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Vol. I. WASHINGTON CITY, PRINTED BY L HARRISON SMITH, NEW-JERSEY AVE^ Five Dolls, per ANN. THE BEECH TREE'S PETITION. nr I'IIOMAS CJLMPRELL, Author of " The Pleasures of Dope.'' Thrice twenty furamers I have feen The licy grov/ bright, the forefl And many a winter wind he. In blooralefs, fruitlefe fblitude, Since childhood, in my pleafantbower, Firft fpent itsfweet and fptative hour— Since youthful lovers in my lb Their vows of truth and rapture paid, And on my trunk's furviving fi many a lon •; forgotten name. Oh, by the fi ;hsof gentle found Firll breath'd upon the fai id— By all that i.ovk hath wlufper'd here, Or. BEAUTY lu-u-l t.'l'ii ravifli'd ear, As love's our ah ir, honor me— An.l .pare, oh, fpare the beechen 1 GONRAU 85 M'MUNN H-WH pened houfes of entertainment in the range of huildinjrt formerly occupied by! \w, a .out two hundred pares from the 1, in New JVrfey avenue leading from thence to the Rail fh ; ranch They are rpaci i convenient, one of which is defis-ned for .1.:-m p(1 travellers, the other for on of boarder*, there is Oi iefii i. Nt for 60 hor lea .—They hope to nil rlt pi blic ps»rionajrc. Cjty of W aihiflgton, Nor. J4, 1800. JUST IMPORT' IN the fhip M'ffiuri, via Philadelphia, ani' now opening for .-.!.■ .it the Sunfcrib Mc Jeife.y Avtnue Capital Mil1, ■- A General ITortment of Ironmormery, ut uiilery, Brafi Wares and Builcfng Mm. rials. \'iio»ur which are the following Aftlcl Iron, f v,ii.r pans, chaffing dilheg, Bnfs iron a.i.l } ~ patent metal re.i kettles and fauc. -vi s ; jappaned.tea trays, wait ers ami Oread b.'rflc.rts, fad irons, wired up Jack--, Sweeping Icrut ',i-i.,. hearth and (hoe hrufhes ; M .fi 'irtatic il lellrnmr-; filled with ivory h milled knives and forks, Crud tlaa.N, ' fEtu cafe.gjmill, pite and crofs hutt Snws. 56, 28 and i,iih Iron weight" A)f.> icah beams to weigh from 5 to 10 cwt. er :.•) end HENRY 1..*; 1.;. Novernker zarh, iSoo. A GEN tbafroall femil;, Town, or • to Mr. CI toufe of I\. je. - 2,€. \\ ASiii NG I ( )N BOOK -STOKE. R a pink. Con :: a n, Comer of South B. : Jerstj Avenue, mar the I T T-'WfL jufl received, ao/l for f.ih- at thcahov, * •* (lore Letters from ,i xander Hamilton rniflg the public conduct and chm John A.lams. Ef.i. Prefident of the United .States Alfo, j.ift opening, a choice affortment of booVs in Ili'lory, faw, Medicine, Divinity A-rs unci Sciences, Chillies, School hooks, No Biography, &c. &c.— With ■ itlortment of Caper royal, royaj, I de iy, and foohbap writing paper thick poll. Mnr & common wrapping paper, hi quills, walrrs, fealinjr vviix. ink powder, red j black ink bjaclc 'end pencils purchir.rir, la, «'ng cards, blank books, he. &r. •II \vM,;l they will difo.ife of At the very lowefl prices Public officers and ofhers who v favour them with rh.-ir c. havin.. the /trie-left attention paid to their oidevs. Nov. 17 th, 1800. The National Intelligencer > WASHINGTON "ADVERTISER. With you, Gentlemen, I finr<-reiy i'< of ninov: |) maj c.d, that conn, ent parts of this nation and govern you 1 trui!, der tin •me proi - wif of our citizens will delivei itbnal compacl unimpaired, to a free. To this end it 11 r, the .tins of wiiil"m ma\ ■ pen, and the flreams 1 OW. 1 lore may the youtl of th to the monument 1 morials of the dead. but to the f llk In ing, in th of go for iiie.'lie.l mod ; tfanfi r bu nan nature, and lay the only foun forth* -.- or duration of Empires. JOHN ADAMS. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1800. WAS HI N G TO N CIT V. E RID AT, November 28th, 1800. REPLY of the President to the Senate. Mr. President , and Gentlemen of the Senate. For this excellent addrefs, fo rrl'; to the memory of my illuflrious I which I receive from the Senate of th.t U. States, at this time, and in this place, with 'ion, I pray yon to ac cept of my unfeigned acknowledgemcnta. With you I ardently hope, that permanence 10.1 (lability will be commui as well to the government itfelf, as to its ful and commodious feat. With you. I deplore the death of that hero and fage, who bore fo hon id efficient a parr eflablilhmentof both. Great ij have been my gratification, if his lum of earthly happinefs had been com nmentthtisp ably convened at this place, hi But while we fubmitto thed of Heaven, vvhofe c.ounfels are mfcrutajife to US,, we cannot but hope, thattU mem bers of Congrefs, the offi( ers m nt and all who inhabit the city, or the country, will retain bis virtues in lively rc i>n, and make his patriotism, morals md piety, models for imit 1 I thank you, genti yrur aflu feveral fobje&s for I tivc confideration, 1 .1 in mj communication to b- - eceivc from the Senate, a deliberate and candid ' - - n. City of Washington Nov. 20, is. yes tc the ( qf the United Slates. To.JOHN ADAMS, OF VffS uxir.:n .vr.r ri.s. SIR, Reprefentatives have n nunica- pleafed to make refs, a 1 the com- Mll. rove miner:, i .'unibia. i •v : and we ■ -dies with yours, tha' ts arid virtue. Ne> :,]■, ('oor, to life, in er the D I 'embia, v. il ipe our fct :entipn ; nor lhall we forget, that i-: cifing there powers a regard muft be t< thofe events, which will neceil'anly attend the capital of Aincric .. The cheerfulnefs andregularitj with which the officers and foldiers of the tenipoi my have returned