Newspaper Page Text
Sfi'v . fr ejjtfxx. IAIV-j-V. oicKlvn ur ni5Tm.Kiir.,vi u Tt(Mhrr. ! IrtMiiarV 42. 1021. Tntle la hereby riven to the holdp or Folder of all the outatandtrui bcjlrte of . rminm city Water Company ei vu -: aao known ta "Klral Mortmsa 6, aftw foBJa" barln data September 1. A-.1!;. rortrarfi. rlvan hv aul.l Tlsth nhm J V Wnlnf Company to K 1', Wilbur Tiujt join- NU a ll.lhl.l.... IUna..Ui,lHlll TTUMcfl. -" wfc iTiu euiuu a ?iiiuinmiu --.,, and racorded in th Ofllca nf th JVSC0L i f Dod9 in Northampton rountjr -V'SSLVJU vi la. on OctntMr 2fl. 1.114. In Martf? Stonlr Vnlnmt NnmKa itn l'afffi 1 At " AM.WjCflt. (WX.- j-MsSJi 1ta Lahfth County on October 2s. IH, In Mori tta- Book Volume Number ml ,'. 1, that in purauanoa ot tba rr":'l2n.?,i am Docd er Mortae nd of eaid HeaolUllun bemde, and In accordance wuh a ""'"."y of Ida Hoard of Dlrecqra. each ana ll of bonde hava b-tn dul drawn '"' r'i'""'; Hon nnd payment at IM'i '"1 'J'"'? Intere to the data of rderoptl"n "nd ar hereby railed In for red'rnpUoii and BJIP St en the Prat day of Match. V -. g1. ha onrw of raid trualao. P.. I JJ"'!' Trust Cqmpany Pourth .treet and Pr""-'1 nay, l-i the city of Rethiehi-m. ''An"Ji5 ula, and that Interest uim eatd rfl" Uf'T; caa each and every of (he outstanding be'' lhreof will ce- from and alt-r '" nr" dsvof Starch A, D,. li'21, ,,,.. RBTIILBIIKM fclTT WATER f ?HJIVN Uy M. T. Ql INN. Atteet V r Mlt.LEH e.rtarv. av h rhtort or Alia A Walker, of 130 West Glraid ?,;n"; Philadelphia. I'a. I.lctn a.' VrWaii nanKr, rn. ivii ro aou v viri.' f rhlladolDhln county. Ianntanla. at hJri ot biutne.'j DCI'mor Ulf ''2,', Ciah en ham, U 3 curnnr .JS2-22 u from V a. nattmal hanka ??.. ?A j"urtiltura and.flit'trw , JSJi Pi! Loana, with and without collateral tl '" WOOOH TVtat .. lji.vr.tLiins Casltal Invested . Total . ... J"??0 'J8 State of fent.frlianla. rounn rf 1 , llrhla. a? Wo Albe-t A.l "d Alff'd '. "Walker, Llwn Vo. II1 df jolomnlv ; that th abovo tatnnent la tru to the tost of our hrowld and M'ef SIno.l) At.KOlT At. I O. VI-VnKP O. WALKER Lli:anf! BarfrlNd and aworn to btora me ' lth day of January 1!2t 3limed MAX KOSr.vni-VTH. Notarial Faal N 'urt TuM - . OCKS GAIN UNDER UMTIED OFFERINGS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE tRAWSAClriONS 1 . . : i i vonri; to iioi.tikr: or r.f.IK tJOI'TINU COMPANY Moderate Demand Sufficient to Cause Substantial Advances in Leaders New Vorli. I'cb. 5. Tho stook mr krt tlila morning continued, with h (loprec of brltknesH, ltd ndranre of yes jTdnr. 'Hie aiirply of stock., which hai liroti becoming more KCtmt nfter ucrnt bear nttnrks, wna rerlcctcd In n scan-'.tr of oCferinRt nrotind prevlouOy lirrvfiilm? prW. Acconllngly, a niod fratc drniaii'l wn attfHolfnt to mine ub-tnntinl gains in nil the lcudlng ls- Thr roppcra, in reponp to tlm an nouncement that thp tlnnnclrtl dunlin of the pUn to removn the atirphla impplj pf the metal from the nmrket hnd nil but bern completed, firmed oppn-eliihly Cliilo aa the leader 'In thh movement and advanced ienrly n full point. The bUvU were uUo well bought, t'nitid Staloa Steol, on n few pur ohno. moved up a, to 82'C. nnd thn held ttoady around S2. Crucible crept up warty a point and the other indc ponder . vecijtered fractlornl salnx fieneral Asphalt waa on the defennive at all timeM nnd was unable to maintain conajatently nnj advancn above iff open ne AI(.irnn Petroleum, on tin I other band, which has been enibjceted to the same kind of prevsurc dtirin:: the I week. ro-.e more than lJi. The other: oils were irrejulnr. Much intereit centers in the weekl) I bank .tntempnts that will be issued todiiy It h thousht these will throw some !U;ht on the action of call inonej i durlr.e the last week. The iuipresxion preTiilH that funda will bo available next week nt around 7 per cent. Tiffhtrr money, continued industrial 'insHttlment nnd poor railway enrninp' I M- a t . rf til . It... fITtT JlffniVr O'T UIW """ .--... j ,- . ..,.. U -' I t t I li L under Uia larma or ii" ni Twaj-t "im " ''- .nwnS iui- uuiii-jpui iiu-i"" wniea rtopoaala will he rrvjd untl, ,3 ti m.. ' t,laTp(1 nto th,. hundK of th shorts in fe.! '"of "nff.Mr !',-k market this week prices! ean ba rurehaaed with th euro of SJ-iJil s cramiu.Iy fniMiig on nominal dcalinc., tub rKSNSYl-VANlA CO.MVANV j Bionttl luarterB remained bearish, u1 r"or Inauraneea on ui and .ffC! n lH.vd "n the belief that economic Anultlea. Truaiea. cordltlous favored further readjustment. B17 Ches'rut at . Philn Ph Oil mt the outstanding features, "Propoaa'a for Plnklnc Vund Sna Uuht thoiv issues bellljt itltllienced by the ta Co " j pronounced chnii; in the Industry, as - i scol, n tlr eountowido reduction of BVi7iFrpS&"HiI&l& f"r "tt nnJ r,;,,",' Products. uStalhe mAoM"'" equ-p.m-nts nnd the many spe- ronals for the as. ount f the 1' .J ' c ialtk-'s whMi follow in their tiain de- win t rnc-iJ uiiti; 3 . ,.r . ''r i noted the diMiPpomiment felt in fade Ytnla CoVnpanr fo- j-iu-ar -a on and 1 circles at the ha. k of buyinc power, and O inline Annul'iai Trjft To- th- r" '; V at the louent fit" P- te!,n.r lJ nl ttnraxl Intarail. . f at e bo hotidj iia t75 0M).V) will rai-'haa- I rde .' offerwl fM to urrend'd fo- f'-mrli"n "" or tofora Nrareb 1 IV-1 A I imdu-a al.o'-ld Ui addived to th u"dyrffnHd TIIF lENNS ' VAN1A CO.irNY 3Tor inau'ttrre f- 1 h' nnd tjrantl'ijc. tnnultl.a r-usi. ". 51T hritni' '-ol. I'lilla I'a Tandara for Sinlth s lun 1 Kast-n T'-iro'aum Co xhlpphi!; made f irther rynceasious to lowtr freijrht rates. The itnei-tmnit market was almost the only renssur'ng feature, new under writing, ehielly of domestic munici palifies, being readily absorbed, nlbeit nt tinus'iiallj .ittrnttive intenst yield4. IJoiiTit spectacular ndani,e in for eipn eclan;e 'eii. not su,tii'ned, that market filling into a quiescent stute p"idinp definite .'.evnl'ipnients in the claims of the. Allien against Germany. fcali SOO 890 170 TOO 300 100 300 .10) too 1000 .00 C? too 1000 oeo 1700 too tioo 400 too too !n0 SOO too 3 too 100 200 301 81)0 .0,1 SOO 400 .100 100 V01 hOO SOO 100 3301) 300 100 3.