Newspaper Page Text
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. HOUSE Of REPRESENTATIVES. Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1800. On the Mausoleum. f debate continued.J Air. John 0. Smith faid it had been de clared by fome gentlemen that the reputation of Washington might be Safely confided to the record of hifiory. Was it the the opi nion of thofe gentlemen that that record was to be found in the charge of murder agamft that illuftrious character ? Wis it to be found in the patriotic effufions of men 'iid pronounced all exprciiions of na tional gratitude a mockery of woe, and had dec! 11 -tl that it was high time for thofe who the Sincere apoltlcs of liberty to be done with fuch foolery ; or was it to be found in the denunciations ofa printer, fup ported by a State that perpetually boaited its regard to repttblitamfm ? Mr. Harper could not but regret that a gentleman, who prof, ifedfo lively a regret I'orthe ven-rable lady alluded to, Ihouldliave exhibited in thi* difcufßon fa glaring a con trast between his profeiTions and his actions, by introducing that lady into the debate, and indelicately expreffing her withe*, in reference to the place where the relics of tier deceafed partner fhould he depofited Was it conceiveahle that to her the place could he of any importance ? Or was i< pofjibte that this houSe could be enflaved b\ the trifling circumstance of the locus in quo, or that the paltry consideration at tending an action of trefpafs could h gravely introduced into Such a debate. All that this venerable lady Says amount* to this that accuftomed from the example of bcr deceafed friend to obey the national •.vEhes,fhc Submitted to that difpolition of hi* remains that Congrefs may make. Shall We then in violation of the plain meaning of her words, enter into whifpers of hearfav reflecting willies, which from his know ledge of her good fenfe, he was pcrfuaded had never been uttered. Mr. Randolph *ofe to explain- He nei her faid, nor intended to fay, that he pofTeffed any knowledge betide that which appeared on the journals ; and from that knowledge he was jull.iiied in faying that Mrs \V .Ellington's compliance. prefJed by her, was not with any publii hat might be exprelTcd, but with that will which had been already exprelTed. Whatever iidinuatioiis the g-ntlemnn South Carolina may mean to convey. .of refptriffc for every woman were facred ; nor were they limited to that fL-x alone. He vtas not difpofed on this occa fion to take the. advice of the gen ' wh ; judging me by his own heart, laid Mr. Randolph, may imagine me capable of dif p the lex. Mr. Harpka willied the gentleman! would avoid any further interruption, and "•!" -ye his remarks until he was dour. lie did not know, nor was he concerned to en- quire into,the motives of the gentleman from enquiry would, of all others lea ft profitable or interefting, either to lorjfe or to himfelf. Neither had he i} id a of giving advice which that gentle -11 would follow. He well knew that it tfas the rtfoftihopelefs of all things to give advice to one, whole own tenfe of propriety . not tell him what was right. Ihofe, ho were incapable of receiving leffonsfrom eirc-wn minds or feelings, were not likely icceive t'nem from any other quarter. The feelings afe.ribed to Mrs. Wafhing *on were unfounded. That lady was inca pable of entering into triflingdifpute* about place or time, fuch as the houfe had this day witneffed. The arguments, by which the fnperiority i ftatue to a maufoleum was attempted to beeftablifhed, were fallacious.The fdrtuand features of our iliuftriou* friend would bs pr de-rvc'd without the eredtion of any ftatuc by US. Pictures hy celebrated artift, were, every where multiplied and caught at with avidity ; and the fculptor and the painter will be employed unceaiingly to keep pace with the encreafing demand. Likenefles may he found every where, and as perfect on the other lide of the Atlantic, as on this fide. A maufoletini would laft for ages ; and would prefent the fame imperilhable apnea* 11 years hence, that it would now. Wherr-.n'j a ftatue would only remain till fome civil convulfion or foreign invafion t or i!i,Eitioin