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CLASSIFIEDS Classified advertising rates: $1.00 minimum for first 20 words; .10 for each additional 4 words; plus 2% sales tax Payable in Advance. >♦♦♦»1 I i» H j.++++4 For Sale Bookcase; planter room divider. See at 1663 Willow. 28-2y 3-point hydroplane — Ex. hull, fi berglassed. Built for up to 18 H.P. Ph. 486—2693. 4-ly Dryer, good cond; portable hi-fi Stereo; 6-year-old crib w/mat tress; Hollywood bed; new Mo torola 23-inch TV. Ph. 486—5440. 4-ly Pontiac Star Chief station wagon. All leather upholstery. Good rub ber. Ex. mechanical cond., $400. See Louise at Town Club. tfn American Trailer, 1952 model, 8x 38 w/large built-on addition. Can be seen at Pratt’s Trailer Court or call Taylor at 487—3307. 7-21-4y 2 Coleman 35-gallon hot water heaters, Oil heated, priced at $60 ea. Each nearly new. 1 nearly new medium-sized home space heater, price $50 or will take $150 for all. Ph. 486—2960 if in terested. KODIAK ALEUTIAN REALTY SERVICES. 4-ln IF YOU’RE DETERMINED TO RENT, then read no further. We have some good property, 1, 2, 4 bdrm. homes, all priced reason ably with good terms. Some of them fairly close to the new school. Also other homes within your price range. Call us for de tails. ’See us for trading your smaller home on a large one. Partially landscaped lVi acre tract on Mission Rd., near Spruce Cape area. Also other lots and acreage for sale. KODIAK ALEUTIAN REALTY SERVICES, Ph. 486— 2960. 4-ln EXCEPTIONAL BOAT BARGAIN New 18-ft. cabin cruiser, built by Master boat builder Jim Alwood, who is leaving Kodiak. Powered by new 1960 twin Merc. 35 H. P. motors. Merc remote controls and steering. $2,350 invested in materials, equipment and fit tings alone. Priced to sell at $2,750. May be seen at Small Boat Harbor Friday thru Sunday. Contact Chaffin at Woody Island, Ph. 486—2604, if interested. 4-ln RCA 4-burner electric range. Has clock and time control, lg. oven, storage drawer. Very good cond. $65. Ph. 486—2435. 4-ly 12-ft. boat; fiberglass covered bot tom, $50. Ph. 486—2802. 4-ly 1 large box of Mechanics hand tools. Can be seen at Kodiak Air ways. tfn For Rent Apt. suitable for couple. Ph. 486— 5174. 4-ly Furn. apt. Newly remodeled. Gotts chalk, *Fh. 486—5162. 4-ln 1 bdrm. home comp. furn. $90 per mo. Kodiak Aleutian Realty Serv ices, Ph. 486—2960 4-ln W+TJeipWantedW+ Experienced waitress. Apply in person at Mecca 49 Room. 4-ln Experienced cocktail & food wait ress. Apply in person at Town Club. 4-ln Wanted Want baby sitter to lite in. Ph. 486 —5387 evenings. 4-ln Alaskan Bingles or trade tokens; U.S., Canadian and gold coins. K. Dethridge, Box 785, Juneau, Alaska. 7-28-15y 4w»mw«*wt«tn 2 small mahogany drawers for chest. Ph. 486—2344 or 486—5123. 4-ln Miscellaneous Free—2 part-Cocker dogs. 1 year old. Inquire 1663 Willow. 28-2y +++*+*+++++*+**++++***+* Notices Rummage sale and thrift sho'i open Sat. afternoons, 1 to 5 at the Baptist Mission. Ifn ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS — What’s your problem? Mine is alcohol. Write box 376, Kodiak or call 486—2364 or 486—5148. tfn I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by anyone other than myself. (s) Briley P. Taylor. 7-21-4y $250.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and convic tion of any person or persons killing, stealing or maliciously molesting livestock owned by any member of the Kodiak Live stock Growers Association. Services ISLAND ELECTRONICS — Radio & TV repair. Open 12 to 9 pm. Ph. 486—2626. tfn A TOTAL OF 366 POUNDS OF HALIBUT were caught in about an hour Saturday to give a fitting climax to the Halibut Derby, which concluded Sunday. If these four had come in one package they would have copped the big prize, but even so, they won prizes for two of the fishermen pictured here. From left to right, the above fishermen are Jim Carruth, Ed. Edwards, and Sam Symanietz. The fish weighed 110 pounds, 94 pounds, 92 pounds and 70 pounds each. Photo by Ameigh INVETERATE FISHERMAN Bob Bardsley is shown above with his prize winning halibut that won him a trip to Seattle and return. In addition to 1st prize he copped three others. THE ABOVE 90 pound halibut won for Bob Dinwiddie a shiny new bicycle, the first prize in the Outdoorsmen’s Halibut Derby just completed. Room and board for man. Private entrance and bath. Ph. 486—2904 tfn .. ... ..i--—-— .—i For top soil and fill dirt, call 486 —2865. tfn MARTIN’S HARBORVIEW PLUMBING & HEATING. Ph. 486—2422 day or night or 487— 5840. Guaranteed work by li censed plumber & steamfitter. Take advantage of our free es timating service. tfn Legal Notice NOTICE OF PETITION TO VACATE STREET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 1st day of July 1961 John D. and Eloda B. Metzgar and Henry M. and Eunice Neseth own ers of abutting properties, filed a petition praying for the vacation of a certain street platted, but never constructed, lying between lots 6 and 7 of Block 16 Kodiak Townsite and contiguous to the rorthwest boundary of lot 8 in Block 16. This petition is filed pursuant to Chapter 115, Session Laws of Alas ka 1953 and is accompanied by a plat showing the proposed vacation. