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js -m JWrW ,r s i CHEESE BOX SCARE III RSMOORESTOWH ....M..n;w Wrought Up Over Building of Small Houses on Its Outskirts SOARING TAX REAL ISSUE Moorcstcmn. the most Imporlnnt mm--unity on the liluh rontl lietueen Cnm fen nd Mount Holly. I" lonlnic Its .IIr alflfd rnlm nn.l comlnR In n boll became e'f'thc "invasion of thp pIicckc lioxe. ntsinco the liorrendom ilnR of the diMtnut blisht or tho more ncrlloiiH time of tlic RoOolntlon linn tbli norencly ..'id little town hrrn.ln wirli peril of ffihtt U nently bnliuice.l poise. 1 MwreMown ritUenc lirom f tliplr ' .nciVnt Iierltnico "f comfortable wcnltti. Smllr trnrilt.on. I,ml'... i,..,. nnrl t in v ne-clnd ninn rlllFoD rem'nl-eent of old nn.l nn Kn8 ?..." .imnlv haven't nny ue for Uipkp kl ilU boieV-the nrl nmivenii one nnd o room homes of families u-iin-i. nnvc Jed the cities for the clinrnl of the "Du'rfn the lost four or five year. nd espccinlly slnco the war turned &ng into on nciitf ; problem, tl.mi S hove unuuht shelter over in Now ?mt in tiny bungalowi. nn.l even V"E. rruw linvp prent un to thp I Jacrd "borders of Moor jMown nn.l hnye farmed the towns of Maple Simile nn.l Ln0l1' Hah! Cheese Hows! , rustins a hnsfy null limigbty glanre '.t thee small nn.l humble, homes. Mooreftown looks upon Is own se.pios. tired seclusion tn ml cries In dlsKiist. "Cheese boxes!" ut. ,.! Ih freely pxnreuseil In nrl- ' .te conversation nn.l it is reflected in L . flftnd of letters which lntely linvo been Sfw rrCWal.'' contains this ex- """EverV lovnl with nny civic .trlde, let nsstnn.l firm at thp ceinctcry .SgiiDit this ehewc-box invasion iwd t "at with the Trench on Flanders Field, 'They shall not paw.' " .Maple Shade nnd I.enoln. the wide- wkc towns whlPh have sprung up on '?k. western outskirts of Moorestown. ind whose pride is in the future, are mappr in their retorts. Another writer to the Chronicle, William .1. I.ovoll, under the nom de (plume of "Rusticus .Id.." nfter n snr 'uy of the situation. ?as- "I join with Interested ('Wizens in honing that no nunc land near Moore, town will be despoiled In this manner. VotliiR Power in Danger The "despollers." however, are mul tlnlrine so rapidly that Moorestown leaf's thev will soon control, by their votes, the whole township of Chester, in which Moorestown. Mnple Shnde nnd Imoln are situation. And further, it is Mated out. that recently there were twenty births in Maple Shade to only one in Moorestown. George W. I lea I on. the township"A .fMfor. estimated that Mnple Shade con tained at this time nboul 8O0 voters nnd Moorestown 1M0O. , , "They hold thp balance of voting Ipwer i'n Mnple Shade." remarked Mr. Ilenton. "and candidates have to set on the right s1.1p of that community. Hence those of Moorestown who pay the taxes have visions of Maple Shade end Icnola comblninc to vote the Issu ance ot bonds for public improvements. and the bonds would mean nn even higher tax rate than at present. What Moorestown objects to. it was explained, is paying more taxes to pro Tide needed improvementsroads, slde ' walks, sewer", water supply, electric llrtts nn.l schools- -for Maple Shnde and Lcnola. Soft for Mnple Shade As it N now. it is figured that for every $100 paid in taxes by Maple Bhade, the town gets bnek $130. Mr Heuton snld that tho valuation in the Muorestown tire district wni J3.45S.811. while that of Maple Shade was only SOO.vlfN. Until the "chceoe box' invasion be am, Moorestown. comparatively speak ing, was the richest town per capita in nil of New .!crse. vying with cer tain ot the blue-blooded environs "f (Boston, whose shadow falls sagely athwart the shrines of culture at Com bridge Moorestown oflicials frankly admit that bark of it all i. the question ot higher taxes. The rate is now loftj . .For the township us a whole the basic rate is .