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rjaKfj i? - 'r-viw, :n;;r""' 'jspiv f 'i5H!!J!3! -nw-j" i riV; -j rtf,.- - !( ' W' '""'fl le i !M K M tr MANY FOODS AND THEIR USES DISCUSSED BY MRS. WILSON r S7ic Names the Various Cuts pensive Ucchamel, Biffins and Bird's Nest Soup Among Things Described Jlr MILS M. A. WILSON fUofvrlaM, 1911. bv .Vri. .V. 4!l rtohti rrimtil.l .1. inisan. T)EAN flour of Into jears Is coming - Into general eulmury uoj It Is the finely pttlicrlrcd flour of the benu end Is used f(ip foupi, stoi ks iiml In Certain Ills dm; to dlKlstive disturb ances. Ucatcn biscuit, or Mnrvland biscuit. Is a biscuit made without the use of R lcavcnlne nitoilt: iilr is incornor.ateil into the dough hi beating and folding I iho ilouth. This fvj-ms small blisters In the dough mid when It is j laced in I n iiui oen ir expands, making tlio bis- ' cuit light nntl porous. If property made. They aru delicious nnd hare an impor tant place in the diet. Beechnut Is a sped or nut of the beech tree; it Is a member of tin- oak famlh The nuts arc 'harp wcdg-J. triangu lar in shape and crow ns twins in n pricklj , ht nl burr. Thoi uro sweet flavored, dainty and tender Ileef This meat Is well known and deeds little description, ns It i umihIIv tlic chief Hfaple, furiiUhlng n large part of our protein diet. The expensive cuts re from the loin, rib, rump, part of tho round; this Is about "0 pir cent of the animal's total weight. Tlio in--pcnfdve cuts are the nek. which con tains the Inrgcst percent ig of nutil imcnt, pound for pound . it is ued for beef tea, soup, bouillon and stows, llrlsket, or plate, may be boned and rolled, r.oston tle, fop pot oasts Bhln for Houps, stews and gou ashes. Shoulder, oi clod, a dclti ate delirious pot roust ( ro- ribs, plate and navel, nio the same as briki t These outi an' friiuintl ux.d fur corn Ing. The ribs are usual' v divided into First cut -first three rib. which uri prime or choicest cut of tb iiulmil and most exponsiv, the hcioiid cutthe prime ribs of beef are sn'tuid and third cuts. This last cut comes nett to the chuck; it can be made a mot de sirable anil inexpensive cut. Have the butcher cut two ribs nnd then paw across the bones. Now bone out from the h'nde the ove or heart haped pieee and leave the bones In plate. This i called the Doltmmiio roast and is vm tender nnd delicious. The top cif the rib with the piece trimmed out, '"in 1 e bmed and rolled lor llostou roast In cutting the loin various methods re used b buti In rs Si im cut into the hip. as a New oik i ut. Known ns the hip-loin llulnp steak is nUo Cut to include a part of the loin. Itound steuk takes its name from the tnanncr in which it 'ies on the block The tenth ret part of the round is the top or inside pnit; the lower or outside portion is not so t nder. Href bread f Is the sweeto'ead of th" beef. Ueet The beet ranks next to the potato as an important vegi t.vht". It can be served plain boiled, with butter THE HUSBAND HATER B IIAZKI. DHYO Cort'lffM. "t v Jean 'urthnp n.arrl'd her rno ' (nil heniioie she trot nrotd of vi "':. tut lontn he uent U'l lftCi Vi h to tile on Ms '(inch she huff tt fctm oncl the ua .ery unl nppp Aftrr a disagreed toe e-jx' t t'h Ii't Mason, a jou"' rnjincer. ulw fn ( to mafcc loie (., ht t" '. " -ftt ' J't her Icuic 7nm ami ah' t,ttf fi to visit Cnrj limmlri. thinking to fhroic i) thi rmni Jir, , . , i i cas thrn that she W.v . rv..J t i umailrt thin a JIV in 'hr .uu '"'' '"5 eem the jonif, urn! he ctti not ho'o the tt'fsf ci sh" had th najh' s fur Iltiih. sh' dlscot eretl that i 'l.d not hate Mm at all tiwl after n 'tohf 1 ifh At prfctc sh i(ci((r(i to 1 bu imiI coi'i u.hithrr h 'il c'til ' hei Playing at Cross Purposes , TITAN lk ilrrM as si rr'' rrd t',e door uf 't-e i inili 'l i ' m, Vt' changca 'lad ' fi n aJe v l lo v couch, pl'id with tuslilor ha 1 beet, ! ivdderl t. 'P. -nn r, ,1 s. c in, , ' r tble ehntr cJoo" of lcr .J when lirt opfHCil :V e r ii ii li v.i ' j'i" ' tt n "i..', comfortat 1" Mara v - n h.-- rn. i'.vc I 'it f-i'r b.i hro 'i g!"U"t h-r "v !i nc ' - than ord t u- the drorw i i dellgtited e,ir too wat, g ad i back Hut w v. re vc hero at 1 is' tcv' of w ir fche tur '.l t Brand l v Mark tilmse't' Ha loos. 1 u .t' usl ism nwf 'nl in 1 sml 1 . le 1 It a'tm.s APli IT' I I. l"UVe th ..' iCg i! , .- l ,i '. hi v as: r' i t t r the oo i ir iv r la It Miin.i ".iti"'" .'I I'.ll i nil' ' i t ' J r n i' res her t' i n ut i r,i e i ,. e r, s?.t 1 '1 l-UBt Mil' I . brows Pi t '.i ' If t'lPt Vni net 1 ' vxntitlon in i -t lit i foMot'tr b-1 i il.l JnsteaJ, n I Into a s n ' i it eut her I ii '1 It wns i T I". .li h i tnipn- I i r d ru'-hci' t r l' 'lllR ni 0' ' ul 1 J 1 .' ai i r"i i Your Soul's in Your Hand rtT invrvr. n nu ov . scumre Iir.irt line II. Miure rr-pulrius rlniliied line. r Snunre repulrliiK tmrt uf shul lu Iiril.l line ll, siiuare repulmii; Ulnuil In Uf. line. 1 I Deteots of mounts an I l ne, r cil lemruieu l miunres VVh.h In, ,on - - - mew uui-iij i jius n yri u er n ,r.4 . . .......... or ci o..s oa rr. cr a Icrg m.forti f. r or dot ii i. 