Newspaper Page Text
' 'Miajesf , r " "'if'liirr? ''1 . 1t'Ni!it'H-j!WKr ,'v., EVENING- "PUBLIC tEDGERrPHirAI)EI;PHXA, SATUK0AY, PEBRUABY 5, 1921 t St BOARD IN, f, JUEST0FHAIIDIN6 JBfcJ' Proving More Difficult Tnsk for pWp Pre3itlont-Elect Than Seloc- Jl rAsl& "v Kjl) tion of a Cabinet I 1 , I $1,000,000 DAILY DEFICIT k,'" A. ! .ffixri atLLt u. tuts i j. jjAJTAuX. Ha. -' mg'i PmP&W. 1 ril u&$&3!Ef&$$x v;SvJJ g&sWK? l tHSiMQKM8SJ'W? Mf? IVRNGO JURORS SENT Lloyd George Tells Germany to Accept HOI TILL MONDAYS H CLINTON V. Ml.ttKKI Btnff Correspondent I'lrn tig 1'clillr I edter Cnpurloh', ff, w PiiS. I' l.edorr i o Washington, lVb .1 -Whore President Hurtling tinrt men big to rim the b SB''-! lui-in I" th" v tlie shipping business, which t!" left upon tin. Imndi of tlii' Am people? l'iohing n enhinot is ev rum tn selecting seven men who will 1" ' 'J (Pnoilgh to tfll.o up n con. etti wit' 'V penses (lf f'jn 110(1 IHII1 H'nl II (I'll i' 'f SI, IKK) (loo it -In v. whh'i tins not 'ren run bj ntivho'lv for montlis, win I tin most of its pliitit lilie, .iii'l nil i' i' ' wliirli f;iM ii p in 1 if Jm-Mios (1. is f-win. vvliph will luie on it Ii iii'l i decision of n rontt between gt-nt i teresti for tlie tit rol. or nt len-t ' i equitable JU i-ton. of tlti Vi.itli Alhini traflie The t ii U o involv."! i-. nn irimense one: from the nublie t.iriipoint it is the liquidation of of tlie big isitiso quenees of tin- H'. tlie Amct loll" (!' v crnmi nt'i oufnre enti into liii 'mil 1 Ing and o'li'rnlioii 'I ' o b mh n that In--to Le pit of tlii coittitrv's tioiloVi Is nn . is ii,4 .It ft. it "t -slOO.000 ooo Rtid a pinspii. ui i!"hit of si.onn ooo a iinv 1'roni tin- suii'dpoint nf 'n'ini"- there' is involve.! im pi'titn'i lilw '"i the In tei nut mill Mi" nt ' Mat me interest. n liirh lire, at Hi-', p.utlv IStitisli in tlioir muiti, iitnl t'ie Il'ifi ifi.m uitii i etts, wbieli sei U to re-tot i pr war from l'o no One erinls nml too manj men trained bandul toucHier In IrrrKiilar fotiibiiintions. I'rntiru linn uceu ter I libly riivlslied. and Intel tbu rlfjlit to nay Judgo Warns Them Against Dis- i&;wtAS t. 'isl "f cussing Case of Hatfield norlIn lvl, - u wn, onlcillHy nnrl OthorQ ftnted estirdny tliut Oermany bus df unu uiimro rlitirtl to attetid tlio ullied Hnanrliil ron- - -- fetenee of expertrt to be lield In Ilrus- .., , ,, , nel. be'innitic next Mondny. Tlie TWO SEATS TO BE FILLED trnnnd talieri U tlmt Ocruinny teqiiiriH bcr tiuaiielnl exjtcrts to leimiln ill noun' tor tlie present. Tlie llerliner TnReblatt yesterday publish! d a munorniidum wbieli t'linrle.i ttiipunnii. head of the (Serinnii ilelega tioit in Paris, has deliered to the Al es, pointiiiR out that it is ttnpossiiiie t'itni Oitenfrti o hrvia Public I riltjrr WIllLiinviii. V. Vii., Teb. n. ludRf Mtnli. jireslillng at the trial of Sid ilattiebl and Inn twenty oodefendants for the iiiiinli r of Albert Kelt In tlii'fr iSoititmij to continue roal delierl(s, MitiK'i mines last summer, today dis- i it i'd the Jurors ho far tontuthely iiosen until tii'xt Mond'iy nfterttonn. 1 lime deelded to let you po home hi til Mo.nlny afternoon," .Itidcc l!iule sa.d ' Vow I wish j on not to dlieus Hi" him with ,iny one or permit am one til iIIm Itsfl it tn nllt nrpvpnitn If ., attitnpt to do s0 is m.idi) 1 wish , I' in mix. w .M .-.ill nn attention to it. 1 trut I ' l nuiunrnuiliim proposes tin Oer eenilemen on t ill be caieful about this ""' fitter 1 ebnmry 1 di-llver 1 .MKI.OOO nn ttir " tuns niontld), and requests a eontiiuia- I'nor to the thiee talesmen railed audi11"" "f t':'1",'',- "ft,1"', ihL' "h, 1M"rk"J "M-u-cd on iieeoimt of beloncltic to the ' P'"r ,'"' ! oitiiti ti luifl down at Spa and ml. ti. two others were passed berui " ml'lUlotial Hi-li ooiiipen-a inn to ud- i.. i .. i ' . .. . I n.f ti., ilinYrrtife lietween tolnnil ntiil on tlie scnie provmeii lor in ui np.i ai;reemetit, after Kebruary 1. It Miys iji'ininnj's industries ate suffering from a eonl shortage, while, the Trench Hie stilliiientlv mlliplled. tierniittn. adds the memorandum, has not reeehed the quota of eonl from Si lesia he c'.peeted after the promises at Spa of rictniiT IjIojh Ueotso nml M. rnples asainst 'hej had ,'UIIIshl'letlt Tlimisbl Defendanls Worn Klqlit nn, il',1 lst tin' iliii'riiii'e uiiw.eii iiiiiiini uuu llipilJI , , , . ,..)., ..,. f'.nr. I.l'l I'l ' ' I ,..-.. . V ,.'-....! .... (Ilt! HtiWl, pri.ite iletistixe who helped tl the (.imirse oth of the ( hiefiihu, ii .I.ip.ttii -c su-.'ai ship, at ( lii' sirivt uli.ii i, when the tti.ule .i il.ish for lllierlj. Howe is holding iv si.f.nt Jiib ulih wltidi he vas .iltaihed In one of the ( hinese, A s.iilnr slinl and Mlli',1 in I he ll.hl competition on the Atl'inti" h the nse of the Cerman -hip. and d i. ks in (It- fmf Vi'o In T nnrl :nam. and whieli are use.! ,,f being OCtt Hi IU Ajilllii, fierni'iti tn til. ir relations, and. nl the eiiinp. tition lietween n'l eistiug fliippins lines and th" lines tlio gowni ment inicil foster thro'igli its unsold ships. TYesrnt liii.'inl Tied l'i I'oliti. .i 11 v the meeting of this sttu.i tion is .f a-t iniporttnire Coiumi'r rialU. it is of npi.i! lmpo-tanee The result lias hi en the e 's a om plete tie up o'" n'tjwtios of the (iresent board '1 .n h mite has nfus , to run (inn the reeent appointees to tlie board, and ('.nl.riss t refused to make ap proiiria'mns The '.iridnls, the inves tigations, the ehnr'es and eounter rharges. Vn e miuiij 'arg. h from the bitter s(',fe i f tin ' ,,' M4 boa u mn trol om r f iture .1 ,pMt,g .'.uiinitilinn thtoiigho it th' wo-!d T'" ' iggest siilp. owner in t't' urn Id ' bin! u, . so far as lis s'iiip,n I i - tn s , ' one, i ni'd. 11" i pn.wr'is He t sn t ',n, in board of din .tuts fni months. His propert has ,eer..i nl m ul i. fmin ?1" a ton to 'sIlO e he ,ns the means to (it tin l sijippini; isinoitions One Chinese Killed ( nntlniii.l front 1'uxe Or i bib of it '' t n ,p o is, , of a . lime o 'umbo i w th ! knob on the .ml i Dm of i "'rs in tlie mass..,) at i t,i, k on Howe swiii. a elub. full hix tiet in lets'1,, .i knol, on the end made In wtai'ping inibno iibets around the stuk lint I tle fot tni'.l a haul lieaw , bull. The I'll n bi ought Hie elnb down full on JiowoY luad before lie en lid tire, and the detei tlw slipj J the dicli. . (iil.ud ri'lh'.l by Club The ( nne e Mieau.ed oer ! guard'H b.Ml. but a rush of gunids from in her i art o: tl sl.ip aid die .lt,ek I sent th.'iii Inel the i ranks broken. ' iitnl main of th i bleeling Irom lists or 1 Jll. ks o! lh ,1 'Mil, s It was di