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r-'?57ri. 1 ' ' Vfc V .,.S3'i- -k- ..., lr n -r f .TjMCUIETiTO' ' "' -1" " SV" "PS? 7-57 2 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1921 r f"- vT, i j. if E Clovoland Scientist Croatos Sensation at Philosophic Society Mooting DEALS WITH GRAVITATION Perhaps Dr. Kiuotcin is nil wrong nfter oil ' Dr. Charles F Ilrush. f rievehind. dittlnguishcd physidnt. described ex pcrlmcnts in Rrnvltntlon lo the Ameri can Philosophic Socletv todnv, which members of the society declared proved if accurate, that the famous Kinstein theory vus Incorrect. ut nmn s paper council me uirm- . , , , i est sensation of on) read thus far ot the sessions of the soclet) meeting at 104 South Fifth street Ills experi ments were of an cctrcmelv technical nature, carried out with nrious metal" The scientists. .assembled from all parts of the countr, applauded the paper vigorousb There were nuinv expressions of astonishment ar the re suits Dr Ilrush had nbtnitiul "If these experiments' are nts urate commented Dr A (i Webster, of Clark Univemti Worcester Mass thev absolutely disprove tin I'insteiu the ory." I pseUs Calculations Dr Unisli explained tlmt hi lind taken particles of bismuth and othc. tnrtuls of the same "nits of mass - and .......U...I tlium t.i IlltllltltlllttlS Wiiteli- nig the pendulums in theli swing lull him t continue nine me e.nui sum tatinnil field gups bismuth stronger pot unit of nuiM- than it grips ?Uu per unit of muss I'.is.i.utli weighs more per unit of mas than a.ih Dr. rtrush said alo that the tin on lvlng behind his observations ' would undoubtedly upxet nil our previous culatious in regard to the denslt of the eni th The paper was cr full discussed by the scientists present "'This reve.ils a startling fact about gravitation. ' said Dr Clark in ills eussing Dr Ilrush paper "We have known the "how of gravitation sinte Newton, but the 'vvhv' of gravitation is nn ubsidutelv new fait Kinsteiu's thcor seems entirely ilisprovtd b.v this expirimeut and I am -tlabliergasted.' "For the Inst 2(t) years we have ill wajs believed without question, that the inertia of a bod) was prnpoitionote to its mnss Dr Ilrush sajs it is not Brush Theories. Attached Dr Clark went on to sav that using a pendulum for thesis experiments was something new uuil probably accounted for the results achieved Dr. Ilrush answered numerous ques Uons and showed stereoptlion views of the exiierinients lie had made Some of. the speakers attacked his theories, but h answered nil their questions un moved Another scientist, discussing the pa per, said that if thetse experiments did upset the I'instcn theor) . no one would be better pleased tluin I'rofskor Einstein himself for ho said recently In conversation that he wished some one would either prove or disprove his theory, so that further progress lould be made. Dj. furl 11 nigenmann professor of I zoolog.v ut Indiana 1'niveisitv. speaking on The rsuture aim Origin of the rrisli ''Water Fish Fauna of Chili mid the Pacific Slope of I'tpiiulor ' reinnrknl that the hsh in thee regious were older than the Andes Mountains Ilv tins lie ment that the spines there are more nncient than t lie voleuuic iruption which created the Andes Discover) that inuny treis ure ac tually smaller in midnfternoon than at sunrise is the result of the experlmi nts of Or I) T MacOougai, of the tjnr- negie Institute of Washington DeVert i Laborntor.v Tucson Ariz. He explained the matter todnv Some species of trtes Dr Mac Dougul deelared. hi have like u heavv hose feeding from a pressure ostein to n tire engine Crudely exprcsd, lit! said, when the engine tends to take water faster than supplied the hose tends to collapse When the engine slacks its nition the hose swell. U. S. SELLSJEAT HERE War Department Gets Rid of 119, j 000,000 Pounds In Philadelphia The Win Depaitmint s surplus sup pi) of unned meats 1 lD.ftiRI.OWl pounds has been sold t 'I nomas Rob erto & Co, wholesale groceis lit! South Front srreet for 5.ri ."11(1 27(1 This was announced today b.v Assist ant Hecretaiy of War Wuinw right be fore the House nnlitnrv affairs loinunt tes The (ommirtee wis Informal tin aeats cost tin- govi riiinvnt thirtv-tour ents it po'in I md thnt the pit sent oiaruct pi ii e inenigiii twintv nn een ts Mr Wninvvrirfht slid the Wat ivanm.nt hud tn-l un-u.ce-sfullv for Depa months to dispose uf tht surplus and had planned to ell ii m ton urn gm ernmeiits if m Innn was tound in tin countu Offieinlx of Thniuus ILolierls , (' said odav the tunned nn its will be disposal of to j'hber- TWO JAILED AS