Newspaper Page Text
♦REPORT Of S '.,'. On c f ibj f s with tl < Indians; April 3r2, 1800—irde 1. ■ on t;- The report enum a ..i reporfs oj c, no. acted upon ; and th ales, t tbei' ii, that all -\ hii h w< re de i>; and undecided at I Gongreis, ought to be taken up and upon by the Houfe, as the Id : for by any Me nber, or upi application of the individual claimant or petitioner. Monday, Dec I, I The Bill for compenfating, and extend he privilege of franking to, the ite from the Territory N. W. of the Ohio, was read a third time and paffed. Tlv; 0 lem >'n ••• < '<' r tntes /•.'■ in Ik \ infert ed this day in our col of our rtfaders, as po ; the plain narrative ofthe life of a mart, - tathn fprang from his ufufulnefs, unlike io tin d of thbi iiad' mortals, wl ofe glory is rel from the mifery th?y intiift • kind. The celebrated Picl i x, re prefenting the battles of r, aie d to be hung up in the G ill llt Conful. Th? iaft accounts from India mention, that a flight of Locufts feveral miles in ex tent, and fo thick as in whol !. to obfoure the inn, had paffed Malda, Rajemel, and Hjl nately for the terrified thha ii boui Hop ping. From Helebts tlwy direfted their courfe along the Jem'na, towards A ra ; in the rttjighourhood oi' that city tliej are •o liave elefcen I id, and to have total ly deftroyed the; vegetation of the diftrift, London pap. In England a mo 1. has been difco of manufafturing paper IV,mi St: ~. I of llrong confluence, and though it retains ■ the colour cd' the material from which it is made, will ferve for packing pa: printing bills, and fuch otl • It is lam d, t!i be fore, that ibis invention will be red ; ■ h • pi efenl a! ■■ and" monopoly. i • Pru'Ui in I a . . in <v dit bis difcoveries, in tl - a that he to \.nd it at ii:. I >us tii ■ pound. • i the put] o i of ink, printed or ivrii - paper of every i''^'*, and re-mam it in the ufual en agreat n, pro mifi s to be of canliderall public, by converting to i menh mafs df waile paper, which is ( • to be found ! and thus, we hop the price of this moll ufei'td article, vyhich liar, r( late lilen to I'm b an ej tra\ height as to ;m])e'Je very materi ill) vancement of Literature. A patent ha .1 for this difcovery. Paper already printed on, is now l.uly bought in at the rag-lhops of I countries^ to be re-manufaftured by I per makers. News-papers, old books, un faleable books* canal; ' to a white pulp by the prood's —It is thus dcfcribed in a • journal: (iboofe paper of fimilar h be ufed together. On on of paper pour five hundred weight ol boil ing water. Stir it continually with, in dented paddles until the whole is reduced to a pulp. IV iin ot!" th - water throu opening covered with flannel. Pour on frefti boiling water, and repeat the barring with inceffant induiiry. Such of the < ne ntparts of the printer's ink, as are not fq luble in water, will fink, to the bottom ed the vat gradually, and the pulp will aflume a whiter and wilder appearance, and be removed in {hallow pails to be Fubi tj the ufual procefs of manufacture. This fortunate dileovery will be the grand de fence of pofterity againfi fuperfluou tedious books. The quantity of paper (luff may in ano ther manner be, increafed. Infl f.imr tinder from rags, it might be as in France, from the agaric of the alb. The fungus is flicedthin, dried, beaten witl a hammer until it becomes very ■ and boiled in water impregnated with salt petre. In this ftate it readily catches fire from the fpark of a flint, and is fold very at the (hops by the name Amadou. id, the1 ,v burnt for tinder mij lit be preferv d. J PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. 1. inc;a st £ ii, Nov. 24. GdVERNOR's i'a th - Senate and House of ■'■ » ofthe G< nerul momutalth of Pennsjhania. G EJJTLEBI EN, In proceeding tola-, - commons i all h, I - n from an opportunity of '.on-vratulatinp you, upon the health f.; city of Philadelphia has enjoyed, during the prefcnt year, 'is well a« up hic.h aliened', ent I'll l| flowed upon our country. Tin Of the date, relieved from domeil ■ md external out rage, prom i fes to revivi ill its energ^ and enteqjfife. Her ai Uiral in,'.'jury has been produftive beyond die experience of any formerpri iod : while the-progrefs of population and fettl (notwitbftandiog an impolitic difco )'.