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a hearing on said petition will be held before the City Council of the City of Kodiak at 8:00 o’clock p. m. on the 24th day of August 1961 at the City Council Chambers in the City of Kodiak, at which time the City Council will inquire ;nto and determine the merits of tihe relief prayed for, and make such order as justice and the pub lic welfare require. WITNESS my hand and the of ficial sea' of the City of Kodiak this 3rd day of August 1961. DOUGLAS G. PRESTON, City Clerk-Treasurer (SEAL) Publish: Aug. 4, 11, 18, 1961. State Offers Job Opportunities There shouldn’t be any unem ployment in Alaska for people with the necessary qualifications and background in the various fields connected with the State Depart ment. The Department of Administra tion’s Bulletin No. 4 lists jobs in almost any field you can name. Jobs currently listed, taken at ran dom, requiring open competitive examination include that of rev enue agent, driver’s license exam iner, fishery products technologist, civil engineering assistant 3, se curity officer 2, safety inspector, claims examiner 4, clerk trans criber 2, property disposal officer 2, port captain, marine engineer, traffic manager, (ferry systems), and a host of other positions. Anyone interested may obtain copies of bulletins^ relating to the field in which he or she may be in terested by writing the Department of Administration, Division of Per sonnel, Box 2420, Juneau, Alaska. Extra inducements provided are “liberal annual and sick leave ben efits, group health insurance, re tirement and social security.” Court Cases Two men, apprehended on charges of being drunk and disor derly, broke away from the police but were taken into custody. Each forfeited bail of $100. They were Donald Cook and Joseph F. Hughes. Akbert Cushing, arrested on a drunk charge, also forfeited his bail of $25, as did Peder Han sen, when arrested on a similar charge. Arthur Christoffersen, arrested on a charge of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, was fined $300 and given a 30-day sentence which was suspended. Recommen dation his license be suspended for one year was made by the Court. Curley’s Barber Shop was en tered unlawfully this week. Name of the minor involved, who was ap prehended, was withheld. ESD Fund Up Alaska’s unemployment compen sation fund balance totaled $3,520, 825 at the close of business on July 31st. Merrill E. Weir, Director of the Employment Security Division, said that the July fund balance represents a $463,000 increase from the fund balance at the end of June. In addition, Weir pointed out that the fund balance on July 31st was $1,689,000 higher than the bal ance at the end of July last year. During July a total of $319,000 was paid out in current benefits as compared to $434,000 in June of this year and $131,000 paid out during July of 1960. Naval Station Births A daughter, Donna Rae, weigh ing 5 lbs. 14 ozs., was born on July 29 to Marva Jean and Stanley Ray Pridemore, AM2, USN. A son, Kenneth Ray, weighing 5 lbs. 4xk ozs., was born on July 31 to Genevieve Anastasia and Bob by Hamlin Hood, BM2, USN. Them Bootleggers Gotta Go! Ness Lester J. Edgar Wittich Disney Unger All Stars of the Untouchables Challenge The Flatland Bootleggers on Thursday, August 10th at 7:30 P. M. ELKS BOWLING LANES _\ Halibut Derby (Continued from Page 1) diak Aleutian Really certificate and 5 yds. dirt fill; 9th, Sam Sy manietz, 94, 5-gal. outboard motor oil and wool shirt. Youth class winners were as fol lows: 1st, Bob Dinwiddie, 90 pounds, bicycle; 2nd, Gary Hall, 60 pounds, spinning rod, reel, tackle box; Dennis Bell, 58 pounds, brownie camera; 4th, Ray Golden, 36 pounds, hunting knife and first aid outfit. Winners of the annual event may pick up their prizes at Curley’s Barber Shop, according to Lloyd McKinley, hardworking chairman of the successful contest, sponsored by the Kodiak Outdoorsmen. Although entries came from as far away as Chiniak, most of the fish were caught in the local area out at Buoy 4. Herring seemed to be the most popular bait, but others were used, including octo pus and Dolly Varden. “The Derby Committee and the entire club wish to congratulate the winners, and thank all who en tered, whether successful or not, and to commend the merchants and other townspeople who donated and made available the prizes," Kim Clark, vice-president of the club stated. “Our thanks, too, to the ticket sellers." Ferry Design Easy On Fuel JUNEAU OP)—An efficient hull design for the three ships to bo used on the Southeast Alaska run will result in substantial savings, B. E. Lewellen, director of the ma rine transportation division, said. He said recent tests indicated the hull design will permit the three ferries to operate with less horse power than anticipated, which could mean a possible saving of $120,000 to $150,000 a year in the operation of each ship. Lewellen said the designs were recently tested in the University of Michigan design laboratory. Orpheum theatre Phone 6—2424 TODAY, 7:30 P. M. ONLY REEVES COLOR Lffluns I SATURDAY: 2 and 7:30 Q|jy£Bte& KiDNAPFSJ Ifcb«»4K«46Stt«3iscri ‘ c/'ecA'nico&l' i SUN.: 2 • 7:30; MON.: 7:30 Like sailing on a laug’i r:.1! A real laugh piill Wake Me When t Its Over \ ERNIE MARGO tf KOVACS- MOORE ] JACK NOBU ^ WARDEN-MCCARTHY; COLOR by DE LUXE CinbviaScopE (f TUES. - WED.: 7:30 ONLY MOST SAVAGE UNDERGROUND WAR EVER EOUGHT! THURS. - FRI.: 2 HITS 7:30 “TEXAS LADY” — AND —