WKTaJtBtW! Bftffmi "; W, 1 3-.fr ,',V viv i -, W " MArAlYNNR DRRvrHATV TN 1 (IFF. ,..-. .-- , v- .- . r WT -LM.L.i' - - ,, w v w-j RfwwB wWWwt-Si'- WfIIW -" E r r - 1 1 - 1 ----- . . 1 ' . ' i- -in ' - - " 'wii &yr"f fl U A OR ANGLES, OPii,? iOi. ACQUITTAL TO REIVED EX-HUSBAND Secetid Trial of Weman Pictured by State as Beautiful but Heartless Vampire Nears End With Mystery Still Unsolved ODD ROMANCE OF COLLEGE REACHES SORDID CLIMAX IN A BAFFLING MURDER Girl Discarded Spouse for Old-Time Sweetheart Whom She Then Lured te Death at Hands of Anether Admirer, Prosecutor Asserts TS MRS. MADALYNNE OBENCHAIN, en trial a second time in Les Angeles for the slaying of Jehn Belten Kennedy, a heartless vampire of the weist type? Or is she merely the unfortunate victim of her own reckless love for n man who went armed because he feared attack, who had been "beaten up" and shot at net long before he was slain, a man many might have wished te kill? tnMiin.ltr W94 alnin nlmnsf. n vnnt arm U nl.lij. .C A.. ...t r. -.. ncmu-uj ..- -.... ....-- ,,... "B", -- ""gin ui nugUBk e, us lie it about te open the deer of a bungalow he owned at Beverly Hills, a residence suburb of Les Angeles much favored by motien-picturo folk. Mrs. Obcnchain was with him. They had gene there, she raid, te leek or a "lucky penny" she had hidden under some stones months before uhen she had been there with a half-sister and net in Kennedy's company. On March 19 the jurors trying Mrs. Obcnchain disagreed. They had been in session since February 6, but the trial had been adjourned several times from one te three days because of illness of jurors or wit nesses. When the case finally ended, after an exceedingly bitter fight, the jury remained out fifty lix hours and took five ballets. Finally the jury reported agreement was impossible, and the jurors were dismissed. They teod nine te thiee for conviction, though no ballet had been taken as te the degree of ' guilt. With Mrs. Obenchain was indicted Arthur C. Burch, of Evanston, 111., ' ion of a minister and once hen childhood .sweetheart. The State of California endeavored te prove that, it was he who fired the shot which i killed Kennedy, and linked him te the ciime by a long chain of cir cumstantial evidence. Burch was brought te trial before j Mrs. Obenchain. As in her case, the trial was prolonged and bitterly fought. In the end the jury dis agreed, and Burch was remanded te prison for a retrial. Since the first attempt te convict Mrs. Oben chain of participation in the murder, as its instigator and accomplice, Durch has been tried again, and once meie the machine of justice crashed against the wall of dis agreement. He in te be placed en trial for athiid time nfter the present hear ing of .Mrs. Obcnchain. If the 'Weman in llln mqh" in nnntiif tA1 Jimi,.,. ii i . . .1 Mndalynne Is remembered there ns the newever, it is likelv that the case .... i i i vi.. ,,.. ..-n,i v un i ivm lU-ill III v. .rjjv, ,1 fJ , rui.nii:.. my VA r& vri m iXQA ;(' Yj XZKW,.'1a. .?! rs.y e fs'W.rf'V. yw ' t ': . A'i'Jl Faithful Ex-Husband Is Ready te Reived Her JALPH OBENCHAIN, husband of Madalynnc, will marry her again if she is freed of the mur der charge. "Steady Ralph, the man in a million," she called him during her first trial. He met and wooed and wen her when he was a senior and she an undergraduate at Northwestern University. He married her years later, after a broken engagement had been resumed, in spite of her neiv love for Belten Kennedy. He released her, aiding her te get a divorce, when her love for Kennedy proved insuperable. Avd then when she was charged with murder he hurried te her side, where he had re mained ever since, fighting for her. He wanted te marry her again in jail, but an unromantic sheriff intervened. If she is ac quitted he will make 'her his wife once mere. ! :,' ; '. ' ZiW, ', f. i.r: 4'' & Q r ' f " 'if , ,ii.. t i i ' : '.'