'e, ef , all of whm ruli-l cato a dele live or even i eioo. ...... ' niin I . I , I i ML ' si """ w ' x UJ ,' ar. ." .1 1 111 VI I 1 I 'i .1 ,, , 1.1 . ' I L L. t huve s . i -Ut IKI.n bitt.r thiii, rrimlrliiB a In Mini I ' '' bart i tlon of t'e 'piulltles of the i mint or line!1"'" ",hlri tr '" S, l" $'-' doy. t, wn which tliy nppior. mm' rtc u. ttl( ' u" I'1"'""-' inifriis Ji ,t ll(., modified reudlnk- If a ',iu.r uppca.s I J?" d",,D!lBn.J S.nl0""' ,,r.' '"."" ' ' around tin... in tlw latter . i,t thJVViii one " lU' " meaning Is that uHhough there uro pres- - ent In the pomoti s mi ntal, physical. 'me shop has a tableful of Mudilrn moral or emotlonm nature ull tho condi- I nlkhtgowus, or, ruthi r, 1'lillippine tlons for the r vll direetloa or pervert. cd opcrutlop there la u strong check or oounter-curreiu nrvx.111 to pr.ivent the full torce of tho evil from asserting It IWlf. If Iho Btjuaro appears alone, lndpend tly of any derect. It rfmphaslzea the pood qualities of th mount or line on svlileh it In found. - .j ffu P continued) trt . - of Hoof, Expensive and Inex nance, or pickled, wbcu baked and sauce. UeetH are delicious served w Uh hharp Jlechnniel A rich white sauce made of vtal, thicken, stock nnd milk. ilcrgainot A cross between tho orange nnd lemon, belonging to the citrus family. (Srovvti In southern l.uiope. It has a thin, smooth, .vellnvv toloied peel and is shaped somewhat like a ptnr nnd aromatic and fragrant. The pulp Is of -i green. sh tmge Ilergnmot herb- This name Is given to a volatile nlant which is stm.ulat us nnl arumat like tho American horse mint in tit. I It.,-,.,,.,,.,! ln. i ...... .t... f. .-.,....,,.. "i(, .,i,it i v... .V i"4iu ill i.u i , ,,',.iii iruit of a ccifnin vnrict.v or pmr trrcs, lloijillon A clear, transparent meat Si tP. Hralse To cool; In n closely covered pan. the natu-al Juice I furnishing the neoesnary moisture. Mi itioh A i ic'i cako made with J east. ltlffins A special method of prepared tlried apples in Norfolk, l' Mlrch sugar Made fiom sap of Wie'i tree in n manner similar to that uce in preparing maple NUKiir for innrki t Mini's nest boup A famous Oruntnlj poup made from the nests of eubirtli that githcr certain gelatinous seiweeds MUeuits This wonl iunn twice baketl In the cnrlj manufacture two bakings were given this product -thi- is the modern crneker. Mivahe This term is v.sunllv iippllet) to ovsttrs, cl.iuis, mussels nnd tl like tw ) shells. Ulaikbcm Is fruit of the bush' rnmbler: it grows wild nnd is nlso cul- I ttvated: this fruit Is much Inijer and of. a far better tun or than the wild berrv This fruit is also dried. lowberrles belong to tin suinc fnmilv. 'lln- bushes are li i niul tieeping ami the berries rinen se ernl weeki before the black -berrv, r.Inekbird"- Are used in Hngland for pies. M'nekfish. or Tnutog In season from April to October in tho north Atlantic. M'nnc ninnge rrench blnnc mange Is white- a pudding m.itle of gelatin or cornstarch rue Hour nnd nrrowrnot. Mlnuehing T i.iiike white as to blantlie ii'iishro'i-as. artichokes etc., by P'li boiling for n ttw niinutes. ANo this term is used a jiart of the formula in the cold-tun k method of canning fruit ami vegetnbe-1 To bl.tti In uing the cnltl-,ntk meth od of t uuiiii v.. i- f"r the put pose of miking it eaj to remove the skin, when nrcessarj , nnd to shrink rhe product to faiilitati racking in container, to set the Juice and color and to remove ob jectionable a ids I lie agriculturist also uses this term - to blnnt lie in growing ce t rv . cn- 'dive, nsparngns and oilier vegetables tins is t! ue b Linking earth around tlio vegetablts. IiATCIItiLOK Pullis Lctotr Co ho meant nijthirrf Yo M.rl it bim p.v ima.1' that Jean liad lo-urned un c l.ange.J In her attitude to'vard him n- d tint she wns doing her bct to be elvll Ho tok l,er tlii(,-rs In Ins held them k an ! s'nnt and then rc-l-nsi.l tier I an womanlike was piqued at hm nt- t MllA Aren't u Rrl-f- to asl: m anjililnp nlKut nv trip aid the peop I me " 1" r---rie.l f, l.).vitc; him I It Mt'i tie i i k Tm jitr tot i. v as it. a idd. r dsir" to Ii irt Mm r.iu hud lou lo. it as ir v -u hail enJo1 I: a 1" s,, Brn, ij lit,, P.e, runnlte cner her tmart truvellni: suit sjlll eo ered In 'he bip lur-olljrecl coat, ttie 'icse llfie im uii its llrntmi; eil " "Urn s' Ic-ri unklf-s and pcl-ted ou 'rtled sh i j "O J it d ' nrl tho temptation srranc it It h.r hirf to te.l him fhe hnil 'Iced : so .;; tna, BhH W1, ln hit. It ,! , rushd It )n, k there '' t i f ' ne io tel' l'n that .leiin Muni; t her cut and . ut. hr;r. r :r !. ' 'pe n- hnlr Mou'i Ill tde sr,iT e r Tt Ifs," she , 'nei.tttl 'I like tn. m'" lis c; ' .rj r Pe f',-tfit li iu nt'ift ) m i'h more s IP