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! liATjQNAL NEWS - cont'd from page 1 coordinator of the plan for military tr aining of 2,000,000 youths and possibly girls of 18 years of ego arid older. He ,wiil work in cooperation v;ith Dept, of !Agriculture, G.C.C. and C.A.A. It would | Co a.bout two months before pctual draft iwould commence, it was stated. jPhili*. Pa., — The Republican National Con |von tion now in session today, road out jef the Republican party the two men who !, received cabinet appointments by j Roecc volt, Col, Prank Knox and Henry L, ;Stinson. This was done before tumultous (delegates^who arc all veering very sharp ily to an "anti-war" platform. They statcc (these appointments “indicated he wanted I to lead the country into war". Members |of the resolutions Committee were draft ing the GOP platform which was gxpocted to be brief and would follow the dictate: of Prof. Glenn Prank’s report of 1959, News leaking out of the committee's clos ely guarded quarters indicates a. vore direct and sharp support of anti-war and jnon-intervc ntion would be the keynote (clauses. Now York - Both heads of the C.I.O and ;A.F. of L,, John L. Lewis end William I*. ‘Green, arc making some very pointed and .cutting remarks to each other and to the ination at large, in repoet to Roosevelts' (national defense program. Lewis is muchly •opposed to it, while Green is in sympathy (with the president. (Gash. D.C.— The 4 billion cxpr.nsior (program will allow the U.S. to have a •fleet of 753 c.ombe.t ships, the largest ir the history of the world. • I "Gash. D.C.- Attorney-General Jackson todr branded the action taken against Harry (ridges, alleged Communist, as "infamous' land wont on to say "any man is entitled jto a fair trial before being exiled from bio country"", (Wo seem to rocal him havir been found guilty as charged, a.lrcadyEdJ ! Gash. D.C . -Congrcss ap;oropr iated, for bonstruction of new leeks in the Panama I panal, sum of 515,000,000. j f?’^AlronA li'.fo i- 4- ... .3_ 3 rr r-M' f **«-.*^xx« — UOJ.UC.J ±.\JC*J bombers cf the .Company D macliincgun Ust 3att. Service Company, 4th Inf. I left for Alaska._ ! i ! jMS/MON ■[£!<,£'/" j i II LICENSED PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE ! Leaves Kodiak every i Wednesday 10 P.M. j Seward, Anchorage & Cook Inlet i Points I .. • j ANDERSON 6 SON TRANS. CO. i I i Por Rates & Reservations | • Dee I; I F.M. HERMAN, AGT. !| i! j; ;j "OUT OUR WAY-GO MONTFREr' , i jj IN THIS MARKET I ! . I PRICES ARE. l.OWtR || : BECAUSE j CASH tS KING ? Ij FRUITS a VEGETABLES jj 11 arrive fresh on every _ boat. j i 7ASHI1TGT01T CKLAIGIRY EUTIEK^.EGGS | j HR ST CjR 4DE CANNED GOODS \ PLEASE REMEMBER _ WE DELIVER ANYWHERE i . , EVlNkUDE MOTORS | I AGTS. I I' KODIAK | OATH | MARKET | CARL PAJOMAN f BLitYDIG ALASKA THE YEAR ROUND Steamer L_vg . Seattle Arr.Kodiak J* Lakina June 18 June 26 #Baranof 19 27 Or. una 20 July 5 #Kt .McKinley 26 4 Dellwood 28 6 #Barr.nof July 3 11 M j! # connects with 88 Cordova at Cordova for Kodiak l | J. V.LYDICK Jr. ACT. | ! Offico* Kadiak Bank Building