- y vXiv.MfiyntJi
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OevernprihipTaUt Net TaKn
,V Seriously, by Ex-Provest
."-jBdnftr.Aj'tlw Smith, former
ftOTOSt or WO univerauy '-uii.v"-
Jij 'chuckled with surprise today when
uL."nW he had been mentioned as a
"""" ... -iu.- -.
WBpremlse ItemiDiican canaiamv j.
rtfDOr- .. , . .... n.
riMf wni tne nrsi inuuiuuuu
.!., hn.1 that lils name had been
irtrn into the political whirlpool.
"The announcement comes te me wuji
.- ,.h .nrnrlse." he said, "as though
" I 1 -u...l Mnntn fl
Mine one nmi iiruiiuucu '"' "
Ambassador te tee ueun ei ei !",
nth nfflp0."
lUnertB became current yesterday that
tke State leanrre, iiiumr iinuiiu ;;
(A BBd a canaiuaiciwr i" (uicuiuiemip
. .K-nni.1 rnrnmnhrt nn nninle amount
ef support from all factions, had settled
gpeh VT. enrnn, wue, . ou,
ejald assemble a large following
llrouiheut the State.
Dr. Smith said that he wa net inclined
te take the rumors very seriously. In
faring; an explanation as te bow his
nine was proposed, he said :
"U in lust a sunestlen that nrebably
mi offered by some of my friends. At
i.. iiltbte cubernaterlu'. candidate
inch suggestions are always made by
eM'i mends.
"This news comes te me as quite a
nrprlse. I de net think that it calls
for any statement from me at present,
ii though I considered the report scri-
"I was never engaged politically and
hire never taken a very grent interest
In politics, and thnt is the principal
Ktiea that the news comes as such a
ftemnt surprise.
1 appreciate re met uisi sumu in
ny fricndii have thought of me in the
OTtrnership race, but as I say, if I
(id been mentioned as probable Am Am
htander te the Court of St. .Tames, it
would net have come with mere sur
prise, and just at present I am enter
taining no thoughts of being sent te the
Court of St. James."
The proposal of Dr. Smith's name In
toaaectlen with the governorship amu
u the result of reports that Itcidle
Htn'had decided te drop from the race
and that the leaders were looking for a
"rtrbng" candidate te trot out at the
lilt minute te save the chaotic state of
G. 0. P. Jockey 8
Must Drive te Win
Engaged te Count
&.'" K ', .H
U. S, Plans Drastic
Ceal-Strike Action
Contieord frtm Pe Am
Federation of Laber support, represen
tatives of the anthracite' division of the
anthracite workers here today were op
tlniistlc of success in the general strike.
They expressed confidence that, should
the strike become a long-drawn battle
between the operators and miners,, rail
road members tdf the' American. Federa
tion of Laber would come te 'their-moral
and financial 'aid (through the Railroad
Miners' Protective Alliance. , . '
With these aHsutance,.the miners. of
the Wnge Arbitratien7 .Committee of
eight went into tiicir unai , conierence
with the operaters: this1 neon. prlpr te
their departure' for Cleveland te com
plete strike arrangement! for putting
the strike into effect April 1.
Oh yf ay te Russia
in the
OantrM Newi Photo
Niece of the former American Am
bassador te France and Mrs. Wal
lace, whose engagement has Just
been announced te Count Jean
Bertrand de' Luppe
Soldiers' Benus
Certain te Pass
OMUnefd from Face Onr
md labeled and hail-marked
tei of the people.
Because of this, because each can
didate regards himself as the strong
Nt In the field, extraordinary diffi
culty nlll be encountered in. getting
them te withdraw In favor of a leaders'
It Is extremely doubtful IP .Tr.iu.nli
B, Grundv, for instance, would coun
tenance the withdrawal of his candi
date, Banking Commissioner Fisher,
for a moment. Why? Because he is
convinced that he holds the nomination
ef a Governer and one United States
Senater in his grasp.
Gilferd Pinchot would need urging
te withdraw. Se there von nr
As te the senateraliln. Wllllnm 72
Crew has certainly cummed un Hie
works te a fare-you-well.
