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Newspaper Page Text
Classified advertising rates: $1.00 minimum for first 20 words .10 for each additional 4 words Plus 2% sales tax Payable in Advance. n—^_ PLUMBING A HEATING—work done. For fast and satisfying ser« vice & guaranteed work. Chase & Copsey. Ph 6222. tfn ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS — If you have a drinking problem & need help, write Box 376, Kadiak or call 0*663. tfn FOR RENT—Efficiency apts, 1 bdrm homes dwntwn. Reason able. Ph 5451. tfn WANTED—Long and short neck QUART bottles. For cash. Kod iak Bottling Works. tfn WELCOME TO THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH on Mission ltd. Ph 6491. Sunday School 10 am. Morning Worship 11 am. Evangelistic Service 7:30 pm. Mid week Service Wednesday 7:30 pm. an FOR RENT—2 & 3 rm apts. All utlilrties & ldy facilities. Navy approved. Ph 3864. j; tfn THRIFT SHOP and rummage sale each Saturday afternoon 1 to 5. Kodiak Baptist Mission. tfn FOR RENT by day, week or month—TV sets. Hank’s Radio & TV. Ph 4922. tin FOR RENT—2 rm house on. Mis-, sion Rd, furn. Couple. City utilities fura. Call 3291. tfn WASHERS—Automatic & wring er type repaired. Kodiak Appli ance Repair. Ph 2502. , tfn FOR SALE—Brand new surplus electric heaters, room type. Ph 4484. tfn FOR SALE—26 ft trailer house w/additional built-on utility rm. Pbt 578 7-Inc APT FOR RENT— Ph 4922, Hank’s Radio & TV. tfn . ’vyv TUPPERWEAR—For individual orders or for a party m your home, call Audrey Patton, Ph 2662. tfn FOR SALE—21” General Elec tric TV w/stand. $175 comp. Ph 4572 1 7-3y FOR SALE—1957 ”300” Custom Ford 4 dr. 245 hp Thunder bird engine, R&H, 7 tires (2 new su burbanites) extra battery, chains & jack. 1 owner, 10,000 mi. Ex cond inside & out. Two tone blue & white. Price $1850. For info, call Swanson at 353 NS, or can be seen at 70B, Aviation Hill, NS. 7-2n FOR RENT—Furn heated apt w/private bath. Ph 4433. 7-ly I’m 34 years old, single & free to travel. A former cafe owner & manager, but will consider any type of work. Write Kenneth Masters, 319 5th Ave., Ancho age, or phone 48944. 7-ly FOR SALE— ’53 4-dr Ford* good cond. Ph 4544. 7-ly WANTED—Sewing of all kinds, housework,, ironing, baby sitting. Helen Parrish,. C-B basement apt. on Mission Rd. 7-2n BARGAIN SALE—Nice 3 bdrm home comp furn, price * $9,000. Ex terms. Culver Realty Co. Ph 2761. 7-1 n WATERFRONT HOME— Nice 2 bdrm home located on I si and Lake. Comp furn w/garage & workshop. Nice improved lot, has nice view & place for moor ing boat for trips on the lake. Price $6,500. For appointment to see call CULVER REALTY, Ph 2761 7-ln FOR SALE—Several nice 2 bdrm homes. To see call CULVER REALTY CO. Ph 2761 7-ln STOP "look”-LISTEN—We are now taking orders for building homes on your property. For info call CULVER REALTY CO. Ph 2761. 7-ln FOR RENT—Modem utility apt close to town, suitable for coup le. Ph 4491 after 5 30 pm or weekends. tfn FOR RENT—1 bdrm house on Mission Rd. Ph 4871. 7-lg FOR SALE—Woodbuming set, used once, $5. Ph 3123 or 3821. tine List of Alaska’s Legislators (Ed. Note: We have had several era! requests for the names of legislators who comprise Alaska’s first State government. We pub lish herewith their names, party affiliation, and the district they represent. (Tear out and save for reference.) House DISTRICT 1. Charles M. Jones (D). X Oral E. Freeman (D); J. Ray Roady (D). 1 John E. Longworth (R). -C Frank E. Cashel (D); An drew Hope (D). 5. Douglas Gray (D); Dora M. ^ Sweeney (Mrs.) (D). <5. Morgan W. Reed (D). 7. Harold Z. Hansen (D). BL Bruce Kendall (R). 9. James J. Hurley. 10. Helen A. Fisher (D; James £. Fisher (D); John S. Hellenthal tD); Earl E. Hillstrand (D); Pe ter J. Kalamarides (D); Russ E. Meekins (D); James E. Norene ID); John L. Radar (D). 11. William M. Erwin (D). 12. Allan L. Peterson (D). 12. Peter M. Deveau (D); Henry h. Haag (D). M. Charles J. Franz- (D). 15. Jay S. Hammond (R). 16. James Hoffman (R). 17. Donald Harris (R). 18. Grant H. Pearson (D). 19. Francis X. Chapados (D); Rob ert Giersdorf (D); Richard J. Gruel (D); Robert Sheldon (D); Warren A. Taylor (D). 20. R. S. McCombe (D). 21. John Nusunginya (D). 22. John E. Curtis (D). 23. Robert R. Blodgett (D); Char les E. Fagerstrom (D). 24. Axel C. Johnson (D). Senate DISTRICT A. 2 yr.—James Nolan (D); 4-yr. —Frank Peratrovich (D). B. 2 yr.—W. O. Smith (D). C. 4 yr.—Howard €. Bradshaw (D). D. 2 yr.—Thomas B. Stewart (D). E. 2 yr.—Irene E. Ryan (Mrs.) (D). F. 4 yr.—B. J. Logan G. 2 yr.—J. Earl Cooper (D). H. 4 yr.—Irwin L. Metcalf (D). I. 2 yr.—Alfred Owen (D). J. 2 yr. Robert J. McNealy (D); 4 yr. George B. McNabb (D). K. 4 yr.—Jack E. Weise (R). L. 2 yr.