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V ' tri' r .jH'? i'.1" mv'Mii' j . 6', -j.t .. r 'T'? :, J"i fV,V- iTi'.T M if , 3 - ',C-"MS !'' m. ft yr t v, ' 1 . Jl"W,'3'T ;.. , 1 r. ' ' ' ( ?).,, ' v fft ' r. ' ? .'-IT .i rr r .t.r ST. u J "' . rf. . v .' - v -fr" ' . ! Wi re v.'' .i EVENING j? tTBMO LEDGER PHILADiELPHlA, WEDNESDAY, ' JUNE 22, 1.921 f-r PpWiSH M&4N the TERRIBLE fly EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Author of the "Tarzan" Storlea and the "Martian" Stories I every known spcelosM.f bird nnil beast uml rcptllf IiiiiI wilight here n refuge ) .. " . v ; Ri.ui.wh timmi. :-?. :r; !i!?l,..,,rJ? .i .. l ." "ft"""! hi' riu'runuiiiiic mum i. ...l V - "" m.V""h.M(II(, Illlllll- nnrwl',.ll,,."i ....1. Ik! . '""" ""'J had "temllly spread t1P inldnljlit jmisb. ' IIiuiiscUpm over tlio surface f tin- niiiwl nml stnritlg. ctnlli. !,, utl., .1... i i.. i pips ii,.."- :".. , i.i,,, i, '. """"'H niv llilllllllK grounds .it undulating lt-hlitl liim. f,-oiu He lower order, from Hie moment lowered nml '. u, " ,llnt '' lt upe- shed Ills huir nml ndbrnnt to the tl rl I of umwiI to walk upon IiIh knuckles. Kvcn iiin iinmiim un w.- ii ne smncs ,v i i ,ii. M.,...n .. CIIAI'TBU I The 1'ltheciuilhropus Li...ffi it a Mn.K.M ' .v throiiiili f?,tr!:fv, nwr 111 '-"". . - i iot.l cleK "''" thf, K"Tl!oirB"!lIIflrIIS,,mV'"1 'r- i'ltluM-'tile reUH ,.otHI ""' .ri avoid. Aliollpt!! . of n divergent n .f ..v..l,,.i .. !ldllii Rh thick vprilun'ttMo uiiiltcTOl loini mt ,ia(, b,,cll ..' i B9lnf Innumerable IwIrk. biokcn nilttcd without v.irlntlon for countless rtfFf n. covum. his passing save ,., .. W1" ...1 thnt mlRlit hnve been ,. , . ...,. iniiv i-".". ..ii l...,rtn,i j.iiva . .. - " .... ut hi miuiii-. not tno lenst inteicxt'.ng of which to inrznii wit n jellow mid black striped lilllli. ..Mil.lUV iuilu the species with "i mi win familiar, but still u most formidable bnist, hIiicc It possessed '. lull to kIiiii'p luber-likc canines tin? disposition of a devil. 'In Tarzntt It prcM'iitul cvideiue thnt tiffin bud onee romwd the jungl-s of Afr'en. pos-dhly giant saber-tooths nf another ip-Hi. and these appnienth hud crosfeii wllh lions, with the result Mil In huh Unit lie o (MHlonnllj oneoiin- ii'ieii in me present day. !J?Jh by dull iHiinnn cur. WW ,hJ iVniln- POfPM nlirail nf the ,0BJtni?orp? nr In-tend of nklrt ol the moon t, nn(l ,). tt wiSJfil rtirociij . . . MrdthntuVoul,tthese te?"c,$'nlll:p rtrlm Ktnlker. It !'? !'." K; o two foot It WAllcnrt '' i fcrt nnd wnw hniiir?K except fori o'vV.H mI.,,,,-,1 jiik inuHctilar: WPrB, HIT v...i--. ,...,.. ...I.i.l n.i. ,, . .. ... . ... .itml Powerful nnu ninm-r .u. ...e line linns nl tins new ()hl World ltniwrlnV ftnpers and thumbs rcncli-j differed bat te. fr,., ,10. wlMl v.hhh u. lnwVt to the Hrit. joint of the he w fnmillar; In r. ami eonfonaa. nVKru. Its Iprh. loo. were ylmjioly. to n tlicj weie almost lilciticnl. but in- K 'ft fret dfpnrtfd from the ntni; dnrds Mrml of Mieddliiff the le-.p.nd lt.oK of .Vllriicps of imni. except piisMblyncubhooil. tliey icbinod them UiioukIi . of the lo('M rnt',"j' ,.,ml1 VIP I cjnniti 1 marked iin Uiomc of the .Vtftps protruded nt lifiht oiikIi's , leopnnl. f,ir I rir IUt 1" Ut the foot. .ftowrBcoiiH Afrloiin moon, the crcn ?.n?tiiriiMl nn utteiitlve rnr to the rear J hn h" "head Hftwl. hi- fentures till rtittllly lime b-m dlwerned in the 2billht. They were nIi-oiir. elcnn S. ml tint would litMltrnctwl nttpiition fr their iiibh tullne beauty In any of the creijt inpl- 1,1, of the worm, nui wn iuis nun iiniiD? It