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Bette Dspe*, Associate Ecrtar MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Pram s exckes:r*> eot&kd to Urn am or ropnblici tsoa of tZ. mtm% despatches credited to it or set ochereim credited te tta. paper md also the teead aesm pefclahed berma. Mirrored Reflection B? SIG DIGREE Savings erf up to JT-s per cent on rscadtrp fares to Kadiak from <vSf»- Alaska c:t>es oil be pet into effect fey Pacific Northers Airlines far he mail Kodiak Kkf Crab Festival. May 5. «. ud 7. The (xrirsxe rates, effective May 3 ftroagh May S. apply ca travel from Anchorage. Garden, rv" -.frni Homer. Hiama. Ja neasL Seta Ketch-kan, Kang Sai see anil Yakuts: to Kodiak and ratnm. Kodiak residents vNsat benefit frvrs these reduced rates, bet it sight be a pood idea for people here to aier: friends in these var ious tffvss ta take advantage of the reduced fares and come nsi them. There"* be k*s to do rmkrg it easy to entertain them • • • We don't see mneh kite flying areesd here, bet it might be a pood idea for kxb hereaboats to get into this sport Seem* a kite hundreds of feet 2 the air and hits holding the serts* on the other end is a shrCl every child should have at lensS ooce sa a lifetime Here's scaae oc Sytsg a kite that are i»x as take® from Todays Health..’’ a AMA pnbl .canon): Never £y a kase m the ram; don't fly a kite that has metal in the frame ar tail nr zse : marl-string, erre. or prme that has mecai sa it avnxf ejecenr p?*er hnes. radio aa: tejevsiiffi wnah nhes tying a kne. if the kite gets razgh: in proer „bcs sever psC or the strmi or rimX the poie to lanaen XL £y the tie m m ope® feac and av&ix rgr.r. amass screes* or t-gr-w ays. 1 tx-e kite or flbrmg gets stack m. a rwC ts**, or mres isFve it there and per a are kee • • • v r*-™t s fiend *'.t± fbe s:i* z>ar. at ynt criZ r*i*r tisFw-bere 3 tta issitf. t£ tie xrtsgwe? «d b*r JUL TTMJ »iCL( bent bBt £ i*Ei flf CMQiBt Tbf Ciiniber *f Cart TBSTT* t» SSE WJt £ ?*£ f*• £lZ ixe* fcrnilj «337£ r:»:aef to phase Art Brseix. Ywnrac GeeHriftee ~!t.t.r8AT. i-nvr recjsxer Tber riwnns. Ir't £ ebanr* for cm pastes mane? and teffi bei? see cnrniif :ho SZxsj Crate' Fes—*•& • • • Jk»ti Fjeosber 3T.8r.njHs- «£ the ■Oepbesiae Itose 2* jg^wndbtf far rut ®t yes ’1 bew as ast bet r* r* rse ar wc I: 3* sue be ctMEraeard i ammma^SmI beeweer £ xarcher iraf ser feasr-yeer-aftf rtea? 'STat: bij mew-* * reasibt te or OtrjteMNet. Tbseber* “It* Say Bur bear * “TTb** Set*" *-ir<2L •bear njuagawd tbr uKcber per jsr.i_y “Burt sic £ jfrl Eet* £ teht * After £ trm seroatet af dee? TbHBfbs. rt* Zci* £X* mst suf ».~wtr--T *Tr«SZ. mam. if Bart £ imjiT »3ry .sx*: it Bex Bex' m m m >onf tr set cui fnesd >•* Beefy i—MTTir i»f iJOBT’EEfJy *—*3 wee far bit trust enik aa» kss steers He somehow got himself tingSed around is tie rope with tie steer oe tie other end. and ex perienced some bad moments with a few bruises and cats so show for it 'Rose OB the Range" appar ently isn't always At its pictured aa the song by that came • • • Railroad crossing sign near Colo rado Springs. Cokx.: The »*erage time it takes a traa to pass this crossing » 14 seconds whether yoar car is oa it or net * • * • A radio station phoned I >X men asking to whom the? were listen ing Eighty per cent staid their wires That at; sound like the wrong note o® which to end thil coins® But we want to haste® to say there i ose wife who is coming in today after a long absence, and it's go ai to be tad of r..ce to jom that eighty per cent: Mrs. L. Scroggins Dies Suddenly Death came to Margaret Scrog gins, age 36, Sunday. April 23. She died of internal hemorrhages The deceased is the wife of Lassie Scroggins. a resident of Kodiak Surrmng are her daughter. Mar ian. age IS mocths. two sisters. Martha at PerryviLe aad Eugenia atf Kadiak, three brothers, Thom my. Peter and Ralph, her father. Eattafy Phillips also of Perry Tuie. The r*acy will be shipped to PerryT-^ie for bcrmL NFFE Seeks Curb On Hiring Retired Military Congress and Presides! John F Kennedy have been urged by the National Federation of Federal Employees to take prompt and ef fective action to curb the increas ing employment of retiring and re tired military personnel m Federal career civil service positions Van* Over. President of the N'FFfL has called to the attention of Congress and the President that this tread is resulting in many in equities affecting long-time career employees with resultant impact upon morale and efficiency- that it is contributing substantially to the already serious national prob lem of unemployment; and that this situation is “a significant as pect of the grave over-all problem of the mounting use of military personae! in civilian Federal po® t;<cj a tread which is directly con trary to fundamental American traditions*" In a letter Owen sent to the Chairraenof the Senate and House Armed Services