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B "S W m! w? ?9iHiHlHRHiRCIHHHBn9HHRPinHI m li M& iv ' MET i! .' B VN UNO BUBLIC W'taf h . i : 8KffllOTtas5Xfffl,vl, tvr.7Ltr5vii , OLBDaERSffiimDBIiPHIA; tHBMDAT;Mi flKFOraVVRITO ' 'junjr w rrBfcTgfmaTBMMMfJIWTnBy BSfeWwwfflHi Z ! . I -- - i . ; f . vfc BW jfe DailyMevie Magazine IK. 8ft tfOR THE FILM FAN'S SCRAPffOOK lJ V1 tk V & y !! J8mmWLm&mmWXJmmJ' mmWi'mWmmW$-i,'l- ;P)'fHH' " H; kwF x'svj "MAUI" AN1 "DOUG" ll'c ict'H &e pfaif 'e publish the picturci of such screen pUtiirr as ate suggested by the fans THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTER-BOX Br HENRY M. NEEI.Y tureg of my friend Swmie, Theda Barn, Charles 11. and l'ela Negri) and tell inn Theda D.'s address. Aim could you tell me who in tha littlest actress? I mean woman, net a child, and hew tall la she? I had a bet en the subject. "One mere tblm, tell me a couple e( geed pictures you have seen lately and I will watch for them and go bee them, for I think our taste Is somewhat alike." (That's what I cull a geed, square letter. It isn't everybody who will ad mit that some one else's argument has changed his opinion. I think Mar guerite Clark is the smallest movie actress. She Is four feet ten. May McAvoy Is four feet eleven. The best pictures I have seen lately ere "One Glorious Day," with Will Rogers; "Meran of the Lady Lctty," "Tefable David" and "The Ruling Passion," with Geerge Ailiss. "Meran" isn't as geed, as the ethers, but you ought te see It, for it shows both Rodelph Val Val entieo and Dorethy Dalten In parts entirely different from tbclr past ones. Address Theda Barn care of Charles Rrabln, 500 West End avenue, New Yerk. I like Pela Negri in her recent stuff, but "The Last Payment" and I "Intrigue" and several ethers we have i seen lately are old ones, just brought i ever here te take commercial advantage of her popularity, nud they de net by any means show her at her best. Mrs. Hart's mnldeu name was Winifred Westover. ) i "Cap" writes: "I cannot -lefinln from commenting en the delightful foelishnesses which appear almost dally t in the Mevie Fans' Lettcr Bex. I have ja ctew te pick with ou, however, but am almost at n total less te find words In which te express the mental distress which has been occasioned bv the per sistence of my secretary In placing be lore me these evidences of Jekjll and 1 Hde aberrations. "Yeu well remember hew we sailed (lie Seven Seas together tcveral decades since. Hen, Ole Tep, you arc the gay deceiver ever. Pique and envv possess my t-eul when I contemplate the heights from which you have lallen; and, tin "Tha Werain Me Walked Alene." Funny. Isn't it? Cecil B. De Mllle was en the LasVy t?4 f?&.? "S0" J,me the ether day. Mr. De Mllle has been quite ill for soma time. He was stricken, suddenly with 22.11""$ l Inflammatory rheumatism ?-t JL. i ",Rean .tr,P "! "ad te inkSi hl! bd' rfteHni was especial ly difficult for him, ns ha had te be moved from beat te train en a atrctcher. It Is expected that he will begin the production of "Manslaughter," in which Lcatrlce Jey and Themas Melgban will be featured, within a few weeks. Max Llnder expects te epend his va cation in France, hi native land, di rectly he finishes his burlesque en "The Three Musketeers." The beauteous Bull Mentana portrays Cardinal Richelieu. Nice? Although the picture was made by an English film corporation four or five years age, with the author's Ren In a principal