i.ig th at! a Is on Howe that Clung Jseaiig wii, ub-erveil I,, full lie was in thi fr 'tit of the iti-h si.ot to the iniitn is tin iii;e to iihiko un item cry uo heieni'ie of the past months because One of the gruip was II, p. Kvnns. iof tiansport diUir ulttrt and the U'Par.i i farmer of Pigeon Creek. The utate's I tion lomtiiissiotis' legulations. ei'iinsil atl.mpteil to prou that lie was' lelated to ('Ii ir'ue Kier, one of thel I'.iris, IMi "i Tlio Iheticli I'liamber defendants, it the witness Miid that'nf Iteputies jestmliij henrd l'ntnier he did not know of any IcitHiip: if! Hriand explain the negotiations nt the it did exist lie did not claim rela tionship. "Why tr t" proe that he is n rela tie of one of the tic f. inliitits ,yIiimi lie sins that be il ,i not know (f any te lallonsliip?" Judge llatle Mill). "Too huh Ii tini" his In i n wustu! alte.iiU." I pon being Interrogated l,aiis salt! recent rep'iratnuis confereuee in l'nris. and an nsseition by tlio premier the (bs'isioiis it .iclicd at tlie ouiifcrcnoi. weie the best teims obtainable for l'lanee from t!ernmtiy under the con ditnus olitiiiiutig at prefent. The prnil"i i quested tlie rlimnber eitln r to a i ept or reject the decision. t lint from what he heard of the case tri a v hoi". It was decided that all the the defendants were in the right in I deputies who had iiiiiicnt-d their desire -booting the detei lives Boncrnllt. to 1 n-e cotr,pe,io here , '' . " , , ,"' ."' ' ', - , - , '' i rumpled, ai',1 the ciowd of his friends i iospd urouiiil hi' i WIkii .lapnnese of ttcers and the Ancr.jn detutnes liad . iccci deil in ' I'ibb.tij tl.t men buck to their quarters, the dead mini's bodj lav win-re it had fallen mi the d ik. a buH. t wound in the head. Siang came fio'n Miiguporu. ns iii'l niun other iiKiiinets and st niulutn compi tition th"i ObM"i'-lr I'll the squal'bb- oer the dhipnmg board relate to this t i.", 1. us power and wheh -i;' .ie Tolie on Harding'- seven tin n. whin h fitlds s.M.n big elious'i to face th- ta-lt outlined genein'h above litre are some of tin tiiinneinl difii cnltles which will lunfront. tlie new hitipmg li-iinl- The l"n't"il S,ats owns about hip. win 1, i nst fmm ton t" 1 nld The rv. i nt on i-hip,'it'g i. ."0 a ton TI 1 .-no of the crew . The Chnifs disnpneared front the 1 di .is sil.ntlv and us swilih as thev tiition mil i.iki gnine-iii tneri tor tie i.itnl rush 1'nltrd I """'r. f""' or 11' detectives, too to be hoard should speak In fore a vote was taken on the quo-tinn, nni! the dis . usfion was postponed until next Tucs dn . "I have done th" best thnt I could," said M. Kriiuid. 'If tin re is a man in this i haniber who has a better pun Il eal progiatn. let linn come to the front." l'H'Woiislv, Ainlie Ttiiilit'ii Intel con tinued the irilnisii of the govcrunii nt on ll'.e Hi'iitatt, ns agteenient beguii yesterdav. His aigiiinent amounlod to criticism of the allied agi cement. All the aigtmonts. he said, tended to show that Trance was in too great n hurry and shotl'd have waited a few weeks, to consult the ik w An etnan administra tion. Violent pto' t itmns asinnsl the i reparations dc isinn at" still being pub- l. - . , ! . Ilshed bv T.eiliii news, iper". savs the Thomas E. Ash to Prepare Plans for (m i.lir1.(U-. .,, Jpn,el in that Welfare Proicct liiiy. 'I'l,. .oir'-poin'iuit . -eits t lm t Thomas i:. Ash. ..-..:: ortl, S.xty- ' "'' .Mli"'."'. "" ; 'lotHlist. and l)r seventh street bus I. . , .iiiiii.inte.l n 'Xan iieiHH 1. il. a l"rm'T M( e cn.llicel I wo seats m tin1 .turv imx reinnm to to tilled In fore the piclimliinrj skir mish of the luvvvers nn the outcome of whiib determination of tlio case is be lli ved 'iirgelv to depend. It was icpoiie, tod, iv that the namiM of Negri" s would be plaml in the jur.v wind, but this was disi liniiird by James (Irecn, a tuetiib'r of the boiid of jury (omniisslnnerR He said n was not tho custom to phiee t.ames of Negroes in the wheel and lie cnild not leiueniber that tliis was ever done in the state. There will be no cm eption made now, he said. NAMES SPECIAL ARCHITECT ran QUIT HOME N TILT WITH DONOR i special architect to pn nam p ms for .ilter.ttionv to buildings on I'lowtt's T.inn, Holinesburg, wlrie it ,s ntopo-td t.i take i .ire of a large tiunibei of chll dten under dliection of tlie Ilepait ment of Tiibli. We fan About Soli. ."00 i- nv.iil.ihle fot im piovetnents. wliidt will include a sum mer cmip for tubei' cliiblrc:i. re i onst.Mictioii of nn n'd . oiidi as a 1'fuge for .rippled ilnldrcn ,iud tin reliullding of an old bain to uir. t de mauds as a school for baekwiml i hihlrt n Mr. kn ii ti TniMisitv of l'.iiiis)t v in i.i g-adiite His apiiointi . nt vva, i.iili bv Ctv Suinlei . the not the .1 le v uiiuienls euriter. K llei said he fci iud the crew s qunr- I, rs i.lthv, vuth M-iiiihitois i ',, c.l ind the uir alt. ost o.rpuwi r. nc.' tuul The. run wi.'e fetjiuiig -hi p. in partitioned "puces nuid. i'V ktio. king a few rmign I boards t i' i.t Keder d'dn t stav , long, cunt, ntiug h'u.-clf w 1 1 1 1 keeping ihwnv, so Ihe poll, e ', s htatis 'i p-. were . onstriis .1 for a single p ii io.e. to win the wii". and 'ire Dot of s,;ui.t v iriety to m t needs ! .oruueric arc tln.s rcmhlv s i dl, App'"oxunati h K 1 steel sliips and rvooden ships u-e tio.v i.c.l in iu do, l.s fo uk "f I, iiiii'ss . osiiug in i"h to maintain, and lO'Uasng weiklv in number. 'J he hiu.e ling Island shipvnnls hive tils, finlsbi rl Iheir Inst sbin. Thev lire not riadilv s.L ,u., . ,im the.r ui.nuic-i S'tard in t e top , f the ,n' nance ci sth ate h.nvv. " " n! cm ape, unin ("ongvi-s his refusi.l to make appro- I ''lime pnati'iiis for the shipping board, 'e'ltng It to , coile. t wlat 'he War Pe'iatt- boi . 'u meu "" it S'.'no.ono (ion I'hairmin ,.. k"l Benson txpects to get '.l ol lije War .ind tnk,. i .::'. puvment ror . 1 fourt .a trunsports, which will jus!. I m notit e.i of w I spoilt b. "" ugh to keep the shipping ''u , o, boat I boaid's rliniit fnun increasing to more ri ai . U v nne. s thim it- pi'cseut t.gurc. ,10'i ooo.OoO, , n .-ton avenu. before tne 1th ot vlar h, when the prcs Ut board goes out of oilst' ace Toi cianv ucnths tne shipping boird run a oug w"h i.v two tin mk" Ciiaitiuaii H. -.son iud lulm S lionald. I'risidint W ,N 'U cou.J ui l ,'l u.ou to accept I'.ito linpuisibli; To,sK ThoJg.i a t a uiijovitv. It. n-uu and Donald did Later Mr i. nou made apt oiutn "ut5 wlmli tic , ate ret.:spil to cent rm. 