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NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, WASHINGTON ADVERTISER. *. l. tv. Firs Dolls. Pmm akh. COLLEGE, ' In the diltrid of Columbia, United States of America, under the direc tion of the Incorporated Catholic Clergy of the ftate of Maryland. i.«l» i I. The annual penGon of this cftablifhment is two hundred and twenty dollars; but for children under twelve years of age, only two hundred dollars will be required- Thofe {Indents who continue their education through the cl.ffesot Philofopby fhall, on account of extraordinary expenfe* and fome particular indigencies allowed them, pay two hundred and fifty dollars per annum. The ptiofion is to be paid half yearly in ad vance A deducVoO ol fifty dollars per annum will be allowed to thole parents who m y choofe to charge them'elves wich the detail of clothing their children The college will furmfh. wafhing and mending; but Willi notkeep particular accounts or beco c fwerable for clothing provided by parents. 11. in lieu oi bed linen, table fervice, fchool books, and oth r articles ufually required on entering eftablifhrnsncsof this kind, each ftudetit fhall pay ten dollars entrance moni-y. 111. The Sunday or holiday drefsi'3 uniform, and confiftt of a pain coat of blue cloth, with yellow button.*, red cloth or k*rfeymcre waifttoats The ufe of filk is not parmitfed—• Every it udent fhall bring with him his uni form dtefs, befidesa iuit for dai'y wear, fix ftiirtx, Gx neck handkerchiefs, fi» pocket' handkerchiefs, fx pair of ftnekimrs, and three of fiooes, all new. Any deficiency in the j above will bs charged to the parents, IV On the above rerms the lludents are fun ifhed with cloth.s, linen, w.rfhing, --pending, lodging, board, fire, candle, table, fchool books, pen, ink, paper, amufcracnts, and fchool reward;. ; (o that nothing wi 1 remain to the charge of the parents, but medical attendance and mciiicints, poftage, and fuch extra itflo ••» o' drawii.g, dancing, mufic, &.c which ehey may choofe to order tor their children. V. Ihe re-ig on, uniformly pradiced by the ftuileut* living in t ! *e', is the Roman Catholic; but for ftudetit-. ol other religious perfuafioc-s, U'cr. are boarding houfes convenient to the college, where ttwy will be fufejed to th« fame rules (religion excepted) and enjoy the lame advantages for their improvement in fcieuce as the petition er? of the col.ege. VI. Cut h'.ardurs muft be fuiniHied by their parents with the uniform of the college, and pay annually for tuition, fire, candle, tfch ul books, pen, ink, paper, amufements, fchool rewards, Ac. fifty dollars, always half yearly in advance. VII The ftudents are taught Englifh, Latin, Greek, itid all the .branches of Claffical Education, facred and proiane Hiftory, Geo graphy tie «le of the Giobcs, orithmetic , ana when fufficiently advanced "Igebra and Oeomctry, wirh all th-* cth-r parts of the M.themafics in t. c relpe.:tivyclaiTas Par tic aar care is taken that tbey learn to read well, and write a good hand, and that they fpearc and rite French with accuracy. Four ! times a year the t/udents are called lo a public exa .ination of wh t t ey been taught before Parents and the Friends of Literature Thofe j who have made extraordinary progrefs are ; honored and rewarded- The idle, for punifh- } nitnt, are confined 111 the vacation to certain j extraordinary hour-, of lludy during play- I time, in ord.r to repair what they have neg- 1 lected to learn in uhoots ; therefore, if they ' are found dekdive in the laft and moft im portant examination of the year, before the Augult vacation, they wdli.ot be allowed to ; g» home during that time. VI I The age of admiffion is from eight to fourteen, v. hen children are not fulfi ciently advanced to begin a regulor courfe of cbffical education they arc placed in an ele mentary