$4.41; per S100 of nsscssed valu- 'itlon, For the Moorestown fuc (lis- ' trict it is $1.0". white for the Maple Shade fire district, the rnte is $ I. fill. MoorcEtown. hearing the demands of the up nnd coming "cheese boxes, won 'dtrs what the limit will be. "CIUMse Box" Fullii Pep For the "cheese box" is full of pep. The new kind of citizen, so far a.t Moorestown is cmu-eriii'il, began by buying a lot for n dollnr down nnd n , dollar a month. Then he built n shack In which he lived until l-f nrrlve.l nt the "cheese box" or bungalow stage. Later, as the "clieese boxer" grew in prosperity, ilie "clieeso box" beenme garage All thp trouble comes. It is explained In Moorestown, because the "cheese boxer" was given to 'understand' t lint HART'S Jiirli.n-llarl'it Itrntntirant 123-25 So. 10th St. PLAIN STEAK ...25c SIRLOIN STEAK.. 40c NrY.RUMP 55c tait(e' Dining fioom Xrver Clottd One reason lor its rapid deceleration Ilea n the fact thnt the M arm on III weighs om 700 to 1000 pounds less than cither "ru of comparable size ami power. TSE HATCH MOTORS C? lift t,"!"UTOH " K- ".OKUADST-PHILA. ayroom OpBn MARMQN No. 8 6! Weds Ex-Marine MllS. WAIiW'R J. KELLY Heforo lipr welding this morning she was Miss Kleanor K. Quliin, 311 West Master street lir virtue .of his residence in Chester Township he became eligible for nil the improveucnts wlilcli make lite luyiuc in Moorestown. Already a movement. Is under way in Moorestown to hnve Moorestown pruppr separated politically from Mnple Shad'' nn.l I.cnola. One ofBclnl said: "If we could only separate, we would send up ii lousing cheer, even heie in uict Moorestown." Hut now comes the rub. Some of those who own proper!) in Mnple Shade and I.cnola have close family ndlllatlons with the people of Moorestown, nml these join to pi event the separation. For, they nrgue, if we separate, then Maple Shade and I.cnola will embark on an Htnbltlous program of Improve ments nnd tho tax rate will go up. And If thej holt the separation, thev fear that soon Maple Shade nn.l T.cnoln will be able to force tilings at I lie polls. As Mnple Shnde would say." slnnglly. , I. .n....l. tnr Mnnreslnun nn mntter it is tough for Moorestown, no matter how you work It. Not. even daylight saving's upset, of the conventionalities' has so ruffled Moortstown's placidity as the "cheese box invasion." NAB MAIL THEFT SUSPECT Had Package and Checks In Posses' slon, Police Say Following his arrest for stealing n package from the top of a mall box nl Thirteenth nnd Locust streets jester day, search of IiIh person led the police to believe that in Ralph Thompson, twenty-three years old. of Montreal, they have captured a professional mall thief. lie had checks and other mote tlal in Ills pockets that the police allege have been stolen from the mail. He was turned over to the Federal author ities. Detective Caldwell arrest pi! 'Ifc'iomp son, who admitted the package was not his. It had been mailed by Hie Free Library. On this charge the Federal authorities refused to take any action, saying t lint they were not responsible for any mall not" properly placed in the boxes. Search of Thompson revealed some photogra pher's proofs and checks. Tho checks were mode out by Herman R. Rordman. i 2S S011H1 Third street, nnd Samuel Tn rod, !. South Third street. These men said that the checks had been , mailed in the private box in front of their offices it week ago and hnd never I reached their destination. Thp Federal i