part, Geldwjn will send an entire company te Londen, in order that the director may obtain the proper at mosphere. And be it said that Mr. Tourneur is considered one of the great est experts in the business en foreign atmosphere. Had luncheon today at the "Wi Iters' Club. This is always an event in mv life, for I come away feeling that the movies really are improving, that there are brains and wonderful personalities connected with the Industry, and that there is geed feed in Hollywood. There is a growing tendency en the part of producers of mammoth pictures te insure the authenticity of the tech nical detail. Jehn Howells, who was for many years a servant in the houses of Britain's nobility, was employed by Mary Pickford during the making of "Little Lord Fnuntlerey" te ,see that every costume and custom was accurate. Later IIewclli was en Deugla3 Fair banks' paxell during the production of "The Three Musketeers" and en Rex In gram's for "The Prisoner of Zenda" for the same reason. Anether man who makes Ibis work a livelihood is Edward Reinach. a helper of Eric von Strehclm during the making of "Foolish Wives." Tile public is becoming mere and mere ciitlcal of pictures, and a terrible storm of protesting letters hits the studies when nn anachronism is discovered. Gwan-te-Bed Stories By J. P. MeEvey Sylvester Hene and His Friends XSCR upA a time, deaf children, v there was a grocery liorse namcu Sylvester who used te pull a comical Httle wagon full of comical groceries up and down comical little streets full of comical little people who had no Idea bow comical they were. (Johnny, get ett the piano.) It happened that Sylvester was room reom roem lng in a stable with some horse friends of his, and one evening they were dis cussing life. "I'm sick and tired of it," said Syl vester. "Every day new for years I have pulled around the same clutter of silly asparagus, and dumbell heads of lettuce and cabbage, and large goofy quantities of canned oysters, artichokes, lima beans and laundry soap. I wish I had a job like yours," and he turned envious eyes te Herace Herse, for it was Indeed he. T GUESS you think I've get a 1 cinch,"' replied Herace Herse wearily, "but If .ou worked for n. florist two months you'd get se tired of smell ing roses and lilies you'd want te kick the next rose you Baw square en the calyx. Thai's se technical," he added rather smugly. At this Geerge Herse and his wife, Mrs. Geerge Herse, who worked for a building contractor, snorted in unison. Thev had a very fetching unUen snort which they had practiced throughout their ten years' of matrlal life. They could keep in practice, you sec, because when there nic no ethers te snort at thev could always snort at each ether. Anyway, they snorted in derision dcrlshely, and then Geerge Herse said, "You've get a nerve te complain about pulling a few dinky roses and lilies around. Suppose you had te drag a few tens of paving brick up and down all dav?" "Or steel girders," added Mrs. Geerge Herse. "Or crushed rock." sneered Geerge Herse. And then they both snorted in unison again. "FJON'T talk," cried Dapper Dan, JlJ whn nuiil in 1i t-noeherse but was new pulling nn ice wagon. "Loek wiiiii was once and tnc luxuries x uacu t0 have and new leek at me!" 'I have,amall sympathy for you,1' vvurge nerse. ijeh mu i i pertunities you had, and what did you ffnalra at a . n a j A..1 'Wall Ak--..