? -J f . "-i'-i '',y. W K f. .",. A'tt't (-,; '' ; ;"'-l, ''Hf 'stfy )' 'A l ,rr -J-4.- Os m-i ss?a i J sVj'' ''A- ,tm A- . YZm:2 . ?m ', v- ?&:? ,"u' trWsW ' JV '3. !. ''. iV v,. . itti 'xZ'f , jy,it ft. Vf&V'; ft i sM1 tt-'A kH Zi?--Z'i m . & ''.&&. W 12 &m I' I. , ,y ";. ''.'"J rv n v r:i ftJ r lynne. lie wns the untne. man of trhaa Af iiilnli'iiiiii li.i.l tt'i'tltttti l.t FCnnnPilvi "tin li.iu .t.itu. ihniii r.tt. in., ttinn IflVrjH ,,- nun iiwiir limn- i... iii ....... "J fl(VJri one ctw! ever would : I nin net worthy, f &Rfn him. but the least I could hnve done wi;S!M, le nave paid my linrRnln " Discarded Husband Stand 9 by Weman During Trial Through the tinys of preparation, of anxiety, of the trial ltm-lf. Itulph Oben flinln was all that n loyal friend could he. The woman he btlll loved new lennci en IiIh htrenRth. Cenntnntly it wiih brniiKht home te her that here was a man hIie could trui.t, whose xtendy nf' fectlen wns (IcppMiliiblc unclinniclni;. The mini for whom nlic had wicritlcetl Ills love wnM dead. Her heart stirred agnln te the steadfimt devotion of thf hlfC, Kentle, slow-s)ekcn lawyer. Once mere, with chnmc and thf gnllews tlirciitcnliiK, they pllKhted their troth, eh they lind ilniip In happier days at commencement time, when all the world ispeki of piemlKO. Obenchain took out ii licence te remarry her. lint even this wns denied him. The Sheriff refused te permit the rereineny. Hut if the present trial results In Mmhilynne's ncipilttul, lmshniid and wife will he reunited, nnd the man who has never conned te love her hon estly will try once meie te help her for- ' Ket the (lllti'rliiK affection of the man who took her from her husband, but feared te make her his bride. In preparation for the trial, Oben chain brought from Chicago Charles B. Krbsteln. n noted criminal attorney, te help defend Mndnlynne. There wns an exciting clash between Krbsteln and District Attorney Woehvlne, of Leb Angeles, when the Clilcngean first ap peared In court. Woehvlne denounced Krbsteln ns "a creek, a corrupter of juries and a suberner of perjury." nnd demanded that he be debarred from practicing in the Les Angeles ceurtf. ' Woehvlne himself hnd been under Are n few days before, the Les Angelta I County Grund Jury having brought M A cMv tj ', 4-.v BQK-Si V MS 6 J. Belten Kennedy, the murdered man &pj K jnrdln filled Madalynnc Obenchain but be lind Ilia sympatliy nnd the admiration of the hundreds who dnlly w-ntc)ied the trln', as with all patience anil gentleness, ith faith nnd loyalty that li.'iil survived every shock, he fought le save the life of the woman wlie bad thrown him ever. An cxtinerdinary feature of the mur der of Kennedy nnd the trials of Madu lynne and Hureh is that they are a tragic climax of youthful friendship. Kennedy, Bnirch, Obenchnln and the gill were nil frlendB in college, at Northwestern University, in Kvansteu, ill. against Burch will be dropped. State Spent Thousands te Unravel Mystery California has spent ninny thou ands of dollars trying te bring home tlie death of Kennedy te Mrs. Obenchain and Burch. The eyes of the country have been focused en the dlnmttir rtfT.Mfu vP tVif TWf,.ir.- - ...... L.i ui lq Ul Liin LlinillVI J ... ... I I.. .... I i'v (iieneiiain Auenicy or i.es Angeles te prove ,. .r iisb,ind. Kennedy was net then "In the running, although a friend of the ethers. Hiircli wns in one of the lower elnssed. Obeiiclmin w-iis In his senior ,ear. Beth men bete reputations for scholarship, llureh's standing with his fellow sliirents. however, was less thnn Ohenchnln's. Hureh wns net unpop ular, but he had few stanch fi lends. His nickname was Boobs. He took a prUe In debating and was a member of Delta Sigma Uhe, nn honorary frn- I ternlty, end De tn l.psilen. sunny, vivacious