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CLASSIFIEDS ttasified advertising rates: $1.00 minimum for firet 20 words .10 for each additional 4 words Plus 2% sales tax Payable in Advance. PLUMBING & HEATING—work done. For fast and satisfying ser vice & guaranteed work. Chase & Copsey. Ph. 6222 or 4081. tfn tfn ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS — If you have a drinking problem & need help, write Box 376, Kodiak or call 3912. 2-tfn TOR RENT—Efficiency apts, 1 bdrm homes dwntwn. Reason able. Ph 5451. tfn WANTED—Long and short neck QUART bottles. For cash. Kod iak Bottling Works. tfn WELCOME TO THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH on Mission 3d. Ph 6491. Sunday School 10 am. Morning Worship 11 am. Evangelistic Service 7:30 pm. M’d week Service Wednesday 7*30 pm tfn JERRY’S MECCA WRECKER— Service. Ph. 3333 or 5555. tfn FOR THE FINEST formal or in formal portraits. Your home or mine. Call Doug Lohse, 4941, for appointment. tfn FOR SALE—House trailer, 26 ft. Built-on utility rm. w/washing . machine. Low down payment. Call 578 for further information. 25-2y FOR CHARTER—2 cabin cruis ers. Ph 4011. tfn FOR SALE—2-bdrm furn house dose to town. Ph 4491 Sat Sc Sun. After 5:50 pm weekdays. 13-tfn FOR SALE—The Doghouse restaurant. Ph 3323. tfn FOR SALE]—2 houses comp, furn., on 1 lot on Mission Rd. Contact Curly Jonas, Halferty’s Canner ies, for appointment. tfn FOR SALE — 1-6x6 International. Ex. running cond. Good rubber, 5th wheel. Sportland. tfn FOR SALE]—1 view lot w/house plans, close-in, overlooks Mort gage Row. Sportland. tfn FOR SALE—Furn. 1-rm. log cabin on 1 acre. Patented. Island Lake. $1,500. Ph. 2523 tfn JfOR SALE]—Small house close-in. Furn. or unfurn. Ph. 3913. tfn SAW FILING—Knives & scissors, three-fourths mile out on Mis sion Rd. Look for sign. Kenneth French. 25-3y FOR SALE—Westinghouse auto washer nearly new, $150; hand rubbed Cuban mahogany topped bar w/ice compartment 8c shel ves, $75. Ph. 703. 25-2y FOR SALE—Small house to be moved, w/Van Packer chimney, toilet & wash basin, Ex. for Is land Lake. $500. Sportland. tfn FOR SALE—Blonde cabinet desk w/hidden file cabinet & safe. Like new—Cost $150—Will sell $75. Sportland. tfn Sealer Stock Seized — Special to sell—Stereo phonos, record players, radio-phono combina tion. 10 per cent above whole sale. No freight. Sportland. tfn FOR SALE—Stove, Lange, new cond.; bathtub, bowl 8c toilet. Call 4711. tfn FOR SALE — 1951 Jeep. Good cond^; apt.-size stove. Ph. 6541 tfays, 4313 eves. l-2y ABSENTEE OWNER says, “Will accept $34,500 for a quick sale.* Income property near new school. 3 apts., furnished. Each with marvelous view. All rent ed. 1 large apt. with 3 bdrms. & huge living rm. Also automatic washer & dryer. 2 utility apts. with automatic washer. This property will pay for itself plus providing a lovely home. Ph. 2523. tfn REPRESENTATIVES WANTED in your territory. From your desk you can earn a substantial addition to your income. Only written contacts with your clients Write for particulars and further details to VKK-Offiee, Vienna 66, P.O.B. 128, Austria. 1-ln FOR SALE—1954 Pontiac Star chief Hdtp. 8 cyl. Hydra. Nylon tires (snow rear). Leather inter ior. R&H, etc. $850; 14.7 cu. ft. Crosley Shelvador freezer, chest type, $200. Dr. Granger, 11B, Lake Louise, NS. Ph. 0-9-922. tfn FOR SALE—1 Johnson 50 w/2 props generator, $500; 1 21 ft. cabin cruiser w/head, $1,500; 1 5 h.p. Johnson, 5 hrs. time, $125; 1 Butane stove & tank, $50; 1 Kaar radio-telephone, 40 watt, $300; 2 cruising tanks, $70, 18 gal. ea.; 1 Raytheon depth finder, $100; 2 sets Johnson controls chesp^Misc. gear cheap. 1 sml. dingy, $40. Above over $5,000. Make me an offer on complete deal. Sportland. tfn FOR SALE—18’ day cruiser, fibre glass top rW/50 h.p. Evinrude electric, loaded. Contact Harri son at Woody Island, Ph. 3652. , . l-2y FOR SALE — Fresh frozen her ring. Ideal for halibut bait. 6 for 30 cents. Contact Skipper Knudsen. 1-ly FOR SALE — Tame rabbits. Spot ted & white. Bred does, $6; half grown, $4. Rummage sale 1-5 p.m. Saturday. Baptist Mission. tfn FOR SALE—IBM electric type writer. 14 in. carriage, Gothic type. Kodiak Welding Works, Ph. 2151. tfn FOR SALE—’55 Plymouth 4-dr., R&H. Best offer over $500. Ph. 3591. 1-ly FOR SALE—Portable fireplace; lg. Frigidaire mangle; sml. man gle; assorted used furniture. Ph. 5822. l-2y FOR SALE—Boxer puppies 5 weeks old. Ph. 5612. 1-ln LOST—Pure-bred Siamese cat, male. Answers to name of Ming Toi. 1572 Maple. Reward. My FOR SALE—14 ft Burchcraft boat. $125. See at Small Boat Harbor. Art Brooks. 