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; . ?$ VLiZZX V . w .r - r ; ii , , 't'jii" ir"-' "i "N. .1 v( w i m,m,mi?m w t f my .-'. V ? . .-j; yyy:Kz ?'':ti! , ,; . . . . . , - . ?i :i fcurDinVPii: I . HH' I lilt 1 11111 III I ' fcl - u4 . . ., 1 li ?,r '; r n : v-y v. , a tTM&-P&lhltipP&fo WEDNpDAY, JTJKE 15, 1(J21 " j '' 5P ;'iS-., if V .. . hlJ ,! Ufnn.. Ive-Year-uiu ,jW.m .. flfttlo Brother to Havof rinnri vacmiuiit i uu WvVM r , ALL READY FOR HER VACATION V, frsY WORK' SHE SAYS 5 -.t .-. fmtn Marion. McCrecgh, twelve CT her vacation In a couple of E: . . in v with her n snick 5nan niack Hcnuty Bicycle, which .... ftbtalnint tblrtr-llVO! SUbBCrlp- .tO the PUHL1C l-KDOKH. rtSLt,. who attends St. James' v . . . p.i.i Tlilrtv-alihth and ijm Btrects. could not impprcsa a 3T t prospects of daily rides through til country liv me vicinuy ui oiuv Till N J., where she cxpccU to spend fThe roads are lovely down there." L Mid "I think I'll start right in 21 "in another bicycle for my little .. i.. . m titans' with me." !?"" i.n fr hor nire. with CfiTbUde hair, nnd largo blue . dldn t eave uo oiutu n....... 'StBtm to get the thlrtyllve re- X lust went among my friends nenr hoW' e said. "I feel that if I !5 .fl.nAl tn vnntfnn. nnrl T 2i or sure tlint I'm going td enjoy ittMi year." s'guardsmen off to camp 4 I I fM Officers and Men Go to Mount l1 iifirni I n.H Miicri uum JVr . ll' ? TWO nunurcu oiacere iuiu iuvh oi mc (PMladelphia regiments, National Guard bf PenniylTanla. will lenvo nt 1 :25 this afternoon from the Heading Terlnlnal io attend n special camp nt Mount jOrttna for instruction; in' military tnc- The camp opens tomorrow morning (nl.iU.conilnue u'ritH 'Monday Regu )ijfveii of instrupton IJl .be held $ttofjnm,8 to 4:00. W-mAAMlnn'tn innnia 'for oPJcrrs nnd ftoMrttnniiMioned men. considcrnblo BVli be given to taachinn'-gun in .tJctHnn, Ahnnf nix' hundred officers uv". -- -- ---,,. - -,--.- llMWairom ail pnns oi rennsjivanui 1'TkUend tno camp, a numoor oi tlfijirmy officers will direct the in- riftffiin Kliaccrs nnd rofciV from Phlladel- r:'fStudy, of tho 103d' Engineers, Ifoiwrly "he First. Infantry? Jlnjnr Ituntifxlnmin nna cnpmin a. d. Hpieiihi.Jwill assist In thq tench- T6tnchmnment of tho entire State IOhMH'IU ba held at Jlount Gretnn S-ii.7 4 t.,iot 7 rt ri . II " augut 7to 21. W HUMMKK HK80RTH ,' IK' new tjoynos. conn. & CBI8WOLD Eatttrn Point. New Lon- conn. Moit rtitrmng anor report t f ' SiANriiKSTkfc v't'. , EQUINOX'HOUSE NOW orEN Hachritrr-ln-lhr-AIountitlnn, Vermont A. E. MAHT1N. Mnnaner MOQSKHEAn TiAKE. MOUNT K1NKO. 1K, Mount Kineo House On Moeiehtad Lake, Kineo, Mains ' OPENS JUNE 30 ImcIU rates In July nnd September KINEO ANNEX few open for Sprlnc fleh if. finlmon nnd Lake Tront. .Guides nnd tackle available. Ifr information and bookings addreaa RICKER HOTEL COMPANY UJO Oroadway, Now fork, or Kineo. Ms. BiellBHIIKliHiM.l PlH LsJSRmHKIiBHHIHHh ETtPCATlONAI, flAMrH Voims Men nnd Horn CAMPThHKA'WA B0Y37T0la "jssx,. Located on Lake Chautauqua, w Tork, timid beautiful mountain scney. 