girl, with dozens 01 admirers among the boy students. She said she had gene te college te have n geed time, and there were many ready volunteers te see thnt she get It. She bete the reputation of being a thoroughly geed girl, and was unusually Intelligent, keeping up a first-clns academic standing. Anions the favored few of her mnny beaux were Hutch, who came from the sHiue town of Kvansten and had been her chMdhend admirer, nnd Ita'ph later destined te be They were married. Hut with Mndn lynne it was a marriuge of convenience she hoped te feiget. Kergetfulnesb did net come, hnwcer, nnd seen she wns cerrcsKndlng again with Kennedy. She told her husband she still leed l.er former sweetheart. Then Oben chain resolved te set her free, hoping thnt she would be buppy. and quixoti cally deciding thnt he would sacrifice himself for her sake. The husband told this chapter of the story en the witness Htund nt Mndulj line's lirst trial. "I saw thnt she was net getting bet ter and the way she cared for this ether man was stronger than I thought It was at first, and in some way she could net threw It off," he testified. She was net well. I told her I was going down nnd have it out with him. but she said no, that Kennedy was sick and worry ing nbeut her. I then told her the best way te de was te get away from both of us te go off somewhere by herself nnd decide what was best. I could net stand te see her wnrrjlng heisclf sick, te see her health falling."' Their remnnce had lnsted enlv n few months. Accerring te Madah line's testimony, her husband arranged mai teis se that she could get n di.-eue. Nhe did se, expecting te marry Ken nedy. Hut that young man, either oe ee cnuse his love for her was net us great as his words hnd led her te believe or because he fcard te offend his parents, failed te make her his wife. Mrs. Obenchain hud gene te Cali fornia te be near Kennedy. She hnd expected him te meet her in San Fran Fran ciseo and marry her. He did net. She went te Les Angeles, but it brought her no nearer her heart's desire. Ken nedy, she testified at her trial, urged hnd produced testimony te show that Hureh owned u nun mill cirried a glut eus when en the I'lillman car ridlns from Chicago te I.es Angele. tluiclt, it was further proved, hired a roadster from an atitomeblle-rcntiugngency, giv ing a fictitious nnme. Twe hits of evidence seemed te con nect Hureh with the crime, nnd enlv two. One wns that tire mnrks similar te thece ninde by the hired machine were found near the scene of the mur der; the second was that the speed ometer showed it distance trneled that night almost exactly that between I,os Angeles and the scene of the murder. This was rebutted by Hurch's state ment thut he hnd gene te another town nearby, which was at a distance ex actly te bear out the record. Search for "Lucky Penny" Ended in a Tragedy ' At her first trial Mrs. Obenchain I testified that Kennedy had called for her between .'5 and 4 o'clock the dav of the murder nnd that she hud gene with him in his automobile te the bench at Del Itej. They remained there for supper, leaving nfter the sun went down. They metered out by the Glen read and stepped at Kennedy's cottage te ' see It tlicy could tind the "lucky penny" Mrs. Obenchain said she had hidden there seme months before. She hnd been there, she testified, with her half sister, (Jlenys Sninrt, and a party of iriemis some time between the previous ' January and May. She had picked some flowers nnd had hidden the penny. She showed the flowers te Kennedy pebbles, but ceumiii c nuu it in the dnrkness. Kennedy, Mrs. Obcnchain testified, held out n ring te her and begged her te put It en and mnrry him. It was a w ccuiing ring, she said. "I refused te wear It," she testi fied. "I refused te go nwny and marry him. He begged and pleaded, but she still refused. He would