HTM ST1 CM kiinv I' f e th if 111 t f -h hni t?Mi had it- n ai'..j with h f "in infort ! Mj i. ' rut wito', hi J Jean Btole i I i Im Hun ro'ig he wt,H. r.rd t i '--'i n' II. t wtt'i ono lek t'u w ..r-lfss' , er tlie . ther, llib hen.1 ' 1 1 1 bill, .u ili at th nnir it v i I '.' t rel ut ts-e I ,1'Ci ll 'o 'h, rni in n-iil drii-r. i r-w fold'ni; i.iblc proceeded to ! i :i mu i nust tc h injrry, ' Mark x.iiil 'i i and oulil bM s ' 1 .tlojd nt I l.s ntten, , to n.uko la nwrnnlioi s-uddetily she le- 1 rnklet-slv o ireat M.irlt m ,M his. ireated utiy nttrnedve w li on fhe l'kid and anted t i I le Aft" ill. tne hud been bltfet . ne. an I o!d ac jimltuni cus, but h ,.r .Is -he would do everjihiri, i n. t lUow lilm that 'ti' wlh.d t 'j. i. hit' grv , I in ' turved Mi h ., n i let tv or f iiI iiid nit tto-'i' i v 1 want Mr Hr.ind to iu - I liivn n" -p, snd tur i 4 to Murk ' .i wi it i. ii pl!' MUsirp I inioirrow lnn Mnkri, Ulventurey With a Pmse JI' I we.-e ilni-e bnu M li el. t i tnat v., l.iii 1 ii i n i rile rui'ilv Ioiilit Itut g t . i -1 1 , tl rrr. v i ll i ii it i fiint ry "i-i to diserlbe i' 'f -I " i hi commend ' i .' iou thnt 'I i-ual Thej I ,id to ln'i.l bnzs that "" i 0 t i with a nhh'.n. are u' "M l.n!'' rn ipeii long. ' ii. anil are of trnnspirtnt. Ataong tbi ruiinv bags I I found few that I like nnv i '.es , both beeu-,p of their b'nuty and since of line. Alihot 'h tie- ore iirpyrtfil lags t,r pri" it j'i -t J'I 2," Pftin And there aie utiO'it s'.i or eight of flu in left I ',.!' n v i gorgiois dnnen of them mvielf iu I witli prido I I use I thtm jtt recently vvlnn I hnd gue tit' I'i'.r o'mlitj is livelj, their .1,.,,., mr... ,,, ii I 'I- ",, ,..- i. ...' , UIMI, ni short, they n s n . i , i . ,.1. ,- i.i .... ,.. ...-,,! Nil JI HI OS. As jnii know, if jou 1, ion' nnv ' ,- ' " ' '' " ' ' of Mndi Ira riiipkins fir t) Ihm i in at least hro. ni'iugovvim iiinij is tin re ml tlitT.-r em .', uiniiiiw.i lor ..'.i en n Thin tomes piettj clone to beuiJ roi li ontlom lill e 'JhiV are quite i, lain. I,,,,,, simply tine Mallnps uround the neck and sleeves. Sometimes I think this kind is a pretty as the elaborately i inbroiden d kind, at least for everyduj (or rather every night J wear. Fur nmnet ot !ion addrna i'aie Kdllor or ihooe WaJjii or ltin 3400.1 HoDinn'i EVENING PUBLIC HEARTS AND FLOWERS S 1 A? SSJ .... v' r V' v'i. -am r 1444 i a Ymt ,. . 4 . I ' V . ;-'. - . 3 i r'- " -V ''A'! Would you like to wear i , to the Valentino part ? without any great oxpenc, iiiuierinis neeiietl are a t crepe paper and n muslin slip I astc the decorated crepe papir which forms the lower part of the sknt to the tout oi pinin pink naner wheh forms the upper part. Paste while the paper is spread tint. Then gather the ktrt at the waist line with Mlliit.en. Tour narrow ruffles of Ink paper trim the hips nnd the sbeves The ruffles are best-made on the sowing mnclnn . The waist i made of plain pink crepe pflpixhlightl fulVii and cut with round- THE DAILY NOVELETTE The Tint'Lcggcd Peter 11 JAM! MrllWV I.Ui i Jlent airecl tntv. tiOc-ded citK ,i'i ur "other n widow, wl'h a large family and ouliurt an t ini but smiiil t .-ik a i ',in bo.arltd nnv bodi. Mrs Aichllmll 1 rotliman. a rich city datiie f Kngl sh stock, contcnipl itln a ls.t to tho l nd of her forefathers mitired out 'o Dents tr see If thej !uun 1 ot.rd ,ir iv tr, and also h.r nor, dur "ik her absence 'n th up-iri-nPblntr sL-ni. r Mre llert agreed Mrs 1'roth .an thrriupon proccded to i,-.vo Lulu, iho loo, speclil charge ii ti e cats, Irstructloi.s lognrdlnjf I'e ttr Now MIas neit," sip f.Vd, 'you mut kins I'ct'r i very n'ght, for ho al vv.ivs k1-s ti and I tlr.n t -vant that nffee'iomite hal It brokea iou must treat h ni to '" in am occasionally and fce'l hlr i w th in'dliui, an 1 the best st- nk su.noii There other tn nn.e I n-. reKaril ntr Pe'er's nap his walk, a-d so forth Th. i. M s Kroth n.nn tiH' a fen words regarding hir Ben "lie ii llte-nry-' it t erfe -tly liarm li v I i i ri i i rili i,a ii to what o'i g'v. t In - , S oi v understand ll'n foi I iii.r i j i I Then the dame after jui n lt s i , i i'l v. Ith hei clu.rpr befjr su.i t u tor l'urope, d -parttd At t c p d t he ng-.ln nr rlvi ' Th) cat wns an In mense malt' ne ai liral I s mo'i'li V" nu the homeliest ,ii it uf i 'i, 'I s, , ) ,; handsome ' i ig f. How v. ,h i,,rlor inaunLix ai il ii parent! , i, . i ieet as well s i reirt Iin i ,i ' un the same as 1 e ill'l J'l'tir of the D.r.t fniu . ii.ti i led to k'sn I tiiith' No " i-h. i a i j't er i'.oP t'r' 1 gg i Teter r -M ti i r He! . I i if inn ii he i a i- ' r s '.i ,ii i I Miger members o'-K'il l.ilu If "lie ' I omly cat cvcr onl 'I will buy ' u ,1 kiss tho two tier looking " banned with tno he showed .an ln i Mithbom tool; huire 1 l- to tall: about : tallied with ex i , KoiHtnusH anfl Hut of Peter, th n evil reporm, of I his thieving pio l i'ter subject Mrs ir'ng no critic sin 1 ut expr.