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mm WfmWFm wmz 'sfe ..straws 'tx.YJAwm 4 'EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERHIEADEtPHIA, THJJRSDY, &A&OH ,&, 19& ; fris RnYS is mnm m' T"w w w iw - . . w$ Bift c', s . A flAkAftl fAH Ea I a la Crassta lAf actU y region- Brings Exciting tliEPT By the Associated rrs lf Washington, March 2.1. FercM n te, endure the restraint of Hike te Clese ONCE IN A BARN finlntnc garb, but xtlll reveling in the 1fttacfitble boy's hair cut and the luewery of three days of wild ntlven tart, Gwendelyn Pell, sixteen, and Jane EvtBH. fourteen, high school cliums, of Droeklyn, N. Y., were awaiting the .Arrlral of their parents here today te seert them back te their homes they left last Monday for the eventful ex cursion. .' Hunger and net quenching of the nil nil Vtntureuft spirit ended the casual travel- ye ajgfct nfter they had viewed the attinc- fUeni 01 reur mien, siepc in n nam umi aihcrwlse experienced the Independence that masculine attire confers. An S O i call te the respective futhers for mere cash wherewith te support the venture was the fatal move that brought de tectives te the Union Station, where the 'a Iris had directed the funds te be wired, and led te their capture at the request of the anxious parents. The girls, who were engaged In rem rem Ttmtten with two unsuspecting police- It Men, new recovering from shock, wnen At the detectives arrived and penetrated the Masquerade of maclunaws, corduroy kalckers and green golf caps, were taken te the Heuse of Detention, where, the detectives said, Jane unburdened a St-callber revolver and Gwendelyn a knife of wicked proportion;. They told the detectives they had looted a lop-sided budget in spending ta $35 with which they left home. nearly all of It going for transportation .) ...1 r U J'e ! , none ler ieuu. iikt uhu i uuu since they left, this tieuciency aunnlled. ther related te the i-eyed officers of the law hew they each purchased a boy's outfit of aktlilni at a Brooklyn department store Monday morning ana men gotten n "i Missing: i JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaPSST! ( f. tSB l&VjllBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBVTBBBBBBBCr? !ibbIIIIIIIIHbWR4bIIK1 uiiflBBllllllllllllllHiaBlllllllllllllf vivIIbIIIIIIIIIIIIH MRS. MARY CASSIDY Who ha been gene from her home In Camden for two weeks molar boy's haircut. anus bus nreearcd te embark en the irerld, they bearded a train for Harris- l'a., according te tueir story, Sent the nignt tuerc. jeurneycu 10 Iddletewn the next day nnd tmtght 'Mt a nice comfortable hayloft outside the citv te snend the night In. Then te Frederick, Md and Washington , vestenlir bv trolley. Despite their re- l trlcted diet, the girls told the detec tives they had been able te tuke in a few features of the National Capital jesterday, Including tha Capitel nnd the Congressional Library. They nid they had passed for just plain boys everywhere. MOTHER SPENDS ALL FOR AUTO TO SEEK LOST SON Will Tour the Whole West for Man Missing Four Years New Yerk, March 23. Failing by every ether means te tind her ten. u mother is setting out from an Etat Side tenement next Tuesday In an automo bile she has bought with her saving-, te sour the vast stretch of country em vkraced by the single word West. The boy, Sidney Lerey Ress, may be in the wheat fields, starving in some bat his mother Is determined te find , nim. sne is rasing wuu ner eniy ncr cat "spots," a sewing machine and the , ery lightest of kits. Mrs. Marie Whlttaker she reninrrieil after her son's birth snys he may be among the harvest hands. She wt" it as possible that he may have gene te a clty.