OCR Interpretation

Evening public ledger. [volume] (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 23, 1922, Sports Extra, Image 17

Image and text provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045211/1922-08-23/ed-1/seq-17/

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r-ri -v
. r.' j
r j
- w,- j f - ' ' ,vr
Semi -Pre Teams Will Be Buy TWslvfening
" 1 - ' . . , , i .i ) f.
i ,
Montgomery County League
Champions Will Try te Beat
. Ryan's Nine Once, Mere
mWILIOHT beg trill har pfenty te
1 kMp them bear this evenln, for
leml-pre games are Bcneauiea in erery
Kctlen of the city"
Three big contests will be the fea
tures en tha vmt swe.er tee Hcnuyism.
And all of these games will be close and
there will be plenty of action.
Stenehnrst makes a flying trio te
lAMdale' te meet the Montgomery
County champion In a return game.
Nice Ryan's towers' entertained the
rtnsdale crew last Mendaynlght..when
the former's new field was opened at
Forty-eighth and Walnut streets,
jjuudale wen B0 Btenehurst is out
gtrswbrld'ge & Clothier meets the
Sphas for the first time in three years
en the home field, at Sixty-third and
Walnut streets. It will mark the sec
ond game of the day for the Hebrews,
who meet the Bacharnch Giants erer in
Camden in the afternoon. y
Colonial Ice Cream will be the guest
of McCall Pest, American Legien, en
the old Harry Mackcy Club grounds,
Forty-ninth and Spruce streets. The
Colonials hare been setting a rapid
nice lately and will be out te beat the
cx-ierrice stars.
BttneM Entertains
The Philadelphia Royal Stars.'one of
the crack colored aggregations among
the independents, Is scheduled te give
battle te Bclfleld, en the latter's grounds,
Chew street and Chelten avenue. Bel
Held lm't going se strong at the pres
ent time, and the colored lads have high
hopes of winning.
Bridesburg takes en Stcnten at Phil
Ellenai and Musgreve streets. Billy
Whitman's crew hnsn't been feeling
right since the North Phillies defeated
It, 18 te 3, a few nights beck, and is
auXlUUB IV wuwynu i lung winning
-.ual. Cltnnftn ihntiivli nun't inf
IRUVaa. MMJ.iiwM, wvuBuf uwvDi. . tim.i
' te be the stepping stone for any ether
it-, ...... n ...ill ,. .... . ali
CluO BUiacz, mi iu yui uu a ugiil.
Greenwood Pest, American Legien,
will leave the home let te oppose Purl
tan at Second and Clearfield streets.
Beth teams have been going along at a
ntee clip lately and the game should
be Interesting.
Rtetaead Giants Hera
The Richmond Giants, the famous
colored team from Virginia, is here
again. The Giants will stack up against
BUI Rudelph's Seuth Phils at Bread
and Blgler streets. On their last trip
hut the Giants took a pair of games
from Hllldale, and beat several ether
sta&ar Philadelphia teams. The Seuth
Phils, therefore, will have te be at their
but te emerge with a victory.
The Germantown Black Bex are fea
tared against, the Columbia O. C. at
Frsat and Perter streets. Beth teams
ire fortified with plenty of star play
ers, andthe game Bheald'be entertaining
for every one present.
Ltollt'e IWIH
m. mi iirrriiix win iiuuiiiiii, tn
thM?' .n.!ne P ""H 'n the 'limelight
by holding Chappie Jehnsen's, Royal
. lu.mi o-ie-i score, xne coierea
lead, but can-
team grabbed off an earlv
Blstent playing by the home team en-
awea tnem te 'come within
the score.
Allows Only One Hit and Billy
Whitman's Bridesburg
Team Wins Easily
Meet In Kllmlnatlen Game for East
ern Beotlen Title This Afternoon
The Harrliburg Motive Power will
pay a visit te Forty-fourth street and
i'arkelde avenue this afternoon nt 3
o'clock te meet the Philadelphia Ter
minal in an elimination game for the
Eutern region baseball championship
mis ircuusyivanm syBiem. Alter the
taitern region championship is decided,
the winner will battle the winner of
the Western region title for the W. W.
