OCR Interpretation

The national intelligencer and Washington advertiser. [volume] (Washington City [D.C.]) 1800-1810, January 20, 1806, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045242/1806-01-20/ed-1/seq-3/

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.„] re- !, nMo the Uuit-d State?, the'
trihtii ■ H • lil it- (1 by the laft treaties of
1■ ; ■■■ r 'v tiie king of Denmark, his
da- hing of Sweden, and the
vi n lepuhhc. as the condition of
th the re,"tncyof Tripoli, until
filch timcajtfaid.expeilfe f] iU ;i be reim- ■
lurf rf.
Art. VI. In order to carv into full
effect toe fiipnl.ilion exprt-Jred in the '
preceding article, i'aid Hamet bafhaw ,
jii dgi s his faith and honor, faithfully to
e-bferve and fulfil the treaties now fu'o- I
filling between the regency of Tripofi
and tha-ir majeCies ihe kings of l>t'iimark
ttnd Sweden, and with the Ih-tavian re- j
Art. Vl'. In ronfideratioii of the
fjTclldly dil'pofttion of his majefly the j
king of the two Sicilies towards the j
American hpur'ron his hightiefs iho.ut |
halo.iw invites his faid Sicilian maj.ily
to renew their ymituf i'licndlhip, and
ptoh'.'i's hm a p"aee on th-' fool i
that to be definitively concluded With the \
llnit.ci States of America, in tbefirlkft
<■ •:'' or of it:-. p'riVile ling to the
tenor cf this tm.vi ntiom
Art V ill. 'i lie het'er to y;:ve ef- ;
feci to the operations to he carried on by
lie pi-oiecutimi of the plan, an i j
the attainment ol the object pointed out j
by to .ition, William .Futon, a
rithoui of the United States, new in '
,E:;-yp% fli li bt i '< oemf d ai general and
'oar.der in chief of the h.nd I
whii h -are or may be ciillctl into fci vice
ii Pi the common enemy. And his |
laid highiiejts Maine* balhaw engages !
tinit his own fchpets i'liull rtlpeci and
©biy him as ihth.
.".it IX. rfi« hi;»h-nefs fiid Hamet
hnfliawgtarrts Kill an.mlly and perpetual i
oblivion, t.awards the conduct of all filch
of la ■ as may iiave betn fe- I
do-.u by the iiue.tr to abrndoii his!
Cat.'. , and who arc t'.fpofed to return to !
their proper a'ltidani c.
Art. F.'. a-.turewor hot', -
the t partiet, captives b:i -
shaH ho treated as prisoners of
wo; - , and not as slaves, and shad he
untitled to reciprocal and etjuhl cx
i man for man, and grade for
;■-, and in no case shall a ransom
be demanded tor prisoners of war, nor
a tribute ra-pdred, a., the condition of
j.. no, neitlier on the one part, nor on
tha (,fhf.c. All prisoners on.bhtb" sides
all 'I he given no ait the conclusion ot
Art. XI. The Atneiican consular'j
flag in T; ipoli d: ,d for ever ; c a a
;. , hi:o, io all ps i'j»u»B who hi ill liesiri j
to take refuge under it, t>cept for the i I
crimes of ti'eason and murder.
Art. XII. In case of the faithful ob
servance nod ihlfdmeni on the part of , ,
his blghiiess, said Hamet bashaw, of j
the agreements! ;nrl obligations herein
stipulated, the said commander inchiat '
if the American forces in t'm .Vlcdit-.r- |
ranean, engsge* to leave said Kaoict
h.i |h iw, m l!;e .11 of ' '
the city ftfid regency without '
hug its hatUries.
Ast.XIU. Any article suitable to j
he i-.r.rodu -od in a definitive treaty cf , {
p'-ac, between the contracting parties, i
l may not he comprised in this !
C ro/entioii, shall he rccipna. ;dly en the j
- : ; , snbsiting with the '• '
most i v i ins. j '
Art. XIV; r i'his convention shall | »
lie atlbrniWOtl tn the 1' • f the U. I J
S; for his ratdh.tiai;. In the mean I A
til ie ther • shall be n6 sui pence in its o- - }
yeratlons, ' A
Dope atA!o:-:'o.d-'hi ia Egypt, Fe-
I by I
sart'i I la ' him: elf
and site..t isors, ,i..l by Willia-wi i '
I.;, too i n the pat. o! the '. d S. j '
Additional arliede secret. | ?