Mould hnve been hnrd for i wttclicr In the treed to hnve decided is the lions pie.v m'iiuiii-ii n- u KtoM the silver tnpestry thnt l.unn I'd laid upon the Moor of the di-m.ll jonnle. for from beneath the lln i''i' J black fur thnt drilled it. tlif;'i tkrt depended n Ions Ifnlrh-Ks, white tlil. In one hnnd the crenture carried a itout club, nnd suspended at Its left tit from a shoulder belt was a short, ihftthed knife, while a cios.s belt stip jarlcd a pouch at its rlpht kip. Confining these ftrnps to the hod1 lad also apparently supporting the loii tlolh was n broad plrdle which glit ttrcd in the moonlight ns thoutdi n trasttd with virsln cold, nnd was flanped in the center of the belly with i huge buckle of crnute design that icintillatcd na with precious stones. Closer nnd closer crept Numn. the ,'cn. to his intended victim, nnd that tie latter wor not entirely unnwhre of lh danger wns -evidenced by the in rrraslnc frequency witli which lie taroed his enr and his shnrp blnek eyes is the direction of the cat upon li!s trail. He did not Rrently increase his peed, a long swhiKinj; wnlk where the ppfn places .permitted, but lie loosened 111 knife in Its scabbard nnd nl nil limn kept his club in readiness for in tiint action. Forging nt Inst through n nnrrow itr'p iof dense jungle vesetntion the nn'tnins broke throuch into nn nl- most trfdess nren of considerable ex tint. Kur nn instnnt be licitateil. ;!mring nuickly behind him and then up at the security of the bronchos of the great trees wnving overhead, but tome greater urije thnn fenr or caution Influenced ids dcci&iou apparently, for U moved off again nerobn the little plain, kiving the safety of the trees behind Urn. At greater or less iutervnls leafy unctuarics dotted the grassy expanse (bead of him and the route he took, leading from one to another, indicated that ho had not entirely cast discretion to the- winds. Hut after the second t:e. had been loft behind the distance to the next wns considerable, and it km then thnt Numn walked from the concealing cover of the jungle nnd, see it his quarry nppnicntly helpless be fore him, raised his tall stiffly erect ind charged. Two months two long, weary nlonths ftlfd with hunger, with thirst, with hardship, with disappointment, nnd, treater than nil, with gnawing pain tad passed since Tarzan of the Apes learned from the diary of the dead (Jer nan captain thut his wife still lived. A brief iincstU'xatioii. in which lie wns enthusiastically nided by the intelli tenic ilepnitniPiit of the Hiithli I'ast African expedition, revealed the fait tkat an attempt hud been made to keep Lady Jane in hiding in the interior, for reasons of whiih only the (lenium High Command might be cognizant. In charge of Lieutcnnnt (Voergntz add detachment of native Ocrmau troops ijbe had been sent acioss the border into the Congo Vree State. Starting out nlone In search of her, Tarzan had succeeded in finding the Village in which she had been "rated, onl) to learn that she nud escaped months befnie, nnd thut the Oerman officer had disappeared at the Mroe time Kiom thcie on the stories or the chiefs and the warriors whom lie loUzed weie ingue and often con tradictory, rjwn the diiection that the wjlthca hnd taken Tars-an could nl pess nt by piecing togithei bits of injripnt0r eiience glen in d tarioim soiuces. einWtrr eonjeetures weie for'eil upon M u aiiuus obsei.itioi which he Mde ill Hie village One was liion rovertlblo pmof that thete iieoplewei iik m l ' ,,,lu''"' ""' prcsenie In i ne village of vaiious nrti'-len nt native terrann uniforms and eqnipmeut. At treat risk mid in the face of suil ob jection on the pint of the chief, the ape nn made a careful inspection of cvei. lu n the village, fn.m v hicb at lenst f.. '? ray "f hope resulted fioin the l .he iawu " "'Hi-de that Wghthavc belonged to his wife. . 