Newspaper Page Text
cm, they fee., no other ;• than iiv.ii as may be obtained thai and no con I, r. >f j cellent men, w I iab!idled. On the i •n, that the be!'; are d . or marke 1 out for defti elated to the humour or tags of one man, who is often the Iby •heworft; honours, riches, dignitie;, difpofed : wilt, and Ids fa d only by obfecrtiiotfs relpeft, or a pretc tion to his perfon, together with a fervile obedie ids, all a] tion to virturm!,-'actions will ccafe ; and no man caring to renci-r himfelf or chil , fnch re to have them will, by little in. eruption, fcurrility, and flattery, our to make way to them means true merit in a (holt tin* d, as fell out in Ra it, the Cxfars began to r< 17AT10X.It INTELLIGENCF. /,'. The appearance of the NATIONAL INTEL- I.IOJ^NCER has been protracted to this day, by the unavoidable, though iiiiaitfit'patcd embarraflT ments atti ndtng the removal of a Printing Of fice; 1 fie veffd, which contained the greater part of the materials, failed from Philadelphia on t! . 20th of September ; but did not arrive in this City till the 15th inll. owing to her having been drivn on fhore by the violence of the rate itorm. f his information is fdven to remove any cenl'ure that may have been thrown upon the E ditor for his unexpe&ed delay. Tut Editor, at the commencement of his du ties, confiders it as not improper to flats the na ture of the plan, which he intends to purfue, and concifely to notice the principles by which he pro pofes to regulate his own conduct, a 9 well as thofe Ly which it is expected that Correfpondenti will regulate theirr. Various phlitical opinions divide the civilized world. 1 hefe opinions in lone; cafes aie diffufed by the prtfi ; in others!)-/ the fwnrd. Ainidft this rollifion of hcft'le fentiments no farer faftgu.ird of human happinefs exilts, than the libety of the Prcfs. 1 h<re is truth in the declaration the venerable C.) of 1774, who in theiraddrefs to the Inhabitants of Oncbec, fpeaking of the freedom of the pref*, fay " The importance of this con " fiiU, betides the advancement of truth,icience, " morality, and the arts in general, in its diiTufl " on of liberal untiments on the adminiftration " of government, its ready communication ol ' thoughts between fubjects, and it* confequcnti '•' al promotion or union among hum, ' whereby oppreffive officers are (hmned or in " timidated into more honorable and jnft modes " of conducing affairs." But while the f'.ditor claffcs with our dcarefl rights the J iberty of the Prcfs, he is decidedly ai to its llcentkadnrfsi As, on the one hand, the conduct of public men and the tendency of public meafiirca will be freely examined, fo, on the other, private cha racter will remain inviolable, nor fhall indelicate ideas or exprefhons be admitted, however difguif cd by f. tire or enlivened by wit. No fentimeuti whatever, on the prevalence of which the general good depends, will be exclud ed from enquiry and difcullion. Guielcd by this pri jciple, the editor need not caution the public again il afcribing to him, a belief in all the opi nions which may occafionally be fupportcd, or a difbeiief of thofe which may he op]>ofed. For as he means not to furrendcr his own fentime tits, lb he does not expect that thofe who write for the National Intelligencer will furrender theirs. In the adniiflion of compiled as well as ori ginal articles, it will be his object to be im parl ill, and to exhibit, as they txift, the varying opinions and aefcions of men Let it however, be confidered, that impartiality doe* not confift in the actual admission of as much political matter on one fide as the other ; but in a readintfs to infert articles of merit on either fide. Aware of the equivocal character of i-kotss tioNs, and convinceel that the public ji will be formed, as it ought to be, from :; in which the National Intelligencer fhall be ictcd, the Editor wilPadd only one i His Paper will be vvr ei.y American. It will he hit effort to promote the true interefls of hi' own Country, uninfluenced either by for tachments or enmities. The i-oi.f.owjNi; are the terms on which the National Intelligencer will be publifhed, UUJ joini d to which i« the addrefs which accompanied the Propofal Papers. i;l. The National In' i blliocmcer