OCR Interpretation

The national intelligencer and Washington advertiser. [volume] (Washington City [D.C.]) 1800-1810, December 17, 1800, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045242/1800-12-17/ed-1/seq-3/

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I i.i U iv, .-, wttuifl tn" Uni
Or.:, ibl .
Mr. 'I: I Ea moved that
■■■■*■ ' '—\
TutsiJAY, Dec. 16, I
The bill for the relief of I
was read the third time, and paffod.
An Alexandria paper
formed by authority upon
rely, that Mr. Sit:.;-, it length
negociated an adjuftm
with Great-Britain which
•quence of the li
ty of amit;, .
that power. Gov i we believe,
has not yet received a :bpy of the
instrument, and our I of it is not
ently eXteniive,
ths leading feature,, i
claim? which are barred by it in fu
bat we can venture to affcrt, that,
solid basis upon which the future friendfhip
of tlie two nations is to be founded, it is
ftipulated that a fpecified sum oi
dull be paid by the government oi' the IS
States to that of Great-Britain, and in Con
fe/jiience that certain cliims of a particu
fi> n ure (hall not be again adduced. The
i fi mets will then relume the exercife
cf their funcTions.
By His Excell -nrv
Governor and Convnander in Chief of the
Illand of Trinidad, and its dependent ic< j
kc. c-'.c.
ft being maJe clearly to appear U
reprefehtations of the planters, inhabii
,- does at pi
iff an al il r ity of' all tin: a
of provifions abfolutely neceffary for the
: of th:- il ives empl rrying
mi the cultivation of the Ifland; ;<-i>-I that
the arrival of ckw fettlers, in! tl'e daily
tation of flnves From tlie other P
operates to mci i ■ eady
gives c. -life for a frrieus ahihn ; and it ap-j
i ftrict tnveftigation, tl
quantity of Rum and Molaffes ro in
tured in the ifland, is r',;r infufficient for
the p.viiieni of the n< c< -; •
thefe effcntial articles. J
'it jit to is,ue this, tnj Procla n
: > rjubliih and declare, tint it ftr-iil bt
lawful for vellSis, the property of the fub
jdSs of the United States of America,
Comuvr direclly from the faid Hates with
provifiona ant Furnbar of all kinds, the|
growth and produce of that country, to
tak'- and receive in to the ex-]
;.ct value of their refpe&ive cargoes, and
r>o more, any other artic c the'actual pro
date of this colony, except In di ;o, Cot>
ton, Lignum Vitae, and Dying Wood.
And tlie officers of his Majefty's ctiftnms'
within this ifland, are hereby required t<
thereof. This is to con
tinue in 1*
date hereof.
Albani, formerly iiivJitor of the Apofto
lical Court, has received the agreeable no
tice, that his Holinefs has conferred upon
him the honours of the Cardindfh p among
the lirll promotions. This aft has
generally applauded, efpccially by ill who
kn w his merit, and the talents which he
can very advantageoufly employ in the lei
vice of the Catholic. Church.
Extract of a Letter from General lV»Asa
isgTon ti Charles Carroll, of Car
rol/ton, dated Mount Vernon, 2d of Aug.
v Although I highly approve of the
meafures taken by government to place this
country in a pofture of defence*, and even
w'dii they had been more energetic ; and
Qiall be ready to obey its call, under the
refervations I have made,- whenever it is
made ; yet I am not without hope, mad and
intoxicated as the French are, that they
will paufe before they take the lift ftep.
That they have been deceived in their cal
culations on the divifioii of the people and
the powerful fupport they expefted from
their party, is reduced to a certainty :
hit is fomethin;<- equivocal [till, whe
thatparty, who hav< curie
of this country and the fource of *
pence*, we have to encounter may not be
able to continue their delufion.—What a
pity it is this expenl'e could not be taxed
upon them."
'S Ga
e Imp I,cho, (. iptam KLenaal,
n 37 days, froi : mult
ii and
[ngol ered ii,-to the i
■ i for a
i affem
of tniniftry
it Vienna, by tl Count
: .e'irh ie!-,, to lv I ,-S and

ror ot Coun kuftrian ne
gociator at the congrefs at Limeville.
The h'rench garrifon of Malta, co
ing of 6000 men, hud arrived at Mar-
All the Britifh forces which couldi
Ii- IS'-e*d after leaving the neceiT.iry gar-j
rifon in Malta, fad failed under Sil A,. A-'
bercromby for Egypt. The Human
had once more difappeared, and wei
tlieir return to Hullia.—Formidable pre
paration's were making in Spain for the at-,
A. large Fr< nch army
iin afTmibling on the coaft, to excite
if poflible, an alarm in England ; hut tlie
and armies was fuch
prehenfion from their
NEW-YORK, December, 10.
