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' w-" .' 5jff tv vy llf. . ,V ' 'V m f ml Hi VENING PUBLlO LEDGER-PJ&ILADifiLPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1921 ,& J l meVIEGRAMS OF THE WEEK hna ,t:t I Arabian Main,'" Oriental Spectacle, Arrives "Bunty Pulls the Strings" Is ISew en the Screen Many J erel ties in the City's Film Houses AiN EXCmiTION'AMA' fit j after a diet of trrnps fe fine menu i spread for plctitrft tnnt here next wrcV for nearly n month. One erent. big, sninshlnt fea- tnre is slipping Inte the Stanley for n slnttle wrck's run Instead of the indefinite Mar it merits. Anether downtown lieue has n film fldnplntlnn of a rattling geed Ntage nilpqess of a number of years back : still another ha ft picture released some where around 1018, but which has never been shown In Pennsylvania, and ft fourth ban a picture based en the vivid and popular Western paintings of Frederic Remington. i T?HB Stanley picture Is ''One Arab- cxnmp,eg snc, v lan rignr. nuem "';" " T', ' days of "Intolerance." Dfcn B-IU in f 1 Pela Negri as "Desert Dancer" advance. The colorful Tela Negri leaves thp riches of Ver Ver nallles, mid th b u 11 rings of Snaln te heroine a 'dancer of the dcM-rt" in this new upeclnl. An Interesting feature Is the presence of the director, the great Ernest Lubltsch h!melf. maker of U'asslen" and -Uecentleti, in n "'K , Rfrlnes." ndnntcd from n .l..llciniif. llffle part, that of a hunchback clown. , s.vitch comedy thaf was breaking run lhe natural thought is te run evernll) utendance records en the stage IJ WHO B LI11UU, ml" Jiumi "i . SOME of you, who get a bit tired of swirling inelw and florid palaces and nublaus and dancing girls nnd nil the ether paraphernalia of the Far Kast, will probably like te slip quietly ever te Chestnut street and pay jour money at the Arcadia's ticket-window. There you'll see "Bunty I'ulls the who have "doubled In brass" as actors in their own pictures. Hnlph luce, noted impersonator of Lincoln, is one American director who fries it Mnr shall Xellan occasionally "drops in' te play n bit In his own films ltnv lias tried net very successfully te direct himself. The late S. Hankln Drew, killed in the great war was one of the most successful in this double role attempt bnck en the old Vitn graph let. Most of the hie directors begin by actlne but venernliy they de as (for example i .Mm Robertsen d. ' drop the greae-palnt ler the mega phone. ... , .. The scenes in One iiti.nn Niglit In which old Rngdad Is ic.