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Driver’s License Suspended 3 Years Lyman G. Newell appeared be fore the City Magistrate this week and was fined $100 and given 10 days sentence. Eight days of the sentence was suspended. His drivers license was suspended for three years. This was his secohd offense. In other cases to appear this week, Tim Tutiakoff was fined $50 on a drunk charge, and C. C. God win was booked on a peeping Tom charge and fined $25. Read the Classified Ads. They get fast results— i ———— LEGAL NOTICES BANK OF KODIAK SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING Notice is hereby given that, pur suant to call of its directors, a special meeting of the sharehold ers of Bank of Kodiak, will be held at its banking house at Mill Bay Road, in the City of Kodiak, State of Alaska, on Saturday, Feb ruary 27, 1960, a* 2;00 PM, for the purpose of considering and deter mining by vote whether an agree ment to consolidate the said bank and Bank of Homer, located in Homer, Alaska; and Bank of WmngeU, located in -Wrangell, Alaska; and First Bahk of‘Sitka, ■ MARY’S CHURCH Rev. Raymond L. Talbott, S. J. MASSES: Sunday Hospital Chapel Chureh Holydays Hospital Chapel Church Daily Hospital Chapel ROSARY AND BENEDICTION: Sunday and Friday HOLY HOUR: Saturday Hospital Chapel CONFESSIONS: Saturday Church Also daily before Masses BAPTISMS: Sunday SUNDAY SCHOOL: o-on a u 8:30 and 10:30 A.M. 6)30 AM. 7:15 and 8:00 A.M. 6:30 A.M. 7:30 A.M. 1:00 to 2:00 P.M. 7:00 to 8:00 PJf. . 2:00 P.M. 10:00 A M KODIAK OIL SALES * ..*\4N UNION OIL PRODUCTS Unoba T5x Triton Greases I V Motor Oils UNION » Complete Petroleum Service Marine Service Station STOVE OIL - BURNER OIL KEEP FULL SERVICE # • . * PHONES Dock & Plant 2411 Res. 3141 Announcement THE « TOWN CLUB Takes pleasure In announcing the arrival of our new chef TOMMY WONG Preparing your favorite Oriental and American dishes * * ► • * ■ • % f « located in Sitka, Alaska; and Min ers and Merchants Bank of Ketchi-. kan, located in Ketchikan, Alaska'; ’ and National Bank of Alaska in Anchorage, located in Anchorage, Alaska, under the provisions ffl .the laws of the United States, shall be ratified and confirmed; and for the purpose of voting upon any other matters incidental to the proposed consolidation bf the six banks. A copy of the aforesaid agreement, executed by a majority of the dir ectors of each of the six banks, pro viding for the consolidation, is on file at the bank and may be in spected during business hours. Publish January 30. < 1 February 6, 13, 20 & 27, I960, IN THE PROBATE COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD* DIVISION. ANCHORAGE PRECINCT In the Matter of the Estate ) of ) PATRICK LYNCH, aka ) PAT LYNCH ) No. 639 Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, MARION LYNCH, has been duly appointed and qualified by the above entitled Court as administratrix of the estate of PATRICK LYNCH, ALSO known as PAT LYNCH, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate should present them, with proper vouchers attached, to the said administratrix at Kodiak, Alaska, which place has been selected by said administra trix as the place for the transac tion of the business of said estate, within six months from the date hereof. DATED at Kodiak, Alaska this 6th day of January, 1960 MARION LYNCH Administratrix Publish Jan. 16, 23, 30,and Feb. 6 & 13, 1960 * IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISRICT OF ALASKA THIRD DIVISION, AT ANCHORAGE VERNON L. BARKER ) Plaintiff, ) —vs— ) LORETTA BARKER ) , Defendant, ) Civil Action File No. K-16, 559 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN DANT, GREETING: You are hereby required to ap %• * INSURANCE buyers know the value of a reliable agency sucb as Kodiak Insurance. The AGENT of this office handles LIFE insurance as well as all other lines. Vine out of ten men for GETS about purchasing life insurance until reminded We can write any type you want and some of these are paid off in 20 YEARS 3401 CALL ART BROOKS 2561 AT Kodii^ Insurance & BUILDING CORPORATION pear in the District Court for the District of Alaska, Third Division, at Aqchorage, Alaska Within thirty (30) days after the Last pub lication of this Summons, namely w ith in thirty days after the 20th day of February, 1960, in case this Summons is published, or within forty (40) days after the date of its service , upon you in case this Summons is served upon you per sonally, and answer the Complaint of the above-named plaintiff on file in said Court in the above-en titled action. Said plaintiff said suit de mands that th<f bonds of matrimo ny now existing between plaintiff mid defendant be forever dissolv ed; and for such other and further redef as the Court may deem just and proper. And in the event of your failure so to appear and answer, plaintiff will take judgement against you for want thereof, and will apply to 'the Court for the relief demanded in his complaint as' heretofore stated. WITNESS THE HONORABLE J. .L McCARREY, Jr, Judge of said Court and the seal of said! Court hereunto affixed tWs 13th day of January. I960. Wm. A. HILTON By CLARA RHODES Deputy (Seel) Publish Jan. 23, 30, Feb. 0, 13, h 2(J, 1960. - -——— 300 MPH PRESSURIZED ~.+ C0NSTELLATI0N SERVICE only non-stop To: SEATTLE-TACOMA 1 AND PORTLAND ... L », . - ' ^ Convenient connections to San Prtmclsco, Lor Angeles, Denver, Chicago and all points South mv! * . " v, and East. Plan your complete trip nojjf. with PACIFIC NORTHERN , i KODIAK EMBLEM CLL11 No. 187 fleets 1st A 3rd Thursday at 8 p in. at the Elks Club No. 299 F. & A. M. LODGB KODIAK Meetings—Stated 3rd Monday, 8 m. at Kodiak Masonic Temple KODIAK LODGI NO. 1172 BPOK Meet* Every Friday evening at 840 p. n. Visiting Members Welcome BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL WOMENS CLUB Business Meeting—1st Monday at 7:30 pm. Dinner Meeting—3rd Monday at 7:00 pm. at Island Fountain. LADIES AUXILIARY TO VET TERANS OF FOREIGN WARS KATMAI POST NO. 7058 Meet 2nd and 4th Monday at 8 pm. at VFW Post Hall ALASKA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM —Honrs of Business — .Monday thru Friday,.9 ani to 6 pm Saturday, t am. to 12 noon. Sunday and Holidays, Closed Emergency wires may bn filed during the closed office hours at the message center. •' » UNITED CANNERY WORKERS of Kodiak Island, Kodiak, Alaska, Moots the 3rd Thursday of every month at 8 p. m. at the Union Hall Phones 4474 or 2583 JACK ALLMAN POST NO. 17, AMERICAN LEGION, meets the 1st Thursday of every month, at 7:30 p.m. at the Ameri can Legion Dug-Out above city hall. BARTENDERS LOCAL 875 AIL Meets on 2nd Sunday of every month, 12 noon at Labor Templo.