- But she will net concede the faintest chance that be is dead. Four years age In Oklahoma City they separated. They wanted te make money, because Sidney hnd a leaning toward elcctrirlty his fellow students called him "Edisen" and he hud nn I ambition te own a farm, a farm equipped with nil sorts of conveniences, se that his mother would only need te rush buttons te get whatever she weeded. Te bring this about Sidney became u , carpenter In Fert Werth, Tex. Mrs. Whittaker came te New Yerk te , i see her friends. Soen after she in rtved letters from Sidney ceaseJ. The last one came from Kansas City, Me. WAR STRAIN LOWERS VETERANS' VITALITY 'Army Medical Repert Reveals Physi cal Deterioration of Officers Washington, Miireh 23. Physical ex amination of regular army officers new la progress has disclosed "the most clear rut evidence of physical deterioration," die te the "strain incident te the prose -catien of the World Wnr," according te a medical memorandum in the liand of War Department officials. An outstanding feature noted by sur geons in making the annual jih.vMcnl I examination of all officers was "the per aistently large percentage of ellicern showing either excessively high or ab ab Bermally low blend pressure," accord lag te Surgeon Oenernl Ireland's re port te Majer General Harberd, deputy chief of staff. . It Is regarded by army medical offi cers as highly probable that full Inves tigation of this subject may bring te light a scientific explanation of some part of the restlessness that has been" evident among former soldiers since the war. Symptoms of physical deterioration Beted by the staff nf the attending sur geon here included : "Instability of the nervous Kvntcm, characterized mere particularly by af fection of the vazo-metnr system. "An unnatural tendency te unrrr atigueabilltr. low bleml nnHnir nnil 'lowered resistance te all Inicctieus dls Kasler Divorce for English Wives ; Indnn MnnOi ei ti- u , Peer women of England nre te be given laereased facilities for using the divorce mrta,by new rules before the Supreme ' Court. Heretofore, a wife could net he admitted as a "peer pcri-en" in a mnimuenini ir tne combined n n yee of herself and her husband ex ceeded four pounds a week, even if they were living apart. Moreover, the wife . could net bring action unless she du posited five pounds with the court. Traapera Raid Mahaney City Stere it, "-' O.ltV. P Mgl. OQ 5,iis troopers yesterday raided tTc irre- Wi'fSti 0.r of y Brethers and helxed a ,' New wnicn was aiicgea te Have been f4".leM In operation, nnd a barrel of ' :wUky. The Hey property adjoins the : i ,mai nan cak e'iuar.r ye '$amtety Sttnee" nrt nha hiH n lOBSinB mtr --n iieu- site ns in distinction or nsle ehsrsettr bavins as aiena wemtn anranc yourself te 'amabedv'M vbsiku Vrsfie Lieeaa te- ' - SEEKS MISSING WIFE Camden Man Asks Police te Lecate Mrs. Mary Caasldy Mrs. Mary Cnssldy has been missing from her home, 405 Stevens street, Camden, for two weeks nnd her hus band, n conductor employed by the Pub lic Service Company, has notified the police. Mrs. Cassidy left the house early one morning, before the ether members of the family hnd arisen. She took with her between $400 and ?500 which she had saved. Living at home at the time of her h parturc were five grown children, WC have joined anxiously in the search. The missing woman was about sixty years old and for sometime had seemed melancholy because of continued ill health. AID DIABETES VICTIMS Terente Doctors Discover Extract te Prolong Lives Terente, March 23. Discovery of an active paucrcatlc extract, which It is hoped will prolong the lives of persons suffering from diabetes, was announced te the medical profession yesterday from the medical research laboratories of the University of Terente. Twe young doctors, F. G. Brnntlng and C. II. Best, directing the experi ments, first prolonged the life of a dia betic deg fifty-six days beyond previous records. Then, by Injecting under the skin of si ven human beings suffering from the dlseav a highly potent extract discovered through animal experimenta tion, a distinct improvement was brought about in the patients, the sci entists report. The experimenters de net claim that the new discovery will effect a cure, but they believe It will prolong life con siderably. They emphasized the harm that would be caused