'I'he --.ew m, n, lacking Clinton -it on. icfus J tn tuke nnv re-pi tisil i,.t fo- in port ant ' tious, nnd Ii' l-oii uul lionald f" 'ti I then hands wnrsi tied than ever be cause tl ' v n"W la hcd c.i a. foi ail ing uloi.e J'l.ll t'n t'W I i aril w II t.'l'.e vei B ta--k wh el) 1' v '"t i.i 'v impos ,b'e In imtiv fit, 's e, t . Iinv mg 1 i . u ( n -Htcd like the vr"b'f,., of np- aration- ir i ov u nl'i'd war bjuus RS II rnrseq I" f ..f tie vv.'ti It '., 'i II b vm.ii ', tioboih has beon fb lag for ucnih' There w'll I be no poliei' in be luudrd liwn to it. . It will a(f uo ily be made up Inree'v of incxpuh n "p 1 mcu. It wi'l Hurt , out m n bad time finnneia'.lv. It will le subjeted to immensi pres't from the grea' interests which control important, shipping l.n-b. and from the two great int. rests, ne But- i ih in some ot its impucuti. tin, and i tho o'l'pi ii ore due' th diuiun, which are fighting ovir the. n.o-t important bliipp tig roi.t" in th' world And ihr t public ilei.i Hiding t'n '-dii'tioii of, taxes wi'l hi on its 1 1" h .i'l "f 'lie tii'n" b'.iui. of the jl i mo. UUU u day dctiut. PHOENIX IRON CUTS PAY i nanc aii'l de-i "inied atirr tl -w Ho found them all qui. tlv "slipping" in their bunks, not a of tl ' MteniP'if which had made the ship ioar,w, f Men to En Rerluetri Slxtv t ...!.. -- - -- , Cents a Day. Beginning Monday n hatche and tin buig bam hi re si ),. ,,f tl,. w. apiiiis on th. ib "k after the light bv the po'n . as o idence 'nek till- Hint Ii, I, ? the lioll.e h.'d "i enri oil, mid ' ng. under Captain ' ai.i' d fron a Ii i d hnrboi p.ilii e ! irdeil the ship 111. polo ttiel to I'lld out " ho I'rcd fi" i' -hot. out had dilhciiltv , iking ' -ileus ind -tnnd, and wi'l, the , i ' Ov and eun-ing of tin "l in . t 1' sMtjie to le.irn atiMliing r oi , ' s 'iiisuii most uf the m uihi rs of th. i wire taken al 'nj to tin poliiet r.itirn I I ASK TARIFF FOR NEWSPRINT Makers Want Protection Against Europe of $15 a Ton V, Teh T, -(Ii A T i- ( 'iiiming that as n risult of t'i pres- it,t i luit ge situation jiapir ouniifii' i i'i- in N'orw.iv Swubn, Ilollnnd and ticnuiuy nm k th' n prmlu'ts in 'In I tuted Stnt's at a one. i j low p In tion osis In re, t.,i'ieiiii iiwsptiui niuti'ifn. tut .'rs n-kid tl.' Hon wi.v. and it, mis loiuinttei to iinv to ri. i o. i a turitl ot m.i a ton on in wspr,"i ii tortid from uuv louulrv except 1 .1 II I I 'In i i ' i t rut. i t J per nt ml valon tu j i'" mi I i vnlui m iib"v i igl I 'Mi's ii to ind tm mom Ii. nig a. i "i'l d '' '"- In 'oh that v.i'ii' GIFTS TO SOLDIERS SOLD I'lritnlw iile, I'u.. T. b ."i -'1 In fm I. .wing n.ti'i has bun post.i b tin T ioi niv Ir"'i Co '( 'wing t" the n here lonlitioits of business ve u h isi that, bijininiig Teh ruarv 7, wages in all department of this wnrl.s shall b" tne s mie n prior to .Innimrv, Ib'JO " Tn - mean a ! ml reduction of sixlv oiit n din. On lar.ur.rv '. the fir-t ndin'ion wetn into effi ' t Tii" bonus stoipid in November of lt'L'O. Breaks Into Poolroom Saiii i 1 Monroe sixteen viars old. sol Ninth I'niitt'i stint, ( 'iiindeii wn. hdd undi r "Tifin bail to.lav on the i barge of bntikitig and etitermc the poolroom of M 1, liaradu.), f2"J S nith Tourth strei. otirlj todin Haraduso told the peace be w.i- nwaVetieil L a noise, and found Monroe In the store, atti inpting to open t'ie i.i-n register, lie in id ion mill th" ile ( urnvi d and ti i .ii Move Comos as Result of Dis agreements Over Conditions Imposed by Mrs. Bellak WAS MEMORIAL TO SON The Joseph Tnwcett Itellal: Tost of he American Legion has taken pre imiimrv steps toward leaving tlio homo of the post, at 12'-'0 South Broad street, which was turned over to it Home kW months ago bv Mrs. Blanche Bcltnlc, mother of Tnslgn Joseph Tnwcett Hol Ink, who died in the servire on Octo ber !. 1018. The move comes un the lesult of n cries of disagreements over the condi tions of (lie gift and tho maintenance of the post home The members: of tho pott have decided to resume their for mer headquarter at tlie ndlevue-Slrnt-fofil and. if nesslsblc, hnvc their clmr ter changed they may resume their former name of the Tourth Naval Dis trict Tost. Mrs. lldliilc bought the property nt 12'Jt! Smith Broad sticet last .Tunc nnd litid it thoroughly remodeled inside. She, fitted out a dance floor n poolroom, u llbrar.v , offices and lounging rooms for the club members. She put In ti plfino and other nuntis of amusement mid rec reation The building Is nt present an iinusiia!l line jom'g men's club house Original Terms MLsiindcrstonil Tor some tone, while tho pot has been (Kcup.ving the building, theie lias liten a misunderstanding of tlie original terms of agreement between Mrs. 1'el lak and tlie members of the post ns to the ownership of the pmpcrty ns Implied in the original plan. Tlie member of the post feel that the house is hunted too fur from tlie center of tlie ( it to he ensih accessible to a majorit.v of them. Mrs. Bellak wants to keep the nienioiial exactly where il i. "What I was planning to do nt tlie time of tlie disagreement was to put the house in trust for tlie post," explained Mis Bellak. who lives on tlie third floor of the homo. "1 want lo leave a permanent me- mm ml to mv nn and one thnt cannot be sold or iluingpil by tlie will of ,inv Amct iciin l.egion post. I have put mv time and thought nnd money in making this the best memorial I could and I want the assurance that it will remain iindungi d Would ICxeititc Trust Dccil "I am willing to deed it tn tlie post in a trust, as nlinnst all memorials nrc ghtn and as other homes for legion posts have been held. I do not want to give it to tlie post outright nnd put Hie power in their hands to sell it w lien ou r II ev in iv decide to do so. "If I deed the building over to the post I .nn afraid tlmt tlie? mnv sell it and selis t another place to suit tliim sp'ves. I have put all my tare on Ihis house, have arranged it as I would wish ,i meinorinl to nij son to be, and tin is the way 1 want it to remain." Meiiibi r of tlie post declined todaj to d s, uss die situation. Slate Police Start Probe of Vice in Erie t mitimiHl from Pace One ten uited fiom the ranks and hence, the plainclothes men me known to ivervboilv who has iin.vtliiiig to do witli the depailintnt, and to (ili.cns geu cr.ill.v. Tiopositions to have an investigation of the dcpiittnu'iit lierelofoie have been ( nted Councils declined to go into tlie siibi'et until force of public senli li i nt i "in;'' lb d it to lake up the millions snbieit Inst week In the iniantinie Chief of I'olne W. 1 I let el has made mi invc tigntlon ii 'ns own. tlio i ('suit of which will be I iciiiIp