claf», -.tten icd by a particular teacher, fjrom whomility e*rn to fpell, read, and write IX. H the children fent to this College have been before at any other houfe of edu cation, an atteftation of their morals and docility is required. X. The greateft care is taken to inftrud the children in the duti*« of Religion and Morality, and the-* arc onftsntly under the eye ol <ne or more o. the Prof effort who fee that thole- duties are pradded, and that the rule* of civ lity are nol violated. XI. Cir. mtnefs and exercife, and every thing which contributes to health, arc at tended to with particular care XII. All the penfioners dine and fup with their profeffors, and have the fame table which they have. No diftindions are allowed in diet or clothing. XIII. As long experience hat convinced the diredoi», that a proiufion of pocket money ! it very prejudicial, not only to good order, but even to ftndy and application, tbey therefore requeft that parents will not be forward in indulging their children in mor: than fifty cents at moft per mouth, for this purpofe— XIV. No allowance is made for abfence during the vacation, which begins on the , ? th Aiiguft and ends the 15th of September. '1 o thefe terms the parents are riefired to be particularly nttcn ive. in cafe they choofe te> call their children home, as the abfence of a faw weeks at the opening of fchoo sis ftldom repair.d-without very great difficulty. Ab fence from frhnols at no other time will be pert-nirted It i« indeed ihe moft ferious anr. •arntft defirc of he Dircdors, that She chil. drenfhould never le called home during the coiffe of their education, as they have foun. : by experience, that fuch avocations have •ftcn proved prejudicial, sot only to ftudy and appiic tion, but even to content and happine.s Thofe children who may be received into tl co lege upm other lund*. either totally 01 •partially, than thofe provided by their iiaruita or guardians, will not be allowed to WASHINGTON UfY, PRINTED r»Y SAMUEL HARRISON *'SMI iH, PENNSYLVANIA AVvo 'U'E. dnring the fall courfe of their education, unlcfs purticubr circumftances in the judg ment of the Prcfident fhou.d require permif fion of abfcnce for a time XV. When children are removed from the College, whatever new linen or clothes are turnifhed them on that occafion, will be charged to their parents. After entering on a new quarter no deduction will be made for the remaining part thereof. The College is a large building, capable of lodging two hundred perfons conveniently -* The garden and court adjoining, wherj the young gentlemen play, are very airy and fpaciouj. The Gtuation is very pleafant am l It will contribute much to the advantage of the children- if parents on lending them wi 1 inform tbe Prcfident how long they prop >fc to leave them at the College, and for whit employments in life they are dfUgned. The regular courfe of education is properly daffi* cal; but fuch »s are deflined for tlie commer cial line, have a leffon of irithmetic and Book Keeping, wide*' a particular Profeffor appointed for that purpofe. N B. The above Regulations and Condi tions will take place from the 15th day of Auguft, 1804, for all fuch ar enter at, or after that period ; but tor others, they will only commence at the sxpirarion ol the Gx months, for which the advance payment had become I due prior to that term. Right Rev. LEONARD NEALE, ! President. Georgetown, June 11-irn. PROPOSAL, For printing by Subscription, Mifcellaneous Poems, BY MRS. AI.LKN, Consort to the Rev. Mr. Allen of Harford county, Written bet ue her marriage. THE book to be printed with a clear ■ type, and tine paper. In a duodecimo volume, and delivered to the fubferibt-rs neatly bound price Three quarters of a Dollar, half to be paid on fii'.fcribing and the refidue on deli very of the book- which wil be pit to prof. las foon as three hundred copies