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Newspaper Page Text
CLASSIFIEDS ' Classified advertising rates: $1.00 minimum for first 20 word^ .10 for each additional 4 words; plus 2% sales tax Payable in Advance. >♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»»♦♦♦».!■ | | 1 >.»=H For Sale B&J AUTO SALES New and used cars. We buy and C sell. Dealer for International Scouts. Ph. 486—2464. tfn FRESH KING CRAB — Cooked daily. Will deliver. Packed for shipping. Ray Martin, Jr. Ph. 486—2377. tfn Local beef for sale— 1, 2 and 3 1 year-olds. Grain fed. 50c per pound. Ph. 486—2997. tfn A limited number of Alaska State flags, made and autographed by designer Ben Benson, are avail able at the Kodiak Mirror office. Mail orders filled promptly at $5.25 each. Size 12 inches by 18 - inches. tfn f We have plenty of crab pots and steel for sale. Shop work up-to date. Place your order now for prompt service. Ph ‘'33-5163. Fritz’s Welding. tfn IT IS LATER THAN YOU THINK Orders are now being taken for J Spring building of beautiful Lockwall Homes. Call Kodiak Aleutian Realty for appointment to study 2-3 or 4 bdrm floor _ plans. Ph 486-2960. 1 1949 Ford 2-dr. Good cond. $150; boy’s 20 inch bike, $10. Ph 486- _ 5264. 2-ly P FOR SALE—2-bdrm furn house. Baseboard heating, partial base ment, separate garage, lot 150 x 40. On Mission Rd. Ph. 486-2625 for appointment to see. 2-ly Kenmore dryer. $50. Ph. 486 5133. 2-ln 2V4 x 2V4 De-Jure photo enlarger 1 and F 4.5 lens. $40. Ph 486 5578, Mead. 2-ly NVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY: Two (2) homesteads consisting of 247.46 acres. Former site of Alaska Agricultural Experiment al Station. Includes some build ings, warehouse. Located in good fishing and hunting area. Beau tiful background of mountains good sandy beach. Price $8, 500. Call KODIAK-ALEUTIAN REALTY, Ph. 486-2960. 2-ln )ne (1) seine skiff 22% feet long, 9% foot beam; one (1) outboard skiff, 17 foot bottom, 21 feet overall; one (1) Vee bottom outboard boat 12 feet long. Can be seen at Pleasant Harbor or write Ed Opheim, Ouzinkie, Alaska. ' 2-ly ust arrived—500 new Season’s samples. See our beautiful new tailoring line. Made to order by well-known National Tailor ing Co. Fit guaranteed. Rep resented by man who knows trade. Samples on display at Dad’s Barber Shop. 2-ly E YOUR OWN LANDLORD: With the same monthly pay ments that you would pay for rent you could own this cozy board heat, excellent view and close to school. Price $25, 000. Call KODIAK-ALEUTIAN REALTY, Ph. 486-2960. 2-ln 951 Ford for sale cheap. See Beulah Short, Knudsen’s Out fitters, during day or Ph 486 2697 evenings. 2-ly 'hree 30-inch bunk beds w/inner spring mattresses; floor and table lamps. Ph 486-2344. 2-ln .RE YOUR RENTAL SLIPS SHOWING?? They needn’t any longer. Four (4) bdrm home with accent on value. Located in area with ocean view and you can become the owner in a short time. Price: $15,000. Call KO DIAK-ALEUTIAN REALTY, Ph 486-2960. 2-ln 954 4-dr Desoto. 25,000 miles, needs some minor repairs. Ph 486-2904. 2-ln I—^ (§i There's a very cute boy in my class at school and I'd re ally like to go out with him. How can I let him know I'm alive?" Unfortunately'.there isn*t any magic formula that will make a boy like a girl just because she wants him to.How ever. you might scatter a few hints in his path-and hope for the best. 1 You can begin by talking to him in a friendly, casual manner-as one class-mate to another. If he doesn't seem interested in what you have to say, give up and keep your dignity intact. If, on the other hand, he seems pleased with your approach, you can carry on from there. ■ ft Without being too eager or anxious, let him know you like him. And if he really wants to date you, he will. t | V J 1© Copyright 1961 Pond's Good Grooming Service 133 ifl Mounted King Crabs. Call Anna at Ph 486-5597. 2-ly Help Wanted 444444444444444444444444 Full-time baby sitter. Board and room furnished. Private sleep ing quarters. Saturday after noon and Sunday off. Ph. 486 5198. tfnc 4444444»444»4*4»444»4444 Pets For Sale AKC Registered Weimaraner pup pies. 3 months old. See Curley at Curley’s Barber Shop. tfn ttmmwwwww* Services ANDERSON’S MAINTENANCE Service—Furnace cleaning, pipe thawing and general mainten ence. Day and night service. Ph. 486-5289! George "Swede” Ander son. tfn ISLAND ELECTRONICS — Radio & TV repair. Open 12 to 9 pm. Ph. 486—2626. tfn MARTIN’S HAP.BORVIEW PLUMBING & HEATING. Ph. 486—2422 day or night. Guaran teed work by licensed plumber & steamfitter. Take advantage of our free estimating service, tfn Will do alterations on men’s and women’s clothing. Mrs. Moore, 1511 Hemlock, Ph 486-5297. 2-ly Scandanavian knitting classes be ing formed. For informatioa call Ph 486-5579. 2-ly Quality rubber stamps for your every need. Jerry’s Rubber Stamp & Laminating Co. Ph 486-2464. tfn Will baby-sit pre-school child in my home. Ph. 486-2334. 