known in n few ilnxs. it is slid. trnt, i hargi d with itnittn.' n riot in, i,,. creates! hoped fm results m tlie t'e rhi-d Ilec iii nt Viuiorv. Hi. t it 1 . tii l i -1 of deci nt louditions uie pic- h irton sMuts, shortlv- b. ".no mid l,ii,it., mi Ihe woik of the slate police night Th fin as was the i Diminution 1 1, ,, the Tebrniiry grand pin Six if a KP-ie. ii'" sin i in, iv, 1, bitween Hie v 1MI li.ivo hi en dinwu on the grinnl gobs nnd i iv i in- in the nrniorj. winch, ,u i in,. (,f tliem Is Mis. Sara T is now being umi! ns a skating rink l,.k. wile of the merchant who pre- THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Letters to the Editor loi . arc living to lorm a reailimiarv pattv from the Te.v,!,.', and Nationalist paitie., winch have i i epii'sentation In the Ke'"htiig of 115 anti-Conslitutional I'cptltl's The newspaper I'x.ol.Mor here, com ment inc mi this siiImi 1 1 , s. es everv whore in tiermanv a viobii campaign of ac -tntion against the Ihitenlo as well as tor tl e purpose of restoring the moti mch . . The authorities of Munich, Bavtria. have nskul the allied ofTuers there not lo nppdir in iinitni in in tlie stneis, ;n cording to noon le'iching the Trent Ii fot Ufcti olhce todav. 'J l.e rrqiiist wa made beiaine of conloued a, t iti ui ngaiuM the Allies, tii n ports snnl. ARREST SAILORS IN FIGHT Nine Accused of Starting Riot in Downtown Skating Rink , V tie smb"- litt.l'hei! to I'lll .idelplli'l I N.ivv Vnnl weie arnted bv inlue of 'tip Tifteeiith street ami Snd"i' tiM-nue d Aconliij to the polue, the sa lor , pr( pared t'ifnisevi. for a final on curie,! nttiii l on the civilian patrons of the hall 'a' nig' t and. n few minutes In-iii. ne ' before In the (( lveil in'' i w.i- nt ir ( it,, of I made s i , that inc p r with tiiei- nrrclid i St -ii" the bo !v II e. I tnheil tlio ClV lllllti t followed several ie it t .i ns and a not hoI i'or II. W. Puis - -ng.'b in resisting at rest win fm ceil to quii I him 'is nml h" wa- Ire itc d at oral for l.n orations of Man I ovir tho I'oiiitliousp miss moil in,- of protest. uhers mi! .Mrs. VV. JI Andre-vs. of muIi Uiraid: Mrs. Kalhaiine Ban v. "is. Margaiet C. Burns, am Mis ' ar.i A Willis, of lhie Cit.v . nnd Mrs Dun W'olbridge. of Taist Spring In i Ii i tlio fn -t vi nml iurv evel dnwn in Kue county that had women on tl ' j and. Il is extrctnelv doubtful if nnv popu hit uprising or demand for the iislguii r ton of the maxnr or investig'ilini, of the iiolu ml cllv othcials would lime In i . outdo had not those intriMiil with tin inanagement of Tile's nffalrs pnsi. nifli outraged public deconcv . Ha.s IJheruI Tenilenev Trie, like scoren of other small cities. his a liberal tendency. It is compia- 'edit toward many tilings lino itlnr i Miu'iiimitics would scvirelv poudemn. ct u.yi'il nl Paul S Drill I 'ff.ssrs linn U itlt All U nil: I' i n't a "'tightwad or ' hint? Sun , . , n town, by nnv laoann ir hifli fis Iinnii iihnirnl Sre fln'll li Clniirmt t, , u .,ro "enet'allv construed Bit Ot, oflicinls "overplaved theii 'hind." Tor Illicit v they substituted Washington Servlcs on Reading To the Kilitor vl tho mlii rufcHc J.nlairl Dlr Why la It that the Philadelphia nnd Itemllng lt,illvvn tin a not entered the Wasli Itmlon orvlco nd run truln Xrom thu lermlnal to the Union (tntion, Wnalilnir 'en? The llultlmoro and Ohio ban a New Vorlc eervlM ever the Ilcadlnir, mi why shouldn't thi Itsndtns have h similar rlslit of way over the IUItlmore nnd Ohio te VVnshlngton, aUrtlnu at Wilmington? It Is my iindfrstnndlnr that the Iteidlnj 1ms trueks to Wllmliictiin. To conneei with the Haltlmoro nnd Ohio thty could eosllv go v.ei tho Pennsylvania eubvvav, whlrh ennncele wild tho road running- on tho east sldo ot the HchuylUII, then through tlio llnlllirire nnd Ohio Btatlon i.t Tpnty.furth and rhentnut streetn nnd on to Washington This would give a ecrvlco from tho binstn"Pi unction of Philadelphia t. the limine" certlon of Ualtlmnre, nnd us lb Haltlmoro and Ohio u olnctrla Ineo motlv for the Hnltlmore tunnels the imoke lulsnnro cnrounlernl on tho l'entiBylvanla lUllroad nt Hnltlmore Is avoided. It hecms that the Penniivlvanla l cettlnir more Into the hahp of nldolrncklng l'hlln delphln, nnd edrely thin city Is entitled tn tetm'nnl service, or nt leant a Bervlno thnt will brine Philadelphia pumnnKerH dlreclly to tho center of thi city Inetend of dumping them olt at West nnd North Philadelphia, wliero one hna to wait nn Indefinite perlitd for trnnportatlnn Into the city. The DiiltltrorH nnd Ohio station nt Twenty-fourth nnd Chestnut street3 Is In nn un desirable lorntlen In this elty and Is proved so by tho trndo the Pennsylvania Railroad has l'ENN. Philadelphia, January 31. 1021. Wives and Husbands Must Be Pals To the ViUtor o tho Kventiia I'ubUr Ledger' Sir I vvonder how many women who aro contemplating nmrrlngc this year aro plvlnit the miller ktIhu I thought. Aro they plan tang a hipplness that wilt be everlasting, or uro they simply truftlng to luck? Tins Is not n sl'ly nutation but a mini icrlous eine llnw tniny unliariw brlde nro there In this great country? This problem Is be coming a itallo'inl one, and It behooves all r us to h"lp. If iwsslblo, by soio means or other to prevent un lncrcaee of such a rendition While there are mny unhappy brides, tlere aro thoueands of happy brides, Ihe difference between tli two kinds Is that nne Ii Wiling tn bo a bride nnd tho other Is not That Independence which wo ecu creep ing Into our womankind nowadajs Is cer tainly taking Its toll: for, after all. women werrt not made to b Independent, but to b submissive, and tho woman who la t-ontlo. kin! ind submissive to bcr liusbind Is 6n ii.illv rowurded with nn nvtrlaotlnc happi ness Wo tlnd tho "first lady of tho land" has l"ii a hapnv bride since her marriage to I resident Wilson. And as e'ni leav.s the Willie IIouto there will step In utiotlicr t-ulv representative Amerl-.m woman, Mrs Wiirrm O ltnrdlng. t-he Is a woman It Is n Id. who believes In being n real pal to her I u-bnd. hhe has not hnd It nit roses dur ing her married life. Jet she never failed for an Instance lo bo n pal to the man aim married IIr father objected to her tnnr i imm, but It didn't ch.mgo her mind one letii and. furthermore, she proved lir good by moving nvvay from her parents to tlv. other of tho town, where rim could lie happy with the man h loved livery woman who contemplates setting married rr Is married v 111 nnd nn ciubo for com plaint ns to her home conditions If she tries to be a real companion to her