-SBlm; pro I er fon s,bo would tlio onu and disci njr.t i i K n i g h -i. Ti e I n l e ' .ii 's ( I li s di'tr,ocr.i. n.i , tlK-l' Well t'v I i , si t nrl' " i ! I nsii.. s t'jiM' it'll wa. -.' I'l' ii 1' t r s ir -t i ' 1 f lUi.i Hi mrsii f i i er'ci'n'v 'to' ' p 'T.e tl o e j ' h r Mrs B, !.' ns that CJV it'ien n Tsi nsr- i i e di 1 t I t.irv (fit. , ' f fellno treatment s io ild take what was w ild cater rn'ilior t" r tnt-cut. Aa long ai if t'leir tails with the " con-, it nee was cleai fv on l.ulj rttid Mr rrothtnan becitrs. f nds M I . j'hnuiii much travel, d i nd a n i ' r i tho hest soeltti I i uved ai i ' ' mid ngrienble eom- puil'.' I'i th in to mil of the sum -tn. r i ! ii ti, i, 1, nnd with It Mis Frotnn hi f r 'in ohject of her ttndsr s' etui he- i' . ' Th. 1 t at "to nrrlied ever' body i i w i i i i the afternoon ex. epl U(- t r ..i, it of tho Ilcnts whi, ii r ' ' I '-" If lcorousy upan i vrnnJi i i Mrs Prothmun and hi r ii'islocrai r stpr who accoinpanh d ,.i r -. i il i a - Ives . 'Ilovv s fe'.- whh tho flrbt query. I Hi s Ti i was ttie reply ' Is Ii' i i. id to him?" el, M'tu. , r I " pjcclnlmed Mrs, rroth mtr, s.u.ii tn'.K with ;i sigh of ro- Wl.nt has I'fe-r had to cat?" ci i r -' v 'ji'ing that'll nice i i' ,. ho vv tire all tho time I.u'u make ic Lna.a for lilm, and jiffy-Jell unl Hi.. v.tln cuke and luuge ana i v" vtlilnu I ! li drfd ix'liilmeil Mru Trothman rroi If -iting some surprise ' I'm afraid t ,l i..n too Indulgent Uut It'- s ueit lo ireai tmr jiuis iv 1 r- il Ttter Bleep?" was the I., t gui st chamber," was tho ro- , ! !" ' .. Iiilmed Mrv rrothmnn, with 1 rnori iiiirprise l.O'H lii 1 lake Peter out to walk"' fih vs, sho takes him to tho band 1' ud lip tukes h.r to the opera He lets hir to the liencn nnu tm in 11 it a plaid hl'k iintmtig suit Vou 1'iKft to roe It It h ii beauty! I vv b!. I 1 ud one lilto It " i'l. to this point Mrs rrothmnn had in ti l. hut dozing out of in. r sat s fu im hut now sho started' Sin. sir UKli'et "I up and louki il .11 Mnry l,i t 1 tl, Her sliter, pre v .ously a list, n -I- only, took a band ut tho Cucs t 1 it K U Pe'ir sweet on I.ulu?" 'O yen" every ono Itnowa tnatl" 'I navi I'een asking about my cavt - costume i i nu and too. The loltls ot ILEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, 'J ing neck. A shin 1 I and paper, two inehts wide, nhn of crepe made on the machine, tunis the waist, extending around the belt line, t lossinu In front and ending at the shoulders. A heart and ribbon mot it pasted on where the bands cross the waist in front repeats me sKirt motir. The foundation of tl e hut In ntmniv n wire ring shaped ns illustrated. A double pitco of pink crepe paper is drawn mound this vure to form the brim, and is then pasted together at the back. A gathered irevn of the deco rated design is sewed .n place nnd the hat is flnislitil with a nnrrow ruffle around the edge and --in ameis. ivter Ym i-no no right to call Mr. I rothmau 1 v big fit st n iino." "Hu t. Id us to,' rr piled Mary, bris tling with IndlRiiatioti "He saya ho wnnt'i to ho Ttter' o nil of us al- OTJ8." The ladles ex h.angid eloquent looks ' I vlsih vou to get my cat," demanded Mr.s Fiothmari, 'do jou know where lies la ' ' I don't know, but 1 soiiiewhero about" suppose ho Is Mary arose to 'nstltuto a search nut -irs i rounnan called her back. 'What hus Peter had to cat'" "" it mlco and n tlnt hlV of sin s ami er no ats cockroach' es, iuo Mr- rrcthman u ed r.i s her smelling Whcie has hi t-lept?" "0 cr on the Silplonia' old mat tress All their kids had the ecru let fevei on It, but I'cter lilies to lln tllern anu r. tir i mean .Mr l-Totliman. said to let lilm beeausu ho was having the time ot his Uf. ' Mrs p'rothmii-i hastemd Mary upon tho urnh s,h r. turned shortly wltn the . h. ilshrd oPJict. H md ono eye closed as the r. suit of an encounter with a ciii'iiv, ,,r bis own kind, ho bad a swollen jaw from tho t-amo cnusi-- 1 ,. hid a t'tinir collar with a pi.'ichstnne chum round his neck In stead of his dushli g scarlet one. with silver hr'ls, M.irj' .ontesiicct hau iie.n soi'i to the J ink monej ' Oh m poo- I ot mlstrf-s, hvHtci- id' but iho former avi.iiii.ii iiii. lnsteiui ot itiviii a icspectful and np pn 'iitlir mew r ule a face at her jumped up aid in her ear. worked h tnsi If fiee, th ti disappeared over the fence. .Next lumplelr Niivelrtte "A Complete surrender" CAMI-L'S HAIR COATS .vf' ).1fi,7,"'?K,V71 T)rT "lu; ' i uiiuiii ill.!! 