authorities took n hand on this dmrge nurt are holding Thompson for Investi- I gat ion. J HOW TIME DOES FLY Victim of Highwaymen Unable to Chase Men Who Get Watch Two nifii dressed in I'liited Slates sailor's uniforms and another in civilian dolhes robbed Harry E. Rest, of Har ribhurg. of his wnlrh at Third and Fil bert streets early lodny Rest, who Is elderly, was iinnhle to chase the men. who ran in different di lections. It has been found that more industrial mistakes arc made each week after Thurs day than before. Fag that's whv. Thc Collins' System develops a reserve supply of energy to mceti just such conditions. Come in today for a free treatment. COLLINS INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE rot.i.tNS ni.rm uai.m't st. at i.vth & & A m v? ifr "T EVENI(VfPtJBLIJ ' JEALOUS SUITOR SHOOTS COUPLE Wounds Rival and Woman as They Leave Movie Show. One Victim May Die MAN HELD FOR GRAND JURY A man is tlviiTir and a woman Is serl- .....1. .. bK.llllfi nf Mltlllilinl .'..... ,1.) OHSI.V Ulll'l un IVSIMin M HU.ioui.i n,miin . Inflicted, it Is alleged by a Jealous man, I late last evening. Alexander llurke. forty. '-MS South' American street, is the dying man. He is in the Pennsylvnnln Hospital. Anna (iroich. forty-two. 710 South Third street, is recovering from pistol wounds In the same1 hospital. The police arrested Carl Werde. Monroe street near Third, claiming thut he was caught with a smoking revolver In his hand after, , It In until, he bail nttnekrd the couple ns they were lenvlng n moving-picture show nt Sixth nnd Houtn streets. Mnglstrnto Harrigan. nt the Third nml lie I.nncev strepts station, today held Werde without bail for the Grand Jury. Cltv Detectives Itnmonettl nn.l .Com- dlco snv that threats and tecriminii tlhns have been exchanged ever since Werde discovered that llurke was paying attention to Miss (trolch. Werde has been an ndmlrer of the woman for n long time, ltecently. the detectives say. llurke armed himself with a blackjack, announcing Hint he was going to beat Werde up nt the first opportunity. Werde bought n revolver n shoit tint" 'nter, it is snld. According to the police. Werde spied on the couple Inst evening, nnd saw llurke nnd Miss (Jrolch go into n moving-picture show. Ue wailed outside for them to come out. When the show wits over cr.le wnt close to the exit ami scanned the faces of those coming out. A hen llurke nnd I .U1SH inilCII IIIIH'I11VII, 1 I'lUU, II ! Ill- ' leged, ran un behind them nnd opened '. " I'm ;rXh bTk nccord 'Ullet into Miss liroicn S linth, atLOKI il 1.. ....... Il ..! nrt. ill iiiiuiii lui'i ..i-iuu ni-lll 11 ing to the police MAN IS ROBBED OF $229 IN MONEY AND JEWELRY , ' Bandits Threaten Him With Gun at Randolph and Buttonwood Sts. I Samuel Cohen. tlJtli Ritner street, ! held up and robbed of money and jew- i eiry to a totnl value. of S'Jliii Inst night at Randolph and Riittonwond i-trcets. ,v the Rev. William Ilaywnrd. Mr.1 Cohen wns walking home when he i Kelly Is the fourth generation of his wns npproaehed by two men. He was j family to be married In St. Michael's l not suspicious of them until they came Church, the wedding of his great abreant if him. when one of them sud grandfather, grandfather nnd father denly pioduced a revolver from his coin , having tnken place there. ' pocket and ordered the victim to put his , The bride was attended by her sister. bonds up. Miss Marion Quinn. who acted ns The two highwaymen backed him up bridesmaid, and Mrs. Violn Flagale. ngninst the wall. In the siinuow. anil I ben went through his pockets. '1 hey got .