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'M SUNNY DUCROW By HENRY ST. JOHN COOrtill u .... f .moaro you with mysolf. W , OTth ml? but tlmr. I. ie"Wr,:2fce? Comrre.l with you, S" d0 winlr". liowl" Idiot!" ,. ,.., j,m n h',pI,Sw ro bad as all thatl" r T.f born oil nolthw." She looked ffhim mwtfl" "Wht you want, vis- count-rrr" ..m "Don't call mo thntl mo Mn'V ...., ... frlonda call , my cioock ' U"-" i... l,o repented. "Iaw Isn't lluSfar'?,'bol'IO,l,ted eSPlfv nod-lort0 'Thero used to be a Bunnv notnie " nnmC(i stnn i ho Uld living in - lotorbus a-dear f", Tm h ws"' Sho blinked. "I m kJ,l.. h waa 111 n terrible Ionic IZT. but ho never murmured nor noth- I"1 ih.e mkor Dobrlngton nail Si'vou try to llko It for mine?" ?kfd.;"rn'fy-i.lm. "If I didn't like JTh "int. I shouldn't never call you hnk"you!(1Sunny, I understand." .,., ou want," Sunny said, as she lUedw by w-,:. r"X yt ih ne I do but to got Into mischief. B Joining "Ho having a Job to IKE ol of trouble." . , l eioect you aro rig" i . ' c.. .J . ,i.- jinnmitr nun-Ice." iiu .- ., L', and crnry other Sunday. I ex- your people nro -well enough to Kto you out of service. 'Tou don't sn.lerstnnd." ho said. No "Suppose 1 don't, only T was pTkl'To w into the Jam d plcklo HfBftimtr lie cried. !4m pickles and sauces, not forgcl BB(t th'e sauce I" she said. "Johnson's y- mean?" lie said. johnfon A Ducrow! Tou listen to .. nd I'll tell you all about It!" B nCLii! ..iMIt.ll .-mi nvorvlhlnirl" as Ti and lie listened with rapt nt-..?.:- a. Mm talked. Sunny grew idled; be waved her hands, her face J.-..I lmr ores eliono. Knthuslasm and excitement were carrying her oft C:r ..t Pronl stonped dead and turned to stare after her. Many smiled : UlOflt t inrn irncw uci won w.. mt,i., ,ome fowknew him ,Ti,.f'u liiR land. "I've trot lin option as It. cot it now In my pockot, thirty icres and sir I've bought. We'll have . mvini factory, nil the walls while ana ehlny tiles ami the boilers for tho Jam, bright copper, so bright you can ee your face In It. And then tne cottages, thy nil trot to be pretty, pretty nil they tjn b!, and ench one's to have a nice girdtn, and the one as keeps his Rarden htsl'll cet a prise. And then thiTr'll bo a club for tint Klrls and n. rcadlng- room, and rinoiuer ciud ror inn incn hum a iwlmmlnc-hath, "d like that! Don't you HT f.ay you can see It all I" "l do'" he said "Hut it will take a fearful lot of money, Sunny!" "Xol rurh a wonderful lot! The jround'i cot. nnd the ground's the main thing 1 got It cheap, nnd there's acres more to bo Kot Inter on, but It'a no gooa hurryins Goodnesi, when I shut my tjti 1 ciiji see It all; the pretty little rri-and h lo cottnires nnd the gardens md the- -oh, everything. And we'll run (i store there ourselves and sell every thing si mt what It costs us. bo the norkerull iret the Ixft of ovcrj'thlntr at the lowest price. Don't you Ree, can't jou ce i" Don't It mako you want to start won't?" "I lellevo it does '" DobrlnKton crlod. "It loundi splendid !" "It Is splendid !" sho aald In a