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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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Women Brewers Brewed The First Beer Scientist Big Aid To Modern Brewery (It cannot be said by any stretch of the imagination that the author of the following article knows her subject from pure taste, for she seldom if ever indulges in so much as a small glass of beer. It’s the men and machinery and the process that fascinated her — but let her tell the story—the Editor.) By BETHA DIGREE If you would like to have a new, unusual experience, spend a few hours making a tour of a big, mod ern brewery. »!£*?E'LA*ce* Take a DriVe fmf0rt*ble Cen|n Vou’ll n !ln Our Den. Pact -a-s'-jsst5* ^SSage ~HYsicAL7^~:==^r-~ £l?4py „ To*Sev.p ^^Hon ,AXAt«0« -rhat fc'sa&a* »erTe 0o»-Othy AJ**^ «aths <»*Zecht NOTICE OF CHANGE IN POLICY The disconnect date (25th of the month) now in effect for DELIN QENT ELECTRIC BILLS will be changed to the 20th of the month, beginning June 20th. This new disconnect date appears on your monthly statement. KODIAK ELECTRIC ASS’I FO R SPRING AND SUMMER h Lovely Colors BLOUSES BKIRts Coulottes ban ts Tapers “See Our *""** SUIT* ByJAHTZE c„iWren KRAFT’S DRY GOODS DEPT. When, as a child, we stayed with our Prussian grandfather and Ger man grandmother in Wisconsin, we were always given a small glass of beer with our dinner. We accepted it as a normal part of the meal be cause it was served in most homes in that part of the country, which had a population of predominately Germanic people. At that time, or during the in tervening years, we never gave a thought to the process of making beer. We never wondered how long it had been used as a beverage nor who first began brewing it. It was not until we made a tour of the Olympia Brewing Company plant ht Olympia, Washington a few weeks ago that we realized that brewing beer is an art that dates back many centuries. Archeologists date the begin ning of beer brewing somewhere between 5000 and 8000 B. C. A Bab ylonian tablet revealed the first known written record of beer, which was brewed by women. High priestesses of that long-ago culture, they used special brews in their religious ceremonies. This is the keg room in a mod ern brewery, showing the kegs come off as in an assembly line. Note the cleanliness, which is a feature of the whole operation. The Egyptians used beer in their daily diets, and the oldest medical document in existence lists 100 prescriptions calling for beer. An cient Greeks, the Romans, North ern Europeans and the hardy, bold Vikings—All these peoples brewed and drank beer. Many Danes still breakfast on a soup of bread, milk and beer. Brewing was done at early-day monasteries where the friars served the beverage to the pilgrims and the poor, as well as being al loted a certain amount for their own use. One of our present-day words, “bridal,” is derived from the Anglo Saxon “bride’s-ale”. It was the cus tom at that time for brides to keep guests cups filled during the fes tivities at the marriage. The first American brewery be gan operations in Lower Manhattan in 1612. Samuel Adams, who in herited a brewery from his father, was one of the most famous of early American brewers. Other famous men who felt beer to be an important item were George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Thousands of years after the first sip of beer was quaffed, beer is still being brewed, but now with the aid of scientists and modern methods and machinery. Our tour of the Olympia Brew ing plant left us with a feeling of surprise. Our first impression, which we carried throughout the tour, was of the complete cleanli ness everywhere. Every part of the plant was sparkling with shiny metal and fresh, white paint, and the employees were clad in immac ulate white clothing. “It’s the Water” is the famous trademark of Olympia Beer. This pure water comes from natural ar (Continued on Page 10) 4 New Members Join Emblem Club Four new members, Thelma An derson, Pat Winston, Hazel Wright and Sandi Marconi, were initiated into Kodiak Emblem Club No. 187 Thursday evening, J^ine 1. They were named the Lee Burgey Class. ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Box 686 Kodiak, Alaska The Alaska Department of Fish and Game will be tag ging pink salmon on the east side of Kodiak and Afognak Islands this coming season. Tagging will be done during weekly closed periods from the latter part of June until about mid-August. Purse seine vessel owners and operators inter ested in bidding please contact Bob Simon at the Alaska De partment of Fish and Game, Commercial Fisheries Division, Box 686, Kodiak, for particulars. Phone 486—2288. WODLINGER DRUGS Wishes to Announce To Our Customers The Drugstore Will Be Open From 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Sunday, June 11 During The Summer Months Starting June 12, Hours Will Be 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.-Weekdays Sunday-1 p.m. to 6 p.m. WODLINGER DRUGS i For All Your Family Needs The Friendliest Place in Town MECCA LOUNGE & 49 ROOM The Finest Selection of Cocktails and Liqueurs Always a Good Selection of Fine Table Wines Dining Room Open Dally EXCEPT TUESDAY S p. m. to 1 a. m. Serving Full Course Dinners Featuring Airborne Fresh Steaks FROM THE CHARBROILER Sunday Special - Prime Ribs of Beef THE 49 ROOM MECCA LIQUOR STORE NOW OPEN AT 8:00 A. M. Check Our NEW PRICES