-.00 300 100 too 1(00 100 .T)ft VI 00 coo 100 100 100 1000 soo 1000 000 1J0J 1000 100 .00 70O 400 hio 1N00 3J0 soon .00 311) ion no 1 too 200 no 16100 3 Dtv. (Ill 4 nih Aax Huhber 30. Alaska Gold Mlnefl... 1 Alaska Juneau a M.. 14 .. Allied Chem ft Uyo.. 4H' . . Allied Chem ft Dye pt tSJ. 4 Alll.C)irtlmor 34 Jj 8 Am Asrlo Chem S ' 8 Am lleet Supar...... tli 10 Am Ilonch Mnrneto... 83 . . Am Can 30 V It Am Car & Fdy l9k e Am Cotton Oil pf.... e o Am Drug Syn ? . . Am Hide ft 1enther.. 10 I Am Hide & leather pf 44J. 4 Am Ico 43 . Am tnternat Corp.... 44 1 Am-Ii PVanoe Eny. . RJ 8 Am Llnpeed 8 V Am Tx)eomotlve pf...J0 . Am Radiator 70 .. Am Kafety Itnior.... 8W . Am Ship A Com 10 4 Am Smelt A Hit it$ 3 Am Btcel Foundries. . 30 Am Stel KUys pf. ... Sl'i 1 Am Kuirnr lief n 10 Am Sumatra Tub T8y Am Tel & Tel tl?4 12 Am Tobacco 118 IS Am Tobacco D Jtl5 8 Am Tobacco pf new. . S3 7 Am Woolen R' Am Writing Paper pf 34!' . Am Zlno I,Ni & Smlt 6V .. Anaconda Copper .... 30 8 Atch Top & Santa V 81 0 Atch Top & 8 F pf... T8H 10 At I Gulf & W I S 8 04X . AllaB Tnok Corp 18J5 7 Austin Nlcholrm Ino pf 60 7 Baldwin 1-oeomotivo . i"84 .. rvaltlmore & Ohio.... 3SJ. 4 Baltlmor & Ohio pf 8U 8 Bethlehem Steel B pflf)4! 8 Bethlehem Stel B... 8Ji .. Booth naherlea 4 II . Brown Slum 3SH .. BrkJyri Rapid Transit UJ'4 . . Brklyn II T ctfs of dep H 10 Ruron Broil 8H . . Butto Copier A Zlno i . . Butto & Superior Cop 13H .. Caddo Ci-ntrnl O ft B, 13Mi 2 Cal Zlno A Iaxl flj. 10 Canadian Pncino ....11-y. Central Iycnther 4 Corro de I'sbco Cop... 10 Chandlr Motors .... 4 Cherfpake & Ohio... . Chi & E 111 pf ctffl... Chicago & Ot West.. .. Chicago Mil & St V.. .. Chi U I & Tac .. Chile Popper 1.60 Chlno Copper . . Coca-Cola l Cluett ruabody . .. 5 Colorado Fuel & Iron. . . Col & Southorn ft Colutnh fiai & dec. 1 Col Oraphophone . . . 7 Consolidated Oas 3 Contolld.ited Textiles. . . Continental Candy . . Corn l'roduciu Rcf. . .130 ir.SO Cosden : Co 40 S8I4 ! 38 M 8W 37 -6H I'4 21M J7W t'OK roii 10H 79?; cos 83 70 .1C0?. .I i IIS TE REST LACKING j ON LOCAL 'CHANGE i xnK ixiucin com. ni navigation TOMIWNI Kl'MKNO A i.urovaiKT MORTUARi: I", IIOM1X. . ., l!idr th puiaiena of ih Mo'teuV" aaled propotaU II t. iwrn rr account of the Slnklnc Fund until 3 o'rlrlt. ! m , February 7, ItKM. at 'h 1 ftl-n ' t..e under- .lrn.,1 Trujt. for th. n, to .1 at tv.e lo- eat prlee lea than 1S and aecrutd 'rtere 01 n manv uf lha 5e bndj a $1'.JM will purohaee. Ttnders ehnu'd h It do'-wJ I'roootali . , . 0 ror mlt of honda -f T'e t-MRh roil iii tlutjulo Jf SltSClUrliaillia J(IC' Navlffallon Company ' art addreaad ti ' 1J ' rJIK PFtVlDKNT LIFE ft TE.T COStPANV iT rH't-XDir' "IMA Truteo. ASt WIN1-, I'r-tldnt. 449 ChettruT ar-r ThtlBl.t phli I'a rificcs Three Points on Odd-Lot Sale TKMi'Lr. .o.m. oMJ.v' ynsr i cot. utkilm r it 1 sr Moitu. f.:, i , siMiiso rivt J'.osns fnder prevletMnii tt tiv mr-- .r retals for th a. ruurt 'f th K tiUlMa isj' 'I tnlll 1 recieri until 3 o'rlue.. it. iu.. oti hmary 10. Il.l. rt tri- ntft-r ft t,. vn-- 7lanU Cnmiin.iv 'or Inmirdtic n I i'e and O-artlnK Vtivitl.t Ttutt fT Ihr ta tn It at i t-,"t prlffl not oxe.elln let and a-'Tti'd r '..tee - ua n.irv tAinta . . f.l(V'l0O73 .l t.j- .tiw A! ' ".lor hnuld i.e 1 I 'rf"e t Oa u'U i.i-! Till". PI'NVv,. Ni . MPVv Tot ln'l-a' 1 ' t iru tlrnnt nz tritiu i. Tri't.. MT riitt'iiii t.f f r1,' 1 Ta -.,lf-. f.r .Slrkl t )--"n1 T'n" I'ul fo. n weni, rt:nKi'ARY 1 i8?i notici: to 1101 n. Kit. f)F 0", MIIKTii Xt.K UONTls OK TIIH rilDKMX IIION HHII'AM'. 1ot . provlalottt tf iho q lr n Fu-id s , ,( vr, potaia s II b.. r. !.'! U'ttl U il'flotk p. m. en the 13th li.stont. a' tl 18 '' 'it I'ru-- ... for th iiV 11 ' f f r' ."11 47 J jt te ajld hopd.t a' 'if ''Hit' rn ' ,t rate tci'iit 1'' t , r, .. .royt. Tin: I'l.vMiv.wn ! iti'tw Per Insurance n I.ivaa t.d ji.nni'i .n nu.tlej. ruia. M- " TI' PI" 1 I'l. nnosl M(..lnra le - 1111. IH1M 11TI.1. AM) u-i 1 our vv y , f r.. . 1 1 t r'' Am " v-i" nr ' n . -,. Of Hi" V . 1 " '".t'ThiIi imp.- h. held ' " ' " - "". !'" ' ""I" V'ay .r. Pa " ilond n I rhrunrt II, at fntir o rli't s 11 m , fjr ! put 'letuii; thtea 1A ' ' t a ! are f -r y-ar J If II.VI.J.MAs" . 'i -5. nnciATT litis r i'oiipanv W? PhtiAl:pli.a. lanmrv 'js, t' The. atatt") annus meatttitt , f tfce stock itvldora of this ntn.A'j' il be liald 11a tT'e, 32S-33I Chatnit Htre... Poll ! -IpMa. tin Tueaday. Fel'runry 8. 1971. at IS o'elo tr. tioon, f'if tit tri- t i,,r -.t 11 Duurd of 1)1 reitora f"r ,fc.e "'ric ,ear and frr mi i-ansactlo.i "f "uoh n U -r bufi'uujj at niy tc oroucht tH-forn 'hetn iOfVll M MO'IP.1 fi-iitrj. drtip of three pointe in an odd-lot 1 sit n .if P.tifffll ' and "ifniehannu pre 'ert-ed. -eudlni: that issue to 1.". was 1 ab'"it ti only thins tl"it stood out! irttit in'nt! in todnv's ssinti in the ' ' lt. n' exchaiiRe I'.usini-s opened dul" 1 ! 1 t'n fr' sj.les coppned ti the usual (iMi ' - .-Mill pvii e il-.niiges beini: of the' .ni'ii.t fruitiu"-. The market wasi , niili'f.T d"llnit trend and transaction"!1 1 -.e-.. , irrlt i n'l 'tt t'le most desiiltor ' ' mm net I' Kb-, fi citined an eilnh .1 or a mtv small l;irt.oer and Aiiicri-an 1 I f,.r..c wi.s rn.irl.fs! no n linlf. Aside. (,.! tliea isues there wiij, little thnt 1 xw '"ti the apti tir'im e of -tn'tmth and 1 n-t of the -'.. ks - ild i"tn:nnc-d uiul.a'is d "r were lnwei I! .li'i- reiln.i'0. the lctl.nrRV in itoel.H ar.l sold off. I'mnsjlvntiia 0 ..; con- ' tin"d t't alt act ts'iue uttttif in nin! d'-'iiiisl tin ei.-l.ih iro'n hisi rdtht's' di-e. er tl'i'i Philadelphia r.lectric Ot-st ..v were - .ni.arlN wi-.m. ku .Hicins! x ..f irion i'k"t was a diavm alTuir wee; and .isini."1 ) hue'; nit st-fiinc iinvwl er . Jo pni i" 11" iiirlv dm s cno sntue i . 1 "1 1 f . 1 1 1 . 1 - cd 1 In n. 'I tliete ' '' i . 1 " v( p 'Kll hJi.'i I dvaili I IV I'd 1 1 oiv-d 10 t,jek"' l'-jf th cains 1071. iv,T" ' l-tei and the - oiubinatioii t'r "f ' 'h !' 'lie- rates nnd nn iib'idtitc , Inck "f 1 '"t-tt on the pui't .,f the titib- '"' Hi. pi.' '.. -fertit-n the ": t that main brokers uri tnKios tln-ir wiuter yarn ti'i'io. rri.ita'etl iiaa'tiit a well-orcanhed 1 irwiiril iiovti'ieu' The opinion cei-me t.. -'"evnil anions the kenest observers Cnactblo SUel Cuban Cano Sugar Cuban Amer Supar Dftlaunrn & Hudon Denver ft nio Grande - Denver & Bio Gr pf 4V4 Domo Mlncn "? Eastman Kod.t'c tso Hlk Honi Con' . INK IZmeruon-Brantln? pf 30 Kndlcott-Johnson . M Erin 18! Krlo lal pf 1H Famous Players ). . f Famous riayers pf s.0 FlBlt Rubber .. . . 