Crew Reports Many
Out here in Pittsburgh you unn't
Beve a square away from the William
Pinn Hetel without getting nn enrful
ef the latest and most reliable reports
M te just what "Bill" Crew is coin
Unfertunatelr for nil rnnmrn1
"Bill" deerm't nerferm nrmrrlinw tn
wbednle. He gives the prophets the
There wcre persistent rumors thnt
Senater Crew would nnnnnnm Vila
wairnatien yesterday. In fact it was
bluntly asserted by some of the lenders
her that it was bound te come.
This was strengthened bv word apnt
out from Mercy Hospital that a state
bum was te ee issued from there last
yitht by Dr. Crew, a brother of the
Senater, at 10:30, though another
menage wan sent te the newspapers
that no statement would be forth
coming. Today is another day, however,, het
emj of the watchful waiters are cer
tainly getting pretty tired standing se
tag en their tiptoes.
in my aispatcn of yesterday I speke
f a sensational pronouncement that is
whedulfd te appear in this end of the
state within a very short time. When
Jein A. Bell announces his decision en
US MnBinraMnfAi. alnef.T thlntv
h will have something te say that is
"men nis political advisers can per
uada him net te use the billhook and
cleaver at thin im.
A oevelopment of the last forty-eight
Iwira has heen n renewal nt rhn kiiv.
nation that Governer Sproul announce
Mmself as a candidate.
I knew personally that he has been
importuned from both enda of the State
announce Mm candidacy for the
Nnox-Crew succession. But the Gov Gov
ereor positively declines te consider the
Reed is Grundy Choice
Majer David A. Reed, wHb announced
"la candidacy for the scnatershlp, Is
openly regarded here as the Grundy
Jfeicc. He has the backing -of the
OUvers. the Mellons, the United States
swel Company, Bell Telephone inter
ta, Baldwin Locomotive Works nnd
ry big banking, manufacturing,
asportatien and financial Interest in
western Pennsylvania and some in the
When Mr. Bell formally shies his lid
ww the ring ,if he does the
man of moneyed millions will be enough
ivi0,t ,t0 reuse -uay Bn1 Cameren from
ieir sleep of years te expressions of
"fprise nnd regret.
nJur. V tne multifarious stories new
;".d Inte the circling maelstrom of
political gossip yesterday was that if
X'vw urn net resign and Mr. Bell re
JKW te be n candidate, Alexander P.
SS.re,,ef thc Pittsburgh Lender and
XZAnd ,"1 L,1IIan Ruscll, would be
iudirsr thB Westcrn nlt'en
rSf!le? l ,Rske(1 Mr- Moere about the
itfi? ue a,raest Indignantly denied It,
fcg.,th freshing ennder he de
n h Otneui e' course, I'd like te go
" the Senate Who wouldn't?"
Continued from Pace One
knew that thc Soldiers' .Benn Bill "is
the cheapest sort of subterfuge te In
fluence the soldier vote nt the cxpene of
Uncle Sam's money."
"And the people Knew, tee." he
shouted, "that If It were net for the
election In November this bill would
net be considered new, nnd if presented
te the Heuse would net receive beventy
five votes."
Democrats Cry "Gag Rule"
Previous te the taking of (he vote en
suspension of thc rules, a shurp fight
ngalnBt what they characterized as
"gag rule" was launched by Demo
cratic leaders.
When Chairman Campbell, el the
Rules Committee, submitted thc resolu
tion te make thin mispynsien day. Rep
resentative Garrett, the Democratic
leader, made a point of order, declaring
that it was "thc avowed and sole pur
pose" of Republican leaders te put the
bill through in such fashion as te pre
vent the. offering of a motion te recom
mit and asserting that this was, in tio tie tio
lntlen of the rules of the Heuse. There
was' a het dhscuswien en the point of
By unanimous agreement, the Heuse
met nn hour earlier than usual.
When Speaker Gillctt's gavel fell there
was a large attendance of members
nnd the galleries wcre filled, thc spec
tators including many former service
' JaHwPleilHaaB
tv jS&WKsm j&AmaaaaaH
aaaK VTfSHBa1ssW
HX' Vrisaaa'Jai!-I
Fermer Governer of Indln, vrh
is making a Journey te loieeyr,
presumably with the object of dis
cussing with the Soviet authori
ties future trade relations between
Russia and the United SUteft
Indianapolis, March 23. (By A. P.)
A decision ns te the negotiations of
single-State wnge agreements by the
union coal miners was expected in
union circles here today te be the most
Important question te be determined by
the General Policy Commlttee of the
United Mine Workers of America at its
meeting tomorrow in Cleveland.