low oIc- "Jf you'd lived whero 1 lived In thin Mnmt streets whero you Fcurcely rtldn't fee the sun at nil, where there Hint necr a Miide or rrnfs. not a tree lor n flowfr' Where cerythlnfr'3 dirty ird fmoky ' If If you'd lived there like I hnl. ou'd understand what a f!M like (his 'ud menu to them ns Is llln there now. It 'ud mean now life lo tome of 'om. Konio of those gels you iiw at tho beanfeast, don't you rCmcm twt "I do rr'nember ! ' 'Iok hi em som of 'em with their Mllr fir h nnd their nunow I'hests. ivlut 'i I the country air nnd the aun ihlno ni'l tho cardens and flowers and 1'ke tb.i' do for 'em 7'' "I uriil istnnd, Sunny," he said. "And JOU off-r t i lot tuu como Into this creat liheiiiA of jnure7" "I'd llko vou to como In." hn hilM. "You ns onn of tho two or three I meant to nsk " nd (he others?" bo nsked, with a ouio ot n-niousy in nis voice. "Carsi ,we and Mossy," sho raid. Only them two and you!" "Good, jrooil'" Tils eyes shone. "I'll como In Sunnv; how much do you Want fron mc'" "Juat what you can ret hold of." ho aM He Wiied for n moment "I could ir.aiiaRi. fho ih'Mjsaiul." he said. "Maybe Hill" n ire If nicessary." "Tha' i -plcndld. Ybu'll Ret your hire for the money, and you'll have to work, w(i nln't Koine to have no dead heads In tli Stan " ''I dont want to be a deadhead!" ho "Jfl "J wunt to be a very much alivo ntaa ." nie, Sunny, and I promise HI woik like a nipper!" , ' llft J'ou will, and I H'pose It'll wok all rlsht to have your name on tho rosptetuties " Runny eald. .. !t i"'1 f"1'"1. ihe must hasten now J "" theatre A little while and sho hid reached trio stage door. Well eo-lond!" sho pnld. "You twnk about what I told you :' Im not likelv to forget It," lie said. Tomorrow I will let you know exactly n.T'1! ' " nut ln, "'e schemu. It Jon t bo I. s haji flvo thousand, It may t wore 1 ii'i?,1?.' " Ril. rlellt nl,d- oh. ' tho naj , f iJi1 ,lU of r'hur (Uirtlps! I got ra ask hr h..-H heen a 1,-ood friend." A' i- t'urtiEM " Dnbrlnplon said butinV , ""Jr '" rlht. a lilt Hturclo. ' one (f ,hp bp,ti ,(.cj.,., sn Bf(,;, Ilk. . -V'u (Jon. l "Uo ''" ns-us you Ikemr. Sinn, ' l, whlnpered. I til wid ",CI I'loiisni about it:- nrt?n. '' a "".r1"1"! ' he looked up the iirow -it u hi.. ,,.! -i . i. . . D -.-.- 4iixi uu i hhqj, n that ? 'V" M"K for '"" "oinelhliiB ia" " 50U t0 do vel- badly?" 1 1 o ,,'tood iv M,ai'N thnt"" n ieh ', !! Xfrl '","'h- l "nt.t not very laid , " n,Frft,l l,eal to me." he eh,. 'J , w,n ",lJ Ul"-J "'''" "Wh , f ,"' ",,R, 1.111" "d smiled. Iiftti . 1 ' "r,K' I w'll," sho wild Mm . . ' r i i is and put them round his rV.i ', l,"f'-'r,,1 "" and kissed iiini. , '' i i- biuMied ihiek llko the M,i l T"'f I"1"1 "-arrlcd by the i 'ill'1,' ,1"'. .'