Attereury Cup. emblcmntic of the
Pennsylvania championship.
Te date Philadelphia Terminal has
fiualaated the New Jersey region and
M-uuru region iiueneiacrs. i Harris
burs wen the right te meet'the locals
i eraimg wiiiiamspert, 0-1, last
Jack Brackenridge, former Phillie
weser, is leading the Motive Power ag-
RiffAtlnn nflnln.1 ni.i. a ULI-
Iniir. T -J.. -"""I. .- euiuu a crew.
spim.,rlUi.4t0w!th,,n m ' MeHve
iZtJl' ZJir "" xermer Atnietlc
iwlrier, will curve them for the locals.
yy Ball Players Net Guilty
Jin.. Ant. a.X vtrdlet of
iurntxi jrtnuraay or a Jury
let Mltv .i
irfln thtW of
lilt bibail club
- -T--
'OHvlll blbill elnh rhj-.rt with
in law by cl&Tlnr Himdv hut.
Today's Independent Games
And Results of Yesterday
HSSft"! -.
H'i'ij'f American Dilate . Ghleas.
TTE5z!r,Z i' PWlMetefcla Tcrniaal,
Km. Tth " avtSsdl
Pit) ua"raeh Otanta, Camden
ai iuii-..r25." a " rUWm.
. V,JL "PTt
anEJ'KL f ""'. Ch-t .tee.
FhlMBltna and
caathlar, Bfcrty-
Bane an Clmr-
drsz pSSn.
ftffi.Olaiita al SeilnV dtTjkai
at Sprlns
asa.,.'ti. mviaioareMaaB:
Bldsa at Wlltew
S2"? vmr tniAi. " """
rr&! " rt0"lbte a -
"Jlfife-ieSX rXP2ZL '
w atrwt and Orccnway aremw.
aJHaf. It WUdwead.
vlmr. A i v ..
v..!f.',-llrir. Si MjJfl. .
te-war.rai' 'li'. liwi.. .
:rnt m. te"-""!1'.-, t.
Ir'aaay ' iT.' a"l VWIIsib. 0.
& . ImS!?'. ' ywwty.iilitli Vard, S
eViil,rrA',,uSl.Bl'Hr'a. . "' "
-' - . a.
n, Jex ""e was In grcatxferm at
Ulchmend and Ortnodex streets and the
'Vldw(l A. A. get only one hit,
wlilly Bridesburg was wlnnlnn n semi semi
PrebaBeball fuss last night, 7 te 2.
The twilight hornets were out In
droves and were treated' te a game
marked by wonderful twirling' en the
part of Leslie. Besides' allowing only
ene hit, he fanned ten batters, made
two blngles, which accounted for four
runs and issued three passes.
After winning seven straight games,
Shanahan was nosed out' by J., & J.
Dobsen at Forty -eighth and Brown
streets. B te 4.
St. Barnabas ran up Its winning
Rtrenk te thlrfn hv alnnnlni. t,& A.np..
bishop Ryan Catholic Association at
Bixty-nith street and Elmwood avenue,
The Seuth Phils and the North Phils
battled te a B-B tie at Breau and
uigier streets. Even with "Jeff" Tes
reau, the former New Yerk Giant, en
the hill the home club was unable
te wallop its way te victory.
---"- --.., iiiu uuiuQ-iuii arum,
Tailed te mnke a hemeric wallen. but
'Lieflrhnr" HrlrAa finm tlii.Aiia.ti .tt
circuit smash, co the 0000 fans en hand
were net aisappeinteu.
