Newspaper Page Text
;& ft-v, v& : V V H S THE WEATHER NIG JIT EXTRA I.'nlr nnd continued coot tonight and Tuesday! moderate, northerly winds. P J TttMi-KnATimK at kach noun nrrn no m n-' u i g i i i o "i .f.d liiiidt ii rj mi' i i i X.4 , VOL. VII. NO. 292 Entered at fcond-Clmi Matter at th Poeloffloa at Philadelphia, Pa. " Under the Aot of March 8. I87 PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1921 rubllehtd Dallr Except Sunday. Subwrlptlon Prl'e IB a Tear br MalU Copyright. 1P21. by i'ubllo ledger Company PRICE TWO CENTS i II GO II ME WHEEL PUMP RAID CAPTIVES AND CAPTORS Navy Yard Sends Marines to Settle Panama Dispute Government Rushes 400 Men on Dreadnought and Demands Recognition of Land Award to Costa Rica L 1 PENROSE LAGS a I OF READING OFFICE "1 Hi w!3Fgygmj fHW Ittienmg m GAMBLERS CAUGHT REIFF SUICIDE IN WHEEL PUMP ARE IN GAS-FILLED ROOM MB ANNOUNCES ALL HELD FDR GOUR 1 Ahead .i.J, . . ?Courso Planned irrespective of Political Allies or Enemies JIrt OUT FOR WILLS JOB; p9 AGAIINST FEE GRABBING i WkmT Moore announced today t that Ln-..i.. i,nrnp ilocs not want to IMP.""".. . ... . ...- .Llmtnl.trntlan. i'io along' wmi i"-- " trtan ''stny on tho outside. Slbe' Mayor, fit fighting mood, came 5p rnrlv from J'ls glimmer homo nt jJinil'ilcljW. " ,)vcn,t lnt c0.". 'Antra almost immediately with his ""itit board." IHeforc beginning the session he is- K..i vh-orous statement In which he fitie it plal" 'hnt he would go nhend on J he course lie hns pianncu. i"i''" it political nllies or enemies nnd with out regard to either icnrosu 01 x ...s-. fThc statement is .mm-u "i Mayor's friends to he a formnl notice 'B...,i on Scnntor Penrose that he must me out in the open nnd Issue his long ddSTed announcement. 01 '"' - he Intends to espouse in the primaries. Mayor's Statement The Major's statement follows in jW.'L. - .!. .t.n!itlutrnlillll K "The course 01 - " : fVilt he strnlslit ahead, irrespective of iPenrosoor Vnre. It was hoped henntni- ?tc" i.i fi! !.. 1in I,, holn bent irenrose wouiii i - - . ".i...i,.iiniw who seek n return to power in the coming campaign. There ;Un to bcllcvo he will do to; but In anr crent. the Administration will troceed as indicated, stialght ahead. m I. nnnnneil to contractor -bossism i.,J thit piiiicomltanl eils. police pro- itecHinfor vice and gambling. Ihusc think will not bo tolerated during tin" i . i tj tin itinii ii- next two nnu u mu ji"'i "" ho wins or loses n county oflre. unr. !,. M-nn nut nil mnniclnnl rtreet cleaning, and we have started nnd T i ....,h AAioiilntArl (ttmnrtnnt nublic works. We have taken nway the bit proRts of the contractor bo-wes. and hire Kept ino riiiiini:ii;iuii-.:u h"'"""-'!. i,t..nliv nvor the countr line. t. "We have great public uork ahead ud propose to go on wun u. v navr nMrlr two nnd aaiialf year in which toKeep going. "The AiImliilMraiion proposes 10 go .forward, or to point out those who in terfere WIHI lis progress, n nas iniiii friends and supporters. Those who do not wish to go along with the Admin- 'Upittnn rnn ctfiv nil iUn niltHidp." If Hart Out for Wills Job f Almost as important ns the layor's 'defiance of I'enroso was nn announce- K?nt made during the meeting of the RvW Howd 'llnt 1)av'd T- ""ft. Ad I Mstratlon lender in the Twenty third H VyT ..nt.1.1 1... n .ill II .1 111 fl I a. nil n .1 niltl. '1, nu, IWIIIII w,7 (, ,........ .... .... ...... fee-grahblng platform for the nomina tion for Itegister of AVilN. Though Mayor Moore did not ninke the announcement of Mr. Hart's can didacy, there seemed to be no rPiison to doubt that it carried with it the Mayor's approial, and ennseipiently indicated that he was not atisfled with the can didate already rhoen li the Voteis Iifague, Vlvlnn Krniik (inble. Nomination papers have not jet been filfd for Mr Hart. They must be in br 3 o'clock tonuinow nfti-rnoon, as the lavr requires. Then the candidates have three day In which they nrc permitted. If they choose, to withdraw- their mwnes from the ticket T Unless either Mr. Mart or Mr. liable I wlthilrnwn by I'ridnj. therefore, the forces nf reform will go to the polls under the serious handicap of haviii',' idiTiaed their forces to meet united op position.. The Vnte candidate, nlreaiU Weed im nnd with the united forces el the "enmliliii." lmoi.- nf i.i... .111 1... LHliam P. Campbell, jiresent Magh Jwte. And one of the inoit astute poli ticians mi the Vine side. league dels Annnunrrmciit . Tllfl ilM'mil,. .,., ,t li. T . .......... .iiiiiuiiiiii-iucill OL .111. .lUrts cainlldiu'j en nip in the form of a letter tn il. ,. -.,.. ..:.... It ii I ..'i.