$SS in cash from his wallet, took a 1 valuable watch, n diamond pin and a Japanese gold finger ring. ' After Jho two had made sure that I Cohen had nothing more of value, they warned him not to give the alarm and I then ran. I The victim went to the Third street 1 nnd Fairmount avenue police Mntioti and reported the hold-up. NAB TWO JN AUTO THEFT Patrolman Arrests Men Who Seem Unfamiliar With Their Car Two men. charged with stealing ,i valuable automobile in Newark. N. J were nrrestcd late last night, near For- tieth nnd Markrl streets, by n pntiolin-in of the Thirty-ninth street nnd Laiicns- ter avenue station. The patrolman noticed they seemed ' to be unfamiliar with the car when ' i suddenly stopped on the streel. He questioned the men and then brought them to thc police station They giiv their names ns Thomas Fern and Thom.i Farrell. of Newark. Fern tirsi snid lin ear belonged In his brother, who lin-l ' permit ted him to use it. Later, on lieiiw questioned by Detective Ro.scboi-n. hoth men admitted stealing the car from n garage in Newark, the police snj. Tin will be sent to Newark today. rJBANIl Diamond Platinum Pendant Matches and in combinations with Oryx-Jado arid Enamel Exqaisilo Designs IT'S a Pleasure to Deal -1 Where You Get What You Want. 1$ As a general proposition men like to deal where they can get what they want without loss of time or thc exercise of an undue amount oi patience. I Our assortments ot i-lotlunp arc so well chosen and so mm prchensive in their v.uictv that men find little trouble lieie in getting exactly what thej want. J Moreover, there is the assurance that whatever thev huv here is in correct Mle and of a quality and workmanship that will give satisfaction and service. ' - J The prices for Spring and Summer Suits aie $.W and upwaid the most attractive which we have been able to offer for jears especial alucs at $45 and $50. JACOB MEED'S SONS 1424-142 ttestaimlSfaeet L$D&ER - ptalBELPHlA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE' 8 .1921 Wins Scholarship BOYS TO GIVE ORATIONS Penn Charter School to Hold Exer cises Tomorrow Commencement exercises of the Wil liam Penn Charter School will be held tomorrow evening nt 8 o'clock In Wltherspoon Hnll. The program will Include orations .by members of tins graduating class as follows.: "Finish the Job." Willnul McDowell: "Her bert Hoover," II. Holstcin Roberts; "A Consul's Duty." Robert II. Hart ley : "Courage.' Harrows Dunham : "Theodore Itoo-evelt. the ''Man." Anthony II. Whltaker. nnd "The Opti mist." Allan D. Wnllls. Jr. Henry Strong will deliver the valedictory. The Richard M. Jones scholarship for lil'-'l-ma-J will be awarded to Mal colm .Myers, wlio nttaincd tne lilguesi aVernge in the junior -.hoVil. was votc-.l thc ,., popular box In the clnss nn.l ,,;, ,iHtlngiilshed himself ns n member f(l (Ijj, ,,,. football, bnsebnll nnd track .v. .....f. WAR VETERAN WEDS Ml 88 Eleanor K. Qulnn Become! Bride of Walter J. Kelly ' The marriage of Miss Eleanor K. Qtiinn, of HI! West Master street, to Walter J. Kelly. 1!)."1 Rerkshlrc street. Frankford. look place nt II o'clock this morning in St. Michael's Catholi.' fhurch. The ceremony was performed t Iio matron of honor. Sylvester Kelly, a brother of the bride, was the best man. Miss Quinn is the daughter of the I late Rernard (julnn. n well-known I Kensington business ninn, and Mrs. Emma Quinn. Kelly served with the j I'nlted Stnles Murines during the ww I iiii.l wns detailed for duty nn the (!eorg . Wellington, which carried President j Wilson to Europe. FINE FRAMING PAINTINGS CLEANEn AND RESTORED THE ROSENBACH GALLERIES 1310 Walnut Street rTf-lLIF DIpUT JlrSi.ue I fill IlVjn I aQVcrU5- I mg will make your sales rorce rorcerui in forcing more sales. HERBERT M. MORRIS Advertising Agency Every Phaie of Sales Promotion North American Bldg. Philadelphia ff3piS laaaaaaaaaaaaaafc IBs '.;' .';:..'BakaBaar LH'" ''lailRv''-1''';' ?' 