Eddie Bennis Germantown tessers
were tee fast for the Camden Black
Sex, at Chclten and Magnelia avenues,
and wen with ease, 17 te 2. It was
a farce from start te finish, and the
colored ..boys from Jersey never had a
A large crowd was en Hand te see
aiuneuur.se get deck inre a winnmic
stride and hnnd n pretty lacing te Dick
eiuiiu a x-aunucipnia x
After seven innings of
Terminal nine.
rtf nlntttMa !...
--" ... ....co vfc u.ujauh. me
ctenenuret was found te be a winner
by n O-te-S count.
Flnlflhlir tVnmA tin tflAt. tmn.a.amn
Beries with Stenton last night. The
lnrners, with Orieshnbcr en the hill,
Bcerea a o-te- victory nt Twenty
sixth nnd need streets. Manager Powell
esBnyed the task of pitching the Ger Ger
mantewners te their second straight
win, but the Fleishcr batters were In
fine trim and pounded him for ten hits.
Johnny, Scott led the attack with three
hits, au singles.
Charley Drueding's Drueding Bre-
m run of
nma want atilvaul
nt HApnnrl uti.t rn4tJij aAiAa W.A.M
n large crowd.
. At.'r-th8 0,d Yet Bead lub had
.tallied five runs In the first Inning -of
their game with the Westen Club they
were stepped for the remaining Vight
Innings. The visitors therefore get
busy and by pushing ever four runs in
the ninth inning get an even break with
the Old Yerk Read Club. Gallagher, the
hurler for Old Yerk Read, made three
hits and led the attack efHhe home
. n
Cardinals Get Frad Tene '
Ht. lanl. Me., Au. 23. Vrtd Taney tn'
s?:v..r. feSiBt,!iirii!i'' whoff'tnasT'Leui.
National obtained by waiver from Boaten
a week ase. will net report te the Cardinals
until nejt aen. Branch Rickey, manaaer
of tha Cardmali, announced nera yeaterday
en his return front Nashville, Tenn., -whre
ha conferred with tha pitcher. " y
Forty-eighth Ward en Tep
by the acera of 11 te 2
Ferty-elshth Ward made Its'hlta count
rcHierunjr. unmui). in ureenwoea A
I. 0. OJ'F. WINS, 8 (0 5
eata Xlden A. A. In Speedy Semi Semi
Pre1 ball jQame
The Geed Samaritan I! (K O. F.
Ne, 89 wen a fast' scbl-pre baseball
game Wern the Aldeh A. A. 'last eve
ning by an 8 te B count. McCarty
twirled a geed game for 'the winning
team, while Lnrsen and Austin were
the ether liars. '
Germantown Win en' Track
Oermantewn. Beya' Club .track-' athletea
took a leaf from it he book, of tha awlmmera
and they," tee, handed a defeat te,the athletes
usntneusa nova-, tiue yasteraay alter-
k. k ,..rjiil a l.i en ,. ,A
rrKay nlfht. tha Oermantewn Bey's
Ijtat rridav
Club wen. the dual awlmmlns. meet, 8S te
11. In the hbu games, played se far
this year'hetween the Llahtheuee and Oer Oer
maneown Juniors each team has wen a aae.
' ' Filipine Scores Knockout.
New Yerk Aur. 23. Flllpe Fleres, Fili Fili
pieo llfhtwelaiit. Jcnecked. out Bddle Clif Clif
eord, of-Brooklyn, In. the fourth round of a
lcniind mntrh.a.t Kbbeta Field laet nlaht.
Frankla Oenare. of New Yerk, wen tha
JudsesV declilnn ever Tanohe Villa, of the
j'mi ppine. ,nnre weisna iii ana villa
109U, EddloBradyeNew Tork featherwetaht,
was slven the luda' decision ever Babe
Herman,) of California. , s
The b&
for every ade -
w& vet full
of pep and ginger.
1 1
Anheuser-Bu sch
Whelttalm Diitributen
24th and Race SU.