SWINDLERS Aairi tn Uiu rniut- u.. j. Said to Have Collected Hundreds of, Dollars In West Chester West Chester. I'n , Aiuil 22 H. Cohen nnd M (imvis, ,,f Wilkes Dm re. were committed to Chesti Hiounty prison here today, following a binf healing on the el urge of swiiuiiing iibout Jtsl Necro resitlents Tlie men vtere here two neikt. ago when they colli tttil monev tor tray on pictures to be dhiviied at mm to tluir customers, but us none Imve in en n eeived a warrant 'vas lml for the srests The prlsonen- were bi ought here last night It is nlleged Kiev had collected suverul hundred dullurs iu West Chester ASSURED OF PENROSE AID Senator Assures Mothers' Assistance Fund He Will Back Appropriation Officials of tl f mothers' asMMut" e fund stated tmluv thev reieivcil 11 let ter from Senator Pi nrose nssiinng hie aid towurtli obtaining an ndcipiutc nt projiriaticm for the turn! from the state An appropriation of $J -.10,000 mis recjuehtcd from the l.igislatiire 'I Ins amnunr was nit to tl.'.'IKI.OOO bv the Jippriiiriiitn us eoinmittei I'uihI offi cials say several hundred women mui.' be di nppfd from the pension lists if the reduition stands WATCHMAN FOUND DEAD .luines Welsh suty five years old, omployed as a night watchman in the Gladstone Apartments Eleventh mid l'lne streets, was found dead this morn ing In the Isdler room of the building Deputy Coroner Apfel wns called In and pronounced the innu dead from natural causes, The body wus removed to the man's home, 1(1-8 South Juniper street. Ml NTS H T EINSTEIN THEORY ASKS CONTRACT LABOR LAW TO RESTRICT IMMIGRATION Harvard Professor Would Demand Minimum Wage Quarantee Itoston, April 22. (Hy A. P ) A plan of restricted Immigration, based upon n reversal of the present contmct lalmr law, was advanced bj Prof. ThomnH Nixon Carver of Harrard Uni verslt), In an address before the Na tional Association of Cotton Mnnufnc turers here toda "llutter than exclusion," he said In disctnuliiK ImmlKratlon. "would be h plan of restriction which would select those who were capable of entering the well-paid occupations and exclude those who would crowd Into occupations where worcs arc uleady too low. The best w) to do this would be to reverse our present contract labor law and admit onlv such immigrants ns could present contracts', signed by responsible cm plovers, guaranteeing employment at S3 a din for nt least a ear This would admit nil the laborers who were really needed At the nine time It would prevent the coming of hordes of cheap laborers whose influence is to depress the wage nf unskilled labor It would make the lower grades of labor so scarce as to " , -r; , . .,,. i eventiuilh make !?. a laj tlie actual minimum wage without the difficulty of nforcing n inlnimum wnge law T Jury With Woman Convicts Two Thieves in Watrous Case VERDICT IN 15 SECONDS Annuel la Posen and .Icrrj Brown, men with piison lecords. nrrestisl Wnliiisilnv nijlit. ihirged with picking the i i kn of IMw.ird A Watrous, of tin Klncscoiirt Aiartments, aboard a crowded tiallev inr, were today con victed btforc .lodge Shull in Quarter Sessions Court and sentenced to serve from foui to live venr.s in the Hm-tern IV tut nttirv Charles lone- arrested in connection with the pickpocket job. lould-not be posit ImIv identified and was acquitted if the diaigi He was rlaccd on n train at llr-nid Street Station and in stiiiiteil to co back to New York anil (ell the nooks thue just what kmd of justfe I' being meted out to visiting i riininnW in His itv Mis. rdn.i A Wntrous wife of the viclin. of the "ii'i-ited pitkpoekels. fm uishecl the feature of the trial by lllus Until l' in front of thi jurv box just how I.uPnsen is alleged to hnve placed Ids nun nbout hei husband nnd reached Ills pocket lboard the trolley car Wfdtiesd J She positively identified Brown nnd I,a Posen ns the men who jostled her husband when he sought to move toward an exit of the car'o-en, white-haired and said to be sixty-five years old. made n dramatic appeal to the court to have his trial postponed because of the failure of his counsel Henry Jl Stevenson, to ap pear He was informed thnt Assistant Dis trict Attornej Speller had made every iffort to lommunlcnte with the attorney and thnt the trial would pnweed with out him Kdwin T Wells volunteered as counsel for the men After Mrs Wntrous had identified the two men. who were characterized as tvvn of the most dangerous criminals in the lountry and had demonstrated how the piikpoiket job was done, the jur.v. im hiding one woman returned a veidnt of guilt in fifteen seconds. The men who robbed Wntrous ob tnlned onb $1 