'JaS-iaal H A WaJSUV 'iiTi ' s v":(aaaaaaaH . aam uaKBmM'MitM aaM mKnBmk:,h aaaaaaaV ".-hflaB HaLaH VMk aaaaaaH 'i&raaaaaaaaH -:.A'SS(r.JaaaaV9iaaaaal 'v-'aSJalaaHPniaaaaH MALCOM MYKRS IRIH IS ENGLISH BUT 'GETS IN DUTCH7 Media Man Who Wore U. S. Flag on His Back May Be Court-Martialed LEGION TAKES ACTION As n sequel to an Incident, Memo rial Day. when Oeorge It. Irish, n.l English citizen. East Front stieet. Me- din, Is nlleged to have appeared on lilss U.wn with nn American flag plnnert to his trousers, members of the Clayton 'I . Smith Post, American Legion. Medio, have appointed n committee with full power to nrrest him nnd bring- him in trim lietore u post court-martial. Thp committee will cnll on Irish nt his home tonight. The trouble grew out of the fnct that Marlon I.anning, a former marine nn.l overseas veteran, claims to have seen Irish working on his lawn Memorial Day, with the American flag pinned on I his back. 1. mining nppronched him nn.l asked him what he meant by it.t nlng snys that Irish made some VviisW, reply when Lannlng said: . "You get In the house nnd gct that flag off of there or I'll knock It- out i of yo " i.anning savs Irish obeved bis order and enme out nmiln simm lime Inter without the ling Irish told Cnptnln i Robert JOHN 2552 Germantown Ave. 2549-2551-2553 Germantown Ave. 126 N. 10th St. Furniture Manufacturer The Only JOHN LOUX Himself No Connection With Any Other House . -yr- This 3-Piece Tapestry Suit Exactly like cut $ 95 Direct from Factory to You Only One Profit and I Get It This 3-Piece Reed Suit this cut. Spring seats seats and backs. All No Fiber; no Grass; no This 4-Piecc Genuine Queen Anne Walnut Bedroom Suit Exactly Like Cut aep ;i i i Trmr IB ii ivm m ILK UJ iPSr Trip)) You cannot equal it in this town for $200 Your Money Hack if Not Satisfied JOHN LOUX 2552 Germantown Ave. 2549-2551-2553 Germantown Ave. 126 N. Phone, Diamond 2337 OPEN MONDAY, FRIDAY Jones, of the Eleventh N. O. P.. Inlcr In the day. He explained to the top tain that he. had been ploying with one of his children nn.l thot the rhlltl linil plnnert the flag on the back of h s vest without Ms Knowledge, nc i"i " cnptnln he hart been nctivc in war work, wos n member of the Red Cross, had handled the war client fund In n Phila delphia factory and hnel been rejected nv the Canadian army for physical dis ability. In thp meantime Elmer l.tiKens an. Let Frnnk, neighbors of Irish, had made n complaint to Dr. I. I. Parsons, chaplain of the American Legion post, that Irish was unpatriotic nnd that the I ling incident was only n climax ot a series ot un-American ncuun. j-m. Parsons took the matter before n meet ing of the post Inst night. The result was ii committee was focmed to pet at the bottom of the nffolf nnd, if the facts wairanl. to bring Irish before the Legion for trial. The committee has full power to act ns It sees tit. It is made up of I.anning, Dr. Pnrsons nnd Samuel Williams. Boy's Bicycle Is Stolen A thief stole a bicycle from nn er rnnd boy yesterday while the latter was in a store at Fifth and Huntingdon streets delivering a package. The stolen wheel is the property of John Reld, fifteen ears old, of lOS! Karl street. I'lio 'youngster recently rcccive.t tne mm.liltie ns n birthday present. hen h" came from the sto c niter "nisoins h s errand jester.ny " riding his new bicycle down Hit tng- don stieet more tlion a squnre uwa. The boy gave chose for soine dlstnnce. but was left behind by the