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The National Intelligences Vol. I. WASHINGTON CITY, PRINTED BY ! HARRISON SMITH, NEW-JERSEY. AVENUE, NEAR THE CAPITOL. JvVi XX,. Five Dolls, per KLNMEL's CAVE, IN GLAJtfOaGAHSHIRE. (From the Rev. Mr. Warner's second walk) " Half way down hangi one who gathers Cmi ],hire." "Though the cliff do not prefent tot. eve fo formidable a dsfceut as the I one ac Dover, in the animated of our great dramatic bird, yet it is fulii ciently deep to excite our wonder at I zardous practice which is very common ainjngftthe inhabitants of the neig] ing villages, at the proper feafon i yeae. I mean th : practice of gathering the crith nam m irUimum. or rock c.-nnphire, whi' h grows hi great plenty along the led ges, and down the | Si fides of the clitf. Stukefp are, you may recoiled, alludes to this mod: of livelihood, and calls it as he well might) "a dreadful - for fc\V avocations a - d with fo much danger. The m :tho lis limply this : the caivphir: ;ather r takes with him a flout rope, and an iron crow b lr, and pn to the cliff. Fixing the. 1 after ftrmly into irth at t'i ■ bro.v of the rock, and fat tening the former with equal hsourity to the bar, he takes th- rope in his hand, and boldly drops over the liea ! of the rock, low ering hmifelf gradually till he reaches the Crevices in ill .niphire is found. 1 Lie he loads bis bafket or bag with the v.'Suable, and,tlien afcends again to th too c,{ the cliff, b>. Careleffnefs orcafiwlty, in a calling fo pe rlous as r'n s, will I'o.n 'tinr s produ ribie acci-len's. One was related to us which, thou -h not terminal wis fo full of horror, that to ui'e a vu! r ■■ but very cxprciiive plu ■ hi io.l run cold. i'- A f".\ v..n'ui-'.-rs m to tlu fpot we are fpc.ik'.iig of, to follnv his aecuftomed trade. 1 the corn to it, and deV.-n led .1 ' rock- In the courfe of a few m mites he n al-1."',-', which retiring irtwardtj {food fome Let within nrr;iendi nlir, ana over which the brow of tke cliff beetled c.(>nl''ip.i"iitly in ; Bu'v ii ga hiring campb r , and attcnSve. only to the object of -profit, the rope fuddcnl; cb-o->pcd from his hand, and after afo of: illations, but all withouthis reach, be c me (tatimar at the of four or five feet from him. N ith exceed the horror of his (ituation ; aboyi was a rock of Sixty or ' whofe projecting brow would attempt of h'sto afceiul it. "tit <• v rv effort of others to render him affi B low was a perpendicular defcent of an hundred feet, terminated by era over wh eh the (urge was breaking with dreadful violence.—Before him was th rope, his only hone of faf.ty, his only m ami of return ; but hanging at fuch a tantalizing diftance, as baffl -d all e ti-ni of bis reaching it. Our adventure was fortunately young, active, re I he therefor,' quickly determined what plan to i loot : coll. .-tin t all his powers into on> effort, and fprirt-nng boldly from the led e s j he threw bimlelf into the dreadful vacuum and dafhed at the fufpended r< pe. dejperate exertion was fuccefsfiil ; he caught the cord, and in a fiiort time was once more at the top of the roc' FO REIGN IN TE LI.IG ENCR, LONDON^ Oct. 18. ORE A T BRITAIN AND DENMARK [From the Paris papers."] Having before alluded to the ofKcia1 o Count Bernfb>rfT, b) Mr. Merry, the En d'th charge d'afFairer in Denmark, relative to the Danifh frigat' I ed bythe Englifh in -his rd Gibraltar, w: now find that tb« Danifh W \SHINGTON "ADVERTISER, minlfter made no delay in fignifi 'wer. Count B^rnftorff re-affcrts the fa&s which had been inaccurately reprinted, m 1 oyertume, by the triumphant arms of reafon, and of the imprefcriptihle right of us. the ftrangp do&rine which En is now anxious to fupport, without being icftu ited by any other motive than her own o lveniencc, and a groundlefs hope and con .dence in her own ftrcngth and refoUrces. I'he following are the leading points of the Danilh reply: B »th cuftoni and treaties have no doubt conferred on the belligerent powers the] right of Searching neutral vetTels, not un der convoy of their (hips of war, Sec. but is this right is not a natural one, but mere- In il, its effects cannot b, nded bey,,iul what is agreed to d, wthout violence and injuf lone of the maritime and inde wcrs of Europe, as far as th. has obferv d, have ever ac the rightof neutral (hips to he hen efcorted hy one. or feveral ■; and it is evident they could ithotit e.xpoftng tli-ir tiag to de« md without forfeiting a certain1 portion of their own ri acquieftng hi thefe pretentions. Sent are no longer acknmvl eh - thofe powers have been ofopi this qtlfeftion has been ftlrred. a dr. to