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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
Mail Delivery Ilie mall is again being carried on the eld covered wagon train across country. The seven wagon train left Independence, -Missouri for Oregon, April 19, and will con clude the journey at Indepen dence, Oregon, August 15. The official philatelic mails be mg carried is in ,con junction with the Oregon Centennial celebra tion. The letters* <?r ‘covers’ as they are ijj&pwn to stamp collec tors, bear a special “covered wag oih stamp,” which has been* can celled by a distinctly designed “Beaver State” hand cancel de vice created especially for the ven ture. The mail is also being car ried unde/ a special postal permit issued the South Lane Stamp So £ i. • - . : jr ,. : - ,/*' ciety, Inc. of Cottage Grove, Ore gon, sponsors of the project, by the Post Office Department. The special “covered wagon stamp” is an actual perforated ad hesive, printed in two colors, with a drawing of a covered wagon forming the central design. The stamp, the size of a regular postal issue, is valued at 25 cents and is used in conjunction with the regu lar U.S. postage to certify that the mail was actually carried by covered wagon to Oregon. The Post Office has authorized a “second pick-up” for the mail at Montpelier, Idaho on July 2, and the Society is presently accepting orders from the public for this mailing point. The mail will be cancelled at no other point along the trail. The covers may be purchased for transport on the wagon train by mailing the-nsmwa tel a4tea ses of the recipients, along with a remittance, in cash of 2$ cents; or five for $1.00 to the South Lane $tamp Societyr Inc., P.O. Box . 484, Cottage Grove, Oregon. The covers will then be prepared by the Society and placed on the wagons for the purchaser, who will receive them at the end of the trek. Deadline for the Montpelier, Idaho second pick-up is June 2S. This is Alaska.. ■ n»*g*u «, * m commercial flying service throughout the state and a private plane for every 165 persons, Alaska is the aerial ’ ; • , 1 , .. , , ■ ,, * 4, j, * * *4 , / . - • crossroads of the world. As in other fields of transportation, Standard began serving Alaska's aviation industry right from the start. Pioneer flyers relied on Standard long before we supplied fuel and lubricants for Alaska’s first air mail flight in 1924. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Since 1885... planning ahead to serve Alaska better This, too, is Alaska... a Standard service for every petroleum need 44 bulk plants 38 independent beating oil distributors 246 independent Chevron dealers 16 independent airport dealers 28 marine stations 3848 Alaskans who derive their living by distributing Standard’s products