1 lis high t-Av, Avill ! i
use his Utm ion 3to cause to Bur,* i t
render to the Comcaander in chief of | s
the American force Fm the Meditei ra- : j
nean, the usurper Joseph Ra-shaw, to.?;e- !
ther with hiii family, iind chief adm'l ,
called Maurod Itais,alias Peter Lisle, : *
to be held by the government of the v. i
S*. aahostages, and as a guarantee of > <
the faithtal oh:a iv aoec of the stipulati- I
ens entered into by Convention of the j I
23d Feb. 1&05, with tiie U. S. provided j <
they do not escape by flight. ~
• ■DIED.— *. C. HANSON, Chancellor of
the Irate of Maryland.
House of ReffißSltfrtr'A'r'ZrjsS;
As form as the journal cf the preced- !
ing day Avas read, Mi. J- Randolph
faid he had a motion to make which re
quired the galleries previouliy to be ,
The galleries Avrre accordingly clear- '
ed, and continued fo for about two
Fours ; when the doers were op.
and a written meffage from the Preiuhmt ]
r.f the United State* was prefented by J
Mr, Coles.
This rotu-agei being partly of a public,
rrd partly of a confidential nature, the
galleries were cleared for a (hm': time,
v.'hilc the latter part was read. The
doors being again opened, the Clerk
read the former part of the meffage,
relative, to Britifh aggreflioni on neutial
rights. The meTage contains a copy of
a letter tranfmitted by the Secreta y of
SiSte to Mr. Monroe, dated April I, j
I, on toe inmreffmeiit of American
en ; ami the copy cf a letter from
the Secretary to Mr. Monroe, c
April 12, 1805, en the dodvine h
' let up 1" Mitral
trade. Be fides thele Oapers, the mef-j
fage enrlofed memorials from the
chants of New i'qrk, of v ewb'iiry I'oW,
of f»bil .Aloha-, Bnd of CharlrnW,
from the United Da)
pany of Kew-Veih, from the New
i Infumince Compary)*, itnd lrqnl the .'
folk IvJarrnc Lifmaiuc Company.
Mr. Thoim ».s uio\ i
1 the melfage to a i ...r.udt too of th: W
on the Irate of the union.
I Mr. NfcHoiisoS olifc'rved. that a]
fuh;':c~t intimately Ci with tlr.it '
of the meffage had bei ;1 already r.fm'. 1
i ed to the (tnnnnittee of ways and m<
i and moved the reference e'i t.he.mcuY.e
to lh !' e-'iio:
Mr*. Tub*£ AS replied lh;r d.o oioioo
'•i .! from : nts of the citii
! New-York- md Philadelphia, > a the
funic fubjetft, had bern referred to a
commtttei ite ot
the onion.
The queflion of reTerence to a com-'
' mitt- . iva? take.d
. and palled in th • negative—Ayts2.y» \
j Mr. Nich ol son then-moved to. r*f«r
■ tl>e meli'are to the committee of ivays
and intact < i
j Mr. hiimvM::;;!it:i.T) fhid he coy.li
not cone.-he wlhy a reference fhoulu be
i mape to t!ie committee of ways ami
■;■;. It had uo connedtion, or a wry
remote coom-i'ion with leveoiie. Sun
!y, faid Mr (drowiiinih'rld, Aye are m.t
going to i difference on this
pdinit by pound.;, flrllmgs and pence.
!He Concluded by moving a re id re nee to ,
. a feiett committee.
| Mr. Dana obferved that the meffage i
j embraced two diitmed points, one rela- !
I t ye ip fooliatious on cur trade, which :
; might go to the cctnmittee cf ways and ,
j means, ami the other relative' to tiie im- \
j prefltrifciit of our ftjsfiaen, which would
I moll proper]* he referred to a hkcl com- j
mil tee..
Mr. Nicholson varied his motion in j
the way foggelbd by Mr. Dana.
The Houfe com uiTcd hi his motion |
tO refer fo much of the meffage as re-)
fates to fpohui.ms to the committee of!
ways and mean — Ayes 59—Noes lib j
bo much of the mcfthge as relates to !
the imon ffmf'-t of lea men v/as referred
to a fdrfi committee of ffeyen members,
Mr. Gr'Scc from the committee on
the public hums, made a report on the j
memorial of-the tlir.'ctors and agents of
i the Oiiio ceupany. The report Hairs j
] that Bilce the thiLoot the memorial lo
e. | -, vilibn had been made for all
j the < »1 ed for except one T! i ;
i i". that a grant may he made in aid of
! i'ehod,, of a Ft vl' hind twenty miles \
lquare in the lieu of the. oilling appro- j
pri moo. of 1 ill The report concludes
with are id hit'mi that'the prayer &t the '■
■ relates to the appli* j
1 cation for a lot of tr.hd of twenty miles' • ;
ihti are ought not u> be granted.