fliall be printeel three times a week on good ccmi paper, and with a new type, id. The annual fnbicription fhall be Fry* DoL jars paid eonP.antly in advance fy all fub fciibersnot refiding in the City of Wafhintrtnii, and Six Dollars paid by thofe who rcfide in < ity ; iv wfiich cafe the payment fhall ht 'naif yearly. It bcinjr uodet flood that fub fcribers, refiding at a eliftance from the City of Washington, an: invariably to pay for a year ir! advance, and in every fuch cafe the tranfmifliori of the Paper will ccafe as foon a> the period fliall expire for which payment fhall have been made. Wo paper will be forward ed in any inflance until the money is actual'y pai.l. 3d. All Letters to be poft paid. The Editor of the National INTKi.Lir.tN cr.R, .iiuprelfcd with the erreat importance of the prefent crifn, and with the ftrong 1 of having ex;idudrecl, at the feat of the I Covei- ! u-r» that may claim the of being ulli'-d, by difljid er unpervw o entei upon the arduous duties hich fucb II ;,].],ri: aof tie expence and ex< rfion which fuch an tihibhihnienf But la: cwnfldef in the prompt i n, ' Qergc'tic co-op«iration of the friends of t.rutb and of their country in the different parts of the Union. As it. is bis firm determination, thai nothing fhall be admitted into the Naiiokai. In rr.i.i.iokncrx, whiehfhallwound national,or ca lumniate private character, l<> it i* his unalterable purpofe freely to inlert, and earnemv to invite, r fbill promote the general welfare, i his, and this only, the motive by which 'ffional deportment fhall be guided. Hitherto, in the management of the UNIVER SAL GAZETTE, the Editor has confined him I'eJf, agreeably to the original plan, to recording as they occurredi with out little anisiad verfion i<r effects : and a 1, to rclnting thofe ol others in his own. '1 he Univerfal d on the fame plan ; the only chance that takes p ace, will arife from its being printed at the feat of government at Washington, mitead of Philadelphia ; whereby its value will be appreciated rather than impair ed. With rcfpecl to the National Intelligencer, another pint willbepurfued, • Over a faithful anil comprehensive di tail of facts will prefide a fpirit of investigation, a defirc to enlighten, not only by UA, hut by rcafon. The tendency of public meafarts, and the conduct of public men, will be examined with candour and truth. la addition to the niufs of information, formed by domcAic and foreign events, and efpeciully by a detailed ftaternent of the debate? and proceed ings of Congrefs, as mucii OtiVhial matter will be furnifhed as the exertions of the lalitor (ball be able to command. And if la. be not deceived he can promiic the readers of the National Intel-! ligencer, an or;>u», which Hull communicate the! language of truth with iccuracy, with dignity, jnd with fpirit. October 31ft, 1800. The NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER i this day prefentedto the Public, [t is the first Paper printed in Washington j and from the vicinity of the Rditor to the Capitol, the li-at of the public bodi expecd ! to furnifli the ear lieft and mofi correcd liberation1.. Th '' national affairs is deeply interefting, wbi unda ted in relation to oi'r in' Situation. Fully imprcffed with I' times, and fen good or mifchief m;.y be ■I by the virtuous or vicious appli '. er with which public . inverted it, truth and truth Ilea!I be the guide of the Fditor. In many inftanceo he will doubtlefs be de ceived. Rat in all inftances a conscious r.efs of error will be followed by a candid enunciation of it. The defign of the National Intelligen o diffuse correcA information through the. whole extent of the unio the whole extent, therefore, of the union, it mud derive the patronage that Qiall fustain it ; and every friend to its plan is invited to promote it, by ma kino known its nature and character to his fellow citizens in his neighbourhood. For this fole p'urpofe, not in the un worthy fpirit of folicitation, it is'inl to forward a few of the early i. to citizen;, of ivfpeclabijity ill the fede ral date;, who are requeftcd to ufc their goad offices, if they confider the Taper worthy encouragerneht. OcA. 31ft. 1800. Public Sale of Lots, IN WASHINGTON CITY, WILL be fold at public Auction, to the high eft bidder, on Wednefday the loth day of December nert, at William Tunnicliff's Hotel, lONEHDNDßEDLOTS.iituatedeaftwardofthe ! Capitol and near to the Eaftern branch ferry. 