by exaggeration through arousing fnlve hopes In patients before the extract could be manufac tured en n large scale. BIG BIG E CAISSON WORK IS RUSHED Launching in May Frem Cam den Ways Expected te Be a Feat NIGHT AND DAY SHIFTS ON IT The big calsen, which will rest be neath the Delaware lllver Bridge pier en the Philadelphia side, is beginning te take form en the waya of the New Yerk Shipbuilding Company, at Cam den. When complete it will be sent down the ways and towed te Its proper position at the end of Pier 11, North Wharves. The launching will be n feat. The base of the caisson Is tee large te slip down the ways, se a special bottom will be prepared which will be removed after It is afloat. In the meantime. 125 men are busy rushing it te completion during the day and twenty carpenters weric en u at night. It is expected that It will be completed by May 1. The lower part of the caisson Is of steel. All four edges are V-shaped and sharp, se that they will sink down into the river bed nnd protect the work werk lng chnmber within. The "V" will be filled with concrete. That chamber is divided Inte five bulkheads by great fir timbers. It is reefed with steel, which will be leaded with concrete, and is nine and one-half feet high. In that space the men who drill and dig In the Tlver bottom will work. At first, when the material te be taken out Is soft, it will be forced out through n six-inch pipe by the air pressure of the chamber. The pressure will be about thirty -five pounds greater than normal. Then when mere solid stuff is encountered It will be dug and lifted te the surface in buckets through ten air locks which have been especially repared se that the pressure at the etifua Is net lessened. It will net be easy for the workers far below the water's surface. Te get down will be a task which, if net prop erly done, may cause death or Injury of the laborer. First he will pass down a shaft te the great air lock, which closely resembles a large round boiler. After entering the steel deer Is closed and air pressure gradually increased. When It equals that of the submerged chamber u deer at the ether end Is opened nnd, passing through another concrete-lined shuft nnd down through u "jump hole." the worker is en the job. There will be three such air locks two large ones for general use nnd one smaller one for emergency. Crawling up from the base chamber through one of the jumn holes, the In terior Is a network of steel beams. Although the outer walls nre of wooden timbers, all the supports arc steel, se as te give the greatest safety te these far below. The chamber will ultimately be filled solid with concrete and will rest' permanently en the river bed. The nlr locks and supports will remain em bedded In the concrete,- fur it trill be cheaper te leave them there than try te rcmove them. 11aK ttm itatcetna awm AQ & !.. a'u... ...k vh.uwi.i. a.u jLmj mi JUI1K by 60 feet wide. The one for this side ei ine river win ee ut wet nign,and The difference is due te the 'fact that bed rock en the New Jersey shore Is iiirtner Dcneaia me suriace or tne river. Werk already has been started en the fleer plates, which cover the working enameur, were uciag lam, SALUTES WEARY MAYOR Oles, of Youngstown, Reselnds Order te Police Kept Him "Toe Busy" Youngstown, O., March 23. Mayer Geerge L. Oles, who recently started a lively discussion by ordering all police te salute him, yesterday ended the tempest by rescinding the order, saying that he was "tired of saluting." "They've kept me se busy saluting I haven't had time te de anything else," the Mayer said. RULES ALIENS' CLAIM VALID Entitled te Collect Compensation, Judge Holds Hariiseurg, March 2S.' Judge Jehn E. Fex, of the Dauphin County Court, tin hnmlMl down an ontnlea that Pasnunlc and Anna Libernte, residenis of Italy, are entitled te claim com- Rensatien from lleyer & ?Icrf their son while in the firm's employ - The Judge sets aside the decision of it.