fhall befub i feribed for. Subfcriptione received by Mr. Matthew Carey, Fhiladelpbia— by Meffrs. Warner and 'anna, • altimore, and by the principal bookfeilers in thofe cities, alio by Mr. , Samuel Harritbn Smith, Wafhington city. Dr. Jacob Hall, of Harford county, of known literary chirader, to wimfe infpecftion thefe Poems were fuHmitted, i" '»_ Utter to the author, exprcfTea his opinion of them, as follows: MADAM, I have been honored and gratified with the perufal of your manuicript copy of Poems. In my opinion it in a work of confi 1 der*ble merit, and dilpliys true piety and poetic genius. The paftorat dialogues are commendable for their novelty, fimpiicity and nciuty. The elegies, epilMe*, and efpe -1 cially tiie " Man of Misfortune," a Moral ; Tale, are interefting and pathetic. The Odes and fugitive Pieces arc fprigbtly and amufing And the whole compofiti.-n fecms to \ breathe fuch a fpirit of philanthropy and 1 benevolence as csnoot fail to elevate the affecliong, and to mend the heart—And it is jto be regretted, that the author's modefty has 1 hitherto denied the community fo refined Bt. j elegant an entertainment. Your Friend, Btc. T. H-.LL. Christopher's Camp. Match 24-. In the aseof THOMAS HAYWARD. an Insolvent Debtor — District of Columbia, Washington county, to wit : vJn the petition of Thomas Hay ward an infolvent debtor confined in the prifon in Waflnngton county ior debt.—Notice is h-reby given that on Monday the 30th day of Jury inft. at 9 o'clock A. M. at the court ! room in the capitol the oath of an infolvent debtor will be adminiflered to the faid Tho mas Hay ward, and a trull cc appointed agreeably to the aft of Congrefs now in force oa that tubjeft unlcls fufficient caufe be then and there fliewn to the coutrary. It is ordered that this notice be publifhed thr-e times in the Wafhington Feeteralift and «nal Intelligencer previour- to fall da/, der of W. < ranch, Efq afliftant Judge : circuit court of the dittri& of Colum bia. URIAH FORREST, Ck. Ju'y *J—3t A New Line of Stages. 1 HE fubferibers have eftablifted a line of ftagesfrom Frederic k.'burg Virginia toChar lottfvilleby the way ol the Ocnge Springs, where it wilt meet the ftage that runs to Stanton and the Sweet Springs, it commeced ion the 4th of July Leaves Frederickfburg every Wednefday and Friday at 4 o'clock P. M. during the funnier, and an Ives at Ch rlottfville on Thnrlday aid Saturday at 8 P. M Returning leave Charlottiville every Friday and Sunday at 4 A. M and rriveat Frcderickfbsrg every Saturday and Monday at 7 A. M. They flatter themfelves the great accom- I mwdation this line offers to the public will infurc liberal encouragement; POLLARD & ABRAHAM. July 18-6. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST Ift, 1804. Foreign Intelligence. The General of Brigade, Prefect of the Department of Morbihan, to the Mand Judge. VANNES May 15. litizcn Grand Judge. — \n Eng* lifli corvtte wan taken a few dajM ago ! by our gun boats, at the entrance oi' the I Morbihan ; and have yefterday learn ed that the ofH ers and crew of this vef f-*l had reached Van «.es, on their way to '. Epinal. 1 had an interview with the captain, with the intention ot obtaining jby artifice f-»ni» admiflion or account r-lativr to the traitors who might be I aiding him on the coaft, or of the ac- i complices in the confpirary who miglst have lecret-d them(elyei aboard his vef- i frl to efcape, as I fufpect-*d, to E g lasd. I foon ItfcoVered this to jbe a perfon of fome impirtince ; he is j a M • '/Wight, who landed Georges. I Pichegru and their accomplices 0.1 the lof Dieppe. I knew him well in t, were he was the lieutenant of idnry Smith, and charged by that lodore with all his negociations the French army. I thought he t ufeful difciveries, or athaft t arq tit himfelf, by avowing that $ by order of his gov-mment, that fpmb'uked on oui c aft