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FZFv!& EVENING. PUBLIC LEftGER-PHlLADEiPHIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 19&1 5 WBATHEh STORE CLOSED ALL DAY TODAY WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S Fair SJ TO ITALY New Autumn Merchandise, Decidedly Lower in Price, Is Coming in Every Day Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store M ti Princess Do Braganza Sails With Husband's Bronze Cas ket Made at Boyertown . - i i "TV, $10,1 1 WAY WEIGHS HALF A TON The most costlr coffin ever shipped from the United State wnsjon board the Italian stenmcr Taormlno, which sailed TMterday for Naples. With It was the purchaser, Prlnccis de Braganza and Duchess o Oporto. She bought It In Boyertown for her late husband, who was next In succession to Klnc Manuel, of Portugal. The princess arrived hero Incognita ,x weeks ago nboard tho Aqultanla to irrange for the delivery of the casket Vhlch will hold the body of her hits band In Itf" final resting place In the Pantheon at Lisbon. Departing yesterday without the .llEhtest vestige of bIiow or formality, tip urincess. attired In full mourning, ent Immediately to her stateroom. The casket, In ft packing case as Isrsc as an ordinary automobile crate, was the last thing taken nboard the Taormlna just before the boat left her pier at West Fifty-seventh street. New ,r,I am taking the casket with me to Naples," tho princess said, "and on October 2h my birthday, the body of my husband will be taken on board an Italian warship to Lisbon." The casket weighs a half ton, is mode of bronze coated with silver and bears a reproduction of the royal crown dt Portugal In silver. It was made at Boycrtown, Pn.. and is said to have cost about $10,000. The Prince de Uraganzn died in Feb ruary. lOLH). while an exile in Italy. With the Princess he resided nt the Itojal Pularc nt Naples. Ceremonies attending removal of tho body to the Pantheon "ill be religious and civil, and will In attended by members of the old Portuguese court. Left $339,110 Estate Maximilian F. Bonzono. who died re cently in this city, left nn cstHte vulued at $330,110, according to nn inventory filed here today. Inventories were also filed in these estates : lycon Koncsky. $7000: Charles Newynnn, $27,709, and Alfred F. Bradford. $135,005. Wills vtcrc admitted to probate in the estates of Cllen Daly, who died in At lantic City recently, $5500. and Cath erine Morton, 1010 North Dover street, $10,100. UKMfiiors NOTirns Hartlt TUB TKUn.fc Mroad and Utrks nt. (1000 N.). 31100 teat. Home of the Crnrc Haptlst Church. nUSSUM. It. CONW KM.. Pmtnr WM. DVIU; M'CURDY. Ao. I'nuor ,t MARVIN IIANNA. Musical Director WlEOCniUK RTAItKi:. Orarnn'rt Mr McOunly u III preach at iu:fl() A. M. and 7:4'i P. M Kvenlnc sutiyct. "Why John Doe Joins Church " Select Solo Quirlfi, ronsUtlri or .Mary Merldes, So prano, Lillian Holmslrand, Alto, Phil Hippie, Tenor; Horace Hood, Uarltone, tlth llsnlunln Knecdlor nt tho nrcxn, will nm tnj lonowinc program: "nock of Aecs". ' IJa. I.ird" Til .Shadow iTair... Tho Lord Is My Shepherd." Prarr Mel'ng. rrklav. at II .Mattel ..Wood Frlid llvin Worship at 11 o'clock nt FHIEND.V OI.II Mi:ill()N' JIKKTING IIOUHK, Mont comory pike and Meeting House lane. Here William 1'cnn worshiped and many notsd Quakers since that day havo communed hrre. Thn Meetlnc was established In 188.' Kcry one Is welcome. Pleasant utomoblle ride from the city, or autobus liaw and st. every half. Presbyterian AEOH KTRFXT I'JIKSIIYTEKIAN CHURCH 18th and Arch Hts Clarencs Kduard Macartney, Minister. 10 Vi A. M and 8 P. M. Bh J H. I'rawford. D. P.. will preach. iiKTiii.r.uirM i'itin n:i'i.N riiuitcn Broid and Diamond sis l( William 1, Mc'.'ormlcU,, raslor. Re Samuel U Currv. Assistant Pastor 10 Ofl A M Sunda bchool 11 no A M bermon, "An Ageless Memor l! ' Mark xlv, 1' By Rev. Samuel 11 l'urr Assistant Partor. 7 45 P. M "Chlhlllkeneis and the Klnc 1nm of God.' Matthew xvlll 8 Hy Riv Samuel R. Curry. Assistant Par.tur. Wrdntidtv otcnlnx ptasor meeting at 8 o'clock The last of tho lessons of ths Apoitlea' Creed will be taken up next Wedneda "I Hclleve In the Ufe Ever. laying " Proleslnnt Kplsropiil ST, MATTI1KWS P. K. CHURCH. illrard ae and lHih at. ne (." HUnilGItT ItEKSE. D. D.. Rector. S-enlcn 1U 30 A. M H P. M nev Hnrvcv II Marks. Rector of Christ Church. Dumllle will preach at both services Unitarian FIRST I MTARIAN CHURCH. Chestnut st. nbove Jlat Union services of the Uni tarian t hurdles of Philadelphia. 