-ienled. were net inade in the Orient, but en the ex Knlser's reviewing ground near Ber lin. Thus far the screen has in n manner escaped the Inundation of Oriental spcct.v ies tlmr over whelmed the stage Mswe' Skinner, and "The ijueen of Sheti bnck around 1011 nnd 1!1 Tlie company that wus playing It then came direct from Scotland, and tliey certainly put the heather and the h.iggls Inte the performance Melly Pearson was the winsome "Runtv" anil these of you who remember her work will very likely want te compare young I.entrice Jev, who d es the role In the picture They've nsiemhled a great cat for the film. Including C.'tillen I.andls nnd CnseTi IVrcusen, Kdyth Chapman nnd Riwj.l Simpsen : but. above nil. there ( R.irmpinl Tlatten. character man par excellence, s "Tammas." There has a'waxs he. n room for the S. i.tch ta'e in fh pictur'- Clnrn Kir: ha '1 nnl lir fl.en h isband .tutr.e i ng. did Tli- I ii,. fi,,..r' pncK in two rci'ler ln. first nppenred en the screen In "Peggy' with the scene lnld in the Highlands, nnd In these days they nrc doing or have done "Scntlmentnl Temmy" and "The Little Minister." the latter nil ever ngnln. The Palace has a picture with n story behind It. Hack around WIS lilsie Fergusen, who was then doing n picture n month, EUtc Fergusen or something like Film at that, was nn- Palaee neunced in "The Seng of Songs," adapted from the stage piny of Kdwnrd Shelden, which in turn was translated from the German of Sudermnnn. Camden saw It, nnd Atlantic City saw it, nnd ICnnsnu saw It, and most of the United States, but the picture failed te get by the Ilenrd of Censers here In this Stale, although it played en the stage. Nev., three years later, "The Seng of Songs'' Is coming through and you'll have n chance te see It. There Is nothing terrible about it; just n prob lem play with the p.ucholegienl tinge common te Sudcrmann. In theme it Ih much like "Outcast," in which Miss Fergusen made her flrnt big stage hit. It followed in the wake of that won derful scries of pictures she did, begin ning with the unfergetnble "Harbarv Sheep" and "Rese of the World." Frank leasee, w,he first enmc te the notice of picture fans when he went te Reme with Director Hugh Ferd te play in Pauline Frederick's first picture, "The Eternal City," nppears In "The Seng of Songs." JVKfl; U nothing outstanding nheut the Karlton feature, but if ought M he n mighty entertaining pie turr. ".SnnwbHnd" il the name, ami if In Kathcrinr Xewlin Hurt, eh iprar.n into "hest-inttcr" society by her "I'hr liranding Iren" nnrrl. Cullrn I.nndis Iv in it, te that mean) he it piiiuiri'i opposition te himirli at tire Cheitni t street houses. ercd copies of the Western paintings of Frederic Remington which you clipped from magazines. Remember them . buffaloes stnm- Old H est peded. "bad men" Scenes in riding d e w n the New Film streets of mining towns. Indian at tacks, enmpfires under the stars and the like? Well, they've made a pic ture based en some of Remington's pictures and they've called it "Out of the Dust" (which hatt n pecuftnr like ness te n former Mary Plckferd fea ture's title.) This picture, which will show at the Victeria, has definite plot, around which all the Incidents of frontier days nre grouped. Russell Simpsen nnd that oily villain, Rebert McKim, have parts; Dorcas Matthews is the heroine, nnd little Pat Moere has n part. AXU still they come--te see the Over Hill!" Anether tcrek Aej been added te this popular "tab picture" at the Stanten Theatre. 