■ nt of migration to America^ 11 tbi r territory, the •* irts and advantages of foclal Id,-. Topre r and to improve a lituation thus pro pitious, will certainly demand and •' v department of the nmeht ; but from the legiflatine, in particular, much is expefteU, and much, J im pcrfnaded, will be performed. i 1)-. ious, that .ni the judti ii!--.-, as well as on the faithful adminiftra tioii of our municipal inltitutions, ni pond the order, fafety and tranquility of the -• m nittiity. 11. nee, iv b; occafionally t" review tie. regulating our police ; to adapt them v the ine\ itablc mutation of bum or! to amend them ai ufefnl leffe.ns of experienced With this view therefore, permit me > you; liate coniideration, .he proprl reviling the exifting '■. ion to ! ileftion ;, to courts ol , and to the i nili ti a. ■ law F I elec as been found - the qnal.ificati 01 the pro .In the "I" ■ ;l ■ , and oth one hand, this facia d right ly pro • invahon, it v. ill be allowed, Ibould red, en- t >lora! d, b) v. hii > of a particular c sii •>- em ifs their opponents ; jwhch the conftitutional franchife of a fin a dificdeba. ; deftroyed. Tt is referred, tjs»refore, genera wifdom to devife a rem that have been dated; but th . in a fpeclal manner, to i lid, to ob%iate i: Ily created, ref] y cd' aft; of naturalization, courts of Common Pleas. Jhavi :, conlidered thofe i conftitution and ju'rifdiftion, to Courts (though not Supreme) as v, Didrift Courts ; and consequent! powered by tlie aft of Congrefs to certificates id' naturalization : but, on a queftion of fuch ii , to fo many . you will, probably, deem it expedient to pals ad<el . ~ On ibjeft of eleftioi tikewi arally attracted, prefent feffions, by ienccs, toy want, of a permanent law, to <\ he maimer of choofing Senators Unite. t appointii nl and Vice* 1 Adv Courts of Lav . will re copula ties, have :. duties i exiftinj ice. An addition in'j a I tion o( th maj be made to fup to fubtraft the of errors and appeals, yon a ill d;t'.!."i-iine. The confutation contem- I ait.; to be \. salth : And b licit - iotr. idui ii i fail i fid I t bink, ren rviee to on (litut li iin of Jurors, which, >o. \ icithtude ol party influence, b pinion, fliall operate lively, v. fivor', and . judi c. In our penal dions can, at tin .' ed ; but i to their) . barafter of; . incohfiftent with the fpirit • ity of . that I in inierous and eifeftive en-' our militia (the fireimlh and, plej amounting, on' ion to ab< A report of the quantity] ■ public • ifed will be laid I i oi Irate, who to lie induced, or compelled, to de to the Brigade Infpeftovs, and an officer appears ncceffary, for the fait keepinj iperintendi wihole of them. Notwithftanding the jn of die legiflature in their it will ly to give ai'diti nrd powers, to the Brigade fn'fj eft rs or t > the deprdtincntof acconn s fertbe pur] :be ac ich conftittite the cadj the militia. Some nude fiiould, alio, be pref rib' d , the Jud res of hi iild be pi ua ci ol ligatie n of an oath eh is w ell oned ; and it (■■-. in i. -11f • mity to th< i vdi. n be made, f< r ifiuing commill firj plj -v ii,'m if ieven yea I la\ing I ons into 5 "in % i :w, and caul; Fnl knowl miniftration cf a free j ;ovei mi ntlemen, to remind you i \in i'.u , v 1 hal iftature conveniently may be, pro by law, for the eftablifiinK fchools throughout the date, in I'm'i man ner thatth AS'ariother import- tinftrumentj to of th< cit . d b) s units will be taken during thepr a report e>n (I ':ir.g tl it of our -... fides .in the d ~ 1 truft that you ■arm.nent pro\ ifions i highways, more . ■ ,c. The bufin of the Board oi' Pro liner to the ii nity. Some fhould bt , i to compel perfons holding lands' ! locations, to appl) lor paten:.; ami you can not be : taking the proper precautions, to avert the danger, that menaces the pro perty and peace of the