.'" '"" "u. "lan'N heart 11 il i ... ,ib ,', " Ml"den leap, the ts- l-'U m IMS OHiM 1 1 fi . ... i .... . . r.r-it, i, ,..,," ,,mu Ul' HKiitre. Dob- . .... oui, ( n )1UH Hire(.u 1 i,t' i c";i!urfthuiiacnicnt '""'' , .1 i V";' , "iln.lH It. I'vo ''' l i. J V."1, fr"'l "ll '""d blind ,;-;. :, r , ,ar,. r,;i;0 "1,;" i I' ' N-n.nv The nil, or wis II , 1 . . '"" ''HIiiiik! Ifs Siiiii. : 'i'l 1 I i ,?,"i Ht llp, "0M -1'iiikiiiK hi.... ' " J ""I i.ii-. l'puni.i ,.i T "" i I- u"l,l" ll'.1" "''' "'"I with Kn'' I' vs. ,','," !,HI(I' ,;lt', Kuiiiiv!" "me am .,.' l ,u '"' " 'ip nlclit- '' In .1 a r'P(.V "N " """I"'''0" o? n niI1(j, l"" mr. Of , tlu fnn 1 tie Ih'i. v .','"' '" "in I , " it u i ''l i,, il'tl i , 'foils,, ""I Me l ''lUlall " , , .... " ' ' Klt I.L. riou , Juiiru l, ' ti, "n,l . ,H u "" Ollj-ln Soiiu. II M'l'i.ll MU lllrlh r "iiniLMllle" '- n merhiiB Mu.-y ll-rn- I liM'lll M,.ro Mr lvl i l .',' !"v whl,'" "'al-U'i'iit : . im ,.,.t au.i loose cliecl. hi "PJ1"'t Dolu-liiKlon -it" .i.rt!,Il"""l,-viSed In . , ,;'' ,".,on fr",n t1"' Mill i , '" "' u,!,p ll1"' ," '' ,""'" '"'I. Ilnally, v, f.,r BuodnPfch' take, lefK ,.,',;"" "Hid -nidn't Me ' "' "111 clhlM ,' ' "" '"iBlif Mossy Ucr.istcln looked nt Uarstowe, as being the trrtat est man present. Hut Uarstowo smiled crltnly. "I have pleasure," he nald, "In proposing that tho movlne; spirit In this venture, the orlarlnntor of the scheme, Miss Sunny Ducrow. takes tho chair I" Sunny look the chair, and she took It with a quiet dignity -nnd craoe that Im pressed Uarstowo, tho silent man, who saw everything and noted everything. Runny Ducrow, In the chair at this the first meeting of tho new John Crow Co., wan a new Sunny. "t have plenty of Ideas about the fac tor' and the cottages for the workpeople nnd how to lay out tho ground and so on," she Bald, "Hut I rcallzo that money counts moro than anything else. I don't know much about money. I never had any myself, so when you discuss the money side of It, I shall say nothing, be cause I undorntand you are all a great deal wiser than I am, IJut but I do want rod-and-whlte cottages and nice little gardens with whlto palings. I can see It all when I close my eyes. And, later on, when wo can get more land, there ought to be a -park or recreation ground for tho children to play In. It would be so different from" She paused. 'I'm sorry," she said; "please go on." Tho meeting went on. It was a strange but nevertheless a certain fact that Stanley Vlnoount 'Dobrlntrton and Mr. Arthur Curtlss contradicted one an other several times flatly. They looked at one another with unfriendly eyes. And yet, at ono time they had been good enough friends. Hut evidently something had .happened to upset their friendship. The meeting was over at last, nnd sat isfactorily, over. Tho new John Crow Works were to be. tho option was to bo taken up. Uarstowo had expressed his willingness to put down a sum of 10,000 pounds. Dobrlngton put down five thou sand, Mossy Uemstt-ln a llko amount. Arthur Curtlss, who hnd Intended to risk a couple of thousand, would not be outdono by Dobrlngton, to he signed for five thousand. The capital of the new company was, therefore, 25.000 pounds In cash. The proprietary rights In the company wcro represented by ten shares. Barstowe held two; Dobrington, Curtlss and Bern stein one encli: Johnson, of the pickle