'Fhe Regent has one of these made-in-England pic tures, Dangerous Lives," by E, Phil lips Oppenheim, They evidently set something by it as it's booked for the entire tceek. The Capitel has Eugene O'lirien In "Ai Life Werth Livlngt" ANEW picture house opens Monday at Fifth and Jacksen streets. This w: HEN Rd'ie Ihn-ke even f veur room latest addition te the Seuth Philadel phia picture colony will be named the Jacksen, nnd premises up-te-date pic tures, its finishings are In glazed terra cettn nnd soft yellew-grny rough texture brick paneled in fancy hands. Tlie house, which scats 100. hns the very latest kinds of ventilating nnd heating systems. The Sixty-ninth Street Theatre ! te open In the ver near future, and. it Is whispered, then' will be a big side attraction for the opening nlghi in the person of a celebrated artist. The Aldlne, which they nre rushing through te completion, is also en the erge of opening. They announce (hrce note. organists. Rolle Miiltlund, Fir mill Swinnen nnd K A Hallctt. Judg ing by the fact that they have an organ whiih really consists of four eeninlete the walls i nnl.nnrv nrernn.. with thirty tnne ,.f number of richly ee. pipes, t'hev will need all three players mil were a boy no i teii had en i pel haps Mr. Mnitlnnd Is well known here, while Mr. Swinnen, n nntlve .of Belgium, SUDDEN SHIFT IN PLAYS A last-minute decision brings Lee . . I ... -.. 1 S I ... a'nu Mr? fiW'DeXSr DltrlC.fl,. te the Lyric Theatre Men- idny night, November 14, succeeding "Enter Madame." Dllrlchstein's ve ve ve htole this year Is "Tote," an adapta tion by Achmed Abdullnh from the French of Mnnrlce Henneuulti nnd Felix Diniucsiinl. In this play, Dlt richstein has n part similar te these he played in "The Great Lever" nnd "The Mnruuls de IMela." Frances Underwood, late of "Civilian Clethes." is his lending lady, nnd ethers In the cast nre Nellie Burt, Clara Mnchln, Orlande Daly, Lee Millar, Hugh O'Denncll nnd Arthur Bewycr. 51'EAKISG of tnusie, the Ambassa Ambassa der in West Philadelphia trill Anre ,1fmc. Iiarsegian, coteratuia soprano, for the first three days of the week. Madame- teas formerly u'ith the liosten Opera Company. "A Danyrreus Pas time," in ichich Olee Kidaley makes her return te the screen, is the fea ture. ADD BARTON TO BILL Jnmes Barten, muslcnl comedy favor ite, has been added at the last moment as n hendllner en the Shubert vaude ville bill nt the Chestnut Street Opera Heuse. Borten, who Inst played here with one of the Winter Garden shows, was one of the hits of "The Last Waltz." the Straus operetta, when it opened In New Yerk Inst sprllng. In that show Bnrten hnd it tegular Fred Stene pert, which included many ec centric dnnces, a enstinet duet nnd all kinds of comedy gags. He left the show te accept a vaudeville contract, and Philadelphia Is one of his first steps outside of New Yerk. 