RACE 3485
' I
i t '!?; ,iff
Economy Basement ecials for Thursday I
' i. - i . a, . frT
f LJlUJ-aMvJ
m 1 f betterments hpteud i
M The One Perfect Radiator Cap for FORDS L
saaaW ... 4 .BaaaHnsaBaBaBaBBBBaW BaBBBBBaai
H PXW ag.Kg.llg.llg.11. tf-ltW gslA
saaaV aVsWaaaa BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaaBB. VfN BaBBBBak
ssmlrlSBK9tj20s M
I . -Screw SNAPPY CAP aaal fce, ;Pfi(lPiBQa aJea M
' forever through with lnthe,fiUf LfF U
your Fertl radiator. Caa't seercfi7 ..tti.L kM
your flagars any mere then I Ab4 .r Btmrnnrnm m
it won't 'Yreeze" Int radiator M
though it's for keens. m
1 BEAUTIFUL! Bright parts of M
brilliant, deep nickelllnf i black parts rich, m
glossy enamel that cannot flake off. Press -r
trigger, and strong spring snaps cap open aaw r
Instantly. Press lid down, and radiator is IT
-sealed absolutely. VgafaV''
Bnilt like evervthingsBethlehem nutkes
top-notch quality I Leeks like an extrava- h
ance vet costs the merest trifle I See . h
NAPPY CAP and you'll beautify and m
better your Ferd, tee! K
H 1 TTv VE MIL. k
I LIONXef our slut V
S I v are flrlnit en all csra gft
aaaa ai a$. A.a. - m- aaaa
, ZZZ HI VI I ShftYV" Vackaa (new
Assam M I llllsalallai ana P4'IW ataaeaH ea Utter). m
jT. saal inyBlsfVaVTlQinak thhitts OaaraJitasd atalnat B
MSOBSMm WatSaaaaaaaan I lisaMilral 'aVS eamiaaa aaark-alug B
SHHKff . MsaaaaaaaasaaaM UmUIIMH' IWl I W' I HL treuMes. FORD type M
ll V H tlL? 'T " Ne. S model cells K-
saaaaay I saal flsfaBaW I everywhere far tee. B
I , . I I Owr--As GoedA Plur As EvcrFiredl M
fl WW 9 fn9M H WrsiLtg 1,","'i"aaaaiBassSBBaSBaBBaaaaBBBa H
I I I liM In Itself
I I IB '- Compact, powerful, utility set that
saaaHsaamr handles 9S? ef all nuts ea all cars,
aO ft I aSfsBBaKvVX Including Fords. Ask for ,
asaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaa H e H (""",re .aalAXawk sCrn I rH rfsaa vaaaaaaaal
I Tit, I a-4 law r I I t AlZiCatS (PyL This REAL Wrench eeeses In
ltllZ,IVirLlllV I v xa.TV. nt leather-like caie. com- .
I "''lJlVJltW V iJKX Pleto with Ave sockets-
Audist25a I vT:rf
' S2 aVaW-l" f
1',?linhaJJlaVe if ?"'.t m.n. for (F "
I Sddfix)iT?80te95 I B SSStd.SX&
" "' bi Urun taineTe tbem for yen QUICK. Vv M
m am -" iiiae inesei write your Jekber. a?iaBBr
m r ui direct, for detail! and prlcci. , V" ICy
aa gv car or cxp.nenc bb aa. .aw
I of th. city l. bur I , BETHLEHEM SPARK PLUG CO.
. i
i i
VJflha) sfk VVTlV
I Hi
saW9mVsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH '
n Extra-Size Day in '
Muslin Underwear
i Af Remarkably Lew Prices
. Wnmon'e T.innrerip Plnfri
Extra-Size Gowns, QQ
Special at ou
Finished with embroidery and
Women's Extra-Size
Envelope Chemises A Qs
and Bleemers mv
Tailored models.
Women's Extra-Size
Envelope Chemises ftQp
and Drawers OV
Lingerie cleth'nnished with neat
Women's Extra-Size Nainsoek QQ
Skirts at ..'....-: VO C
Finished with ruffle of embroidery and underlay. Cut
extra full.