COilcpieror, or lawlefs Riob mould dafh it ifjtf) r till fmie invad i barian Ihotild transport it as atrophy of his guilt to a foreign fhore. I hi) ! Mr. Harper, ;.; rno to a roan, on< as the patron of America, defaced, mut-j1 Sated, its head broken off, proftrated with the ground. A ftatue, erected by the legillature oS Virginia to perpetuate the virtues of a mar. to future ages, had been dcltroyed. IE-fides a ftatue was minute, trivial, and perifhable. It was a monument ereftcd to all that crowd of eftimable but fubordiuati perfonages, that Soar in a region, elevated I above common characters, hut which was infinitely below th Washington. The grcateft honor which this countr) ever has received, the greateft honor which it ever could receive-, was derived from with its Sons the immortal Wafhington. Shall then a mistaken Spirit of economy, and a It'll more miltaken jcalotify arrelt us. Honor him, it is true, we cannot. '1 he world has charged itfelf with that talk. PoSterity as long as the world fhall endure will celebrate his virtues and his talents: thofe virtues and talents of which every ingredient of their happinefs will be a per petual evidence. But though we cannot honor him, we may dishonor ourselves, Though, we cannot increafe the luflre of his fame, we may fhtw our own meannefs, 'cowardice, fpite, and malice ; and flu.ov an aftonilhed world that we are deplorably un worthy of the high honor conferred by na ture in giving us a Wafhington. I am, Said Mr. Harper, awfully impref !' dby the fubject. I link under the fubli rnity that furrounds it. No words can reach it; mine are totally inadequate; to the feeling* of the houfe then it mult be Submitted ; they, after anticipating rhat genius or eloquence can fay, will ftili far furpafa their boldeSt cffuSum Mr. Randolph was very unfortunately Situated, as he was compelled to rife, not in his own defence, but in defence of the calumniated reputation of that ftate which he revered, lince from it he derived his birth. I will not, faid Mr. Randolph, enter in to an elucidation of the motives oi the gen tleman from Smith Carolina, which have produced fo much afperity, and fuch a vi rulence of rancour again ft the ftate of Vir ginia, but will confine myfelf to the quef tion on engrofiing the bill. The gentleman has talked to us about h's disregard for the locus in qua* Mi. Randolph faid he cared as little for the quo modo, as the gentleman did for tin locus in quo. He had further told us that a ftatuc might be overthrown by a licentious mob; and that this had actually been the cafe in the ftate of Virginia. But, why had it been fo ? Becaufe that ftatin had been erected in the life time of the perfon it celebrated ; Decani* it had been erected under the colonial government ; and, becaufe like evtry other fetter of tyranny it was broken by the revolutio nary Ipirit that eftablifhed our liberties. But, fays the gentleman, ftatuts arc railed for fuhordinatc men, for this adm - ral or that general, who may deferve well of their country ; but who do not merit the higheft dillincYions of national gr. titudc. If this meafvire of railing a 111.111 --foleum is to be only a cover for obtaining flatties for temporary and fecondary and trifling characters, it may have a very alarming influence upon us. It is not eafy for a man of even hi', fenfihility than myfelf, to hear in iilenc, the ftate in which I was born, and one of whole reprefentatives I am, calumni ated in the manner in which it had b;v. that day hy the gentlemen from Connec ticut and South Carolina. In defence of that ftate, actuated by a love to it, and not from any refpect to its detractors ; not to repel any imputation of meanefs, of cowardice, of malice, which the gentle man from South Carolina bad called jur.\ (meaning, I fiippofe his own), I wili inform him, and the gentleman from Con necticut, that this ftate was the firft to ce lebrate the fame of the heroof America, by erecting a ftatue to him in the capital at Kit hiiiond. The gentleman from Connecticut ob ject:-, to a confidence in the record of the hiftorian. Does the gentleman wiih to fupprefs the hiftory of the political events of 1776 ? Or does he helieve that thefe events will be handed down in aflbciation with the bloody buoy, and Porcupine's works ? Perhaps he has formed from his own mind a proper lYhodion for our chil dren ; and is againft the prefs handing down any thingelfe ? Mr. H ari'ku f.iid, tliat the gentleman from Virginia had miftated what he had faid. 1 !