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S P E E C II Of the lent, and Gentlemen of the Senate. Mr. Speaker, and - House of Representatives.! ASSEMBLED at this time a? the Re of a Fr< thepur if traufa- I as the ,i- muft afford iotl to obferve the general llow*Citizehs, and the : prevail fingcir - are a ftn to per v in the dv IpecSive me Conftituti -n as our general rule, and a frequent recurrence to it is a d to lie the duty ■tors and Magistrates, to cherilh Literature and the and publ.i i< nirrge private and pubic /ards and immunities, fo of Agriculture, Arts, Scien- Cbmrherce, Trader, Manufacture.-, [iftory of the Country—c countenance and inculcate the principle Mi-unity and gene raj Benevolence, pub lic and private Charity, Induftty and Econo my, Honefty and Punctuality, Sincerity and all i'oc'al ailfecYia acrous ftnti its, among the People. .' free Government, thofe duties an y important at all times ; and fome ol them are peculiarly fo in the prefent time-. luteinizing Spirit not onl;. . of Government, but in man morals, has be-n fo prevalent in igfi Countries ; and when it is much to be feared, that our Ciunt y is ii r from the infeiftion : If fo, how im iit is it that LegiflatOTS h. Magiftrate? ! ferioufly and deliberately contem the precepts they may give, and b: iy careful to fet a good Example te all around them ! How important is it tn iifteiice as a free People, that Mora ind Religion fliould be preferved in purity 1 preferit fcflion of the Legislature ir peculiarly interefting, from the confidera that they have to name Electors oi State, for eluding a Prefi- Vice Prtfident of the United —No doubt ran be entertained of ing to this fubjecvt all that confide rat.on which its high importance demands, iat fuch men will be Selected as the may fafely confide in ; men who v vocal proof; of their at i nt to our National G ovarii ment. If we look back to the circumftanccs ol our Common Country previous to the adop tion of this fyftem, and coutraft them with efent, is not fuch a view fufficieni line the wif# and virtuous in a ftria to the Laws and Government which w: have had fo lnueh pea-■ an I profSeritv, while many oth r nations have be n affictcd wi ial com motions, and flaughter i, i ! A view of the dreadful the demo ralizing and revolutionary principles in th French nation, Should excite us to hold fal our ancient Principles and preferit S ivarnment. The ar-s and intrigues of Foreign Na undoubtedly have been, and will me to be, exerted in our Country ' and we ought to be constantly On our guard a ft them. The rep -ated evidence given by our Fel low-Citizens throughout this State, and by cceffive Legifla.tors of their Strong at :o the N ' rovernment i whence I have the highefl of the Treafury will be la from which an opinion maybe ■ Revenue, and whe ther further Supplies are i It has been fuggefied, that the Act « tc Reef and Pork." pnrpofe intend :d ; of this aft may perhaps he uk- ■tever meafures yon miy judge ne - for promot'm v Citizens, will, So far as depends on nded to with much pleafure.— upreme Governor ofthe uniyerfe us all in the way of peace and happi- JOIIN TAYLOR OILMAN. ifliire, 21, 1800. Join- I)re ■;::,, Go . a Caroli '\ a. To the honorable the Speaker end Members of tlie House of Representatives. GENTLE MfcK, Agreeably to the conftitution of this its authorities are now met at the feat of government., for thedifpatch cf pub lic bufinefs ; but the n who filled --cutivc ofrii ife of your laft ielTion, isgone. RUTLtneK is no more! With Washington ami other illuiiri ous perfonages, dear to America for a fe tried and virtuous, he hatlidepar' his manners were plea ting, I - his lift was ufe ful to humanity, he has been pub licly mourned, a rery long, 1 trtift, will his memory be held dear to all who now enjoy, or who for ages I hope will continue to peffefs thole bleu Trigs flowing from American independence, which his labours, under God's providence, allifted to obtain. In cmfcquenc.e of this unexp; mity, the duties which he was entruftcd cute, conftitutionally veiled in me. ; and I was immediately notified by > cr-tary of er on the This I was enabled I f had pre ioufly <[ti ilified b i elect ed Li utej ant Cover] iv days I , 1 repaired to the city of Sharl ft n for th ;t pnrpofe. Here I found that the illncfs of the go .