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S MR AXlflfXt, Ttti be conducted I ,to wh« n ■ H'i'l I . til is I [iIV AUTllOt'lTY.] AN /!'.' F to i and France, ■ th..<- dependencies ; and for other pttrp .il enact JLj> '/ (/ie • nerica in : assi nbled. That il the n.iibirs ers >.f ihe Unit d i if, b<; Inter lie to : vc> ,els b in., ',v ii. o:;)y which mat be * so by tl/-.- re t be! * packets hi tl cai ■• noi '-..: on board And b if tiny public sliip oi ye se! as al excep- jS tion .it;' , shall enter any ti boror v. .in the jurisdic- o ; ol the Unit sh, li l-.e lawful ai for the President 6>f the United States, ■ a ! or such other person as he shall have f;: cmpoweretl for that purpose, to cm- 1 1 < I ploy srich part of the land and naval w forces, or of the militia ol the United S; or the territories thereof, as he '' shall deem neces -m.pel such P ship or vessel to depart. I l " •' 4*° itfurtht r enacted, i< shall not i riy citt* , ul i or citizens ofthe United Stales or | tin territories thereof, nor for any per- 1 son or persona residing or being in P 1 the same, to have any intercourse '' Efoi aid or supplies to ** any | üblic ship or vessel as aloieaie, V( mail contrary to ihe provisions' ! lc any harbor U ot within tne jurisdiction of °* . liie ti.viilortes 1;i ; and "fan i siiali, con- : > the provi.ions of this ai have any intercourse wiih such hp " or v sset, or RTord any uitl itlier in i < i- in furnishin ers or crew with supplies Vtl .ay kind or in any man "' L . il any pilot or oilier person ! * II asMbt iv navigating oi pilolin h slup or is ii be li pusposo ot eairying her I; id jurisdiction ol the Unit tel ■ . , • ..1.0 I■ ) . s than one iiut nof exceed- De di en . a term not it ss ,U! than one inoUili, hop more than one ■ Sll .3i And Oe it further enacted, "' United ■ same is lieu by lliti rdh tcti to an ships l )C I b. irt by any citizen or sub- °" jcciui eithei ; vessels ni rod* charter- ••' i nployed by ihe guvein oi either country lur tne sole-purpose I >ni of Carrying letters or despatches and also forced in by distress' or by tne dangers of J;e sea, only except sur cd. A.,u X any siup or vei ac Hag t>i Gi Britain oi ■ iied in whole or in pan mt by any citutenoi subject of either, and l !: not excepted as aforesaitl, shah after the said twentieth day of May next, ' arrive either wuh or ». , li,v 'Within me limits of toe United State Oroi .he terriioiie . ship '"' or v li ' >ur any, w»hioh n »und on bo id and may he sensed '' cd in any court of the Li.. 'C lets itocie. Lheio- " v; ' of, • i jurisdiction ; f n V ~d every act .nd acts hereto- '^b fori viinin the ° ■'. and the J I> J ! hcrehy repe.i And be it-further enacted, l l ' l^ lawful'to ! so J^ by I If alio it al ?ateH%eiicer, ©* WASHINGTON ADVERTISER ; the colonies •at Britain, nor .. place situated in ~ or dc ii any port or place it be of, from any . hate vet*, any hate j , or of a..' iicies, Of '><■■ ■ — ' land, or of fciea of \ h, ■'a ■ rluce i ites tfssion of ~ , , !'ro ller tided, ">"'. sl '.i-.d of s hips or vi the a citizen or citizens of the U .. . beyond the Ca| ior ■ r one limn and oighi hundred f-ven, or which bad depi cd p . - ii ider the aci*> sup y to the i laying a • dps aivl • bo vis els in ihe ports and harbors ofthe i Sec. 5. Atid be it further enacted, ! ey Thai whenevei i le or articles, * no the importation of which wpr ,- this act, shall after me twentieth ol I tlay oe imported into the United * sp- States or the t-. .hereof, ( cy tiny to the true intent and meaning s if 1111*5 act, or sliall v afier the said * ii f ; ', twentieth of May, be put on board of l ul any whip or vessel, boat, raft or carri* • *s, *<ge, with intention of importing tne > vc same into tiie United Slate;, or the j*- n.. | territories thereof, all sucu articles, as Jl r d \ well as all other articles on board the s ed same snip or if< >s* I, boat) ratt or car- a he riage, belonging to the owner of such n ji p articles, shall Ixe forfeited; S j and the owner thereoi shall moreover c > f /, forfeit and pay treble the value of such U r t . ai lit li •* or j Sec, 6. And Le it farther enacted, ° ~.. That if any article or articles the im- a] v , portation of which is prohibited i>y tl Ihe twentieth of l < (0 May, oe put on board of any ship or <•< ti) vessel, boat, raft or carriage, within* a ' import the same into the P 0 i- Uriited States, or the territories there- ° ', contrary lo the true intent anil w ,, b meaning ol this act, and with the »' n . knowledge ol the owner or master of h or car- ,r ~ riage, such ship *ii vessel, boat, raft or S( ( 0 carriage snail be forfeited, aim the P 1 ■.a. i shall more- hi i r each forfeit and nay treble the ll ;b value of such ai tides. c . Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, P' )t , ( That if any ai licit or articles* the i rtation of which is prohibited by n< ', and which shall neverthele y ship or vessel, bo ft or carriage, arriving alter the s v next, in the United >s State*?, or the territories thereof, shall I. be omitted in tiie manifest, report ot * jj entry of the master, or the person <- 1 , a having ihe charge or command ol th c , such ship or vessel, boat, raft or car Sl entry m / ol i n by ihe owner, oi isignee of su h . artii ■'.- •■ ed, p he Imported o : permit, the sane " g pc md forfeitures, shall ; " icd, arid may be recovered, .■ ' , i . ti nilar omission oi s me;, importation, of rv npt to I ii on c c , ble to duties on their im o* . porta ion into tne United States. tie be it further enacted, bei p That cv ry collector, a , ° sur cyor, of cus •'■ tbe like power and T* ', autliority io 1 »' 1* , men imported'eontrary igof this act, to keep as , the same in ustody until it shall nave ,Cf been incri whether ie nel uive b. al or not, ahd to en* hit eranys ipor vessel, duelling housi lore, building or other place, lor the tli purpose of searching For and seising any such goods, wares and merchai I 2 , which he or the) now Ikim law in relation to gOodfe, wares and Of fii'erch ir to (kny ; and if vfeo any person or persons shall conceal ci my goods, wares or merchandize, P°< knowing them to ne, liable to seizure Iby this act, such pi rson or pet til, on conviction thereof, • 1 de] pay a sum double the amount or vain. lof the goods, w,ues and in. Or purclui Sec 9. And be tail be ; * f '' .by tho toasters or persons h WASHINGTON CITY, PRINTED BY SAMUKL I-1A1..' ITH, PENNSYLVANIA AV£e MONDAY, MAIU I* 6 1809 ues charge or con, pm-yr nor ael arriving at any port of the U> i in States, or the territories thereof, de- the twentieth of May, viz " 1 furl ace swear, (or affn m) that there'are n< cat to the besl of my 1 he be lief, on board, (insert the denomination ,( Ci and name of the tiesvcl') any g* ■ my wares or merchandize, the impo \ny tion of which into Ihe I ne •■ ,lm ; Iby law: And I do further -we r, : of (or affirm) that if I shall hereafec „ > discover or know of my such uoods, ~-. warea-or uze, onboard he i aid vessel, or which shall have b of imported in the same, I will i'mmedi* I h, alely, and without .ake tluc < -•port thereof to thecollec or of Of PO rict." ra- Sec 10. An v: \ 1 i in be made, s . entieth of May, to the oath ' r affirmation taken by importers, ' , orai*;ents, at the time oi t ),.[ c oods imported-inio the Unit- c or c ■:■ or the territories thereof, t ~-, viz. v I also swear, (oi bat ;r J there are not, to the best, of my know- | ;st the Said h ;> s and men ha disc, im- h iot consigned as-aforesaid, any '" el V," u ''"'i wares oi idise, the im- y irtation of which, into the United '• St ites, or the I thi r< of, is n <**j prohibited by Uw; and Ido further f« s , swear, ("or .ffirm) lut if I shall here* si ;,» after di-cover or know of any such ° ol p,*ood:., . merchandise, amongst id tno said goods, or consigned as afore- ,)l W, I will immediately and without j P< id delay repbrtthe same to the collector at ,f! of this district." i- j , Sec. 11 And be it further enact n the 1 ■'!• idem of the United 'to c S be and lie hereby is authorised, vc is in case either France or Great Britain jj o: c shall so revoke or modify her edicts, d< -. as that they shall cease to violate the dt ntral conimerce of the United or itea, to declare the same by pro-1 m r clamation.; aftef which the trade of th h tiie United States, suspended by tin act, and by the act laying an en. fj oil all ships and in the ports .of . and harbors of the United S ales, and j loi V the several acts supplementary there- be f to, may be rem wed with the n .ion so J fr< r dOMVg; provided, Th;\t 11 p nal. i . and forfe i'ieh shall have been an c pre icurred, by vk . or o! j y othei uct, the operation I which shall so cease and detern me, an B shall ho n he f lik' ihe same had conn . sai - nued in full force and virtue : and yes- of r sch ,1 er to any foreign re > port or place, with, which commercial ed . mterci ur >..