' odui i..... '5 Tnel-.w ) X( O ft A , s . twvauj,, i.jyj 0 I- A fxl W.a.Ai-J, iJt,m,. Mm I DCs ACADEMY OF MUSIC Season's Farewell Encaeenicnl Friday EVfr. MARCH 4, at 8. J S GALLI-CURCI Tltkcu. tU to n, Acailon It lUt Cluit"W ii