- . t 1.1 unn. tift i.a t.i. . ttf nf hi ui uq UIL II IIICVO VUI V Mn manger and chewed It bitterly. "And then after they made me what I am today they threw me out." "V 11..AI- . I1L l . , "," ."let B inc W.v Willi men, added Sylvester Herse. "And thev are u.,jh complaining hew tncy worn iikc a horse. Humph! I haven't had a vaca- MnH In . ..a.. mi years, wave your' -t uuucicu nil llic iiuieca, : ccpt one named Secrates, an educated horse who used te perform in a circus. , .had a vacation once," said he. "but It 1sr leng.nnd curious story. Would vnii Til... a. tint i,BB " near lit ' eure," cried all the horses. All lffYif flten rAmrtfmiit amamImw ' said Secrates. "We'll nil meet here again Biicr supper." n And that's all for tonight, children. Gwan te bed. Te Talk of Art and the Fair "Art and the Sesqul-Ccntennlal" will be the theme of an address by An drew Wright Crawford before the So ciety of the Little Gardens tonight The meeting will be held In the Little Theatre, Seventeenth and De Lancev streets. ft letter K D F I prints, replaced the letter and giaap-i"' ou forthwith dWIIusmn the fans 't i; 'e next one. Their police force. bvn honest confession. I shall be I just could net methedfl e tiain,ns, jujutsu, etc.. are , fWlged te send te your boss the only B. II. J. wiltes: "1 never did mean of a small mechanism. smMi" a letter, te write you, but the AtM i at : iintrtn1 WW M.XJU2 ad CJ U 11 CVALAVA M. JUJV vuia , 1 a.Ia C danivklHr IIIIIKKll AIA n tf . blip telling said person her letter would interesting I beliexe this apples should , IencbS of yourself which I believe ou i. l .- i-,i -j i WM.e k n.a,i t,n oil ran. wiifit thi.iL- ever hnd the nerve te nep for. and SMSr lT;;r.n Vae'n'tlfie iA ' te.,?"' ?hich you intrusted te me following the ! tilptnres and hnvs vet te fcce him at. the wheel of a machine. It comes with (1 think I'll leave li te the fau te rather peer taste, considering he has, for the last two years, commanded a salary permitting him the owning of n car. 'Catty' Is putting it mi!dl "I am a victim only in that he is n very young man of fercipi birth who &ss a pleasing smile and alluring eyes. "I de se enjoy your pae. Hew I should like te see another geed picture tft1 favii.!la Allpn Tprri'. nnil Valentine co-stars, in which they might ' ell"-'r argument. ee allowed te de their best uniiampcreu by little jealousies. Snmean disaster in 18S5. "I am driven te this because I have ssi utiBt thev think nbeut the news ' just discovered that "the hours nhe reel and about the ether views ou' spends" daily in worshiping the word state se emphatlcallv. Yeu and 1 pictures which you pulnt of the famous could get into a nice argument, couldn't mevle'stars have little or no interest for kb1 (Jnlr snrinff s remlnr nnc I'm . '.v wcreiary , Dut wnac rcauy uees net in a sufficiently bad humor te de the matter justice today. As te your de scription of me. I might ndmit that jeu're right In one thing that I'm a gentleman only that might tart an- "Please, when his turn comes aga.n. 