11 A. M.. rte W A Vrooman, nf Wilmington. Del will preach. Subject, "Tolstoi, the llumlsn ltudlcnl," being ths seventh of the summer eeiles on "Modern Truthseekeis' 0 Solitaire $oi m 1 v Diamond Ring 1 i-arai, I ine I olor. rar I'rrrect rmiiK.NnL'Rti's loan okfick 37 N. 11th St. "" ,"JSrt and . W. (or. Dili A Ilnltonwood fits. ISA TCj "..wi-r. rre- w- m WILISSt? Tat. Jnna 18. 1811 "No SpUuh in Sink" "Ponitive Shut OIF' "SAVILL" On Fauo.l "Aik vour ylumttr" Thomas SavuTs Sons, Mfr. 1110-12.14 Wallan 8.. l-Wlo. Sloan's Keeps Mosquitoes Away Soak a piece of absorbent cotton, cloth or sponge with Bloan'o Liniment, hang It in your bedroom or tent. It will keep the mosquitoes away nd let you havo a good nlcht's rest. Bloan'a Liniment quickly keo the stlnc out of mos quito and other insect blue. Good for all sorts of ex ternal pains, achea, strains and sprains. Slnri w - - m -wm SB r wnimenteSrS Delightful Autumn Dresses Reflecting the Newest Fashions Start at $10. 75, $12 and $16. 75 and there iB a generous quantity at these low prices. Materials and work manship are much better than they have been for a long time and styles are most interesting. Several pretty braided models in navy serge are $10.76. The frock with the jumper top, Peter Pan collar and pleated skirt, so fashionable in Spring, reappears for Fall in navy blue and brown tricotine and Cheruit twill with broadcloth col lars and cuffs. $12. At $16.75 there are navy blue frocks of tricotine embroidered with beads or trimmed with the new embossed silk braid. Navy blue crepe de chine dresses, elaborate with iridescent beads, ard also $16.75. At $23.50, $25, $27.50 xand $29 you will find most interesting frocks in silk or wool. Coat dresses are trimmed with many rows of narrow braid and bright facings of emerald green velour. Straight-line frocks have peasant sleeves and narrow belts. Gray embroidery will be noted on $16.75 $12 $27.50 others. At $39 to $57.50 you'll find astonishingly lovely frocks of Canton crepe, crepe de chine, Cheruit twill, tricotine and serge. All are most distinguished and of the latest fashion. " (Market) All Summer Dresses In a Clearaway at $1, $2, $3.50, $5 Every kind of Summer frock that you can imagine of organdie, checked or plaid gingham, figured or dotted voile, dimity and imported cotton materials. Many are mussed. Hundreds of dresses, many somewhat mussed, are marked at prices that do not cover the cost of materials. Extra-Size Dresses, $3 Of voile in dark or light grounds, figured or striped. Plenty of navy blue, Copenhagen, brown and tan. Sizes 42 to 52Vo. (Market) Bath Towels, Special at 25c, 35c and 50c An irregular thread or b small oil spot has lessened tho prices of theso good bath towels, but has not impaired their service in tho least. All aro thick and soft and are in plain colors or Jacquard fi(r urcs, plaids or stripes in pink, bluo and yellow. 17 x 35 inches, 25c 19x37 inches, 35c 21 x 42 inches, 50c (Central) 10,200 Pair Men's Half Hose Very Low Priced at 1 Oc, 1 2V2c, 20c Too cheap to be good you ask? Not a thread ! Wanamaker's Men's Gallery will not sell a man anything that is not good enough to wear satisfactorily. These half hose are of good soft cotton at 10c and 12Vc and of mercerized cotton at 20c. All sizes in black "firsts" at 10c. Broken sizes in cordovan, navy and gray "firsts" at 10c. All sizes even up to 12 in cordovan and black "seconds" at 12 JJ c. All sizes in black "seconds" at 20c. The Juniper Street corner of the Men's Gallery Hosiery Store will be devoted to this sale. Most men will want to order by the dozen and half dozen pair for Winter use. (Market Street Gallery) Unexpected Sale of Sample Blouses Charming at $1.55 Some are a good deal lees than half our early season prices n few are not quite half but the great majority arc exactly half. Plenty of Petor Pan collars and cuffs plenty of tailored styles to wear with sweaters plenty of fine little InccB, pleatings and hem stitching and either long or three quarter sleeves. Nearly all are of the better kind of white voile, but a limited number of novelty materials can be had, also. Only one or two of a kind and sizes are 36 to 42 in the collection. Theso sample blouses come from one of our best makers, and wo heartily recommend them at this new small price. (Mnrkct) Here Is Some Real Economy ' Cotton-Filled Quilts, $2 It doesn't seem possible to those who had to buy bedding at war time prices. Yet here are quilts for the full-sized bed, made of cotton material and filled with cotton to bring them