14 , Freepcrt Texaj 17 Gaston Wms & Wig.. ."4 General Asphalt . C3?i General Motors . ... 14 '$ Gllliland Oil pf. s71-i Goodrich B F 39!;. Goodrich B F pf ST, Great Northern pt. . . 0!rj Great N'orth Ore ctfs 70 Habirahaw HI c.ablo IV'b Ilartntan i.'or . . 'l Houston Oil 70& Hupp Motor Car... . t3'-u HUnoli Cent s: lneplratlon Con cop.. "S' Inttrb Con Corp... . "-H Int(rb Con Corp pf.. 1 5 'a In-rrnat Atrteul . - UKt Int Met- Marino pf . ''', J.ueinatlonal Pniwr .. '?4 Invincible OH Corp... VVj Iron Products 37-, IIa.iiI Oil 4!. luti share". s Ith 301J 1 IH 49 03), 84 H tt 4Syi ?J4 20 S mvt ui i n 0?i J!i 43 14 8"i 7'4 10fl 70 8C 10 4-J 30H MU 3!4 7? K 117!--118 Pir-i mVz 34U 8 I'i 38 Ti HIW 7S'5 (4 18'S flD 87 3JI-4 OeH 1 84 'i SO 4H 39 13J4 0'4 M 1 1H 14V, r!'4 liI4 aev'i rs 70 ftft?it 6a S!'4 S8V4 3Ji 2SIA ro 3a 7 ro?i 10H 73 ?a Yi 2!S 6H SSJa 01 H ZZ 70 100K i COO 18 30 f!1VS 1814 lB'-j .'.OH KO 1-4 'J 17 3hl r3t- 14 ' S7'A 3Ji RVt 7CJJ 70 13U 7 "J 69)i 13a hS 34 Ti '4 l.i llli o't V A7'. 14 1 Cfi 4 7').iu0 T4 y. Vt tV4 IN ' 14 H Today'a Net Cloae Cture, 3014 H 1 Itt-r 48U aid 34 w- 4Ta 4714 M3i- e0 mj4 C4JA J4 10 A 44H 43 4414 8H 87 'A -101 TO - 8 '4 10 -43 -!; -hU 03 7RK eoji 118 D0J4 is f6''4 34 N 8W 3SH 8US 1R14 eo 8. -r S3'i 104'4- tflH IN 4 3S- 14 b; RU .1 13 15 - 514 nH 40 -38 70J4-V 3S 054 8N- 77 r 10 J4 17N-'-sV J 27 - roH-:- C0?i 94-'-lOJi- 2r5 w 27T4 1 7 y too?; 4i. !i it?4 COD J 13 18H i 38 1SJ4 lOJi-'- 7fc 60 -- 14 54 17 J-3H- f3'4 1154- 87H-tj 3954-r-S7'S--7fl)i -79 Dalea 1300 700 3,M 104 330 100 2300 00 100 IT. lot Hlyh Jewell Tea .....(. i. 814 Jewell Tea pf !4 Jonen Bros Tea. .... 21 Kan City Southern... 18J4 Kelly-Sprlnrncld Tire n Today' Net nw Cloaa Che, 'n,i,"W 8 Kennecott Copper . . ICeyatono T & H. . 0 Lackawanna Steel Leo Huhber Tire 8. to Lehluh Valley 300 100 200 100 300 200 3JB0 200 IB 82 ft 20 1!4 1BJ5 Ijewo Co Loiilsvllle ft XaJhvtllelOO MalllnBon ft Co 10 Manhattan Kiev cruar f4i Maxwell Motor ?4 Maxwell Mot 1st pf . . BTi Mexican Petroleum . .ItOTo 2 Ml.-iml Oorper 10C0 l.o Middle States Corp. 1814 18M T1! IUI hi Hi H, !4i I H N 1'4 !4t 9. ! u! "i 'i, IK' V'41 200 2 Mldvalo Steol & Onl.. 30H 200 .. Mo Knnean & Texaa.. 2T4 800 .. Mliuourl Poclflo 18!-e 3J0 .. Mlenourl Poclflopf... 98T4 400 .. Montcomery Ward .. 18H 100 4 Mulllns Body 21j 200 8.20 Kat'ona! Acme 23N 200 . Nut R It of Mex 1st Pf 1 3SO0 . . Nat R B. or Mex 2d pr 0(4 200 .. Nev Con Copper llli 800 s New Tork Central... 71 3100 .. New Tork N II ft H.. 21 !i 00 1 New TorK Ont & W.. 17 7080 7 Northun raclfib 8t 200 00 Nunally Co 11 100 .. otla Steel U 100 40 Okla Trod A Rof 3$ 180 2 Orpbounl Circuit .... 27 200 . rnclflc r?evcl Corp... 14T4 100 .. raclflcOllwl 34 J 17S0 n Pan-Amer Petrol .... 74 tOJ 8 Pan-Amer B Wi 1000 0 Pennsylvania R R... 40i 100 .. Penn Scnbonrd Steel. I2'i 800 . . Tero Marquctto 17 too 5 Philadelphia Co 3?U 1100 .. Pierre-Arrow Motor . . 21U r-00 .. Pierce- Oil 10ti I0J 0 Pitta Coal 8 Ji nil . . PHtaburjrh & W Va... 2S?i 400 4 Pub Serv Corp of N J M 400 8 imllman 100H 700 8 Punta Alejrro Suffar.. 48J-J 60ft 4 Pure Oil 84J-J 401 1 Ray Con Copper !? 7J00 4 ncadlnir f-3'4 MOO 2 Roadlns 1st pf 60 fOOO e Reartlnjr 2d pf MJi 100 . . Rcplo Stool 3 090 e Republic Iron A Steel '?! 100 .. Republlo Motortruck.. 2H4 1000-0.20 Royal Dutch NT... CO'-i 1300 .. StLoulBSan lron.... 'fi'.i 1100 .. St Louis SotithweBt.. 74M 1W St IvOUls Southweet pf 37j r I '8 ' H IN 1 'i H U V i !4 70'4- IK 13 SO r.ji w; f ; 1i - 1 1 1 M!4 V7 j -5- nii- 3794 -f-t'a shars yeat"rdav N 4i 40:1 H01 300 o00 2400 90 8100 101.) 100 341 210 inn 4H00 101 3311 ino 110'. 40.1) 1107 1700 100 : 100 350 310 1300 100 400 300 7(10 KU'I 107 32)1 200 1U0 3790 IDA 2IAI 24711 1S10 3)3 ;v 701 100 131J 31)1 101 100 :) 1S09 230 COO 1C0 Seaboard Air Line... 0 8 Seara-Roebuck 8s'4 .. Seneca Cop Corp 1M4 74 Shell Transport 40S .. Sinclair OH 13 Southern Paclflo 8K .. Southern Paclfiarts... I0? .. Southern Rail 22'4 20 Standard Oil of N Jl4 7 Stand Oil of N J pflOS'j 4 Stewart-Wamer Speed 21 4 e Stromberir Corb 37?i 7 Studebaker 67 . Submarine Boat Corp 8' S Superior Oil Corp. . . , .. Tenn Cop A Chem., 3 Texas Co . . Texas A Paclflo 1 Texnn & Pao C A O . . Third Avenue 00 Tlmea Square Supply. 0 Tobacco Products . . . . Transcontinental Oil . . Union Oil ta Union Pacific .... 8 United Drue . 12 United Fruit .. .. 8 United Retail Stores.. 4?$ 5 U S C I P A Fdy pf 45 U ..US Food ProdUCtB... 24 s U S Inn Alcohol C7W h If S Rubber 0J: 8 L S Rubber lat p:...103 00 U S Smelt A Ref . . S U S Steel 7 U S Steel of 8 Utah Copper 4 Vanadium Corp .... 1 Vlvadon, Ino . . Wabash . . Wabash pf A . . Weber & Hcllbroner. Wolls-Farco Impress . . Western Maryland .. . West Maryland 2d pt 17 4 WestlnRhouso H A M A?, Whoellnc A L H pt. . IfiJi . White Oil Con 1.7 I Wlllyn-Overland 7 h 4 While Motor ."8 8 Wool worth F W 112 8 Worthlneton Pump .. 4 s 11 !4 23 y, 32 1 i 104 It fiJN . . OH no !!iij4 ..tons .lOB'-i . 33?; S3 !-s .110 . so . 37 i . ?; . 7?i . t!i . to l"s 10"4 Thus far this eek 3 OO1.000 aharee 20 UV4 14 H It Uya K2?( 20 ciH inn 100 18 4?J ?i 84 1J3H I8!4 13 0 H 2!J 18 384 IRK 3494 23 914 SH 11H :oJ4 IBM 17 B3Jt 11 14 -K "?; 34 ji 73',t COJv 40 l'!',4 17 32 1 21 ?i 10 Vi 1814 28 U 02 100 u 34 ?i I3yi f.2N CT 84 37 4 UN 00 10 Vi 23 37V4 N 87 V4 181 4094 22 14 CO 18T4 ai?i 184 103H 31 H 37 ?4 0' 8W 10', 815 43V4 23J4 31 ?t 19 11 63 N 3A 22 118 101 !4 106 li 644 4.14 23 7 N CftK 103 31 M M1T4 lto CJl4 38U C!i 74 10 Cl'i 9?4 17 i 44?4 1694 15 71 37 U i: 18 14 in 21V4 14 45? 10 14N oH 70 1K it)S 100 18 nn ?i 8M l8y4 1R4 1394 0W 2 18 -38H4-'0 24 S 73 -10 0 ttli- 71 21 17 84K 11 14 34 27 7i -i- r7 40J4 17N r 17 3JV4 28 N 10& 8 ?4 2R 02 100K 46J4 MM 1SJ4 r,3 S4N 34y5 3& 33 C8J5 21N CO -I0?4 . 4 37J4 N- 87 Vi-I8y5-40?4-, .3 B?4 lW 23 154 1U8J4- 31H 37?i J4 8J4 11 - 42H 2394 ."?N 10 11 -I- 52N BN 52 1184 101J5 4 10814-f S1H 45J.-4- 24 4- 87J. C8 103 4- 33 Ji - 81T4 110 6514- 31114- 0 7?4 19'4- 10 0114 ?4 I6?4- 1.'