which was in loose bank notes in ills cont pocket SEAPLANES SEEK BROKER Party of Four Missing In Tiny Boat ntf ih. n9h9m Ha . April 22 Seaplanes nnd hunts left at daybreak todnv to vearch the waters between here and the Hnhunin islands for Webb Jav. wealthy Chicago broker, and n partv of four, who are believed to be missing nt sen In a little speisl boat The little boat left Himini in the Hahamns, Sunday for Minml. and wns last seen Sundnv afternoon by Cnptuin Charles Pene of the steamer Cor sair plving hetween the Islnnds nnd I Minim in n rough sea. about eleven 1 miles off llimini The island Is nbout ifort-v-hve miles from the toast here I In the boat with Jnv were his wife; Charles It Deshields of Chit ago, und I wife nnd 'i Negro employe CATHOLIC HIGH REUNION Former Students Will Meet This Evening for Talkfest All former students of the Uomnn Catholic High Sthool nie looking for I"1" - '1 to reunion in connect Ion with i the "'"'I'tion to he given the 1020 nnd 1021 lassis in the auditorium of the high school at Itrond and Vine streets this evening Students iirespetlive of the length of their stav at the high si hnol will be hosts this i veiling Ttiere will be or- histral music, jn? and symtihonic, vocal inuslt novtl motion pittures, linn inks ami othir attrattions The Hev William I McNally, retjtor of the sthool, has hi en taking an active piirt in the preparations for the reunion A fmmr lHtllhlls wllIl utt,.nd ttI11 ht listed LEFT $232,000 ESTATE Mrs, Witmer's Son and Named as Heirs Daughter v. M,n .md ihuightti nf Catherine , itim 1 an niiimtl as the In Irs In hei will iirnhntPtl todnv Mrs Wittner In id at KiOii f'heitei .ivtnile She left an estate valutd nt more than .f-'U.OOO The hi in tb uinis are Itobert K and lsn belle Ii Wltraer (tthir wills probated today (lie those of Martin drain ill! Oreen street, .U TM) Max Ilamberg 10H North PICKPOCKETS GET FOUR-YEAR ERMS l'ranklln stieet ."000 Inventories 1 Sam Allcrat, arrested in conection with wire tileil in tlie following personal the dynamiting yesterdny if the pow estntes KrankS Evans, $170,211.(12; der nnd motorhouscs of tho North 1,01111. I I.ivcrwright. S!l().!l."0 75. Charles I Straw n SSO.IO'J .1,'i . Caro line I. 'loutig. $10 (lliil :i.t Letters of administration were granted in the estate of Johnson Sloune SOliS Syden- mini eirei i . .-mini . CUDAHY RITES TOMORROW Body of Suicide Will Probably Be Sent East for Burial Urn Angeles, April 2'J (lly A P Punerul services for John P ( .luck") CuilllM, who ended his lift by shooting Wednesday will be held tomorrow morning The body probnbly will Inter be sent East for burinl Mrs Edna O Cudnhv, the widow, who broke down WedtiCMlay, remained under the care of physicians ycMerday. Miss Clara Cudohy nnd Mis W f' Melsnn. her husband's ulsters, were with her CLEMENT SCORES P. R. J. FOR SLOTH Public Service Commissioner Urges Completion of Valua-'' tion Proceedings REBUKES TRANSIT LAWYER Necessity for expediting the valua tion of the P It. T . so thnt n per manent rate of fare inny be established wns urged today by Public Service Com missioner Clement He made such n suggestion nt n hearing on the vnluntlnn which wns held In lloom 400, City HnlU Mr Clement expressed impntlence with the methods of the P. It. T. In presenting Its cuso and declared Unit much time was consumed on unneces sary details The company was loprosentod b.v Coleman 3. Joyce Mr. Clement gave vent to his Impntlence when Mr. Joyce sought to introduce a mass of testimony regnrding rights of vvnv of the company. This evidence covered seven big volumes. Mr Clemont said "It Is most Im portant to llnish this case oh soon ns possible, it is only fair to the public, the cnuipnii.v and the city. Cntll this matter Is settled, the Frnnkford ele vated lease and the company's financial plans will be seriously hnmpcrcd." "We will huvc a very expensive rcc oid before we get through if we write nil this evidence into the record. I fore-ee that the state, the city nnd the company will have to face n tremendous stenographer's bill There should be some shorter course to clear this mat ter up " Assistant City Solicitor Itosenbnuni suggested Mr Joyce und C Kdwin Hunter, real estate expert for the P. It. T have a "seance'' with the city solicitor s office In which they might go over tl 's evidence nnd rench nh ngrcement to eliminate unnecessary de tails before the commission. Mr. Clement npproved that suggestion heartily ARTIST SKETCHES HARDING Neysa McMeln Finds President In teresting Model New York. Apt II 22. The first por trait mnde of Wnrren (1. Harding since he became