The IToi.ifc iiunifdiattly conildercd the ■
report ..\u\ concurred in it without divi- j
■ fion.
Mr. John CI. Smith Irom the com-'
I mitt.cc of claims ma : e a report on the ! (
i petition of D; riiel Potter, fhting that 1
J the only object of the petition which is
j realona le, may be adiu'led by the pro
sper accounting- officer, ancl com hiding '
ivi'b a lefolution. that the petitioner"! '
: have leave to withdraw his petition, in . '
I which the Ilcufe tohcurri
Mr, G, \V. (1 a:.lriiKja. pre[*ented a |
petitiqg from a cumber of citizens of
, the Illinois country, in the counties oth
I Randolph mid Ik. Our, hating- certain I
grievances under which they labour, I
! from the manner in which the territorial '
[ government is comlr.eded, praying that '
ja certain dillih'd may he incorporated
mo ;i ieparate territorial governm
; and that they may ! dto hold ,
j Haves conditionally or unconditionally. ; «
j Referred to the committee appointed
\on memorials f.-om Indiana. j ;
j Mr. G. Vv. hAMp.TV.I;. llhewife pre- j '
| fented a memorial from a committee qft '
| citiaens of lotliaua, ot the fame tenor I
J with the foregoing memorial, and fiW*',,
ther reprefenttng that a law had been
puffeu by the territorial legiflaturc al- .
lowing ilavery, which, though they '
J Avifh -allowed, ought, in their opinion, j
to be fdiicFioiu-d by a different autho
i rit y' '
Referred to the ftwe ccmmictce.
Mr. Ghkgc faid tirat he had eailv '
lin the feffion offered a reiolution, which ,
ihe tliought had been at the time referred '
Ito a committee of the whole llouie.
Finding that this Avas not the cafe, he
rofe to move that it fhotildbe fo referred. [
; This rcfolution, as follows, was taken
i into conlicn-iation—Ayes 6C—-Noi s2 1
—and referred to a committee of the
whole IJoufe on the Ift Monday in Fe
j Ecsxv d, That fo much of an acl: en
titled ''An aft regulating the grants ol
1 land, and providing for the dlfpofal of
the hud;; of the.United States, lhtithof
the Hate of TemicfiVe," as appropriates •
any portion of faid lands for the purpofc
of iatisfying, quieting, or compenfating
any claims to the faid lands, derived
from any act, or pretended act of the date
<>( Georgia, and neither recognifed by
the article*of agreement and eeiiion be
tween the United States and,the Hate ol
1 Georgia, nor embraced by the two fn-it
fetTtions of the above mentioned act, tc
[, Mr. TitN'NKY, from the committee o['
revifai and unliniflied buiiucls, havijig
obtained leave, fubmitted ?■ Fill further j
'ocOnciiuie in force an ad"t for cilabln'li-'
ing trading boules Avith the Indian
i tabes, which was referred to the com
joittte of cpiniueree lllld niauufaetuiti.
. y.
■» ite* -a"*-— -
CA OF '-: It ■■: H~ J"' i- in- THE I
eh :-:kk cor:;a'i: . .
| Chxrx brOTching hasbi v attemptedb\ j
Indians, 0.-id Some of j
thcao !.->\ c oeoe jUvtl;. Well. One cf j
' tiie smiths being «*l mm m.i'.ili, lias pro
j misc-d to ii-si-'.-m-f then) in castiug the |
i niountinrj. Hatche'tV, aoes, breachiiig i
ot !i'tms, drilling them, imdo
fiv springs—these have been ma.ie by
Vat'Ciiupee ae(i ho.'.-c. llirnaial, mul
: tfiAV o'her halt i,:-.-
A hatt'erV shop is citrtbiWhed at the j
by Nirorod I)oj lc, ;ind j
• iciei'inai.'iw.' been m.i,a., by llilii.