and Post Office and Civil Service Committees, he pointed oot the urgent need for remedial action He stated: ■"Attention is called to the fact that in our proposal for a legisla tive approach to the problem we have suggested to the Congress that legislation which would ban the employment of retired military personnel for civilian career posi tions. as a matter of basic policy, should include a provision that is special cases of wer-riding na tions! interest exceptions could be made by order of the President. "The whole problem is one of increasing gravity, and it is rend ered the more acute and pressing now because of the high national level of unemployment, and smce the level of unemployment is likely to remain disturbingly high for an extended period as a result of tech nological. economic, and other factors “’We believe active and sympa thetic interest in this problem, and steps toward early remedial action, would be fully justified by your Administration in the national in terest" Griffin Memorial Hospital Notes A son. Dennis Eari. weighing 8 lbs., was bom on April 24 to Caro lyn and Earlin Cessna. A daughter. Lori Carol, weigh ing 8 lbs 1 os., was bom on April 25 to Joyce and Eari Milov. Annual Bering Sea Patrol Clothing Drive Begins Looking for a way to get rid of those <xd clothes, and at the same time to do someone else a favour? The Coast Guard wives are busy collecting clothes for the Bering Sea Patrol, due to start the latter part of May when the Coast Guard Cutter Storis aps anchor for its northern trip Those not de livered by the Storis will go aboard the icebreaker North wind when she relieves the Storis. Among the ports of call made last year were Tatitlek, False Pass, Akutan. Cbernofski, Nikolski, Atka and villages along the shores of the Bering Sea as far north as Wain wright and Pt. Lay. The North wind carries a doctor, and a dentist who attends to toothaches among the village residents. This latter serv ice is sometimes looked upon with mixed feelings, even in retrospect, as attested by a letter from a small school boy who wrote, “Thank you for the new pants you sent me. I didn't like it when the dentist pulled my tooth, but I like my pants.” From a fourth grade boy in Wainwrighi came thanks for clothing, and word that be had had his x-ray, "some of the people had their teeth pulled out and we like to see the helicopters and the barges and the Coast Guard Cut ter." Apparently every child in school in every' village writes a thank you letter for the clothing and care he receives. Warn clothing is especially wel come, warm blankets and all other kinds of wearable, clean clothing — with the emphasis on clean. Boxes are labelled according to ap proximate sizes and types of eiolbes contained, so they may be distributed according to the great est need. Wives of Coast Guard personnel request that contribu tions be made as soon as possible: sorting and packing are time con suming and must be completed at an early date. Clothing donations may be made to any Coast Guard wife, or to the following: Mrs. Thomas, phone 486—5193; Mrs. Langford, phone 486—2603; Mrs. Backe, phone 487 —3308; Mrs. Loboudger, phone 487 —5446. Couple Wed At Old Harbor Mary Christiansen of Old Harbor and Sven Haakansen of Ouzinkie were united in marriage Wednes day. The Rev. Father Targonsky per formed the ceremony, which was held in the Russian Church at Old Harbor. Cubs Meet Tonight Cub Pack 213 will bold its monthly meeting, Friday, April 28 at 7:30 p. m, at the National Guard Armory. A skit will be presented by Den. 3. A group of Cubs and their par ents visited the Naval Staticm. boarded a Coast Guard airplace and toured the banger workshops last Sunday. A meeting of Den Mothers and Committeemen has been an nounced for Monday, May 1, be ginning at 8 p. ftL. at the borne of Thomas Love, Cubmaster. Final plans for the Pack s booth at the Crab Festival will be made. SOCIAL SECURITY COUNSELOR COMING Ray Williams, resident repre sentative for the Social Senility administration is expected to rssxt Kodiak May 8, and will be available to assist with applications for old age. survivors, and disability insur ance benefits. Kodiak area residents can con tact Mr. Williams at the Kodiak hotel, on Monday, May 8th from 1:00 to 5:00 P- M The single biggest problem we re having right now in the payment of social security claims Mr. Wil liams reports, is the lack of ade quate business records by self-ess pioyed persons. 'pxoitien Sfo/i ahcC Shoe “Sat \ k Fine Selection of Children’s L P. Records at $1.98 WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE LINE L P.'s AT STATESIDE MUCKS N • ph. SPRING IS HERE CLEAN UP FIX UP PAINT UP Nam Is the time ta make these needed repairs and inpreveaaeats aa year heme aad yard — See as far heme inpovrmeat leans at reasaaahte rates. a KODIAK RKAMH NATIONAL BANK OF ALASKA am Padeiai Raawva $aha