President, drawn to the despnlr of the nrtlst while he was go ing about business In the White House, was shown yesterdny b.v Miss Neysa McMeln in her studio It Is a charcoal sketch, reqututed by the Pan-American I'nlnn for exhibition nnd newspaper purposes in South America. Miss McMeln laughed ruefully at the memory of her two days in Wnshlngton last week. "For an easel 1 "find a green phish choir, a. stick of wood, two telephone directories and some blue tissue pa per," she said. "The executive office is one of the hnntbomest rooms I ever saw, but it is not lighted properly for art work. Twice the Harding Airedale, I.nddle, came over and patted the pic ture." "President limiting evidently thought he wns being a fine model by staying for u long time in the same room with the artists." said Miss McMeln, who was impressed with the President's sim plicity "It wns very interesting to drnvv Mr. Harding." she continued "He has a strong face with well defined charac teristics " HONOR RODMAN WANAMAKER Venezulean Minister Decorates Him With Order of Bolivar Dr Esteban Gil-Dorges, minister of foreign relations of Venezuela, has deco rated Hodman Wannmaker with the Order of Simon Bolivar, the Liberator. This is the highest honor thnt can be conferred upon any one b.v the Vene zuelan Government. Mr Wanamnker. as chairman of the mayor's tommittee on receptions to dis tinguished guests, hns been in chnrge of nil the nrrnncements for the en tcrtainment of the special Venezuelan commission headed by Dr Gil-Borges, sent to the I'nlted States to nttend the unveiling of the momiment to Simon Itollvar the great South American lib erator, at which President Harding mnde such n notable speech. This decoration adds to the many marks of distinction from foreign gov ernments bestowed upon Mr. Wann maker. including commander of the Vittonan Order of Great Uritoin. grand offlter of the Order of Leopold II of Belgium, and ollicer of the Order of St Savn Third Class, of Serbia, not the least of which is his promotion a few days ago to the rank of com mander of the legion of Honor, con ferred upon him b.v M. Vlvlani. BALL GAME FOR CHARITY Athletics-Washington Contest Will Benefit Undernourished Children For the benefit of the poorly nour ished children in the public schools re ceipts of n hasebnll game between the Athletics nnd Washington, scheduled nt Sliibe Park on May 3, will be do natid to the public schools' public health fund Miss Alue A Johnson, head nurse of the Board of Kduration, will be In chnrge,, of the subscriptions to the game "The public health fund is a fund maintained for the purpose of helping children townnl good health," Miss Johnson said "We believe that through the grentei use of milk children, ns a whole will build up better A Inrge part of the money will be used to buy milk for the undernourished children I M" ' '",'n f,anno a?0l ''.., .. I "The tnnnngement nf the Athlefits I nns l)en iiKeu 10 Jieili ami hub rr spontled, attaching no conditions All the teachers of the nonrtl slioum iiuenu, if possible. ' DYNAMITE SUSPECT FREED No Evidence to Hold Sam Allerat for Explosion in Powder House Morgantown, W. Vn., April 1 American Coal Co nt Madixvillc, near here, wns released todny when author! ties were tonvlneetl that lie Knew- Hom ing of the cause of the explosion. Itlnodhounds yesterday hnd plrked up a trail at the powder house nnd fol low ttl it to Allernt's home and to the bet! he occupied, according to state po lite TWO ROBBERIES LAST NIGHT Hold-Up Men Get Gold Watch. Store Thieves Steal Jewelry Three men in a motorcar held up nntl robbed Albert O. Eliman, 171(1 North Thirteenth strest, nt Urond and Prnvvn streets last night. The high waymen took his gold vvntch and chain and $7ii In cash At (I o'clock last night thieves entered the store of P. J. frlcdeM, fill Walnut street, nnd stole Jewelry valued ut $200. The burglars entered the establishment by means of a false key, BEBE DOES HER ItLLLnlHtWaT --'--. lit HtliNHSBXnlA...'' ?E Cnilcrooil ,t Imlcrwond The young lady with the broom is .Miss liehe Daniels, film star, who Is' serving n ten-day sentence in the Orange county jail nt S.inl.i Ann, Calif. Her companion In the picture Is Mrs. Thco. Lacy. Jr., matron of the Jail. Miss Daniels' offense consisted of driving her inr in excess of the speed limit. An unsympathetic cop "pinched" her, mid nn equally unsympathetic judge imposed the sentence. Hut Hebe doesn't seem to be worrying MAIL-ORDER DETECTIVES I INVESTIGATED BY POLICEi Would-Be Sleuths Said to Have Badges From Western School An Investigation of ' toriespondencc detective