-i-. i-uj;iir, M'lllim ,Mortli ins ipitiliriPiitliins mid his plnt rorm. Mr 11,,,-t was in the Minor's l"r llounl inciting at the time. A me-Nigo was bent in to the War anj ineeimg to Mr. Il.irt if his ,mM inc-iiit , . W1s ., ,,, j eamliilnin r.... n ; . . ,,;; ' " iiiMiun.'iiioii. t iCs, i the llllllt." will llm iocs. .?-ie..r"1',"""1 f""" Mnior Moore's eetlng M,. Unit T an.lhlate " a cviiiin ij..t. i e iM.H"r siiiuigest political fi lends. ',...,.,, ii'ior t ti(. u,rs. i,,.nRm., fy ' "' lmice neioie im in t iTonuniiri on IVi-i. ti.i...... t- - -.w m iilll limn 'lime .SEARCH AUTO "GRAVEYARD" t hedges Explore East Riuor inr r.,r I4' Believed Dumped for Insurance row i01,"' A"K -- H'.v A. P.i lowerful dteiL'cs t..,i..v i,n, '.. ' ; "f '- cr on ,he ,;; liilcil "grave- "'1 of iiitoinohiles "ne machine "" rccov 1 hv a tielicc bunt ict,t('r- ". thVrnlf'"' '!,r'''-' ! il'" wale,- annul t. nail. 1. ' ;,' "' '"- aie iieiu ""H ill nn 1 ftni 1 I,. i. .... 1 1. 1 I" loi.iic liumlii'ils of wontl,. ii"" '"-i"i'i.iicii in iccii proposos to Go ,,. .' llllllll.lllOlll'S. Ill,, pi) ie il"'"' "''re nut into tl. .iv.!- l.v u;ui fiiierg who ii,ui ., ..n : . . , nu E:"'"W Hint wiltlid their ... . , loa t . -.-.-.. ... ...,!.- I iur.ui Mill C f!merateH "The Heart Pi rate' dill lii. ..""."" "IH vieiim nni 11 .. walk the "Omehn, ."'... '"". '"' "" '' r.iltt 11 nillft 1 nil Im, ik.. " '"-"sine it was milled ittkJ !' . '"' i':"1'1' Sl(, ''''"-' aroiin 1 tthUh h0 "B'l 1"'i" P ffilov. ,:,;,so,l7lll'v- 'd it was MZ,F ,t,,t 11" Klrl who ha I '.- IIIM Ulklw.o .....I 1....1 il. stni-i i.i.. . "" ' iiiiicii 1111 nlrcuh was engaged 'JMtrli'd to be Hazel Dovn Iinft'1,,,1, &tl',,!,,,M,,,' ''" '"tins J , m,nK'il'Ping stor, of the I,,,.. bniikr ."'r, i'mn",7 "f "H.iir.1 IThf hrlt ,I,,I1 """'" a Caldwell. I'.L '" eliuptc,. apoears tod.iv l' TIIK WOMAN'S I'Aiiij M.... -",--..... ... MUIII ...1. ..,.,! ,.. iLaHlilvliLVWFtSIStVvPHSrfTttlra BHtRi nMFseIch mWlmBm of missing woman . Irfdffr I'hoto Scnlco The upper plrttire shows some of flic elghty-oTlil gamblers arrested 1'rlday night when State pollco raided the old Wheel Pump Inn at Chestnut Hill. Tlio picture wns taken this morning as the men, who had been released In ball, gathered In the public square at Norrlstowii to await hearing. Itelow are shown three of the nildcr,s. John Horn (nt tlio wheel), Kranlt Mnrrlssey (.seated beside Horn and Corporal Shaner CHOOSING BETWEEN HUSBAND AND LOVER, WOMAN IS SLAIN Admirer Fires IFIien She Decides to Remain Steadfast to Mar riage Vows Despite Shotgun's Menace Ity the Associated Press Pflltcnllle, Calif.. Aug. 2. Mrs. .T. 15. ISnehman, forced to choose between her husband nnd another mnn In the presence of both, decided to retnnln true to her marriage and thus scaled her death, which came nn instant later when the other mnn. Walter II. Alex ander, it is charged, shot and killed her. "Well, what are yon going to do?" Alexander wns quoted as demanding of Mrs. Itnr Iiinnu. "I guess I'll stay here." llaehman said his wife renlled fr nn her sent be side him in an nutnmnbilo. Thereupon, Ilai'liiiinu saj. Alexan dir llrcd a shotgun pointb'nnk at the woninn. The shooting occurred yesterday nt the ranch home of II. It. rollings, step rather o Alexander. In the Poplar dis trict near here. Alexander's mother CARL AND DOG TRIX LIKE GRANDMARM'S CANDY STORE' Missing Boy, Who Disappeared From Two Other Players Held After Fight Shore, Discovered by Searchers I Over Slurring Remark llleven-year-old Curl Weinman, of' One man is djlng in thp Cooper IIos 1I1L' South Front street, prefers his old i ftnl nnd two others are held awaiting , , .i ,, , ,,. , ,i tbe result of U injuries, following a hnunlN along the Delaware ltiver to theLnoot,B , (lmrrcl Jn Cam,len enhrIy strand nt Wildwood, and his do' "Trlx" this morning. shares his joting master's pieferenee, Joseph Trugll. forty-live years old: because of the greater inriety and morei Kngelo Seirnto, twenty-six years old. pungent smells mound the wharvis and and Victor Santlnl. twenty-four years docks of IVuwniP avenue. old. all boatders at .'(.'I." Washington This became known toihy wlmh Ctrl i avenue, Cnmilen, were playing cards last nnd "Trlx." who disappeared Saturday eienlng. .lust nflei midnight Sclrato is from the Wehrman cottage at ild- ! wood, were iiisooieri'o in uie inline oi Carl's grandmother, Mr. Anna Wlsslg, Ills South Front street. , Carl nlwiis has liked his grand mcller. She's one of the .best grand mothers that ever conducted a candy slore. 1 1 was homesickness for her and the liver front that induced Carl to start on his hike from Wildwood to this ell, lie was penniless, shoeless and lint'less, but not hopeless. He had i cached a point ten uiiles above Woodbine at ! o'clock Saturday night After "Trix" had vanquished whal apeared lo be a ghost, but which turned out to be a-piece of waste paper, hoy and dog slept In J small station. Tliey continued lleir jaunt yesterday morning, were picked up bv n party of sailors In an automobile and taken to the grandniothei's home, where arey are spending most of their time in the candy store. HER EARS WERE TOO SHARP Eavesdropping Woman Rebuked by Judge Freeing Defendant A woman ae-diooM r iciened n t-ctcic Inline III I cilli.ll .