'W&KcL llreiHl nnd MonUenitry, ZI1J 7 s u Y. O. NUnn-Nlrilllnnfr. Pen. MT. BOB PENDER TROUPE! COMEDIANS, nAWCKKfl. ATttTMTVM GEORGE & RAE PERRT BOB' FERNS & CO."""" NORWOOD A HAM. I THIS WHKKI.KKH "CHRI8TIAN" IN STOCK The Orpheum Players, for a few weeks the only stock organization in the citv, will stage Hall Calne's famous story, "The Christian," next week in their Gcrmnntewn theatre. The scenes of "The Chrlstlnn" are laid en the Isle of Man utid in Londen, and the central chnrncter Is Jehn Storm, n young min ister, who Is forced te fnce the rcvlllngs of a mob. Dwlght Meade plajs this role and Ruth Robinson Is Glory Quayle, Viela Allen's famous wart. SKITS AT DUMONT'S "Over the Hills te Mannyunh" will he continued ns the principal batire at Dumont's next week. This amusing burlesque enlists the services of ull the favorites of the Rmmett Welch organi zation, with Charlc3 Beydcn ns the blackshecji son Other fenturcs of the show nre the amusing skits, "The Side, wulks of Market Street" and "Tele "Tele "Tele phene Tangles " PAVLOWA 18 COMINO Anna Pnvlewn, with her Ballet Ilusse and Symphony Orchestra, will play an engagement nt the Academy el Music, for two nights and a matinee, November IB nnd 10. She will present four new ballets. They ere "The Fauns," "Fairy Talcs," "Dlenystus" and a new Polish ballet. "The Fauns" is arranged te music by Sat. "Fairy Talcs," much in the vein of pnst Pav Iowa dances, brings in such characters as "Jack the Giant Killer." "Puss in Beets" nnfl "Little Red Riding noed." "DIenysius" is n spectacular nerclty with Greek ntmesphere. M. Drflblk, the Polish painter, arranged costume and folk dances for the Polish ballet. REVIVE OLD CHARACTERS Many historical characters pass through the becnes of "Little Old New Yerk.7' the Rlda Jehnsen Yeung play, which opens nt the Gnrrlck Theatre Monday night for a limited engage ment. Among these who appear In this sterv of old Mnnhnttan are Jehn Jacob Aster, Cornelius Vnnderbilt, Henry Rrcvoert, Washington Irving, FiU-Green Hnlleck nnd Peter Delmon Delmen ico. The time of which the play tells Is one when Aster was. ridiculed for buying lands in the swamp way up where Grnmmercy Park is new, nnd Vnnderbilt was laughed nt for suggest ing a line of steamboats from New Yerk te New Brunswick, N. J The netlen of the play tnkes place In 1810 AKSOl-H KAII1.KH I TOI'U'H OF TIIK DAY jliATHB NKWh" TV tl-l'AKT CIIMKIIV "hNIHHtV'H lll.DK MONI1AY" ROBERTSON-COLE "INDEPENDENCE" WEEK (1EKMANTOWN AVK. AT VKNANOO m k m IrflH KI a ?u HIA'S I.KADINfl 1J1CATKKS. IHKKCTWV I IX A .1 J. flflUUKRT " WsWEMwannjaimiiiii irr i rewn mat PmnKI!' SAM CUilE&ICBVr OWING TO ENORMOUS DEMAND CMtSTNUT BtLOW itl3T rneNt walnut 130 EVENINGS PROMPTLY AT 6 MATS. WJE.D. AND SAT AT 2 SEATS FOR ALL REMAINING PERFORMA NCES WILL GO ON SALE MONDAY AT 9 A. M. w ensm V s w 5eulhPMIsdelf)iik J NIGHTS lEVVT) 50 75tf $1 00 51.50 $200 $2.50 " SATURDAY MAT5. 