. -! 7H 37T4 112 4- 48 FIRIVI TO STRONG !4 H It H '" H 3 1 14 N "n 14 N N Hi ? ?i N n Yi 4 IN !4 V, Mining Croup Conter of Inter est Industrials Hold No Change In Oil New York, I'cb. ft. The mnrkct on tho Broad Street Curb showed a firm to strong tone In today's trading, Inter Ittibber opsin becomlnj? prominent, HailltiK nt 12'( and ndvanclnc to '&x on InrRC tradhif;. The mlniiiR (rxoup nleo attracted at tention, the chief featuro In that (trotip bclnrj Ooldfleld Florence, which nd vnnccd to 41c, or nlmoat threo times the price prevailim? n lew weeks njfo. Boston -Montana was also nctlvo nnd strong and thero wan n Rood demand for many Issues nt advancing prices. Indus-trials were firm. Car Light coin at ti niui ;ife nnti uurant was nt ItN hljrh level of 1H. United States Htcamshlt) nnd United States Shin Cor poration both showed n heavy tone- nnd lawcti to recover yesterday's losses. United Itetnll Candy, nfter solHnfr nt S-") yestcrdny, was In supply, dccllnlPR to 8i. Indian l'scklns, on n fow sales, dropped from 34 to 3Vi. There was no Important change In the oil group, Anclo-Aincrican sclllni; at 18'fj nnd Iutcr-I'etrolcum wob traded Innt 15 and Wi, Tho medium priced Iimics were neiierally unchanged. INDUSTRIALS Acme Goal Car I-tsht Columbia Emerald . . Parroll Coil 11 In.-a Knlttlnx "A' Hainan Knlitlnir "D" lfalnos Knitllnc pief Indian Tackltis . . . Inter Ttubher Mma I.ocomotlia nurant Motora . . . Inter Trade Mark North Am I'apnr . PerfecUon Tiro Radio Com , Radio Com pfd . . TrtaiiKle rilm . . .. U 8 Ship Corp . IT M Staam United ProOt Shurlmr United Retail Candy STANDARD OILS Aulo-Am Oil 18H 18H 18H lNDIH'KNDHNT OILS New Yorjt Bonds (BALES IN jlOOOj Amn Atreul A.ltud 4t Man fd. B.. CChtm Da 78 77 i 77t 77 77S 77 l,...t 00 4 Amn Bmtttr A Ra'C 8 t 1 1 1 0 a A T & T cv 4 S... . 07i 12... . 07K Am T A T 6a C 81 Am T A T fla 1 BSM 1 U8H 4 0fM 1 l'3 Atch Topcka A S'a Fe 4a 1 78 1 784 fl 78 Atch Topeka A 8 Pa 41 re 10 70 Alch Topeka A 9'a 1 cr 4a 8 07i Atch TiBft cv 4a '00 8 83 A Coaet L. 7 1.... 102U Atlantld Ret'g OH a -p. I B 03H Hud & Man In 20.. 13,. 3.. 10.. 30.. 0.. 20 20 20 20 20 20 2811 111 Cen'l 4 '63 S 71 tntboro M 44 1 10-i 2 20 7..... 20 pit Met ct 44a 0 i'V 10 lfH 11..... 18 tnthoro It T fd 1-J0 lllsh Low p. m, 1 Ti 1 8rt ni Eft 18 15 10 13 13 18 4i 14H 141 97 07 07 84 8Vf 34 13U 10U 134 72 70 72 18?; IRU 1H; 03 03 00 S'i nn su 8 It. 2 2S ,JS 14 1 1 14 14 14 14 14 tfi 84 84 84 1. 1... 18... 4... 11... 7... 3.. 004 004 094 004 094 1'04 094 534 68 84 B4 684 B4 CI B4 64 D4 044 St Axrlcull'' 1.. b!! 4.. 7.. 11.. c. 1 Inll Corp n Ca 8 744 Jap Oov't 2nd 8 B0' Jan Oove'l 4t Allied Cnrlb Carlb Cltlos Denny Oil &vn Pyn Trad S.rvlce "D" oil ctfa. 13 !i 1 Philadelphia Stocks ruisi n d were ., Id ...a! .luii 1''. .11 !X) si ir. t ,- vi lie a bull movement is in untie. 1 ri it wi.l iii'l statt until stocks ( r " .-.5 at lower prices than now .".. Alii Iru. :r ti') Am Strs. ."1 do pref .'! Tluf&S t ' '2 do pnf . I.".T K'ecSt'ir I"'.' .-.t 1 1 n -" :'.D Lake Sup ".s I..-I, 111 . :;i"i i'a n u id i'.i 'tit Xi J'hilii Ins Wire. . .-,1 Vhila l'-Ie-TJ 'lo pref . "1 I'liUallT 30 tn Trac. I vS V Q I . . .", do prei.. -l ' f'nited (o-i N .1 .. 1TD tu ., 7') .-.l-'s U'' 17 '-j I.ea 1S .Vi 1 !10 SO 4."i mi "s I r.11... i', 7' 1 ' .'7 173., Iltl J'.7, -r-1 r.i 00 so I." 102 2s-!i ' r.iVj !03i 70 . 5t3i. jai-t- 27'.--17Mi ao-li-r-.'114-IU . . t chio NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Reserve 'ricrcase3 $6,221,920; Loanc Higher; Deposits Off New Yor!, Feb. 5. The actual con dition of clearing house banks and trust companies for tne week showa that they 1 hold .$15,0!l7,O"O iceive in excess of lesal reiiuirements. This is an increase 1 of $0 .221,020 from last week. Ioani iiicrcumd ;5;!,0's.- 11OU and deposits, both time nnd d.-iuand -ere lower. I a", mucin Commodity Markets Knirlneera Pidrol . . . Federal Oil Olenroelt Oil Int Petrol MaracMhn Oil Mcrrttt O'l : No Am Oil Nohle Producer A Refiner .MImms Pet yiielly Oil t'n Texas Oil Victoria Oil new T 011 xtivTvn Alaeka llr Columbia . . . Atlanta IllE Led ltooth l.'oitnn ti Mont C tied Mm : CAndelnrta SI Conn VlrglnU fort Kllver frescv-nt MoNnmara Darwin Bllver DunUe Ariz K.I Ralrador Kurcka Croeaua Hurrka Holly -IH Minim: Cold Cons 'Sold Devel Goldfleld riorenoo Oold Silver Pick Oreat Rend llcciii Mlnlns Iron Rleanom Jumbo Intension Knoic Divide MrXnmara MuLmi Cop Mnrsh Mli.lmc .Mother fyida ,,'.".. IV i .JUt'C l.W'1 ....... .S'orth fltar Ophlr Pllr.r Frlnci Con He Conn Roohotter Mlnea . ... San Toy Ho Am P ft Q ... S K'her Bucress Mln Tonornh H"lmont Tonopah Cash Roy Tonopah Divide Tonopah llxtenelon Tonopah Jim Duller . . . . Tonop-vb Mtnlntr 7'onooah Mimtnna Tonopah Rescue Kula . . U S Com United Eastern Vlctbry Iilv Writ l'nd Con .... Wlltert nONDH 104 Rait Ohio cv 1 60 DMt & Ohio 4s 2 OS Halt Ohio C 1 084 Dalt & Ohio 8 Wn 34 16 704 1. ... 77 Rail T 7 let j 1.... 102H 2.... 102i Reth 6 Ea '30 1 70 Rkn R T ct 7 10... . 40 3 45 12 4BN Dusb Hide 6a 0 724 2 72 1 73 Canadian N'ni Rlya rota 1.... 100M 1 100). Centl of Oa en 2.. .. 80 C R It N J 61 1 .... 004 cii'k eomi 1 7bj; C'k & O cv Oa 1. .. 81 Chi lUOitm 3 1.... 1.... 8.... 1.... 1.... n Kan V 1.... 1.. R Rtlslum Oi ! 01 K BelB'tn 7 4 8 00V, 0 00i 1 00V 1. . 07 1 OOH K Ucltni b wi 02 02 02 62 03 02 H 3r 644 614 1 Chi R & 3 804 Q 4a 074 074 074 07 '4 1'74 0H 004 094 004 DDK I t 7.. . 7. .. . t 6.. . 1. . . . Pcnna It It 7 1.... 108S 3..., 1034 2.... 1034 8.... 1034 People" Ona l & a co oa 4 oo'l Head in r ID- 4a 1... . 81H 1 814 Rio Grand A Wn clt aa 1 B14 Rock laid A ft Louie' a 4 4 1 074 Bt I. 4 S r al 3 04'i St L s d I' in 2 474 1 48 1 48 1 484 l...e. 474 Bt It ft H Fran Serin A 01 01H 014 014 314 014 01H 014 014 1... 2... n a'.'.. 10... s... 8... a... IB... Bt L ft H Fran Series U 1 734 81 It Sow'n Be 4 00 San Antonla ft A I Riy 4 2 03 Soab'd A I. nl 11. 1.. B.. 6 . 0.. l'.' O 2.. 004 100 100 004 004 100 100 ('0 4 004 1.... 4.... 1.... 1.. 1.... 2.. . Beab'd B.... 2., . 1.... 1. 44 44 COTTON MARKET New Yorlt, Tcb. 5. Cotton was con tive lint openinc 5 to 115 points higher. 