mills wns ordered today by Director of Public Safetv Cortelyou ns a result of a crop of fledging sleuths which has nnnearcd in this city. A correspondence sthool in the ifuly die west, nccortnng to ine uirei'ior, un dertakes to teach the arts of high ami fancy detecting to ambitious joptlis for a plttunce of ?S() After thirty dnys' study of the sci ence of disguises, shadowing, mvs tic signs and other uids in routing crime the pupils receive u diploma, u badge and n blnckjock. The graduates nre advised bv letter thnt they nre eligible for state licenses ns nrlvnte detectives. More than n doz en jouths hnve lulled ut the director's office recently, display cil their badges and diplomas and unnminced their de sire to prnttice "the profession " In tlie Inst three weeks three young men hnve gnined the attention of the police because of their "detective ' ac tivities. In one instnnce it youth "flashed" his coriespondcnce sthool badge while trying to stop n row nt n baseball game in Fuirmount Park He was beaten by tho players Director Cortelyou has dlrtctetl at tention of the postal inspectors to the "nostiiL'c-Ktnmn Hiivvkshnws." Lists 'of those who were induced to part with their money in return for uetective in struction nre being obtained The stu dents will be warned to "foiget it." otherwise a real detective may niicst them for impersonating officeis. - INSTITUTION ADDRESSES Dr. Steele Will Talk and Make Sur vey In Interest of Church Surveys of nnd addresses in the I.nstern Penitential), tlm- House of Correction and other institutions will be mnde bv Dr John Steele, director of the department of delinquency of the Presbyterlnn Hon id of Temperance and Mnrul Welfare, beginning Sunday morning The delinquency department Is engaged in promoting the inti rests of prisoners, i ripples nnd other de pendent clusses The first address will he mude in the House of Correction, followed bv one In the Presbvterinn churt h at Ilolmesburg Sunday afternoon Dr Steele will nddress the prisoners Tit the Eastern Penitentlnry A sneclul sur vey of the pi nitentiurv will be inndi Monday Studies will be mnde of con dltions In the cit) which lead to du llnquenov PHI BETA KAPPA ELECTS 1 14 From Junior and Senior Classes at Swarthmore New Members The Swarthmore College 1 ha titer of Phi Ileta Kappa announced its eltctloiis to insmbershlp this morning As 11 ie suit the lnrgcst number of Swarthmore students In recent years will soon he wearing tlie coveted key, which is 11 mark of an excellent scholastic record Fourteen irutnbers of the junior and senior classes were elected to the mem- uer8lliP- ,. , They nre James F Tlogardus. Janet Clark. Lion II Collins, Wnylnnd litis bree, Illldegarde Huxuiner, Ella It Urn r. C lingers McCulloiigh, Luc lie Noble, Josephine Tyson, Allan Valen tine I.enn Wresscin, Janet Young from tlie senior t lass From the junior 1 (ass. Until M Thompson Josephine urtmiin , from the senior clnss, elected In their junior year, David W. Dennison, John W Klopp Aline Woodrow. Tacony Fathers to Entertain "Ladies night" will be obvrvnl by the Tncoii) Cuthers Association at a reception and entertainment tonight in the Tacony Trust Co. Hiiihllng Miv Huth Wnnger, assistant principal of the Clrlu' Southern Ilich School, will sill ill.' on "Americanism." On behalf ..f tin association Chnrles J. 1' mince will pi 1 sent pictures of the late Colonel Hoom - veic to the Henry Disstnn nmi Mniv I'Ustnn PubUc Schools .loim I, tiiinu, prc-sldent of tho association, will pre AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC The iiiituiniilille hulue-. Is ruplilli uii iiroiirhlnir iiurmul, VlrihitiiltH lire itlrriiil In drmund, Ion inn tit joursrlf fur struil work ut (rood pur. Stun uIkIiIiiic. lift bunrl (Irt jour trtilnlnc In thv nihuol In ilornnl und nuiirrvlMil Ii) . The I'lilln. Aiitomolillr Truile Ahu'ii, "(Jlasseii beln April S"i nnd MTty t" Y. M. C. A. AUTO SCHOOL 1821 I.inlluw fllrrrt "BIT" IN JAIL SPEECH-READING CLUB TO GIVE BENEFIT TONIGHT Women's Organizations Here Have Interesting Day The Speech Itrndmi; Club's C'0.)