-Million i.'om "Nat him iliNntirMPi.i i.. ..'.,. .MnRhirni' Cai'ii locinj 'iw Mpw- .. ii'i.iii'iiiiiiiii.'n iii - . .. . tiale not mil setil lier Home wun a warning to keep her curs own fiom walls. mid windows, hut ho promptly (llsohaiKCd Hie man aciu-cd of "1 ailing tinmen." Mis Mar Williams. Illi Ldge mnnt street, can-id the arie-l of Ollvei MhiiIm. 'IIIi'i Flgemoiit street, whom I -he ilaimid called her all manner 01 I "It was this u. Wir Honor," she. -rid. "1 l.sicuid 111 the wall mid heard jhim sn awful things about me." "She's jealous, Judge," said the I pii-oner. Then il leaked mil I he prisoner was .1 foimcr lioauur 111 uie woman s house. . , . "Look he'ie. said Mngi-tiate Car son, "don't .miii know a man inn sny nm'lhliig he likes Iu his own home? Vmi go In iiur home and keep jour tars m.ii fiom the walls and windows. FmcMlio'i is neier hear amlhhig good about iheai'ilves. Prisoner disi hurgeil !" Oitli sir 'I line "Itlriiilneh -in Hpl," ln Hcnilli. in l" H." I.i. W. I'-'ll" -is. A ,M. I!. l Ai- AiliiniH in-'"'' !. lllimlnjiiHin 4 3H I'M 71!U lioil IJt. 'J'r. 'IU' 'l'l. WI.II7H. AiiV. nnd stepfather also witnessed the shoot ing. After the shooting Alexander left carrying the shotgun, it was said, and a Sheriff's posse Is searchine for him. According to the story, llaehman told officers he had gone to Lindsay, twonty nines irom tho rollings ranch, to bring home Airs, llnchman. ITe found Alex ander nlso nt Lindsay, lie cald, nnd was forced by him to drive Mrs. Bnclunnn nnd Alexander to tho ranch. He told officers Alexander held a knife nt his back all the wny. At the ranch Alexander disabled the automobile, obtained n shotgun and np proached Mrs. Itnchmnif. the woman's husband said. Alexander then demanded what the woman was going to do, and receiving her answer shot her, llaehman said. After holding llaehman nt bar with the shotgun half an hour. Alexander tied across the fields. CAMDEN MAN IS SHOT IN CARD GAME QUARREL alleged to hnve hnlil to irugii : "Why don't you buy shoes for vour wife?" qunrrei ensued, 111 tne course or 1 which one shot was fired. I he bullet ' passed through I rugli s body, but he ran from the house, nearly four snunres. to Fourth nnd Line streets, where he collapsed on n doorstep. Ttugli was taken to the Cooper Hospital, Sclrato was arrested about 4 o'clock, and nfter an examination locked up on n chnige of atrocious assault and bat tery. Snntlni was held ns a material witness when Detective Proncone, bis captor, found powder marks between hi lingers. FRENCH WAR BRIDE MISSING Husband Fears She Has Been Kid napped by Relatives New York. Aug. 22. Ity A. P.) The niysteiy of the disappearance of a Fiench war hi hie occupied the atten Hon of the Police Ilurinu of Missing Persons todaj . Thomas J. Kane, war veteran and Cioi.x dc (Iiiciie holder, icpnrted the disappiainme .rstirdnj of his wife, who was Antoinette L.i Hue. a Fiench Ited ('loss woi l;er. Knue s.ild 11 charwoman at an office building where Mr" Knue was em ployed as 11 secretary told him his wife had been kidnapped by two men In an automobile. Mrs. Knuo's parents, Kane said, had never become iccoucilrd to the mutch, and he feared she was being Inken back to Fiance. Seveial entries 111 a diary left b) the voiing wife rcr corded her lonesoiuencs in the country of her adoption. BOY'S KIDNAPPER TO DIE Was Convicted of Murder Following Child's Drowning New York. Aug. 22. (Ily A. P.) Roberto Raffnelc, convicted last week of murder in the first degree for the killing of I'ne-year-old Giuseppe Ymolta. who uni drowned In the Hud-' son River after being kldunppcd, today w.-h sinteuced to be elect lucutril during the week of October tl. Six olheis 1110 10 be tried for the same 01 lino. Whin jnu Ihlnli nf svrlttnir. think ot WlllTINGildi. Miss Mary Anderson, Pedrick- town, N. J., Last Seen Thursday Night BLOODHOUNDS OF NO AVAIL Although anxious searchers from the village of Pcdricktown. N. .1., are doggedly continuing the hunt for Miss Mnry Anderson, who vnnlshed Thurs day night without leaving a trace, they hnve been unable to uncover a sin gle clue. The mystery of the womnn's disappearance deepens ns the dajs pass. She was last seen and spoken to at !i o'clock Thursday afternoon. At that time she left the sickroom of the woman with whom she lived on her wny to the kitchen to get supper. She did not get supper. Where she went or what