net tnke her no ' for un answer and saiil he ineiigiii ne ceuki persttnde her, i ne en in n He kept talking," she testified, "nnd then I heard n voice say something. I didn't think it was Helten's elce. but I wasn't sure. "I called, 'What did you say. Hel Hel eon?' And then there was a shot. I heard Helten say 'Geed night,' and then 'Mazzlyn, nnd then nnether shot." Mrs. Obenchain climbed the steps nnd there nt this top found Kennedy's body. She says she bent ever him. ? "- "-s STV tfgg., "' .SW"" Arthur Burch buying cigafa from convicted slnrcr in jail et man and woman guilty. The case lias been crowded with interesting iand sensational incidents. But apparently the death of Ken ndy is no nearer solution than it vs the night the murder was com mitted, when n hysterical woman ran after a iias-ine motorist nnd begged him te return with her te e If Ktinneilv ctill livml , .. r .. 1 q. .. "" , , 'College ijeve-iuanmy CI "T. Ended in Marriage eemn,,,., ii T ."", ..-, Un, h elll!ll(.nttn-H reputation ns! commanding ligure, Ralph Oben- f(U. character as well as scholarship. in, hmband of Madalynnc Me was e bachelor of arts nnd at the Tl,ftn,.i, . , . , ' . time he met Madal.Mine a senior In the ineuRn pcihnps he has suffeied Inw .innl. lie represented his fra mst in the months that preceded trinity, l'hl Kappa Sigma. In Inter and fnlln,.. .1 i i fiaiernit.N affairs. He was one of the nuiouewcd the crime, he has mur- lm,t ,IOpulnr men in the university. i toured least. His wife divorced him Obenchain tell In love with the pretty le thnt ki, : u .i 'and popular cj-cd. She returned his mat she might marry the man llfll.t,el,,i HIIll Wie hP wns graduated.! hn .... .it ... ... v au siain (though the marriage lr took place), and In dune of 1014. their engagement was -., i '..?... ...... ..i.. .i....... .. -.. ii . Vn Ime llliueuiiceii. 1 01111111111111.-1,1 unn- ...,. J CI llu lius i .ii. ,,-,,,i j .mil lii ilin ful nil Inir i . i iiti-iiH.'1 - .-.-... by her. ' September their engagement was broken s given her net enlv his , 0""a. i,.... .. , . i-hi morslppert but his active physical where he took up the practice of his a"d financial niil rmin.r fi-nm CM profession, trying te feigt the preitj . B K Mad.ilj tine in hard work. Although he "go, wiicrc he is an attorney, te Les did net siuceed, ii wns in keeping with Angeles, thnt tin ln.i i nf r his chaructcr that '. left her In peine. ... .. 'iM, ,1,1,1111 i u inmirrv k entrance 'ftn.. i i ,. I Ot'II l Hint linn luiinu,, n viiiin.ivv T -. . .--. - - iPunsel tuble and aid in her defense. mm the war. Obem-hahi was nulek te n ''os )"wvl' and when he arrived teunsel Lns even mere than willing te B her once mere, nnd obtained Hpse te de he, that she might Wp the comfort and the moral P'l' of his name nnd belief. marriage in Jail 'hiked by Sheriff luil il(. iciimrrliiB 9 at enlist. He wiih dlschurKcd in Decern her. 1D1S. He learned that Madalynne was In I.en Angeles and 111. The premptings of love were stronger than Ills resolution te accept the break which had occurred between them four years before, nnd he hastened te the Const te see her. Mnihilvnne's line for Kennedy, inline. IiniwKeiiie nnd n member of n yJ8HL'' x vffiijfflpESflW ll v ''l 1 lbir!iK VVHjK1 .'J?y )l-g--S8li W$x 'wh& j' VsHV ' iNied3HiR g OBENCHAIN rJffiMM0ffil ASSASSIN'S mMSkmumiimumNMalp zUBiS&WWMCmm&mm place MMKniTMr fiNnfBrfMWTii 1 7 i 9HMa!lir 'f3naflr WMilfwfWMy&SiM lfraHP''mliF fmMiMim ' MlilF '' MM---laff 'MWimWMnrMfSSafmma 1 S9r M mmSBm i mimFwm WmBmm Mi Wmmmf & MlitmM:m TOPwwrLr nR; i&$&fv&$zteam PwffJnMMmiLT-li Kennedy's cabin where he was slain away with n lead of bucKihet. A woman neighbor, u he hnd hemd the su,K nud sum sue saw the Hash of (hi sem. ran out urli her husband and sons. (im. f ii,,. i,j ,,. fmli tH(1 shotgun shells en the mad. Weman Says Burch Was Driving Near Crime Scene This woman nwghber as one m the damaging witness,. ngninsi Madah nm and Iturcli. Sln tciifini iim, .1,..' 