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CLASSIFIEDS Classified advertising rates: ‘ $1.00 minimum for first 20 words .10 for each additional 4 words Plus 2% sales tax ■ • Payable in Advance. PLUMBING & HEATING—work done. For fast aid satisfying ser vice & guaranteed work. Chase ' & Copsey. Ph 6222 or 4814. tfn ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS —If you have a drinking problem & need help, write Box 376, Kodiak or call 0-663. tfn TOR RENT—Efficiency apts, 1 bcfrm homes dwntwn. Reason able. Ph 5451. tfn WANTED—Long and short neck QUART bottles. For cash. Kod iak Bottling Works. tfn 1TELC0ME TO THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH on Mission Rd. Ph 6491. Sunday School 10 am. Morning Worship 11 am. Evangelistic Service 7:30 pm. Mid week Service Wednesday 7:30 pm. tfn FOB RENT—2 & 3 rm apts. All utilities & ldy facilities. Navy approved. Ph 3864. tfn THRIFT SHOP and rummage sale each Saturday afternoon 1 to 5. Kodiak Baptist Mission. tfn WASHERS—Automatic & wring er type repaired. Kodiak Appli ance Repair. Ph 2502. tfn RUBBER STAMPS—Made to or der. Call 3333 or 5555. Ask for Jerry. 18-ln FOR RENT—Apt. newly decorat ed. Call Walt Muller, Ph 4242. tfn DEALERS WANTED—For NEW LONG Knitting Machine. All in quiries answered. Alaska Knitt ing Co., 2917 Spenard Rd., Spenard, Alaska. FOR RENT—Near new school— nicely furn. heated apt suitable for couple. Automatic washer. Ph 2523. tfn FOR SALE]—2bdrm house. Com pletely furnished, including TV, washer and dryer. Call 5034 18-ln FOUND—Small hatchet on Mill Bay beach. Owner can claim by identifying and paying for ad. Call at Mirror office. 18-ln FOR SALE—14 cu. ft. deep freeze. Ken more Electric range, 24 in. oven. Maytag washing machine. Electric roaster, with griddle, broiler and cabinet. 20 ft. dory. Qtrs. 25 CA, NS. 18-ln FOR RENT—2 bdrm house; com pletely furnished. Ph. 2374. 18-tfn FOR SALE—Miscellaneous furni ture for sale. Automatic washer, i chrome dinette set, etc. Ph. * 2813. 18-ly i Let Hank Do It Guaranteed i . . * \ ' Service on Washers — Dryers — Ironers gauges — Any Type or Make i HANK’S RADIO |IV & Appliances I Phone 4922 FOR SALE—-Popof Island includ • ing 5 room cabin, barn, sheep etc. For information contact Paul Bleichner, Box 3, NS. tfn • _ FOR SALE 2 Bedroom Quonset hut, furnished Refrigerator, gas * cooking stove Automatic Dryer 3 beds, 2 chests of drawers 3 piece Sectional set Miscellaneous Articles Over 1 acre of ground $2700. Terms: Cash. On Spruce Cape Road Also: 1 Hotpoint Bottle Gas Refrigerator. Excellent condi' tion, $100. Lewis H. Kennedy NAVAL EXCHANGE—B eauty Shop will be open until 9:00 on Tues., Wed. and Thur. even ings. Appt. only. Ph. 0-432. 18-4y —wii——PM—————immiww— ■ FOR SALE—1953 Jeep Station Wagon. Recently overhauled; two good snow tires. Cali Fowl er Ph. 616 NS. 18-ly WANTED—Woman who will baby sit days and evenings when needed. Call 5614. • 18-ly COME and, SEE!—Billy Graham’s Hour of Decision film “Why Go To Church,” April 18, 8:00 p.m.; Kodiak Christian Center. 18-1 n COMING SOON!—WINE 6f MORNING. LOST—1 pair reading glasses with brown case. Finder call 4811. $5.00 reward. Schreiner. 18-ly FOR""SALE—1954~~DeSoto.Fire dome V-8, 17,000 miles, $750. Ph. 2904. 