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nV -.? a .'r" -V' V i ' 1 . Wtt a, -iT-ry 'X n' IV' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA WEDNESDAY, 'JUNE 15J' 19200 a f if f 16 tENOLA DISLIKES r ft I U J i ft .sr 'CHEESE-BOX' TERM Mass-Meeting to Protest Designation of Their Homes at STRONG TERMS ARE USED Ttcstdcnta of Lcnola, N. J., plnn a mnss-mcetlnif tonight to express resent ment nt the characterization "cheese fcox houses" applied by somo citizens of Moorcstown to the tjpc of dwellings going up in Lcnola. Louis Orfo is n resident of Lcnola who is active in the protest, and lie oIccd today the feelings of himself, his neighbors, and the men and women of the neighboring settlement of Maple Shade upon the subject. "It is an outrage to refer to our homes as 'cheese boxes,' " he said. " 'Cheese boxcV are they? and they were built, and arc being built by the labor of our hands. We are doing as honest, upright American citizens, just what our forefathers did when the built their cabins In the w lldeniet, fought the Indians nnd reclaimed the land now so proudly owned by Moorcs town people. "Cheese boxes 1 There arc the widows of heroic soldier dead living in those 'cheese boxes' in Lcnola. Thcso humblo hoircs shelter women who have given their all, their husbands and their sons, that this may be a pleasant country to live In. And they arc sneered at as living in 'cheese boxes,' by their richer neigh bors. Klcher in money, yes. "I pay $18 a month for my lot in Lcnola. I am not ashamed to tell It. My 'cheese box' measures 14 by 30 feet, with an 8-by-14-foot kitchen ex tension. Is that a 'checso box'? Now. (hat Is a mighty nice bungalow. And let me tell you something. I am a former soldier. I was pensioned by the Government because nn attack of Cuban fever Incapacitated mc. My wife is dead. I have three kiddies. I built this little house to shelter them. And they call it a 'cheese box.' Five scncratlons of my family served in the United States Army. "Many more men, veterans of this last war, men who risked everything, live in some of these 'cheese boxes.' I protest that the epithet 'cheese box' is an insult to every one of them, an in sult hurled by the people who fear our advent will raise their tax rates. So we are going to meet and protcbt. For we have been hurt by these remarks." Girl Injured In Fall Falling from her bicycle at York and Lrlthgow streets last night. Elizabeth Berg, seven years old, of 2406 North Leithgow street, received injuries of the head. She was taken to St Chris tnnher'B Ilosn'.tal. where she will be held under observation to determine if her skull Is fractured. fc You should make friends with osco Coffee 25 lb 1 At all our Stores iiicnifiiu ntnnnlcitf &uiiiiiffliiiiEmmrii!mii;iiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiEiiri!ii'JiiM:aic:El Clear your skin with Resinol Ointment and Rosin ol Soap They soothe the Inflamed epots. reduce olll ness and usually produce a healthy complexion In a hurprlslngly short time Try them and see. Sold by all drucclats The Adelphia Roof Moderate prices for good food; beautiful Hiirrminrllnfva ! breezes, 21 stories : uuovc inc neatea street; fine music; oil 4l,. i.i I mii uicdu imiiKB imve to do with tho nonu- t ' larlty of the Add- phia Itoof Garden. A : pleasant place, in deed, for Luncheon, Dinner or Supper. Dancing 8.30 Till Chiing Store Hours, 9 to 6 For Thursday The Brunswick Records for July are Ready oinftJCnrl6 Vox Trot Iflttr -100 ..... tr . ThMirl.l tn Ufa Pnv (Trot fOJt juni ncsu w- --. -- .v . There's a song hit, too. seventh floor. 47 hearing: rooms at Glmbels, Gimbel Brothers MARKET CHESTNUT J EIGHTH NINTH Wednesday, June IS, 1921 Prettiest bathing suits in town at Gimbels.1 W Cess to pay for nearly everything for personal use and the home. Back of this movement is the full power of the whole store to really serve- to puncture any "prices still tpo high and fetch them permanently lower; to do our full part in distributing with least waste. And these lowered prices are on staple, Gimbel Five-Million-Dollar Reduction Sale standard, fashionable goods on pretty!! nearly everything. A "bargain" is noil simply something at a low price, but al useful something at a real saving; i Tomorrow: Sale of 2280 MEN'S WHITE SOISETTE SHIRTS, $2.15 Brode sllk-strlps Sotsett ti about tho next thine to sllK In desirability for shirts. Cool, comfortable, serviceable. Size 1JH to 17. Neckband. Soft cures. Gimbels. First floor, Ninth Street Tomorrow, Seamless Sheets Woven to Look Like Linen Special at $1.25 Size : Third Less 81x90 : Than Last Year 81x90 Seamlen d 1 Sheets at Pl.lO Bleached muslin. Bleached Pillow Cases: Half Price at Size 45x36. No dressing. 