1 he' terms will be one half cafh and the other half ac ~6a days on notes negotiable at the bank of Co jlumbia fatisfactorily endorfed. An indifputable title will he flivon by GEORGE WALKER. Washington, November a 6. WASHINGTON HOOK-STORK. Raimxk, Conrajj, 8t i o. Corner of South 11. Street and New Jersey Avenue, mar the Capitol. HAVE jufl received, and for fale at the above ftorc, Letters from Alexander Hamilton, concerning the public conduct and character ol John Adams, Efej. l'rcfident of the United States Alfo, jufl opening, a choice afforttwnt of hooks in Hiftory, Law, Medicine, Divinity, Arts and Sciences, daffies, School books, No vels, Romances Biography, &c. &c.—With a good airortment of f'uper royal, royal, medium, demy, and foolfcap writing paper, thick and thin pott, blue & common wrapping paper, bell Dutch quilts, wafers, fealing wax, ink powder, red and black ink, bhck lead pencils, parchmcu*, play ing cards, blank books, &c, &c.—-All which they will difpofc of at the very lowcft price*. Public officers and others, who will pi if: t< favour them vdth their cuftom, may rely on having the ft ri etc ft attention paid to their orders Nov. 17th, 1800. : i'lU), the fliip Mdfouri, via Ply'ladtlphia, ami now Opening for ale at the Subscriber's iStr.rc en Lew Jerfey Avenue Capital Mill, Square 690. A General Affortment of Ironmongery, < ut lery, Sadlery, Brafs Wares and Building Mate rials. Among which are the following .Articles. Iron pots, frying pans, chaffing difhes, Erafs iroo and fapand Candle-flicks, patent metal tea Kettles and fauce pans ; jappaiied tea trays, wait ers and Bread bafleets, fad irons, wiri'al up Jacks, Sweeping, fcrubbing, hearth and ffaoe bj Mathematical inflruments, mahogany knii filled with ivory handled knives and forks, Cruel (lands, ladies drefling cafes; mill, piit and crofl butt Saws. ?6, 28 and i^lb. Iron weights. A)i" kale beams to weigh from 5 to 10 twt. at an end HENRY 1. OLE November a.ith, 1800. CONRAD & M'MI'NN HAVK < pened houfcs of entertainment in the range of buildings formerly occupied by Mr. Law, about two hundred paces from tin Capitol, in New Jerfey avenue, leading from thence to the Eaftern branch. They arc fpaci ous and convenient, one of which is cj Tor ftage paffengers and travellers, the other for the accommodation of boarder*. There is ji. i bleage fufjicient for 60 horfes. They hope to merit 1 üblic pattonage; City of Vv iilhing-on, Nov. 24, 1800. A GENTLEMAN with afmall ithcr in < i die City, during the Seffion ol ■ - 1' . ply at this Ofhxe,or to Mr. Gl Door keeper of the SloUie of Her, efenta- Nov. 26. IAFO R AIAI7O N W4NIE T). A 1.1-X/.NDIIR INNES, a Matter by trade ' » was fometime ago on board the Conftella ti<jti frigate and was in 1798111 Norfolk, Virginia. fie haj not fince been heard off. His fnend would be thankful if any perlons who l.r.r-.v any thing of his fituation or refidence, would com municate it by letter, per poit, adeireffeei to Ro bert limes, jun. merchant Eaflon Pennfylvania. P. S. Printers to the SouthwarJ of Petmfyl viiiia are requefted to give the above a place fo a few times. November 28, 1800. i* hereby given to all whom it may V concern, that two Trails of land belemg ing tei CharlFj Gk jvntit lying in the County! •f Pickering in the Miffifippi lcrritnry, and adjoining land belonging to Adam Bingaman. are attached by a Foreign attachment at the fuit of Jofeph Calvct for a debt of a 063 dedkirs 50 cents JOSEPH CALVET. Nov. 28, 1800. * OTRAYEpon (STOLEN A BLACK MARI Owith a white Streak down her face, with a bunchy Mane and tail. No other particular marks that I know. About thirteen hands hi^h, shout twelve years old, very heavy made and in good order, FOUR DOLLARS reward and all reafonabU charges paid if left either with the Subfcriber, or at James Timmons Libert) flrett Baltimore, By JAMFS USHER, Grecnleaf's Point Wafhington City, Nov. 10,1800. ,3t- JO H N ti Al< N ES, FROM PHtLAJiELPHIA, H-'» juft opened for fale the following articles at his ftore eppofite Mr- Scmme.'s tuvcrn, in Georgetown, a general alfortment of