'Ud 1! "Vl Jl m-I absorb her time nnd attention, te the exclusion of the business of my office, is the form of here worship occasioned bv the deceitful ren pictures which ou cientc of ,eurself. A word te the wise Is sufficient."' i Gesh '. Have you get one of taese old pictures.' ter goodness sake, den t Mint a picture of Valentine which shows i snd attempt at your most interesting I show it te your secretary or you'll dis Ms face animated and net Jn repose. I column. I sure de enjoy reading it. I illusion her entirely. And why no ' mv motion pictures ns I de my ". wi "; "r jjuiict uum rauie eui 01 me invaier.y 01 .1 ' unfertunatelv, vett must viewlone night I ceuldn t get it nnd just ' name? leu must be one of f ,11 ehanccd upon your wonderful, Interest- who went through that fuss wli ehoese books them all. inc column. home time age 1 wrote you about net your pen four men lth me ) IVrntW Tt t,trla ftl.ltlTK Wnlten Universal City, Calif. ;LlllianGIh. care net liking Nazlmeva in 'Camlllc,' and t w r.r-.Kth 1 .nnvnrrr Hulldlne. , also stated I didn't approve of ferelen- Times Square, New Yerk, and Gladys ers for actors and actresses, but your Leslie. 1252 East Twenty-sixth street, 1 1 answer. I must say, convinced me you were rignt. However, last nlg&t I had te laugh when I read the little piece I ' think written by 'Lee' knocking me en the subject. He said that I had said I didn't like foreigners for actors and actresses, and then said I like Sessue. You're right, Lee: I did say that, but' veu misunaerstoea me. i meant this DAVID POtVELL IS TO PLAY IN SWANSON FILM By CONSTANCE PALMER Hollywood, Calif. DAVID POWELL has arrived fieui Londen te play the leading part jMAPSai HJ if" TilW raPP II WSJH & T-gnnll.,iii,inTnHTvO(3ja p-samniitiiiiMniiiiinauiagw? jln; ygrvvi'n"llll"llll'llltiitjt qfl AW'$ ,7, Walnut Street W I (eWfK' (y Showing New ' I uf The Fash flees i I ' for I j Spriinig amd Summer I I Smart iatts 1 I Sweitalble Fer AM Occasoeinis Brooklyn, N. Y. "Fwlce" writes: "I sm another rookie' te veur worthy column. 1 have followed it every day, but hare never written te it before. I am writing te see hew my opinions differ from these of ethers. "First (please den t unload a ten of hikni 1 hplieve 'The Four Herse men' is no greater a picture than the many war years age an appeal. It is a "lUe aDeve rncui-, ,lke Chnrlc, RayV T de Djd . Tbe n,im(, of Dorethy Dalten's tur ecre, mamiy aue w P mrU-beiteM rPnt fcnturc PIcture hnM bcen changed real was net te goea, x am urr mm; I didn't approve of them, et I had seen PP9lt Gleria Swanson in "The Gild Sessuc and liked bim. Mr. N.'s an- ,ed Cage," production of which has just swer te me really made me change my begun Walter Hlera, Charles A Ste- no Cornwall are in the uiiini uu lue buujeui. be mere teh nm i a - lms nhnwn nere several ...r. .' ... , : r. vensen auu au ...., - .ui. .. iHu iui ieii mn wnnr tpna . A ar pictures always mai.e w n.rta ... mn,,i, nm, n casr. i la M than n ett- of veur readers have net expressfid this view almplv because of i the vast advertisement the picture re ceived. "Willie Hart had better quit while tfie quitting is geed. He is one of my favorites, but his last pictures, 'White i Oak,' and 'Travelln On' remind me of i the old, cheap cowboy films. The plot i in the latter was excellent, but It was ; poorly worked out. Tnere were aisea few discrepancies in the continuity. H should essay something different. "Wallace Beid,. another one of my favorites, gave us one mere geed pic ture in 'Peter Ibbetson,' but he fcoen will be a has been. His leeks are fad ing. Mary Pickford has been twenty eifht ever since I was nine years old (that was ten years age). "Yeu censer 'Over the Hill ' I de net think Mary Carr's acting has been surpassed for many a moon, with the possible exception of Jehn Barrymore in 'Dr .lukvll nnd Mr. Hvde.' It may be tbe 'same old stuff1 (all pictures are I disguised nowadays, anyway), but It1 certainly was well dene: and