husband, W. I. CL'nrtAN. Phllndclphla, January 31, ltd. Punish Banditry by Death To the Editor ol fht KvlililD iu!)llc LeAnrr' s,ir tt in n ruin of military procedure m rnnrt-irnrital' and execulo any soldier who deserts, or who, b refusing to obe ordera i.r betrajlng military secrets. Jeopird Izes th" success of mllllarv movements The s Igtitest cletnenrv nt su.h times would result In a breakJiwn of Ihe entire army A s tnailen has overtaken this cttl 1 well ni most of the other cities eif the ennntrv that rmulres nnd deniandt th earn i dtastle nctlcn Of Isto thrro has do velopel A lnrie and crowing class of tral torB to society. They Inve deserted the r.irki of honest cltlrens ard arc ngsio-d In di striving tho soldiers of Industry Tli.y dlnreeard human lit" To co-er with ii elcndlv gun the dfcnectoiH dtlrn who Is gnltig about his task of honest work Is as fMnl to society as Is the desertion of t'i soldier In tbo urmy bo lias rledsed tn sup- r Th. tefore. If sojle'.v Is to be innlntnlneri In the cltv. nnl rovcinment persist there Ii only one course lo pursue ir,-,., ,,..n outlaw n ns enemies and do bv them as a . urtinarilel does In the arno lo n trii-in- nr d.'sorter. The nnalngy Is absolutely If bandltrv Is mide punish ible .vy death Instntlv mjeli form i of nullnwrv will -c i-e Though one or two live, tnk"n mnv le'th- penally, dozens of hopes'. InduM-lnus , Itlzens will be saved to incletv during tlie prneoss How long will It take our courts and nff'licrs to see that society cannot b sav eel In any other wn ' wir.UAM t .iohdw rhlladelphla. Janunry 31. 10'Jl letters to tho IMIlor should bo n brief nnd to tho point as uoselDIo, voiding nnythlnit that would open a (IcnomlnitlomU or Btctarlan dlacun siou. No nttentlon will be, paid to anon ymoitB lettcro. Names and nu (lreesea must bo slijned nu nn ovi denco of good fnltli. iilthotiBh nnmos will not be printed If icquest la mado that they bo omitted. Tho publication of .a letter Is not to bo tnken n an of its vievvg by, thin pafir. rommonlcntlonM will not bo Jo turned unless accompanied by post age, nor" will manuscript bo saved. thirg as truo friendship existing In this v orld today. I would like in mv a few words In de- fenso of friendship, tlccause wo have betn illsuppiiltit.'d In ono oi iven a row peoplu u no reason why wo should harden our hearts toward every one nnd feel that there Is no such things as truo friendship. What a Iflieiv, drenry world this would bo without friendship, nnd what a selfish oncl We art, happiest when we aro serving othern, nnd If wo find those who full to appreciate what wo have done or are doing for them thsre aro Plenty of others who dn apprcelnte Somewhere I -end thit ' n friend Is ono vho makes us be nur best." and whin wo find ono who helps us, lifts us up and In spiren us tu bigger, better nnd finer things vn hnve found n friend Incite I. and thev aro worthv of our lov nnd trutl There wss a Judas III the life of our Divine tord. and no doubt there Is nlso in the lives of many of us today, but wn must not lt that nuke us hitter for we are go ing to bo moit mlicrnble nnd unhippy If wei close our hrurts to those who sei k to enter In, (.ud I am sure thnt vie hnvo all found wim time er other In our lives that "t.lfo his no Pleiisurc nobler than thnt of friendship " i.tjrv i: kiinnv. TVImjra, N J , I-eMuan 1. mill. r'ghled, nnd wo would bavo to et ire mission to print thtn. You can tjt.s ' Hum In nnv mulo store "-h Wo will print the second two if . r,. will send them In. r'Jf A Kipling Poem To the IMlorol the llvmtnu PtiMio Ltt,. Hlr rjnclosed find copy of "Th et ' Trail." l,y rtudyord Klplln" reT,Ut,t"nJ' your piper uf tho lath inu.,... ,.' .'.' 'a nrL.. ,..f . tii .:." .."". "' '""J Cumberland . ..... inniuiK i,y i si ," aiuiLi:HiiAKiaiiii?S"It- id. Iu . January 17. lo i Tlin OYHHYTUAII. Questions Answered Tho pled snake to the rifled roi!t An-, ouiii in cu" sinny plain, SCHUCK, MURDER SUSPECT, DRAWS PICTURES IN CELL il these ROUTS BANDITS WITH GEMS Jeweler Is Shot, but Drives Off i Thieves by Throwing Diamonds "With u bul'et wo in in h -,e, a : "U'ett I'hiluddphiu j'-weler hi-t i.igl t I littacked I wn mmnl ban 'its mid h( lit I them seiiirvitg fiom In 'hop iiiunl a. Vollev of ilium uids. j Wlllium S tstui met wjs oo,iug his i ttore at 1172 North Fifty ei nnd sttpet I at I) o'clock, whin the door op'tinl and two men cnteicil aud coveri-'l him w t'i their pistols Sturnii'v liad a Iaig' truv nf i',n rnoilds in his hands, whhh he wns on the point "f linking in Ins nfo. N. th ins daunted bv the liieiiii. nig guns lo hurled the trav at ope inun. As he did the other tired and file bulb t stock the jeweler In the si,.. tiripping his show caso to hleadv hitiiself, he pnkul up a second tru mid throw it Overcome bv sm'juIm' Hnd th" "nr age of th" nan the two wou'd ln thieves tin ne i mid tan Sturiuev fi. Momil them oit-ide aud tfaw them j'liup into an automobile which a thiid mm "s diiving. and ' upeeil nvvay Th vonnded mnn wns taken to the , VTeBt l'hlladelphlii Jlomenimthl" Hos pital, whero It wus said tbta uftcrnoon lilA wmofvjviw Si flcngua. 40 000 Suits of Pajamas, Donated by Women, Now in Market I T i l!v T i , of pi it of pajan ii- in nl t "ti for soldier- in in ih 1 i tn ,, i;,,' in n i-i , at" being . "'iiit v tlio ,gh th ni ttti spi Miiitoi-s ni i ashitiglon, I 1 oit. i ' ai d bv Ami ' 1' an vv Ti n but s, i nn ii no ' tl l s f in tii Tn in b iiiid Ann I5" 1.1 a suit I, 1 Ii. km II iis.i tain .In-. ..r ..t tl,. i'u - T T ib i hue I todav l,i fore a HouFe war oi .1 st .Jill Itlg ' "llllllllH ' 'I'u p, limns wiie ijivin '" the iirnn bv tl.i l!'"l "ss and .sold bv the hqul ilntii'ti i oi iini-si iu, In -nnl, but I'l' mil -pi i tihitot 1 vjut tlntn trom tlntr govern inent Intel and so'il tloui to Aiiierlcau, w bo sir I PP i J tin in if Ih'' III d i - in gum. MEXICANS KILL AMERICAN Citizen of U S. Shot by Revolution ists, Washington Is Advised Washington, 1". b ." ' M I' , It II fuse, an 'iiviunn ' Il7in. is 'lend lit the I'llono in, in -, ili-til.' of lopin state of Ilirnn.'o from gunsliot wounds lllll'ileil I'V It'Vo ,,tntu4 ! Iiinitiond .1 fsihuek. imprisoned in I ""inurdireis' low' in the I'amden jail ' wliile he wnits trial for the murder of Dnvil S Taul ( iimileri niuiK iiip"ii I ger, hi- t.riud his hand to making in' Hire u n diversion. Vtid tm -ii'prtsing purl of it tsjluit ' In li.i" sbo n unusual talent Tho"' who hnve -i en Ms drawings saj ii.nt woh instrn tion iu art work lie would have i i..i i pi iirti't of high cm 'Ih' long davs m pil"u since !,c nnd Trat.'t .1 .lulu'-, 'ilreadv convicted in the siiue murder, were ttiken into ni-- todv 1 id beeil pl.