SNELLENBURCS Economy Basement
aaJKLxl -,1
efi-l nyc) . .
fftfjSm Njl" kLUt K
0 1
. Corsets
Marked Down te
Half Prlcel
Ci.fin WnmAn'fl
am: $1.98
Great Values in
Beys' Suits for Scheel
Beys' Scheel
Suits, Special
Twe pairs of full-lined
knicker pants of geed qual
ity mixed cheviets and cas
simeres. Splendid for all
round geed service. Sizes
7 te 17 years.
Beys' All-Weel Oliver
Twist Suits, -Q OK
Special at.... &
Blue serge with two rows
of white braid en cellar.
Sizes 8 te 7 years.
Beys' All-Weel
Km1 $4-95
Medium weight, dark
mixed cheviets. Sizes 2Mt
te 10 years.
Regular $2.00 07,
Beys' Tub Suits. 0
Oliver Twist model; plain
blue with red cellars and
cuffs. Sizes 4 and 5 years.
Beys' Washable
Knicker Pants, KK
Special at oelf
Sizes 7 te 11 vears.
SNELLENBURCS Economy Basement
Girls' New Fall
Scheel Dresses
Specially Priced Very Vnusual Values
Checked ging
ham in several
charming styles.
Seme are collar cellar
less trimmed with
chambray, while
ethers have cellars
of contrasting col
ors. Just the thing
for the kiddies te
start school with.
Sizes 7 te 14.
i.urHei.. ......
Medium bust and girdle
ten. in nlain ceutil and
broche. Well boned.
rnrsplpf tes nf. . . .
Broche'elastic.inaet. long
skirts, garters attached.
Sizes 32 te 42 bust measure.
Clearance of All Our
at Sacrifice Prices
Men's Percale Shirts'
Special at 9eC
80x80 count percale, soma
printed madras and a geed as
sortment' of white and, some
tan shirts, all absolutely per
fect.. Men's $1.25 te $1.50
Muslin Nighty HA 0
Shirts '
Geed quality muslin, Bccends
of durable wearing materials.
Surplice necks' with plain white
and fancy braid. Sizes 16 te
Men's 25c, 35c and 50c Semi-Seft 1 Cn
Cellars, Each AV
Webbing cloth cellars will net wilt, shrink or wrinkle,
in four geed Btyles. Seme of the well-known Delpark
cellars in the let.
Men's 25c Neckwear, Special at. ... 1 1 p
SNELLENBURflS Economy Basement
Choice of Natural Maple
or Green Finish.
SneIlenburgS Economy
$1.50 Girls' Colored Organdies QQn
and Dotted Lawns at 0L
s A "jronderful assortment of colors and styles. Charm
ingly trimmed in various ways. Sizes 7 te 14 years.
SNELLENBtiRGS Economy Basement
Rug Specials
Frem Our Remarkable $200,000 Sale
Priced Exceedingly
Check Percale QQst
Bungalow Aprons ,U1
Finished with piping of
contrasting material, sash
and pocket.
Check Gincrham
Bungalow C1 AQ
Aprons Ll.fKJ
Finished with rick - rack
braid, sash and pockets.
Big Bargains in
Prices cut at least one-third; in some cases
mere than half
Silkeline Comfertables
Regular $2.50 Value at $1.44
Regular $4.00 Value at $2.50
Regular $5.98 Value at $3.98
White cotton filling. All full double-bed size.
$7.50 Silk Mull Comfertables QA QK
at, Each tJt.OU
Silk mull tops with plain-color borders, white cotton
fillings. All brand-new patterns. Full double-bed size.
$7.00 Pure Lamb's-Weel
Comfertables at, Each
Covered with best quality percaline, with plain-color
sateen borders. All full double-bed size.
$12.50 Pure Lamb's-Weel Filling
Sateen-Covered Comfertables (fcQ CTA
at, Each tPO.DU
Plain-color sateen borders. Full double-bed size.
