? MAJUUAGE RITES , Last Saturday, at 10:15 P.M. j sharp the wedding service was road l to Hiss Marilyn Bourse and Mr, Sy-S i dney Foyston, in the prcsoncc of many friends who had cone from near and far to be present at the ceremony. The bride, a hono-oconon , ic and art student /at the Univers t aty of Washington, I was attended by i the maid-of-honor Ms? 3 . The a Erwin', j and the best man was William Mod in. j The wedding prelude was played ! in beautiful form, by Jack Agnow j and Virgil Lyman sang "I Promise j Y ou" , The bridegroom is well-known at the Naval . Air Station B ase where ho is employed as sanitary and hea ting engineer. The bride just rece ntly arrived hero on the "North Coast" from Seattle, Amid showers of rice, the happy couple loft the clinrch for a recep tion given in their honor by frien ds, They will make their h one in Residence No,15, Apple Blossom Lane in Buskinvillc, SUPRISE PARTY To celebrate her 15th birthday on July 2nd, friends of Mis3 Ellen Loito gathered together and gave hor a big surprise party in one of Mrs, Loiters cabins. The cabin,was very beautifully and tastefully decorated in rod, white end blue, symbolic of the approaching Day of Independence. After serving a delicious array of refreshments, tho girls all went for a;hike. The hostesses of this surprise party;wore the Misses Shirley Paga no, Lillian Hillbourn,. Mary Panan orof, Alary Frost...and...Patricia Van Motor,; ..7 churcFT l xIcoTiVTWre Dr, :G. Pitt Beer's"," executive secretary of the" Hone 'Mission Soc iety of the Northern B aptist: Conv* ent i on, ac comp on i o c! by Mi’s. Beers arrived in Kodiak recently. Tho purpose of their visit, is Dr, BoersT inspection, of Kodiak for the laying of plans for a new j Baptist Church • edifice. Dhe to the rapid growth of this community, the present church is very inadequate for tho number of congregation who i attend the “ services., Dr,. Boerk has | a set of blueprints with him -that j call for a structure' measuring1 ap ! proximate ly forty 'feet by seventy Jfoot. This building will bo divid jj cd up into a sanctuary, a Narthox, I Pastorrs study, class-rooms, the chancel and a basement which will be used for socl'aT *geitherings . Tile ' total expenditures' for this struc 11 turc will be nearly $15,000 and i one which Kodiak will well bo proud if of. , ; !It is anticipated :that tho con- j, structicn wor.k will be gin in tho very near 'future, just as. soon as. -} | minor alterations have been made in | tho specifications and title to t H< | ground is (next column) cleared, j Dr, Boors and tho pastor, the Row W.A.Warner will bo pleased to meet ! any of the parishioners horc, who i night bo interested in tho church -i program and would like to know lioro, shout it. __ j KRAFT JqYYkYIoQN 7 . „ f _Tn~orh[err Bo* ITavc ~uff ic lent and j adequate display-room. for the now ; merchandise coning in, tho now Kraft storo is being rushod to an \i early completion, While the car pen**; tors, electricians and plumbers arc putting final touches to thoir work the painters are decorating tho low main floor in nodornistic stylo. This store which will display .' ,ladies and gents furnishings, a3 .well as hardware, will also servo as a warehouse for additional stock hecending to R,V • Loughoad, the . con-, tractor in charge of the building, 1 , it will be ready for occupancy in' 1 , about ten days, fishW(TYiaYon^kn$ 77" 4. f The Bureau of Fisher10 s boat "Eider" will leave today for Olga j Bay, with Warden Ralph Perrandini j aboard, : She will remain- there for a shorp period while fishermen set thoir 1 nets to hold their locations in thoj vicinity. The fishing season offic-j ially opens today and permission j has boon received from the Union toj do this 1 hour’s set, for their protection, according to Warden Forrandini. CONGmULATJONS. K_ gfcpt deal" "of praise should b i extended to those businessmen in Kodiak who decorated their store fronts and flow so many /merican flags, to create the festive spirit of tho 4th. They should -not bo ale :: either, for tho many visiting boats tied up tc the dock, wore all dis playing the- symbol of ''Life,Libert,; and the: Pursuit of Happiness" from their, .mast3 or halyards .* Even tho town aotomobilos, wore , resplendent with bright colored decorations . Even the children added ;their "mid:' of color by strewing the streets with thousands of r'6d, white '-and' • blue firecrackers. imf~pm~uNLQ