hap pened to her no one knows. Ttloodhounds hnvp failed tn locate the womoq. All dnv yesterday .'100 men nnd boys ranged through the dense woods, striving to unravel the latest mystery of the South Jersey forests, nnd todnv determined Searchers me con tinuing the work. No Apparent Reason So far there 'has been nothing dis covered to show why this nttrnctiie woman of thirty-eight years, attired in a simple blue bungalow dress, without he.t or eont, should have vanished into thin air. without t'-ace. and so fur as can be discovered without reason. Miss Anderson wns last seen nnd spoken to nt f o'clocll Thursday after noon. She was without home of her own. and without kind but had a frlem in every person In the village. She lived nf llm TT..I..1 TTnrni nlinnl n mlln frntn l'edrlcktown. with Mrs. Untile llolton. I a chum of her girlhood days, hhe and Mrs. Halton attended the houMdiold du ties about the place, while Mr. Holtnn worked the farm. Mrs. Holton has been ler.i ill since the hot days of June and July, and has been confined to her room. She sat lm-.A n'lmruilnv nlfflit with her husband. William, when there came n knock nt j the door. 1 i t .1niiiAii iMitnl-itl ntnl (Liiil suppose had better go ahead and get -- """".."."j'X 8UPPCr- Soiled M She lfl YlZ:,. After a few more words the missing .limnond-sprinkled mid ningly full of woman smiled and left the room. She ,, , ,,iritM j,,i optimi-in TIipv has not been seen or heard from since. . M,nt the time waiting or the Magi--An hour later, supper not hnving been ,rntl) vtmhing "done she. t-" ami announced, Mr. Holton investigated, i picking oul their favorite potne No supper was ready. In the kitchen 'he hearing wns -ct f.,r p-l,",. bm ever thine wn sa? it had been left after t i hml not got under win. Thi- win the dinner dishes had been cleared due in part to tl fforts of c uiii-el for away. Miss Anderson's lint and coat the prisoneis to have Mngi-tnitt l.en were In their usual place. Her market , lmrdt allow the men to wane hearings. was miss ng, ,, wad of bills, containing ' steps of hi- office and uoM,e, ' , ' ' ,' , , 0V , ," '" '" "K1 ,"f 'V, l , , Umk " ' UT, " f,l,","V"1 :k,,1!- , ,, , about $100. obtained the day before '-Well. lns, I don t boliexe ilicre'll I , 't,,,r"'l, , u -- ,1 to .... ',', 'hnli ,'' ,,' I'TI'm' h" Af,"r ";,'""'i"S J"to ,mt-tand ngfen- when 5Ilss Anderson crfshe'd some I be a -hearing. I've had a confer, nee , , ,. r ', II"" "" ' r"s' '' '" '" "' ; ; "' ' ' ' "" ' M' ' '"'"J1 M?'J , tun - of the i.age.h . oun.v Pl.Ns.clan checks. Si- is supposed toJuhad.witliA-siMm,. IZtAX. continn. ra,, 0. ,, !i "" - , ;;;.;-,;- ,;;.; - ..-jn ,,,,,,. ,,,,,-, ,,,,. .no, ( , , u ,,,, wi,,, ,,a,,,i ICMTIIPIV CCIinlOTO DCAnV IS.lll Itniids Pieiiared '"V ' .'". "''."' ' '" . '" '" "".'" She ob- promi-ed mi oath im-m i t.. touch a ilron t. ...,u t ,, .tl. il,;., evolnnntlon. IM-IV I UlJiA I I LUUlu I O IlLnU liin. t1 n n .1.1. iv tilmit In hmcii TO LEAP AT ONE ANOTHER Armed Factions Only Restrained by Presence of State Militia Mount Vernon. Ky Aug. 'J'.'. - 1 P.. A. P.) Willi twenty-live Nmioi.'il (;unrdmen from London and twont specinl Deputy Sheriffs on guaid. the Rock Cnstle County Courthouse pie seated 11 martial appearance when ih case of John llalley, Jr , slojer of lleverley White, was called for tiinl today. Approximately 100 members of the clou nnd tho Whites, op posing factions In the mo.-l bitter tiHiuntnln feud that has torn Fii-teiu Kentucky iu recent years, weie prisent for the opening of the trial. The troops nnd Hpis.'inl reputles were sunimoiied to keep down any possible Uaie-up of the feudal spirit that In the last few yenrs lins caused a number of deaths on both sides. Judge 11. J. Itethurum. who W conducting the trial, asked fot siiciial guards for the courtroom. Although the best of order is being kept here by Hie State troops mid spo cial deputies, the White and clnns piesent somewhat the appeal fltice of wiestlerK piepiulng 10 leap nt one another, On the street one seldom sees 11 nieinbei of one opposing 1 Inn on tbe same side with membei - of the other. j 'UNDERPAID," SO HE STOLEI Man Jailed for Theft of Perfumery1 and Cash Has Peculiar Excuse When the prosecution sought lo show I todnv ih'it Joseph Knpnos. implovcd In a perfume store nt 12H.'I Audi sneti, , had stolen SHOO mid perfume allied at , .fl400 because he gambled oil hot-e races, Knppes told Judge Ferguson that he hud won money 011 the races mid ' hud not stolen to cover losses. He' pleaded gillitv to the charge of Inrooti, but said he haif stolen from his pinp!ocr because he was underpaid. William (inrlltuer, the empliner, tes tified Koppes received $110 n week foi his Fcrvh on mid never less than 1JI11. Asked If he had been ni rested define. Knppes. who Is n Hungarian, replied he had been m tested once ns an alien enemy. Judge Ferguson sentenced him to sit months In Mn.inmcnsiug Prison, despite the fa t (imllnger made n plea for leniency for the man because of his wife nnd tlnce dependent chlldicu. Can't Get By Unmolested in Montgomery County, Magis trate Warns EACH IS REQUIRED TO SIGN OWN BAIL BOND Who Grabbed Bank Roll?' Raided Gamblers Wonder "What became of the hnnkroll?" That wns the principal question agitating the minds of the men taken In the Wheel Pump Inn raid us they waited for n hearing in Norrlstowii this morning. 