<• bad cafl kion on tin (Utc of Virginia ; but had barely dances of ftutues overthrown and deftroyed, to ill! tilty. Dm ~i .«► !Ei'< d that the C mnnii.Ee: to v, hi m this fubject had been committed, had cb tained fevcral cftimates ; among which v\as one in writing hy Dr. Thornton, which Hates with confidence, that the expenfe of .in Fiqieltrian ftuate would not exceed fiom 8 000 to 15,000 pounds currency After Some remarks from Mr. Sh"p* ard and Mr. Lyon, the and Nays were taken on engrofSing the bill, and were as follow : ayes 44, noes 40. YE AS. Mcffi-.r. lEi'-r, Harriett, J. Brown, Champlin, Cooper, Craik, F. Davenport, Denni", Dent, Dicklbn, Edmond, Evans, Fofter, Freeman, Glen, Goode, C. Good rich, E. Goodrich, Grifwold, Grove, Harper, Henderfon, Hill, linger, Imlay. fCittera,H. Lee, Morris,Nott,Otis,Pluck* ney, Piatt, J'oweil, J. Heed, N. Head, Rutledge, J. C. Smith, Tenney, Thatch er, J. C. Thomas, 11. Thomas, WadS worth, 1,. Williams, Woods. 44. N A V S. McdTr:;. AHton, Bailey, Bird, Rifhop, It. Ii 'own-'Chrifti^ (-lay, Claiborne,Condit, J. Davenport, Davis, Dawfon, Egglefton, Elmendorf, Gray, Gregg, rlanna, Eieifter, Holmes, Jackfon, Citchcil, l.iib, Lyon, Linn, Macon, Muhlenberg, Handclph, Shepard, F. Sniilie, Smith, Spaight, Stanford, Sumter, Taliaferro, I hompfon, A. Frigg, J.Trigg, Tazeweih Van CortEindt, Van ura. 40. The third reading of tne bill was fix ed fcr Thurfday week, when the houfe adjourned to Tuefday the 30th. LOTS FOR SALE, In the City of Washington. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale a imm her of valuable Lots beautifully fiuuteil between the Capitol and the Eaitern Branch Alfo a (cw lots to be let on leafc for ninety nine years in the vicinity of the Na«y yard. WILLIE M PRO Cl'. City of Wafhington. December ia, 1800 tf N. B A few Tor*, of good Meadow Hay, one Kiln of Bricks, anJ iome Cord Wood. W. P. go Dollars Reward. RAN away from the Subfcribtr, living in Fre deric County, Virginia, a Mulatto boy na med torn, about twenty years of age, of a ftur dy make, about five f t nine inches high, he h*s no particular murk,—He will endeavour to paE for a free man.—We hah a mother, a black wo man, flave fo Mr Frederic Conrad, living in the federal City ; where it is coujeAured he will har bour. Ihe above reward will be paid on his betn<r brought home, or Ten Dollar* p,.cured in any jail and information given to A. LINDO. Decejnber. aa. iwjt \ Totice is Given THAT 1 (hall attend at the Eaftern Branch Ferry on Ulonday, the 29th inft. for' the purpofe of renting the Fifliing Landing. If any perfon fhouldwant to rent it, with .vhom I am not acquainted, fecurity will he required. JOHN WALLACE, ok Win. Detember 22, 1800. BOARDING and LODGING. TWO gentlemen can be accommodated with genteel Board mij Lodging in -i good and comfortable Two itory Brick houfe, a few yards from the. end of the New Gravel Walk ©n New Jericy Avenue, and on nioritrare terms hy JAMES VANSANDT. December 28 ,11. f horn is Carpenter, TAYLOR, '/"** RATKFULLY acknowledges the numerous* vJfavours conferred on him, and Informs his friends and the public that he has entered into partnerfhip with CHARLIE? V ■VRDf-'N, likewile from Philadelphia, on Capitol Hill, oppofite Mr CARROL':, buildings, where, as well as i 1 Perm tylvania Evenue, between the Prefident* Houfe and George Town, from their long and extenfive experience in Military, NavaEnid Fancy dreffts, and in Ladies Habits &c, and from their having procured the beft of woiienien and materials, the utmoft tafle and punctuality might be expec ted. vV Two apprentices wanted. Wafhington, Dec aa. CONRAD & M-MUNN HAVJi opened houfes of entertainment in the range of buildings formerly occupied by Mr. Law, about two hundred paces Irom tht Capitol, in New Jerfcy avenue, leading from thence to the Eaftern ranch. They are fpaci "li, and. lu^veui i;t, one of which is d for lla|;c pall lurs, the oth r foi ■he accommodation of hoarder*. There Elf i bkagc fufiicient tor 60 hories.