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Kodiak mirror. [volume] (Kodiak, Alaska) 1940-1976, March 02, 1962, Image 3

Image and text provided by Alaska State Library Historical Collections

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045298/1962-03-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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Kodiak Basketball
Crown At Stake
With three make-up games an
a possible play-off for first plac
slated for Monday night, the Tow
League Cagers will enter int
their traditional top - four - teair
double-elimination play-off for th
coveted town league trophy an*
Kodiak basketball supremacy.
This is a rotating trophy hel*
last year by Curley’s Clippers an*
in 1960 by the PNA Flyers. Botl
teams are still in the running thi
Monday night’s make-up gam*
will include D&A against Curley’
at 6:30, while the old rivals, PN/
and Krafts collide at 8 p.m. Shoulc
Krafts upset PNA it will necessi
tate a play-off for second anr
third. If PNA wins, then thi
Coast Guard and PNA will be tiec
for 1st place and will play-ofJ
Tuesday at 8 p.m. The 6:30 gam*
Tuesday will match D&A againsl
the High School Independents.
The first round of the play-ofi
will be held Thursday night match
ing the No. One team (PNA oi
Coast Guard) against Curley’s al
6:30, while the No. Two Place teair
(PNA or Coast Guard) will meel
the !No. three place team at 8 p.m
Finally on Friday night the twc
losers meet at 6:30 and the win
ners at 8 p.m.
Base Champs Bow
To Town League
The Town League went into its
final stages this week and saw
plenty of fast and exciting action
with one overtime game and the
Town League co-leaders de-throne
the Base Captain’s Cup winners.
On Monday night the ACS cag
ers, after putting up a hard fight
for 20 minutes, finally lost to Cur
ley’s Clippers by a score of 61-37.
Young for ACS was high with 11
points while Ferris of Curley’s
had 22 markers.
In the 8 p.m. game the Town
League Co-Leaders defeated the
Base Champs by a score of 64-53.
PNA moved into an early lead and
were never threatened. Leading
at half time, the PNA hoopsters,
led by Skinner and Jurling, match
ed the taller Marines basket for
basket, while Ivor Malutin kept
putting defensive pressure on the
1 tall servicemen.
2 Batchelor was high for the
1 Marines with 19 while Jurling had
2 17 and Skinner had 18 for PNA.
> Tuesday night’s action saw ACS
3 give up a lead held through the
1 game and finally lose in overtime
by a score of 48-47. Strope for
i D&A was high with 23 points
1 while Young for ACS had 15.
1 In the 8 p.m. game, Curley’s de
3 feated a stubborn High School In
dependent five by a score of 58
! 48. The High Schoolers fought
> to a 24-24 half-time tie only to
i. give up 19 points in the third
1 quarter while the Independents
■ could garner only 6 points. Met
I rokin led the Independents with
! 13 and Selby had 19 for Curleys.
BOY SCOUTS and their friends enjoy moose steaks.
Photo by Stover
B S Troop Cookout
Features Moose
Good weather, good skating and
a good turnout of Scouts and par
ents at the Island Lake Boy Scout
Cook-out held Feb. 22, made this
an eventful evening. Moose steaks
were featured.
The event was sponsored by the
Elks Boy Scout Committee and
the Women’s Boy Scout Auxiliary.
Plans were laid by the Elks com
.. I
A Basketful of <
Easter Fashions
For the Tiny Tots
. We have a new shipment of
Wash and Wear
Darling Coats with Matching Bonnets
Little Girls’ Black Patent and White Dress Shoes
Donnelley & Acheson Ladies’ Wear
2 Wind-up Games
Slated Tonight
Meeting for the third and final
time tonight in the season’s wind
up game, the Base 8th grade will
meet the Town 8th grade at 7 p.m.
With the Base boys leading the
series, 2 to 0, the Town 8th Grad
ers will be out to avenge their
earlier two loses.
And at 8 p.m. tonight the High
School Girls Athletic Association
All-Stars will again play the Coast
Guard Wives team. This should
be a hard-fought game as the high
school lasses went down in defeat
when matched against the Coast
Guard gals earlier in the season.
Bear Cubs Beat
By Wolverines
The Base 8th really poured on
the steam as they trounced the
Town 8th in an exciting game
held Friday afternoon. The boys
from the base, led by Andrews,
moved to an early lead and were
never headed. The base boys led
19-9 at half, but the Town pulled
mittee and Troop 625 to make
more use of, and improve and
maintain the Island Lake Recrea
tion area, and the adjacent Public
Service site.
Anyone interested in helping
the youth or Public Service pro
gram are asked to contact Paul
Stover, Institutional Representa
tive or Wally Valen, Committee
“We wish to thank the Alaska
Department of Fish and Game,
through Ovid McKinley, for the
noose meat and the Pacific North
ern Airlines, through its agent Ray
Martin, and local merchants help
ng to make this cook-out a real
send-off for our new Troop 625
charter,” Paul Stover stated.
to within four points at the 3-quar
ter mark but couldn’t find the
range in the 4th.
The final score—Base 28, Town
17. High for the Wolverines was
Andrews with 18 points while Lev
erette hit 7 for the Town Cubs.
March 5 • 9
MONDAY—Baked Beef Hash,
Buttered Peas & Carrots, Pear
Halves, Bread, Butter, Milk.
TUESDAY—Baked Meat Loaf,
Stewed Tomatoes, Plums, Bread,
Butter, Milk.
WEDNESDAY—Barbecued Hot
Beef Sandwich, Macaroni Salad,
Cheese Sticks, Fruited Jello, Choc
olate Milk.
THURSDAY—Broiled Chicken,
Buttered Corn, Carrot Sticks, Tap
ioca Fruit Pudding, Milk.
FRIDAY—Peanut Butter & Jelly
Sandwich, Creamed Carrots, Fruit
and Raisin Cake, Milk. (Soup for
High School.)
Form Merger
The Fleet Reserve Association
Branch No. 165 and American Le
gion Jack Allman Post No. 17 held
a joint meeting February 26 at the
CPO Club, Naval Station, for the
purpose of merging
At this meeting the FRA was
represented by Ray Cobb, Pres.;
Tommy Butler, Vice Pres.: Roy
Roberts, Past Pres.; Joe Herria,
Secy.; Bill Poling, Treas.; and
Board members Forrest Dawson
and Jack Wright. Representing
the American Legion were Carl
Rodli, Post Commander; Henry
White and Board members Reeves
Read and Mr. Hann
Following the official decision
to merge the two organizations a
building committer consisting of
Roy Roberts, Reeves Read and
Senior member Henry White were
“It is believed by all members
that this merger can lead to
more efficient operations for both
groups, and in turn better serve
our Kodiak area,” a spokeman for
the organizations stated.
i 3» Days Required On All Orders Received After April 1st
jj (No Exceptions)
Order Now!
Unger, Wittich, Winston and Nelson, members of the
unbeaten GOOFBALLS bowling team, hereby accept the chal
' Ienee issued by the FOUR PIN BUSTERS. The match to be
held at seven o’clock, March 3rd, at the Elks Lanes. Losers j
to pay for advertising and all bowling fees.
Try the 49 ROOM this week
Dining out at its Best
Serving full course dinners
5 P.M. till 12 midnight
Except Tuesday
Family Entrance on Harborview Avenue
• • •
Mecca 49 Room
For Reservations Call
—t. i
Ph. 486-2949 or 486-2444'

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