that ba id ilFins, and might thus furr.ifh a and authentic proof nf the partici nof the Britifli cabinet in this hy. I have, therefor*, fent him * the Diligence, and under the ef* i of the gendarmerie, recommei ding however, t» pay him the refpect due a prifoner of war. Mr. Wright is the fame perfen who fome years lince efcaped from ths Temple with Sir S.d- Dey Smith ; he is very refi-rved and cunning, a fanaticrl 'nerriy of the French, vain enough to confiler bimtelt deftined to play a confiderable part, and fo inlolent as o believe that his fitua tton fecurps him from danger. But tnis nay fail him, if he is placed in the al ternative of throwing the blame of his •■niflion upon his government, or ot paf fing for an -Tvenlible onfpirator, and fr iable* to juftice. I thought proper to ftate my own opinion on this fu j-tt. He will let off this ev*-ni gin the Dili gence from Rennis, and will arrive at Paris almofl as foon as my letter, he is iCCotnpanied by a very young nephew and his domeftic, whom I did not th.nk proper t> f naiate from him. Although I wifli dto conceal from him the mo tive of the extraordinary mature adopt ed t< wards him, he was not to be doped; nd I have rrafon to believe, from my converfation -with him, that he had ftudi rd his part, arid is determined to remain lilerit,oi the principle that he ought on ly to rend r an account of hi* military operations to his own government. Ne ▼erthetefs, whatever meaf'ures you m. y takr irfpefting him, I thought, at all J events, it wouU be of importance to fend you a man who has a&ed fo coufpicu oufly in the frightful conlpiracy which has ftrurk all Fiance w"h alarm, and ' which, Providence, always propitious, feems to have thrown (as a new exam ple of its benevolence towards Bona parte) on the coaft of Morbihan, where his well armed (hip was deftined to be taken by fimpte gun boats, and himfilf to bedilcovered amidft a crowd of pri foners, amnngft whom, in any other part than here, he might have remaned undifcovered. I hope,C'riz*n Minifter, you will approve of the meafure I have taken. I have the honour to falute « JULIEM." PARIS, May 21. Capt. Wright has been confronted wit i more than forty perlons who have ncognifed him as ihe officer who debaik e them atßelville. The corvette in which th ffifier was taken had 96 men, of whom 30 fell in the conteft. He has de clared that they were the beft of his crew, and that his miz?n-maft was wound cd. He afcribes his furrender to a calm, the gun boats advancing with their oars were at theinftant about *co board. RATUS CONSULTUM. PARIS, M*y 18. 2 mlervative Senate affembled uder the prrficeticy of the Con aceres. All the miniftrri w;ic it the fitting ; as alio tbe coun i ftate Portalis, Defernont and Trielhard, the orators of government I appointed on the 26th Floreal, to tarry to the S-nnte a plan organ,,- * - natus Confnlcum. The Senate bearing the report ol i'.s committe'ej by the Senator Lac'e-ptd**, adopted the Se- natus Confultum, and a'ftfr the li repaired iv a body to St. Ci mil, to lent it to tlie firft C.tnful. We give the text of this fundamental act, i which conftitu'es the French Empire, as foon as it thaH be officially* publilhrd. lit the mraii time, to gratify the juft impatience of onr readers ; we think we m:iy lay before them fome of the piinci pal regulations, as they are circulated by public report. The S-natUS Confultum curtains, it | if* f id. 143 articles, divided into 18 titles. The firft title d. chirrs N leone Bonaparte. Emperor of the Pr and the linp*-. rial dignity hereditary in thediredt, na ural and leg'.tiin-ite del- : cent from male to male, and the order of pramigenitur*-, to the rxclufion of females mid their defcent. The Em »i r or may adopt the children or grvd Children of his brothers-- provided they have attained the age of 18 years com- | pl-te, and he htmtelf havi no