'I hi uniiT, huir which we used sie oiilv iu the tiind hue of the ilesi rl spaces is now biioiiuug nlinimt as tboi ougli v cubist in come itmn as then-bra Mostlv niif lutein it uoi in guj ilink, and in the toloiingx chosen In these uii deliglillul bejonil words. Pur exainpli the iittinctlvo sports cflat of camel' hair shown today is carried out in gin and piirp'e Tills is inntchul bj a seaif of plain gray fringed nnd banded In purple, nnd by R gray felt lint with purple pom pawn. it) I'oiciNNi: i.oxu ti Please Tell Me What to Do U- OYNTIIlA Says No Harm In Kissing Dear Cjnthlft This letter of opinion la to "Innocent" nnd other rcndcri In terested In her letter. I alio think there In no harm In Itlss Ing when the klsslnir Is not too much As Cynthia hns told you It will lead you Into a habit not any too eood for you. If you klo a fellow a couplo of times that Is enough to lead him on further and should be a llttlo more careful to whom you (ilve.jour kisses. I think that they show a little moro friendliness to tho boy but whn n girl given lilm all tho kisses ho nsks for he thinks that sho lo not tho right kind of n girl ; so for my part, I would bo a llttlo more modernto In kissing. I, for my part, think kissing Is an Innocent thing, so far as I am concerned, but I havo never kissed anv ono yet. IJOIJ. As the second ' Hob" wrltci nnd signB "Buck" Instead, supposo jou keep the Hob. The Truth About Steve Drodlo Dear Cynthia Will you pleaso print tho follow line- to that "Illdon' Bcek" may read tt? It scpins our friend. "Twanty.elchth Division," linn gotten Stcvo Hrodle mltcd up with sonw ono ciso. atov, mndo a wacer with home ono that he would. Jump off Hrooicijn Unngo. This took place In 1801 and something nnd not 1300. Steve came up all right and wns dragged in from the rler but not a couple of tlayn later With the money he started a ealoon on the Uovvery nnd was known all over tho country ns "the man who took n chance " Ho exhibited himself In arlous places and mndo money this way I am not sure nut I think he Is still alive, ao you sec, Klrls, s?tevo took a chance- and tioi uwi with It, as we up-to-daters say. How over, that l-n't Insuring jour succesa. and In "taking a chance" you're liable to "run aahoro. ' However, llko Htevc, you might win out In dnjs llko tnee.. I think wo chould strive to control that urge of wandering and adenturc, which comes to oery young person somo time or other. As ounrr women, you will havo to bo doubly careful, for many arc the pitfall!! which await the feet ot tho inwary. With this well-meant advice, go forth If jou must, and get a real tasto of life, but do not forget ourself jour renl self, or j'our spiritual Kdf. THU YOUNO rillLOSOl'HCll. Says "Innocent" Is Ignorant Dear Cyntb'a Will j-ou bo kind cnotik'h to print thlsv ln reply to "Inno cent?' Thank jou. You call yourself "Innocent." Why Innoc nt? You aro not Innocent, jou nre Ignorant "Oh, Allah ' Allav my iKiiorance Why, oh whj, Is k'sslng freely forbid ilen' Klghteen yenrs have I lived jet never In th'se eighteen j'cars havo I dis covered why Hod gvo us tne art ot klslng If I am not to kiss cverv m in I know, what nni I to-do with my klstes''" Listen then, j-e Ignorant maiden. Hsve vou ever k sped tho moiiier you love Whj ' Have vou over kissed a child jou loved' s Vhy7 Has It tver struck vou that kissing was given to us to show something thnt words cannot fully i vantngeousiv, improving jour good liu shovv? Kissing Is nature's vvav of show-,mor so us to mako yourself moro agree ing love When nu throw our kisses able to thoso you will Invariably meet. away we nre break'ng ono of nature's lavve. We are breaking a law or our Maker Oh, jo fair, innocent tnnlden, has It ver stri'ck jou thus" If now you give your kisses to all jour masculine friends what will jou glvo to your lover to show your love? A kiss? V klvs that baa been glon to all for the ask'ng; u klsH that has been given for paj inert of a good tlmo ; a kiss that la i,o cheap ft has no value? Hah ! girls like jou, that have nothing reserved for love can not love cannot ho loved I have mot vour tjpe of gill and I displso them It In my pride that never havo I broken natures law N'one but the ones I lovisl have nceivi d my I. sses Th's In spite of tin met that I go to a dance occnslonallj', meet jour tjpe of k'lil and take her home. ou say thnt It gives j'ou pleasure to bo kissed Thais peculiar, 1 -nvcr could fore, m) self to kKs ono tint I didn't love Oh but pardon, Cvnthla I am taking op too much of your aluable column Jo tlrls MA11TY. "McWhlKburrjh" to "Hide 'n' Seek" Pear Cj'nthlo ' Peggy's got rhe right Ider. It's sinful to knock ('al.e hi nl ii I'lebc tako hud). Lei t ilk abi ut snmeth'ng else An to dipt our n nhotit Id ills, I vehementlj- otijei , It s a waite of time, labor, Ink and si and J II ti 11 jou why rirst of all, nn ncnte character sei '. t can (i.duco from jour style of r on such topics both your at 1 vi.r Inclinations, and f'nee v a. dealer for movie wtlti under pen-namen, why Klvc ir shi i away? Secondlv we mlitht tr kr ii .,ii , ,.i scm" self-conscious belnits feel im r ' - v,,, ,,...,, ..... ,.,ar.' tl.n.A ... . ii- .. i ,. 1, . 