11 DR t,Ue vlllnRl' ll( ''nd made his fi! ?iWard tl"' Nouthweht. eiossmg, :"e,r tllp ',10t appalling li.irdshljis. a waterless steppe iwcied for the F' Part with dense thorn, lomlng at "ever been pievioi.sly entered by am In is 1" ai"1 "hicli was known onh flDltml0rk',P'1 " "'' 1" Zf..? niouiitninK. well-waleied '"ue, wiiin ninitiu n..i 1Bl , 4'ttwiin uml .1 wo months of effort nnd icvealed no MiKbtest evidence Ih'lt she he .inisllt liad cntuicd this beautiful jet foibiddln;: Ill inestli'iitinn. howner. nl the cannibal villus.- nnd hi- qncstioiiii.g of other tribes In the iieighhoilioo I hnd convliicci' him that If l.adv Iain si III .lvcd It nnrt be in tills dlrpctlon that be s"eU her. mine b a oioccss or e iiiiina t.oii he inn) reduced the diiection nf her light to omy thin possibility. Mow -die I. ad erns:"l the moram he could not ;ni"-s. and jet somethiut within ici-mcl to urge upon him belief thnt she had losed it. ind that it she Mill lived it .h heie that 'M mm I be sougl'i Mill la's unknown, iintruu isisl -, iM was ol u,.Ht .f,.x,,.l,, : Sri."., fm bidding ir.ouu lilius block-d his waj. torrents tumbling i mm roclu fasine-ci impeded Ins l.oriess. anil i.t n,-ij turn he win one I to match wit and nni'-i le wil.i the great cninivoia that he might pro en ic sustenance. Time and again Tin aim and Vuin.i tii.ked the snme ipiarrv. amriiow one. .ikw the otlier bine off the prize, rid 'om, however, did the npe-mnn go nuiigi-y. for the 'niuitrj ,vas rieli in .'.'imo anlinnls ami biids ami tlsh. in li'tiit and the countleis other forms of ugetable life ,ipon which rue Jungle I led man may subsist. Tarzan often wondered whj in so rich i country lie found no cidn-es of man i nil had nt last come to the conclusion that tlic parched, thorn-iovcre.l teppf and the lildeous moriisfcs bad formed a Miflicient barrlei to proteit this coun try cficctivelj from the imo.ids of mankind. THE GUMPS Bimbo, Beware of a Vamp By Sid.tJ Smith Wfcf to VOU TINN'? Got A LETTttf. VROfA ONCLE BIM MARWEP PERONNV-- HE ENCLOBp A HUMORED POLLAfc-S AH ATJkEP ME TO BUV A PftEENY Fos: MR-C. HAMPER'S tJTHPAX- HE 10LP MP- Mfif TS A.V AHVTVKN6' 0 NOO ASOOT iT- iW(i PO VOD TXMVC OF TtiAT OU U)Ve ICK KAN6ARCX)? ENT At POO0H BACK AMP TeLL. N)M To 0 HVS OV;N SHOPPING b I mrwr I G.WrS L - wre HEART FOR A gf . w mi xv .ifc'i- t l i - ' -- - W J ( avK'f i I ' " 4 "WINK- THE CROkTSOS OF AUSTRALIA - THE SNIPER OF NATION- TMe . MAH 'WrtH MORE POUGH THNN MA. THE BALV1AH STA.S SEHPIH& A WUHPR.EJ POULARD tist. A. ootnwv rr vniAY rsi r AftTIRCIAL BU2ZARP THAT U5EP WV HEART FOR A FOOTBM-L - sSgJW ri2w "?P!?- VrA Going to have m W MOUSTACHE OFF - GET MYSELF A BLOrlPt M6- A COUPLE OF "311-K PRxlS-SES- GO P0A(H TO AUSTRALIA AtfP TAVJF. KLU THAT QUY'S PoOGH AVJAV FROM MM- SOMEBODY'S ST E NOG Another View ofOne of Our "Active" Business Men iopriRht lOil ! Putilu I.fdser Co. By Hayward in... ' I'liwiin 1 tr.i.7i...,l!,,. Plains '" cceiM. ' i. r lnp mountains were "uiioua effort he succeeded in flmlim. l0ttMnH.h,' ",lKl,t ",n l,,E terous ,.nVn""" "" ",1"'1 '"Kor mn- , J,; -i'"ra. on he eiim,,; : V" "everai occasions what miXfi"1 "fauces or b uljlit mVmSL ih?ve becn ,1,anK' tflitillan M'tainl ',.MUt "? ,ll,','(, W"N hlppo trrat m.rthin07'ri nmI elephn.its in ! ' n nnd nbout the V weri IZ lTliV0 tlmt l'o f"" he nB ,?,, '"8t '"; Mn01' "I'on nnn feuutlew ii. t..,VnH thl,t f,)l' PcthapH Ui hc "!" thh territory had de jTQlc rai oV .1"d 1"1'"'1 " l", h,d. after in... ,,,"1 tt'r world that f-IIT CVPrv ntl i-..