■ shall by virtue of this sec- if' itn permitted, shall give an l*ond to ihe United Slates, with t proved suenrity, in double the value Tl of I thai they shall mi r not proci tl port, nor all try otlier than hai , I those with which commercial inter- Ihe have been or may be per- to, ■ act. vet | Sec. \'i And be it further enacted, ed • That so much of tbe-aat laying an embargo on all ships and vessels in tr i the ports and haibors of the United anj Sites, nd of the several acts supple- rcc '• is forbids the depar- law of els owned by citlze and the exportation chs c bee poi■• or place, b< came is hereby repealed, after thi fifteenth day of March, one to i. '■■ . hundn ■' and nine, cxi owi Great Britain oi France, ( r their coloi iis or i - one cics, or places in the actual o . St.: of either IPi : hat all penal tiu •ies hich shall bee i. Ed by virtue of or i id acts as is repeal- rel» ,or which have been or Stat Incurred by virtue ,• f the said a infraction of so much of the said acts ' bet as is not repealed by this act, shall be reco-. ' distributed in like man* } the ncr a ! had continued in full • virtue. , -.. 13. And be it further env. That dtuing the com on Is in the ports fore the United States, aim ele of tl [ementary cm, then :'■ Thi port ing com : , be act, owed 10 '1 depa of i v c r;i > ii roil 11 ' : I thei vr I ' States ; and in a sum four times i value, if the vessel is owned in or in whole by any foreigner oi oreigners, that the vessel shall not I eaVO the port Without a clearance, nor j be shall, when leaving the port, proceed ! fiat it) any port or place in Great Britain or ! France, or in the colonies or de;> la- dencies of either, or in the actual, ;> of cither, nor be directly or • eclly engaged during the vot ■ ;\ : 111 any trade wil pOPt, nor si: I! 'Ec put any on board of any other ds, vessel; nor unless every other requi he site arid provisio" of the second see ion of the act, entitled " An act toen di- force and make more effectual a luc entitled ' An act laying an embargo all ships and s i the ports and ' ' and the | ' cd, se end act: ry thereto'*j ' have been complied with And ■ ith the p irty or parties to the above men is, tioned bond shall, withm oi time after the date ofthe >bi * it- • ', produci n[\ tho collector ofthe district, from which 8 iat be v< II have be< I, a a iv* if the landing ofthesam , * rid h> tne same manner as is provided by f ' n- law for ilie landing oi ted ' :iy with the privilege of drawback ; on l r.. failure whereof, the bond shall be | »d in suit; and in every such suit, judg- c is men; shall be giver against the de- 8 er feud ant or defendants, unless pr c- si; odtlced (if sucli rel >ca. Skc. 14. And be it further enacted, P ;- | That f the act laying an em- " B . bargo or. all ships and v '' jt j ports and harbors of the United States, r ' ral aits suppl iry P impels vessels owned by "'. izens of the United Stales, bound "" id 'to another port ofthe spio" states, ot i } vessels licenced for the coasting trade, *■* iher not masted, or not { f s, decked, to give bond, and to 1 >ad un v c der the inspection of a revenue officer, ar d or renders them liabie to detention, ") ccount of the nature oi *'' if their Cargo (such provisions eX'-; pled l,! s as relate to collec. ion districts adjaci 0' to the territories, colonies or provinces * 19 ofaforaign nation, or to vessels be '° d j longing or h districts,) °' Kline is licreb d, tn itn and after the fifteenth day - I rcli one thoi .t hundr* n ' and tine : Provided, however, Thi ~ all penalties and forfeit! h •" di have be< n previously incui i v ofthe s.ud acts, or which n hereafter be incei virtue ofthe id acts, on account of any infraction - of so much of the said acts, as is not i r< pealed by this act, shall \*M recover -1 ed and distributed in like manner as ' - if the