2V Allied Pack Ot . . . Amn Tel da of 24 Amn AKrt Chem 7'aa Anaconda Copper tin . . Reth Ptrel 7a of 35.. !!-... 1 1... r .i . . , ' crrn d l-ancn am.. ."I..J...U u.v luriuer upturns on week-I (SroM lYunk nu, siderably teQdier thLs morninB. the a- I "roJc'iJ otil CtKI eoveruic partly tiabed on nn nl Hnclilr. I'i" tiiut Liverpool would respond next Mon nnj in tne unnteme 170 170 .-! nrnn; oi BSSi riiii.AHKi.pniA Tittsr Phlladelsl-'j An Antciai vm- elpr ii-i i'Ovjpasv 7-t mi irv "t 1.1 "f 'h K V hr.l,ln-- if ihlj rompnii "t I l '' 1 at o.t, m tned.i.. rebnurj S. IPS I 1. 1 I.' 1, .-., tt ni ana on 'I'o h.t. d i n ' . ti"r w"t t helC, ow'weou i-- n- 't"t nr .. -, n m nd 1 o'cloik 4urui the en- f r IV 1! H-r 1.HHA MIV llSSf Annuji si" Ataoriittlon w II 1 In.t . at N " hunna ate v i- 1 o.w Herie? T. Vss0 run Hlli I'eo Tr Is 2 Lib II"H is 2d t's . :. 4th 4-41 1 Vic -IV 10 Peoiio ' 01-R " Penna ' " "" 1 Ph. 'a I.'et- m ."s . Total 1) IO- ettsrduv Tim- i K i.wir -. 1" 1 B-yi Till". N I ?? Hto aheid-rs ..f t oinpanr and nn rerve 'or teo eti 1 1 t tne .in ul ' mnra'.ali'l -trite aeday, Veliruerj tltb. at trlte n isird 1 It' t-1 Itfl'n HI I'm v 1 Mxrmc or t a siiry,i. I.rntlier 1 . X"l ulr- on re to ir v .1 be rid at 4 U"'inr. ft w..,,. nneyuu -n Wid. 'iTe 11 rloct, Itiion I..S ser - rnv. ruw-iVMiMt CADhviv III Till". I IM. VRTs. Hi ANN' M sri-KIINt uf ., hnl'lr ft 1 t " i t ij 1 "' fi.ur ill?" ervo thltn . ir- . .r i n" In . eereti tw- v-eur- -tl.' hv 't'U 'lie A February 'th. nt thrn o'etiiik, JIIOV Wfitirvv 'H":i -r --rff- -niK B-Se' sto.'l'hn' I (vonumtr "l'i h" " ' oiopanv at tho ' t en TTeihteeilnj. Kehru Thera 'I1 ' " . TtltMtor n irri f lll'.ciKi.r. V w rv. nm i MitrriM, in- 1 in: VVestinliistrr t ni rrv I -li.; . 1a -. .,( ,s. r. I I'm rti a ' f r n 1 rd r f 'i f"! iw tnii i' P'VTKIt -J -r.-tnr- 1 ' UW li'l st.ari't Ti-s"! n-. nil - ' ' -i' r l, 11.", i.f tin- weakiie. tn the rail- JjV.oo ' ..d irT'iip diiruu' the week, there was " 1-10 1'lec & r.c - 'iiim inis.-.iti interenr 111 me Matt el. 1 -h ',t C.ener-il Atterbury, of the Pi 1 arm H.lilrnad. and r'.nirmnn . 1 'In -ailrnad roaiu.itite nf the Assn r.niiin -if Uuilrnnd lhecutive. to the .,r.r 1 hut ininy ri'lnuidH have iio , ni'-itpeet of eariiius evn their hH-i liiperiitm expensi A canviis, of tic i-iiiirtad situation In ' nriniis intere-is 'eads to the belief t.i'it t! e stliteaii.tits nf ;. nrnl mrhi;-i nr- net o1 erdrmvn ni.d that there is nuti-inc in th riiili-uiid -ifi,if..-n that e"iild he i.ted its n bull l.n-lur "11 tfce&c so, iiri'i", Th-se -ta,tprii'nt- "i... us,; fo effet t b- inten-f- ' "nti'iiteil tn Hw bear sid ..f ibi market vu.h resiiit thnt ou r ,l'l'jls for t!,e ..Iui.' in .nut Were fli n Isii-Sit si ah' Thau for snr.i" monthi. past f Pflllt tl-t t-ICU lirt't'Il ll.t.l .lint Imt-t ... .1... ...n'i.. hi- t,.n .U....I. ...nj .,-.u . I demand at ii'i'iiunr and rhu ven w-ns eontlrmed by tin- n hi liferoviru deiiinnd in the I ti.'-k 'nnti n.arl it 1 Sim.' wlin 'ai.' :i hioadei view of the in .' iiiRtl.'t ,ir'int'.,n believe thut thu first rs toipifnri '.t the week's selling w 1 11 be to ir v" nvt-ri rowd the l,nrt position and rrente ,n .'iiiKlMiiri s.i'iiiin to that iliirltiK the last week in l)e,.p,ni)er. It is thought t.i it sonie i,foek tnuy lie in a neuk posi tiim f -pecml reHSent nud Ihiit these tin- doc'iiie while tho gt uterul market tinu'd ii'i.d lii'fi nr evi n develop t-nc-i. cnrnpHreJ with. i Thus far th's vi: ' ll(lMs N.'t Il'ai. V-v Cloaa chi J Kxetss rts. j Cash In aul't I nnd 1H07I bk Rce.irva Iti ni m bei Lanka and rro tdnkH Rftirr in ttat-. banks ft truet cnini'anbs rtes-v In ttat h.iiil.s ft trun de , 1 1 ., 1 sn 42 sii 42 S0.42 .08 s7 i Hi s? 00 87 00 f. 22 l'7 20 07.20 07 20. O-l ..:', 10 r'v 0'.)i, ooy H 10"."il0.'lli.. t- t . n I -si- i Cfi-- -74 ,.vu Ml, '-t' mrart-u with thin wek, 1 130 n.M J HO I coo. tKihltorli-t Net demind d poslte . Tlm ilep'ja.ta ClreuUt.on V .- dipi-s d-ilutf-l " i,,rt njth ' I I1 . ti, be usuitned, however, that tlm b'-ur element is not inclined tn Hive sn i-eadio . after their hard fixht, Tropes lis i ami tnnt nirttiei- i , in the earlv dliyv FOREIGN EXCHANGE N,n- Feb .I-Opining IKUros tor fore-ri .X'lianne today showed :vl ir.i'H' i-'etitrnl iti-'iinv i irient coinpaJD" with veatardk lluals J-'terllnK cables I weni ".I 91 nnd 3 8JV4. compared with 3 ST, for i-ibles and 3.82si for tie tint esioruii-. -i.n' I cables ehpwBil a ij.'ln of 13 points av 7 oa jml 1 1 ' s .it 1 hi 'i. urn- .. point iowi-p nt 3 bJ for ciblefl 3 CI . 'oi '.e ilt' iithor ;u j'atlor.s wife Svrlij i.-'bles 1CU6. checlcs ffUllder iubii 3J.05, ehecKs j ti las 1 -cl-s 1 1 02. checks s'tockhol.-i . iblet, 1" 01, chicks r-tiHatliinlii 1 .ihl. . IS 30 chCCkU ('ois'iiliaiten c-ibltn 10. JB, checkH. Ht'lsrian c.ib'.t - 7 37 chtcka rn.ii .s 1.5'.i .... t b.s .1 'B o' th necond hour thi 1 . rl'e1 niriud euslor on a nuider iti m. I1.1t . of buMticHH. Stcrllnu ahakid to :i b 3 ' f-.- .-ibli-H and i.&ZK tor ilfitiainl. Fru .iiblen declined to 7.01 and .li'CK.i to t 'j'i'i Lire cables were utiotod tt' 1 ' - i .in'l cnecsn Rxi"3i rti?rvt. Atibri'iiuie r"v I.0111H eti C'aan In wu.ts nin' mm'r bWa Reset ve In intm Ijt tinn'- a 1 r?rrp tuink- iti-M rv In Ktnti t'.itiliH nd trtitt coinii.inli Rrm r- In tt it- ImnkM and iru" cenpany rieootl tnrli-u . . . Nt dm'nd do lt tlta Time ilew,llh flrrillHtlon l'nlld MMI", dpti S'J ATU Thil. welt tl4.3d'J 7(hi i.'s MJ.OOO 5 12'J '.'ULfeii 7i RS7,bO0 '.jr. 400.OH0 '' ' 13.1HI0 .; ssi L"if eoo .1S '1111.0011 31,1 IL', noil e.j so;. 000 vfTL'Al. This Week S13.nu7.070 B.I.732.0IKJ i" uie unniemeni ot tie phhw profits tn in (ireat Hrilain. I-'irmiioes Lost week ' ,n '"' "ritlos ami KtendmeHs In forelcn 811, 031. bid eehrnsPR alto aided the movement up a ?S?'niMn W!lnl Al th,! c'ml of tllff flr,-t hftee,, s2 do1.), 000 ' the elrne lawt night. ! Coicnnjr for over tlm week .end r,..i 1 tinned on .1 moderately iiclivc wale dur- iiik uiu 111 st nour. -iiicre also wan con hiderablc forelRii demnnd. both from Liverpool nnd tho Fnr Uast Prices showed sums of 25 to .'15 pointa nt tin best level, reacting slightly cnily in tin si com! hour on renorts that entiwlnr 3 SStt'aSS-S.'il, ' S!110 ",t(."' ""-, 'clns "hipped from -ii i.i-. I'llllUS deliver. 