to the condition of private rt«, is a tellimor.y, clear and conchi ii\e, of the purity of thofe motives, induced them to eiurage in the public fer vice ; and will remain a proof on all future KXafions, that an army of foldiers, drawn from the citizens of our country, deferve oui Confid nee and refpecl. No fubjeci cm be more important than. ; the judiciary, which yon have agair recommended to our coulidcr.ition, and it (hall receive our eaily and deliberate atten tion. The mnflitutionnfthe United States hav ing confided the management cf our fi iations to the ponttoul of the executive power, we chec fully fubmit to its decifion >n this importantfubjecit. And in i to th< tions, now pending with France, we lincercly hope that the final refultmayprove as fortunate toourcountry as the mod ardent mind can wifh. So long as a predatory war is carried on fl our commerce, we fhould D the interefts, and difappoint \\ tions of our conft' is, ttiould w moment, relax I i of maritime do refulted in fuch, bet . fleas. At this period it is coi . heved, that few perfons can b<- found with in the United States, who do r, mit, that a navy, w. 11 A, mull con naturaJ and efficient defence cf this country againfl all foreign hollility. The which has been made in die manufacture of arms, leases no doubt ie pnbl r ic patronage has already placed til need!',: eign markets, for an article fo for defence ; .: us affu -ances, that underthe i meni which i-overnment will cent mpprtant pbjetfl, we lhall ibon rival f countries', not only in the number, but in he quality of arms, compleattd from oui own m '<'.n v f;.cAories. Few events crmld have been more .1 our conftitueiUs,than that great and apid increafe of revemie.which ha: arifen from'-,' t taxes. Whilil this event linsthe great and increaling reibujrees four Country, it carries along with it a proof which cannot be refilled, that thofe meafuresof Maritim. which un, i dculaud to m.'et our enemy upon the ocean, and which have produced Inch ex our Comm founded in wif.'.om and pol mini null in our opinion, he infcnfible to the ilaineft trutiis, which i. i m the oil which this ppli( y ha; .laced om Country. That nation;, i which alone could vindicate our c . i has been roul'.-d, and I hich ii h! :u.t been fully known t into vice ired to me<. , which national honour or na ity could i • luch h Is important, in other refpe&s. Whilfl mai it' theearth have been impoverilhed an1 ■!, by interna! Commotions, anc national cont, lis, our iutci> —cur cpj tended, under the pre.uef.ion of OUi navy, to « »ur Seaports, and the labours <■■ eve been r< vviideJ I najket tor the prod:- 'oil. .!, Sir, that the various, andim e.rtant iubjects, recommended toourcon ly and deh our co. 'V'ure which may b ilcul : our on our part, to teftif • '.ndu'dry and dity.a'ch, the zea ncerity with which we i-apud the public ,ood. I 01 . Paid In Advance. ing n Mr. Speaker, and men cf the House of Representatives*. Compelled by the habits of a lomr life, is well as by all the principles oi' and government, which 1 could ever land ami believe, to confide* th< body of the people as the ..H le ntimate authority, no lefs than of aHeffi cient power, it i to re- C ive this Addrefs from the immediate re i •wefen the American people, it this time and in emo tions, which it would be improper to ex prefc, if any language could convey them. May the fpirit, which animated the great founder of this pity, defcend to fu ture generations, and may the wifdom, inimity and fteadinefs, whi-h marked the events of his public life, be imitated in all fiicceedinjr aen s. 1 think you, Gentlemen, for your affu rance, that the judiciary fyftcm (hail re ceive your deliberate attention. Wit] (l! n, I fncer; Iv hop?, that the final u-fult now penclii, ~\c as fortunate to on.r c< Ontry, a c been comroenced with fmceiity, and profecuted ; caution. , that i'o long as a tcrywarisc con merer, we fimuld fatriftce tl c in • point ' ; of cur tor.flitnt.eits. fhould we for a moment rck.:: : f maritime fucbbei eficial efFeiks. With you 1 qonfi ri'ons ivr to be found withm the Unit who do not admit, thai a navy, well conflitute the natural and -. of this Thofe who recollcc'l th. diftnTs anddan gers, to thi erieds, from the want < in the affurance, from theii s, that we Hi,ill foon rival fo ts, not only in the number, but in the quality of arms, ■ fcoXB our own nr.mufuctc- With you, G I fully i oof that the ru ere founded ii i< railed us in the i tions. That national fpirit es, v hic'.i had not been illy by t' to -,e< in fo md, feme of'heir cff cts : Our fellow were it, which nat i. -i al Ik nour or ! i ;nal fecurity could r it is to be It pt ft If not, they v. ■ red at more c:-.> erne. I tlunk you, Gentlemen, for yotn rfTe rance, that the various fuhjecfis, recom ided to your conod. ration, {hah your deliberate attention. No farther evU lence is wanth rity, with which the houfe of re- C t rod. 1 pray y< v, C-u.tlcmen, to accept i befi wifiies for your he>lrh and I ■DAMS. \V , 1800. CONGRESS O F TH E L' N I T E D STAT ES. NOVSJ; OF REFRE<EX<rA7':y&S^ WEDNESDAY, Nov. 26, 1800. The :r. into a ccmmi'.t he v.': | Vr.t". ', Mr. Pauksh in - which was read by paragraphs, and i .e'e without hit, , t of the <, i-Tim* up, ( i.l on the quell ion to a- Mr. Nicholas M-ett i