-Sei bv N lllldf woril- tng with mm if and paper Most of Ill's d-nwitig-i li-e imltutioiis oi iiipl''- inris he Inn si en la no uuig i- . . ... - t . ....! ..... I ., ... ' 71111'. II'' mis Tlieu soiin- oiiin.ii .,,!.. however and with "rv fair -in c. s II" has d'velopiel a slrengtb nnd bull n'ss of eecition which milk' hi- work -i "tu fur frmn amateurish l'irliiips tht lonstHiit occiipaiion r ulnii h-,- suit Sdim It' splills up. di - spite in, not that his uuiipanion is in the 'ii'b.w of tlio death chair, ami , i n , mini es of U' 'initial In no un ai,s bright I High Tltch of Confldenre I Whatever ihe reason, Si bin k has not onlv brought liinisolf to a lugl, (pitch of i onl'uI'Mii e, but has hied Ins latlorti'v .1. Ilnssi'll ('arrow, with s,,mi. ot th" mie belief mid ctilluisiiisii, "Miv, Hiiss. when do I i,ii I. up and Ii this jointV" is one of h'h fn.,u. nt ,pn nous " imkeo it when the at- i tome v informed him lecentlv that Su I reine I'mirt .luslice KiiUi'tibadi, who tried .la me, had set back Sehiiok'n trial nnothei' week, until Tebrimij II I S'h'i'k has iiiipresseil every one I around the prison with his confidence lie never sees i arrow tii'tt ne hop, not tell ihe lavv.vir "well bent tills cbm ship " .... Mr (.arrow, in talKing about. I'M 111 ' '! I I. C Jaine, " i if ., I u fo of ill fensi 'I C'ts 1,1, S. hud '.lll'l-. I la! o-sc v as loanv guiltv who Hunk '"" " "'"' lu,lt ' ' '""' ' "un most as I tank onieclioiuiuie Kind. vh ., n-mi oi ine i pre-ein upncuviii. inu i-.vjuua oi wom.-- r-r, it wou'dn't pinvc lrne "irnb'c ciliclis of both scvc has com- I mi or mo to iwpose our line l ""'iiecd, and the policu uro raid to havi bul il I suc'li dial ltav ex- ''I'l'lenlv placid the ban on gambling iKiiintn " Ibiuis 'ind other disreputable remrtn. has made fiieiuN with lilt. ' Tins moruiiig. however, a wcll-Iinown aiulv because of his sense ot cuii'n niformcil mo hat gainiiung re- Live In the Present To the re.tor'o the .Vriuiu; f'ub.'i' I.edori . ,s,rl was much IntercHe.f In the litter signed "Three Pcore." I am mnro than seventy vearn ot age mss-lf I hnvc gei .rall bol a bnppv life, although mlv.d with so-re sorrow ard bereavement but t Oilt.k I nm happl-r novy than evr before I think thst the truo philosophy of life una tho key to h cpplnesie Is to live In tho i, i.-ni .n matter what mnv have been tie nil,., 'ikes or triumphs of jcslerday. they nrc lievrd recall Tomorrow may never come. Wliv worry I .ut If To enjoy to the utmo't the pres rnt hour and to do good to others Is n r sltlvn dut. Not bln; In iiellvo busln. i s. I i,s- nvi-h of -ry time In hei PeUl ehuieh nr.l ihnrltnh'e dliectlons. the past Is fullle iilmut the fuluro s n v Tho C.rcnt Tower brought me Into Oils ,.nrl.' v ihout my will or consent r have hnd uiurli happiness here, and 1 am willing to trust Itnn In tho great future opening lefu us nil tn this perfect trust reus On. s. cret of a serene nun mippv nm un Lafayette's Visits To the Editor ol th' f.'t'eiilst; I'ullic t,edarr: Sir TIow often did I.nfayetlo visit this country after tho Revolution? When did these visits take plaie'' t, ii, ortAUNun. Phllndtlphla, IVbrunry 1, IfJ'jl Taifnsetto visited tho United States twice after the e0so of the Revolutionary War first m 17l. a seir oftT the eore of tho war. and again In 1S24. On tho second vlrlt he mado quite an extensive tour of lha country, nnd nan ep'huslistlcnlly welcomed an "tho champion of liberty In both hemlfpbcrcB " Wants Readers to Settle Dispute To Ihe I ditnr nl tht V.vrnina Public Ledner-Mr- t wish ou would print this problem end irk vour readers 'o send In an answer tn It. which plenso also prlef A nnd It firm a pirmershln. A putn In 1 1 "00. II puts In tsOOO Ihev luv threo housi-H of iqual value, paying JtS.f'OO for them Thev encji take a. liouo nnl sell the third house for Snno. How snnuld this JS000 bo di vided? Ihev uunrreled nnd dissolviil part n'rihtp A -lilmed on-thlrd ef the Jsonfl, but Tl claimed that ho vvno entitled to all tirnuse nf the Increased vnlue of propnrty, V.hlrh Is right? II O LYONS Philadelphia. Jmui irv SI. T'-'t In 1883 To the I rlttnr ot the Pvenlnn Public ledger tlr Will you plen'ii tell me when the t He nf letter voi.tng was reduced from three cents tn two rent' P I A IhllndelihU, I'ebnurv 1, 1J1 Ages In Civil War To the l.dltar nl the ffeiiuia J'lifihc ledger Rr rtccenllv i reid.r commented on ptatement" Hut sppetrd In the piper show ing lint some Civil War ve.,rans were now dvltig ft III -lg- of s.'ventv who hid Tved al! through the vr nnd stntd If this vv ccrrect On v launt have enlisted nt alout ten visrs of ,ne I.t me give jcu the fol lowing nges of enlistment ns rlvn out by tl Inltod S'nte i rnnm'.ssioner nf pensions "Df r.ni4S men enlisted fnr rur rivll War 1 4'H 270 WIT. und r tvv 'tity nne veir" nf nr.. nt the time of enlistment, mnre Hum 1 100 nnn were under seventeen, over 100 Ono were under fifteen more Ihnn 000 were un der thirteen and twent fi.e under lm ' V. I. TTtASK. rhilndrlp'ili. Tebruatv 1. 1021. The President's Oath To the Editer of the Pvinlerr PuhUe 1 r drier fUr- Wlnt I the wnrdlne nf the nsth taken bv tl P-i sldent nf tho I'nllcil Mtitcs nt ills InnuKuratlnn? W I, T rhlliil Iph'i Ivnuarv 31 1021 The until Is "I do soletunb swear for af firm) that I will falthfull" exeeiite the of. flee of President of th L'nllrd Wtates nnd will, to Iho bst of m nbllltv preserv , pmtect ind di fend the constitution of the fniiel States" For Forum Mathematicians 7o the 1-rflMro' t'ie ici'liu; public l.n'aei sir itninff fond nf mstlieniatli a. 1 nm rpenrtlng considerable Ome now In ftgurlnir cut the following riohl.m Tind thi prlro nf . ggi when t-vn li"s fnr twelvi- cnti raises the price one cent per linden C H I, riitlnilclplila. I'lbriMiv 1. 