jiol 1 out an ent ail Sieir c lit, nature, in conformity with a ticluded between the cs of Europe, which I the propriety of adh-riiv d to be efta (hips with and wit&ouj Co • equally jufl anil natural—for ni the. a li'n1 r r. eh inf'ln d upon by the , tit powers, with mtral bott -ns not it is fttttn led on the right ol <e g II v;-, and of examining The only que.ftion is to af r partiality and the regularity r..rt on-'. When the papers of ire found in Uriel order, no fur? gaily enf mfccpiently the authority of the % in wh'Se name theS- docu he-.n ilriwr-. up and ilTued r the belligerent power the re nt y. utral government, byefcortin (hips of the ftate, the ccm is of the fub|c*L thereby alon. > the belligerent power?; i mon ;md politive pledge than thr rnifhed by the documents with . fhips are furnilhed. Nor can government, without incur in. id, admit, in this re( call doubt or fufpic'um, which jurious to th.v. governim n be uniull on Sne part of thofi eutert.iin or manifeft them. i, ifit were to be admitted as a prim ■Sple, that, the convoys granted by a fow - :ign i cure (hips of bis fubjcrft*. from being vifrted by '^^- ftate (hips or pri« . it would follow that the mod I' fquadron Ibould not the rightof relieving from lea re h the bins entrufted to V.; proteclicm, if tha was exacted by the mod pi Si ill priva But it cannot reafunably be funpofed tha tlie Englifh government, which ha f-irmly, and on the moft jmft ground.;-, (hew; id a marked jealouly for the honor of its in the maritime wars, i which it has t; ken no part, has neverthel Is! afiertfd Wit! would ever confent, ftlould fuch dances; occur, to an humiliating T<:;tatiori fthat nature; and the i epofes too much confidence in the ecptiti md loyalty f bis SrSanmc maji fty, ; Sir a fufpicion that it is his intention tc \:}-c' h. R.i ler fimil ir eti - rant to an/ othe tjdent nower. It feeim; fumVent to apply to the fa' in queftinn, the natural remit of thefe oh ibrration?, in order to make it evident that] SDAY, DECEMBER 17th, 1800. the captain of the king's frigate, by reptilf ing a violence which he had no right peel, has done no more than hisduti that it was on the part of the Engl gites, that the violation of the rights of i neutral fovereigh, and of a friendly power to his Britannic majefty, has been commit ted: The king has hefitated to fignify any for mal complaint on the head, as long as Ik '■dit as a mifco.nception which mighi have been done away by amicable explana tions between the refpettive command the naval force which the two governments kept up in the Mediteraneun: but feeing himl'elf, much to his regret, disappointed in that, hone, he has only to iniift on the reparation that is due to him, and which the jultice and the friendlhip of his Britannic majefty feem juftly to be called upon to fe c.ure to him. (Signed) C. IM'.RNSTORFF. Hamburgh, Sep. 26. The is the reply of Lord ' ville to the note of the count de Jarlfbourg, bis Danilh majeity's mi refpecting the capture of the Ereya IS " The underligned, principal '. ftate foreign affaires to his majefty, ha; had the hcinor of laying- before bis lmiji iiy the note which was received yefterdaj luntI unt de VecLl JaSfb urg, en, mary and minilb-r pLnipotciit. . tig of Denmark, with the greater! furprife and -il that his majefty received the full gence of the affair to width, that note 5. Sincerely deiirous ot maintaining DOS of tViencllhip and ;;! h s fo 1 »ng fublifted between ' n and Denmark, bis majefty has dur iffe of his reign? given r. i'that difpoiition, and v.! Ely hoped to have feeii reciprocally cn 'itd by ids Danifh majefty ; and, nct andingthe expreiuoiii contained in tin to the count \S'del Jariftieurg, hi? ty cannot but flatter h.iulilf, that it !!y by the orders of the V lark, that this ftate of harmon klenly interrupted, or that a D - could have acted conformably to iotlS, in thus commencing liolti talb and unprovoked attack up \)up of war, carrying the tia. aid navigating the Britifh kt The impreffions which fuch an event have neceirardy - his majefty, have leriveS greater force by reading of a note, in which Satisfaction and reparation is de manded, as due to the , from tbof who have fiiltained the illfult and the inju ry. Llis majefty, duly C mfidoring the dif ficult fituatton in which neutral nations are olaced, by the un conduct and fin ailar character of bis enemy, has, upon many occasions during the prejent war, re d from exercifing his rights, and fron .1 timing, on the part of his Majefty, the Sal performance of thofe unties of i-'titrility, which he profefiSd himfeif dil lofedto maintain. But the