I Capt. Bell, from Curracoa, informs us,
[that all t!ic American vefTels that were
jut Curracoa, when the Enj lifh took that
place, are tefpay a lalvage of 25 per cent
mencans, either "from th
nilh, or Dutch, after the
ternber laft, is to he rep a'! IS,.
B. 101 l
The appearance oi' the NA I OM\L INTEL-
I.!ti i NCER ii-> bi. ii ni,.-:- i.nd to this day, by
the unavoidable thougi unanticipated embairafi
rnei-.ts attending th- remova of a Printing Di
•he vcfTtf, which contained the greatei
part of the hiarerials, Piled hroxn Philadelphia on
the .Kith ol September; hut did not arrive in
,- till the 2,-th mil owing to her having
beiii driven on fhore by the vi i.eu.e' of the late
florin i his information ia given to remove any
cenfurc that may have been thrown v. on the £.
ditor for his unex cited delay.
Pur I'liitor, ;:t the commencemi nt of his u
ties, considers it as not improper to tlate the n.i
ture of the plan, which he intcn Is to purine, and
ly to notice tie principles by which he pro
, regulate his own conduct, as well as
thole by wlncb it in expected tlut (.'orrcfj ondenu
Will regUliltt their:;.
Vari»>us political opinion* divide the civilized
ivorld. befe opinions in fame cles are diflufed
by the prd's ; in others by the fword.
/\ mid ft this colliflon of hoftil" (eiitimenrs no
furrr fafeguard of human happineis exitU, than
[fhe libety of the 1 rets.
l here is truth in the declaration the venerable
C.iMiiiKss ol 1774, who in their addrefs to the
Inhabitants of Quebec, fptakmg ol the I'leedom
of the prefs fay " The importance of this con-
Cfh, befidts the advancement of truth, fcience,
morality and the arts in general, in its diffufi
on of liberal nnS ncit:, on the si mi'Sltration
ol government, its ready communication ol
thoughts between fuhjects, and its coiifequenti
win it !>y opi n llivc ' l.ieeis are fh tined 0| ill
timidared into more honorable and jutl modes
of conducting affairs,"
But while the Editor clalTcs with our dcareft
rights the Liberty of the is decidedly
inimical to its luentioni ,
As on the one hand, the conduct, of public
men and the tendency ol pi bite niei lures wall be
freely examined, fo, on ihe other, private cha
racter will remain itiviedahle, nor full indelicate
ideas or exprellions he admitted, however dilguil -
e-;l by f..tin or enlivened by wit.
No lentinicnts whatever, on the prevalence ol
which tbt. general pood depends, will be exclud
ed from enquiry and difeulEori. Guided by th,..
principle, the editor need net caution the pnbl c
a^ainlt afcribing to him, a belief in ail the ppi
tiions which may oceaiinnally be fupported, or a
difbelir.f of thofe which may be oppofed Foi
as he means nor to iui rendtt his own ftntiments.
does not expect that thole who write for
the National Intelligence! will tin render theirs.
In the adiiiiliio-.i of compiled as well as ori
ginal articles, it will he: Ins obj^cH to be im
partial, and to exhibit as tiny txilt, t!-i
varying opinions and actions ol nan Let ii
however, bi that impartiality doc
not confifl in the ac i v > i admissjo.s of as much
political matter on other; but in
a readinefs to of merit on either
iware of I 1 thara&ct of proves
• ions, an I eonvijj.ed thav the pttbli pad;'mem
will be formed, as it Ought to be, from the inn
iter in which the National Intelligencer fiiall bei
conducted, tin; Editor will add culy one remark.
[His Pa]
be his effort to pro la o. L 1,.
luntry, unii
1 !,'• tia Ti'km t on 'winch
the Nai II '-,- pubtifhi
l.lri Is M-trieli accompanied
m INTK'Lf.i ffiafl be
i « cnu
with a new type
id. fhe annual fwl I-i ij - Dor
labs, paid (oin'.amb y all fub
and v!,o reii |« in
the City ; in which cafe the payment fiiall b«
half yearly, it being underltood that fub
fcribtr*, tedding at a diftai'ice from t!ic City
of W.ithingtoti, -are- invariably to pay foi a
year in advance, ad in every Inch cafe the
tranfaiiffion of the Paper will ceaft a. foon as
the period (hall expire for which p
have been made. Wo paper will be forward
(<! in any inilance until the money is actual yj
3d All Letters to be poll paid.