what is mere, the moral lessen that of mother love was se Impressive that I have net yet forgotten It. "Since I mentioned Barrymore, I d like te say that he was sadly mis placed In 'The Letus Eater' (why the title? he only ate one lotus whatever that Is). I can't Imagine Albert Pay son Terhune writing such a story, tin lass he had a purpose, namely te rec ommend Utopian life and the 'no money' theory. If se, Beatrice Fairfax cvr- i tainly bid tbe fact well, A disappoint-' lng picture. "Jeanle MacPhersen certainly is a i pteasaiit young woman, geed te leek I at, and all that; but I simply can't tee her scenarios. I t"l was under the impression that Richard Barthelmess is a favorite, yet your readers hardly give him any ink. ' They are all cramped with Rodelph and I Wally (regular sponge ink absorber) Come en, mates, give a boost where due. Have in printed Dickie's picture yet? I really expected te see it when M played here In "uoraeie JJavld,' a short time age. "DeeB my guess come any closer than the ethers concerning you? Here gees: Yeu are neither Cynthia nor the LIm- Wick Editor (that peer bird has enough te de). Yeu were called en by the Evenihq Publio Ledcjkii b b eauie of your knowledge of tbe busi ness, Yeu have a profession of your own, probably in soma way cenajected ' with the movie game, and you ghe some of your time (If net most) te us dear readers. Yeu ere about forty-four and net of the jelly type rather n serious gentleman, with a fine sense of humor. u "Oh. before I forget! T wish te in treduce a new element into our topics, namely, the newa reels that nre shown , t all theatres. William Fex Is de- I kit grand thing.' He is running a series in which, besides the topics of i C'-i'nK " ? "e includes things te make us ' iw&4ware of the fart that Japan is rapidly i U VVT i mm I b-l m l t am t & m Imm i WT frui CV(,IC nuijucr 4i iic Liu ii & sun0M ! Nil t aI li A mnlnn trtf 1 1- n iiLii il flw bWlSjjiw ft .werdi u minute en a t))evritcr - WriM'U Dill if fhaf. nf nvnr .'tlMkl ?a) . L.,"J y l -mm- w wr . - v.i.wv wv i BtsJces 1ST en a thirty-two- ;ir systesa is aue immmMmmmmfiMMMMM nn m I i Ml , 1 i.x Pwr I if M3SHSM2XJ3SM3SS mZ&fiyLOtBfrs A Beautiful Three-Piece Suit 1h delightfully effective three-piece ceetume which ere presenting for Bprine Is sincerely rhirmin twt of tailoring Net only will It lend n. rira charm te madam but. tee. It shall afford her nn envied correctness upon many occasions nnd ttis prices are as low as tCS. See Oar Ditrplay at the Phila. Fashion Shew and Pageant Bellevee-Mratfnrd Hetel March 23 24, 25 Verna Brethers Creators of Suits for Women and Misses 1223 Walnut St.. Phila., Pa. feaSSre'wTgtflff U K: nw w, m w itlEBftg! klrW. -WW B 'c fit S me hamw Heel a I ' I 'IS Spert pump will impress 5 I 1. every woman as the ideal shoe a I for spring and summer wear. j I Made in gray buck and patent I leather, also in fawn buck and tan, f it harmenhes with sport and semi- I sport apparel for the street, the 1 country club or the dance. H Appropriate hetiery te match b Q at ready moderate prices. i "Quality Always" S NfJ5prt930 ChP5!tniiyiiii!lililllihiifhj 1 J DINNER FOR JUDGE LEWIS Jurist Tells Yeung Lawyers te Up Up eold Profession's Dignity At a testimonial dinner last night In the IUta-Carlton'kte Judge William M. Lewis, the Judge told junior Jewish members of the bar te ever keep before ihem'the dipilfVf tVtlr Sr6fet4 ever te realise the n....i-T? I M1" Speeches also were mad