■ rnirhad unavoidably retarded public af fairs, particularly as relating to the 'ap oointment and commiffioning of all public officers throughout the ftate : one fheriff "ily ofthe new < is in commiflion ; >nd all the oth< <oimnecU:d with the judiciary department, required to b^ without delay placed in their refpee'eive fta -inris, or other wife, the firft fitting of the courts under the late, judiciary laws, could not have taken place. My endeavours on this point were, for the moft part, fuccefs ful, and the judges ofthe courts of law performed their fpring circuit, holding courts throughout the ftate, except in fome few inftances, where commifuona were te, or foine error might have happened in drawing juries. Upon the whole, however, I felicitate you on this firft < ment under the new judiciary fyftem; and learncftly hope, that with y> means of juftice be and of its being br homes ofthe citizen late, than lias heretofore i > een done. ity thro ugh - out the ftati id, fo liable th ' ircuit at th ig made for in each of the , time was neccfl'ary for fearching '■i accept appointments to J without v,, mfinefs of rjned. The f equity, however, for the diftricts larlefttfh, C'dleStoi, and Beaufort, leld their firft fitt m May laft, going through much mi bufinefs : and fince that time, rs both of the courts of law md equity, have fully entered on the du ties of their refpective officers ; evincing, ugh the juftice of this ftate may refpect. been flow, it s nevertheless fure ; and from henceforth a bright profpect is prefentcd before us, of fuitable dilpatch in legal concerns, than vhich nothing is more honourable to a ftate, • ffarary to the welfare of its citizens. While thefe beneficial re jult from our prefent judiciary fyftem, o ..her advantages arifing therefrom are al ready perceived, as i people .he better to know and to i .'crnmetital authority, with all thol reS of civilisation and information Connected therewith. To further this rood work, permit me to invite your ear ly attention to the education of our youth hrougbout the ernment is founded or n and latriotifm, fo legiflative attention cannot be better bellowed, than by encouraging defirable objects. Ihe firft leads to tl c knowledge of one's country, her go vernment, and to all tal to her welfare ; the ■arly m unerit, that national ardor leads to Hie moft honor:, bind?in fweet union thei ier. Heni 'vith proper poli id for malities Suitable make So deep an imp . the minds of youth, that when they grow up ti manhood, they are, ever to be rrh in times of emergency. Fori ence of whatever kind, will then dill' icy, and wl liiall -0< lai advantages br peal- < tions «,l Cbuntriesj and fball recommend alt, i in our laws and cuftoma conformably thei-e --to, a j< aloufy will in* < to cautious investigation, md will Save to bind US to our coun try the mote. By this principle, the lie. ro< i of pail tii ireferved i oS by bition, that th< if govei i f bverted. From public fchoolsthen, the pooreftclafs of the com fe national benefits to be derived ; to reap thefe advantages, the us of Carolina have a claim upon your attention and generality in behalf of their children; and 1 cannot recommend the institution of thefe public. fe.min.tSe.- on principles^ too much to your Serious confideration. It is a mat cr of national joy to find '. tint So valuable a flap!e as cotton is now ' added to the produce of this ftate. Its i introduction as an export, lias been but < of late years ; but, or. trial, it has been found i in all highland Situations, and, ' as indigo and tobacco beccme in lefs de-( mand to enfure an handfome return in 1 their room to the intloStry of our inhabi-] 'ant-:. Under this influence, the ph. tit cotter, encreafes annually, both in the ; lower and upper parts of this State, and i in valiie it has already furpatied any of ' "Ur other Staples : and in this j ports of cotton from the port of Glut lef- ' ton alone, amounted to fix millions four hundred and fixty-three pounds weight. ' fing fo valuable an acquisition, it is time Some legUlative meafures be to guard againft any frauds ret] and to enfiirc, as much as may be, its be ing Sent to market in good order and con-' dition ; and I recommend Such eonfider.i- < tien to your particular attention. ' With great pleafure I have alfo to in- I form you, that not only this State, but tin- 1 United Sates, at preft nt enjoy an interval of i lefs foreign interruption, than ha ,:d for Several years paft ; a calm ' hith I hope ] will end in univepf; I peace ; and although 1 our envoys to France have not yet, as far an ' we know officially, completed the ends'of their million, thus much h that our government in.them his been iv fpectedj and Suit 01 -I; of marque, which ■■ obliged to1 carry on com great rifk and expenfe, now tva ocean I ipe to Arc ! alone bythe Ame bear, i Commerce will thereby be encouraged ; and J as the merchant now pays lefs infurance i and freight. So the planter