factory, three shares for the ground and tho plant, or ns much of it as could be used ; and the other two shares belonged to Sunny, "And now for a name for the new venture," Dobrlngton said. "We've got the namo nil reedy It's to bo called John Crow Town," Bunny said. "1 object," Dobrlngton said, "I've got a far better name for It than that!" "You couldn't have," Sunny said. "1 have. I suggest that It be called Sunnyvllle," Dobrlngton said. "Oh. no," Sunny said. "John Crow Is " But Sunnyvllle it was, and there was an end of It! CHATTER M.V1II Too I.ale Mr. Arthur Curtlss paced his private ofllco at the I,ondon Itealm. He was In deep thought; he frowned to hlmaalf. As usual, he was Immaculately dressed ; today ho was rather better dreseed tlian usual. If that wero possible. Tlie door opened, the otllco boy camo In. "Miss Pousy Glddens to oeo you, sir." ho said. Mlsa Popsy Glddens was a famous star. Agents and managers received her, hat In hand ; she hud been known to receive three hundied pounds for ono week's work, and tho lowest she wouia iook at was two hundred. "Tell Mlsa Popsy Giddens to go to say I can't seo her," Curtlss said. "But " he said. "Clear out." Curtlss raid. "I can't see her, won't soo her; toll her I'm busy I Tho boy went out. "Jf I thought that that Idiot of a Do brlngton was " Curtlss thought. "If i thought for a moment He paused. "It would nerve me right! When It wan too late, I would suddenly rcallte what It meant to mc I I won't wait till lt' too late! Now's tho time, now's mo nmo: us not too late-oll" n0 went to the bell and rang It. "lias that woman gone?" "Mlsa Glddcns Is gone, lr. She Foemed angry; she said it was nn Insult to" "I don't care what she tnld ; when I want to know what Miss Giddens sayu, I'll ask you! Is Miss Ducrow In the building?" "I don't know If she's come in yet, sir; she generally comes in for letters of a morning." "Well, go to the commissionaire and ask him If hho it hero; and If sho Is here, mj- 1 would bo glad If sho would Dpuro me u few minutes. If she hasn't como In yet, toll him to tell her the mo ment she come."." "Very good, sir." The boy went our, "There's many a man." Arthur Cur tlss muttered to himself, "who waits Just loo long, who cjin't make up his iiiuiu, ana uien manes it up lo nnd out thut he's lout everything thnt mako llfo worth living. I'm not going to be among that lot; I've made up my mind! uon i iniiiK euner it wanted much making up. Somehow. It enmo natur- ally. There'H no one llko her In thei world; shos only a child, there needn't bo a hurry another year, eny but I want to make sure of lier!" Tho door opened and Sunny came In. .Sho was fresh from the sunlight ot the ntrects and n cmed to carry n good deal of it with her Into tho loom. Her face was beaming, her ces dancing To Just been down there lo Havers," sho said- "Sunnvllle, I mean. They're Getting on splendidly. It's going to bo lovely I" she cried. "Oh, you don't know how I'm longing and looking forward to It when It Is all done, all uadyl Thoso dear llttlo