1 f.ilor, nnd which they utifortuiuu , , lark Thirdly, when writing uhotit Mi il- i Jin. irus' bo definite and. Ih'i.fip t j literary is mixed with deflnlt'iuss wine li a matin mntlc?! trait, and since lh two ca.t diffuse, the result ! a pira iicxleal condition I'ourtli, lilt IM,n 1 does ot advocate tho love we eliulsh o v 1 -hall havo another crntrndlclioi I nstlv inn Ideals cannot e-tlst fir hu manl'v ! loo widespread "I'd , lish so ti at our amhltlons vvoiini r,e eur tailed ) our Ideal Is vour own affair vvhv v ot otheis ahout il ilipt Hv I l,-livi) wo might as wel. 1 1 . p tliptn to ourselvet, li-jnk nt 'Hide 'n Seek" with The Question Corner Todnj'ft Inquiries 1 nt comfortable device has br n hi puled to make reading easier f 1 tlie convalescent who K too weak to hold n book in posi tion ' In what decorative and useful way can a Japiincau biunboi hat le added to the furnishings of 11 living room? I) - nbe n novel candlestick v Mi h w mid be pittty for a bnj -I 1 rv ciuidle. hat use can be made of the "i-l ions from the seats of u ' ."iippul" 'tutoiiieihlle'' ( lie 'vli'it simple tlovlce is It Iios sib't to mnku the bnbv's gocart ii 1 v his older sleler, too? W nai i- the newest design pop i.lar for camel's hair fubrlcs? (stl'Ia)'s Ansvvprs (i.nvdilent new bolih r tor a -tr "1 t thread km n lint side attached to a snfetv pin whii 1 nu be fnstened to the diess nnd thus keep the spool from falling down and 1 oiling nwnv . Wring a dishcloth out of hm water and wind It about tin lro7tn milk bottle to iluiw out the milk, repeating the proec-is whenever the cloth gets cold I ublenched muslin that is to be mid for window curtains tan be given a pleasing champagne tint if it Is dipped in coffee. A phonturnph rcton tan le re movid from tho mnrli no with out danger of scratches fiom 1 n ger iihIIs by means of a rubb. 1 device on tin nrm which llfu jt hv suction. If the stenographer wl'l keep nn old pair of cotton gloves in her dei.k lo vvinr when changing n tipcwrllrr libhon she will nhvi time usunllv recpilreel for washing he r hands uftcrvviud. Last huininer'N black nnd white glnglutm dress can be mndo Into covers for pillows In bedroom 01 sun pat lor and dimmed with a red basket containing llovvers In uppllquo work. JPEBRUABY 6, 1921 WUATS WHAT n v itnt.KV nnruj It In tho custom In Amer.tnn centers to jjlvo to lawjers tho sutllu "Usci" whon addressing them In writing Prob-ilblj- this may be traced to the pioneer custom of bestowing the tltlo "squire" or "Judgo" upon any ono connected with the law. In Hnglnnd tho tltlo "esqulro" s lim ited to certain definite classes In which It Is either Inherited, bpcnuso or nnccs trj or confined tof.-hor with promo tion In various lines, ""isqulre" Is trnccd back to Nonnnn times, when It meant tho shield bearer of a knight" (es cuycr). In America the iibbrevlatlona "Mr." nnd "i:sq " nre Interchangeable j both aro eoinnllmcntarv forms annll- ca.blo to any man In this democratic na. tlon. Mr. nnd Ksq should never bo used topother; wo must write either "Atr. Jonn Smith Jonc3" or "John Smith Jones, i;sq " deal of pleasuro They would travel and see tho world, from n. Jt'ullmnn train "Hldo'n Seek, let me tell you some thing. I have had "li norful lot" of ex perience, nnd I got It through extensive travel not only afar, but Iu "our own 111" city here. I can iidbuiu uu thni thero Is nothing so broadening and de lightful. Hut 1 am a man. and j'ou aro two young ladles You do not real 7e that thero nro human vulturea on al moit everj spot on the earth, anxiously waiting for such sweet Innocents nn you You do not realize that you will b? put to torrlble Iticoiivenlenceo In outlandish places and stuffy trains You cannot portray tho obvious evldenco of satis faction jou will both emit when nt last j'ou icach home again nntl snout "Mid pleasures and palaces, though wo may roam " And because of this, vu el low jour youthful bents to run oft with j'ou, nnd you cast reason to tho winds like f;o much chaff. I would llko j'ou to answer thin ques--tlon Why do J'ou leave tho most sat isfying town on tho face of the earth to watch the scenery swiftly move be 'ore J'ou and get J'our faces full of dust? Do jou know that there nre hardly moro beautiful places In existence than our own parks and suburbs? Havo you ever wandered round the older nnd more re fined sections of tho ouy una absorbed their cxotlo bcautx? And then lastly (and I believe Cj'ii thl.i seconds this) do not forget that vou are girls, unit that you aro tho most vlolahlo creatures alive Just think wnnt c1jjs of discomfort and trials such an J'ou will Inevitably meet on tho way will uo to J'our mui"H, youi fea tures, j-our optimism? Can j-ou exer c so jour Imagination In this wise? Seek to forget nnything that may have 'urned j'our mind nttatnst your com panions; and go warllv about hunting new ones. Seclusion will make jou HI, and people will dub jou as an eccentric No doubt, you could uso jour tlmo ad- Take my aavico nnu do not ho n Home body. It Is affecting Ijisth to that femalo correspondent who bewnllH her fate at being tho con fidant of so many lorn lov.ns, I would say thnt she deserves admiration rather than pltv. It should be a matter of conceit to her. Girlie, If there Is pome thing ln jour nature tint makes peoplo blurt out all to you, pat jouiself on the back, for j'ou are as rare as schnapps As the Immortal Shakespeare quote: Itrave conquerors ! for so you are. That war against J'our own nftecttonr. And the Iuiro army of the world's denlici Countenances ybur probity. MoWniZZHUP.GH Things You'll Love to Make Clolh School-Bag 1 liitio boy or it'll vv'll h ili-lln t, ' own ono of these liiinuy CI.OIH .m HiHU.