to the desirablo Autumn weight, at $2 each. u i'On0m,i(l0 is fiKU1" material which harmonizes with the plain backs. They come in pink, blue, green, red and in many color combinations. (Central) UNBLEACHED cheese cloth, 36 inches wide, 5c a yard. (Central) UNBLEACHED muslin, 36 inches wide, 9c a yard. (Central) BLEACHED muslin, 36 inches wide, 15c a yard. (Central) Women's Riding Habits, $10 and $20 Clearaway prices economy opportunity bring an to women who ride. Cross-saddle habits of linen or khaki are now $10. Of jersey or mixed tweed, $20. (Market) leiter sle Opp oo Sale of Beautiful Satin Ribbon, 65c Yard Unusual quality in this gleam ing satin ribbon for sashes, mil linery and such. Black (which Paris favors particularly now), white, navy, brown, pink, coral, shades of blue and Nile green. 7 inches wide. Special Purchase of Brocaded Lingerie Ribbons A dainty brocaded rose pattern in pink, blue or white. Sold by the yard or in 10-yard pieces, as you prefer. 6-inch, 8c yard, 70c piece. U-inch, 10c yard, 90c piece. i-inch, lHc yard, $1.20 pieco. ai-inch, 16c yard, $1.50 pieco. 1-inch, 20c yard, $1.90 piece. Wonderful New Neckwear at 50c Half Price and Less Fresh and pretty as one could wish for, and women will ngree when they see it that it is "won derful" at its price. Organdio collar and cuff seta, sheer and (ine, in white or colore roll, fichu or the new flat kinds. One style of fichu collar ends in a wide sash and there aro cud's to match. All at COc. Silk Petticoats, $2 and $3 All prices have been lowered. At $2, changeable taffeta pet ticoats, in light or dark colors; also black-and-white checked taffeta. At $3, satin striped tub silk petticoats (noted for their dura bility). Green, purple, gray and blue. Apron Dresses, Neat and Pretty, $1.50 Two of the prettiest styles that n housewife could wish for at $1.50. Both of good percalo one in a little floral pattern with ruffles of motchlng color around tho neck, down tho front, on the snsh and pockets ; the other, is a straight-line style with a sash and conies in a pretty check. Pink, blue end lavender. Net Corsets, $1.50 fool and light in n good model for s'lglit figures elasti nt the wnhtline untl little boning Pink.Coutil Girdles, $1.25 A ten-incji giidle with no bon ing ovor tho hips and elastic at the Waistline in front. Excellent for summer -wear and sports. Nothing Like Axminster Rugs for Service They can be used in rooms and offices where there is a great deal of passing and you may be sure that they will give the maximum amount of service for the money invested. These new Axminsters are of standard quality, perfect in every way and show the new autumn designs and colorings. 18 x36 inches $2.75 27 x 54 inches $4.25 36 x 70 inches $7.50 4.6x6.6 feet $14.50 6x9fcet $25 7.6 x 9 feet $35 8.3x10.6 feet $42.50 9x12 feet $47.50 9x15 feet $62.50 10.6x13.6 feet $72.50 11.3 x 15 feet $78.50 Seamless Axminster Rugs in Unusual Sizes 9x9 feet $40 9 x 18 feet $78.50 9 x 10.6 feet $42.50 , 22 x 36 inches $2.75 9 x 15 feet $62.50 27 x 52 inches $4 36 x 63 inches $7 Special Axminster Rugs in Two Good Room Sizes 8.3 x 10.6 feet $34.50 9x12 feet $37.50 (Chretnut) Striped Outing Flannel, 10c White Domet Flannel, 12V2c Both of these materials are 26 inches wide and of the soft fleecy texture that makes them so suitable for nightgowns, pajamas and underwear for the Winter. Needless to say, both are considerably lower in price, and just in time for the fall sewing, too. (Central) Wool-Mixed Blankets of Good Weight $5 and $6.50 $5 ones are twin-bed size, measuring 63x80 inches, and are in gray or white with pink or blue borders. $6.50 blankets are for double beds, 70x80 inches, and are in white bordered with pink or blue. All-Wool Pink Plaid Blankets, 70x80 Inches, $10 (Central) Women9 s New Coats Are Softer and More Luxurious Than Ever There are three excellent reasons lor buying a new coat this season. First: the coats them selves. They are so soft, so warm, so light in weight and so beautiful. Materials have a velvety texture that is wonderfully alluring and combines most successfully with fur. Some wraps show deep cape collars of mole, sable-dyed squirrel, black fox or raccoon. Second : the prices, which are noticeably lower than they have been in years. Thiid : many weather prophets are predicting a very cold winter. Here are the coats and they are fine. The one which is sketched is of velour with a cape collar and band cuffs of beaverette (dyed coney). It is in navy and brown at $42.50. A long black broadcloth coat, lined throughout with satin, is $35. $42.50 A beautiful coat of black Bolivia is .