(K) fiunpnign to buy a iluhhouse will bene fit tonight through the efforts of the Philadelphia Quintet in presenting "In it Pet shin Ciaiileii at Witherspoon Hall Those taking part in the singing will be Mnrjnn H. Campbell. I.enn V. luhen, C. H. Swtlt and Herbert A. Smith Hiith Wuiidcilicli I,atidea will assist ut the piano Miss (icrtrude II Shearer lectured : 1 fori the Ilnthnwav Shakespeare Club this afternoon on eltttriclty. Mrs. J. K C McAllister presided The lee- I lure followed u book review The Woman's Cluls of (Jeimnntown extendi d the hospitalitv of the club to teachers of (ieiinnntowu this afternoon. Mrs. Cluicme II Lane was the hostess. The Fiidnv Viitrcnt Kvents Club m8t this afternoon at the (iermantown Y W C A . when business nnd do uic'stn and foicign news wns discussed. Tlie Aluuinne Association of the Guls High und Normal Schools will give nn enteitiiinmeiit in tlie Normal School this evening Miriam Lee I'nrl) Lipplncntt will give "The Servunt in the House " Tlie String Club of the Philadelphia High School for Girls, dirts ted b.v Katherine Murphy, will play The New Centiuy nSuild will discuss ' Social Legislation in Pennsylvania" nt S o'cloi k tonight musunlc vvnN givin bv the Worn nn s Club of Ardmore this afternoon to whiih (he tencheis of Lower Meriou 'township were invited The nitists un luded Mrs. Charles V. Finite TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES CinrKi N llnsnn Halom M ih nnd i:ilz- nloth M MrCnllnshlrv .TMI Al. stunt l Jutivph Uiwr lull Ollvo si und Mumlo Lnvctt HI" I.bx si Jrhn S Hlfin s'l Cnllom hi nnd Mari K IVanl 11131! 13 "lhiijn m Ilobtrt J Hron loos Wlntir nt mid Huth A Hum -M'.l S I'ninic st f hrutophpr Mi-Cnbo IHOl V Hnrflilil si nnd Cocillft nnwlnml ISlti HwK-lt e c, unie Minor nil ? ChndwIcU hi and Ailiertu H .lackHnn 143o ,s c-haivlrk nt Oforse JNllurk CMS llelicrmlit n uml Kll ' t I't rth Ti.'O HeUrsde hi I'rnnlc 1 Qreen 1"".' MhhiIow hi Hnd Viola 13 Lord, ni'ndlntr P lludoliih V'. I'unk USUI .V Mirvlno hi und Cdllla t. HiKrllnir Mahomi l'i I.ronord Clnttls PnwirliliH Calif nnd I.h- iioue I'rice iihiiiiikiiiii ii c ssmunl AlelnnlH 1'lltBburk'n nnd .Martha H Olllles nxport I'n f.inrv-" 13 .N'ott fiSei I'n si and Helen 1' Knoppe Ml!l fine hi B' pi n ni m iini n mrm inmni nmi 1 1 1 nm i crami n rimTirrrrai'iiTi wiTrrmi'iiru'iirmiiinraw Philadelphia Atlantic City Baltimore g I "MfL0P$ 3 The Shops of Serisiblc J Wh Summer Blouses Combining "Millard" Value and Beauty A very new model of pro- -j nouncctl Ulaid (all-white) g un! wifli wirlo nlPHtod frill I VOlle With Wiae piealCU Xrill 6 and hemstitched collar 'and I -5 culla. GenerOUSIJ,' ?0 QC Ig fipecialy Z.yD y&Cf&4DS" I 127 PHILADELPHIA 1337 S. 13th -St. AVD Chestnut St. I j BOARDWALK SHOP-ATLANTIC CiTY-llRlGUTON Bf.dcF" r.irumriiiii-iiiiuiiiRUd.i.Liti-ijEtiitiiUiAii NLL WdDT FEATURES IN MOVIE RULES Church and School Loadors Eliminate. All Restrictions Doclarod Objoctionablo OPERATORS ARE DISCUSSED Iteprescntntlves nf oliurehes, schools nnd industrial establishments succeeded today In killing objectionable features of tho proposed regulation of motion plcturo shows1' in plttees other than reg ular theatres nnd mntlon-nlrture houses. The objections were heard by the committee on industrial relations of the State Department of Labor nnd Industry, vvitn into T. .Mniicry, cnnir man, presiding nt a meeting in the Hellevtie-Stratford, The features eliminated wer tehc pro posed rules thnt none but educational films should be shown In churches, schools nnd Industrial plants; thnt ad mission fees could not be collected for such firm showings nnd that such per formances would be limited to six a mouth. Mr Mnllery assured a large number of men nnd women present to protest that these proposed rules would gnln no consideration. A proiKisal to compel nil motion-plctiirc-npcrntors to obtain licenses also met with much opposition. It watt stated that thw restriction would hnm per the shovvlnz of films In churches jinil other places not given over for entertainment purposes. Mr. Mnllery Mild the sole thought back of the proposed licensing rule was to get rid of the "fool" t)pe of opera tor who would become pnnlcky in case of a film break, n flareback or other ntcldent while films were being pro jected. I he chairman suzeested It mlcht he well to entrust the police with the li censing of nonprofessional operators. -Louis Xusbauin, associate superintend ent of schools, moved for the appoint ment of n committee, representing schools, qhurches und Industrial plantn, so the entire proposition could be studied and recommendations made. PASSOVER WINE HELD UP Rabbis Protest to New York Offi cials In, Vain New York, April "22. The most perplexing problem born of the enforce ment here of the new stntc prohibition law was presented here, when It de veloped tlyit the nnti-llquor crusade of the police ylll scrlousl) Interfere, ac cording to rabbis, with the oWservante of the Jewish Pnssover, which begins nt sundown tonight. Asserting that the Jews of the city probably would lje short thousands of gallons of wine for sacramental pur poses, n delegation of rabbis