'I'll" excitement of the raid rather made them forget the fact upward of ?2."i,000 wns scattered about on the various tables and behind the cashier's, window near the racing charts. It is sincere! to he Impel, they ndmit, that in the excitement the "right" man grabbed It. The gamblers taken in the raid of the Wheel Pump Hotel at Chestnut. Hill Friday by State jkiIIip weie all held in .bait, for court today. It was only after ninny protests n'ul imuh legal de bate that the men put up the same bonds demanded i.i the Initial hearings. Hack of the gambling operations nt the Wheel Pnrip wci-p the same power ful Philadelphia gamblets who were driven from th.s eitv In Mayor Moore, and who thought, mistaken!, that they could "get iiw.iy with it" across the county line. Highly-fto Are Held Albert Iuucil, i:;'j(l North Twelfth treet; Charles Silier, 111 I North Tenth street: William Weinberg, 1 liO'J Ninth Twelfth strel. n ml John McCohlrii k. proprietor of the Jiotel. were held in S2."(K) bail each nt the hearing today. Flghty-one others were held In 300 bail each. The four men named nbove were held on a chiirgp of 'setting up ami main- tinning establishment" nud the oth-rs , r.. .'..mi.... .....i ..i. ..,(.. n...i r.,..!1 for queuting a camhllnz establishment." III'. 111 .III', illt'll.IlM llll'l 111' After stating that he would mil permit tho men to waive a hearing but Intended to investigate things thor oughlv and see who had nud who had not; given false names, Magistrate Len hnrdt. of Norrlstowii. decided to allow tbe men to wnl--e healings. He iusipted, howeier, thnt each man sign up his own bail bond. This wns done nfter he hud lecelvcd a tip that many of the men who ap peared today were not those who m rested Friday and Snturda.i. but i ''d'iminieit" mmi! t rciirchcut I liein. i tills would hnve been possible; through the use of false names. 4s e.ieli ol the inlsoners taken iu the raid was fnned to sign his name before being released last week, the signatures can be com pared. -mid if the-o are any discrepan cies prosecution on other charges will I follow. Far. from fniling to put in nu tip nenrance nnd forfeiting the $3u.0i In I bail to Montgomery Counti. the gam be'calletl into the Mngi-trate-- U'l'i t" in batches of ten or twehe. The bull bond- were piepared in the law office nf Tin dote l.anc lien 11. cio-e in. .mil a upiuc if laughter came up when the In, n nn; 1 call stmtcd. The areu-oil men weie gntheii I in n ( nntlminl nn !.ice Tui, ( nliiinn Inn .WOMANENDS HER LIFE Wife of Ship's Officer Drank Poison After He Leaves on Trip Thiee dns after her husband ,i -hip -ollicer, left for South Allium. Mi Fll.ubet'i Mclhaln. fort -two ien old, a roomer at 1727 N'oith 'I'wnti third street, committed suicide uuly th's morning b drinking jioi-oii Mrs. Mclhaln and her husband cilice to the North Twetit -third stivn (,. (Ires lust Mondav mid linked fm b"ii'.l and room Itoanl was iefu-nl. hui the couple took a loom. Afiei Mr Mill aln left FimI.m the wife was ,.,'.oMd to gefboiird lis well as loom. Other member- of the hou-eliolil -.1 l that she appealed in good spirit- .1 u 1. 'uhl assign no icasou for her a. 1 She told llle pfoilelii"-s of the I11.11-" -I e mid Ice hit-hand hud just com fern Smith Aiuei leu The ciilsh of bet fulling l...h i lie.inl mid sho.w.'is wished to th" N.'i'li. wo-tein (ieucial llospttiil, wheio sh' was pionoiincetl dead on arrhal. FLEECED BY OLD GAME Four Newark, N. J., "Capitalists" Lose $10,000 by Envelope Trick New York. A114 22 - 1 l! P 1 PoMce were sc.i rolling im. anion: ihe t!!.".i Kntxes mid Kl'10 KaplniM li.ted iu the citi direiloi for two iun win swindled four icsideiits of Nownrl. N" J . out of .sill, OKI In the am idit "switched em elope" trick The four capitalists wore Iniroduo -d lo Messrs. "Kal." and "Kaplan. Iir-l mimes not given. b a frieml who sil! the cou'il suppl Ihe N'owiirkei's w ih ccililiciile- icpresenling wlu-ki in bonded wnrehouse. To prove their good Inilh the liniin c.ers proiliii'id .