ftniue Indhin 1 ids h iv>- promisird to ap
-'■ !• rasti-iie.i in, ami this bu
sinoss h;.s only be. n retarded by the
difficulty of getting tools ; th
'< (ho- c,- ely ip the i fst winter was lc;,t, |
1.-.v ,, M ; .-, eeotO- ;,:•;■;.. c "', Mill
■ applied for on public ncCount are j
t/h in this business presents j
li M If, wid'dt wih r. ipiiit! s.:a.ie time to I
remove. The iiotsare l< ft to them
r-elves and without oontrol, are not pot I
. toauy business) r.hd ;;•; o'.v up and til". 1 |
things of thdmselves as iaidnudion di-;
rcats. Li short, tliey are in a state of !
nature from infancy to riiiidv.o 1. They I
have so much, false pride '''-■" tlrey v, id I
not submit to be taught any tilings and ;
i where one she w:> any aptness to learn, ;
j placing him iv a vvork shop seems ot i
, little avail, as he cannot be y;ot to obey !
i orders there, ile is uppfreheYwive, as
; iiectinnbt do* he thipgceruplete athr-t, ;
that he Avid be deemed inferior to tiie '
' Avhile men ; what he gets must he by j
efforts made be himself, which, Aiheo |
| perfect in his .--v n i it., it. shewhi with
a drgree of irmmph.
Within the lasj year''several young!
fellows have begun ■ 1" this ihi- \
h , have, accept* d Lf toi lv, ai..l art ma
| king exertibtlS to manufacture, ariicks .
\ of the iirst necessity.
Butter aud cheese have been made at I
i more titan Ul. phots, and in l'? 04, 150
j lias, of eheeoe v.e:e miide at one house
iby a half breed woman, and. sold ut 17 j
j cents per Lb.
The skin and fur trade is on the d--
J cone—hiuiti'.ig is mere now for amu&e
--' mem than pl'bht. tievcr.il yood liun
ters the 1 ist winti-r edd not kill more
than ;id I'eer, and a great many hui
not half that r.umoer—of cur a-, the
trade in those aniilcs is cf lit;!? ac
csunt amongthc resident traders. Fh.so
are ficetised to the < htl of the year, and
i cry few will ret chc ir 1' oi-o re:i:'\\
cd. They are not suitable characters'
fn-tii :, and ate avrvLed by the
;:r;ent to sro to work to J*aisc corn and
'Fl.. i' c: tde \< now pr.
general hv fanners from Georgia, as ho
come with recoramendatidns ta th.c ;.
gent, an 10l tain a licence to ea>d.anj;e
puii bhmkets and sia~.ii articles as
they can get for cattle. Being an ho
nest,, plain set of men generally, the
white character rises in the estimation j
cf the Indians by the intercourse with
them. As soon as Ocmuhye can be
ma.de the bound,-.ry, which is expected
iii the to urse of the year, a fair Will be j
established at the trading establishment j
spring and fail, for the sate ol Cattle,
and this trade will be restricted to the
fairs. There a propel? person can su- ,
perb.tend the. fair, and cause justice to
lie done on the spot,
A school muster his been employed
by Mr. Robt.l*rterson, of Hifau'.a-c, to
ttstch his half breed children and grand ,
children to read and write, and one lv- ,
dian lad attended the rciiool.
teacher reports, that af.cr he ant the '
government of the s.hoel and the chil
dreii to obey him, he s:iw little or no i
ditference between tlietn and the white
children foi' their age.
hir. Thohias Marshall Ins employed i
a relation of his to teach his children
at Cowttuh, and those under IQ. years
of aige are reported as the above.
Tin iding that 'die t'f fs had |
a roou. (1 ,d ;hk.e to the introduction ot
Is, arising irom th.; character of
John Galpline and sonic others, edu- '■
cated by their who proved
themselves the basest characters in the j
nation, he began with teaching them j
Aveights measures & money, and tnecon- j
nection between them. He made figures, i
gave a sample of steelyards on a strip
cf paper, which as soon as one acquir- j
ed, Was communicated to another and)
so on. The young giris and boys ahout j
his hquae were taught to speak F.u- j
glisli, and those who lived in far,
among negroes h tve been taught to !