premeditated tnd open aggretfion which he has jufi fuf tained, cannot be paffed over in the fam« nanner. The lives of his brave ia'dors havii .been facrificed. the honor of his flag ha been infulted ilmoft within fight of his own lafts, and this procedure has been main lined by contellin gthe indifputable rights founded upon the moil evident principle.' ■f the rights of nations, from which his ms- S-ftv can never depart, and the moderati xercife of which i; indifpenfably nee- fury for the maintenance of the deareft ifiterefti ->f hi. empire. " The underfigne.d. in all the reports which he has laid before his majefl - p-ft.ce to the v-erlSnal dilpefi Sons which tlie count de YcrJcl has evinc ed in order to prevent all caufe of mif imder.ftand.jng between the two con : avoid preflirig him to re in its tru< colours, to efface thefe fall >ns,b) neans of which alone, a conduct IS injuri es to his majefty could have been (if even it ever was.), and to < h? inVrcft of the two ecu •iallvof Denmark, by beat the difpofition with which hisiaajefh Paid Is Advance. is animated, and by recommfchd .ng to his court, in that ferious maimer which the importance of the affair juftifics and requires, the neceflity of making in this critical Conjuncture, a feiiable return, fo that a prompt and iV.ti.sfac.tory reply may be given to the demand which bis majeftjp d'ed to be made at Copenhagen, both for reparation for that which has pafled, md for fet .. Sy againft the repetition of uch injurious violence. 11 In order to give effcfl to the reprefeU tations of his majefty, upon this iubjectf and to fiirnilh the means cl fuch explana tions as may prevent the nectfiity of vcl forting to extremities, which his majefty looks forward to with the greateft regret, he has charged lord Whitworth with a fpe cial million to the court of Denmark, «nd a minifter will immediately fet fail upon his That court can only fee in that determination anew pre of of thi de fire with which the king is animated to re concile the maintenance of peace with the prefervation of the fundamental rights and -fts of hisempire..' (Signed) "GRENVILLE." " Paris, 15 Kr.demarie, Qtk Oct. " While the firft Conful was. at Mor fontaine, ;tt the entertainment given by lofeih Buonaparte to the American Fle nipou ntiaries, Citizen Caivbry, Pre fet of the department of Cife, prefented him fc i medal;, v.hich had.been late* |y found by country \ cople in his depart ment. They were concealed in an ear then veflel, large enough to contain 600, 000 livres worth—v vie pcrft ifily well pie f. rved, and of various epothsj fi c them dated fnm an early pcritd cf the irj Empire, others during the time of the republic. " The Pit fet obferved to the CciTr.i that it was difficult to procure thefe me dals, becaufe the j;ecple who found them, were fearful left they might he tf.ken fn rr. them, as according- to the ancient laws cf hi;.nee, all ticafmcs found in this way ' belonged by right to the gwerr lv.ent-—At pre lent, replied the fill Conful Buohapar-i te, government will rot i fortune cf a citizen.—Brfidcs, it is necef fary to ufervciy precaution, to prevent .'l'ciiais bei down into bul lion by the country people—buy up as many of them as you cai —.probably added he, after : 's fib nee, it will he eafy for you to procure mere—l hope it will general anfwered the pre fet. On this r<ply the Fill Conful advanctd towards' Mr. Davie, < ite of tl and laid to him. v> ''■ ra*a Medtk Sir, lave juft bun found in I rept and carry them with yon to AmeSca, fo that the monuments ot the Roman Re public mat become pledges of amity and union between the republics of France and, he United States"* CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug. 30. The Ruffian fleet had entered tie L.i danelles upon the.r return from tlie tyk'di teranean into the Black Sea. BOLOGNA, f-ept. 16. We have now in the Tyrol, 55,CK diier; 85 Companies of Rangers, and the people under military difcipline. LLGRLNCE, Septi 23. The prices in Painting, Architecture and Sculpture were diftSSv.tid with pomp. In Sculpture the exhibitions were much . rpplauded. ROME. Sept. 20. The Lee trade in Cr.'.in, which by an bus been grante 1 has had the moft 1 and h-jppy died. The arrival of nt veiTeb at Civitavecchia, at Fiu ■uicino, and Rida Grande has fupplicd our wvnts and wetruft has de.iSr.ycd the isvete* odinate and iil judged commercial BOSRDJNG AND LODGING. MY be had for Three or hour pr nth-men dririiis> rht- fclTi^n of Congri is by applying to Mr. Claxtoii, rr at the Three liuilding*. * floori Eaft of the Navy office, to Wm. G'NF.AL- City of Waihir.gton Dec. 8, ißeo.