'I he In ni I .-.n id lo 1 !,at Week N,H70,1 1 SnUfiV hs I Southwest Hell 7a j(i O o( Calif 7b , S 0 of N V 7a of 25 . , s O of N V 7 of 20 1 S i) of N T 7 of 27. S 11 of V T 7s of 2S .Mft O " T. xes 1 0 7a . I V 1 rare Chem 7 4" VWHieni Klac 7a , . B44 .144 14 or.a; r.i", or, .. 074 07 07 . 804 Ki)4 w . . 00 08 till ...10341034 1014 .034 054 03 4 .. 074 H7H H7S 9S4 HS4 0SV, . . . 004 00V. 0'i4 . .inouinot100i, . 0H4 004 004 10ts1ill4l0l'J . . .101 1H14 101 Ifll 4)01 mat v, .101410141014 .1014101410111, . 004 Ofll. 004 . . env, nut, nnti, 014 n.v., 03 !)S; 1184 PS 4 3 10 . B0.. Chi ft O W da 2... BI4 QSIcaio Mil ft Bt I d 4a 1. .. 024 Cbl 6 Nwn ' 1.. . 108 Chi lUlhv'e 5si 4 034 ChlcaRO R li'd ft Pao fd 1 08 Chile Cop'r Oh 2 73 2. . 73 5 ..73 1... . 73' Chinese Ovt Ba 1 874 City Cop'g 54 l 74 City Paris fie 1 004 4 00 13 ... 06 2... . 90 1. . 03 V. 0.... 00 Colo lnduat 5e 1.... 70 Colo ft B 4 4 0 73 ( ona d Gas 7a 2. 100 1 100 1.... 1004 Cuban C S cv 4 634 Denmark Con Manu Ca wl 834 35 354 354 SB 354 I 6a 404 404 404 40 V IhIUU mm IB 1 Mail Order H0U300 Show Tro- mendous Shrlnkago In Busi. neas Last Month Kingdom Hen mark ct 8a 1 119 18 084 1 0H4 Klnudoni Nor way ct 8a 1 094 2... . 004 2 OUtt Lake Bhoro .M 8 4a '81 2 83 I.ehlch Val 4- 1 71 Lou & Nash 7 3.... 101 1 1031 Louie A Naah St It dv 8a B 634 Mo K ft Tex la B 684 1 6B4 Mo l'acino 4a 1 614 M ft O Ht L ft Carlo 4s 1 70 Mont'a Pwr Be ... 804 . . b04 Mor'a ft C 4 4 ... 704 Natl Rlwya ol Mez 4 4s 2 24 5 25 New Or Tex ft Mexico 4a 2 00 New Or Tex ft Mexico Ba S'n l'ao cv 4 7 78 S'n lUllw'a 5a 1 804 Stan'd Oil of Calf rcta 6.... 1014 Third Ave aj B 83 7 02H 10.... 824 Third Ave 4a 2 47 Tldtwaler Oil Co 04a wi r... 10... Tflt L 4.. 1 1. 15... 10 .., 1..., 5 Den ft 10 . . 1. . 1... t . 08 . s . 984 . 08 R Q fd . 43 . 43'; . 434 13 V.017,000 .197.000 31.260 OUJ 90,353,000 for New York contract .Vlft.7fe7.0DO D O'.'l'aOT.OOO 0.001i221.000 J 74 7C3.O0O SO 413.0110 -04 111, 000 r.OO.I'J7 0nO 103,00') 9 OIM.UOU r southwestern has!., un due to imrrlinsu.s for shin. incut to New York. Ocean ft eight men eaid there was no indication of export shipment fur home time. I'.M nlly I !- Opui li(,h li 1 1a. 1,1 I" 13. 4'. 13 H7 1.1. II 11 7,1rso SO ri.h.l 14. 2J 13. SI 14 It tin SO It 20 14 110 11.80 ll.f.OlOJ II 5J 14,liV 11. MO 1 1.04 11. SO , U-. ii s'j ii.uii l),lij 1 p-, Mirh Mmv Jui 'ct'ihci Dtcmni lio' II 10- DROP IN BANK CLEARINGS Dn ft R (J 4h 1 034 Pet-Kdl Ba '33 1 .... 80 014 . 084 . osi; 084 ft W 4a . 46 4 . 454 . 154 Union Pac cv IB 824 1... . 824 Union l'oc 4 2 83 1. . . 88 1... . 83 Union Pao tla 2.... 1004 U K ot O Rrlt A I'd 1021 0 094 1 094 1 004 u ic of o lint ft I'll 1022 B 054 8 964 U K of O Rrlt ft I'd 1937 C 804 4 804 0... . 804 TJ 8 .Mexico 49 CIiIcmo, Feb. C Deflnlto Induc tions of xenerRl Improvement In bul. new conditions In tho vVcst are mm laeklnpf, nnd tlicro Is f-tltl iinmic-tlon nbly much uncertainty In the outlook. fiOmo wholesale houses rr-norr rt RotlsfiictorT nnd encouraging; broaden Inif of the trndo In dry goods nnd 6cri. oral merchandise, with frreater rnnfi. denco In buylns for ripring neetl. IInw. ever, all tho testimony In this direction Is not favorable, and In many section the retail trndo, which Ih reflected In tho demand at wholesale comers, show, comparatively Ilttlo Improvement. nn4 collections lonvo much to bo desired In U10 way of promptness, in spite of tli efforts of banks to hasten settlement- ' Liquidation of farm commodities it desultory. Thero has been & good dtn'l of corn sold from some section-, i pecially In Iown nnd Nebraska, but tlt deliveries from other sections nrp still limited. The country continues to miir kct livestock freely, which Is incrennin tho money In circulation In many eoun try districts. Appnrcntly, the general policy ot whoh-salcrs Is to keep nn unobstructed flow ot goods along the entire line to permit mills to resume full rapacitr operations ns soon no posMblo. Per thin rensou It ts not believed that there will bo nny tendency to advance price following a normal increase in the t. manu. Automobile trado reports shovr n crent Improvement except In n few instances, nnd the stagnation general In building lines Is holding bnek pros rcss toward complete recovery. ,n other Indication of atlll reduced buvln demand Is the mail-order buKines- TV two leading mall-order houses of th West showed a tremendous (.hrinkat in business compared to n year ngo for .Tnnuary. Part of this represented lower values, but sales also were smallr than In December. Chicago rates on money were 7 per cent for commercial and over the conn tcr loans, brokers' loans 7 to 8 per cent nnd commercial paper 7, to S pr cent. 0. N Y 3. N Y 4 N T 10. ... 00, ... 00, Air II 0s . . 024 Cent' I l ..79 Oti ne 63 N Y Ct-nt't 03 1.. 1.. 1 . 3.. 1 1. N V 1.. 1. Ot 00'i . 00'. . 00, 110'i 00 a. 7 rem , 102 101 Do Can Bs '2 23 004 Do Canada '2U1 1 . . sa u. I Dmn Rep'e 5a 5 . . 75 Dun Light 0b 5 . . Ill) Krlo Oenl t.lcn 1 . 12 1. . 42 4. . 42 3. . 42 Krlo It R cv A 3 4. New Y N 11 i Hart'd Ce 1 07 N Y Tele 4 lis r... . 7 :.. . 774 N Y Tele'n 0s 1 OOH, Nlac 1-Pv.r Cn 1 8S Nth We'n Rell Tel 0a TI 804 llsorth Wc-lern Gov t r 0 lbS.COO 11,1142.000 I and 16.02 , 33 85 , 14.00, 21 90; IS. 20 19 r 7,83 '1 I't-ssiniih tn iv ocitjr 1 H.-lBlai' crfbl'ss were T 46 . f the coming week at 3 03 checks, II iiVY it ruovt -nn; n.vw SA1.K RY Till'. MVV lir.l'WtlvirNi (l) rr.NCiis im'u i:rcnss i)S ri'.RMI A 111 15. 1041 Thsro "HI ,"''1 uy ' O"' 'rot" n ). ornd at 'hn ll.ntrd of 'ntv.t vpprinsat nd Hale N11 1 Vard, Hu.ieti ,M., on Ifebrwary 15. IH21: 15,000 amts (tin"" ur 'ji Peiieiu inu. xenernt wrttliut. i'n iimj wiiiioiii 1111,11,1 haxaaon t"l round No. I V 3 mj I, rounufaitu'"' h Am-rlciin T.d 1 rn and Kll I-"1 I1"' "I ' This materlm I- lia-at-il i ih. Nn v Tard Pornin-uih, v II -nd vVv Suui n"pot Ri-ouklti. V and enn be ,n tiievlnue t" the ! upon iipplicalli.n t., the UPD.jl -'ii-'- - ,, ; 7 -, "-.' ...n be sten uprm ;iei Mombur Rim Id. or. n 4ale Navy Yard, Uoaiun Jta. laui'irm of Salo Bai-A C'ilarlllM, r- litridin 1 ila- 'M' I t I IH2I I i" ' j,s r.7 .'12 l.dltlninr. J I 2'i,l il'l , 1 oi ton 1.1 7 t.v ltl7 I I liiijiBO 72 '.01 1 1 1 BANK CLEARINGS ,i i .mparel i u. In- b.i 37'''.0l2,ri0n 7.401.2UO 1 0,7 13,000 IS 51)4.900 (',110,047 I O'l PJ.408 200 220. lutl 1.193,300 ".1 - lira liOi 1J13 int 71 s 17J 52,0'17,SI8 ' I 707 '.f.7 "I '-IIO.'lO t . . Now York Central to Issue 3onds VVunIiIujjIoii. l'Vb 0 - -The N'nw Yurk ( enti-il ItalJmu1 c'. waji iiutiinrled Hi day by the Intel slat- ("imiinvrcn ('011-.