1-ln NOTICE $250.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and convic tion of any person or persons kill ing, stealing or maliciously mo lesting livestock owned by any member of the Kodiak Livestock Growers Association. NOTICE The CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY holds services each Sunday at 11 a.m., Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. and Testimonial meet ings the third Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. Reading Room open each Wednesday 6 to 8 p.m. Address: Corner of Mission Road and* Alaska - Way, - across from* tie* Post Office. Town Teen Club Dance Tonight The Kodiak Town Teen Club is sponsoring a Yearbook signing party and dance at the Elk’s Hall tonight, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. The high school annual, Chan nel Light, will be given to students who ordered them and have not as yet received them. Purpose of the party is to give students an oppor tunity to have their annuals signed by friends. All high school students and alumni may attend the party. Ad mission and refreshments are free. TV Schedule Saturday 9:30—Test Pattern & Music 10:00—AFRS-TV Cartoon Time 11:30—Test Pattern & Music 2:00—To Be Announced 4:00—Omnibus 5:00—Bowling Derby 0:00—Captain Kangaroo 7:00—People Are Funny 7:30—This Is Hawaii 8:00—Saturday Nite Cinema (Lady With Red Hair)' 9:30—Town Hali Party Sunday 1:30—Test Pattern & Music 2:00—Baseball Game (Tigers vs. Orioles) 4:00—All Star Golf 5:00—Voice of Firestone 5:30—The Ruggles 6:00—This Is The Life 6:30—My Little Margie 7:00—Red Skelton 7:30—The Millionaire 8:00—Steve Allen 8:50—EBF Venice 9:00—Ellery Queen 10:00—Kraft Theatre 10:50—EBF Rome Monday 4:30—Test Pattern & Music 5:00—Sky King 5:30—Vagabond 6:00—Cartoons 6:15—Curt Massey 6:30—My Hero 7:00—One In 20,000 7:30—Spike Jones 8:00—Flight 8:30—This Is Your Life 9:00-Sourdough Theatre ( Ac tion In the North Atlantic) Tuesday 4:30—Test Pattern & Music 5:00—Robin Hood 5:30—Star Performance 6:00—Cartoons 6:15—Curt Massey 6:30—Sheriff of Cochise 7:00—Patrice Munsel 7:30—Decoy 8:00—Jimmie Rodgers 8:30—Ch. 8 Movietime (Janie) 10:50—Wrestling Wednesday 4:30—Test Pattern & Music 5:00—Steve Canyon 5:30—Willy 6:00-Xartoons 6:30—Colonel Flack 7:00—You Bet Your Life 7:30—Star and The Story 8:00—Country America 8:50—EBF What Is Electricity 9:00—I’ve Got A Secret 9:30—Air Power ~ 5 Kodiak-Aleutian Realty Services Homes — Business Properties Land Franchised Dealer For Lockwali Homes APPRAISALS LIFE INSURANCE Notary Public George H. Cornelius, Broker Staff Licensed and Bonded By State Real Estate Commission For Appointment Call 2761 or 4511 Sundays 10:00—Wednesday Nite Fights 10:30—The Big Picture Thursday 4:30—Test Pattern & Music 5:00—Roy Rogers 5:30—China Smith 6:00—Cartoons 6:15—Curt Massey 6:30—Tenn. Ernie Ford 7:00—We Who Serve 7:30—Pat Boone Show 8:00—Four Star Anthology 8:30—Kodiak Playhouse (Make Your Own Bed) 9:50—Learning About Heat 10:00—Roller Derby Friday 4:30—Test Pattern & Music 5:00—Mr. Wizard 5:30—Ted Mack’s Amateurs 6:00—Cartoons 6:15—Curt Massey 6:30—Col. March of Scotland Yard 7:00—Telephone Time 7:30—Highway Patrol 8:00—Traffic Court 8:30—Price Is Right •, , 9:00—Gillette Cavalcade of Sports 9*50—-EBF America At Work 10:00—Music Is My Beat 10:30—Parole All Programs Are Subject To * Change Without Notice. BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Barrett (Billie) Willoughby, novel ist and short story writer, died Wednesday of a heart disease. She was 59 years old. Miss Willoughby, born Florence | f ALASKA TRANSFER & STORAGE i 4 AGENT FOB Martin Van Lines ^ . • * * 1 ¥ . ' We handle Packing, Crating and Shipping from Kodiak to all Alaskan points, United States, Hawaii and Germany. . f ■ . Phone 2233 * i Box 605 ft ORPHEUM THEATRE Dial 3434 ONE DAY ONLY TODAY 2:00-7:00-9:00 Plus—Walt Disney’s “SWITZERLAND” SUNDAY 2:00 EVENING 7:00-9:10 jerry walds p«*»ctio« oi mmmmmm WILLIAM FAULKNER'S PROM THE PRODUCER OP “PEYTON PLACE” I f The tone. W4 HotSwmmer, 2p. CinemaScopE | PAUL NEWMAN JOANNE WOODWARD • ANTHONY FRANCIOSA ORSON WELLES • LEE REMICK • ANGELA LANS3URY coto« x m unc TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 7:00-9:00 P.M. Danny Kaye—Curt Jergens IN “ME AND THE COLONEL” THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 7:00 AND 9:15 WALT DISNEY Presents Disneyland V.S.A. o co < TECHNICOLOR® in Technicolor Top Award Cannes Film Festival