1500 It. ole. Nation. All land and water tports. hiking, horseback rid ing. Dramatics, tutorlntr, na ture Btudy. Jolly com- i'.Miiiiiaii,, UUOQ 1UUU, uome carp season weeks (Formerly on Uko Krle. ) Under same management as Camp for Olrls. write for booklet. Boys under personal direction of L. CARL STOLL College Hill, Snyder, N.Y. Wj ggfl. BOYS' CAMP of,0PMM C?mp for Dof,, 0I the shore oi Maine's most beautiful lake. & ,flJ,IVh Flrut- om camp mono. Booklet on request. lO. Hox S. naniror. ainlne TffE paily Novelette Sy LILY WAHDEL Brookei "It certafnly 1b terrible to wako up in tho middle of the night and find that you arc a tmet, an nonesfio-goouncsK. thief," walled Dtllcie from tho bottom ptcpf "Particularly hard on tho family' added Ted, "getting them all out of bed on a cold winter's night. And say, why does this fnmiiy always congre gate' on the front stairs when thoro's something tho matter, ch Nnstyt draughty place, I'll say." '11 always knew she'd ret In nn aw fill pickle some dny," this from sixteen-year-old Senah, "and now of all persons, this horrid old Mr. Ilrookesl" "Mother, won't you make them stop?" begged Dulclo desperately, try ing to keep her teeth from chattering, "nnd suggest something?' Mrs. l)rlcoin ynwnod as murb ns her cblri. strap .would permits J'All I can think, of 4" n nlcc warm, bed -.and sleep. I've been up since 0." , "i'ou;rpHiiot n bit llko.nwtheru jou read about)" accused Dulcle tearfully. "I'd think- you'd bo. broken-hearted ltnvlnv ft. thief for a dauehter." ' '-i.-ir . r r. r. ." .. .. i "We're not so DroKon-ncartea,'' pui 'in' Ted, "as wo nro annoyed, old girl. Devilish inconsiderate of you, discov ering at 3 o'clock in the morning .that you'd' lifted sonr boss? diamond' scarf pin." ' ' . i , "It's.' all because you're bo care less," supported primly J "any decent person would htye discovered it before retiring.'' ; cle," murmured Mrs. Drlscom slccpllyy '"Wouldfyou mind repeating it. but start from tho bcglnnning 'thin time." "Oh, I've told W just ns it hap pened, You see, I was the last person In for dictation, and then Mr Ilrookes comes out of his prlvato olai'c " "Not that horrid old Mr. Ilrookes?" interrupted Bennh. "Of course," answered Dulcle irrit ably S "you know perfectly Well there is only one Mr. Ilrookes itrthe firm i" Dulclo went on ignoring thft ydtingor sister. "Ho came out and snld he'd lost his scarfpln, n platinum oik; with dia monds, very precious to him, And wo all began to hunt. I went Into his pri vate office vand looked there, nnd oh, everywhere, becnuse, you see, It wns very embarrassing for me I wns the Inst- ono In and we couldn't And it. Nobody could ftcttlo down to work nnd wo aJI felt drend fully uncomfortable nnd each person kept protesting he hnd not seen tho pin." "And old Drookes, what did the old crab say?" questioned Ted. "Oh, tlint is the worst of it I He said he wnd suro ho'djflnd the thief 1" sobbed Dulcle pltinilly. "Well,- go' oir with tho story," ho minded Sranh impntlently. , "That's nil there Is, cxrcp't, of course, that I woko up in the night and nnd I found the pin!" ', Mrs. Drlscom broke into n loud en cbool "Thli settles it we're going to bed. I'm ,cntching cold. '(.o to sleep, Dulctc, and forget nil nbout it till morn ' "But, mother," pleaded Sonah. "poor Dulclei That horrid old Mr, lirookes may have n detcctlvo outside this very minute 1" , And Ted from his room door teased, "Just keep your eye oft my ecaripln, sis I" 'Dulcle gave n little angry Kndrt nnd flung herself In bed nnd promptly loll asleep. It was mother, of course, who lay awake an hour or more planning what to do. In the morning the little thief was enjoying a hearty breakfast .when Ted, having answered tho doorbell, came in with a big, long-shnped box nnd winced It on her lap, The rest of the family immediately rose to Its feet. "For me?" nuked Dulcle, turnlns white nnd red nlternatcly. Ted cut the string for her and opened the lid, nnd Dulcle with cold lingers pushed nsldo the tissue paper. Ucd roicsl Lflng-stcmmed nnd. doiens of them. HUCh n tl'"g nan never huiim-h.