25. -Gimbels. Second floor Tomorrow, Women's JS5l"on Milanese Silk ) dj -f cy pj Gloves, at j Jp 1 O finger ends. White, brown or $1.38 Double-tipped pongee color. Strap-Wrist Washable Chamoiiette Gloves at White and mode. Two uncommonly good glove specials I Gimbels. First floor Stamped Colored and White DRESSES For Children Hundreds of them, for ages 1 to 12 years- samples and surplus lots of this season's pro ductions Tomorrow at 35c to $2.25 being two or three dresses for the regular worth of one. Gimbels, Third floor Women's Dresses a New 0 Georgette Very simple. Very, very smart Tomorrow Special at $29.75 The kind of well-bred simplicity that achieves distinction. The kind of a dress splendid for mid summer travelling for week-ends for shopping for a little luncheon for restaurant wear for a motor-trip with a luncheon or dinner as part of the trip. The Entire Under-Dress is of the Georgette, Too The tame rich, heavy, crepe-y grade. And the under-dress nil a knee-high hem! Just pleats. And a bit of bead fringe Mostly street colors and occasional soft, light shades. Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor ttcJMswrrwLsi (( l ft! J? I ISiiik lliiflli Wom.n' Oott U 1ond Qtorgtw Sas.TB Tomorrow Misses' Dresses ; the finer ginghams in the new ".Novelty Styles." ma Sale-Group at $16.75 Such as the model pictured a fascin ating redingote adaptation in big "club check" trinehams: the fronts and the revers of fine pique; the revers and the cuffs and the front trimmed with scarlet; and a white leather perforated belt buckled around. Also Sale-grouped at $16.75 Organdies. Tricolettes. Crepes de chine. A Wonderful Group at $8.95 Cool blue-and-white and blue-and-gold cotton voiles organdie-trimmed. And wonderful ginghams all checks. Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor 1 II 1: I Jill' 6 L. KIsmi' Bin Olnrhwa, WTilt rtiu, B& Trixamlng, Sie.7l 'fsm MP via iH Mlmm mm i vim , Lace-Frilled Net Vestees Tomorrow at $1 : Value $1.50 Soft .fine net "pinch" tuck edr Val. lace-trimmed picture' .shows how. White, and "ecru. Gimbeb, First floor v Tomo'rrbw Hand-Embroidered Madeira! Linens A full third less than usual 18-in. Center Pieces, $2.78. $150 and.'iU; Bureau Scarfs, three sizes, $6, $6, $6.75. JLC U4 X.U..V..WW. w.w.., .w.u, wo,, $11.60, $18, $19.50 and up to $40. si n 4 V ri il i V . I Gimbels, Linens, Second floor. SILKS The Canton Crepe Every Smart Woman Is Wearing, Sale Priced Tomorrow at $2.50 Heavy lustrous rich crepe. Honcydew, seal and Havana brown) navy, sand, cinder, copper, peacock, two shades of jade, sapphire, white and black. 40-lnch. Gimbels, Silk Salons, Second floor Again! Wonderful Hand Made Batiste Waists Tomorrow Half-Price at $2.95 Half-a-doren styles. All exquisitely hand-hemstitched in most effective patterns. A particularly smart cut. Long sleeves. All sires. Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor Every Boy Needs a Cool Suit Panamas or Palm Beach Tomorrow at $8.75 to $10 ''Wonderfully firm material, tailored for coolness no unnecessary weight anywhere. Snappy Norfolks the new gray and tan colorings. Live leather belt with each suit. Ages 6 tc 18. Boys' Norfolk Suits Now $14.50 Values to $30 Many with extra pair of full-lined knickers. Manufacturers' surplus. Ages 8 to 18. Gimbels, Third floor Transparent White Dotted Swisses -. m i With Guaranteed Permanent rimsn , that will remain as true after washing and irw-1 ing as before. Just the correct weight that iloeii, not require the use of starch. ' . 1 These are the genuine Swisses imported from' St. Gall. White; several size dots medraa and small. 