—John B. Coghill (R). FOR RENT—2bdrm fum house w/hot water heat, next to Springhill Apt$; 1 bdrm house on Mission Rd. Ph 3742 or in quire at Dad's Barber Shop. 7-ln FOR RENT—Gunderson house. 1 bdrm house complete. Ph 2053. 7-ln Minnesota Woolen Company has an opening in this territory. Use your spare time profitably. Sell direct to the consumer—high quality at very low prices from actual samples. Add to your income. Write H. I. Stewart, 331 4th Ave., Anchorage, Alaska. 7-6n HERE THERE EVERYWHERE (Continued from page 4) now on—use a little canine intui tion, or if that don’t work, a little horse-sense, whatever that is. I’ve heard mjr master say many times that women are at the bot tom of most of the trouble in this world—shootings, fightings, brawls, even warsr—-In a dog’s world, of course, a bone plays a pretty important part—almost as much as money to a poor human. It’s our job, too, to guard the grounds around our house and chase other dogs away. But this woman problem enters in, too—the eternal female canine. It would simplify it a lot if people would tie up the females for a brief period—they’ll know when, or fence them in., If they didn’t want to do that, there’s some stuff on the market (according to my mistress) that can be put on fe males that will cause us males to lose interest in them (that I want to see, or do I?). If that stuff worked, or any of the other methods used, it would sure be easier on the dog catcher, the police department, our mas ters and mistresses—and certainly on me. The irony of it is the dog catcher, the police, my master and mistress all love me—but it’s sure cramped in this dog house! NOTICE The Mecca Cab stand & Wrecker Service has - two phones now. Phones 3333 or 5555—Day or Night. 31*4y M. 4 yr.Hubert A. Gilbert (D). N. 2 yr.—Lester Bronson (D); William E. Beltz (D). O. 2 yr.—Eben Hopson (D) P. 4 yr.—John A. McNees (D) HANK'S RADIO & TV SERVICE Sylvania & Packard Bell—TV Symphonic Record Players Steelmans Hi-Fi & Stereo Tape Recorders CASH or TERMS Day or Nite TV Repair Service Phone 4922 Culver Realty Co. Kodiak Branch Office Homes — Business Property—* Land Franchised Dealer Loctwall Homes Life Insurance — All Types Notary Public George H. Cornelius, Broker Elvin E. Foster, Salesman Staff Licensed and Bonded By State Real Estate Commission for Appointment Call 2761 or 4511 Sundays ’ "\. ; L':. a "V-: \ Car Licenses Due End of Febuary The deadline for buying license plates in Alaska is Saturday* Feb ruary 28. Plates may be obtained from the U. S. Commissioner’s office in the Post Office building. Sunrise - Sunset Sunrise Sunset Feb. 7.. 8:01 4:48 Feb. 8 . 7:59 4:50 Feb. 9 . 7:57 4:53 Feb. 10 . 7:54 4:55 Feb. 11 . 7:52 4:58 Feb. 12 . 7:50 5:00 Feb. 13 . 7:47 5:05 Feb. 14 . 7:45 5:05 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION Question Of The Week i . ' ty. Q—lam a World War II veteran and have never applied for a GI home loan. How much more time do I have in which to get a loan? A—World W’ar II veterans have until July 25, 19660, to apply for a GI loan. The law allows up to a year after that date to complete the deal. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends who offered sympathy and assistance during our recent be reavements, in the death of our parents, Nick and Mary Phillips. George "Phillips Margie and Martha • Naval Station Births I Don Clifton, weighing, 8 lbs. 7 % ozs., was bom on February 2 to Zelma and James Edward Blake, AGI, USN. MR. AND MRS. E. L. CARDINAL SPEND WEEK ON MAINLAND Mrs. and Mrs. E. L. Cardinal returned Monday after spending a week in Anchorage where Card inal received dental and medical treatment. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Continued from Page I) aboard. The ship has been in the since it left Esquimalt January ij. & A resolution submitted by Rep. Pete Deveau in which the State Legislature endorsed the stand of jov. Egan in abolishing fish traps, vas passed by that body. Buying or selling—Use the‘Class ified Ads—They get results. 1 PHONE 3434 TODAY SATURDAY PHANTOMS STAGECOACH} 1 William Bishop Also “LOST PLANET” and “CARTOON” 2:00-7:00-9:00 SUNDAY and MONDAY Watch every move... | FOR SOME PAY YOU MAY RE * ONE OF THEM I _ _-4 r 12 STICKS OF DYNAMITE I SUN. 2:00—7:00 9:<m MON. 7:00—9:00 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Double Feature ATCflMO THE GREAT LOOI? KHfttDH AMMONS- HttBBQW J. ' r- . , •' .\v t. ■ \ ' AT 8:15 ONLY WED. Both at 7:30 ONLY THURSDAY — FRIDAY Jane Russell .r IN “The Fuzzy Pink Night Gown” 7:00 and 9:00 ALASKA TRANSFER & STORAGE A.GKNT FOB Martin Van Lines ' % J We handle Packing, Crating and Shipping from Kodiak to all Alaskan points, United States, Hawaii and Germany. V ' V ■; • •.' •' »o f Phone 2233 Box 60S ( • - ,7 MOU* i. - .1 u ft