- rrtlHsi 'P i'i u-ii'i. . '1 nnj worm or ro- ni'iml.'" .Xnrr.-tTyL',ftin,f,K 11''1 bnivenviiintint inortBne t,w si.i e.ui.,Sl l",ntl a",, lo ,lw,fB th"w wlUl ,!p u,r- lulnrmatujn may lm uir )is obtained by return mull upon application to of a 1 the Roaid of Hurvoy Aiipralaal and Dale. , Oetliii ba lor ijisierul u security fur a demand note iiK nmount coverintr iuiihikt.3 nn'i inenta iltirmir feivrnl enntrol T7i lo ht- dnteil lnat April nnd -Mil inaiure uc-tuher 1, .niJ ..... r-- j t rn Tin itjeiiiitmrv tendency In HteruiiK .. u . .... .. .-..,.. vnrU w&h Dartlnllv ri' 111 ta" ..' '- ...... .- w- . i.-uion-ible fur iui advance 111 niu 011 Now York oxehungo tn Montreal trUy to 13 H Ier cent Tills is 3 4 pr .ent above the low- level ii-aei.'td aboiit Urn beginning of this meintb Tne -llBCOiint on Canadln" funds In S-v York roao to 11 H per cjnt At th" titnl of Uoctmber, tho nuo foil to U'-i iiwuiinia pinal aiTMmoNB si.rllnn Kranca Llr ttullderH Demand - J Wt 0 00 T" gjj-, f'abloa 3 il 7 01 0 H5 oJ.JS T'tDAVS OPHN1NO QI'OTATIOVH Stterlins trajic ,"" . 3.834 T.014 3 rtH. 8 s.v aal 7.03 3 02 33 05 ItOrllNO QL'OTATIONH a..lln llrunrt Ilul1ilrs 'l-rll 7.00 3.01 HI SO . . 3 K. 7 )i 'I "8 Ros. 1'iri rptt-rio -Iricrvln-e GRAIN MARKET 5.S10 171.000 0.47.8j2.n")ji fbli-affo. Prb. .1. Trade In wheat thl--'n'l-SHI?-,?. sai3Sfco!a.ll.,,"r,n5 w: I'.''."- mid Ik" market was .., , lrr,'p,,Qr, l00nl ppprntorw held uff I'du-'i r.o.B7H.uuo 1U..1111 vi. pe, ,,,,,- iiiniiei- developments. One j mjs and TRUST cOMPAMhb 1 prominent tnder was n free seller, put-Dcci--'i tine out 11 line rneentlv cm-oroil n.. .... . .. -....-.....i,, .11- (iinioiw ny henntor Penrose that the emergency ir.n till would be paused next week had 'ittle Influence, as It was iSenei-.tllj believed that the President would promptly vito the measure. Prices nt Arg. ntm.i moved up l'e (o 2e at I he clnio yesterd..). There was no evi dence of u demand for export here. March opened nt $L5.'t to 51.52'-'., iiKdinnl SI r.2'1, at the close ve.sterdnv nnd later Mild at Sl.S.JVi. M"y etnrted ot 5I.-14 to Jl.-l-Pi, against $1.HV ut Ihn end yesterday, and after tonclilni. ifl 4:t'i4 iecoverd the loss. Changes in corn were hmnll. Dinl ings were light nnd mixed. May atarted I.OHT a and vtittmi'iitii Ciold . Curtencv A niiteti TpoitH with K'd R.!l'irik of N Yni k Tol i di'iO"1' Depiflta, elan Innilna umtt du-t Trntn i' t riepnattarisa A from o'li- r bl.e ft trutt con pjnlea In N. T Clt. exil.allrfj nnd depuilta l V. ft OOM X roctdn of fcal or t'oi ui 1111,100 l.'Jl'.i 300 nta, Iep"!t t of MD.7TJ.riuO 103.683,401) I oU iQO (156,100 20 : Damand 1 1.1. .ir 1 1 'area r. .b.a . BUTTCR, EGGS AND CHEESE s,e York. P. h. 0 HUTTKR--rirm ll i-alpti, r.nJd tuhn freaui-rv. 1 luher ttisn eirii 4"4 847i craamary. "atraa 182 iri- 4 Ue. omamery. flrata hs to I'l, ccorji uai-l.liiir atocka. current ma.M. No "Cdtis- Wcuw. ReolPta 111(101 mil rih but!iro.I rx'r flrBte. 4so, freati catli lrd (lrt 46U47C, atata Ptiuikilv m .. and r.s-irl s weatorn bonncry w-hllis. Oral; ti sxtre. 47tl 2- do. brown. "Xir.'i 50u do iiatlwred browna and mlvid oolora llrata tors'tse 17'hlic refrlxeralpr-i 40W45e i,HUKhl.--rlta4y Ret-elpta 10 IS bases btu'e v.h'ji. milk Data h. bL ant-nu .113 2tc do uiiok- run. 24i?eJ54c. ,?-V.T; bolt mlik Hit, fresh aptwutia, avrjfro run 227T234c, 2.".4"OV0e, do. 'j jt) rounn RAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN PArtPlf v.ek Januiiy 14 433 000 1105 elnso yctcrdny. .lulj opened nt GOic to OOic, ngnlnt Ofe nt tho end vester dar. O.tts weie a little tinner. Shorts nniight 'Nla). fommisslon houses were inoilci-ate sollcrs. Muy opened at -llVjc to -II r'sc, nguiiint -11 at the end ycM- tertiaj .nny opened Va'' higher nt t.'-v, i.titi liitei r.old nt 12Jic. Refined Sugar Market Unchanged Now York, Feb 5 Tho refined iiugar market Is unchanged. The raw stiwar market ts motlcr.ilelv active, nates yes terday Including 15,000 bags Cubaa for Hhlpnient noxt week at Sr., coat nnd fulht, nnd 13.700 bngr, fuh-is ailoat at SSc cost nnd freight, to a IoorI reHnur; 20.000 bngs Cubaa at Zc, prompt ship ment to an operator. Importation!! con pb.leO of 17,70(1 buif Culias to the Unrnar Cn Local Exchanges 8.8 Per Cent Be low Same Week Last Year 1'or the fifth consecutive week local batik clearing failed to come up to the ' fig ires of the same period last year, ak- ....... ni. n.nhnniii4 nf li-inkit nf the Philndelphin Clearing lloure Assoein- J r t, on were .'islSl ,S.T7..1Sfl, against $118,- " "j, 7.T S 17 this week last year, or n loss I 0J "-Trunk rotn of 8.8 per cent. 1 2 ... mis Pi-crease-, in the principal cities of 2 101 4 the country ranged from 1.8 per cent.! s mi4( in n P.ttshtireh. tn -10 'J per cent Iu rsew 1 i"i' Orleaiio. Willi none of the larger ci-n- 1, ters hhovving a gain. Total clearings of 1 ' all the clearing housed Iu the I'tilti-d States, ns compiled bsthe Commen iui and I'iiianclal riironiclc. were $7,750,- I r. fiOl.011, compared with ?U,M8,17t),--lyn. cr a loss of 15.2 per cent. ComparisoiiH follow : Dec 1321 1120 p ir. n so.) n5,033 JI. 153,153. 071 1 t 0 i.i.u 41M,7:i8.H47 h.s 8d7.0-tO.113 11 7 2ll4.3ll2,n2 HI 1 147,8110,369 2S (1 1,I2.07I),2()S ll.R 120,831.1121 1 2 fift.ono.oon 111.4 73.0ft2.fl80 n 4 74.773 493 4i!.'.- O f writ'd arcta s 1 1 .. 101 4 1 : 11 .v. v iiv nl 1 . 741 Rell Tell 7a if... . ont 1 nnii. 1 . . . nr.ll. ' 5.. fliH 0. . Ufl'- N n ruclfl'- It 1 774 N States P 3 1 7S4 Oreton B I. 4 2 ... 70 Oregon S L Oe 1 .. . 084 37 4 Pao O ft p. tW 38 I 1 774 R retaipa It urn 449 084 4 704 0X41 2 . .. 704 US", renr.a R It flu 08 I 1. . M4 11SI 1 . SIIU 8.. 8.. l!. 10.. 10.. 8.. 6. 33 324 324 83 83 33 V, 38 4 S3 , U H Mexico Aa 11.. 13.. 13 . 