80-in. wide. ' ' rri- V 1 WM Tomorrow f & it 1 CllU if New Printed Chiffon Voilei, 28c ayi! J .' V B ' .1 The summer's good patterns. Light and tti popular dark street designs. Ginghams at 22c a Yard are reasonable especially these qualities. I Smart patterns in fast colors a good assort1 jjl ment for women 3 and childrens dresses. in. wide. Gimbels, Second flow'1 Gillette Razors 75c Tomorrow at Collapsible Pocket-Style Complete With 3 Blades Helping to dispose of the sur plus of the old-style rarora the company over-produced. Gimbels, Toilet Goods Section, First Floor 10-inch Tomorrow Pittsburgh Oscillating Electric Fans $15 Regularly $22.50 These have the "Univer sal" motor and work on direct or alter nating cur rent; complete with cord and plug. Fifty of these Pitts burgh 10-inch Electric Fans at $13, instead of $22.50. Gimbels, Fourth Floor $1 Does the Full Work $1 .50 and $1 .75 Did Last Year in Muslin Underwear And these are proof conclusive; White Nainsook Envelope Chemises at .$1- adorably cut; adorably trimmed yes, the backs are as elaborately trimmed as last year's $2 chemises! Nightgowns lacy or embroidery-trimmed, $1. And Wonderful Petticoats with most effective flounc ings, $1. Gimbels, Second floor si $57.50 Dinner Sets T"TW$35;1 106 Piece Open Stock Pattern For Replacement!, and Additions X One of the conspicuous specials in the Store's $5,000,000 Reduction-I Sale. ly Each set has half-mat coin-gold handles; each piece is full gw lined with rich 3-color border design; one of the, Gimbel opcn-itpek lines; the welt-known "America" shape Pattern No. 20499; first qual ity. $35 a set. 500 Pieces Left of 2000 Cut Glass Articles 2 to 4 Pieces for the Price of One All are "firsts." Flower Vases, at SI to $7.50. Water Jugs, at $1.9$ to ; Berry Bowls, at $1.B0 to S4.9S. Bonbons, Nappies, at $1. Celery Trays, at SI to 2.50. Teacup and Saucer 1 C Blue Bird Decoration SI. 80 a dozen. Worth 6.35. These are medium weight. Gimbels, Fourth Hoor M gan). "Jay. k)j&fc K& f J . Good News Tomorrow for Men 1200 Men's and Young Men's Palm Beach Suits For Hot Weather Wear $17.50 and $20 Values Sale Price, $12.50 Up-to-date models. Brand new, spick span for boardwalk wear. Single- and double-breasted coats. Pin-stripes and neat checks. Blues, grays, browns and sand. Sizes 32 to 48. Plenty of long, shorts and stouts, as well as the regular cuts. Gimbels, Subway Store Boys9 Wash Suits Tomorrow At $1.45 and $2.25 Save You One-third to One-half Middies. Nor.'olk. Oliver Twist and Junior models. Plain and fancy colors to choose from. Sizes 2Va to 9 yean Boys $1 Blouses Special at 69c Madras, pecales and sturdy ginghams. Sports coljjr attached or neckbands. Sizes 6 to 16 years. Boys' Tub Knickers of the best washing woyen fabrics. At 88c. Sizes 7 to 16 yffcr. Gimbels, Subway Store In the Subway Store Sale of 3000 Girls' f0f3 Dresses Tomorrow at 75c Chambrays, Ginghams, Linens. Twelve styles. And dozens and dozens of "samples," besides! "Regulation" models. And styles with great big pock ets. And sashes and hand embroidery. And buttons. 6- to 14-year siz'es. Twenty'fwe Styles in Intermediate Girls' Dresses at i.50vSr quality cotton Splendid voiles. Plaid ginghams. smart big checks. 12, 14 and 16 year sizes And the Gimbels, Subway Store I kJilktW SKiFfflBJrAr a JfTurr y. 0 l k Another Big Subway Store Special In the June Silk Sale $2 Satins Tomorrow at $1.45 yd. Fifteen leading colors to choose from. 36 inchas wide. . Gimbels. Subway Storj Mignonette Qverblouses To Slip on With the White Tub Skirt ro $2.35 Half Price Pretty styles in the bright colors that girls and young women want for summer. Neptune, Tangerine, Zinc. Rattan, Tomato and the softer top" :n blue and flesh nink: also white. Gimbels, Subway Store hager 7Be Tomorrow Figured Japanese Grass Rugs Pretty novelty effects, double warp kinds. 9x12 feet, $6.00 Reg. $11.50 8x10 feet, $5.00 Reg. $9.50 Gimbels, Subway Store Seamless Bleached Sheets Tomorrow at Half of Year-Ago Prices 64x90 in., at 68c 63x90 in., at 95c 72x90 in., at $1.08 81x90 in.. 1.1K Pillow CiMt la'tk mMt wanted list, 4tM X 1 QC chea. Half pric ..:....".. ? I -Gimbejj, Subway 'tv S? tCSiV'., t j i t i m. . ,rt i tj' ' j " tJS