-——They hope to 1 age. I fit of YVaibiogtwi, No* 34, i3oa. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS leave to inform the Public in genrnl,' that he has opened a Btcf-fleak and Oyfter Houfe, on Capitol i-Eii, Oiiy of Walbington, in the Houfe lately occupied by Brows and .Snow den as a Printing Office, a flnall diffance from tin* Capitol, where Gent'emen inny be acconnno dated at any hour in the day or Evening, with Beef flakes, Oytlcr*, Sail fa ires Bte. at rhc noucer'and on the molt reasonable terms I.ike wife the Subfribcr fas taken titular pains to lay in a flock of Goed Liquor*, and flatters hinifelf that by pi'ying Ariel attention to the bufincfi to Merit the favour of the Public in General. WILLIAM TONKIN. Docemb-jr 2E ertf. Kid, Mot & Co. At the F/rick Store opposite BlodgeT':; Elotel. IT AYE received hy the Brijr Union, Capt. 1 Leonard, from Liverpool, a large Cupply of Crockery Ware. Some of'which is well aftorttci in 1111.1.1 tafk« for the country. Also, by the some Vessel. White Lead, ground in oil. Spanrfh Brown do. Red Lead, Patent yellow, Sec. Ac. They expert by the Roba and Betfey arrived at Norfolk, an addition;.! Invoice of crockery and a large aflbrtment of Gla(a All which will ho lohl at the Philadelphia prices. December a 8. NOTICE, is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that two Tracts of land belong ing to Cm i»l.»-f Or. indpri lying in the County of Pickering in the Mifiifippi Teiritisry, and adjoining land belonging to Adam Bi»gamau, are attached by a Foreign attachment at the i'uit ol joltph Calvet lur a debt «>f 2063 dollars 50 cents JOSEPH CALVET. Nov. 38, iSoo. HOARDING and LODGING. I^IVE orSi\ gentlemen can be accommodated with Gcuteel Board aid Lodging, in a good and comfortable Houfe, on New-Jcrley Avenue. at Mr. Law's former refidtlice Alfo good Stablini> wherein twenty horfrt can be accommo dated by, SAMUEL BOOTES. Nov. a6th 4 100. 4t. To R EN T. A Commodious Two Story brick dwelling houfe on fquart No. 701 —'he lor is well iiulofed and hath every neci ffary out lioufc, and is very convenient for a (mall iamily—it may ! c entered oft immediately, the terms made know* and the prcmifes ihowu by applying ro &ENTAMIJ* MORE. Wafhington,New leifey Avtiiue, December 17, ißco. -,t JUST Ul TOR TED, ?N the th p Miffritiri, via Philadelphia, and now piienij g lor Sale at the .'EihEiiberE StWe ex; New-Jerfey A mm Sill, Square 690. A General Aflbrtment c f Ironmongery, Cut lery, Sadie; y, Erafs Wftf'es and Building Mate rial*. Among which are the following Articles. Iron put-;, frying pwis, chaffing difhes, Brifc, iro • and Japand 1 , patent metal te.i kettles Mid fai c< pans ; iuppaned tea tray*, wait. its and Breacj bafltet", fad iron., wind up jacks, Sweeping, fcruhbing, Kearth and (hoe bruihes ; M rthematical ii ftromrnt"., mahrgaiiy knife cries,, filled with ivory hakdled knives and forks, Cruet [lands, ladies drcfilag cafes; mill, pitt and crofs cut Saws. 56, a 8 and lzjlb. Iron weights. Alfo lcale beams tv weigh from 5 to 10 ewt. at an end. HE MR if LvGIJE November 34th, 1800. RAN AWAY I^ROM the Subfcriber on the zcth inO. Negro FIDELfO, well known about the City, and it is though' he i» Lurking about Prlrs. Young's where he- has a wife. I will give a generous re ward for having him nut in Jail, and One Dollar for flogging him anil bringing him home. Ail perfbm .ire alio forewarned from crediting any perfon on my Account, without an order from miller my hand, arid alfo Irom Harbouring mv People, or permitting them to crofs the Ferries without a line from, J.AMES R. DERMOTT. St. Elizabeth, Dec. 15, 1800. 3t This day is Published ana for Sale ur RAPINE, CONRAD if Co. AT I'HK WASHINGTON BoOK S'rOUtf, Comer of South /?. Street anil New jersey Avenue, nem the Cv, v,,.'. A FEW remarks an Ma. i .-,-.•'» late • * L«t:e,, concerning the Public conduct aud haractei of the Prefident, price i- cents. rh.-: Beggab Glut and hci c, *a,a<flor» 3 ■/'ols. by lvfjs. Leniiet author of WeiiE hctrefe, [uvpnile indifcrctmio. .' Courci, and lounteft of C ' o.My |,9U-id.