Negro who speeded up when re saw lie was pur sued. The stolen bicycle is valued nt I $GO. LOUXi 6-Foot Davenport Loose-spring cushions, spring seats, spring backs. Exactly like loose cushion genuine Reed! Papier Mache. $50 This 3-door Oak Refrigerator $20.50 40 inches high, 28 inches wide, 16 inches deep. Capacity, 40 lbs. l.lutr Knamel lnnl.l Guar, nniefrt exnoiu like this cut. This .itno rcfrlRprator all uliup fii.iTnr.cil ouislile OQ.7. and innuli mO While en.imelHil all over. RnwEnd Ded Full Vsnitj. Extra Lirft Dresser ind Chiffondtr and 10th St. Free Delivery Anywhere SATURDAY EVENINGS AND VV POLICE LIEUT. COAH ACQUITTED BY JURY Both Sides Hint at Politics in Case of Raid House on Police Lieutenant Patrick .1, Con no wnH aciiultted by a jury in Quarter Sessions Court No. 2 today of n. techni cal vlolntion of the Act of Assembly which provide tlml n police lieutenant sbnll ls.uo n copy of n charge upon de mand. The Jury, on which one woninn served. Miss TT. Fitzpntrlek. n teacher, of lfi.'tl Poplar street, acquitted Lieu Hundreds of people have already taken advantage of these Splendid Offer ings that are sure to make this a wonderful June! Continuing Our Big Stock-Reducing and Business-Making Sale of Special Lots of Suits all Exceptional Values at $28 $33 $38 The Suits we're offering at these prices, no matter what Group they are in, com prise Suits of Worsted cloth the longest wearing fabric made! No cheap cassimeres no cheap woolens ! All fine quality goods, manufactured under most favorable cir cumstances, and now selling at so slight an advance over cost of production, that their comparative values are the greatest we have been able to give to date! Of one thing you may be sure you are saving from twelve to twenty dollars conserva tively stated on any suit in this Sale! $28 For the Warm Days to Come Palm Beach and Mohair Suits. . .$14.50 up Tropical Worsted Suits $35.00 Sports Suits' for Golf and Country Club $20 up White Flannel Trousers $9 up Etc. Etc. Etc. Pemiy & Co. Sixteenth and Chestnut Streets Special for Tomor Women' 2- Beaut i fixe H'll full pc tip and fox fastened pearl butt wdt sole a heel. RoyalBoot Shop iMiiMMiM FOR W014VM 1208 Chestnut St. cnnitnt Cstnno without tearing tne udge Stern heard tne case. &A Thp twillee offlelnl was nfOKrciUcfT, Mfre.l tVcifere. who wan arrested M I of last year when a house nt HommB V :p nnd Montrose street was rawt Ueelfere nssdrtetl that n rripy bfU marge iinti neen reiuscu nccnus "nollrlrH." he helnc ii Vare worker a the licutennnt a Truiner tnani Llett- ........ (.n .! I.I. . In.l nl "nut It Ii.'' in the present prosecution, saying he linil been "framed." In his own defense today the lieu tenant testified that when the poHe,, of the Heventlu and Carpenter street station raided the house, nrrcatln IVciferc ns nn Inmnto. they found eVl-' rtence of Illegnl Hnuor-mnkinB, which brought the case under the jurlsdlctlcAB , of the Federal authorities, nnd there for the Act of Assembly dirt not nppljr. t'cclfcre testilied he hnd believed, when nrrestert. that he was taken Into custody ns an inmate, of n disorderly house, but. that when he had learned of the Federal Jurisdiction in the, cum, hod gone to the Fnlted States cortf inlsslnner In the Postoffice Ilullding for it henrtng. ' m $33 $38 k row! s White Buck 3T " J Strap Slippers 'nS.v) ' Ji fully made nf Jr J( , ite bnek, with J''J V r font ted winyr' M iny. Stress '". j.-i:.-- Jf with white ... " otis; ivory I nd white Just OMf nf I ho m 1T P ,nanv super-smart i k styles tJlat vou n,ay M MmZm fhoose from here at m JrJr this M WtLUE $c.85 M .l fci- , 3- . 1 fc' 7 is&vjisiiitssssaitaRi r A Vt.f i