-sl),0(in wlncli tlnn pi r lllitled the dextoious Mnuhill lainl '- lo seal iu 1 metopes pemllng the de'ner. of the ooititioali'M. When lie gi ew tired of Milllllg the opened the in velopes mid found thei,, filled wuh paiMT. The dienduoiight Pennsylvania left Delaware Itreakwnii r nt (1:0 o'clock this morning for Piinnmn, inrrylng a full battalion of marines' ('100 men), to he mailable if the Panama -Costa Itlca boundary settlement is not effecteil pcnceiTlily. Final notllii ntum has In en giien the Ooveriimeiil of Pan mm that the Fnited States, n- mcdiiit h nf I'm buiindnrj ill' pule, will .'Mi.t Iti'.upillnte sittle incut oil the hii-.! "l the I.ullhet - White iiwiikI'. Ii ii'h ii th . dj nu'cil tcrii toiy to Co-la Ito'ii The P:ili..i.iiii, Cow i i i, int. wlmh l.ns consistently demurred to the terms of tho awards nnd can led its conten tions over the head of the State De partment directly to President Hard ing, has been informed of the decision of the American Government In a State Department note, under date of August IS. mid delhci'cd b the American Minister in Piinnmn. I he Pan.iina (ioierntnent has been informed further that tin t',.,,.,1 ,, I ' oiiMi .-vines, ' 'I" ' ' "-I.I Ikll.l III 111 ' ill HO longer Us occiination of the illsiuiteil win c nei i i inui men to delay no Colo ill-lint, oier which war between 1 tho two (oiintiics was thieutcncd not lu'r ,'0"rM, ' "'' Pennsjlviinin is so ballon plant, which, ittuler the manage more than six months n" i large that she could not lome into the nient of his son-in-law. was said to B ' iinvy jard at thin time with convnnl- ' be unsiireessful. Ofliclals Kefitse Comment i ence. For thnt ieaon she moored offi He wns appointed by President W Coineidental with the action of the l1"' Preakwater. I son October 2D. lOlS.'to till the unex Stute Depniment, the battalion of mn- ' At """" Sil,"rdnx tue-Navy Yard I pired term of Williom N. Croll. as cue rines was m tiered to Plillndelnlini in ra got the telcphnne inessnee from the toms auditing officer here. He wns ex - aboard the Peiinsylvanln and sail nt once lor the ('anal Zone. On the ills- MOTHER RESCUES FiRE Collapses and Is Carried From, Burning Home by Patrol man, Who Also Falls mionaain a.imtis r,ri HUSBAND AMONG FIREMEN Afiei siivin- her three ihililipn from ,,ri.,ii.i.. ..T.n,i .i,...; , e siiy,,cition during a lire at Her mine at 7 :"0 oVloc': this morning. Mrs. .til,,, Long. 1117 I'.ixnn street, was oierciime b. smoke. She was enr ricd to sifei b Motorcycle Patiolman Thomas, uho follcp-ed nfter lie had broti-.'ht .Mi. Long to the sticet. The file cui-'tl Sl.'tiil damage Amoii'; the liremen who resnonded to the nl.nm was Long, of Truck No. (!. Ii'i-hiiid of Mis. Long. He rnn if bis bi other lite-tighteis on sceiti-t tit bloe was at ins own home Mm. 1 oiu i is n.,.,oi.l in n nili - h - "' in motel in m Tn'ics Il.ih From Crib Mi-. Long l clouds J uii LuKlm m of -ui'il.e whicii iifiiitd nun her tied- lii'iit.ition ol armaments :im ni eonnec not., fioni tin '.nl lloiu4 lml'.wa . tion tin rewitb 'if the inteinational She tmik Marie, her oiie-iiionlh-old l't.ik. from n i i'i mill, ihrouiiig a h'nnket oer the inf int. groped lor way tlown the hiiiohe-fillt tl -tairwn. tin reachiiiL' the street she iilnced the haliy In the arm- of a neighbor and1 acain entered the house. Although wakened b recent lllne-s, , .mce of the invitation to take unit In Mrs. Long then made her nnj to a rear tin- auspi. In. meeting, with obj ct- of loom on the second linnr, where l"r:in- whii h III- Mati-t's Coveriunent and cis, n four-. ear-"!. I son, was Mopping She threw son,,, bed. 'othe- around h.m Cimihiiii-il on I'liite r..o. ( nt'inm linn quickly nud again i'i:n!e her wa down .,..- .r..,,, ..,, nr.i rn the -tairwii t i th, -n t. Mr-. Long NEVER AGAIN, SAYS CHARLES then lea. mil that Fdvnrd. a teii-yem I - old -on. was -fll , the house 'M w Fougnt Riot CaM Dsta, 1 or a iliird tine ie MiteicI the hou-ei ..,.. .. mid, after nrou-nu hi'n. ns-i-ted the Drank White Mule boy to the -ti it. Mrs Long then' fh.ule- 1" Hunter. M'." I.a-t lietk- realized that -O'll.' lliolie mill towclr I i iittiii"il nn lii" -rt'i-ii'-ti ( nlnn PRESIDENT BACK FROM CRUISE nsir.ii'jii t. -I'i. -id" Ill .'II .' li t . U r.- . 'Mil- 11.111 iing fiom t 01, the MiiW'.iw 1 ."