— Homemaking _
Happenings About Town
— Gardening —
'A This And That
It’s rather difficult to get back
into the regular routine after a
vacation from the office. . .
especially when there have been
so many social events. We really
don’t mind too much except for
those miserable tax reports that
must be filled out. Being a citizen
of a State instead of a Territory
doesn’t seem to help much at tax
time . . . just hope that some
legislator doesn’t think of any
further reports for us to do. We
already have enough headaches as
it is at present_
Marge Knudsen left for Seattle
Tuesday morning. She will have
medical treatment there. Doesn’t
know just how long she will be
gone . . .
Pfc. Ronald Louder, USA, spent
the holidays with his mother, Mrs.
Louise Spencer, and his sister
Carolyn. He returned to Fort
Richardson, where he is stationed,
Monday morning.
Monday, January 5, was a big
day for young Vincent “Muscles”
Root when he celebrated his fourth
birthday with a luncheon party
at the 40 Room. Guests of
“Muscles” and his mother, Mrs.
Mary Root, were Mrs. Thelma
Johnson and son Christopher;
Mrs. Marlyss Eggemeyer and son
Joes; Mrs. Lila Lester and son
Gary and Mrs. Calla Ballard . . .
Happy Birthday to “Muscles” . . .
Due to the efforts of the Ladies
Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign
Wars, Katmai Post 7056, the
Kodiak Health Center has bright,
new drapes. The material was
donated by the auxiliary and the
sewing of the drapes was done by
Mrs. Katherine Fannin . . .
Mrs. Myrna Perkins returned
Sunday from Fairbanks where
she spent two weeks with her son
in-law and daughter, Bill and
Sandra Fuller, and their young
laughter, Connie . . .
A dinner party at the 49 Room
Monday evening, January 6, mark
ed the Silver Wedding annivers
ary of Eddie and Grace Pecore.
Twenty friends of the Pecores’
joined them in the celebration...
Coin Collectors
To Organize Hero
Organization of a coin club here
is planned for the near future.
Starting of the club will depend
on the interest shown. Mrs. Tuck
Wheeldon, a coin collector for
many years, is seeking potential
members for such a club. Member
ship would be open to any age
group, she said. The date will be
set later for meeting nights. Any
one interested is asked to contact
Mrs. Wheeldon at phone 2831.
Recipe Of The Week
Rice Ci—im tafia
Italian "Lasagna” With Rice
We often forget that rice is an
Italian food favorite and that
much rice is grown in the Po
Valley in Italy. This recipe uses
rice in a recipe for a La-san
ya-type dish.
The sumptuous casserole Is
made up of layers of tender
white rice, creamy cottage
cheese, succulent browned
ground beef and a super to
mato-mushroom sauce. Over
the top is a generous sprinkling
ef Parmesan cheese.
1 cup uncooked white rice
% 1/S cups water
S teaspoons salt
1 lb. ground beef
1 testpeon monosodiunt gluta
H tssspemi bteeb pepper
1 lb. mmtmm1 mNniiImm
METHOD: Put the rice, 2 cup*
of the water and 1 teaspoon of
the salt in a 2-quart saucepan.
Bring to a vigorous boil. Turn
the heat down low. Cover with
a lid and simmer over this low
heat 14 minutes. Remove the
saucepan from the heat but
leave the lid on 10 minutes.
While the rice cooks, brown the
beef in a skillet. Cook until the
beef is done. Sprinkle the beef
with the monosodium gluta
mate, 1 teaspoon salt and Vi
teaspoon black pepper. Stir in
the remaining 1/3 cup water.
Place half the rice in a greased
2-quart glass baking dish. Top
with half the beef and half the
cottage cheese. Pour on one can
of the spaghetti sauce. Add the
rest of tha rice, the beet and
the remaining cottage cheese.
Pour on the other can of spa
ghetti sauce. Sprinkle the Par
mesan cheese over the top.
Bake in a preheated J7&V F«_
eves 16 minutes or until piping .
hot This recipe makea 8 to I
Lorry Wodlingors
Go to California
In search of sunshine and warm
weather, Larry and Sifrid Wod
linger left yesterday for Southern
California. They will spend the
first part of their two month-long
vacation in California. According
to Larry, “We don’t know where
we will go from California—some
place that sounds interesting to
J. Paul Browne, registered
pharmacist from Seattle, will be
in charge of Wodlinger’s Drug
Store during the absence of the
BPW Members
Hear Report
On Legislation
“Education should be kept in
the hands of the people rather
than in the hands of politicians,”
was the viewpoint expressed by
Ellen Dawson at the business
meeting of the Kodiak Business
and Professional Women’s Club
held Monday at tier home. Mrs.
Dawson, BPW Legislative Chair
man, reported on legislative action
to be taken by the State Legisla
ture in forming a State Board of
Education. A short discussion of
the subject by club members fol
lowed the report.