k. " J f Furth, Leopepld 0. Glass, Qirt'S?' Isadora .Stern and Jeseph r, terney. Bernard II. Cehn i maBteri "" l SV! IMiiHiBMkHtVSiHSliiiVaHSMisMBatafJMMBHIMSa L Stene 6 DYE FADED WRAP SKIRT, DRESS IN "DIAMOND DYES" Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions se simple any woman can dye or tint her old worn, faded things new. Even if she has "never dyed before, she can put a rich, fadeless color into shabby skirts, dresses, waists, coats, stock- insrs. sweaters, ceverlnn. rirnnria hangings, everything. Buy Diamond Dyes no ether kind then perfect home dyeing is guaranteed; Just tell "" uiuggiai wiicuici mc iiiiucuai you wish te dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cnttnn nr mivcH goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fade or run. Adv. rJ' Hats Gowns Bi 1517 WALNUT ST. Wg $15 1 ... i Mi ffl FOR TOMORROW S h .M A COLLECTION OF 75 HATS OF UNTOLD MP F l BEAUTY AND OF EXCELLENT QUALITY ISfU k. a Complete Ensemble of Springtime (h(C3 Om Street and Aftei'noen Gowns ? i z0J m Am,nn Ji? 1 - 1 rggs""g""'""'"MSg 1 ' : I I WF f HflDsrfiHlaiaaaaaaaHfl HsBBBBattaMfeA. JISM SbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKbbbW 40 W 1306 Walnut Street We have arranged a Sale of higher priced DRESSES $3875 A "picked" assortment e'f Crepes, Satins and Taffeta in advance styles, and actually priced at one-third their true value. Better come in early. " We cannot make exceptions te our "Ne Charge" policy 9 THE, WOMAN WE ADMIRE' Because of her graceful poise end ' ihnrmlng personality will never be found I one 10 negieci inac most important asset of cempleta beauty clearness of the complexion. Ne tedious hours before the mirror ara required te Uerp the skin soft and smooth, free from tan, freckles and similar de de de coeorations, just a tiny bit of Beauty Bleach applied before retiring. Beauty Bleach will net Injure the most delicate ekin texture nor will it grew hair. Clip anil mill tnli te I'luugh -M-jmnliK TYnn . fei frca copy of llliick end White nirthuay and Dnam lloels, Bedu(yBleich 4 Heuse of Wenger 1229 Walnut Street B. Chert ak Wenger PRESENTS A FORMAL EXPOSITION OF . QjprimjMinerj Featuring exclusive French Medels from the most renowned Parisian creators as well as our own originations. Merris Wenger Offers . FUR SCARFS OF QUALITY FOR THE SPRING TAILLEUR rUOTOn-AYB rHOTOIT.AVS PIlpiOPLATS Important Bargains IN THE REMAINING STOCK OF Charles J. Maxwell & Ce. At 50 Off' J.F you have net yet availed yourself of this splendid oppor tunity, de se new before it is tee late. Each day sees our selections diminishing, but it is a feature of this remarkable sale that even the las.t item sold will be just as great a bargain as thefirst one. Fer, jewelry is jewelry, and 50 off is 50 off, whether secured a week age or new. We can only re peat, that perhaps never in your lifetime again will you see such a sweeping reduction, in such ' high-grade jewelry, offered by such a well-known house. aAlt Ttela Jtvitlry and Vtarls xrm( Charles J. Maxwell & Ce. Walnut Street at 16th Street PHILADELPHIA s mwni f T9'"' & The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Com Cem pany of America. MMMjrr V J sJJtsst APOLLO 62D A. TH05IPSON ST3. MATINi:i: DAILY ANITA STEWART In "1IIK 1NVISIIU.K FRAIt" lie!. 1C1II M ADAniA CHESTNUT -r.V--U-M"l ki a. SI. te 11.15 T1 WILL ROGERS & LILA LEE In "OXK C.l.OHIOlS I)A1" A CTnD EIGHTH & GIKAIID AVENUE 3lvjr MAiiNin: hah.v Orch. 22i MmliHt Altncliiiler, 