-UAGH. You can nuke 01 t 'v and nt ery llttlo cost Cut frmn tin i- d pait i of a discarded c' jth kit" 'wo oblongs each one yuid long .mil id out twelve inches wide, rinibroid. 1 ilowirs or other simple deslcns on cor- in is. Join the oblongs on the vvion;; sld I lving an opening nt one side (A I nbi ut twelve inches long, h'x Inches 01 e.i h 'lib of the center Turn to th. rlnht 'de nnd bind the open edges (You in1 lino this link' with cretonne or 10I or. d lining to mike ll btronuer and more! uiiniilv ) bl p two rings largu 1 ur tii'n rings, enameled emhroldeiv r!H, '- 1 In ilar big buudjen will do ovei tie1 1 . .. 1 I, n l.n.t.u nr-n ill. mini tttr.iii nl, ,1,. I cpenintr the tings pulled elown to elnsi, tin opening and tlio CI.DTH .sf'HOUI, PA'T 1- cairled over the. shoulder TLOUA ' A5CO ASCO ASCO A S C O 46 Why, I 3 -, J A S C o A S C rot A J ts r O Buy Victor A' s. L " "Asco" Store nil over I'liila ( c cjJU I . . L. -i , ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ' THE WOMAN WHO KNOWS ALL ABOUT ACTORS' LIVES i Has Spoiled Many an Afternoon's Pleasure at tho Theatre V Repeating Petty Gossip About Hoiv Old "Sic" Is or How "He" Drinks TIII31' were having ten together nftcr the mntlnee. Ono of them hr.d seen n musical show "tid the other hnd been shopping nil tfternoon. "How wns it?" nsked the ono who hadn't seen it. "Oli, it wns lovely 1" exclaimed the ine who hnd, "She wns perfectly sweet and her voice Is really beautiful. 1 en Jo.vrtl It verj-- " "My dear," sntd the shopper gently, reproachfully, lajlng n restraining hand upon her nrm, "If thnt woman Is n day old she's nil of thirty-five!" She sat hnck grimly, ns if she hnd forever condemned the poor old woman of thirty-five! As it the mere fact of her hnvlng touched that not so verv great nge could take nvvny from her charm, the sweet ness of her manner, the beauty of her voice. What difference did It make whether she was thirty-live, or forty-eight, or twenty? She wns attractive. TUB personal life of all nrtlsts Is a vital matter lo this t.vpe of person. Ilic cannot quite get n tbrl'l out of the high notes of u famous singer, even hough the Iioufp fnlrlv rocks with ap plause after he has finished his second encore. "Tc, he has n lovely vclce," she admits rcluctnntlv: "but you know. Miev sav he drinks terrib'v, and I thought he wasn't quite steady tonight when hi' cnmi' out on the stage," She wacn't Introduced to him; she didn't have to have nnj thing to do with lilm personally nt nil. She merely sat back In the eighteenth row, with the glory of his voice filling I he theatre all nbout her. Itut she was afraid tdic hnd better be shocked ul him because sho had heard vague remote stories nbout his drinking. Two Minutes lly 1IRRMAN Looking at Things 0: NB of the largebt mail-order houses new executive a .voting v.ninnn. "1 don't know whether we'll got results from you In n month, or six months, or u jenr, or ever," the general manager had said to her; "hut Fome thing tclU me we're going to get them. You've lived in bmnll town most of your life. And we want that small town viewpoint, "I'm not going to load you down with instructions or ndvfcc," lie ecu tinned, "I think I'll let you grope around nnd bump your head n fpvv tlmei. TIipii 3 ou'll lenin where the low places nre. And, lcmcnibcr, suggestion, are welcome iu this plant. We take suggestions nil the vvny from the elevator start' r to the president." "Ho jou mean that?" suddenly exclaimed the joung woman who had turned to go. but now faced him squarely. "Absolutely." "Well, then, I've one to make. Your stock bojs nnd stock girls walk tallu and miles every day, on every floor of this fifteen-story building. I watched them yestcrdny, filling up the bins, enrrjing orders, covering those enormous distances from one bin to another, up one aisle nnd down the next, to the office, back again. Your floors nre coucrcte or cement, or some such mUturc, aren't they? I just happened to think of the bov who used to deliver our paper lie covered his route on roller hkiites. It snvul lilm an hour. Why don't you put roller skates oa vour stock and girls?" The general manager stared tt her. "Holler skates." It was not na exclamation. It was