[£ Iv.iglish.. 1 In; chiefs have been j
furnished with steel } ards and scales, ft
:.ts for their spinners : they have \
been taught the use cf them and figures, j
and the period has arrived when let-]
ters miv be iutrodtlced without silspi- I
cion, and encourated, wIU make their
lrough the coum ry. \
Cotaulau, tiie father of the Indian
Luc!, taught at Mr. Gi'iexsan's, cahea
on the agent to consult him oi this sub
j et. " 1 ha\e." sa).dtu:, ' l a son about
10 rears old, ivho I am desirous to
have taught to read and write; if you
think that an Indian can be made use
ful in this way, I have ac.pnttd pro*
p. it. by trading n Sth Stfallow ingthe ways
of white people, I knowtheihsatlvantages
I labour under for want of :i knowledge
of figures and letters, and as 1 mean to
give my property to my son, I wish, if
you tiling it would be useful to him, to
have him taught to read, writ?, and
have a knowledge of figures. I'he red
people have bceu alarmed en this score,
j knowing the painstaken by 'die father
■■ of John t* iTrflipe to < : dm. ate Irmi, ami
what a villain he proved tli'ro'
The agent replied—l anri certain on
Indian c mi . e.juiic a knowledge of it*
i"i!'c s and leu- ■ ■ ! an
of that knoi-..'it'dip- as o white man,
; o: I t"ie nnlv difficulty in this teo.,:.
■ • i--veroment of tike children.
1 know here that a woman governs her
J ohihd'en, :o.d the father has rotliiug to j
;do but toasMst in feeding and eh •
; them. The meaning of ih.e.term si
j roaster, shewTs the authority of the 11
I tt-r—he goicrnsl.is schorl, -and when j
[ nnv of the child veu disobey bim, he:
j whips them ;he knows no body Avhfi is
to direct Or Control him but I
for In dm ulfdrs. If vVu can settle
point, i ivid idee directions hiwwit
>'>•;••:.'., avdi'iidi him bocks, pi
itbh thh.gs as he m.iy i-'aiiV
' at. school, ar.a I will he om;\\ vr.-ibl-* for
the 811 a ess of the ( .1 . As to
John (d.dpl'me, his father §poilid him
by ir.oeo-'aoM v , a thinp; t'lat. e.fu-.nh.irpens
j nmo i people, and he wds i.i
j grain like Itclihos H'aiyo, a had man.
j C'taohiu AVtht home to settle F is
]■< <i I .. the family <?l hi:
wife, detailed, to them the e.io
\\ with the agent, and his determi
| r.attnn teoovchis son an education
[ fci>proptitio if he cculd have the go
v.'n.;iHiii. of Kirn, and if he could
he should give his projie'rty to his invn
; ''.re,'.';, ami nor f» tint of his wife. \ ,-,.
jOn this a long debate er.su ul among hi.,
! w he's relations, and the result iv
'■ fori,i;d. surrender of the i -era.
mem tO the father, who lei k his see,
immediately to i-dr. (Iv iv a'
I not lori;v been the;-:-, hemic he p r
n and refr cc; ov , and e><, Fart .
', 'die master, ivldpped Idoi, and he 10m
(IV home, comp'umed to his mother,
~ de«fof '~. ,
'< mily to pi wild h-r and '■':>■■
: Lard. At this ]cii vl CotattlaU arriv
; ed, took a »ii Itch p.i d wlitpped ho
I and then too* bim back to Mr. .'
! and delivered him with, the RivitCh, and
1 told hi v. to chastise idn For what he
; had • , bard replied— no ; if;
'he had been eh r d::, halt, it i: j
, over ; we punish ii a twifci for the same I
j offence*. The boy remained at school,
l and t .ndaeted himself so osiome.iil ihe [
oppr..!-alien of his sclioai matter, and \
in lets thuli 2i lit to read {
Ri'ite, and to sped, tin 1 .Oipi.iilan-i
!mi i,..., j i-i ttj correctly,.
) Several young me,i efiicnted from i
Home, ; m....g and by the white people, ;
have lvlufni v into t!;c nation, but net I
one nas acquired a;.\ standing tlcre ;
they contract such a contempt f-r the
' Indian limit of life, that they v.dd not
conform themselves to the customs of
their rulers, and are m censcipteuce left;
to strol! through the i,,t.oi without
sharing in the government of it. They
; are in spine things not upiike, our young
men v, ho at c :-eot to Europe for an e
dticaticn. An Indian lad educated a
rucng the whiie pernm, has never been
heard to say ope word about the wheel,
! tie loom m- tiie plough., manufacture- .or
any thing of domestic list
cati l.hi cf the extravagance in which*
dwd, aiid dissip;:.t.ioii in which
~.h,| c, Oot net one ivotd erf the
great Uiass o£ mankind who live by la*
j (To zx currh}vxt>.j
' c} d/ipvir.ltnems made by the err,. |
pernor and council of' the state of ■
Mi . the lt./h i. - t/ie
i/.'ij judiciary system>
Ist District tomfwnett a/ Prince George,
Cha •■';? cj untie*, j
G.iori 1 Due |lj
J. im M. Gautt.
2nd l.t.,;riet compos dof Kent, (
(jtinn A>:7;'s, if euunius,
fan es 'I'il.Jiin m
Tofeph if Nicholfun.