same had continued in full force ' z and virtue. m Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, ~ j That during the continuance of so ■*« ! much of the act laying an embargo,on VCI i* all ships and vessels in the ports and '° ' i harbors of the United States*, and of f OI . tho several acts supplementary there • to, as is not repealed by this act, no — vessel, owned by citizens of tiie Unit , ed States, bound to another port of tin i said states or licensed lm- the coasting ' i tr ide, shall be allowed to di • [ n [ any port ofthe United States, or shall j tt receive a Clearance, nor shall it be pc , lawful to put on board any such vessel ne , any specie or goods* wares or mcv- chantU'c, unless a permit shall ha\. n previo lined from uir >r, or from a d by the co lector j j to grant nits ; nor unless.the! — owner, consignee, or factor] shall with the master, O one o more sureties, to ihe United ■s, in a sum double 'he Value o liv vcs.iei and cargo, i any foreign | or [dace, and that the cargo shall b< , rclanded in some port ol the U. ited States : Provided, Tha l it shall iawfi - ase of any such vessel, whose eVnployment Ims lieen uniformly confine .bays | )(U1 ithin ilie jurii } the ■ lye bond in an dollars, for each ton of said v< ! with condition that condition ofthe bond, proceed to foreign port or place, or put any-arti- J^, u ' ele oO board of any other vessel, or be : j.',,,, loyedinafly foreign trade. ' Mtil Sec. 16. And he it further enacted, I -M>" That ii any sl -<d shall, d\w- Mus ing the continuance ol so much of ihe y j )a> ■on ml shi,is an d States, and of the st ,;im ,i acts supidement«ii\ o . d by ihi s act, tie torn any po.i of the United S ianee or > .rt Im.kl m tie mam i ' ' ies. ther with her calgo, i PAJI, mes forfeited ; and tl.e owi :1 in agent, IV. ors, master o: rOl coin,. li ship , not shall, moi a sum equal to the valt :ced I ship or v. ii or I on board the sai • ror tation of , \ \ age n I:' 11 April, oi her and six, aid tl [vi- therelo, be and the cc- repealed, en- ' rgo " h usly iu jnd cum d by hwll be recovei 0 .« manner as if the sai , v } iiui'd in full lbr< c and i v . n . ■'■F.c 18. And be it fur <•</, bl • That ai! p< (I forfeitures aria l;, ing under, or i oue of ■t, may be and foi . eh and recovered, with: Costs of suit, (~ action of debt, in the i Vi United States tof America- o by dictment oi . in any court cd '' on the same; and shall be distribute**! and lU! accounted for, in the manner presenb g- <"d by An act to re* ■date die collection of duties on i n- Ond ... day of March, ea irtety-nine j and such d, '' n- milled* dor remitted, , ( manner, and under the like condition ~ regulations and restrictions, ,v presci thorised and direc ed , y by the act, rinni.A «An act to pro- K j vide for miflga ■ J} forfeitures, penalties ( . t accruing in certain cases 11 )( tinned/ passed the third , March, one thousand seven hundred Fj and ninety-seven, and made perpetual n, '>•■ d the eleventh day of ,j February, one thousand eight hun (, dred ;i S*c. 19. , s That this act .5..a1l continue and be in , force until the end ol tin ion of Col l f the act laym.e, an embargo oft a . ;f an i bfi ports and harbors of I the several ai k , supplementary thereto, .• h.dl I h (! ' >m y l " ■ :hc next session ~ of t 0 c j. B. YARN. n >t JNO. Mild of the Senate fro-. a March 1, 1809, ArruovEn, C Th: JEFFERSON. ~ *""" . . .' . _J* i T I IE fHendsoi a are retjUe'sted to meet at Mr. S.mines' T rj vcrn, on nexi Monday evening, at 6 i • o'clock, to lake into consideration the ) priety of addr< ssing Mr. JEFFERSON be* o-ict. Georgetown, March 1. JUST PUBLISHED, And to be had at /,'. (.'. WETGtiTM lN"t Bo 5 , A TOUR through part of Virginia, ; in the summer of 1808, in a series of ! . letters, including an account of Har ''■ per's ferry, the natural bridge, tiie , new , called Weir's Cave, j Moi , [ Medical Springs*) hot and cold /Baths visited by the am ; Frier 37 1-2 c. V'ANTKD »>-» lX good .1.-o .i al Ot ' Haiti ROB LSH. , March 3—"; I n. (gig;: OF HV \ \ low ; ; cash, I iian Linen Cambrics, j Furniture Dimities & Clrintzcs, Fin* Mn ' Mid I wis, ! Mmi! ■ rl shirting ' Musli vats, Sliau I I and Glows, BlcttGh'i ■ ni to perso : ii». The] • v.. iii van C