On the committee's decision will hinge
the extent of the strike in thc soft cool
fields of the country, and the opinion
prevailed at the union's headquarters
here that a majority of the commit
teemen favored a tie-Up of all union
fields beginning April 1.
The single-State agreement proposal,
however, was expected te provoke a
clash within the committee, bringing te
the fore the factional fight between In
ternational President Jehn L. Lewis
nnd Frank Farrlngten, president of the
Illinois district union. Opposition te thc
proposal haa been declared by Mr.
Lewis, and In turn Mr. Farrlngten
has declared in favor of It. Seme sup
port of Mr. Farrlngten was regarded
ns possible from the officials of the
pnrtly organized union districts, where
the light between thc union and thc
open shop Is keen.
Besides the separate agreement pro
posal, the committee may adept a gen
eral program for the conduct of the
strike, including decisions of questions
of finances nnd distribution of the men
who will be left in thc mines te pro
tect the property while the strike is in
r?ene of the executive officers of the thecemlng cenference jvhlcb is likely
International Union was at headquar
ters here today. President Lewis and
U, S. Worried Over
' Russian Situation
Continued from Fnse On
receivership of the whole industrial ma
chine of that country held by the Allies
with us left out. This is true whether
Germany consents te them or whether
she refuses, and the penalties of the Ver
sailles Treaty are enforced. What is
expected In Berlin is the modification
of these Reparation Commission terms
at Genea. In ether words, the demands
nre nut hish co ns te he used as a trad
ing basis in the deal that is te be made
What Webster Has te, Say
n "Illusory and "Vapory"
ii.?.07"-DccM"K' or tending te
lvej fallacious; Illusive. Of the
Sen f ll,usl0u or n,,e PerceP-
VaperyFun or et tlfl ntture
TV a vannr n ,nnA.u. .,...,.
Wochendrial; plents pMviab.
Speaker Glllett overruled Mr. Gar
rett h point of order nfter n brief but
sharp wrangle between leaders en the
two tides. Representative Campbell
said the same point of order hud been
made two years age, nnd had been over
ruled nt that time, the Speaker holding
that the Rules Committee was within
Its rights when it repotted a resolu
tion for suspension of the rules for six
Representative Garner, ranking Dem
ocrat en the Ways and Means Com
mittee, Interrupted the Rules Com
mittee chairman te ak that he state
whether or net It was the purpose of
the malerltv te nrcvent the minority
from offering n motlen.to recommit. Mr.'
Campbell rcpjlcd that he would net
engage in , "the sort of quibbling" re
sorted te by the Democrats.
"Well, then, be honest enough with
thevHonse te tell the truth about the
mailer, rcieriea air. uunier.
Unger Sees Shield
in.Mether8 Skirts
ConUneod front rut One
that en at least one occasion he pilfered
from the Girard National Bnnk where
he served as confidential secretary te
Francis B. Reeves, chairman of the
Beard of Directors. It was n case of
"robbing Peter te pay Paul."
The "boy plunger" had n tracking
account with Hughes & Dicr, nnd was
called un suddenly for .$10,000 in mar
gins. He wa3 unable te get at the in
stitute fund nt the moment and took
$10,000 worth of Liberty bends belong
ing te the bank.
These bends he placed with the brok
ers as collateral. A few days later he
put through n $10,000 checks en the
Evans fund. With that money he went
te another brokerage house and bought
$10,000 worth of Liebrty bends with
which he replaced the bank's securities.
Quit Keeping Recerd
When he first saw what loeketl like
an easy read te wealth opening before
blm, the confessed looter kept a record
of all the securities he took. But he
seen wearied of that. He began de
pending en his own memory te record
the various steps in his downward path
et embezzlement.
When he was given access te the
fund's securities in. 1010 he prepared a
bchcdule showing the par and market
values of all the fund's sacurltics. At
thnt time their par value was $137,000,
all In geed railroad nnd ether bends.
Mr. Scott said his client had been
exposed te danger because of the exam
ple of bank associates who "talked
bteck all day long." He tnid Unger
acted as messenger in some of the stock
"Then, Ungcr's mother was lying en
a sick bed. ene of his sisters hnd n ner
vous breakdown, nnd a brother was
threatened with tuberculosis. On the
one hand was opportunity, and en the
ether was his thought of what geed
he could de with the money."