$45. Camel's-hair coats, full length and lined with peau de cygne, are in the natural tan at $43.50 ; in Havana brown at $47.50. Velour cdats, in navy, and brown, lined throughout with silk and topped with, wide collars of raccoon, are $49. A luxurious wrap with a deep mole collar is $75. One, with revers of mole reachinc to the hem, is $97.50. New Raincoats Arrive Rubberized coats and capes are of Canton twill, Schaap silk and tweed, principally in tan and navy, at $5.75, $7.50, $8.75 to $16.50. (Market) Fresh Frock3 for Tiny Girls $1.25 and $1.50 Bright-colored, well-made little chambray dresses. One style hns a white lincne top, and the other has white rep collar and cults. $1.25. Of a little higher grade are two other styles of little girls dresses, one showing touches of hand work in cross-stitch em broidery and smocking. $1.50. Dresses in both of these groups como in pink, blue, com and green, and in sizes '2 to 6. (Central) A New Style in Women's Bloomers 75c to $2 Generously cut after a new open pattern, they are comfort ably wide. There is elastic at the waist and nt the knees, which are edged with hemstitched ruffles. These bloomers in white and flesh batiste are 75c. Others, in cotton crepe, are $1 nnd in sateen are $1.50. Very dainty are the satinet ones nt $2. All styles como in either flesh or white. (Central) New Fall Frocks for Juniors Begin to Arrive Youthful blue serges and tricotines have gay little guimpes of red, green or blue checked gingham. Others are embroidered with colored wools. A number of interesting new dresses, ready to go into school wardrobes, are here at $7.75 to $33.50. New regulation dresses of cadet blue gingham, $5. New middies, with long sleeves, $1 and .$1.50. Girls' Summer Frocks Now $1.85 and $2.50 Of plnin and figured voiles, some hand-embroidered, of ginghams and fine, sheer organdies. A variety of models and colorings. Sizes for girls of ( to 14 yeais. Originally marked two nnd three times as much. Coat-Middies, $1.50 White jenn (.oat-middies hnve leather belts and black ties. 6 to 14. Sizes White Shirtwaists, $2 Of sheer material, trimmed with pink or light blue, and made to wear with jumper frocks and separate skirts. Sizes 10 to 16 i Murhel ) Excellent New Winter Suits Can Be Had for $25,$29to$57.50 It has been several years since such alto gether charming suits could be had for such moderate prices. Materials are really fints firmly woven velours, good tricotines, mix lures and duvets de laine. All the jackets are lined with silk and many are trimmed with fur. You'll notice that the strictly tailored suits have longer jackets, while trimmed models are cut a little shorter. Interesting choico in navy blue, brown and black. Fittings in sizes 14 to 44. A Jersey Sports Suit With a Slip-on Dress, $16.75 The frock is in tho regulation sleeveless style, with n narrow belt and patch pockets. The jacket is cut on sports lines with a pleated back, slot pockets and belt. You can Imagine what, a pretty suit it makes for Fall. In Copenhagen and brown heather mixtures in young women's slzei. jwJ3si CkSbSSv ifflcin $16.73 $29 (Uukt) $37.50 A New Inexpensive Furniture Store Dmvnstairs at Wanamaker's You will find it stretching nearly all along the Thirteenth street side of the central section of the Down Stairs Store. Furniture made for the Wanamaker Store of the usual Wanamaker qualityand selected for the Down Stairs Furniture Store because it is notably low in price. Families of moderate income and newlywed 1 "just starting" will we believe, find this new permanent service a real ,j. ' No attempt will be made to show such a co7 ,otion as is to be found in the splendid Furniture Store on the Fifth antf Sixth floors. The purpose of this Down Stairs Furniture Store is to segregate good low-priced furniture and place it where all of it can be seen easily in a few moments. J The best low-priced living-room suites and single pieces. The best low-priced bedroom suites and single pieces. The best low-priced dining-room suites and single pieces. All sorts of "odd pieces," such as chairs, large and small tables and davenports, many of them a third to half under their original prices. These moderately priced collections Down Stairs will be changed every few days the great assortments of the entire Furniture Store upstairs being continually drawn upon. xM u H U iii Vfl rf -K Af iff,, , fAi tti -, ' X-i. ;;. ..- . ' :it,7.