18-ln SITUATIONS WANTED—Young married man wishes job on Island or Kenai Penensula cattle ranch. Have been five years operating for Rich Hob son in Canada; qualified and experienced. Understand range management and feeding under northern conditions. Am United States citizen; formerly of Ari zona. Would consider leasing ranch without option to buy. Write J. M. Engelhart, River Ranch, Vanderhoof, B. C., Cana da. 18-ly SITUATIONS WANTED—Cook ing or hotel or lodge manage ment job; camp, hotel, lodge or will lease cafe, hotel or lodge. Permanent—no drifter or drink er. Write Vera Park, Terrace, B. C., Canada. 18-ly FOR SALE—1 folding play pen; 1 bassinet and stand; 1 large cage on: stand; 2 • elec tr i c blankets; 1 carton No. 2 cans; .« 1 portable radio; tape recorder and tape; 1 Rotesserie and bak ing unit. Sears No. 10. 18-ly LOST—6 or 7 keys on a ring. Be tween Fish and Wildlife House, Mission Rd via the Catholic Church back yard by Union Hall to Downtown School. Call 3742, or contact J.J. Springhill at Dad’s Barber Shop. Reward for finder. 18-ly FOR SALE—One Four Bedroom Home. One Three Bedroom Home. Several Two Bedroom Homes, and a nice 2 bedroom home, overlooking Island Lake.. We also have several good Rent als. For Information Call CUL VER REALTY COMPANY Ph 2761. - 18-ln WANTED—We needReal Estate Listings. -Call CULVER REAL TY*-COMPANY. Ph. 2761. ' _ - 18rln FOft-' SALE—1954 Ford Deluxe Ranch Wagon, 6 Cyl. Excellent condition, one owner. Available June 10. Call PM Monday— 0-235 or 0-201. 18-ly ~"tiii«ti—i-t mmitw in ■ m w —— m mmmmmi—— —— WOULD LIKE—To rent a nice furnished one or two bedroom apt. or house, reasonable rent, Navy approved. Ph. 6044 18-ly Court Of Awards For Girl Scouts The Kodiak and Naval Station Girl Scouts will hold a joint court of awards at the Kodiak high school auditorium, Saturday, April 25, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Merit badges will be awarded, a program presented and exhibits of girl scout activities will be shown. Mrs. John Harris is chairman of the program. School Menu MONDAY—Vegetable beef stew, buttered rice, sliced peaches, bread, butter and milk. TUESDAY—Chili con carne, coleslaw, buttered corn bread, plums and milk. WEDNESDAY—Barbec’d ham burgers, potato salad, cheese sticks* fruit jello, bread and cho colate milk. THURSDAY—'Baked meat loaf, stewed tomatoes, custard rice pudding, bread, butter and milk. FRIDAY—Egg salad sandwich, buttered green beans, apple cob bler, milk. Honor Rolls ST. MARY’S SCHOOL Grade 3: Robert Carmouche, David Kraft, Dotrj‘,nic Panafsifce, Mary C. Cichoski, Dolores Cum mings. Grade 4: Cynthia 'Kozak, Kather ine Malerick, Barbara Morton, Patricia Taliaferro, Wanda Reed, Sibyl Naugliton and Ann Piccard. Grade 5: Barbara Tacke, Mi chelle Panasite* Susanne Kraft, Rita Johnson, Pamela Bell, Clay Carmouche, David Malerich, Mi chael Kincaid and James Vokacek. Grade 6: Penny Cummings. Grade 7: Christine Panasite, Mi chelle Magness, Wayne Kozak, Andrew Adams, Donald McClure, John Morton and Charles Lee. KODIAK HIGH SCHOOL Seniors: Janet Zieba, 4.00; Barb ara Cooper, 3.75; Jill Acheson, 3.58; Dorothy Broman, 3.55; Rich ard Frost, 3.43; Lois Stover, 3.43; Sam Molletti, 3.40; and: Sharon Van Buren, 3.02. Juniors: Milton Souter, 3.75; Pat Littlejohn, 3.54; Wayne Kraft, 3.43; and Norman Smith, 3.40. Culver Realty Co. Kodiak Branch Office Homes — Business Properties Land Franchised Dealer For Lockwall Homes APPRAISALS LIFE INSURANCE