- P A P. I 11 M'dnig 1 etui no.' .in I !' '. lo I, .1 w l- nd rui-e NEW POLICE LIEUTENANT WARNED OF POLITICIANS "Tnlsc no orders from politicians; youi dutj- U police duty only," Mayor Moore told Thomas Connolly, foimcr house sersc uit at the Fifty-fifth nnd Pine sheets mat ion. who wna woin ir. n u police lieutenant today Connolly was given the 01th in the Mayoi's pirsemp, and the Mayor spolt-j at lingth en the du'y ai. ! JC'iioiibtbilitics of policemen in the piesent time. PHILADELPHIA AUTO VICTIM DIES AT SHORE Scth Eastwood, 5238 Rid";o nvenue, died in the Atlantic City Hospital today from injuiiea lecelvcd yesterday when an auto 111 which he wut, vidlng to the shore was in n collision with another machint six miles nbove Absecon on the White Horse pike. DRY LEADERS' THREAT WITHOUT EFFECT ON SENATE WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. Threats by House prohibition leaders to prevent a icccss of Congress until the nnU-bctr bill had been finally enacted faikd today to expedite action by the Scmte. Senator Sterling, of South Dakota, chniiman of the confuee, an nounced that it was not his plan to call n) the mcasuic during the dny. Senate leaders expressed doubt as to whether a -uc would bo reached piior to the icccss. BEATS AND ROBS VETERAN Thug Attacks Joseph Steln Steals $C0 Victim In Hospital J..-, pb ,se.n iwcnix-iiv , ni- old Ini Nittli Ninth Heel, n M'lorau of III. Milt ..In 11 11.. Hi Itliilml .... i. 11, "'.'I,. l-iiocknl .low u b .1 Im at 111 ond and ' ' "usier d I allowl',11 -i'i 1 1- ,1' 1 1 clod, 1 tn-.,' mill loIium! of Slili lie was -1 1-1 1 I. 'in in behind tVlieii l.llcii I' llie 1 In ' in 111 11111 lli-pnil ii x.lls I'on 1 il '11- skill hid 1 i th.i 11 " In 1 11 li a- 1. 11 .''I Hi' . . million is -, 1 mo- Mem is tin b mce heie. u.ij. d Hii ii-tunu lulirlinnt." 4dw. Olhliic. "HorliT. but natch of the marine detachment, com prising Hie third battalion of the Fifth Itcglmcnt and eommnnded by Mnjor j Thomas S. Chirk, from the marine base nt Qunnticn, Vn., State and Navy De- , partments official decline to comment. ( It was learned, however, thnt the nrunnniTin i r-arsr-n marines are being sent to Panama large- j WAS DEMOCRATIC LEADER ly ns ll precautionary measure. i rnn vr-ano iti ri-rto nn The marines will leave the Penn"!-1 FOR YEARS IN BERKS CO. vnnla nt the Conal Zone, nnd If needed in the disputed nrea, which lies on the Piiellic side of the isthmus, will be I Lot W. IteilT. Democratic leader oE transported In smaller navy vessels. ,,, Ccmnti nnd naval customs offi Ihc bnttnlion includes u machine-gun i .', - . , - , , company of titty men. a company ( '' ' "'" ,',,'V- "ns 1",ln'1 nPhyxinted equipped with Stokes mortars njid in- todnv In his oll'u e at Heading. Pn , fnntry. bv his sii Cm The order for movement of the CirMnnstniires indicated he had com mnrines wns sent bv telephone to the navy yard here, and to Quantlco. imd """"'d suicide. (,ns flowed from scv- by wireless to the Pennsylvania. j ernl jets. Mr. Heiff hail been in III- Qulch Work at Yard I health for some time nud had reccntlv The dreadtioucht. under commnnd of I 1,Pr" 'rickcn twice with apoplexy. He Captain Ailelbert Altliouse. was pro - .. , . -.... ... .,. TI....K'... (ceding from New York to the Pacific ,..,. er .. , ll ' "UhI' "'"' w,ls nlT f flne 'n.v when 1"'10 cot '" ie orders deflecting her from "Ureau of Oicianois, Navy I cpnrt- Contlniiril on face Thirteen. Column On BRITAIN APPLAUDS ARMS CONFERENCE! Nation in Whole-Hearted Sym - pathy With Aims of Parley, Acceptance Says " LABOR TO BE REPRESENTED UMUVMi iu Bt ntmcotHILU - i... ,i. !... ,. , I5y the Asset iatpfl Press I .......,' . '"? ' . wasliiiigtnn. Aug Jl". I ormnl m i-cptmif-p bv the Itritish (toverument of I lb- invitation to participate iu the I w.. i :. . r i. . .. , Unsh.ngton conference on llm.tatl.m f nrmament anil Far I.asteni ipiestions kur was ieceitd tod i by Stcretaryj .Mr IteifT was born In Caernarvon Iliigho. The note of acceptance was the reielvt of tt imitation proffeie.l 'lo His Miuest s (.ovcniment by th ii . e . I. . I ....... i (...... . .. i.iih I'liiiii.'iiL Ol HO' I lllietl .Millie, in nai tit inatc in a confetence at W.i-'i ington l. ginning on the 11th of No- I embtr next for the di i-ushwii of the, problem- presented by the Pacific and , . i... i-.... ?-. i i he Far Lo't. "It is with sinceie gratification thnt i I have the honor on hehn'f of II. s. ' Mnie-t "s Covr rimipiit. lo i-Mnu-st on- l.v eiiem-v to comev to the Fulled , Sl.ile- (!iierotnenl niip reniK nicetit- stleet. loi.l. the idedL'O for the le-r ,.f of litiuor. I ii-ti- t"-titie.l Hunter tiiiiietl 111 n 1 ini mil nt I'njhth mid I'erks --tr. "is ve-ieriliv When the , I'lilml nriive.l h" was -r.. tiding ng.un-i 11 pole and h"l.l .111 i.-.'ii o.iv 111 lii- h.iml 1 lie dircil 'he I'.rr.dmcii t . nrre-l him Citsti- made a in 1,1" win. h Knniked toe wind out of the mnn. 1 ant wa- all theie I was to It until h" wn- arraigue to.l.n W. W. FRAZIER NEAR DEATH Former Head of Franklin Refinery III in Ogontz Home W W F' mer. lurtnerU head ot tin Franklin ,igar lttlineu and llum-on. if tlii- 1 it . 