5ec 2,QO BARGAIN Wa MATSI!B.50 Mat. Today at 2 ttWJHGftra 5 th, Jacksen Meyamensingve. A C -V II Ml v or M1SIC rii w,;w-, m..-- i rri'i irrX.i ALLNEWrVi'xV" FRIDAY EVENINGS SATURDAY MATINEES Beginning Nev. 18 & 19 MEXICO . Nev. 18, 19 JAPAN . . Nev. 25, 26 PHILIPPINES Dec. 2, 3 GOING ABROAD ,,' Dec. 9, 10 AROUND the WORLD, Dec. 16, 17 Seat Sale ,Vrcr.,u.Mon.Nev.7 few X MUStCM PROBUCTtON EVBR :, PUT ON ANY STAGE iN 7H&- p-H WORLD'S HiSTORY f tj! ', -i-l 1 F.rmGomsteckmd Merris Gest present W . A ft MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA eF THE ORIENTm wfc J AM Bv OSCAR ASCHE . Creater of "CHU CHIN CHOW" K S-1l Wr Music by pERcy Fletcher m TsSfe! W CHOREOGRAPHY By MCHEL FOKINE W HLW f Famous Creater of the Russwn Ballet f T I MMRYEIOUS FOUiNE ' BAU.ET 4 wth oe Passen- Fired Djncers f rME. WORLD 5 BEST- DAILY MATS. AT 2 EVES. AT 8 PRICES MGHTS 2750' 700 SSfSJSi MATS. 27' 50 EVERY SEAT IN THE THEATRE REStRUFD SUBSCRIPTION BOOK NOW OPEN FOR SEASON RESERVATIONS WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY MATINEE Congress of international Favorites MATS. EVES 2--00 OVERTURE 8:Oe' 2:05 TAFLAN & NEWELL .n. I.V "A CHINK Kl'ISOIir." ,ua 2:15 JACK STROUSE 8.1S in "iivnit Tin: i'iieni-.-- ' RE00LETT0 BROTHERS WITH SU.N-0N KmTI'.RS 245 OEOSL imi & OLEO MAYFIELD 845 IN "l'tINlf SONlls" mm Bmim & co. 3:20 SHUBgRT NEWS 9!20 3:30 BERT MELROSE 9!30 '11IIC l'AMOI'S IMi:itNATIONAL CLOWN 3 DOLLY CONNOLLY TT AND I'Elir V W'F.NKICII WHIPPLE & HUSTON CO. " CLARK & VERDI rill. ITALIAN (IIMr.DI.ANs iujju 'THE BROKEN MIRROR" 4:42 Tin: LAimiiNd hit ei Londen, i-ahis and xkw ie-42 lOKK. I'IUKN'11.I) 11 Y ITh CIlhUTOK ".: ITtKI HIWAHZ CO. BIGGEST, BEST AND MOST EXPENSIVE VAUDEVILLE EVER SEEN IN PHILADELPHIA NOTE: ELECTION RETURNS READ FROM STAGE TUESDAY EVENING SHOW LWIC NEXT WEEK CU. tf9BWV.rjH-?V. . I w- TMB rST TfANKSCVWC I OPERETTA BY FOI? A .IMTEO f vuAaLMFNT ONLV OSCAR STRAUS ..ope tn or 'Tut Cme Owaii rtk ELEANOR PAINTER. OBEtT FROrA 6 MONTHS RuN AT TE. CtNTuny THEATRE VJlTH 'l NEW YORK tT ANP I'KODUCnON MAIL ORDERS NOW seats for thanksgiving mat and night en sale mendav at 9 am BrvnA i &aan ct ev T 4 i;-.-v r. .1 y ' X'-tfl Acad, of Music, Thurs. Eve., Nev. 17 New Yerk Symphony ORCHESTRA DAMR0SCH, CONDUCTOR Wagner Program Including lt Act from "RheingelJ" MI1.0ISTS Henrietta Cenrad Fred Patten Frteda Klink Rachel N. Nerrs V Ticket en ! NOW ill Ai ail. A IIciiim-'h. Exhibition of SMALL OIL PAINTINGS the Art Club of Philadelphia 20 Heutli Ilreinl rltrrrt Oln le Hie 1'iiIpIIp I nlll Nev. 13. Inf. rBOSl 0 A. SI. TO B1 I". SI. DAILY 1 TO B I. M HI MYH ACAUKMY OF Sll'HIC I'OYl'.K TlltlllBnAY AIT.. NOV. 10, ui 3:00 f( IDAOEERELLEil i."C. v . "M . MEZZO-CONTUALTO K ''ljlObflPtit trrt nnd Arailrmr. Wf"" UW4.1WWrtl1llilHII MMM::y. t, ""T'TO. .Jf-Ai 'f , H' If K r ilfS jai r efssstki-i mw w LAST WEEK MAT. TODAY J'Jr $2.00 "Special Mat. Armistice Day, Fri., Nev. 11. Best Seats, $1.50" ISKOOU I'KMIIKKTON l'UfNKM.s GILDA VARESI IN THE DRAMATIC COMEDY SUCCESS ENTER MADAME mm HENRY STEPHENSON mill (HtK.lNM, NEW VOItK (OMl'N PRICES NIGHTS (?) & SAT. MAT., 50c te $2 SATURDAY NIGHT, 50c te $2.50 ;.v " ia ijscvixttvemvim Shew lUK KXIUKH NUHIIIH (Klwullen) fbntnuj bUl biiruw SU1 Academy of Music November 7, 8, 9 10 A. M. le 11 V. M. See the Worlds Rec Rec ord Chrysanthemum Plant with 2300 Blooms! Meyer Davis' Orchestra Danclnf Afternoon and Evening Admltilen, One Dellar Ne Tax 111 llVIONT'S ul" AKCil -!.. a 13 I EMMETT WELCH Minstrels evni tiic m Li.3 re manatunic AMRASSADOR "-lllmere ave. at ftOlh AiTlDADOAUUIV DrfCt.n r D, M E Kelt Miss Dupeut in "The Rage of Paris" V KjflffiftiN THFATPF P0' "..... I 11UH 1 ISlftK BL -WW MM H "vs i, !-i, .i'u ..Iwa-mAmakck H ftfiHT 2NtE3BI2 w MAT.WED.,BS.00 . j, a .-.n. i. 3-AT OVEI .JJ VC I AiPEM ffiev.. .. ... ... vv) a bat-it Jtrv-EWBI l0 lecmy, duc 10 i.,m )jjf Dermic jSkvWtrWr .- . , '4&Lr i WM UbWIIIMJ rrtVr . i a--.f j7r ' B Monday WBliai8ltv T-&2r I GHrTrnzSmE lHif J WAS lliiWi-ll' inTi jr jkmtes&&$Z&f& Londen, ajawafc SsLrf wJfeS?0 Is IB paris. mfMymw rl B W new yeRK and WkTmkm ji9 H JP BOSTON. -NOW IT jj JwKIr tSSl M IS THE MOST-TALKM- mdfZteP MFmsWWL A ffigpH B ABOUTPLMMPMIY mPSm&M&te$tM I ASANyewayA55EEiKmJPmk I " ANl CONSIDER TffP?CfSEfiSi:ljmm I rl wlli'i I svi B -yr-'GWlS PUNTy OF THRILLS -PUBLIC l0GfK HBBWM 8 "7". ST'RRING SPECTACULAR PLA" INQUIRER -3B2-! I yr 'ITS BRIMFUL OF EXCIT-MLNT NORTH AMtWCAN - 1 1 aV TDiuiur. rrftd", ,itt.. Fnr.fX " I . IB -tt-neable. for. realism of staee sett nus'ce?) I I I NOT A MOVING PICTURE. f beg. mew. mv. 14th 9)ireefen ef MR LEE SHUBERT MP?. LEO MAIL ORDERS NOW SCATS THURS FOR FIR3T WEEK AND 1MANKSG siNu MAT AN0 NI0HT iinigiigiii IN THE GAY VT" -f" f' FRENCH COMEDY I U I U PRESE.NTINOTH GREAT LOVER AS A MtRRV MONflJJCH OF ALLURING flluHT HF ADELPHI XiRhtH at 8:20 Mutinees Today and Thurs. at 2:20 (.RKATKST JIYSTEItY PLAY EVER WRITTEN -HAS MORE KICK THAN HOME-DREW" -xl-----l Jm HBPi --------1 -W-f-S a llallr. 2 130 nnd 7 and V r. .Mi Wtctrtcl Mnndnr'. TntailiiT Wilnily Marguerite Clark in 'SCRAMBLED WIVES' Thurailnr. Friday Si Saturday William S. Hart in "Three-Werd Brand" (ffM -? icj ?B fiI HTIIi:t7r III!!,. MAIIKFT Dnllr nt 2il. 7 nnd 0 r. (I. Mten-Nlrdllne"? Mr MInenette Kekln nnd Twi Ceutlna In "Th. Future nf li aa LcitrU A Iledyt Ilnppl, 'HenaMJenal VIellnletM Lb Iern ft Ilrrhmani ani'T' ller.Hanirfi In "fee Sir Ijwt.-" 5 1110 TISIK ACTS W12KK OK NOV. 14TU 11TH ANNlVITRSAllY WKEK ROBERTSON-COLE "INDEPENDENCE" WEEK PP rwiTtn AT Ml) HTItKKTy. ). NlXON-MnilMNOKlt. Manatee NBXT WIIKK MATS . 