Notary Public GI & FIIA BUILDING INFORMATION George H. Cornelius, Broker Elvin E. Foster, Salesman Staff Licensed and Bonded By State Real Estate Commission for Appointment Call 2761 or 4511 Sundays Sophomores: Joanne Taylor, ] 3.90; Jerilyn Smith, 3.72; Richard : Garrett, 3.62; Gad Zieba, 3.47; Christy Box-well, 3.42; Dolly Pullo, j 3.37; Marjorie King, 3.34; Cassan- ; dra Nylund, 3.32; Cathy Duell, ] 3.17; and Courtney Star bird, 3.02. j Freshmen: Gary Olson, 4.00; ] Karen Rextrew, 3.79; James Hood, I 3.76; Harry Horn, 3.75; Roy Gun- ; solus, 3.67; James Bridges, 53.4; ] Sandra Robinson, 3.30; James Ha- ] mill, 3.10; Evonna Molletti, 3.06; and John Michell, 3.04. : DOWNTOWN SCHOOL Mrs. White’s Sixth Grade: Mar ya. Springhill, 4.06; Johnny Gail- ■ lard, 3.68; Richard Veerman, 3.68; Richard Henderson, 3.53; Steve Alvine, 3.24. Mrs. Breckberg’s Fifth Grade: < Weston Fields, 3.89; Mike Metro kin, 3.54; Rhonda Molletti, 3.50; Shari Madsen, 3.50; Barbara Hen derson, 3.31; Dorothy Chya, 3.00. Mrs. Haman’s Fourth Grade: Candace Roetman, 4.08; Judy Ach eson, 4.07; Margie Magnusen, 4.07; Sue Anne Ramaglia, 4.04; Alfred Levine, 3.92; Ralph Longnr.e 3.90; Carlene iRay, 3.63: Barbara Sutliff, 3 57; Norma Chya, 3.33; Terry Coker, 3.23; Rod Snyder, 3.22; F!dy Anderson, 3.19; Pat Patterson, 3.17; Robin Nicolet, 3.16; Don Lawhead, 3.13; Carol Cannon, 3.01; Glen Godfrey, 3.01. MAIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Eighth Grade: Svea Breckberg, 407; Luana Garoutte, 3.96; Donna Allen 3.63; Gail Anderson, 3.57; Nelda Stone, 3.18; Jack Sheridan, 3.18; Kathryn Alvine, 3.16; Beth , Acheson, 3.14; Frank Heglin, 3.00; Gaylord Reddick, 3.00. Seventh Grade: Andrea Jarvela, 4.00; Arne Hall, 3.87; Duke Dick son, 3.74: Barbara Davis, 3.72; Bon nie Breckberg, 3.68; Sharon Barn hart, 344; Evelyn Pratt, 3.42; Cheryl Babbitt, 3.28; Stephanie Valtman, 3.26; Jack Wick, 3.13; Larry Dietzler, 3.12; Barbara Mol letti, 3.08. Sixth Grade: Dale Gillilan, 3.50; Judy Giibreath, 3.42; Chris tine Shipley, 3.00; Marjorie Sheri dan, 3.00; Nadine Flotre, 3.00; Allison Rickey, 3.00. Fifth Grade: Barbara Allen, 3.59; (Carol Olsen, 3.33; Jean Hall, 3.18; Dennis Hicks, 3.15; Louise i Harvey, 3.03; Judy Brooks, 3.03; Linda Watson, ,3.02. Fourth Grade: Betty Hall, 3.98; Sharon Gilbreath, 3.90; Kristy Plotre, 3.83; Caroline Bacus, 3.75; Billy Shipley, 3.67; Pamela Hay ies,3.54; Mike Allen, 3.52; Kath een Sheriuan, 3.52; Ellen Horn, 1.50; Kristin Butler, 3.47; Brooksie [ler, 3.46; I>onna Chase, 3.39; Mary Deveau 3.39; James Connel y, 3.30; David Horn, 3.29; Pauline Peterson, 3.22; Karen Shannon, 1.14; Sandra Valtman, 3.14; Lois Howard, 3.12; Stuart Rickey, 3.11; Jodette Me Nallen, 3.02; Helen Shively, 3.01. TODAY — SATURDAY 5HOWTIMES—2:00 and 3:30 p.m. Matinee ONI, Y EVENING ONLY! Ten Commandments ONE SHOWING 7:30 P.M. SUNDAY: 2:00 And 7:30 MONDAY: 7:30 ONLY —FINAL SHOWING— TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY 7 & 9 P.M. WED. 7:30 ONLY THURSDAY — FRIDAY 00G3 DANE 8E* tOR. GlARK-COQrIR NELSON SHOWTIMES 7:00 & 9:00 P.M. --—-*, * HANK’S 1 RADIO & T¥ SERVICE j> h. v £ t£\ 60 • ADMIRAL & PACKARD BELL DEALER ® Phone 4922 day or night • ALASKA TRANSFER & STORAGE ' - * ' ' '* • * AGENT FOR Martin Van Lines We handle Packing, Crating and Shipping from Kodiak to all Alaskan points, United States, Hawaii and Germany. .