cottages. Rueh boxes they do look, and yet they nay that they will bo quite largo; nnd there's to bo a bathroom In each one, think of that and " Sho chattered on, and ho stood look ing at her. Ilor llttlo face wan glowing, adlant; her eyes glinted and sparkled ; her red llpi, llko twin rose petals, were parted, bhowlng the pearly glitter of her perfect tee. Ui. Best of all, tho glorious red hair of her shone around her llttlo head llko an aureole of glory. Arthur Curtlss blood nnd looked at her; ho wax not listening. He could only look mid look his fill Watt there In .t.11 thin Miwbrr, dreary old world such a radiant picture as thla to gladden the eyes of a man? And lo think that this nletuie, this wonderful brcnthlng reality, might one day bo his, till his "Oh. I forgot!" she aald brenthlcealy. "I rattlo on and forget everything, don't I? I am Hurry, Arthur. Vou tent for 1110?" "Yei, I sent for you." ho said licavlly. "About Hint new sketch? IVn to go on in a seck, and I'm all ready, I sli.-tn't mako a mess of It, you can bctfher life!" "I don't anticipate that jou will make a mes:i of It : It's not In you to mako a nif-s of iinythlng. Sunny Ducrow 1" "That's th.-. nlcent tiling you've said to mo for tho lut hundred ye.irp." she said. "I'll git through all right See? Sunny Piictow u.i h tragedienne, what?' She laughed. "And now, what lo it?" ; Sho lonk"d at him expectant!. Arthur Cuitln hesitated; he pulled up his short collar, bhot out his cuff; he! coughd nnd stalked to th mantelpiece ! Hero he iiMiiiiuHl a graceful uttitudo ot , iicgl'gence. i "You've got on new trouals," Sunny said "I like that pattern."' , "I'm Kind." he raid shortly ; 'And ii gardenia In your buttonhole, j tuo''" Sunny wald "Tilings are looking. up" l "ll'a a riiinrlliii." he said bnellj. i "That shows what ii lot I don't know !" slip raid. "Wi-ll, uuhow, you look very nliv this moiuliig. Going out to a part, or what?" "I am not!" he Hald. "Sunny, I want to (.peak to jou " "Well. II a me ilolmr most or the talk ing, Isn't It. old dear?" hc tatd "What's It about the In in factory, or what? Oi Ii it (lie new n1(i tell'.' If It's the sketch, fin goodnei.s' f-ake don't uorry. I'm c lining through h II right, I'll betcher!" "ll'a nelt'i'T the ono thing nor the utlur! It Is ahein ! a moro pel tonal" -hf pnufid "a, far morn pertonal unit t r !" "I know." Sunny said. "I know w hat It 1m' It's Hint mI. pound I'm over drawn I'll make it all right this wct-K, when lMilu lointa, und " "I tell oii, It la not!" ho nli! angrily. "Sunny, will jou llutcu? Will ou bo quiet u moment?" tCOTI.NlinD MONDAY) Cvvvrlvht ;?.; Vu Utorat l Putnam' Sons, ?orcvr -JU'"tt ' 4u' v'&i'& ISfcU-OVP hHVlrW KIM writ ANhiV TO TE 'BLACK, cat 'xoMifrvrr NIK HEARD VMCUE Bll-t invite me MCRRtf VnpoW TO THE MlH WRAPPED hbelf in Some new SCENEfcY- ov "twe tOOD BUCK THCT CUPPED VNTEP. WEfc. rUVTEr vAtr -niA. iu wit) gets nacu KtTMts Mtw MAIK WfcVJS 1 VcNfinW VMstE sues pwadNer -mkY KICK UNCLE OV OURetOMWT- CIA. OUST .,WK IK MAP KHOC HW. orpr. Tm 'SEKT-'' yhi Vcvj Hecc l AkI ATrriPUBV "SAN1M6. : TVAT V60R ftlC VJWCU& ) WEt? flT VpT OV) tVE YoaV.? TO MAVd 1.IVINC, IN -f "HWTO EPT VO) COU-C KEE? ME. WHt VIT HfVT XINt O TMK ' "" " ' ' " ' ' ' -u.i.i . II, ...I II 'h ytr LtTvit wpw X aanwpv'pc x wcll- W.uC y' ?