3rd district eomfunid qf AXontgomerm \
■ Calvcr,t a <sAnnAnwdel ovntic*.
jeremiad T Chafe,
Henry Ridgely,
Wichard H Hafwood,
4th district composed of Caroline, Dor
& Worcester
| csufttii s.
William Folk*
John Done,
James IF Robins
-sth Histr. led if Frederick,
Washington, it? . :/., frany countii *.
1 Jolmi T. Mai'on,
John Buchan;m.
(■th district cowfitosett A Palttmore &f \
Harford c o untie.,.
llohert Smith}
I'lenj -imin Hutuf y,
Thomas Jones.
his faiorhat Mr. J)uvsil, Mr. St
o- 1 Mr. Nicholfon, decline aece.
. their refnective appointments.
The great cause of the heirs cflord \
j Cre: ihst sundry citizens of]
I North (', irdir.m has been decided in the (
Circuit «ii art orthat state in favor of I
> the ot-feiiuiints, from which an appeal I
; v is taken to the LUprcffie courts of tiie j
i UniUdiiutesi Puki Eedg.
A'cw-YarkiJa*. 14.
The f :'!.-.:■/y.tr ctftn tterjrctn
tiie /Savanna, d. Ed Dec. 25, was
kan,d,edm last evening by a gentle
man of this ti<
"We have lately seen an order of
Clem l'l'i-iaml, directing; the French
priv.rtci rs, to carry into :-,t. Domingo,
and elsewhere, ail vessels and property
found on the high seas, be,loegyi}« to any'
person who has ever :>• em in any man
ner, concefned in the trade 61 the inland
of St. Domingo, tie 1m d the
privateers with the the r,<*r-l
i-o.'s in the U. 3. w h "it , tly
or itrt: cc.
\ - i" : ovec. me
J t'to 7 : ir, where thee contin
ue, to ten,am iiimej for*
the purpose < f h-v.ei'C! p''tig the •
and vessels of such persons above men*
rinied, who hie now trading to this
is! iml.
•\ New York print, received last c
vciihtg. sa; ihdef Syd
ney Smith, again: t tad proVS
eel utter!, aha rove, I I yes*
I feels were going
i', ore ■'. c ■ ...■ ,h -, \ es! . U rolling
whd ;tbj > that i fter much
i hcul Llic expedition, had
j returned to the dawi.s,
FOlUrrH f.T1.l of THE
,/ Quarters at . .\\,v. 2
in consequence cf the b ode (
fist, -the pe.--'.ticn of the army before,
C'.ahdloro, artd the orders given on the
preceding dfly to toe oi ose.n of t>.
a column of the enemy, amounting t<>
$000 inch was separate*] irom the
c. rpa oi' gen Foscmhur /;. and out off in
o manner that it coidd neither re
treat though the vadiies, nor join po
rn dm lii'iti. , d ndeP in chief
mi -being informed- that, oil Ist inst. this
column w»s marching to the hoigths of
St. Leonards; sent One <>f h.is ohms do
..amp to mr.nmn it to ftftrrerfder. ThS
genm Millin&Cr, v lie command
ed it. not s.a i,. 1 Id?
Intention to dt ned h.ims- li. The 22ct
unit of light inf • ot *•• . co- er col.
ten received brth rs to a&vahcs
frthh Vcronclta ; '. a move*
iiiCiit to approach him, and forced him
to take a position .under th .• walls of
the: Castle of San Felice,' The com
mander in chief Repaired immediately
to the Bpct, arid ordered frai : l:..tt;.liens
of grenadiers to '..; round the enemy .