1:30 KVC1B.. 0:30 TO II I M, rFVUJLINE M T FREDERICK! (jBgif f Jsj KB e. "B1 I VrVrrfr-' 1 rill 'Sre'aJ SHR gwlNa THK iursime jQi I.AR1I tlPOM HIS HIIOULUKRH T'. AND THK HTINO KIt.LKU THK BHtfTH IN HIM AND AWOICE HIS MANHOOD. A STOHY Ol' I'NDYINO I.OVU A SOUL. RECLAIMED t 4lt ft I.ncitr Av. . Men.. Tnra. DAVID I'OWT.Ll. In " &iacUA?Z7Z?ZiV I "IE PRINCESS OF NEW YORK Wed.. Thnr.Eih.l Clarien, "BEYOND" Fri., Sit. "THK JOURNEY'S END" 10k----------KB-S2--Aaa--Ha-H 11 J5JD Ml'. AHHyB. M-iHin-n; .Men.. TiifB,, Weil, ilAUHAHA CA-TI.OTMN. MdSTAOl K l.OVK "SHAMS OF SOCIETY Tli-ir. . Krl Sat. THE JAP I m "BLACK ROSES" M lK-BnJ jHWff Willi MMlii B 1 1 li il i ' 8H(HHBBBEBBHBSBHBBBB 'KisjasBiseBiittnaUKBBB fVLkiLJLtJf Mm ti ."- riTKKKT AT HANSOM nil) STKKKT AT Men., Tiiea.. Weil. .1. C. MrGOWAN. (VTiiKiiiNi: cr.irreKD in "COLD STEEL" Tliuri , Irl. !nt PAULINE STARK in "THE FORGOTTEN WOMAN" ROBERTSON-COLE "INDEPENDENCE" WEEK V!i Hflll.. IllfH u SESSUE HAYAKAWA "Where Lighti Are Lew" Will. DeukIii I'lilrlunUi In "Where Reggie Mixes In" Tllu.. Vrl Madge Kennedy in "Mary, Be tareful" llt . M. Ilulllll, "Kllnt Ljllllr" .iiii i) n:yH avk. Mini.. 'I urn. Constance Talmadge "Up the Read With Sally" .. ,.lllrv Themas Meiglian "Cappy Ricks" E-gHEL CLAYTON in "BEYOND" W ROBERTSON-COLE 'INDEPENDENCE" WEEKtfTV KJKnffmssaKtfstsimui V i i DO YOU KNOW 4r T i ' , , 1 .HriATH AT JlOX (ITFlL'i: Mill A I.I. ri:ilKOK.MA.NCI Special Election Day Matinee Tuesday Next Best Seats, $1.50 Regular Matinees Thursday and Saturday beats Selling INUW Kill TIUNKHimiMi it, .u.i l.l.l. AMI MOIIT FOH IlKMIKITS AI AHOVK TIIKATUrj AlTLi UENUFU' u I X ClaXMJT UT. OI-KUA HOUSE 111.1)0.. CHESTNUT 11 El., mil bl. I'HOMJ HAI..MT Vi40 ! A?lr-)EriMIWnF MIIC-I. Evening 8:15 Matinee 2:30. NIGHTS AND ONE MATINEE WEDNESDAY Nev. 15-16 . Ill 1IOH MIEMKNTS THE IN(OMI'ltIII.E AND IIAI.I.ET Itl'SHi: AM) .SYMl'HO.NV OKCHESTKA D1HKCT HIOM HEIt I.U.NIION AND I'AIUS TIUUJII'HS Leiiiiletr Cliuuue uf 1'runrum hurli rtTfuriimiKT NEW BALLETS 11111 ES 11,00. $1.00. J'J.CKl. J.(10. 'IHkrtt. Sen ill cuilnu uml IfruiWi.. DIVERTISSEMENTS IN I) SCENIC INVESTITURE Hei HcutH, (3,0(1 Hill ( lii'Htnul Htrrrl PALM GARDEN 39th nnd Market Sts. New Munacement Henri Martin ORCHESTRA Direction of Arneld Jehnsen -ALeU- Thc Geenrfa Jazz Band Contlnueiix Dunrlnc. (liwn i:rr.T Nlaht CVHAHET KVKIIY VltlllAV MdllT WlTIIEKNl'OON IIA1.I. TIll'HH. EVE.. NOV. 10, AT BilS MISCHA VIOLIN VIOLIN RECITAL Tlcktta, 7Se te 11.60, en aula at lining'. Ull) Cliratnut atrcrt. rPM C&MNfl Mil 1 1VAI.M T hTl. 'MAT. II 1I.V rrk llfKliinlnic Muiiiluy .Miillnre D.N l)OI I'rrarnlH the llrrrrj .Muni"' Itct lift Sugar Plums WITH Jee FREED & LEEMING Artie Mula. 30c SOc. i:(f. 23r.50c, 73c 4 iTii'i' 1 Ti"ni'.aiV "l'l"',. H1U cue- " Tonight at 8:15 PHILADELPHIA 1 ORCHESTRA LOESER'S Nixon 'Minntri. Illllr. (Eatnbllalicil 1000) 34 H. O-J H- Dencing Every Evening- Itrceptlena Meii , Wed . Krl K Haiurday Claai Tueaday & Tliuraday Line l'0n' 8 ail iarp .. I'lllVATI. LESSON'S riienr. lift. s!' lly Hiifilnl Itmurht. I"rlduy Eve.. NW. " NNOW NTOItM DANCE Holelat- 1Jl is 1IA1I.I.V, Viela Trocadero , La Bella Paula' P ) A ( ' -h S-3. vv iu- v Jf