&'??& Wteuwt.yHtteM, f KW)-1 KNW)( F1MK- V - P0HTHEEIa1t I I vJirrTSv KK,rCrJ"'v- V wifS VriTi"- V614- JUT & abruptmew of the vrWe-s , i sii uiv.1 or vvitk iPsrni UmZiur i f-kV VARAPt JB && 'T AtMVI TMt KOCVJHOVNP COAST- khock hcr. ovr. t "a rxJl"infc s yv-x?.rv . "THeyN:, ANt PR -the y "v - v ii m rz s "j-if wi nu k ' .. i ansa, nras orb mtttxAJL -a ou i i ihw icvht--o iiu i - .v-ii,v rmm v i Si tnsrl&L im uifkiwraf wi mm&fflMimit Ty fUt I t W? wt yMvL P'wlWv Www In SS ' n f UaLLrg 1. ..., ' I ss wmtc J(.. x" si mMi& fig taut ( h lrgM SOMEBODY'S STENOG-Vondiiiom oh Main Street Copyright, 1021, by Tublle IJf Co. &s W C fbrw - 1 t ' ..s P-t jzn. "Ju 9 ' V. t L o ife m & TS, vu O 0 'W. . ,n sf rwi x . h .1 i . n$f ,M' - i,r '&' - V ", ti& y I s i if" V AfZZ '.A. " v XV 5t. '-!: v 7 t-f. ?&L zz ?Z- m v J -r,. ?r.1 a,. ... nneiiiree AnrN IVir UE.LFARE. - inBKA'.Clu..lMi"u D"? rLr-TTT. '. 41 a in STREET COMAAtTTeBS ARE ALL. M&T Ur OVER UJNO'liONa isr "5p i "THAT 'M,r 5ii' mD!f,ci-rrTEv'RPGc.lG AAlft , THE ACCIDENTS ARE. NUMEROUS. STORE WS ATriA?k AH CLERKS ALL 5T A LOAlfilMG FOR THE OPEN AIR ABOUT THAT ThME AA1D TTAKgSTWO HQUf6 -Ftt THI'lGS Tp SR.TTt-& DOWAI. " A.C-HAWl6 -S The Young Lady Across tho Way ll 1 I llEJ? ON THE MIDNIGHT SUDURIIAN TRAIN llU FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL DAYS Tho young lady across the wny says one of hcr uncles Is a bachelor nnd hence she has Hrc avuncular relatives nnil only four antiquarians. OtI WAut aXwiUfS AKt mj CuuW am. 1&i AJuCt (xaxuvu. IT & & r 'r r x? j? r l t i r azzmzr jr ti4y&r &z&. m Hk52Si5? we5i29wy -- ' - r--I-v jr -vr-- rrwzMi. Jir "Wfwxr mL WK?1gWZ. VrvOAv"Uvi AafAAitt. Co-tnwvOCtX bvJAlkt. AJUX oJteJ yU m I 7T7 C. u f' I.I I -!r-wJBgr?6i slfc.Brt2. . &&! i&rmm RHK2M &K&p-JMrenZMMZ jfrs I ir V'. w? VUCftC," aJtuTMS fAAku, &. tnv '- 7 m wwm 'r.n w $&&&?& r jr r -v j a "Ufa fe CALTHfc.D PETEYA Sad Situation By C. A. Voight r- JoC&Ks-' AClw'lftE XyyZl SWygf IL . I A S II JsZSZrPx x itI :P VWAYS. "0S ?teASE-MR.P0STMAM- UC r ,r . WUW.r- S Z6Z6:&2ZZ5? ' (HE vvfATTE P- , N, X i . . rt-fc-ti. lni i wkl. UNt I a r tv. , --if J " ' Z PTpV ? - I .0o- 3, v - v- little "Peek, at those LETrcs 7T tyMV s mtih? -wAT!a I N!i b05H: tC $:V n put im toe t5ox .v ithimki v'y - - - - , , .,., - I , I mm .. " ' ' ' " "''" " ' " - . - THE CLANCY KIDS That's Different (See (p cAwireepoN 8 uUNNIN' LIKE THIS c Bt'N 5ReATJ-flAPC FOR THfj fcAseMu sewM. 'MlaMaMaWMHNNiiMaMMMalMal"iKlftaitM(MrtwMiMMatMWM T'MMie.' I'tuANT YOU If By Percy L. Crosby V'HA. - -T , . X - ) V leMa. -T ' (Co Trt rur I J'TftiQff a Mr Qtij . ' . "'ir.. a coflf-or gffGw; u ii.). (CpcI Un,.t . . Tl rp-r ;k,w .-- 'vv-- i cica? Tr'XOAp TftArVNG (F I nuncio vn ro THG 5TORC. ALL 7HC TIME. -Sidney "Smith By Hayward i Jty DWIG tT1- v1?0in S