Signs Release en $10,000
Unger was taken te the office of Jehn
Flaherty, clerk of the court, before he
appeared for sentence. There he signed
n release of any claim te the $10,000 in
currency found en him when he was
captured in a rooming house nt Fifth
and Brown streets.
On the dny of his flight, Unger liacl
National Bank, alleging the money was
for the Evans institute payroll. Me
went te New Yerk, intending te tnke
ship te some foreign country, but lest
his nerve, uy a queer iwisi ei minu ne
returned te this city and was living in n
rooming "heuse under au assumed name,
Ungcr's defalcations total mero than
$1C5,000, Mr. Weaver said today, lhis
amount does net include the income the
fund would have derived from negotia
ble bends which Unger took.
"It is hard te get all the veal facts r
especially when seeking information
from persons reluctnnt te give it," Mr.
Weaver said. "Until the investigation
is ended, no agreement will be rcuched
toward the creation of a fund te ro re ro
etere the amounts taken by Unger."
Vice President Murray being in New '
V- 1- . 1 C9 .. TYTJ11I.M 3.A.H
lerK, uiiu eevremry vtiiiiimii mivcii
leaving during the day for the Cleveland
meeting. '
Methodists Faver
Open Church Vete
Continued from Tajce On
elected by tbclr conferences for a four
years' term.
The Rev. Dr. Alpha G. Kynett op
posed the four-year term of office, en
the ground that it left the bishop power
less te remove n superintendent if he
proved inefficient or unfitted for the
Bishop Berry also opposed the four
year term.
"I de net favor any mortgage en a
position in the church," said the Bishop.
"A man must, show himself fit year by
year." The Bishop added that it was
his belief that the conference expected
the first four men in the balloting te be
approved, nnd it they were they should
nil be appointed for ene mere year, but
there should be no certainty that these
appointments would be continued be
yond the year, this being contingent en
the service performed by the appointees.
The clause in the resolution provid
ing for n four-rear term was dreflned.
Mr. Thompson agreeing te this course.
The resolution was then passed, division
being taken by the raising of hands.
There were perhaps a score of dissenting
Foundation Werk Approved
Bv unanimous vete of the Confer
ence, the formation of the Wesley
Foundation in this city was approved.
The purpose of the Foundation is te
euro for religious work among Metho
dist students nt the University of
Pennsylvania and ether educational In
stitutions In the city.
Secretary of State Hughes was re
quested by the conference, in a reso
lution passed at the morning session,
te take cognizance of a report that n
"rum running syndicate" had been
formed in Londen te bring contraband
llauer into the United States.
The resolution was introduced by the
Rev. J. G. Crowther, of the Arch
Street M. E. Church. Mr. Crowther
read n clipping from the Public
Ledoer of March 23, telling of a cor
poration wMsh was te deliver large
quantities of liquor nt the three-mile
limit. It was resolved;:
"That the Philadelphia Annual Con
ference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church respectfully calls this dispatch
te the. attention of Secretary of Staid
Charles Evans Hughes, with the re
quest that suitable diplomatic inquiry
be made by' our Department of State."
Dead Ministers Honored
The memorial service ter ministers
who have died during the last year tool;
place today. It waa held in the Whar Whar
eon Memerial Church, at 11 o'clock,
following the regular business meeting,
of the conference, delivered the eulogy.
Fer the first time in history, a single
address took the place et a separate ten-
minute tniu in naner or each dead
te include both Germany nnd Russia
Russian Situation Causing Werry
As already explained in this cer
respendence, the Administration is deep
ly concerned ever the allied plans wttn
regard te Russia, which take the form
6f the exploitation of Russian resources
through the Stlnnbs group of industrial
ists in Germany. With regard te Rus
sia the Administration, ns I have, ex
plained, is trying te' safeguard this
country's Interests by dealing directly
with the Soviet Government through ex ex
Governer James P. Goedrich, of In
diana, who is timed te nrrlve in Russia
nt just about the moment thc Genea
conference begins.
What is happening abroad can nil be
ntted into tins theory. Tne united
States has refuhed te lighten thc bur
den under which Europe is staggering
by canceling the allied! war debt te
itself and thus aiding in the economic
restoration of thc continent. Notably
te save themselves by their appeal te
this country, the allied nations are
leaning, of course, te thc one ether pos
sibility that lies before them, namely,
te get Germany and Russia te work
ing for them, te exploit the industrial
machine of Germany and the immense
natural resources of Russia.