1H21 lly Iludyard Klniow The whlto moth to tho closing vim The b3i- to the opened clover, And llu Ilomuny blood to tho noma, v ,, Ever thu vvldo world over. 0M- Ever tho vvldo world over, lass Ever tho trnll held true, Over tho world nnd under tho world And buck a I last tu you, Out of the dark to the Oorglo camp One of the grim and tho grav (Morning wnlts at tho end of tho , OM'sy, como nway. cr,a' The wild benr to the sun-dried swarne The red crnno to lies reed And tho IT'imnny lasa to the P. .many ta lly tho tldo of ths roving breU Morning vvilln nt the end of th- wori,i Whero winds unlnltered p nv Nipping the. nai ks of their plurglnc ,..l Till tho whlto sea li-.ree, nlih R Mnl"' , A";' ?l il01."11!!!.' H",tn "" ""man hi And both to tho roud again. ' Tloth n tho road ngnln. ntnln Out nf the deep Bea track. l'"o1lnw the cross of tho gvpjy (, , , Over the world und back. follow tho Ttoniany palleran North whero Ihe b'uo bergs sa" And tho bows nro gray, with t!, f,01 sprny, " And tho masts aro shod with ma1 I'ollow tho Romany pattersn. to the Austral light, Whero tho boaom of Clod Is tSe w,m . velnd, ," Swccplmr tho sex floors white Follow the Romany patteran, West to the sinking sun, Till the Junk tells lift through th.. tii.,m, And tho enst nnd the west are opt follow the Romany patteran, East where tho nllenco broods lly n purple wavo on an opal heaps. In tho hush of tho Jlnhln wools The wild hn wis to the wind-swept v The eler to the wholesome weld, Tho heirt of a mnld to the heart of s mii As It vvna In tho dayH of old ' a null. The heirt of n man lo the hsrt Light of mv tents be fleet Mornlna- w-allH at the end ef ihn vorl And the world Is all nt our feet A Ross Wallace Poem Te (tic Editor ol tho Frrnmij Puh - Lofoer1 vour Tenpi rora-n .vvn-,i or TUnker r v lone ln.'i 1 i- Pe.t s nyies K I' "tt (frlii e snd nitflt " he d'M " ' f inui'c lilt I, Plr Pl"ne print In columti t'i nlil pneni Th Till! " und in tne the nuthnr RtintirfA Pnlladelph'a Jnnunrv .11 The nuthor nf this pneni 1 Wallace who was bnrn t . In isfl lie vrns the son ' clergvninn lie been pie i ' till bnino In New York cii In 1NR3 Tho poem hut. I. i by Ilernard Tovert. the swonn or hunkvr lly William Ross Walln. Tie nv upnn his eMng berl Ills eves were grew Ins .I'm When, with n feeble vnlce. he ca ' Ills weeping ion In him "Weep lint, rrv bn , ' the velerin atld "I bow to hiven'a high will Hut ciulekh frnm vrn entlT-i nr rs Tho swoid of Bunker lll'l ' The sword was broucht th" rnMlcr t eye Lit v Ith n sudden flnni" And ns he rrasiied the nnelent lte murmured Wsrten' name Then said- "M li I leavo sou B '1 Hut. what Is rlche- sO't, f !iiv. vnu mnrk me mark me e w Hi" sword uf Hunker Hill1 " 'Tvv as on thnt cliend Immortal di" We dired the Hrlton's bind A capttin rld this ldndo nn ie I Into It frnm his lmnd' And while the rlnrle,t battle raged It lightened freed, m's will l'nr. boy Ihe (lol of fieedom h sd Tlin sv;ord ef Hunker Hill To worry nlmut and fnolhh, to v.-orrc- Is uselrsa and unnecej- I'l 1'ed'lphla Tebruiry 1 I0JI i HNBc-. Poems and Sonps Desired "Dead, Not Yet Dead!" To ' ie rdi'or Of IlK roclimn 'llli.'l- I rrigei Sir Will Nou plenso print or r-nuem nf veur readers a locm cntl'l'-cl ' lea. Net T.t JVnd"? I do not knavv the iciuhnr'n nnm" '. i .o l'hilnelclph'n Jenuarv 111 11 a crri breVet till grasped th b'l'i "Oh, k'ep 'he senrd' ' I i A umlle nnd lie was dead Tlut IiIb wrinkled hue I I'poii Hint dvlng bed I h- nun remains, the sword mm i ( Ii giorv growing -.'ill And twentv millions h'c the And sword of llu '.-r lllU C I. O '" cl sti Ih" four l 'In "PuiJ'lr .'"vv by eiilMt Uurg s ' f- f" II " dslrei 1 rnm etii t eit lteirt I ap.l Mvself" and ' 'TdJll Jus' Tl t e Oil I Last (ileal ( liars' .'I ' ( L H " desires n poem e Mtled .per" inniainltig thei-e lines "Room for the brer' Room' And as lm (aim th ci t i s 1 Mirv rril,et 11,-n-v I, rilnn ib sires two po'n ii the .steam lfej'cd I" a file", of Trri ' Tht hiiii. or lb dcln't let him. elf ce t cb I'l -se.l v I ' n Ihe jui.v refused to roe oiiuien.' mi -i v for.ImiKs liisleid. I" ln.iiiiigcl t . -uul lilt'i it cheerv uicssiige I- 'grip, i..." "Don't despaii-, vou'll be at it vei " Inline itselj Tnnil of .J. ones ! ' li -i ''111 I i I"' S in i'l dv fond of .lion' 1 i,..v wore frieii Is in bovhuod nnd Mrs .lunie.i, then little Mitud Npie nel.wn.oic of llielr "i row'd " Si 'am k, spi.iking if .lames, saviln "iipv r win tioi - ' a- ii bov mid voung man hnrh s A. Wuhi'ilon, t'uindeu (oun tv ii,-i 'u'nr, who got th" convii'tioii In the Jumps dise, fui es a ehll.cull task in b'liiKin.- Si buck 1 1) triul. 'J he prem.. cut hn I miiiu tlie prNouer from 1, v - ' I nnd is u wuriit iriend of Si luick's fathei l.xpirt Itlg Ciovul at Trial l.n aler crowds even limn ittleii'lul ih" .liiiic s triul nm looked fie vvliu, Nliuik is fnniiallv charged wuh the nl.i of Taul I idet-Hi. I iff llevvilt, w ho v, ill have ( linrge of he s, ntiuH. ,, . i ai g nn no , has aliiinl. inciiui i , a I umy upplll lltlons lis tin re lie si, it in I..' iniirt. f'nlv those having Ini-i in -- I , i oiirt will be admitted Special Kuurds will be detailed mi the low.,' lb, r of the (cniiliooiu to keep mil thi nm hid uriosit) ncckers, who will, nu duiilit, lm theie. L tic jnr.v will he elrawn from the same nel us that trom which the .lames v was drawn, mid il is unite likelv that a u"w M'liuc will nave to i,e lira pnni j'irv .. it eve 1...1IIO win nine lo on tin... .. hpiidi'il nv nu. .vrrii'tn nr'nners, me i ;,.),, U' cut rnorinnarv coniiiii nee. ' before the jurv box in tilhd. Iu u, Mim Iiipiiitui nt w.,s advisid todtiv .,i "rtnv Sclunk is mote Hum a Jane ti ml ioie than iM v iiircu , vv-i Mr I nsc s Memuin wife v us woundi 1 , r.i ,.,,. t . He's inv pal Ir s ,nt so j . examined before the uuv win ion.i.1'1' vcurs ago (lint In and 1 plaved on tho, xhw ol ihe age of ( 'aso Mevjiuin vvife v us w. nindi in inc unu ne ine sM,i ,. vcurs ago tlmt ",n tinu ,' piaveii on (iici, t, vl nj (U. auvai.iel nge ol ui'' (ipiiiinii'"i( sum ii. imvues gave" .n,i. iiaselial! leiim vv e were i no nir m n,e jurors uuu i no nut unit munv few details but in lie nteel tlmt ( use l ,nttcrv of t'ie Tonsaitkeu Club iu tho e ,,f n,,m lir bla'v to 1 now Si lm I i, had been hrtsj upon aftir he liad re dayH, ' nnd our friendship dates hack ids family, tho piobnbthty ot a jnj fused to permit tho "revolutionists" to even earlier than thai-. I being deeiircd from thin rjunol Is de Ulaarm him. . 1 "W have pcrctcil n good u.lcntc, cidoUly ellui. suit, worn still nourishing. It will have been observed that in n tei ital nf the evils of the present iiiiinl eipnl organisation, iiothiug ha been e id about piciti'cted vice und licensed guniblmg Hut these have not been overloo'.id. The inference, based on universtil evpc riciiro with Hitch conill tiuii in cities, is that "saiim bodv is getting theirs " Tliut soineboilv, or .scuiii I odie'., will, 1 nm told, lie (Mtifiiltv looked after. i'i ii v -niiblliiz is common, slut nut- dune- uri iuii mid iliiinet. and Outs me bung gut In red for future use. 