and fa have a right to expect more for the produce t i iridufby. i But although thefe hie Dings at pi attend us, yet ought We not by any in. be rendered thereby inattentive tothoie du ties, which a prudent regard to i tranquility obviomly fuggeft ; fi irig vigilance may prevent thol an indolent Security may* otbi invite. The militia and patrole laws will not therefore e&ape your attention, amend ments to which, in Some refpeeSs, 1 am per fuaded you will find neceflary to make du ring ycur prefent fellion. And when 1 fhall tranfmit, you a return of" the military contained in tiie arfenals and magazines of this ftate, I truftyoti will take meafui Supply Such wantstherein a* the public fife ty may require. ( Ivy the report of the comptroller of the revenue and finances of this ftate, which 1 (ball have the honour of tranfinitting I you uill find your expectations have been well realized, as refpefting the bi which would be derived from the establish ment of" that office. A new life and vigour tken place in all departments over which its hifiAie] nies have, been called in In mount, and thereby n precarious, or in a lit - day of October laj in tlie trea sury of tii d and two the four bund" ; , 88 . When which you this i draw -. tlie dt hofe zeal for th .r rvice, al .t, lias aS ded by ■ to overftep thi f law, ragified the, With tl • means and opportunities you rfow pi i may he clone for the pnb li« fet ■- the 1e,c.i,l imcii. vhich many citizens labor . Vai ious parts of the State are i market, and the expenfes of cai i iages thereto are So great, as to difcou tlf ■!•!■; of a well meant induftry. Hence many i'.u iners in thefe Situations raife little n necelTaries for their own ct nfumption ; they have not even an mi -give their lands that attend ance, which otherwift they would be invited to pet form. As opportunities permit, to open the inland navigation, to encourage" the induftry of indivii .' from the veiy mountains to fend reduce efthis li-i.te, in an intimate ci nnexion with Commercial advantages, is out of tleclcar eft prS ttive power; and one. which I tmft you will haften toeXercife, by all conftitutional means within your con trol! 1. Intimately connected with this are the eftablilhmeiit of i iries, which, ac cording to the objects of their inftitntion, may either promote the growth of ai tic It s around, which for want id' a demand are nftw railed only in Small quantities, or th, y may encourage the growth of n w ariicles, direct lon better hufbandry, and the ford better opportunities of comfort to the people. Should you think proper to alter our criminal code, and make it left; ( an acc< flioii of means towards the i flabd'.i may beprnduced by perfons guilty of inferior aimed for a certain team to m ; thus obliging them, by their i maki fome compi nfation to a whom they have itlilH ,-d. Th- fe, and many other bleiiings, may be d from your exertions, if the oppor rioufly puifiied. '.vever, can only be pei formed in the Short Space of your cuftoirary Seffion. The particular coromu* nil ation ; which, by the conftitution of this State, and my public Station, I am charged •, lh ill be tranfmitted to you with all i. And may the Great In direct your councils, and our meafurcs, promoting thf reafing th ty of our country. With consideration towards yen, , to fubferibe, JOHN DRAYTON. i, Nov. 24f/r, 1800. HAY, March 3. ; Malcolm's Embassy to the court of Persia. sefleway afoeroobn anchored in the ur, the Ik;r. Company's frigate the elby, laft from Abu She ■had a tolerable good paf i at which place flic ar b of January, the Imaum , having proceeded on a 'il to drums. Syfe Byn men, the Governor, paid "Colonel [m a Vifit, which was returned with the n quifi ,y ; and on the J2tk taking in :• Supply of water and frelh failed for Ormur, at which ifland they arrived on the. after a quick and agretable paffagc •of two days. This place has lately re ble repairs from the Ima um of Mufcat, vdi,. obtained poffeffibnof U1 four years ago. What is pecu ■■••nurkabh is, that fiot a ftflgl be foiiad in tlie ifland, in circumfcrenee. water an- Seen rrn , from the mountains, on :,) ,!; • appearance of v of the bills Seem ! Salt, and the whole 1 is ftrongly impregi ai.rd with 1 ,;,,-, which OU : there , the Bombay fi •', where Col. Mal bad an fotfliview with the Imaum . on board his Ship the Gan~ Java, of 42 - i*»g. After their departure from 'hat place, they had an 'unr -.vSi< h, ho\v('\. 1 id enabled is the pi rmit of riling-, j the v.boic .- at Abu. i which place the fi been • he Suite : to move . •Hit 16! ;, to fulfil fhe die en I , relents at d fcage were i :.-it forward im da a Strong