- out. rVimnnriHnflnn Ttnnrd that the parents, non-resident aliens, hare no Claim anu noun unuw iri-nucs mm Italy they can make claims. OPERATE ON MEN IN COURT Defense In Murder Trial Engages Surgeon te Extract Shots Miitan n Mnrrli 2.1 A Hiiraicnl operation was performed in open court upon Sydney Rewe,nnd Hoseec Chance, aaV ' ftLsVfr w mSL. R l ! sea BBBr 4 Vnmv!nrT ' .1 l'j - K BBS 1 BBH i 'IfjpjJ'll t9 II f mb mm Tn K BBB n BaBSFa EKv9? nil BBS BBBBBBBBBBB1 Bn. Su3bBBbVbBBBBb3bb1HB9sBBbVV1 ??mj?S?amM,B'm "smmmmp Underwrite' Labil Doer wit FUt Atainit Sid Drawers ActettiU with dtert efitn 90 Doer 8 Frem Grwoves ntematkaUy loci in fall Cenetahd deer frame Protected by Insulation InterUrt te meet jour tpttial need Ne. 4200 "AllllMl" Silt This Safe Meets Your Price Needs The underwriter's laboratory label en an "Allsteel" Safe is your guar antee of a known degree of fire protection. The interior may be your own se se lecteonhundreds of combinations for filing contracts, cards, papers, roller compartments for books and a strong box with a safe lock and in addition we have a price that will interest you. Buy only after looking ever our attractive offerings. Office Furniture The General Fireproofing Company PHILADELPHIA BRANCH, Bulletin Bldg. Complete Line en Display Warehouse Stock for Immediate Delivery "Recerd Filing, Fireproofing and Waterproofing Engineers" Bell Spruce 5837 Keystone Race 2704 Thoroughly geed Shoes at Nine Dollars At nine dollars we offer shoes that are an abso lutely sound investment in comfort, leeks, shape holding and wear. While we sell higher priced shoes, our nine dollar shoes come safely within the stand ards of quality set by this Heuse and represent the best value obtainable at the price and we are proud te show and sell them. We Sell Johnsten 6r Murphy Shoes Under Their Own Label. 1627 Chestnut Formerly 147 Seuth Bread Street Men's Shoes Exclusively two of the five men charged with the murder of Watsen AllenNast Christmas; at the trial here yesterday of It. H. Chance, Rescoe Chance's father. Using cocaine te deaden the pain, the surgeon extracted several, shots te bear out the contention of the defense that they were Allen, who was then .killed in nelf)-defend. Bercee Chance's body was bared te show the Jurr weufcls In his left ariaI. claimed, Wa fired upon in' th.J of the Allen home. . tn "W , 7..rinmanui& itahvm2& !-.!! y-t: '. i ! i.i;i. Yeu need net be without Easter Music in Your Heme We will deliver te you immediately a PLAYER-PIANO PHONOGRAPH Yeu need net Btart payments until April 25 or Let Us Send a $265, $395, $485 PLAYER-PIANO te your lients Immediately Free Delivery All we nk l (hat yen mnke an Initial rnuli pur rhiifkp of the llenrli, Heart and 13 Itells of your own election. Your Choice of Any Vlctrela Brunswick, Senera, Cheney, Columbia Frem $25 te $350 All we ask is that you make your initial purchase of Records here. Our auto will call for you. Phene Diamond S822 or write VICTOR. COLUMBIA, BRUNSWICK RECORDS ..bbbbIIbsbbbbV t::h SsBaaBBBBBBBBBBBf ;:::;;.- iBp Q.R.S. ROLLS BjIH :.:j.; UasssBssssssusBBBmmmemBssammimu ,i , n i n i , i 1 1 sswasgaBsasaaiisii kXj' MYERS F. HALL " :'" ---' - " ' '- Ha'aiM ".i.!r ! .' i'i'i'i ft; '!.: i ft- Hr i T 1. i .'; . ;v '!..; i :.":' i :( . V'".: V. ll.!' !' 4 wWW.: '!: .LEHICHAVE. BosreivShoef fe 931-937 Market St. 1 V Tl jg'gaS' Second Fleer 11 III I Distributors LSJ L i ' AI-lX-NXOUN, PA. .IYI.ANTIU CITX, N. J. t'AMOKN. .S. J. ...... KAKTON. I'A HAKKIHIIIK(J, 1A t.N('ASTKK. I'A. .1 . I'IUI.AKM'II1A. TA. .. IM1TTHVII.I.H. I'A RKAIMNO. I'A (.i'KANTOS, T'A THKNTOV. N. Ull.KFSIIAnilK. rA uri.l.lAMMI'ORT. Vk, . .. WUMIOTON, IKI .... vhtjK, I'A HOMr epi'iri: .J(. Jl. ULTJI lll.MiKKj; .M,iKJl C K.NAL'Ut .HI.IUKI.V IIHOn.. bic. .A. I'OMEIJAN'rz COMPANY .11. ti. IIKKMKII I .NAR:0 CflMI'. ni'Kftniii a f .hmitii rmvTivn reMPA.vv R. T.. FOOHH UTRMTl'HK 0. YOt;.niTOffv, ohie Girls! Come see these Smart Easter Shoes naJf8t Y.als in Many " All High Grade and Up te the m mute m style latent with Qrey sujds ck, burn and habjr French 1uc!b, Bnekit