Ne one here conceals thc anxiety thnt
is felt lest thc Russian Government turn
ever thc vast natural riches of the
country te international exploitation
through the German industrialists, of
whom Stinncs is the chief. The Rep
arations Commission, by establishing a
virtual rcceivershln of the German in
dustrial organization, brings n little
nearer the possibility of Allied Europe's
saving itself; ey naving uermany
These honored wcre O. Edgar
Adamsen, A finer I". uetterer, Jehn
D. Fex, Mnrls Graves, J. R. Tay Tay
eor Grny, Charles W. Green, Rebert
E. Jehnsen, William J. Mills, Benja
min M. Nelll, Jehn Priest, James T.
Satchell, Hiram U. Sebring and Rich
ard Turner.
William Jennings Bryan, at first
scheduled te appear as the principal
speaKcr en me program teuay, will de
liver his lecture at the afternoon ses
sion et the conference tomorrow.
Prohibition I Defended
.ludge Alexander Hamilton Simpsen,
president of the Beard of Trustees of
the Methodist Hospital, was one of the
speakers of the morning. Judge Simp Simp
eon declatcd that Methodism had been
instrumental- in bringing about prohi
bition; thnt the "lid bad been nailed
down en the coffin of rum, and couldn't
be taken oft again."
"Down In the Methodist Hospital
new," said Judge Simpsen, "we have
people suffering from the effects of
rum. Sotne et them are blind, or
partly se. But don't blame the fact
that thev drink bad rum en prohibition.
As Bishop Berry said, it is net the
inebriate who drags himself along thc
street that is te be despised, but the
man who stores thousands of dollars'
worth of liquor in his home and drinks
it thcre,
"It is wrong te say that the lowered
moral conditions and the crime wave
in the United States 'arc due te the
prohibition amendment. It is the after
ninth of war alone that causes these
Judge Simpsen made a plea for
$400,000 te build an addltieu te the
Russia work for it
European Statesmen Faver Idea
This idea is plainly in the minds of
European statesmen, it comes out in
the "Student of Politics" article print
ed in the Londen Chronicle after an in
terview of the author with Lloyd
This article says: "Thore are only
two alternatives in the" only relation
between the States of En rene te
I be theso of masters and servants or
friends. In the first, Europe will be
divided into two camps; each alliance
of masters will have its ceunter-alli
ance of servants and we shall be back
Inte the sort ei politics that produced
the war."
The object of Lloyd Geerge In the
Genea conference Is made out te be
the avoidance of the necessity of reduc
ing Germany and Russia te the posi
tion of servant States. And there Is
no reason te doubt the British Pre
mier's geed faith. But this country's
abstinence from European affairs and
Its refusal te cancel tne war debt has
left Mr. Geerge alone in Europe, with
the difficult problem of leaching a
compromise with France.
The best that is likely te happen
at Genea is an avoidance of the ap
pearance of the master and servant
grouping of European nations while ac
complishing the reality. The confer
ence begins with a demand from the
Reparations Commission that Germany
reduce herself te complete servitude te
the Allied Powers. That is a trading
basis. Concessions may reduce that te
a less obvious but net less effective farm
of servitude.
U. S. Faces Exclusion Frem Europe
Frem refusing te' enter into Europe
we are reaching the point where we are
in danger et being shut out et Europe.
International capitalism Is busy there
with schemes which way result in for
midable competition with our indus
tries. The Administration here views the
developments witli anxiety. Mr. Hughes'
remarks about Russia in his nete de-
Bandits Reb Pawnshop of Qems
New Tork, March 23. (By A. 1'.)
Four armed bandits held up the liiun
ager and twe.clcrLs of Edelstcln &
Bres., pawnshop en. First avenue, to
day, and after filling mtt suitcases with
Jewelry, amid te be avth several thou-
J j- j.ii. - -rw. . . jauw ir L
.. ,'Lftt.'? 'i . ."f7 "" r,:.ir? - -
$250,000 Bequeathed te Charity
Pittsburgh, March 23. (By A. P.)