1....1 seen Hui eh ,lrhe past tin house earlier I "u" " s('" her Fie was mere thnn willing te abnn abnn den his practice in the Chlcnge courts thnt he might give of bis energy and knowledge of the law te save Mada Mada rleus charges ngulust li tin in connection with thi' conduct of his office. Krbstein. ready nud a tighter, met the denunciation by the District Attorney with a scathing ariuigninent of the lat ter's 1 enduct In office. Krbsteln de fended himself, saying lie hud been tried twice en charges, of "jury fiMiig" und twice had been acquitted. Woehvlne has a reputation for being a bitter fighter and twice had at tacked opposing attorney physically. Krbstein had just come thieiigh an 1 operation at the time of his appearance ' in the I.es Angeles courts. Up is n little man. but full of spunk, lie de clared publicly that if he were in physl cal condition te light with his fists' he would net let the DKtilct Attorney's weids go unchallenged. j The trial, long diawn out, was re plete with unusual incidents. Kven the dream element was brought into it A witness fr the Commonwealth ,,." tilled that en one occasion sl,0 hail told Mrs. Obenchain of vicing her. in n dieam. sitting b a count r read, with water sutging toward her and n proces preces sion meiing along the mad "I knew xaith what that nn " ,1,.. second testified Mrs. Ohenehnli, 'nid. "I feel semetiiing I going , M.n , iM. ten. and added that she felt 'Helten would net Un. long." Alie her w linens f,. ,j,0 proseciilieii wns fei tune-teller, who tctille,! .Mrs. Obenchain had vlt,, .r , , whether she wnnlil me,..., 1 .... 1 , t, ,,,.,. siieei in. i.nier me tertuiie-ti .'lis iiDcucanhi niil In. in Mrs. Irene Smith, who says Mrs. Obenchain asserted Kennedy was killed by bin own parents In an attempt te kill her her te mnrry him secretly, but she refused te become his wife unless his parents would consent. Old-Time "Leve Triangle" Becomes a Quadrangle l his was tlie slate of affairs when Hiircli entered upon the scene. He Inn been In love with Mailalyuiie at cellege: lie still retained his affection fei her, lu her unhiinnliipsN nvir Imp niTiiii. mil Kennedy she telegraphed lii.n te cenn nr 1 M-iiiii- ill iiiitinit ami !,.. hiiMlmud both snfd thev had seen him pas again after the shoetln- Tim !... tense produced ivitllcss-es who contia centia I dieted these steilc. ! Mrs. Obi'iicl.nin lireli. iim n ...i,... plctelj after the sheeting She wa taken te I s Aiu'eics nnd exanumd b the Distiiet Atreiney At lirst no suspicion attached te In r Then, little by little, clrciiinstiini e nm-n 1,1. .,,,,!., ten. er said, ought a leunif Whom she cnlleil Iti.l. uin-r ins, iisMili. Ih.i 11.1 . something f vnrn bl.. -1 . I.i ... T ,." f fine-tellerebllKHl by saying' t ", elemuity that the lei.ng cimple sheTd inuirj each ether. Denounced as Heartless and Frigid Vampire Tin tasi wciii in in. m nf.er , ..... ".' Jl". ""., out which made ,,e Commonwealth Unneh, one" f .' "' ', ". ; ' ; suspicious. en(. f tli- ft grnie Attorneys n fel l,,..s . ," 1,1 causes for suspicion s.rangeh enough, a woman w he I ." ,' , '' " ' Un was her story that Kcnneih hadcalhd her beck and ,, f , , Ul l .0 her, after he was shot, "(leml-nicht. get out , ,., . '',."' " ...s . .Ma7..lvn." uslnc 11 iini.in ,i,i I.... ,.