Mary Sorum. BPW president,
announced that Irene Lawhead
will accept dinner reservations
during the absence of Dorothy
Haag, who will accompany her
husband to Juneau for the legisla
tive sessions.
Co-hostesses for the meeting
were Lillian Lamme, Estelle Mar
lin and Carolyn Floyd.
Navy Wives Club
To Moot Monday
The regular scheduled meeting
of the Navy Wivea Club will be
held at 7 p.m., Monday, January
12 at the Chapel Annex, Naval
Station. .
All members are urged to attend
and bring a friend to th» first
meeting of the new year.
OES to Install
Officers Tonight
An open installation of officers
will be held tonight by Kodiak
Chapter 13, Order .of Eastern
Star, at the Masonic Temple.
The public is cordially invited
to attend the ceremony which will
begin at 8 p m.
The Kodiak Garden Club will
meet at the home of Mrs. Ann
Malerich, Qtrs. B-6, Lake Louise,
on the Naval Station Wednesda>
evening, January 14 at 8 o’clock.
The topic for discussion will be
‘Care of Christmas Gift Plants,
and each member is requested to
bring new garden and seed cata
Judith Ballard
Married to
Mike Fitzgerald
Miss Judith Ann Ballard be
came the bride of Mr. Michael
Fitzgerald on December 28 at St.
Mary’s Catholic Church.
The bride, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jess Ballsrd, was given In
marriage by her father. ***•*•"*
Eaymond Talbott, S.X., officiated
~e—r »**"? *!»
altar decorated with *1“
aatheaauBt and pntaaattiar
Fee bar wadding Wm MS"*
chose • princess styled r of
white mirsmist. The mod i Tied
scoop neckline, which dipped to a
V in back, was adorned w5th ace.
The skirt, short in front, was
fashioned with a full length back
falling in loose folds from a large
bow. She carried a bouquet of
white orchids and stephanotis.
Two school friends, Miss Jean
Fraser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W.H. Fraser, and Miss Rose
Marie Peterson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Peterson, flew here
to act as bridesmaids. Both are
from Anchorage.
Mrs. Robert Godfrey, sister of
the bridegroom, was matron of
The bridesmaids and the ma
tron of honor wore identical
gowns of mint green peau de soie
designed with an empire waistline
and flared, scalloped skirt. White
gloves and pale green hosiery
completed their ensembles. Each
carried a nosegay of pink roses
with lilies of the valley.
The groom, son of Mrs. Mariane
Fitzgerald and the late Mr. Wil
liam Fitzgerald, was attended by
his brother-in law, Robert
Godfrey, as best man. Ushers were
Billy Frost and John Molletti.
The bride’s mother wore a grey
lace sheath with pink accessories
and a corsage of pink orchids.
The mother of the groom wore a
gown of pink and blue lace with
pink accessories and a pink rose
Sister St. Hilary af the Grey
Nuns of the Sacred Heart, at the
organ, played 44€oaur de Jesu\
traditionally sung at the wed
dings of all graduates of Forest
Ridge Convent in Seattle, which
the bride attended. Vocalists were
Leon Johnson and Vincent Root
Following the nuptial rites
guests and friends attended ft
champagne breakfast at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hinckel. An
informal reception and dance was
held in the evening at the Elki
Mrs. Fitzgerald came to Kodiah
from Petersburg nearly five yean
ago with her parents. She attend
ed Seattle University until he?
Mr. Fitzgerald, who manages
the Kodiak Hotel with his mother,
attended Whitman College ai
Walla Walla, Washington, where
he was a member of Sigma Chi
fraternity. He and his family are
long-time residents of Kodiak.
The young couple are at home
at the Kodiak Hotel.
San rise Sunset
Jan. 10 . 8:49 3:46
Jan. 11 ... 8:48 3:49
Jan. 12 . 8:47 3:58
Jan. 18 . 8:46 3:52
Jan. 14 . 8:46 3:54
Jan. 15 . 8:43 3:5*
Jan. 16 ........ 8:42 3:58
toff to a flanca and flit mutation mm itn
1» bt ’fm-fonwT. Coal* youHtUmt iW hind mtnm
Jt A semi-formal dance er party usua^y irwfcs'e#
a dree*-up occasion where the Poy* wear plain
dark suits rather than evening clothes. Girls near
• street-length party dresses that are neither tec
plain nor tee fancy. In ether words:
an everyday wool or
•v* cotton dree#
a skirt or sweater
afloor-fenyth ball900*1
D dress that's overly
reveal my or fussy
A pretty party draw made of silk,
taffeta, organdy, velvet or some
• material that'# a little more feetiue
then your cotton# and woolen#.
Choose a simple style with an open
neckline end email sleeves or shape
If you enjoy dancing, e short full
akirt is easier to move a round in
than atyht, knaa-dutchiny eheottv
CCWyrryttiSSl tomrs feed Crossing Sarwtt It