2-ly Will do alterations in my home. 1731 Mill Bay Rd. Lee Vail. 2-ly ******+***************** Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Ph. 486—5148 or 486—2364. tfn RUMMAGE SALE —Kodiak Bap tist Mission. Coats, shoes, bunk beds, clothing. Sat. 1-5 p.m. tfn - m. m. m. m m m m m m m m » » ■ m.. » m m m m • • • ■ • r r r■ r• r r• » • •w Wanted Want to buy furniture for 1 or 2 bdrm home. Contact Brown, ETC, Ph 486-2851. 23-2y Clean rags. No wool. Will pay 15c a pound. Kodiak Mirror. U.S. old coins, Alaska trade tokens and bingles. State your price and quantity in first letter. Write P.O. Box 6142, International Air port Annex Br., Anchorage, Alaska. 16-3y N. S. Youth On Caribbean Cruise Robert E. Quammea. JQre..con trol technician second class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Quam men, Naval Station here, is serving aboard the 75,000-ton attack air craft carrier USS Constellation, now conducting a “Shakedown” cruise in Caribbean waters; The Constellation, largest con ventionally-powered attack carrier in the world, departed New York Naval Shipyard, Jan. 25, and visit ed Norfolk, Va., Feb. 1. Other ports scheduled to be visited dur ing the cruise include Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico, and Guanta namo Bay, Cuba. THE PAY OFF The price you pay for experience is secondary — it’s the knowledge you gain that counts. Legal Notice NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MARCH 27, 1962 1. TIME OF ELECTION. No tice is hereby givon that between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. on the 27th day of March, 1962, at Kodiak, Alaska, a special municipal election will be held. The polling place shall be the City Hall. The City limits shall con stitute the boundaries of the vot ing precinct. 2. ELIGIBILITY OF VOTERS. Those eligible to vote at the special municipal election must possess the following qualifica tions: a. He or she must be a citi zen of the United States, Nine teen (19) years of age or over. b. He or she must be an ac tual and bona fide resident of the State of Alaska and must have been such resident contin uously for a period of one year immediately preceding said elec tion; and must have been such resident continuously for a per iod of thirty (30) days next pre ceding said election of the City of Kodiak. c. He or she must be able to read and write the English lan guage, as prescribed in Title 38, Chapter 1, Section 2, Compiled Laws of Alaska, 1949, and not barred from voting by any other provisions of law. d. Qualifications for electors on Propositions No. 3 and No. 4, in addition to the aforemen tioned qualifications, shall in clude having their names on the last assessment roll or record of the City of Kodiak, for the pur pose of municipal taxation. 3. PROPOSITIONS TO BP VOTED UPON. PROPOSITION NO. 1. Are you in favor of continuing a two per cent (2 cent) sales tax, one-half of which will be used for Street Construction and Improvement in the amount of $500,000, and one half of which will be used by the water utility for retirement of bonds issued to finance the con-j struction of Pillar Creek Water Supply facilities az*d replacement and enlargement of water transp mission lines on Rezenoff Drivd and Brooklyn Avenue to the city^ Dock industrial area, in the amount of $500,000? , PROPOSITION NO. 2. (a) Shall, a Charter Commission be elected to frame a proposed new Charter? (b) Election of nine members of the Charter Commission. PROPOSITION NO. 3 Are you, in favor of the City of Kodiak is suing General Obligation BontU| in an amount not to exceed $500, 000 to finance the construction of Pillar Creek Water Supply facil ities, and replacement and enlarge ment of water transmission lines on Rezanoff Drive and Brooklyn Avenue to the City Dock industrial area, said bonds to be repaid from either the water utility fund or from sales tax receipts? PROPOSITION 'NO. 4. Are you in favor of the City of Kodiak is suing General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $130, 000 to finance the Leite and Ur dahl Addition Sewer System, said bonds to be repaid by a special assessment of 2/3 of the cost against the properly owner bene fited, and the 1/3 balance from sewer utility receipts? 4. REGISTRATION OF VOT ERS. Registration ot voters shall be by signing the Poll Registra tion Book at the polling place prior to voting. FOR THE CITY OF KODIAK Douglas Preston City Clerk Publish February 23, March 2, 6, 16, and 23, 1962 i i gatTZ puts YOU to tb* flvtr't umi mi. Ph. 486-2662 Hubbell & Waller Engineering Corporation Jim Barr, Vice-President CIVIL ENGINEERING — SURVEYING Carpenter’s Hall Box 792, Kodiak Ph. 486-2900 If no answer, call 486-2902 ORPHEUM THEATRE Showplace of Kodiak Phone 6-2424 Tonight 7:30 Ernest Borgnine^ TheRabmt Trap Saturday 2 P.ML Only ft UP Ot^Tg Hlitt^ — 7 & 9 — Sunday 2-7:30, Monday 7:30 L MM 110-MM -H color Ne ghgd JACKS Tues.-Wed. 7:30 Nightly AND OLIVIA oiHAVILLAND — DIRK BOGARDE | Thurs. - Fri. 7:30 Nightly u. 0*?ma5cop£ color »v Ot LUX* G?SMQHTfiOMERY