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THE REV. DANIEL A. POLING, editor of the Christian Herald (right) and Bill VcVey, the Christian Herald Singer and clippings on contest. g "T the look of elegance . . . to match your mood! r For a sweater that leads innumerable lives... goes gracefully to work as well as to parties or Your Catalina ... , _. , __ dining! Pick a Catalina Sweater Headquarters bulkie that wraps you in AISO warmth without weight, llavA is blessed with fashion New . ., A |a significance. Catalina Knit Dresses Donnelley & Acheson Ladies Wear — NATIONAL NEWSPAPERS HYMN POLL In cooperation with Christian Herald Magazine OFFICIAL BALLOT VOTE NOW FOR YOUR FAVORITE HYMN OR GOSPEL SONG Local results and national vote will be published by this newspaper as soon as tabulation is complete CUP HERE. FILL IN. MAIL IN ENVELOPE OR PASTE ON POSTCARD TODAY AUDIENCE ANALYSTS INC. OUR GIFT Bala-Cynwyd, Pa. TO YOU BILL MeVETS 64 Pase'Hymn MY FAVORITE IS: The °ajr MY NAME IS (PtMM Print dearly) address CITY_ZONE-STATE KODIAK MIRROR qfY STATE __ Poll To Pick Favorite Hymns, Settle Dispute, Begins Today What is America’s favorite hymn? The Kodiak Mirror today joins Christian Herald, the nation’s lar gest interdenominational Protes tant magazine, and newspapers throughout the country, in a def initive survey to determine the hymns America loves best. A preliminary hymn poll, con ducted last year, ended in a con troversy between churchgoers who favored “The Old Rugged Cross” and others who named the contem porary gospel song, “How Great Thou Art.” Our survey aims at settling the dispute. The National Newspapers Hymn Poll is open to Americans of all de nominations. Every reader of the Mirror is in vited to write the name of his fav orite hymn or gospel song on the ballot printed with this article. The Christian Herald will give each respondent the inspiring min iature book, “Hymn Thoughts for the Day,” by Bill McVey, the Chris tian Herald Singer. This attractive book contains favorite hymns and scripture reading for every day of the month. Each vote submitted in the coast-to-coast survey will be tabu lated by Audience Analysts, Inc., a leading independent research or ganization. The Mirror will publish a list of favorites in this area and compare them with national re sults. WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION HEARINGS SCHEDULED FOR JUNEAU IN AUGUST Public hearings on both work men’s compensation insurance pre mium rates and a proposal for an exclusive non-profit state fund will be held at Juneau, Augst 24 through 26. The hearings are being held pur suant to a directive of the 1961 Legislature to the Commissioners of Commerce and Labor and the Legislative Council to hear experts and interested individuals and or ganizations on the two related sub jects. The Departments of Commerce and Labor, in cooperation with the Legislative Council, sent out invi tations in May to representatives of insurance carriers, and employer and employee groups to attend and participate in the hearings. Those making detailed presentations are asked to submit written briefs and to give oral summations at the time of the hearings. The public sessions will open at 9:00 a. m., Thursday, August 24, in the Senate Chamber in the Capital at Juneau. The first two days will be devoted to hear ings and discussions on rates, and] the third day will be devoted to dis-' cussion of the state fund proposal. NOTICE St. Mary’s Altar Society Rum mage Sale will be held at St. Mary’s School on Saturday, August 5 from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. 28-2n Dr. Schuler At Alaska Methodist Dr. Georgette R. Schuler was recently appointed to the faculty of Alaska Methodist University as Associate Professor of French and German. Currently touring Europe, she will come directly to Alaska to assume her position with the University. Professor Schuler was born in Europe and grew up in Belgium and Germany where she received most of her education. She was awarded her doctor of philosophy degree from the University of Mar burg in 1927. In 1930 Dr. Schuler received the Prussian Board of Ed ucation Fellowship for study in Great Britain. Abroad, she taught in Berlin and Switzerland. Please use pencil or bail-point pen to print the name of your fa vorite hymn on the ballot. Mail it today so your vote is sure to be counted. And remember to add your full name and address, clearly printed. Kodiak Assembly of God Church Mission Road Pastor Wm. L. Cummins Phone 486—2491 “Not By Might, Nor By Power, But By My Spirit, Saith the Lord of Hosts." SERVICE SCHEDULE SUNDAY Sunday School.10:00 a.m Morning Worship ... 11:00 ajn Christ’s Ambassadors 6:30 pm Evangelistic Service .. 7:30 p.m TUESDAY Women’s Prayer Meeting.2:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY Prayer & Bible Study 7:30 p.m. FRIDAY Youth Meeting.7:00 p.m Prayer Meeting.8:30 p. m. SATURDAY Missionettes.2:00 p. m. In 1946 Professor Schuler came to the United States to teach at Wells College in Aurora, New York. Later she taught at Wash ington State University at Pullman. For the past thirteen years she has been head of the modern languages department at Morris Harvey Col lege in Charleston, West Virginia. Christian Science Society Sunday School.9:30 a. m. Sunday Service_11:00 a. m. Testimony Meeting .. 4th WedL 8:00 p.m. Reading Room.Wed. 7-8 p. m. Located on Sthelikoff near Cope St. Church of God 6th & I Streets Fred Mamaloff, Pastor Sunday School.10 ajn. Morning Worship.11 ajn. Evening Service_7:30 pjn. Mid Week Service ... 7:30 pjn. Wednesday Listen To Christian Brotherhood Hour, Station KHAR, 590 kilo cycles, 8 a. m. Sunday Berean Baptist Chnrch REV. CLETIS LEVERETT, PASTOR L. B. LINDSEY, S. S. SUPERINTENDENT A Bible Believing Baptist Church with a Real Concern for Souls of Men. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 EVENING SERVICE 7:00 PRAYER MEETING (Wed.) 7:30 “For the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ.” The Community Baptist Church C Rev. Lewis White “The Big White Church on the Hill” Sunday School—9:45 a m. Morning Worship—11:00 a.m. Youth Fellowship Groups—6:30 p.m. Evening Worship—7:30 p.m. Mid Week Service—7:30 p.m. Wednesday "HOLDING FORTH nil WORD OF LIFE” KODIAK DIRECTORY KODIAK KMBLEM CLUB Ns. 187 Meets 1st Sc 3rd Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Elks Club. KODIAK LODGE NO. 1772 BPOE Meets every Friday evening at 8:30 p.m. Visiting Membeis Welcome ALASKA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Hours of Business Monday thru Friday, 9 am to 0 pm Saturday, 9 am to 12 noon Sundays and Holidays, Closed Wires may be filed during the closed office hours by dialing 110. KODIAK ISLAND JAYCEES Meet the 1st. and 3rd. Wednesday of each month. 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. In the Montmartre Basement. BARTENDERS LOCAL 875 A.F.L. Meets on 2nd Sunday of every month, 12 noon at Fishermen's Hall. KODIAK LODGE F. & A. M. No. 295 Meetings — Stated 3rd Monday, 8 p.m. at Kodiak Masonic Ten^pl* BUSINESS k PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB Business Meeting—1st Monday at 7*30 p.m. Dinner Meeting—3rd Monday at 7:00 p.m. at Wand Fountain. VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS Regular meetings 1st and Ird Tuesdays, 8 pjn., at the VFW Hall. JACK ALLMAN POST NO. 17 AMERICAN LEGION Carl Rodli, Commander Phone 486—5375 Larry Loomis, Adjutant Phone 486—5173