- V ., '." eecmieii Mh,. she urged him te see Kennedi ami seek a solution of their difficulties. This was several weeks before the murder. Hureh took a room hi a hotel just across the street fiem Kennedy's efficii, se situated that he could wutch Kennedy fiem the window, lie spent hours watching the man who had fulled te mum Madalynne. A hotel employ 0 testified thut a woman hud called en - friends had called her at college a ,, ,, .haVis" ', X,? ,' e , '.i I Th' (orener's physuian nt l.e- for murder . lhat si e ,.,fc 1. , 1 ... A"1 Angeic- after a ca.eful exam.tmtien in hid, ,.," ! ,r,. .,!'' m . "'I. Il,0l,,h of the body announced that the hmk- Itulph (ibencha.n w as ",. . ... she , barge had damaged ,, f ,0 I1II111U ,,, ,,,, l,w"K,1,Tl . "V. " , lira In which contiels . nmetien of in ills m,.i . .,,,. Il"l,1 i -Aa.X'TOSi aita-"Air :& S !ES . ""i ne- iiis.iiiii niier ne wns ,ite I Mint. .Mis t) chan stud; te h nn dominated lid C wns 11.. t I. .. ..f.i t...l.. 1 " liiuii 01 ciiucr .iiiiini ?n "r li,.- husband. The Sheriff WUSpll Im I, ,, 1 .i 1 I I'i-iiiiii iiii-iu 10 iiu ii-iiiuriiv-u .fiA1111' At her lirst trlnl one of the iiiV ? J01' u, "'"te referred sneer- IV 1 '. . ' Oheilflinlii nu n "ilnnrumt." 10IIIIC wealthy family, already had become the; uurcii the day of the mauler. The I biggest thing in her life, Obenchain 1 Commonwealth lentended thnt this was net Inke miked with the girl about It. Kennedy's Mrs. Ohencheln. The same empleye Ohfiichnln ns a "doormat, nnrents disapproved of her, and there seemed Utile hone that he would go against their wishes. Obenchain urged her te become engaged te him again, premising te make her forget Kennedy In the wealth of -iffectleu with which he would vrii ) ''er. testified that he saw Hiircli Ic.-ivlm- tim lintel nlene the night of the niurdei, about 8 o'clock, carrying a package wrapped In newspapers. The papers, r he State tried te prove, ceuceuled a shot gun. , The Commonwealth, In Burch' trial, when hi- called that night, she snld, and when they went te leek for the Penny It wns partly with the Ide.i of proving te him that shu really had been at the cottage. m2?!ir. hunc1 'or the penny for a few moments, she said, under stones end Diagram of scene of sheeting ways carried. He hail the pistol, he md told her. because of a fear lhat her husband might try te "get" him. As they iieurcd the top Kennedy asked lier te wait a n.eincnt while he went uu te the cabin and made a light. He climbed the steps ahead of her. As he climbed ha kept talking te her. S.'10 said she hn,i s,rn tn ,. . m and badly dress,.,,, I)v ' , after the shot was fired. Thei had tied jway. she said, nnd llttl,'-later "he " " nil liriruil I irilllls V nn.n 11c I; se lentrii .ul nn. I stnrv. I1.111.H..P. rt.iii I... 1....1 :n. 1 ... 1 """.' ' '" "UI lie is perfectlv "(.mi.i.i8i.t.-Mni,n uui m" ""ili;t.r:,(y,!:M,",,B f,,r i,er ". Burch and Weman Ai? , ""'' 'n.ni1" ' objection t0 the di- Arrested and Indicted mSTiZ i'.'c !" ISA Mrs. (Ihenchuln ll.mlly wiu nr.ested Kemudv" ,!?1!mT ,r!',"Mn nr,,,.,n,l 't and luiprisened in the I.es Angeles jnil love lett'ers B ' "" Wr,tln" blm Xr"',h,e.!(in ws kn;;i t,;feiimir,,,ml "i,bv nni r . the tram nt l.ns ft.,,s ,,n bN 11 1 11 J"" de or net, but It shown hn.lc te Illinois "N ,U1J ' duly nne Obenchain had no icgard e? Mndahune wanted te be tried f.rst. g 1 "te" ViHr " """ w,m ,,l,Vp l"e" but Hutch wns tii-st hnuigbt te trinl i V. ,, , While she wal.ed In pifseu ! ,. , , " '! ''' " '' -I'". surprised weid te her dlveiced husband H "' ben th,. jury dlsagieed Hhe had . , The big. seileus.faced '.,, i . 1 "' . "'J nrV:""al, " '""'"n't "f"l ' yer. still In ln with tlie Biriiin ,,i "' '. ,""." ""'" ,un "nrec. . it.il 11 ill, -111 iiiiiiiiin i.inn 01 miiruer. H .,!i- -w UKrl;lca,&hu,;tivxgnt,;;;i!: ..-. !' "uu nvi nuu lUlincl Ivtiiii.eil.. Bfv nm. -.. ,......' -" ". vau r1a I. 1 1. . . . "v -- J ni.w nup iu riiHCU tl riftVln ln..1l v .. .....1 . .... ,... ..,.., iuc iik e, nis head tern' te his death, hasten,,! t t.: A",'.r" . ?."' w,"u wl" ,,, enl trla brfn. accuedA J r xi i n tn Ai . i w - i! Ill ill III is! IB .1 rtWlc , . w v. njiieifi. trnpr 11 t ..ii, 1 y.A t- 4 J.L Atf.SfflS- .'l"Al. IhWp?-.i?WII1 .L' TTTT V Wfr sft -v, 4 L?i'$KYVtv. , fiSv. , .Hi,