Fresh Teas of the jifs^ quality, viz. Imperial, Large Id) lon, Youn^ Hyfon, Hyfonfkin, Souchong and Rohea. SPICES. Nutmegs, Mace, Cinnamon. ( loves, Four bags frefh AhnonJs. LIQUORS. Madeira, fix years old, Dry Sherry & Port, Brandy, 4th proof Jamaica Spy rits, and Holland Gin. CorFEf, Pennington's belt refined futrars. With a handfome allortnicnt of gentlemen-'* fafhionable London Hats and trimmings. He has likewife for fale, ten cafes well af forted Si ationahy, coiifiiling of writing paper e>i different qualifier, Quills, Wafer*, and Ink powder, in packages from 80 to ißo,do lars on the moft rcafonable terms for cufti or approved note?. Englifa and American playing cards, Paftebrurd per grocc, \\ rapping paper jier ream, A cafe of 7-8 and yard wide Irifb. Linen per piece. Nov. 14th, i3oo. BOA RDING ano LO DG / AY;. *T*HE Subfcriber refpectfully informs the mem. A btrs of the enfuing Congrefs and the Public that he has taken the two houfe.y in fepiare No. 690, on the New Jerfey Avenue oppofite thi houi'e at prefent occupied by Thomas Law, El'cj he can accommodate either tingle Gentle* men e>r thofe who have families. '1 he rioufeswere finiihed lift f r <riog,fo that no danger can be ap prehended from damp wall.. He has Stableag* for levelyl horfts anil two good Carriage houfce ROJ3IRI W. PBACOCI' City nf Wafliinpton, Odluliir 31ft 1 ««. IV ASIf ING TO N CI I T. MO ND Ar, !h Iff, 1800. By ?. Gentleman, whol ft Lanca: [Pennf; l. ania) on the 26th ull • th. t i h id not then agn td on .be mode of iln one w proppiition bad b« on of the amendment of the Senate, asfta- I our lad. In our iall, it was ft; Cod i for Ivlaffacbufetts. h is not f — Jonathan Mason istheperfon airfluajly eiiolen. The error in heincorreft dutement of ;i fioiton Paper. CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. //ot'.vfi of \ Tatw !■:<;. The foil > •: ap pointed iu'the- Hopfe of Hep-, viz. Oft ng of M< HVs. S. Smitl j&rt, Muger, Pai (.- odrich, and :die; of Ml ' [.. VVillian d, Mpbh ni fon and Claibm ne. Of Ways mid Means, M< firs, Gri; Powell, - Unlay, N iim, Taliaferro, Woods and Sjrfilie. Of Revival and unfinisht i . ri,.:t, Evans and A Of Claims, confifting of Meffi J. C. Smith, J. C. 1 I lolni' i, and Bartlett. The Committee of Revhal and Ur.J, (d business, have rEpovted—'ii part, That they have, examined the Journal of the I;>Q find that the following Bills and Reports were then depending t and undetermined— to wit, BILLS Which originated in the House of Representatives. Making furthettprovifion for the r\ perfons impriioncd for'debts due to the . May 13, IHi/O—l netl by the Senate i ually to pro\ icle for the n aJ d'-fene •, by eftablifhing an uniform mili font the i ai;es>— April 21, I'BOO, poftpohed by the Houfe, 1 the Lit Monday in December, 1800. To revive and continue in force an aft, in led klAn aft for eftablifhing trading houfes with the Indian Tribes;" May 14, 180P— Poftpotied Ly the Senate until the next feliini). In addition to the aft, intituled " An aft granting lands to the inhabitants and fcttlers at Vincenncs and the Illinois country, in the Territory north wed of the Ohio, and for confirming them in their pefiVdions ; May 14, 1800—Poft poned until the next ledum. For eftablifhing ;i military academy, ami for b mixing the Corps of artil lerifts and < ngineers ; April 2!'., 1800— Poftponedby the Houfe until the firft Monday in December, 1800. To authoriie the Secretary ofthe Trcafury to leafe certain falt«fprings, the property ofthe United States, in the Territory h-weft of the Ohio ; May 9, 1800. Poftpoued by tiie Houfe until the firft Monday in December, 1800. Regulating the grants of land appropriated ' for the Refugees from the Britifh pro vinces of Canada and Nova-Scotia ; May 14, 1800—poftpoued by the Houfe, un til the third Monday in November, 1 800. fo provide for the fale of certain lands be -11 t'.ie (ireat and Little Miami Ri vers ;-—M..y 10, 1800—Poftpohed by the Senate until the next feffion of (ion '■!'«. _ For erefting a Maufoleum for (. Wafliington ; May 12, 1800—-Poftpo ntdby th until the next fcflion. roV'tde for the more convenient and tneftual adrmniftratiou of Jidlice in the Unired States ; May lit. I.Boo—committed to a committee ofthe toufe—Not further afted on.