a decision. He pressed n buzzer. "I suppose jou know," he said finally, "you've earned sir months' salary in the last five minutes." Two days later every stock clerk In this vnst plant wns equipped with lightweight roller skates, They made n carnival of it nt first. There were somo spills, too polr.R nround the corners, nnd n little too much hilarity. That wore off In n week. In two weeks their roller skntes were pnrt of them, just shop labor eaver At the end of n mouth the report presented to the general manager was this: Time and energy saved : 1)5 per cent ; stock staff decreased, 83 per rent His mental note was: "That little girl doesn't merely look at things she sees them. We can't nfford to lote her." THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Occupational Therapy i I il nr l f Wt en. lyaJC ir Madam Will jou hlndf pub lii vour column, when spate per p ti " il formation nbout therapy work wl Lb is done bv pursons while ton a ."dug? Cnn It bo d ine nt home nd what nrt'cles can be iiade'' Also. If inn pnv nt .and m iterlal cnn be so it I In Phlladdph'ii. l J. 'Ibis v.nk ic tntight at the T'llla.l.l- lii School of ticconatlcui il Theiapv "111 Spruce street. There nre nil kinds of ihvoihliiRlv Interestln" "ii o " m lenrn to do, such ns basketmal'lni; lllf'rent porls of weaving, Jeivelrj mak'ng aril wood-cai vhig And of v m ur vou can obtain tho rsiulpment lor tils work ihroiiKh the s.hfol I' voi ore unable to t,o theie ou uould irrime to hive so nn one eotue , I otne fiom this place and t'-ri, h iu n of th.s occupations jou vv hit to I'.am uinuift In this case, then is a I ' ."K In i.nv Case, do write to tl,r ei Ik il and find out mote nboul thr w.rk I an cur vou will ih irouirhlv n " iMI'oir ar tun with sonic trln,r of this rort and m bent vv hhes to joj riiiiMfiiif1 - it's still Fresh!" Every housewife, when she first tries "Victor" Bread, is surprised at its unusual keeping qualities. Those who huy it Saturday for Sunday's use are delighted to find how fresh it keeps even until Monday morning! The secret of the Victor Loaf's "keeping" qualities lies in the skill of our Muster Bakers, plus the fact that we use only tho verv finest ingredients. And the slraiuesl pari of il all is that these bin delicious loaves are only 8c each! Victor Bread "The nearest to what Bread today for use It stays fresh! ancJtliUKlntlv.a, " Jccy, u.ta. fcnd Myl7l. t nirect ,l,cr?BttCCi8 V1CC Why 8h0u TUB mntlnee girl comes raving y to her nbout n man In a piny, "lie is absolutely tho most stun'tr.,! thing I ever saw I" she cries ctcltedN "And the way he looks nt that dtl "hen -he goes off with the other man-. ill, he's marvelous!' The wise ono assumes her knowing look. Prim, "lie must be very attractive I litcss," she remarks, with sly trlttrnnh in her tones. "They say he's been mnrrled four times." She feels rather virtuous when nh sees the light In the girl's eyes fmle n 'Itt'c; sho hns done that much c00j nnvhow. Hid she do nny good? The "itliulnst didn't wnnt to mum her stage hero or know lilm personally i' ineiidv wanted to think how nl e It vv ould bo If there were such n, person li renl life who would look nt her that way and what kind of a ilrci she would wear when she went flirting oS with the other man, nnd n few other leasnet- day dreams on that order. It hurt, somehow to have tho radiant hero of her dreams come down to earth is n plain, ordinary, much -married man. IP WB nre going to pry Into the ages nnd lives nud fnulta and vices of nil the people who devote their time to our entertainment, nnd nllow ills agrccnblc gossip to overcome our ad miration of their looks, their charm and their talent, wo shall spoil all our good times, To Fay nothing of the time we shall waste and the Illusions we shnll brush nwnv. AVhy bother nbout something that w cannot chnngc or even verlfv, euppplally when it doesn't concern us in the lcajt, of Optimism J. STICI1 And Seeing Them In the United States had just taken on a Securing Position To thi Fdltor of Womnn't Paaf Pear Madam I would like to a" . a Jew cpiestlons How does ono remove supcrfl '" hair? How does ono keep one's hands v' and slender? How does one shlno a small fg''")' marine eml lem? How much does It cost to icuri o position through an employment itgee v DOM.Y Use a good depilatory powder for Tt Is good to massage the hands with a 'loiie nnd nlmond cream or v it'i r water und gljcerln, whichever su ts out skin best Tho little rold emblem can b o' l-hed with soap and water If I ! remains dull looking, It would bo t s t take It to a Jeweler's. 'I he eo.t of obtaining' a pil i r lends upon Us nature and tie nkir el i i ""ii Anv employment ng r v send jou a Ecnlo of prices, If jej ' Mto ' ii m ASCO II' ! ASCO ASCO f A S c io ' s. s- r J i" is- fC' 0, A S C to A mother used lo bake" ,s c o " $& over Sunday. Pa s 0 ASCO T ASCO rfii iii ii. ,-A &; V K .j-.c wV-f- 1,