1'uiiieiih C'end. Wm. S. Hart in "Travelin On" BALTIMORE U'e1?. AIJSTAK CAST In FANNY Ill'RST'8 "Just Around the Cerner" I FRPRTV uneAD 4 cei.i'mbia av. EUGENE O'BRIEN - - ln "CIIIVAI.HOt'H C'HAHI.i:" ARIFN1T Woodland Wis at OJit 3. UIMUX 1 MATINK IMtrv CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "DANdhKIHS IIUHINKKS" The NIXON-NIRDLINGER THEATRES ffl BELMONT OVERBROOK MO,vA:;,;Sf"u WILLIAM S. HART In "rKWKM.V ON" DAI APF l"14 aiAituiir titiLhi 1 -llZ-Vrfl, je A M. te 1 1 1 1 P. II. RUDOLPH VALENTINO In "MOHAN OF TUB I.ADV I.F.TTV" 2D AnOVi: MARKET 1 30 nnil flOfl' l .10 lilt RUDOLPH VALENTINO I" ".MOHAN OF THE I.AOV I.F.TT1" CEDAR BLUEBIRD LIONEL BARRYMORE II reed 4. Siuquflianna Continuous 'J until 11 In "IIOOMKHANO IIII.T." BROADWAY TtJ Tye trP.& LIONEL BARRYMORE In " Mi HIM." RFnFMT MAimirr st. ueiew inn 1M-.VJC1N 1 10 Ai M tn n p M CONSTANCE BINNEY In "FIRST I,OVI"." t-Oi'H & CEDAH AVENVI 1 .til nnrt .1. 7 nnri II P 1L I MRS. WILLIAM S. HART n "ANNK OF I.ITTI.K HVOK1" R1ALTO r'APITOI '" MAHUET ST. LArl IVJU. te a. m. te ui.1 p. m OF.OROF, FITSIAVRICK I'KOIll'CTION THREE LIVE GHOSTS" COLISFMM Sat bet. B8thM JAMF.S OI.IVKR Cl'RMOOO'S 'The Giil Frem Porcupine" UMBO t'nCWT ST. & GIHARD AVt J whiuu Jumbo June, en rranUerd."!," AMSTAB CAST in The Arrctt of Nerman MacGregfer" SHERWOOD tA lFli$iV&i (LEADER ,lsL401'ASLEf,vi iiai racAVUi CONWAY TEARLE In "A VIROIMA C OlRThllir" u. ..?.J7 ... .'rV STANI FY x!An.KI.:T AT 10T" , nKi "makinm tiif. meiks"-csm JlnllLiLiI ii a t i. ii in ! m I li nil -S in.uif .. .i.. ul.. I QUHMANTOWN avenue AT TUt.PHIIOf'KHN S r. SHIRLEY MASON In "QU rnf.N I K" WESLEY BARRY in "snioei. nv" ie nt v. si ,-,-.! -MI AI G'n- & Maplewood Aes. CULVJINIMU. M,no. 7 nml 0 J'. M. Wallace Reid & Elsie Fergrsen In "I'sTIKlt IHHITTSON" FAIRMOUNT '-&& 'A jeiin cu.nntT in "SHAME" THEATnE IWew Sprues MATINEE DAILY 56TH ST. MAY MacAVOY In "MORALS" GREAT NORTHERN yOT'ifW HAROLD LLOYD In "A HAILOR.MADK MAN" STANTON , ,Mm?T ' TYRONE POWER" In "FOOTFALLS" 333 MARKETeTTJSiV'i? HAROLD LLOYD In " BAifOK-MAllKMA" VICTORIA "ARKKl- fir. nir0TH 1 TOM MIX ' l " :' M" In "HKV Hltlll' GRANT 40th & Girard A"v7 MVriNKKS 1JILV A'" 'lOO V, M. D. W. GRIFFITH I'rrsrnlH 1IU firrntrM Miintrrplrir "WAY DOWN EAST" I LOCUST MD ANr LOCt'ST JiTBMUl 'LAJUOl jfitu 13ft inn Ew 0 15 te It 1 MAE MURRAY - '" "I'KACOCK AI.I.F.1" MIVTVM fiL'll AVn Ml II If PT KTS niSJl -- ;., Vaiidl HOOT GIBSON In "TIIK FIRFMIATKH" r.'r, ivn n l vcnil RTH. 1 ".nam! 3, n 41 1 r 'Ml RIVOLI Hareld Lloyd, "A Sailor-Made Mia" ""ii i'..-h, m "ine inurinin i" AQTUI JCX Theatre Opp "r.M Trmlrl v 11 IU1, in 7 nn !)'' RUDOLPH VALENTINO In "MOHAN OF Till! I.UtV I.KTTV; STRAND Gln!;1"T.;ir;,?,S Wallace Reid & Elsie Fergute In "1'KTF.R IIHIKTSOV' 1K!DFPIA1 O0TH WALNUT 8T9 lJVlC''-, Mnts 2 30', Eves. 7 & 0 HAROLD LLOYD In "A HAUOH-MAHK .MAN" iARITON CHESTNUT Abeo IirtOAD ISAlALlUlN Dly. li.30 A.M. te 11.30 f.JL AONE.H AYRFJI and JACK HOLT In "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" 1 AT OTHER THEATRES. MEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. A. AMBASSADOR nlTx jv !f WILLIAM DUNCAN v . ... . '", "S0 1KVKSHK" Nrt Wffk (iferif .rllm In "DISKAKI.I" Germantew "THE FOUJ . . w,TH 0510 asrmtnlpwn A. Y Ul HORSEMEN JEFFERSON 20,,ma.neb C'KCII, II. m: MILLK'H "SATURDAY NIGHT" .... m PARK "W" ,?VJiV ALrHTAB CANT In KNN V lll'WPX wut Around tKe CerncgJ IKi1 . u. . ', tS-, r. ,M .! t'X. '.I- t A i 1&&JWJSS . y-tKj3 m & viiA. JifeJ