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. - . (/ttflectiny the t/leem of *rfUuskd& 'jMt&t fyt/Atot'ec (JfUand. ■ ■ m ||. ■ ... .1 ■ ii. 1 ' —~ — - mi—.—*. Published every Saturday at Kodiak, Alaska Yearly Subscription Rate $7.00 . ,r Second class mail privileges authorized at Kodiak, Alaska .o<'t ,i Send notices of undeliverable copies to: THE ISLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY Box 1307, Kodiak, Alaska Sig J. Digree, Editor and Publisher Beths Dlgfee, Executive Secretary S taff Photographer..George C. Ameigh, Jr. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS ■fhe Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use or republica tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. 4 NAVSTA Personnel Cited at Inspection CHIEF COMMENDED—Chief Storekeeper Eugene P. Ducharme is commended by Capt. N. R. Lincoln, Jr., Commanding Officer, for his selection as Chief of the Month. The letter of commendation stressed Ducharme’s devotion to duty while acting as Commissary Division Officer during that officer’s illness during August, duties he assumed in addition to his own. During this time, the Chief continued conducting classes in advancement which he had organized and was teaching after hours before. “This exacting schedule did not prevent you from continual active participation in local com munity affairs,” the letter read. “As Cub Scout Registrar and ‘Den II)ad’ you are contributing to the welfare of your community,” it continued, calling his conduct '‘outstanding” and “in keeping with the highest traditions of the Navy.” U. S. Navy photo -^ ' FOR ALL YOUR Welding Needs or Problems PHONE 2151 * ■ • x KODIAK WELDING WORKS ir , 't -— * A X REPUBLICAN CREED I |r _ (fk You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by discouraging the rich. You cannot establish sound security by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man’s initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. A. LINCOLN " \ , '■“N, Y "-N yO ' < w. adv.) Two enlisted men and two offi cers attached to the Kodiak Naval Station were singled out for com mendation recently during one of the most impressive personnel in spections held here in some time. Navy Journalist Second Class Winfred XL .Cary was cited as August’s Sailor of the Month. Sta tion Manager of AFRTS - Kodiak, and supervisor of the base paper, Kodiak Bear, he was cited for his “spirit and initiative” in carrying out his duties. He was cited for giving freely of his time as Station Manager, and “as supervisor of the Kodiak Bear you have initiated editorials on Leadership, Navy Tradition, Communism, The Fight ing Man’s Code and Know Your Government,” the citation read. (More photos next week) Citizenship “A special day like Citizenship Day, which will be observed Sat urday, September 17, is necessary as a reminder to reconsider our benefits and duties as citizens.” So said Mike Rose, president of the Anchorage Bar Association, who through fate of birth and par entage, is a citizen of two countries. He was born in France of Ameri can parentage, and due to the laws of the two countries, is a citizen of both. Rose continued: “We tend to forget that good citizenship con sists in small duties -and large privileges. It is voting on election day—a small thing. It is also in forming ourselves on the qualifi cations of candidates for public office. "“It fs making ourselves inorf familiar with the history of our country through reading such in struments of democracy as the Declaration of Independence.” These are small things, but they help develop a consciousness of citizenship that otherwise we will not acquire. Rose made a significant state ment when he said: “Citizenship can be expressed in many ways. It is necessary to express it, other wise it is in danger.” Rose urged Alaska groups to plan special observances for Citi zenship Day—if nothing else—the display of the flag. DUCK STAMPS REQUIRED FOR HUNTING WATERFOWL The Fish & Wildlife Service reminds all hunters that duck stamps are required of all hunters over 16 years of age before hunting waterfowl. Stamps are available GAME NIGHT Every Wednesday 8:30 P. M. at the ELKS CLUB Kodiak-Aleutian Realty Services Homes Business Land wtiUMUlfif Properties Franchised Dealer for Lockwall Homes APrRAISAI.S LIFE INSURANCE Notary Public Staff Licensed and Bonded by State Real Estate Commission George H. Cornelius, Broker For appointment call 2761 or 4511 Sundays at any post office. reading about this mouth-to-mouth Any questions on waterfowl reg- respiration. I figured if it worked ulations will be answered by call- for people it might work for a dog. ing the Fish & Wildlife Service at “I tried it. In maybe a minute I 4294, according to Will Troyer, felt his heart kick over. Another Refuge Manager, Fish & Wildlife minute or so and he'started breath Service. ing on his own.” MAN IS BEST FRIEND C_ OF MAN’S BEST FRIEND SOCial SeCUTlty OMAHA (A3)—Little man’s best QUESTIONS and ANSWERS friend is a big man. Q. How can i T>e sure my em Little man is a two-month-old Dloyer is reporting my wages and Manchester terrier who owes his that I am getting credit for them? life to Harry Redman Jr., 29, his A. The Social Security Adminis master. tration advises you to send for a Little man seemed a dead dog wage record statement at least once from electrocution after he bit every three years. This statement into an extension cord socket. shows whether you are getting Redman said ‘‘I remembered credit. Hold In Heat Keep Out Cold Perch Endotur** Cheaper Than Glass FLEXIBLE, SHATTERPROOF MADE BETTER. LAST LONGER -WARP'S- BRANDF 0 ON THE EDO SATISFACTION GUARANTIED ALASKA TRANSFER & STORAGE P r* ' .. • • V AGENT FOR ft Martin Van Lines t- j i , We handle Packing, Crating and Shipping from Kodiak to all Alaskan points, United States, Hawaii and Germany. ,' i. , . **. 'j ‘ ;* • j j *■ • ' * * f r • -n T *-> f i * Phone 2233 Box 605 YOU CAN ALMOST ALWAYS SPOT A MAN WHO STARTED Saving Early • Success is not a matter of luck. Success usually begins with saving and saving begins with a plan. We have a number of savings plans de signed to encourage and help you reach the goals in life that you have set for yourself and your family. p 95 Kodiak Branch NATIONAL BANK OF ALASKA Member Federal Reserve & F. D. I. C. :