Kevse Spert Os- teiau, Jaas Btrap ?u:npg, Patent, Dull & a t n r, Brews and Slack Xld, 1- and 3 Htrnp r i u p i, lack BUu wltU Ulnsstene aut aut teau. Blah and abT Trench Keele and CO etha? ffeud styles. Bliss 1 te 8 and AAA te D In thy asieatiunut. Qrat valnss " iiii a . m uuiaren s master onees Great Values Snow White Hurk. Patent with White Buek top:i. Mahogany Tan i'l hlirh cut lacu anil eoed e.ik sole, Sizes 6 te 11 Mice l'j te 2. I y$T atylai"" - 4. COMPA.VV IIMI'ANV IIF N. & COMPANY Cil in I v c-. fc ".): WWLWoWLWeWoWoWoWELWLWLW ii i $3 ! $3.95 ' , $95 I 1 $2.J5 $3.45 Children's Easter Shoes, Extra Special Heeclal let. I'atent Celt with Cleth tops, Reed oak soles nnd hrenrt te . Blues 6 te 3. i WILLIAM H . W AN AM AKER STORE NEWS 1217-19' Chestnut. Street BBBBBBBBBBBBrQafBsPjBBBBBBBBBBVaBrfBBBBBBBB! BjHJHi A Warm Wtltnm 3txx and they deserve a warm welcome. Yeu can see them in all their beauty in the West window of our store, which has been given 'ever te their Easter presentation in its entirety. $35 te $50 We are offering them te our customers at these special prices be cause we are deing1 a geed thing te introduce Stratford Clethes tp Philadelphia i n this ' dominant way. These Aquatite Coats are Mighty Handsome $35 They are made of w e'n d e r f u 1 Scotch Tweeds and their tai loring, which is distinc tively British, is also the perfection of mould, form and fashion. The first let we re ceived sold quickly and a new let has just been unpacked taken fresh from bend ready for you. Fresli New Spring Suits N Coming In by Hundreds The British Club Suit Shown Above! $30 and $35 It's our exclusive style for Spring a reproduction of the lounge Sack Suit most popular i n Londen among English gentlemen. and taking their places day by day in the crystal cabinets of our store. $30 te $50 There is one thing about men and young men of Philadelphia; they like a store where all the merchandise is new all the time, and these suits comprise one of the finest Spring presentations of .new goods that we have ever been able te offer our customers. English Suitings Te Measure $55 In addition te Clays and ether famous English fabrics we have just put in some wonderful MacGregor Worsted Cheviots. These are handsome Scotch woven goods in silver gray plaids. There are also Tweeds from Galaschiels and I wan Simenis from Brussels, Belgium, at this same figure. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV Philadelphia, with a past full of tradition, is en the threshold of a future which will far outshine the glory of ether years. We are getting down te business en the Sesqui Centcnnial. The Parkway is destined te be the most beautiful Boulevard in the world. The span ever the Delaware is started and by the time the Exposition opens Camden will be "just ever the Bridge." Activity at the waterfront is en the increase, and there is every evidence that as business conditions im prove Philadelphia will maintain her place as one of the great ports of the world. As the city grows, ever increasing demands will be made en her telephone service. Mere than ever during the next decade will Phila delphia benefit by its connection with a nation-wide communication system. Fer Bell service rias become the standard of the world largely because each one of the mere than a quarter of a million Bell men and women is helping net alone m the solution of problems affecting his own leca community, but every new economy, every new development is available te all ether communities where it may be used te advantage. R,nVSirhiladClp,!iaJus,t ,ikc evcfy ether Part of the Bell Systcm-bcnehts by her association with the or ganization which has given our country the cheapest and best telephone service in the world cneaPest T 1 J!! ! E BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA Beys' Easter Shoes, Special Milir.any, Tun nnd (Ian Mtn IlliichiT ii,ii .Mrs M'.cn 1 te KlVi. Sizes 1 te S. $2.69 OWtfff Jf ACUJUJAV BYJIWIWOS ip $0 iC t 4WI A m yMJVu illlx. , r. tffcliiV,". j.'J-