-u before in Hie Drhcom family.. They hovered nround" Dulclc's shoulderst and when' she drew n white enrd from the bo, the entire fnmiiy rend the message with her-: ' "As long ns you have taken my scarfpln I saw it glittering in your linlr nlj nfteriinop wbn't you tnko-my roses too? And my love nnd everything I poMess, Xeda-er Photo-Scrvlce Marlon McCrcesh found winning a Public Ledger free bicycle so easy she has decided to win one for her younger brother. They live at 217 South Fortieth street ' loum Women hiiiI nirln &MP IWA-HE-KiHAW wciivu,- A CAMP TOR ohu-s Ideal location cm beau tiful Lake Chuutauqua. N. V. (Formerly on Lake Erie). Fifth sea son of 8 weeks. 1500 ft elevation. All land nnd water sports, horseback riding, hlk In?, dramatics. Inter pretative dnnolitK, handicraft and nature study, Complete equip ment, hoaithful sur rounding, (food foad. Junior nnd Senior Cnmps under experi enced Councilors nnd personal supervision of Rev. & Mn. R. L STOLL College Hill, Snyder, N.Y. 1l'rfl or nminci booklet 4 .lt$tnt Uhlttttilnl AA!.M .............. amp MOUNT PiirhWn "iti' Ll l'INR tkfv riHti .nn ,!... a Ww ,iAi'cfi!l.iu PWA. Dlreotor LB SflflDy -Ft J3mBi5S H5J? isi hh llw M PJ3 CONCRETE A community that compels its children to attend school in firetrap buildings is gam bling with helpless child life, A community that builds firesafe schools of concrete i is playing safe'with its greatest asset. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION To Improve cad Extend Uses of Concrete Atlanta ' Sin Fnhcbco Chicago Detroit LoAngU Paikcrtburg Sttle Dalits Helena Milmuke Plttaburgfa St. touts Denver Indianapolla r.llnneapolb Portland, Oreg. Vancouver, B.C. DesMoinea Kansas City New York Salt take City Washington Vfrf Ite for Schoolhouse Booklet S-5 m Vi IMF) This is an Incident Not an Accident If such a fall as this injured the cabinet it would be an accident, but with a GF AUstccl Drcadnaught it would be merely an incident no damage would be done. This four-drawer welded steel cabinet wjjl take any guides or filing systems is equipped with drawers on roller bearings will give hard service for half a century at! least. And it sells for Sr. $35- .Immediate delivery from stock. Telephone our branch or any of the dealers listed below and a representative will give you interesting details about this cabinet or any item in the line of tw flA Ti Office Furniture bpruce 5837 RaCe 2704 lhe General Fireproofing Company Bulletin Bldg. A. POMERANTZ A COMPANY Philadelphia, Pa. R. L. FOORD FURNITURE CO. Wilmington, Del. SHANER A KNAUER Atlantic City, N. J. CHARLES II. KLINE York. Pa. OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPANY HarrUburg, Pa, DLEAKLY BROS. Camden, N. O. H'. C. SHAABER mailing, I'a. 'in S. M. EVANS, Pott.vlll., p i Philadelphia DEEMER A COMPANY Wllkes-Brr, Pa. THE SARCO COMPANY .... Tranton, N. J. THE R. H. QUTH BINDERY CO. Allantown, Pa, SPENCER STATIONERY CO. Cliestar. Pa, NIXDORF A BARD .. .Lancaster, Pa. TIE SKAT" Pn'NTiNQ co. H. L. HEYMANN COMPANY F.a linn T - DEEMER A 'COMPANY arramon, t. IIIIT per Bourn ud Malllnv TubM EDWINJ.SCH0ETTLEC0. DIN. lit It. PhlUdelphto RITTENHOUSE C R II ' A cosy, intimate place, where you' may dance at Luncheon, Dinnor nnd .Supper to the music of The Tieriiey Five Where the surroundings are unusual, the, food delicious, the. service exceptional, and the prices moderate. Philadelphia's Coolest Restaurant Platters, 65c