appealed for advice to First Deputy Police Com missioner John A. -Loach, in charge of the Honor drive, and to Hubert S. John stone, of the Bureau of .Appeals. They teceived little consolation from the offi cials. Pennsylvania state-prohibition au thorities will not interfere with the usual ullotinents of wine to families of the Jewish faith. This was stated today by Jay Divel, Pennsjlvnnln director of prohibition. Lnch family here gets ten j. moils for sacrninentnl purposes. All of this is. not used during Pnssover, but for some strict observers of the fuith it is employed throughout the ycur. DR. GRENFELL TO SPEAK Will Give Talk Tonight on His Work In Frozen North Dr Wilfred T. Oreenfell will sneak in the interest of His work in Lnbrador and Newfoundland nt n mass-meeting In the Academy of Music nt 8:15 o'clock this evening. Captnln Hubert A. Ilnrt lett, former commander of Peary's ship, the Itooscvclt, will introduce Dr. Oren fell The program will include teccntly pnotogrnplietl motion pictures mowing the country, people nntl extensive work b) Dr. (irenfcll nmong the deep-sea fishermen and fur trappers of tho Lab rador. The lecture by Dr. Orenfell will be one of u series in aid of the endowment fund of $l,ri00.000 being raised by the International Orenfell Association to perpetuate his work in Lubrndor nnd Newfoundland. Gas Drives Many From Homes Hound ltrooli. X. .1., April 22. Phosgene gas cscuping from u large tnnk in the plant formerly used for the manufacture of war chcmlenls by Hem ingway & Co., n short distance west of town, drove many people from their homes early today, The pltrtit now- is owned by the Sherwin-Wllllnms Co., nnlut manufacturers. Phosgene irns was one of those used lit the world war. Em-. plo)cs of nn ndjarent chemical com pnii) . equipped with gas mnsks, stoppetl the leak. Prices Another pretty model of all- white cross-bar voile with 3 narrow knife-pleating on 3 front, collar and culis. rian- ned without skimp- $0 t incr, specially priced a iui H-;iiiijiiiiutiJ,ww!itrMLatai uuvmM w Tailored Waists I IS2r- - y f ill B b VAUCUAIN NOT AT HEARING Got No Invitation to Appear Before , Commission! He Says, Samuel 31. Vnuclaln, president of tfio'-TlnldwIn Locomotive Works, Hold yesterday he dM not attond the "hearings of the Interstate Commerce Commission held hern this week with regard to dlf ferences between the -railroad machinists nnd the management, for tho reason he hnd not been Invited. 'Asked 'Whether he hnd anything to any with regard to'costit of repair work, Mr. Vnuclaln snldt, "Wc know wbnt our own costs nre, but we don't know the -railroads' costs. Our" books are open to the Interstate Commerce Com mission, or to any ouc else with whom wc do business; thVy arc ready any time. The commission enn Hnve all the Information I can give. In fact, 1 hnve not only given them nil Information, hut linvo offered to compile nny other data they may want. "Tho nnldwin Locomotive Works never did have, never will hnve, the slightest hesitation to let ntiv bne with whom it does business look into Its b.ok " RECALL LINCOLN CORTEGE Body of Martyred President Wa Here 66 Years Ago Today Vlf.H..l. .ammm wm Inilnv 4tiA flAllv JL'JLi-BIA jvmn life" iuuj ..v "-" of Abrahnm Lincoln was brought to this .. ... t...t.i..f... City, on ine way irom v nnningum u...i-nl.i til n.i ...l.lln tli urholn njlllllK.lll.-IM, !( "U "- v"-" city mourned the martyred President lay in state nt intiepenuencc nan. April 22, 1805, wns a Saturday. The body arrived at the Unltlmnro Station, Broad street nnd Washington nycnut, nt 4 p. m. Ho slowly did the henrse i 1..,. i.a loe1ftnnr,it hnitv move through the city streets, thronged with tit 1I..1 la, kjkilAl til. sorrowing cui7.cns, urn n riiuicu ut most four houra to reach Sixth nnd Pliestmir streets. The interior of Independence Hall was draped solidly in black, vthe only .. 1.1- ulAt In ihn mntn U'lierd the Willie uujc" - "- --- ---j casket stood being the mnrblo statue of Wnshlngton. All itnturuny nignc nna Suuday hundreds of thousands of per .. . r.U.i tdrniiifh tlm T.lhertv Hell room to pay final tribute to the emancipator. yzii. kAiu innu rnirnn in ipw iiiik tin April 24. llurlal was nt Springfield on May 4, after stops had been made nt Albany, uieveinna, vjoiumous, -in-dlannpolls nnd Chicago. DOCK LAUNCHING TODAY Will Be Used by Sun Company In New Wet Basin Dry dock No. 1, the first section of n floating dry dork designed to accommo date vessels of 10,000 tons, will be launched nt the yard of the Sun Ship building Co. nt Chester this -afternoon. This dock willbe used by the Sun