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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
Fish Study Funds Made Available An allocation of $614,900 has been made to the Alaska Depart ment of Fish and Game for a two year crash program of research on Alaska salmon, Governor William A. Egan was advised today. Word of the allocation was re ceived by Commissioner Clarence A. Anderson of the Alaska Depart ment, by telephone, from Clarence Pautzke, Commissioner of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service who made the funds available. The funds were made available as part of $2,500,000 emergency program asked by President Ken nedy for research in connection with the North Pacific Fisheries Treaty. The program provides $181,300 for the remainder of this fiscal year, ending June 30, and an ad ditional $433,600 for the succeed ing year. Nine separate program involving the Southeastern Alaska, Prince William Sound, Kodiak and Yukon River area will be covered by the funds. $21,500 and $50,000 of the funds will be used for salmon tagging in the Kodiak area. Tourist Effort Of City Praised Kodiak was included in nine vei bal “Oscars” for “Outstanding per* formance in attracting and serving tourists” handed out to variout cities in the State today by Alaska Commissioner of Commerce, A. H. Romick, whose department in cludes the State Division of Tour ism and Economic Development. The Commerce Department head cited Kodiak as an example of what a community can do to graduate a local celebration into the ranks of a national attraction. “Through early planning and early notifica tion of the Division of Tourism, “Romick said, “the city has made it possible for the State to mail Kodiak King Crab Festival news re leases and mailers to the press, travel industry, and general in quirers of the U. S. A. and Canada. Not surprisingly, said Romick, “the response has been highly success ful.” Other cities cited for the mythi cal “Oscars” were Ketchikan, Sitka, Juneau, Skagway, Haines-Port, Chilkoot, Anchorage, Fairbanks and Nome. Naval Station Births >+**++***+++*+**+**++++** A son, John Edison, weighing 8 lbs., was born on April 20, to Roberta Ann and Theodore Wright, Lt. USN. I ' '' ;mi. Robert E. Norton Evidence that the KODIAK MIRROR is read in distant places is graphically illustrated in the picture above. Pictured is Pfc. Robert L. Norton, son of Mrs. Anne Koppang, and the scene is his barracks at Manheim, Germany, where he is stationed. Robert is 24 years old, and is with the U. S. Army Signal Corps. He is expected to be home on furlough in August and will be trans ferred elsewhere after more than two years in Germany. . I Cotton Dusters $3.95 and Up Kraft’s Dry Goods Doubles Tournament ELKS LANES During King Crab Festival MAY 6th and 7th Come In and Sign Up Now Bowl As Often As You Like PRIZES $ PRIZES $ PRIZES \ - • - Don’t Forget Our Summer League Teams Still Need Bowlers Read the classifieds for profit; use them for results. Christian Science Society Sunday School.9:30 a. m. Sunday Service_11:00 a. m. Testimony Meeting .. 4th Wed. 8:00 p.m. Reading Room ... .*.Wed. 7-8 p. m. Located on Shelikoff near Cope St. Church of God 6th & I Streets Fred Mamaloff, Pastor Sunday School.10 ajn. Morning Worship.11 ajn. Evening Service_7:30 p.m. Mid Week Service ... 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Listen To Christian Brotherhood Hour, Station KHAR, 590 kilo cycles, 8 a. m. Sunday ^ - _ _ . CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Worship Service 10:45 A. M. Meeting Each Sunday Morning In The Old City Hall Bldg. For Information Call 486—2478 Kodiak Assembly of God Church Mission Road Pastor Wm. L. Cummins Phone 486—2491 “Not By Might, Nor By Power, But By My Spirit, Saith the Lord of Hosts.” SERVICE SCHEDULE SUNDAY Sunday School.10:00 a.m. Morning Worship ... 11:00a.m. Christ’s Ambassadors 6:30 ?.m. Evangelistic Service .. 7:30 p.m. MONDAY Missionettes.1:30 p.m. TUESDAY Women’s Prayer Meeting.2:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY Prayer & Bible Study 7:30 p.m. FRIDAY Youth Meeting.7:00 p.m. Berean Baptist Church REV. CLETIS LEVERETT, PASTOR L. B. LINDSEY, S. S. SUPERINTENDENT A Bible Believing Baptist Church with a Real Concern for Souls of Men. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 EVENING SERVICE 7:00 PRAYER MEETING (Wed.) 7:30 “For the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ.” Community Baptist Church Rev. Lewis White “The Big White Church on the Hill” lay School—9:45 a.m. ling Worship—11:00 a.m. :h Fellowship Groups—6:30 p.m. ling Worship—7:30 p.m. Week Service—7:30 p.m. Wednesday LDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE” KODIAK DIRECTORY BARTENDERS LOCAL 875 A.F.L. Meets on 2nd Sunday of every month, 12 noon at Fishermen’s Hall. KODIAK EMBLEM CLUB No. 187 fleets 1st & 3rd Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Elks Club. KODIAK LODGE NO. 1772 BPOE Meets every Friday evening at 8:30 p.m. Visiting Memheis Welcome ALASKA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Hours of Business Monday thru Friday, 9 am to 6 pm Saturday, 9 am to 12 noon Sundays and Holidays, Closed Emergency wires may be filed during the closed office hours at the message center. KODIAK ISLAND JAYCEES Meet the lot. and 3rd. Wednesday of each month. 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. In the Montmartre Basement. KODIAK LODGE F. & A. M. No. 295 Meetings — Stated 3rd Monday, 8 p.m. at Kodiak Masonic Temple BUSINESS ft PROFESSIONAL WOMEN’S CLUB Business Meeting—1st Monday at 7:30 p.m. Dinner Meeting—3rd Monday at 7:00 p.m. at Island Fountain. VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS Regular meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 8 p.m., at the VFW Hall. JACK ALLMAN POST NO. 17 AMERICAN LEGION meets the 1st Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the American Legion Dug-Out above city hall. KODIAK ISLAND TOASTMASTERS CLUB NO. 1968 Dinner meetings every Tues. from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. In the Montmartre Basement. Visitors are cordially invited.