'Jin- stale of Telitts.vlv.inia Is getting n, oie dn plv involveel in the lomplexl-ii'- of this wretched condition. A woman who wa.s a witness: of tlio mur der ol Mngistruto Moniii ill it N'ofcr" eiivi, was taken In charge after Ihe irnii" by Mish Cordelia Hond, u social woiliu, and placed in the .shelter homo, a Isiilvalion Armv bouse. llu girl was bids ainl vviib quaran tined ll( r vv liei eaboillH woic kept sec tot, witn Ihe obioct, it is alleged, to sine In r Inun mil and the presumed foiling ol a slorv fiom her coiitrarv to fm Is in i i i nine. Di. .1. W Wright, ceiuntv lueilical nlli. or. iiicnocsiiil, it is said, In this mlioii of 1 list i ht Attorney muss, inio the gnl wa.s romoved to thu cmiiilv lull, whue 'he now Is Slate Iluillh Com missioner Tdwanl II. Martin ban been boinbardud xvitli intervicorn, und ouoted us ttaing one thing one day and another tho next, with tlie result that tlie situation Is In a btatc of telephonic and telegraphic chaos, but Dr. M irtin can well take inn of bis end of the litl" I'roii) ibis on the situatlull'B I'lteicsl will he divided between the couiu llmanlc invest igul nm willi Mr Ciilson as mini--I the giaiiil bov iinehtigatlmi and tin auivilli's ut the Htale pol "0. Of t i laiter'f operations-, however, very little is expected to rrnch the public unlll their wotlc Is completed. Praise for Hoover Editorial lo fi J-ctilor o tht V..ening J'ulilio Ledge si, c'n a readr eif jour pap-r si ml von i etier nf pinlse or Is such a thing liel il'nueil ' I nnUiow- 5 nur editorial on Mr Hoover In n recent lejiie of the l.vr vis'i Tiriir Lrni.iii Ib one thit I think "'ull urii.'.il tu a largo nuinbor of peoplu In Ihla nil u S A. WII. 1.1 AM ARMSTRONG ( bet.r l'a . January '.II, Wi. Opera Fifty Years Ago fo Oiu Pdnnr al the Exenino P'tblto Ledger: Mr IP arding the 1. tier a few days ago as I i npeiii i t,, cltv llfly years am, I dnitlnriiv i.nimbir Iho i uhi n of 1KI" "t tin, Ac nl. in nf Mimic and ullmdcd a icint'r if itrf irtn,.n"tv thit s..nn 'Ihe season eeiin nn October 10. und nniong tl.. siiui ( Lira Louise KellngK Cur mn lei, Natiili 1'isi.i M.uzoleln Ilelllnl nnd lissuti The ctiera wus "Crlslplnu o Is e miiHii iiio Huniul opera vvnu "1'ra Hlaviiln ' ih, a honnambula" un 1 "II Trovalnr I ti.t preen (hurged were frnm tvventv llu, et,iH tn Jl r.O Tho best i.'ilB ill the tnnlli ce weie I (in .Mmiuy evening, Orlnb-r 22, Mever urri I, Rmlle .u Nnrd " was ire senlid fi iho tit nt nm, Phllsili Iplna ",,h.i tint t.'i. of j. rtcirmeiK"B cver.d t' te. w..v rii xt npifU perfnrtnsncna Ihkuii mi ieci.inbr 7 eh. n u l'rui II opera .uuu nuy iu- tn I'hlii,l.piU ami nieiu d at Oi- Acul tm in ' .t. nnm ' Tlio t,u ne week thev guvi, ' c rowti lUninnnda ' The i ml rl cf operaii In-gun on Vet tcury A 1HH7, when "Muriha" was given mn icoun- singars l,.irg Ullllum t'usllo, S c rainpliell nnd Zclda heguln Tho operuu thai lollnwed uere ' Tru Dlaxolo." "Murl tunu " "Ln boiinainhulu ' "The Rote ot Castile ' "lloheinlon t.lrl," "Llnelu. ill Cha mounm" ami "Th- Hnehuntreis " The si a sin lasted three weeks To the orra was uddod many loncerts recitals, etc. as well as Btveral nritoiloi. by the Handel uud Ilsydn Hnelriy. oi.T) 'I1MI.R I'lllladllphls, 'ebrueiy ) mjl Friendship a Necessity lotho rdilor ot th,i i , ,,, it,tc ir,i., HlrA few diw. in,,, i ro,id' In the I'e plus Km uni a I vv p., H c ini.iiiliig f ,, Mp wullen by on who, no doubl, hid just Is-an grtoitly dlaappointed In unci whom he believed to b n friend Tho writer nf the. I'M MCini tofdtl that theie Is no auuv Wants a Parody To ue Fditot ol the ri'.nfiij 1'iili'ie 1 rrtper Mr Torlv jeirj ngo 1 came i rrti-i tamd nu the Hun pnnular pmn "Oh the Snow, the lle.iutlf'it Snow" I cllppi n ind plneid It atnutig mv numerous sirups for safi keeping, but unfn-lunntelv in iJr "fllttlngB" nlnr.i that tlm Ihe parcdv w,,H In.t toMih, r with unnv in ire good thlnge Hew jileasid I shnuld Is now If nrv ef vnur noineinus reudirs vnu c uld flnl nnn who nilght bo able tn furnls , H, i.ld paiody fnr ore nf vnur nppreet.illv, re c.l on of the People" j Torum Mrs f. II tlrldisburg V. hrurv 1 1!IJ1 Wants a Poem To tie I'd, 'or o the I veihlo Public l.nlor iir (an lou print In vour People e To rum thu poeni from whMi these lines af-e eiuotecj- ' ."'-weici nu i.'uni, d were w. I was lord nf the lnea rate. And you were cjueen of the sea Mrs r. ,S II I'hllndeiphl i. January 31. 1021. Regarding Songs To lite Pdttnr of the Iiriilno Pubhe l,rdQe' Hlr inn vou publish in the Penplej'H IVi M'ln ir I'll no where I get the wonlj only 'f llin song,, "JspHti,. n Smidmati," "Avilnn ' aid ' I'alestilna' " Alsn 1 wnulil lllto the wnrd. nf ne old lolled snng mnre of n dlttv, e.illi I "Illl. likens jlt.ii iiimlh-r s'UV In Oi' Mini, tunc t In' f'lrsntleii the tnmi of t, nn. but It stnitx sninOiliin- like 0,1s "rrerii nnre wick u mil 11 tlmt Mil II Hill k irv striii!yi' Hut somehow or other vva i s'tghttv r rangvd ' AlUHl'R I. Dllins I'hllndeltln-i ! III Iti.'l The tlrst thru' s ugj n in. si- I in eon The People's I'oruni will uppeir ,(l'l In the Ilven'itg l.ntcer. ind nl In (lie Minduy fuhlle ledger. I'll" il sriicsliig tlmily topics will le prlnl'ii. us vvll us rniuesleil pneins, nnd qurtloei of general Interest will lie answered Write out f'unlldenllal or S ltlglils Immriiiit l.ntter or p iriinie wlih a p'i niigmi as vnur ama in i' e ef g ea" l rll ..tiv i i rexlliltnn of d.ilr , t sill s ' seieiinsr n h ' VV d fill linn e e HOTARY : License St for int 111 .fit' Automcbiie STENOGRAPHER Uxpert, Specialist In ljTigllih r opfideulU' 1 pcrlened III All 1 lie p ii.i jer'n i iv.jeuii" -;':-, JSUI All.rilUnn itiy.i.i.. - - I. w IllllOK Howl mdig DAV f,at Aff moon (Bundnvsi JJjni i - i Up if i -s. t - 'C 'it :. ha splash or deli without , turn.. m, .XSK Jim ' Pat. .Tuner IK, IUI rniuiilelH u lino II III hut-olT suvts water Ask our tor isnvlll s huaii-nrrk fiiuifll. THOS. SAVILL'S SONS 1.110 VVAI.I..M I". hTUKKT 30E30E 30HOC aocaoc 3OC30I COME HAVE DINNER at MEENEHAN'S CAFE SUNDAY SPECIALS 62ND & WAI-NUT STS. Lobster Dinner, $1.50 I'd Ilroiled Lvbittr I rub lia( u.u lyicitni 1 i t ol olj &uuie Itnrhrcurd Oi tent O Hd'eeel J'ott.uei U Afeeiicfian' Speiiul Dinner, $1,G0 ( Kit. Unit .iu iialoi ' . I. 7-r ,'n . tl ,,mt iiij, i, i turaUiti't J'ufufui s Chicken Platter, $l.S0 Hall .S n i ( lo. dm a Ut .Va w'0'1',, e urn ftuli . 'olello ( .oifu"1'' lioait Sirloin Platter, SI 25 e l I Milo'il II II III ll'Vvia" J .. i. d I'ni." , l' 1 Ii'U" vi i r ' i' lioast Lonlb Piatim, $100 : . ii i 1 ni li v. i , , a h v Point tet Slut J Platter, $1.00 l.n! ,1 s, , iiileii lllatv I ri ill 'nu ( u i-slaui I0E30E aocaoc aocxcE 7.0E30 I 1.A J", (tv