The Editor of the National Ikoiu
cek, imprefltd with the yreat itnportance of thai
prefent crifis, and with the ftrong neceflityj
of having conducted, it the feat ol the General
Government, a newfpaper, that may claim the
reeiit'ti»ii of being uleful, by difFuting unpcfVef |
ted fails, and enrttd political ideas, ha> deter-'
mined to enter upon the arduous duties which fnch
an object involves. He is vvell apprifed of the
cxpence and exertion which fuch an eftabtifhment;
requires. liut he c«n tides in the prompt and'
energetic co-npsration ot the friends o( truth
and of their country in the different parts of the!
Union. As it is his firm determination, that1
nothingfhall he admitted into the National In '
i i-a.i.in:\cß.< sthieh fhai.l wound national .ot ea-'
lumnintc private character, fo it i* his unalterable
purpnfe freely to ink-it, ami earned Iv to invite,1
whatever fiiall promote the general w
> his, and this only, (hall he the motive by wrath
his profeflional deportmeiit fin 11 be guided.
Hithctfo. in th« management of the ITMVf-H
IS U. GAZETTE, the Editor has confined him-l
(, ii. agreeably to the original plan, to recording'
.is they occurred, with but li'tlc anmiad*
iverfion on their CUufes or i ,'U Cp ; and as lar a-j
opinion* were involved, to re! ting thofe of
others rather than his own. Ihe Univerfai
Gaßette wil flill be continued on the fun.
the only change that takes p ace, will arifi
lits beitls', printed at the feat id government at,
IWafliiiigton, intread of Philadelphia ; wnuthv
it. value will be appreciated rather than impair
With refp-ifi to the National Intc'ligencer,
(another pi. in v. ill be purfued. Over a faithlul and
|,-(inipr.-lan.'ive detail ol lacks wili prefide a fpirir
lof invchigafion, a delire to enlighten, not only by
fact, but by reafon. ihe tendency ol publii
anea'nu i, and tlu conduct of public nun, will hi'
examined with candour ami truth.
In additio ■ to the mafs of information, formed
by do.neilS and foreign events, and > Ipecially h)
4 detailed it eemenc ol the debates andproceeti
ings of Con;..ie;.i, as nine oiigmal matter will
be furniilii d as the exertions ot the Editor flwli
he able t z commund. And if h, be tit deceived
he can promiic the read«r* of the National Intel
ligencer, an organ, which thall communicate rlu
language of truth with accuracy, with dignity
uid with (pint.
October 3 !ft, 1800.
Kid, Eliot £#co.
HAVE received by l.t-'arrivals, a general af
fortnieni ol I lard wars and Ironmongery,
w; ich they offer for Sale at their Store oppoiite
tbt Great Hotel.
They have also on hand
Madeira. ~\
Sherry a > Wines.
1. fbon }
Cognrac Brandy.
Jjmuic.i Spirits,
Holland Gin,
Loaf and Brown Sugar,
la. Coffee, &c. &c.
Waflu'ngton, Dec i 3. tf.
IN the Imp Mifi'ouri, via Philadelphia, and
in w opening tor ale at tlie* Subscriber* --tore on
New fet ley Avenue Capital Kill, square 690.
A General Affoitmcut of Ironmongery, cut
lery, Sadlery, Brats Wares ana Building Mace
Among which are the following Articles.
lion pots, liy.ng pans, clmffuig dilh s, Krafs
iro and Japand Caudle flicks, patent metal tea
kitties ami lance pans ; jappalieo tea trajs, wail
Srs and liread b.iikets, fad mm., wind up Jacks,
Sweeping, fcrllbuinp, hearth and thoe bruihes ;
Mathematical in ft rumen ts, mahogany knife cafes,
tilled with ivory handled knives and forks, Cruet
llands, ladies nrcTiiig cites ; mill, pitc andciuls
cut Saws, j6, 18 and Mlb Iron weights. Alfp
fcalc beams to weigh from 5 to 10 cwt.. at an cud
November 2.lth, 1800.
LOSS FOR sals;,
In the City of Washing r^s.
THE SUBSCRIBER offers for ?alc a mini
bc-r of vSuable Lots beautifully fituitcl
between the Capitol and the Kaileru Branch,
a lew Lots to be let on Icafe f-r ninety
[nine years m the vicinity of the N.iuy yard
jCi'y of Wiifliiogton. December 11, ißio tl
{ NBA few Tuns of good
Kill] of Sticks, suilfome. Lord Wood.