Silk Comfertables
Regular $22.00 Value at $9 45
Regular $25.00 Value at $1245
Regular $35.00 Value at $1845
Beautiful fie-nrerl sllL- n.. !.. 4. ...!iL ,. ..
borders ed Jap sHk back! Alie a' parSaE
group wren Brocaded sUk tops, plain borders and Jae
silk backs filled with pure lamb's wool. P
bNELLENBURGS Economy Basement
Specially Reduced for a Quick Clearance
Reversible Fiber Rugs (fe pf
Japanese Grass Rugs JK.T5 ill I
She 9x12 Feet JJJ
Let will net last all day. Ne mail or
phone orders. Nene te dealers.
Grass Rugs
At Phenomenally Lew Prices!
9x12 d7 QQ I 8x10 QQ
Feet. P VO I Feet. JpOye
Seamless Velvet Rugs, 1 Q QQ
9x12 Feet. Seconds pl7eOa7
Weel Face Tapestry Brus- " 1 H(
sels Rugs, Size 9x12 Feet. . PllWl7
Pretty all-ever and Oriental designs. Slightly
imperfect. Will net last all day.
High-Pile Axminster Rugs, 40 QQ
Size 9x12 Feet. Seconds M.0J
Genuine Cerk Linoleum,
Square Yard
Twe Yards Wide Werth, if Perfect, $U)0 sq. yd.
This is a special let of 3000 yards that we have
purchased from one of the best linoleum makers-room-size
lengths. '
$2.00 te $3.00 Inlaid Lineleums
Cut Frem Full Rolls
$1.09, $1.29, $1.39 SCT
Choice patterns te select from. Celers melded te
back, inaurinlr anrilnaa van T. j ....... .''V
v'iec?n(U' 3NELLENPURGS Economy Basement
Very Special!
$3.00 Pure
Worsted Slie-On
Sweaters, $1.49
The popular garment
worn by every one at any
time anywhere. Exceptional
SnELLEnIUrgS Economy
Special! $1.79 Bleached
Seamless Sheets
at $1.25 ea.
"Eventually" make. Made and sold only by us!
bNELLENBURGS Economy Basement,
Extraordinary Values Keep
uy m uur August
Furniture Sale
$60 3-Pc. Liv
ing-Roem Suit
Mahogany or walnut with wirlns
sents covered In tapestry or fumed oak
r-overpd In brown muleslcln
Buy Toweling New!
6500 Yards
Regular 25c
Yard, All
Linen Toweling
at 16c Yd.
Thick, absorbent nnd lint.
less.. 17 in. wide, natural
:oler, with asserted colored
ilai7 aitcZ Phene Orders
Given Careful Attention.
98c Sefn Pillows A 1
al, Each, Al
Well filled nml nnu,iv,,l
With JTOed Climlitv crfnnn.
and poplin; round and oval.
$1.25 Lace Win- rTQ
dew Panels, Each '
2 yards lener henutlfui
patterns, exact copies of
Irish Delnt nnrl Tlni.nnle
curtains. White enlv.
Biaamaat I
$30.00 5-Piece Decorated
Breakfast Suit, $14.95
e fitne
$30 Solid Oak
Buffet, $17.95
Gray enamel wltJ) hand-painted floral
$12.00 All-Cotten
lIattress at $0.95
$35 "Chiffo-
robe" for
t 11
$13.50 Metal
Bed, $7.95
2.ne centlnunus
imat with 1U tiller
uprlchu. All refu
tation mIzeb.
$3.50 Rustic
Arm Chair,
$10.00 White
Crib, $6.49
fftrL ,'TTFt
$5.00 Perch
Rocker, $2.5fc.
$8.00 Steel
Feldins Cot
and Pad te
Fit at $3.95
Couch Beds,
Complete w I t ll
doiihle )iuittrexn8j.
,., "a wmj iray. SsaaV
ONELLENBUReS Economy Basement
2. .
rv.ii .
ytvy.v t;a. $Wi
"'-Vl .
t , ;.i $' j.t Xi
yia At .

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