Benefactions of the Inte E. P. Doug Deug
lass, of McKeesport. were increased te
S2.-.0.000 by his will, filed here. The
McKeeapert Hospital and Wnester Col Cel
lege are ach bequeathed $100,000. while
$12,G00 is left the McKcospert V. M.
O. A. Anether $10,000 gees te' the
First rreibyterlaa Church of McKttc
ellnlnc thc Genea invitation, and Mr
Harding's remarks the ether day about
our unfortunate- lack of representation
in the Heparntiens Commission, both
indicate the fear that Europe is making
arrangements te our disadvantage. We
have entered once mere the note-writing
stage of relations with Europe and
that is alwnys a sign of difficulties in
international relations. Mere -notes
innv be exnectcd until it becomes clear
whether ltuesia can be kept from vir- ,
tually closing her deer te us through the
granting of exclusive concessions te al
lied and German capitalists.
Three Captured.1 In Platel Battlt at
Laneibore Accused
Scran ten, Pa., March 23. (By A.
P.) State troopers and detectives who
teugnt n pistol battle yesterday with
three alleged bnndits at Lancsbore, Pa.,
He wasted the time
of 39 printers
DO you pay for this ?
A letter was recently sent te 39 printers :
in different cities, asjring for an estimate
en the same job.
Every one of these printers was ex
pected te devote time te figuring out a
competitive bid en this one job.
All this costs se much money and is se
Most catalog and booklet printing is
done with the idea of helping the sale of
goods. Te lese sight of this idea means te
lese sight of the purpose of your printing.
If you de net keep the purpose of your
printing in mind, hew can you expect the
printer te keep it in mind ?
If you both forget .that the purpose of
your printing is te sell goods, you are
net likely te get the kind of printing
that makes sales.
Better paper makes for better printing,
and better printing makes for better
II paper
II better
II printing
Warrens Standard Printing Papers are sold by Te help you in planning direct advertis
ing, we shall be glad te send you copies
Lembard 6800 Philadelphia
of an interesting series of booklets
titled, "Making It Easy te Plan Printing."
Main 1701
A 10-Shave Tube of Palmolive Shaving Cream
At the stores listed below
Practical Opinions
130 Laboratory
before we perfected thia ideal
having cream.
New we ask you te try it
at our expense
130 formulae actually made up and tested
Bald today they hoped te connect the
prisoners wltn at least a dozen rob
beries nt Sudnuehannn, Lancsbore.
Cnrbendale and Ferest Oitr.
Patrick Murphy, flfty-twe. who was
shot through the lung and arm, Is still
nllve nt the Harnett Hospital. Susque
hanna. James Williams, another mem
ber of the snag, ahet in the leg, will
The pelice today identified the third
man et the party ns Jehn O'Shaugh
Jietwy. They wcre captured after a saf
robbery at Ferest City, near here.
aiuiu ri'nueiiuni, ej-.ijr. Mill row ell nf
111 rtaenreh Inte
neMtaa. nnd the
II IB ' IkA .
wmwmw f
A few years age we decided te make a shaving cream. We had
already achieved the ideal toilet soap by blending palm and olive
oils. Se we embodied this blend in a shaving cream.
And our first step was te ask a thousand men the virtue they
wanted in it. These were their requirements:
First, a quick shave
These men wanted quick shaves, above all, Did net like long
brushing, finger rubbing, het towels, delay.
Se a cream was made which acts in one minute. Within that
time the average beard absorbs ISfe of water. This result is due
te almost instant removal of the oil that coats the beard.
Next, liberal lather
Next, thev wanted liberal lather. They wanted a little of (he
aeap te go tar.
Se we developed a cream which multiplies itself 2S0 times in
lather. A bit en the brush only one-half inch suffices for a
ihave. A single tube of Palmolive Shaving Cream serves for
many weeks of shaving comfort.
Shaving Cream
The stores named below will supply the Free Tube en this Coupon
Lather that remains
Then they wanted a lather which maintains itself without dry
ing en the face.
Se we perfected a lather which maintains its creamy fullness
for ten minutes.
A seething soap
I'hey wanted a seething shaving cream. They wanted a lubri
cated razor, no irritation, a pleasant after-effect.
The best way ever known te these ends is the blend of palm
and olive oils. The lather is a lotion in itself.
18 months of experiment
We are experts in soap making. But it took us that long te
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iehnH. Weed, 4SIS Krnkf erd Ave.
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