chil dren* Aiopti ni is prohibited to his j fuc.elTors. In d-*faul. ot a natural and legitimate heir of the Firft Conftil, or I ot an ad >pt**d heir, th* Empire will be transferred to Jofeph Bon parte and his \ to Louis Bonaparte and his d fcendanti. In rale of failure the ' heirs of J tfeph a r )d Lou's B irap.rte, a Senstus Confu turn propof dto th nate by the Tituhni< s of th* grti.t Mti*»3*of the Ernpfre, and lubmit-d to the acceptance 1 ' of the people, f1i.,11 ap point an emperof. ! The members of the Imperial family, ] in the orier of inheritance, flill bear' the title ol Fiench Princes. The eldcft ; I foil of the Emperor (hall bear the tile of Imp-rial P.ince. A prince who thill marry without pe-nvfiion from the Emperor, (lull be deprived of j all right to th- inheritance. It h Hull have no children hy this marriage it Ih 11 be afterwards dilfolved. The civil I s <*- (hall remain regulated as it is by the 111 .nil 4th article of th Cree of the 26th of Vlay 17J1. Th French princes, J feph and L.'ui-s B■ naparte, and 'h- younger foils of the Emperor, (lull be treated conformably to the articles 1, 10, 11, 12, and 13, of 'he decree ot the 21* of December, 1790. The. Emperor nvy fix the dow erofthe Emprefs, and aitign it 61) civil lift. His lucceiTors (hall not be permitted to make any change in his dilp fitions in this refpett. Ths emperor will vifit the depart ments. In confequence imperial pa laces (hall be eftabiinVd at the tiiir 1 principal points ot the empire. In the cafe of a minority of the em | pire, three Ih II he a regent of the em i pire. Thr Emperor is a minor till the I age of 18 yeai's complete. Females (hall be excluded from the regency reigning. The Emperor may previouily appoint a regent from among the French pi inces. I In detault of fuch appointment, the regency (hill be given to the prince nearrft in degree of confahguinity. No organic Senatus Conl'iiltum ran be ilTued during the regency, nor before the end ) of the thud year, wiiiih lhall follow the ; majority. There 111 11 be a council ot regency coup fed of ihe titular, s of thi , great dignities of the empi r—-The re-I gent /hall not be emp. w r.-d to declare I war or to make peace till ifter a delibe ration ir the council of reg - ncy, of which the members, in that csfe only, (hill hay- deliberative voices. The guardiai'.lhip of the Emperor, in his mi nority fhall be confi led to his mother, Ii r in de fault <f he , to the prince ap •v.irted by the predecelTors of the Em peri r, wl o is a minor. The titularies of the great dignities 1 of the empire, are the Great t£i«c\or* the An hchancellor of tl c Temple, the , Arch Chancellor of State, the Arch Treafuer, the C nft b'.e, and the I Admiral, They fliall be nominated toy tne Emperor ; they (hall enjoy the fame honors as the Fretichpriaccs, and rank immediately after them ; they (lull i be Senators and Counfellors of State ; i they (hall form the great CoU.icil ot the J Emperor; they lhall be members of tie Privy Council ; they fli dl compofe the j great council of the Legion of honor ; I they fliall be irremoveable ; Senatotiois : lhall be attacned t«> each of the great I .ignities of the empire ; they fliall he . ftabliftied in the departments of the Lyle, the Gironne, the Rhone, thcPo, he Lower Loire, and the mouths of the Rhone. There fliall be great officers of the ■mpire—l. Marrtialls of the empire, ohofen from among the molt dihVuiguifli ed generals—2. Eight iufpecW* and No. oxeri. PUU> lif AJOVAKCB. o.o*i*>is-g*ner;ii nj artillery, cavalry 'he marine—3. Great civil officers th- rrnvD, fuch an (hall be inftvtutetl by th* flature** of the Emperor. The gi s rue irremoveable. Thp F.moero'-, within the fi ft two lafter his tfccclfiq ito the throne, or attainment of a majority, fhall take an --.ati to the French nebple', on the gofpel, in the orefence of th-Titularies of the Grand-Dignities of the E npir<*. of ihp niinifters, of the Grer.t office > the Empire, of the of the C ftate, of the Lgfl.