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pri i dplci than ! will buy goo is to Sell at know will not fa ed, or \E I . and live like ... prince) !ho«"t ti ■•■) • and then link withe 9 and ruin. Two bun In ed—The probability however is, , Uii'd.-11:11 i,that it will eventttallj cofl a million of dollirs. Th to pay tii or lefs, \f . A very great proportion o: of it, a-i hiftoi ■ht of the pyramid m v- c mte d ridl ■ fentatio." —v At ostentation of w\i'tu." And bed that by a fust nt the iry of thofe who i tit the names of thofe who ra VAIN Jio:.UMi;wrs—' Inter eos non constat a >• facta sinl j ■ bus." But all the hfi remirkabh; fact, which on ;ht i. all (imil ir fi Hy ;—" That] •toh'ech th ■ ng th • c pyramids J ' 'i v c of the . ' V, I. Diod. :. p. 40. « This," fays an I to pafj on thefe I ■ ■", and on to o c.on i as loin :1 hin j gr md, i itude of hands, and by tl s, with the , iew of rendering their mm d, and who iid not Scruple to dc thbuTands of j ets, to fn t ,r..- their vain glory, much from the Romans, wh i I to in a ran utility." 'Fhe ire in point against the pn m, and the feelings of o it. ! low otherwife <ah the oppofition of aim >ft one half of th. --■ of R iprefenta - res, and n•. '1 -in 1 univerfal r< | . So fir as I people are known. Sir, ■ hat this of rocks, wan? he canal, the cellai •oblic buildings i^f l beds where nature has i ■ ■ :•, ■;:: leis at an high price, Should with Vaft the Potomac1 pyramid like in Some cm of th every vditaiit here, I he m;y love and i hofjeofall | - token of I if, how much bi . our country, ii n >; this uncouth and lE' lid's pile, of rocks, hid in the establishment and eudo vrn'ent of a nation aT. HOSPITAL for our lick, or crippled Seamen, or for the difhment and endowment of a nati onal univkusity in this city, wiflied for, and Si> repeatedly and dy recommended by our b Wafhington in his addrefs to congrefs— Will the maufoleum, as an ill-jud fort to lb ed beyond the reach of obloquy or | not to be honoured by rock., and mafly, fir however po •d. Will he not think that every attempt of this kind won' : in the full noon n, with a view of adding to its effulgence. No. fo far from honfturin at name of n, it s difhonounng it. i , and his f have Spread throu jh the world a luftre, never d or f rgctten, and with increafirig honor and v in need of an btl rdmi J I (hewn by his country, j than was propofed by th ion of the two houfi hat a Marble 'he United States, hi 1 1' of Wash ngton, and Ids remains de to corn 's is mil i tar, life. TIE neat, plain [and ft.Hide, of no greatexpehce, embl tical of the eh iracter of this great ~n<! ilhif. l, v, bo wan wife and pi v imLon all occafions careful of the public ,in the expenditure of Which, he recommends the (Iri teft fi economy. On this monument Should be in infeription, Similar to that on the" tomb of the (iie.t Frederic of Prtfffia, contain* thoufand >uld be excited by the moll GEGRGIUS WASHINGTON, HIG ClNIs, "E. GEORGE E. ON. I • Sublime i ', md the 'V. tl unite— in ir. Why then viohte the publi f ! oi wh : on and the woi irnbate ? It is fa! 1 and it is v! • much ; v ons ' f -■■■'. 1 W lb. ; • from in attempt to erect a i leu in, ai Sim ')■ ■ c- rr'n d ii .' both hou 1 ' .'; die ho i fom ol' the n.»t"n n, * lawn are live of oi.i by a natural affoci: -i, would templa ft'-of W , hem tiie models ol net. Th< :'• ' -I- '■ of E, on. Th v h w i h : i !y correct. I tin, &c. " h i,i '• I. mpi ib ol - that I Shall votes wit] f Such Should be the n iv m who knov :it to know; erly idil dm all com on. 11 • iffured that tl c federal party can 10 will) Po hartge. As to my frien I .11 difhonor my! inftilt my ' Submit to be ififtrumenta! mi counteracting th ml expe-cl of the States—and 1 n^-w < tutcyou my proxy, to declare thefe fenti-j ments if the occafion fhall require." • MANEE EV. WILSON avd HWT/Y, HAVE rommened the nbove br.n'-fs ■'■t their fkop mi New Je'rft y Avenue ' IM I church and jHoufc i*( they are confident from the ex peri, nee ihty have had in the principal in Europe and America, that they (hall to give-ffftfral fitisfaetlon