Up Luncheon, 90c Dinner, $1.28. And Service a la Carte. and my life nnd kIvp me In cxchangV Jimt the hop? of btlnfc my wife nome day? L. Brooke." ' , The Ilrnt thing Dulclo wan"46hJoM of was that tliu family hnd read the Intimate mcflsage. Slio Jumped .to her feet, "pilling the roaes, turning nn In dignant, burning face to tho nmaictl little group. , -" , ' ,,, " . , Ted, after n long, low whistle, Hpoke first. "So thnt'iitswlicre you found thu pin In your hair J And I thought you'd Hlmply discovered it in your handkerchief or " .... "What I want to know," inter ruptcd Mrs. Drlscom Htrnily, "is how the pin got entangled in your hair? Answer me that, joung lady? You were tho lat one in Mr. Urooken' office and alone, I understand?" "Oh, mother," nobbed Dulcle. an red as tho roscH Hcnnh way picking tin, "how can you, and before these chil dren? It wns ail ho dreadful I mean lmlstindcrstood. I thought he wanted i ' what ho had to Myl no (ireailtuiir , mere Oh. dea't; mother $ Ji- tli en the Bcnrfpln hear Innk Just yirlded fof'a ilny pecond, milled away.rRnd I xtlcs goKAtuck in my nairr" , .'v ' "Dulclo," her mother' volco wii very neMoua, "yoii know ,thl Is Quite impossible, Vou are fluttered by this proposal ffam'a r!rh,bld man " 'Oh. but I love him 1 I've loved him from the flrBt day I put a foot In th ofllee." - i l "What J" cried Henah ciumionntieu, "Jove Oh horrid I He thf Imrrlit dlil Mr. Ilrookci 1" i, but he "Isn't old nt all, i nor npt. mpr than twenty- tp make love to me I didn't wait tocnt riane." seven or twenty-eigiit, nnu no b, vet handsome and gentle I You ttndcrntAndj don't your mother, It wbb simply pro tection from Ted and Henith. I loved liim from tho start, nnd I knew ho did me, nnd to have peace at home I .im ply called him the horrid old Mr. Brookes from tho beginning I" I Next complete novelette, "A Differ- "THE LARK" The aristocrat of motor cars and the new est addition to the Lexington models, may be inspected at our salesrooms. Equipped with the famous Ansted motor and every up-to-date accessory included in one price $2785. LEXINGTON MOTOR CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA XV. A. KUHEIt. President yjt Lexington Building, 8S1-853 North Broad Street Xtf f $& V -1' (.ST L ike sealing km in a glass jar Keeps the dryness out and the flavor in WHAT keeps peaches so fresh in the jar? They're sealed. That's what we do for Chesterfield cigarettes seal 'em in an extra air-tight wrapper of glassine paper. You don't lose one bit of that fresh tobacco fragrance rich Turkish blended with Burley and other choice tobaccos. You get fresh cigarettes that smoke better, taste better and are better 1 -another darn, good reason why M ttsP IlllHlMlUll im , f aaee8? vmH6i. BasBBBBBBBBBfPlliBVs5TflHMKBE3 TvOaBrmaBBBinv Ml VSBIssssssssllsssssaassaaiQSSSW. ilUMBSsHaasssssrl ir AiS? ssssssssssssssssssS22tZ5lS3v7fA;ov. t'UKjsssssvssssaCCp'Cn ssBBPsBBiS. WsiHssssssssPt MB W yfBssssssBSsBssssakSSaHBL bsssKV.4sssssssbHI lsssssssfssV ssssatka-1 AiF NaPrT'""W a , sWaWsaB SSSWnBTjS' ,. i rf)ll ItHII' Hm CIGARETTES rrand the blend can't IP jillilli. nun icr l II III ill11""" II III 0 II d copied' Air-Tight Tins of. 50 Atk your dealer to hiw you the new vacuum-ttaUd tint of SO Cheeterfieldi, A compact, convenient and abiolutely AIR-TIGHT jacking , the eliariftee keep fresh Indtfnltely1. i i w e . V ' Wh ) ! m. i.W ' ' to MJ - Liod- :.& Mvxks Tobacco Ca ?.-Al,r'fcSJt V r.L'X -V rT.tJ:,v-,, v-- .wwwi').: 5j.7Vi iH.jsfStf. tr v.12l n-. v.t j&A t' U L JT (" M