Met-. Carpenticr, the chief of the Mod,
was charged v. if h these positfous, which
;he executed with precision in conceit
! with ~ac. A no- . was
j then sent to the enemy* who Fuiod him
• eel ■ under i he m c- s d; * of la v-higdoivrjhis
arms. A capitulation was -d
} COftimtrnder of the c- lumn, and
j .'TOGO pris .o-.-.s. v. ith tht.ir .uv.ran i bag*
. seventy oim'.-.s. cue brigadier, < ue.
j re, ijorij < m- ofoid. 6(ji horses, &cCi rVifice
|( h rk-s, on hi 1 - side, finf.ia -fm R CO
; lurhn Bf his army had been cit old ;-i -
j prehc.,: i.o (,t being tin tied hi ids po. i
< Lion ? proceeded to . retreat;
jWe ivcre inforrju i he made
ittovemehts Iv the i ight. At the
j break cf day rectau.oitering parties
I lyero sen* out to all parts of 'nis hue.
The division of chasseurs on f
under gen. Estagne, end the light divi
r.ion cf gen. (hu\h.m t, s< v. fot ward in
pdrsuit ol tho \ . A'ho were liar*
d through the I'eay, arid of whom
-.it made 600 prisoners. We, this
or'- at Montcbello, Tb-rfl >rrow th.c ar
ray a. ill proceed en its march.
1 NOTICE is hereby given that
It ; c irarcoeif.dp 0: tefeph & Co, will
jb< d'ifTjdial 01 the gd of Fefiu..iy nekt i.y
1 m.i.tail iGt.fi ot. Ihofe p rl'ona ha»hg
j tlaia » the £m» are i<quelUd ts
j bring forward their recounts for >efdemer.C,
! Bid thole indebted will pi safe make immedi
ate. py:n.-.,; to j d-.ph CtQfc, who hi SUttl«i£
cd to iottlc the arecanu of iaid fjim.
I CA3vSJ**j
jOiilifii COSTIGAN;
January 1
i It 'XWVAY from dm rmhr.-rihcf at
i Mout>t diFll 11*. - r,£.».-« man !»y the name
of 'j.'iM 19 resrj of; k-, about 5 feet high well
r.iuh-:, &»rk t. fiip'ttd.ii atid 1 a, he
to. k with him - , -cat,
alio a ifjy.il mlie.l h >m« fpuri one wit** a bUck
r»p- K'ack r ettin v.-d rcait, a tety.ci! ;md
j r-mpvr ot j>a<taii»oni it i e*pe«ted he will
j fcndtator to ger to New Yoik (under d.el.d.a
j -it »'ein;r free) at he v a* chore h, m A.l t
j rr-ders Ol veffe-l***wt o 1..-» «fc hei'cay fore
; iv-.rr.i hirboring faid .Viiow at their j\*ril.
I Ihe -.hovcrewar.". vrdi rn-f r-at. liihli
chariot paid to any perdu feeurirjj liid negrd
in jii!
VV /-. S Stolen oiit of ir.y ft.i Vie en Thurfday
j night the 9th loft; snci coi;».?yc<" th« fame
I n-fcht ty t'*e Ail sin sbottt x* cr 1 o'clock, s
! BAY I.iABI*, 4 ye»r< oij next fftinfc, shout
j r4 or :4 i*i hand* hlgtt» wick- a ("nip en the
end of her noas, faoJ hefws, rob'd with the
Wagßpngeafa, and think oiie hind feet white.
1 vill.givc Five dolart for the mare if taken
Iro Dnilei from home, or for information f»
j that i may pet her to dollars if ad
j m'les from home, er ao for the irnre and
j thief k* convicted, fo ss to ! c I>ro*.t?ht to c*n
j diga punifhtnent, and r-li ret.foua&l*. chtrgei
S if esken at a greats*- dlftance
j county, Dif G«»
I January 10—wj»
>— '■ ; ■*
Millinery k Fancy article?.
Witt be op-red cv .-/tm/mv till /:
next, ut thf. I rf, doer to
'» Ckin&
Store, in &ecrge J
Coy is >:i\r. or
Oold, filrer, chenille, and elk IrJmmlngl of
every >le criptien- 551k (bawls, ie j 4
Diadems o' the. ncweft frj-ie, hcail JiciTciif
Lscc cxnn.
Silk netting, I.it-its great costi, d\>. rpcnerrf
Plain and figured crupe and ffftvg**.
Feather*. riLbons, extra long hid g]
Gold & filver laced rtiufJin drcfieej tutttdite?
& (haw's
ALSO—Extra jonj £Uf. g'6vC6 by the th
J AD. JO — *t.

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