1- 1 riticiil'x 111 at his home m uKtr. A n.embe, of uie iiimii -mil lodux it was not fx peited Mi. Fiiixiu woiihl uili.x Ihiough Ihe pte-ent ci-is. Mr Fi'iuiei wa- stiii-kou ill kowmiiI weeks njo, but it was thought at hrst I that Ins nilmeni was-not seriou- lie j Is widely known In business and linnn- ' ctul circles bdth heie nnd in New Vuik , ... i i , i iti , rtaiitr nnu f imiiit in uie .tumuli nei rmiMini.tctl ly Amba-v-ador Harvey and ' ,MI;nn,.p ,. ,.. of Heading. In the was , veretl to , 1,1m by Lord. ( urzuii. ffl of wllU.i11 hl,0fi. Me owneil the . nl Curron ''in the not o' s ud i -"""? bu"'"n wl,1('h i"t,,,,,(1'1 th,! Financial Worries Believod to Have Caused Customs Of ficer Here to End Life . wns dftv right .icnrs old. t.. ...i.n.i ..... .. I In addition to woi ry over his health, M- 1 ! I I -Ir Kelff wns concerned over nn in- I vestment of S2S.000 in n milk pnstcuri- peeting lemovnl from this office becnuso ot the ehnnge in Adniinistrntion, and mis milled to his worries. Mr Itciff wns twice n member of the State Legislature, and had held numerous offireji in Iterks County. Ho was treasurer of an insurance com pnnr . He was a delegate to three National einoerntlc Conventions, nt. Denver. Hnltimore and San Francisco. Fop enrs his word was considered tlnnl In making un sintcs for Democrntle countv lines He had "made' mnnv men j "i.a'tV'his leadership i,d been con- icsreu n im ii. Kut, lormer District Attornev. lepresenting the "Old liiard." Mr. Iteiff being identilied with the Palmer wing of the State Democ inci . Due fo n hitter fight between the Itciff ""' K",z f;"'tl"'- "" election of cm- ti'..iiinii fiom the lierks-Lehlgh dis- tr.d w:i lost to the Democrats last ear Likei. ise a Stnte Senator was elected for the tir-t time. ( In this account a liar , mini committee has proposed taking charge of Perks County Democrntle af- , fnlr",-. 'V "I',, 'his time it has failed .'o eliminate factionalism. Mr. Heff,'H ,,,,, ,, now ,,, , dirfercnt re- I township Mucks ( ouiity. mid was sec- I ,.. ...,-. .' n fnrm nf n, Mr i Pn. llesliles his son. he haves a widow nnd daughter. . "ZTTT-- ... ,,,-.-, SHOT TWICE IM HEAD AFTER BEATING HIS WIFE i Mystery Seen by Police In Death cf Atlantic City Man Atlantic (it. Aug. - .Mysterv ' surround- tl (halh e-terdii of John ' ll....'( ......I"..." .. "...T III... IVFF..W mil ii i,, ,i,i tv -li,.. ii.nru f. 1.1 tirint-llia '01' "' '"' ' 'eaii avenue rooming House. "ho was found in his living room with n revolver hing beside him n;d two bullet wounds in hi- head Holh wounds i,(1( I,,,,.,, inili. tc, b, a 13-caliber re- o!er A few minute- before two -hots worn honril in the llvini-rooin. FUzabeth Chaplo. al-o tweut; fne ; ears old. wife of I lie deed mnn ui-hcd from the house , with blood stremniii" fnun her head and was taken to the Atlantic C.t Hosnitnl. l ll v.,i--,ii,l tlmt -lie ns sofferillir entl Di'teiti'c- inrl.y. Deunc and Me llow el! were assigned to t-i. case iii an effort to i.-irmel 1'- baffling feature- PoIk 1 impute wn- birgcl excited bv the iinusiilil tint ibat two shot- fiom n lien ii'Miker had 1 11 fired into Chaplo'. temple Fltiier would have been ileilii' ' ""' shot hlltl entered the sitle of tin' heitd. but little more than tin inch i.elow 11 wound in 111. toil In the olncr bullet The rnniMin'il cffi'i t of two hciiv bulleH. bot'i of which plowed thioiigh th- li nut mid mine out on llie nppo-ito side of the henil, was to tear nwu 11 (.rent portion of t'uc unin'- tem pi.' and 1 iw Firenrui exports and polii otlioinN were unable to locull a t-n-e w In" e n man hud shot himself in the head with 1 lnige iiiliber iovolor ami had -ulli-, 0 ui .iiliti left I" tne u so mid shot CHILD LABOR LAW HELD VOID New Federal Statute Declared Un constitutional in U. S. Court ' t.ipenshoro. . (' . Aug 22 p 1 Jiidi;. limes F I'.omI. Ill Fed . i.i1 I'oiili l.'du he'd tin new I'.duili I '.I.I 1 11 In 1 r 'nw un. .institutional Tie Hutu Keating child labor n vn- 11 N" In '.I tin. op-tlMitioniil br .1 ii'le I',,,'. , tun veal- igo ami that itilnu .i- npl el b ih. Sipiuiic ('.mil nl I I 1 int. .1 Slates END SHIPBUILDERS' STRIKE Workmen for Merchant Company Back to Jobs Pit.. Aug 22 SI11I.1' ( hosier. ihe Chester Mini of 1 In Merchant Shin I milling ' wa- iiimiiihh net 1 led todai mi. I iiut of the Mill walkout I'd in lo-'l to their Willi llillldieils of olheis who weie nil 01 ted h tho strm ulsti iciiiueil ie 1 U There was no -laV'"" nt given oin In either tin oIIiciiiIh of Ihe company or Ihe head ot the ll ll Kill PASS FARM EXPORT BILL , Doara Provjded t0 tlmu late Agricultural Shipments Washington, Aug 22 1 Ity A. P ) Willi 11 number of umeudmentH the St ti me hill, which would make SI ,000.(100, (HIO .unil.ilile ttno'iHh the War Finance. Corporation for stimulating exportation of agricultural products, pas pusscd to liny by the House. ni Vil .l ) s 4 X M-V,, TP'T-AT . , ,-n..t Hf ',ti & J.-4! -. ' I'-'-.'r. .t'-. , s'KSf . .l's Lib '