-.iiiiiii in iim- xM. y otlleF region, frpm polo to iFrnm III. -. 1. J ' ,' Mine ft " '7 "'?CI' "nil diversity of i i- - mijiuv nave umu-uved that, After days of searching he had suc ceeded linallj in dis'-uveiiu;; a pas-, through the mountains, ami, coming now n upon the opposite side, had found himself in a lounti.v inacticnllv identi uil with that which he luid left. The l.untlni; was good, and at n water hole in the mouth of a iiiinon where it de louched upon a tne-iuMicd d tin llain. the deer, toll an isisj victim to the upe man's c-iuniuj;. It was just nl dusk. The oices of great fom - fnoli-l hunters ro--i nnu nud ngiiin from vniio.-s -liic tions, uml as the c.ini in afforded among its tices no comfortable retreat tie npe-iiiuu shoul ilered the carcass of the deer ami starlcl downwind onto the plain. At Its opposite side rose lofty trees n gient fore it which suggested to hi-i practiced cje a might jungle. Toward this the app-uinu bent his step, but when midway of the plain lie discovered standing alone such a tiee as best suited hint for a night's abode, swung lightly to its brandies and. piesently, a com fortable resting plaie. Here he ate ot the flesh of Harn and when suMslied curried the balance ot the carcass to the opposite dde of the tree, where lie deposited it far above the giound in a scenic place Iteturn iug to Ids notch, he "-ettleil himself for sleep, and in another moment the roars of the lions nnd the bowlines of the li.sser cats fell upon dinf eais. The usual unUes of the jungle com po'cd' rnther disturbed the ape mnn. bill au iiiniMial --ouuil. hoeer impcncptilile to the awakened ear of flvllbed man. seldom failed to iuiiiinge upon the couscinusneis of Tnian, iiow -i ver deep his slumber, nud so it was lliat wlieu the moon was high a Midden lush of feet neioss the ginsy carpet in tlie viiinlty of hi tree brought him to alert and icadj aitivltj Tarznn does not awaken as jou and 1 with (he weiglit of slumber still upon his etes and biain. fordid lln- cieutures of the wild awaken tln. their awakcning would be few. As his cje snapped open, cleur and blight, so, clear and bright upon the nerve enters of Ins brain, were lecistered the miiIoiik per il jitlons o' all In . m ii'.ei Aliiio t h'lieatli him. lacing toward his tiii'. wur wlial al tit t glaiue up ,i ii I eil to be an ali'iot nakiil wliite nun. ti'i i-eii nl the lirst iiisiant nf fiuinjii (iiMi-j i lie l.ui,'. white tall projci t 111',' icili wild nil not e(iipe tin Upe nan. Iteliiud I he II' ring tigurc. and now so i Ioe a-, lo predude the po-sl-billtj nl ii niiiiin escaping, came uinii. liic lion, in lull ili.uge Voice, 'i-.s tin- p-i , . Mill ell si the Mllcr, as two splnn in a ih'id woild the two iiioed in -llcnl .wil'tness toward the iiilmlnntiiig trii;ed. of this .,'11111 race. IJw'li as his ejes opened and took in the scene belli nth liini even in that brief inntniit of peiception, followeil iciiMiu, Judgment and d cision. so mp Idly one upon (he heels ot the other, that uluioM simultaneous! the ape man was lu midair, for he had seen a whilc-skimicd cn.ituie 1,1-t in a mold 1 1 111 i In 1- to liis own, puisiied b) Tar 'ail's hei'iillliii cneiii. So dose was I he lion to lln Hieing 1111111 tiling Unit Taian liad 10 time (.lielullj to 1 boose tin- method ot hi attuck. As .1 dlxcr Imp-, limn the spiiugboard hiadfoie-mo-,1 into the untero beuenth. so Tar-i-nn of (lie Ap m doie siiaiglit tor Niinin the linn; nuked in his tight hum! I in blade of Ids father that so main times before Imd tii'ted the blood of lion-. A inking tnlon aught Taiznii on the ide. iutlhting a long, deep wound and then the ape-man wns on Noma's back and the blade was sinking again uml ugniii into the en wise Mile. Nor was the nuin-thing cither longer fleeing or Idle. He. too, creilturc of the wild, had sensed on the In tunl tlie tiuth of the miracle of his snvlng. and turning lu his tracks, Imd leaped forwnrd with raised bludgeon to Tar--.i-n's assistance nnd Numn s undoing. A single terrllic blow upon the lint lened skull of the beast laid him in sensible and then, ns Tarznn h knife found the wild heart, a few convulsive shudders nnd a sudden relaxation lniuk cd the put-sing of the carnivore. 1 ...... i.i.r ( his feet, the nne-mnn nhu'ed his foot upon the enrenss of his nml raising his face to Uoro, the noon, voiced tho sinnigo victory cry tlmt had mi often awakened the echoes ai. his uallve jungle. CONTINUED TOMORROW FT MORMIMS - AMV MAIL ?- GoT A Bli DAT AHEAD CALu (JP dOAlES - AJ.O, A1E.VER MIAJD-- THIMK tT over - Come on t LETS SHOW SPEED . t - 1 y tliTW " J-' sW S vi GOV THAT LETTER REAPV ? - DID TbU SET ME. THAT BILL ? C?ALL UP PIFFLE ANO Co. -VoEVER MIND THAT LETTER RCAbY ? - uiiiis-f CiJTUl DuAllC lulliccD " wnw-J "" - is"' 'so.nii.ii. . THAT LETTER RE.ADV ? - C Tf' THE CTCLOME EA1TRAMCE ''SX Xrt - N ' ' s s ' J - Wl, l H 'LO KELLY-COME RIGHT IM-dUST MIA1UTE.S TO SETTLE M 1 n rse a 1 .. I cyiycs. wcal T-- HERr.?. WHAT T THINK JOE- IP I WAS SECRETARY STATt Th GO DVEI?A6- C Cm . s s TKOM TEA! Trt AOOAJ rA r SPEED ' STUFFS S EC ' D' & WHAT'S t .y CaOT MY lr?VES ",w,,u --.1 ru-..s,. r ALL JA-Z-It-iO DplJmmKzr X OF L .-,ome. Rush : J lH 7 j J.i M;o jArwu istpw vTX- " J tj 1 1 , E. " '-w .".-: : "V- 1 wttvJ v x vr-y ' 'HS Ht wore -3 A-E-- HAVyA.vJti -". - The Young Lady Across the Way PATHETIC FIGURES IJu FONT MS E FOX The joung Indy across tlie win sajs the pioposal now is fur a skeletoui.ed arm and she supposes it will be -o well trained that il won't have 11 superfluous ounce of flesh on it. L11T1.E CuTHDEFVr ATE 50 MUCH At THE 0ACH PArVtV' THAT MofMEK COULDN'T GET His BATHIMG SUIT OFF HIM. AS .v , . .i. a- . t w if '. n itn'j 'ft&Py " 0" JXL ? 4 Wm 1m4 SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG PET EY The Wild, Wild Waifs By C. A .Voight orThat' Hollv 1 OWVsTfMArc. ,lr4E Movie star- 5hf's ALWANS J) 01 WO t pOMEIHIUO , ' SPECTACULAR' tf ? 5 - -. - - 1 1 - a ,&zz j&h 1 1 iSsW.jsJ rzrrrv- iJf ifM fwSlllbJi? o- s v-rrr hl -, rsYlft 1 OWE OF TH0Se r-fiH lit . 1 iii 1 t "wv.-- i jfii s. I. nab yi .1 (i-r -v. 1 11 111 if i 1 j ! m in i - fcj 'x .11 iui -it ii 1 n -rjr n n ! 1 . : 1 . hui i.i w - ri s-- .rvvm 37 wir K3. ii'Jiwii J' i yi?mmim u r. v ' jfss- r.i r.. ban Wv -- ; ' ( Vt: I W , J J 'f 'i& .yLSZX&m' iff SStfts.ii Zil m ,SJ ,r"- W'UV- '" k k 7 VsXxss. ' Asm. M Y 4 l SArv?C. ' UWSgLlA'?;! ZStoZJF' v i1,n , vN gto-raEBSHL r StfwP M.k . 1mm tfjwjd9VWi -f- "7r " - " I I ' "C- " AQj t -y 77E CLANCY KIDSTimmie Beats Around the Bush Too Much By Percy L. Crosby 753 sW" ' f 1 I. . ! d Vr.'Yl im, . , 1. ri rr r novwiLL s r1 alight, then ijont:: K o vsiOTtfAn pa '?S3 'i,; rVISii feSy 'rylSP - I- J.. ' . " . ' . I 3 ', ' 'yjy 1 1 " 1 1 ' m -; - ' tJl&'5 '" ' ' ' " '" " ' "' t") in..' i iii ii.i.iii i hiiJv .J : '6,.' .,.....: . 4f L. 'ijr s?Mt22'-4 V5H 1 ' K A ' ,-i S.f "ill )-J