-.iv B dy, of the Tribunate, of the 'i.mrr ,: Gaff tior, of th- \-chbi(h*)ps and Rifli .us, .f Great Ofilcers of the Legion of Hoior, of the Prefident* of the Cantons, of Co'iflfto irs and M y is >f the principal of .he Empire. H fh ill (\v* ar tr. maintain, th-int.-grity of the Fr nch re. ; to refpect and caufe to be re- I rcVd I berty of confcieiicje and the laws of the Concordat) \h*. '"quality of rights, political and ciril liberty, the ir* rev cability of the fairs of national pro perty, not to levy aicy tax but by vir tue of a law, Stc. The S»nate fliall be comnofed of French Piircri ; two of the Titularies of the Great Dignities of the Kmpi c ; tlnee of eighty members nom'ui>t--d on the nrefentation of candidates eh ofen by the Emperor from lifts formed by the El.'ftorial College of th? Departments ; four of th? citiz-ns whom the Emperor (hull Judge proper to elevute to the dig nity of Senators. Thete fhnll he formed in the S'nat*, and from its body, a committee ot indi vidual liberty, coiifirfing of feven mem bers, who. if any perfo.i is arrefted and not brought to trir-.l after ten days from his arreft, may on apolication from fuch perfon, call on the Mioifler who ord r ed his arreft, either to f**t him at lib.-r-y or bring bim before the Tribunals, which if he refutes *o do, the committee m*y ii! an nffembly of the Senate, to wliirh 'he matte** (hall be referred. There ihall likewife be in the Seriat committee f. r the liberty *of the P which fii II proceed in *h- fame manner in cafe of a::y infringment ot that ii- The Senatbs Confultum Contains vari ous other regulations relative to the L--rjfhtive body, the Council of State, the Tribunate, the Electoral Colleges, ad the Imperial Court. This I C >urt, compnfrd of the Prince?, Gi Dignities, great Officer! of the Empi r, th- Chief Judge, 60 S nature, and other members, is to take cojfniaance of per- I filial offence* committed hy he mem- I hers of the Imperial family, hv the Grand D'-ntarirs and the Senators ; as | alfo of offences of Mmitters, in theii ol- I facial r fponfibfiity. Th.- laws Hull be th is promulgated : v N. by the grsce of God and the C .li ft, tution of the republic, Emperor of the French, Sec " The F.r'nch people fhall vote in the • form appointed by the arntte of the 20 h of Floreal, of the year 12, on the inherit nice of the Imperial Dignity, in tlie d'necft, natural, and legitimate drl*. centof Na-oleon Bonaparte, Jofeph Bo parte, and Louis B ioap*»>'te. The ad option of the above Sen-uus Confultum, has been announced 'o the Parilians by fi_veral difclurges of can- PARIS, May 20. 1 f diffr-rent c.-rps Cotripofing the Im perial Guard weir y. (1 tented to His M jfty the E.nperor, by Prince L vis, (J .tillable of the E ipirr. Gen. B ili-rrs, Colonel G-eneral of the Guard, lf.d tne Emperor, iv a fpeech ex p-. dive of hia dvo i.mi and Ii .lit/ to him', and was arifvvered by the E.n --p. ror. T'-i-" Senate, under the P \-4Hency o? C'mbaceres, decreed in th? fi ting of ye f. t.-rday, it whicli the Giuful Lsbruti filled, and all the Minilters w re prefent, gai.ic Senatus Cnlukun, which s the title ot E iperor on the Fi.ft Conl'ul, and eltablifhes ths Im| al dignity hereditary iv ins family. Ir. inftatitly decreed that the members Hi immediately repair to Su Cloud, to fent the organic Senatus ConfuUum to the E'up-iror. They fet out after tii | dole of the fitting, accompa lied by lev - I rsl bod-s of troops. Tne S*natf, on its arrival, bein*; j m-diately admitted to an audience nperor. the Conful Cunba'-.ere'. j P.dident, pielenied the organic S Cool'u'tiiu to the Firft Coiifu'., ...i j as follows : " Sire, " The D cree wh'c'i the Senate nn I palTrd, and *hie i »t t.kes he en j opportunity of pr*'eating to your Iji*