8.. 10 10.. 20.. n 2!. 10.. 3.. 0.. 10.. 9.. 1. 0.. :t 434 40 4(1 4 m. id 10 45 V, 454 45 454 154 43 454 454 40 454 4D4 40 40 Ut'd R'd.i i-an Fran unct 4s 1 304 U B Realty A Impvt Bs 5.. . S4 4 5 . M4 U 8 Rubb'r Bi 1 . .. 78 2 . 78 2 .. 78 1 .. 7S U H Rub 7 'is 1.. . IH) 1... . 004 L"d a Pttn 3 1 054 5 . f'B a .. 03 Va Rallw'a 5b 0. . 63. Wabaeh R lt 4.... bSi;, Went Shore 4a 1. . . 74 W E ft Mfs 7a GOVERNMENT DONDS Hi"1 r-tnnmiv nolinnn He. 1201... Tanama repUtered C. 1081 I'll llrplne 4e. 1034 Philippine 4a. )0j3 PhlllpTilnfl 4a. 1080 ...... t- H riAts rounon 2. 1980 . U S Govt re1Mred 2s. 103n., IT s Oovt rrKlatercd Es into IJ 8 Oovt coupon 4s. 1923. . 814 814 0SJ SV o'i: 0'i 103 108 10.V4 84 Ml 50 H HO IM leu inn IM 101 ROCK 1 spans the rich, indus trial farmiRR aRd oil districts of the ceRtral west like the extended fingers of a giant hand. Reorganized on a sound basis well diversified traffic map analysis future othor tea. Hires in Ask for o copy PA-83 MARKET OPINION FEINBLATT & CO. .HrmS'rs 0 the Phthdtlptila Stock Zxchantt 139 South 15th St. Philadelphia rtom: BlU Spruce 727; Xici 1106 Chatlea Jacket, Manager Direct PrlenU Wltu to R.H.Mac MASTERS &CO. Members Consolidated fifocfc ilrcA. o.V 1 82-84 Broad St. New York Pa RR O'j a l 00 4 no 4 094 POVt 904 09 i 99 4 fi'14 T'f'4 094 Kl 4 034 084 9S4 08S 9S4 98 4 94 08, VVIIeon Co rv 10 ... 0... 10.. . WIlBOll 1... .,4 K5'j b3 4 Co lat . e0 4 SAFETY Call Locust 5630 or HAIL A YELLOW CAB for Courteous, Competent and Prompt Service Tho Service With a Smile Public Service Taxicab Co. P. J. VAN B1LLIAKD ACCOCNTANT-AUDITOU SptciaMalnp n FEDERAL dCOMK TAXIW eraierlt uS(n Inonmt Tar (fall trow Internal Reeeawi 009 RHsL ESTATE TRUST DLDO. nilirrt B4 flee 5917 Total, to 1 in one, r.U2.(i0'i yesierd.iy. Ids o72.eJSI Thua far with tio tills week. N-e Vilr. I Illl-KKO l'lllla Huston Knn I Its Hi f-ouli Kan I'ran ritliiiuiai D' trelt llaltlmorn N. Oi leans ,-,H i.d-i mm .ISl 1137 .'ISO .-.S S55.4U. ldl.OOs 212 mi u'ja 1113 1 12 VO0 OOH 1 .". 020.076 73.U1I 211 70 PO'I 712 40 215 48(1 Liberty .'1'i.s. . . Liberty lst'-lHs. Liberty 2d 1'is , Liberty lid l,s.. Liberlv -Jilt i',s, Vic Notes :n,.s,. Vic Notes -K-it,.. lllph 111. Of 87.40 8(1.511 IHI.nil R7.0S 07.20 07.24 T.ort 87.01 80.40 N0.K0 MI.D0 07.20 07.20 Clesi. 01.80 s".:io 80.-18 SO.O 87.00 07.20 07.24 ! iSafe Bonds j6- Investment HALSEY, STUART gW CO. Inc. I ti,:.ui-j u LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS IffXIH Ketlmated re 1-ftover. 0614. Aaklnj f'bleaao. I'b 5 cnlott 8000 hrsd hls-ln-r. fev with yn" '.'OO-pound 1 VTT1 1 SlinilP Rstliimt-d lei-clptt. 3000 lioad MONEY-LENDING RATES rilILAIm.PlIIA Cull, C iwr Cet, time, 0 per cent; commercuil paper.' threo to nix months, 6 per cent (Note ThcBo are morolv nnmi,.i Ki.itterlnit union etadv to ironu. Quotations, aH the lerral rate nf Intnm.i 'rdiiv'H iierBei 110 13 paid for 1 i .,,. ,, , ,.... , 7 "'veresi I hoes, duality fairly wood. I ' n Ul" s,a.t0 "f l'imsylvanla is fixed nt 15- rttlmetd rerelots, 1000 bead. fi ,Per T'1- 1 'is pn mltims and twmmlH r.stliimt-d lei-clptt. 3000 hoad slon, time money for thirty to 111V1..V1. Ri-ceiptp, 810W10 25; 11.25, put.. I'lttsburali. IVh 5 II0O3 IIWJ0 bead. Ir Heavies, In hvv utnl llaht sorUeru. (lit tin 7r.i11. HHRCP AND I.AJIII Ilecelpte. BOO bead Hteiidi' Top nhop. 15 50; ton lambs. Ho CAl.VKK Reielpta, 100 head. Lower. Top. 114.50. Uist M, Louis. Ill . Keh 5. CATTI.K l'eo'lpts. 30 hi- id No irhdlr.? today Mar 1 rt for woelc Hteeia town and bolters 25c li,ti-or cannrra. 23o to 50o lowrr: bulla. 50i lowei vealcra. 1 r. it to 12 luwar, Htuckora ai d f-r-ilers, 500 to 75c lowor, llfidh Receiif" mkio hnd. Pnlrlv nc the and eteiidy 10 10 hlahnr than lei-or-duv'a avarae: llitlit bufh-ra 10o to 15o 1 lidier, others t-toaily Top JUI.IO, bulk, llirht and mediums 19 nemio 2.1": paektir uin mi'l oxn eti'.idy, ijuullty xood, beavlea not moved FilllJRl' Ri-mlpie nore. No market to iKj ('iimpai'd with 11 nk aec Lanilm und yearllnita. 71 to 81.25 lower 1 ewes .10o to 7oe lower i liist Ru0"ivlo N l-jb 5 CATTI.n Recclpta 275 hud, dull I'alvea Receipts. ,'iin naad: l&a ln.nn IIeav5- JOOlpiB: mined 8l0b0fflll: yorl era, tii,.wii,'', J'eiii. ao. ail nil; rouvna HHit!)ll' AN1 heod. .dow'. I.amlit eltiria uitclunjel (layn "iS'-'.i1'"- do. end ii'irt 7 7BH: atnaii. SB.50(1 M ti) LAMRH Hoeelt.ta B0i. SOWIO ft ftn-,0 Is lnanc.l i,t c . IV, :'""" whilo coiiniierclal paver, from threo . to nix months, U b.liin oiTurcd ut 8 to si? per cent ) HON 1)1)5- Money 1H quoted at 5 per cent., P"S?"n rilt,,s- H'lort and three months' IiIIIh p.r ct u"u "lrce BAR SILVER nurrubtie bar flvev vriH utichuncnd at 09vo In New Yorl; to.l.iy ; f, r "K ' 60e. unchaiiffed In London tho price was unaltered at 30'id ' ' Prices Steady on Paris Bourse ., VuTk' Voh- :' ,,rll'c" w,,,o Hifitdv on tho Bourso today. Tlirn, p,.r 'ccr renl-s r.8 fr 70c. exehiniB., on Umdon 61 fr .5o; 5 jH-r cent ,-ii, 8J fr 15" Tlm dollar was (iuote.1 at I I ft ;,- Mlcblgan Sugar Reduces Dividend ClilraBO i',b ft Tin. SPchliMi, aUB,(r o has declared a -iuatterl,v divide ,1 of 1 per cuil prtyubbi March I. to moc" &!.. .l..Aln.. ft. 'l"l llUU ..rut ... ii, .,... 1, 111 nun ; s.., pop Ui.t mil n tr"n nf 't nf ,. ,'.,, n'' Moore, Swartz, Hindle & Clark AOCOUNT.VNTH Income Tx Colt Sjltemi Aodili f-pro-i- 1777 , IIISKH liriMHNO H. M. SMI.r.ll K. S I'VTTUN Sailer & Stevenson 3D AND CIllWTNf'T MT.S BONDS JTax Free. Yielding ViJ'o to 8', Stockwell, Wilson & Linvill Certified Public Accountants Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia FOREIGN BONDS All Issues Seed for il'tnilid circular L Vo. J" FARSON. SON & CO. Mernlr Ni w- York Flock Kucharir 115 nilOADWAY NRW YORK The Columbia Club lUoud and Oxford StH. I pr. pared to riderin 2d moitnoipt Imntt 1 provided In llio mnrUave. and n-uu t't hnldiru thtreuf tn Hend tbelr naip;- ,' adUii" end Invllea tendera of aald u for rednnption. Lawrence E. Brown & Co. I CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS I 10311 URAL K.STATH Tltl'ttt H IniemUatr und ndjuat pilncrablP ud Iniukiu Tut Prturna. tl ecetary jf tba tiix'-i Ltt c ... . , .. . . . jt--, tv - - w- . -.. Si . ,