to thpfe who will ai- them with their cuflom. They have on ha: <E, viz. ■ iry D Sks, Portable Writing De*kt, Dnffing Chells, Card 'shies, &c N. B. Orders from country or city thankful ly rcceivci' and faithfully executed. December 30. gttw BOARDING AND LODGI MV be had for hrce or Patar trcntl-men foffion of ''ongn fi to Mr. 01 • the Three doors F-ft with- Navy off! :. fo O'NKAL. V.ny 0 f Wafhington Dec. $, ißco. IV A S 111 N C T 0 N CIT Y. THIERS Ist, 1301. The Editor ol 'iigen cer, iincliug that it is i this Sea Sou. a day topurpofes of relaxa tion, informs Ids fubfcribeis that tie will b :fs on Friday. The performances, under the Signature mdas, entitled, a Considerations >-i the nt of the Territory of Co- Ivmbia," are this clay concluded. To meet the demand of the public for thefe piec s, they will be prefented entire, :n the form of a PAMPHLMT Which v. The Prefident has nominated Samuki. DsrXTEH Secretary of the TreaSmy in the room of Oliver W°lcott refigned. By the lateff m ConStanti are pi i rks in Sy d. his infiu- Pacha, and has fuc : i;i 1 cohciling him to the Porte. By -n it rival at Bod mi Lond ;' their con- Em Dolt' .i . F'i land i Sul;.' 4 i Co n« ' See. T] ■ . dby 1 .(••-(i v 11",,, c"!--i 1 ted i;l lvto hen ht Franc —buttoev .ice the drfi c of En land t rV.mrrw 1 an arm fl < < wj •I 1. This has been rejected : :nt; and fen <<- ■ court ol ' for '. «• :reat y;wl it h G tB ' ,; *i tru :to her engagements with A In confeq on in] Houfe of I ■ E3 INFENN SYI VAN1. 1. 1793. 1 rVflad Iphia City, 7< tity, 6885 7910 ir*> 2; 16 2285 j Montgomery, 4742 6 Che 6125 7 IE rU, II . 61 8 Dauphin* 3ts 1 9 E mealier, 6409 10 V irk, ii Cm $1 din, 3570 13 N End, 3878 14 Mi I »82 -rue, ] (.09 1 6 Northampton, 1 7 Hu 17 7 19 Weftmoreland, S 51 it to, 28 11 2t Allegheny, 2.M0 22 Wafhington, Neiv c.i . ■ 23 Adams, ilng, mi-riit, •en, '28 Crawford, 1009 I r, 5 3 5 2E3 52 Tot 111,612 Increafe , RE ma a X s~For.rteen new counties have for the apparent , if tome coi recent 0 M nties we may re.di conclude (if no Indian wars intervene) that Will be much greater in the next feven years. The returns there is rcaft n to Sear have not bet nio . It bc-ii the inhabitants that this w as not Some guide for fu. to fupprefs evc-iy name they pofiibly ( The Eaves which in 179 1, amounted to ."5737, are now reduced to 1521. Taki s as a bafis on the pro: f the former < ild now contain 53 foul . Which • d.c cf 93,511, Since the Federal Cenfi [HOUSE OF I ENTATP Tl A re cf war i n : c peti i n, id and referred to the corn el on the ft;ru fubject. The El read a letter from the Sergeant at amis IE ; n thai in oj - qu nee cf his exceti: i ~er in removing J a .in the ar i ate eye:-! - iu thoril id ■ m lo A. M. been th, n llheratei in tee of the failure of the pfofecutOC On tlv gui hVn n to appo nt a c< mn f p.E letter** ■ I mer chants, wn of lie in T. he re- En j'ti th to Fort Maffac, on I Obi" river. ' r —The !. ,n was re- 1 the fai. Ok A h I on c • , I• or a in . *c, wbii' 1 on the t'a de, and to he bers. Dec. 31. IfcOG. The houle went into a committe i , Mr. Morris in tl bill for Continuing an act for in ties c ■ fellin *, wii : diftilted fpirits, on goods I auction and on enrria Mr. Randolph moved an limiting the duration of the ad to two Loft by the chairman's \ 39. Bird moved an amendment, ' Ihe ftate courts all cognizance of Suits for recovery of clues, under the idea that all Such delegation of judicial power c ~ unconstitutional. ftfl t my king- a number cf remarks to this effect, which (hall appear in i the committee rofc, reported pro:, re is, and ye to fit ;i 'I he n went i ■/hole on the bill in rel i h moved to ftrike out the firft fectii n. On which motion a debate ofconC ble in: . as well as the c ;, the jurisdiction over the ter Federal Government, were d ith much energy. The I favor of the afTumptton were Me-fIE 'ird, C;.: 1,, D nnis, Haroer and C. ich ; —thole againft it wci, dolph -ilchol.-;. On the motion o)' Mr. Eaarper^tlM rofe and reported | Amotion wai the bill to d ,*>,-> Intro duced it, with tli .. member*, tnd tarried.