company In its new wet basin, which is- 1)30 feet long and 40 feet In depth, the largest on the Atlantic coast. The dock will be in eleven sections. Miss Chnrlotte Enstwlck will be the sponsor. She wns chosen from nmong forty joung women who hnve been with the company since before the signing of tho armistice. The affair will be a gala occasion, music to bo furnished by the shipyard band. Pntroncsses nt the banquet to.fol low will be Mrs. John O. Pew, wife of the president; Mrs. J. J. Gruhnm nntl Mrs. Robert Ilnlg, wifo of vice presi dents, und Mrs. S. S. Itcltzel, wife of the treasurer of the company. BULLDOGS GUARDED STILL - 1 "Dry" Agents With Search -Warrant Encounter Vicious-Looking Animals Prohibition Agents Lnyton nnd Jor dan, armed with a search warrant, visited n home nt Eightieth street and Oobhs Creek, in Delnware County, yes terdny nnd were greeted by five rather vicious-looking bulldogs. They 'drew their revolver and pre nnred for n ficbt. but the owner of the home, Stephen Durzcrkl, called off the animals. The ngents thep rend the warrant nnd entereet the nousc. Tnvestiention. thev said, disclosed n fiftccn-gnllon still In operation, 300 gallons of mnsh, twenty gallons of moonshine whisky and several pounds of yenst. A wagon loan 01 rye ira standing In the ynrd. Durzcrkl was arrested and given n i,nrlAir hefore Horace It. Manlcy, T'nited Stntcs commissioner. He was held In ?100O boll for court. Wedding Gifts of Silver in constant use for several generations, pro-v'e the economy of quality. J. E. Caldwell & Co. Chestnut and Juniper tr UEnziIt .HxS,(.t. JACOB REEDS SONS I42M426 OiesTtmiltSIhzxjctt HOPE BRff ISH COAL 'i STRIKBMEARENDi Progroas Roported Aftor PrB ' mini Cnnfnrr. lAJUL. r.. "I and Minors MET AGAIN NEXT WEEK T , Hr the Assoclntwl Pross London,, April 22. By invhst-u,, , Premier Lioyd Oeorge, the nritIA ii1 owners and tho leaders of the mA Federation met with him this X, noon for discussion of the roil &' The conference was adjourned at nil . 5 U. m W it was Mated si.nioUU.t' progress had been made (!(! ,"' other meeting, which probab 'y ' a!l held Monday. It wns said fiets ., f te"1'?, f WAV the eo,!?c; " f .....tu H,i, uu consiueretl ditrlin- til week-end,, nnd which give a hon. success for the negotlntloiis. pe Offlclal .figures on unemninvm. . antnW&,nt lht. pWe? ft f ! at 1,080.000, an increase of 71.200n'JI last week, it was stated tliats?veta enrgos of American coal were nntfcli way to llrltlsh ports, that French col had nlready arrived and that Ilcl-chrra was releasing coal for England. 1 1 ?. asserted Oermany wAs offering e0,i ! Swansea nt half the price of the U! We si, product, while South Afrl ,' coal was going to Mediterranean port,' It was officially stated that forty-i?;. coal mines had been flooded an 0 ,1 suit of the absence of pumpmen nnd engineers from the pits and that further cuts In train schedules would be Vt. fective on Sunday. " Another crisis hns arisen In the en. glnecrlng industry over proposed warn cuts nmountlng to 12,500,000 am r! fecting 300.0011 workers. A conf" c" of employers held here .vestcrday ad! Joumed for a veck. The Scottish Trades Union Conuresi In session nt Aberdeen, hns paused cording tho condemnation of le cm' gress of the government's "treachir! ous una uiiier nnti-iaDor attitude." 5 AtiTO BODIES BURNED Fire Destroys Sheridan Street Cr. y ' penter 8hop Fiv automobile bodies undergoing re pairs were destroyed when a tiro broke out in tho carpenter shop of Jo,nk Christopher. 1131 South Sheridin street, early today, and practically ruined the two-story frame structure The automobile bodies were iu iu basement of thn shop. The fire was discovered by Patrolman Smith, of the Seventh nntl Carpenter streets station, about 1 o'clock. It had stnrtcd in some unknown manner on the ' first hoor. Smith turned In an alarm nnd then ran to the stable of Walter Uosher. 1123 South Sheridan Mreet broke in the door nnd led six horses to snfety that had been stampeded In the stable by the glare of the flames. Th. emmnge, It Is said, will bo over $5000 . Attractive selling con tract to salesmen with ability. Philadelphia ex perience preferred. Retail SaUi Department LEXINGTON MOTOR CO. OF PENNA. Lexington Building-, 851-853 North Broad St., Philadelphia Cardiff Cord ATEN who insist that ecr" d-' "' Jar do its full duty apprcciatt the value that's crowded in Eagle Shirts of Cardiff Cord. The fab ric is exceptionally sturdy; the stylish patterns enhanced by cords; the colors fast; the cut as perfect ns fifty years' experience can Rtve a maker. $3.00 v J J 'i.. , tJto W. .m. ;;;.