ftat.e, from a colli fion oftitles in the if (la; . Toi theft" i bj< els of legillation, permit me to add, tl oi feflton it will be ilea ■ choofe a Senator oi' the that the conftitutjon rfcquin unent ofth tation in the Gel '.die to the' num : t ixable inhabitani the returns of enumeration which will be tranfmitted to you, as foon as they arc re ' ce'rv Since the laft adjournment of the lature, the duties eh s rive, have b rmed> In •! new (louitties, how ever, fome difficulty has occurred, (which • roper to obvia : e'dion ofthe Judges) in relation to tlie validity of ommiilions of i , whofe re does not continue within [be boun dary of the county, for which they were ileal. The fale of the ed to the State, d between Market and Chefnut ftreets in Philadelphia, has been made to the Univerfity of Pennfylvania, in the ir^and'on tlir conditions, preferfbed, die (;, > uting liberal com] vi ily at W ionium;, have their arduous undertaking, yon Will p*i ce'r. v.- by their report, that inch pw of an early and i • the buiiiuris. it may, however, be proper to pro I to the parties to declare their aceeffion lo : ms of compYomiie. Gcnt'nuen ofthe House cf ■ Officers oi' Accounts will 1: 'J a detail of the Finam •', ny, in general, to infi iin hat on til?, iird clay of Oil I all, there -was a balance of eight nd three hm.cbvd and fix.*? •'• firy, wliieh our various fourci i -me will, praba c course of fuing year, aitgihent to a fum oi' ed and four thou land and fe • liars. Ik fides, however, del' • s of government, payini ..;<• e-ii the cootrafts for arms and various mifcellanecus appn ill be: neceffary to providi difcharging the ino;cty cd' the fo&n from tin Hank ofiViiil'\dvan'rti, Which will be the full day oi April next. 1 you will difeover a confjderable defi< perhaps to a fum oi c i; :) to fupply which you will be • rtine; to amedc. or to a fale of the public ■ State ; but, I am a the arrangement cf . v will be equally attentive to iiu l dit, and ufeful i ofthe Stni if, ovd c of R<ep\ i ious other document ics cf this mi ffage, t\ ■ will prefent for your information. . eral Lir.d ie ads thai i,:ience cf thi it .nutations. J mil. thar in t! ■fe nrunicatit i ' -fs of a fine ere • we Ifare of the ftate, • rations of to expedite the tranfaftii nblic buiii•• THOMAS M<KEAN. THE SUBSCRIBER i i-. In George Town el?' the City of Washington* Viz» A BRICK MOUSE & LOT near the Trnj j-\ on tavern 5 the terms of payment as follow, one half cafh, the balance in 6 artel 9 montl the psreha-fer giving notes with approved indor ?crs. —ALSO— A number of Lens unimproved ; one lot nTjn\n'mg the above, 47 feet front. 120 bach ; 011 a lot on the caO fe way, near Mr. Joleph l'eck'c building, 26 feet front by 12.5 buck ; cue fourth of the l<juare in 1 homa< Bc-ah's addition tQjGee rgr 'owe, on an elegant eminence, it being parr of thii fqtrare improved hy Mr. William Smith ; alio, a lot in laid addition, k bc-itig at the diago nal corner from the place- of icfnleiice of Jofipit Nowrfe, Efcj em? lot in the City of Washing ton, Iquare. 164, fronting North K. flreet 66 feet 4 inches hy \o fee r 10 inches on Connecticut oveiiue, containing 8295 fqnare feet, with c fpring of excellent water tunning through laid iot. *>11 the ahove» property will be difpofed cf on 'he. moll reafcfiable teems, and indif) ut^hle tuic» will he given on the purchafe money heing paid. JONATHAN J.v Novenih."r rj, 1800 RI). FOR Apprehendingatid fecyritig in any Coal, fii that the Subfcribcr gets him again A Ncoro Man named Nace, ran away lonic time in the month of October, aged I hirty year*, abemt live feet high, light complexion, we hair qneued, nw. 11 let truncky fellow. I hsve ca-iie m believe he is in the Ciry of Washington. ereffary todtferibe his Clothing as he will have it in his power to change them. I will give TwektT Don.A*f if tein miles from home, I'm -. . y if twenty miles, and the above reward if a greater diflancc. ZACHARUH SOTHOROjN i Charles County near Benedict, Oeftoberji. PRINTING CF EViCUY EF.SCJUFTIUI* Executed by SAMUEI 11. SMITH.