W. l>.
cc, a
red MOl h 3 broken
I one
', and
Will i.'<. liver il; at Mr. 5 : tin:'-c-fnee
I —Ne'..--Jerl'ey Avenue, thai! receive a ii-
THOMAS town.
l^c. I 2*fi 1800.
iSr-J.i,, i'/ViV WANTED.
A Lf"X.-\.M)I R INM'.S, a Matter by trade,
I > was forni time ago 071 board the Conftella-'
tion frigate and was in t;oHin Norfolk. Virginia.
ta< 1,,.. i»t fince been hear.l off His frrendi
«'>uld be thankful if any petfons who kt,ow any
thi-« of his fituation or refiile-nci, won! I com
municate it by elter, per p»>ft, addrefled to Ro
bert Inncs. j'lT!. merchant 1 alia,n Pc la.ivivania.
P. ,S. Printers to the Southward ol Peniifyf
vana are rctjuetled to give the above a place fef
November sB, i.*oc
HPHGMAS Htit I V has epened an office a few
I X yarda from the Capitol, on the Nevt ].r
--'fey venae, wliei ehe will attend tlvtily ml 3
o'clock during the fitting vi Corigrefs, and
,in the al ernoon, at hti .thee oppofite. the L T
iik HoTil—Conveyances ol land, will*, mort
i. aks, affignrhencs, ci paitnerfliip deed- and
tions,marriage ktSeni.-ots and lep.ration*,
utters ol licence and conitrofuion, bills of ljle of
jteffsfc, ll.tvts, and other chattels, bonds of con
veyance, and other bonds, powers of attorney,
/awards, nianun:ifi;,ir,.«, partitions, era 1
po»i ol>it;i, fearften's wiUtand
powers, and all other i.iftruniti :s in the
ab,)ve lint, are drawn according to the h>rz.\
imp irt ot tlie fame ret peel ively, with the utmofi
jp-anetuality, accuracy, fecrecy, and difpaicii, and
on moderate terms.
titles investigated, and opinions given where
N. B. Ilerfy's Abridgmcrrt of the kws of
Maryland, approved and faudlioned by th^
utorncy General and Legiflature of Maryland,
may be had at at th above office, p ice Six
Dollars neatly bound and lettered ; alio HeiryS
Di cil of the Laws of the United States, prici
Thret Doll rs, neat y bound and lettered
DfCembei j, 1800. twtf.
800 l MAKER
Fr osi Phi l a di: lpuia,
RESPECTFULLY acquaints 1,.s F«irn»«,
cos ouma and the hm Lie, th.it he I
mov t d his BOOT an» SiC/X, ftfANUf'AC-
I ORY Irom near the EaUSrn Branch, to New
Jet fey Avenue, on the hi 1 near the Capitol,
where be makes Geiitu men's lloois, Mooters,
drtft jtiduiHirel- Shoes on th, fh.rtii.} tut ice, k\
the ntaull manner, and of the belt materials.
December jd- Jtw.
WANTED, 3 number of Journeymen
Shoemakers, to whoni conilant employment
Hiid eood v . : be rSven.
Has juft opened i«r Ule the following articles at
his ilore oppofite Mr Semmes's tavern, in
Georgetown, a general afTortnicfit of
Fresh 'Fi.iscjthefitsi -.>,„
Imperial, Large Hylort,
Youn^r yfon, Hyfotiflcin,
Souchong and Bohea.
Kuttrtegs, Mace,
Cinnamon. Cloves,
Four bags Frcft AhtiofX«fs.
.Madeira, fix yearn old, Dty .sherry & Porr.
Brandy, 41b proof Jamaica sipi
rits, and Holland Cm.
Corrt E,
Pennington's beft refined fuoaf«.
With a bandfome affortmcnt ot gentlemen*
fafhionable London hAt sand trimmings.
He has like wife for Iplc, ten cales well af
orted -tatzonskt, confining of v.riiinjr paper
ol different q.inline , Quilts. Wafers, and li.k
pnwdcr, in packages from So to ?.So do lars on
the moil reatonabk terms lot eatn or approved
Englifh and "m-. Scan playing card*,
l'aileboard per grace,
V rapping paper per ream,
A cafe of 7-8 and yard wide liaia ISnea
per piee-c.
Nov. i^rh, iSco.
The 27th. infl annivcrfary
of St. John the 1 Libera

I their lodge room in th 9 a*
houfe c[' Mr. Cvi
v.oil v.uk in
- uitabie to
Al] E X A NI) E R COCI I R A N Sec »ry,
Bth December, 1800.

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