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NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION CITY OF KODIAK, ALASKA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, October 2, 1962, a special election will be held in the City of Kodiak for the submis sion to the qualified electors of said city of the following propo sitions: PROPOSITION NO. 1 GENERAL OBLIGATION WATER SYSTEM BONDS §500,000 Shall the city of Kodiajc, Alaska, for the purpose of providing funds to construct additions and im provements to the water supply system of the city consisting of the construction of Pillar Creek Water Supply facilities, together with transmission lines and all neces sary appurtenances, and the re placement and enlargement of wa ter transmission lines with all nec essary appurtenances on Rezanoff Drive and Brooklyn Avenue, and on South Benson from Brooklyn Avenue to the City Dock Indus trial area, issue its general obliga tion bonds in the principal sum of not to exceed $500,000, said bonds to bear interest at a rate of not to exceed 6% per annum, to mature at such time or times from date of is sue as shall be determined by the Common Council of the city, and to be paid both principal and interest out of annual tax levies to be made upon all the taxable property within the city without limitation as to rate or amount and from other funds available for the pay ment of such principal and inter est. all as more fully provided in Ordinance No. 253, adopted Au gust 27, 1962. BONDS. YES . □ BONDS, NO . □ PROPOSITION NO. 2 GENERAL OBLIGATION SEWER SYSTEM BONDS §130,000 Shall the City of Kodiak, Alaska, for the purpose of providing funds to construct the Leite and Urdahl Addition Sewer System, consisting of a sanitary sewage collection sys tem, two outfall trunk sewers, and all necessary appurtenances, issue its general obligation bonds in the principal sum of not to exceed S130.000, said bonds to bear inter est at a rate of not to exceed 6r/o per annum, to mature at such time or times from date of issue as shall be determined by the Com mon Council of the city, and to be paid both principal and interest out of annual tax levies to be made upon all the taxable property within the city without limitation as to rate or amount and from other funds available for the pay ment of such principal and inter est, all as more fully provided in Ordinance No. 253, adopted Au gust 27, 1962. BONDS, YES . □ BONDS, NO . □ The polling place for said elec tion shall be: Precinct No. 1 City Hall Said polling place shall be open from 8:00 o’clock AM. to 8:00 o'clock P.M. The boundaries of the voting precincts for said election are as follows: Precinct No. 1 The City Limits of Kodiak, Alaska. Registration of voters shall be by signing the poll registration book at the polling places prior to voting. Those eligible to vote at said election must present the follow ing qualifications: a) He or she must be a citizen of the United States, nineteen (19) years of age or over. b) He or she must be an actual and bona fide resident of the State of Alaska and must have been such resident continuously for a period of one year immediately preceding said election; and must have been such resident continuously for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding said election of the City of Kodiak. c) He or she must be able to read and write the English language, as prescribed in Title 38, Chapter 1, Section 2, Compiled Laws of Alaska, 1949, and not be barred from voting by any other pro visions of law: d) His or her name must appear on the last tax assessment roll or record of the City of Kodiak, for the purpose of municipal taxation. City of Kodiak, Alaska Douglas G. Preston City Clerk Publish Aug. 31, Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28, 1962 NOTICE OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF THE CITY OF KODIAK, ALASKA I. TIME OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Or dinances No. 207, 208, 223, and 232 of the City of Kodiak, Alaska, that between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on October 2, 1962, at Kodiak, Alaska, a General Election will be held. II. ELIGIBILITY OF VOTERS. Those eligible to vote at the Gen eral Municipal Election must possess all of the following quali fications: (a) He or she must be a citizen of the United States, Nineteen (19) years of age and over. (b) He or she must be an actual and bona fide resident of Alaska and must have been such resident continuously for a period of one year immediately preceding the election: and must have been such resident continuously for the thirty (30) days next preceding the election in the City of Kodiak, Alaska. (c) He or she must be able to read and write the English lan guage as prescribed and proved in Title 38, Chapter 1, Section 2, Compiled Laws of Alaska, 1949 and not be barred by any other permission of law from voting. III. OFFCES TO BE FILLED. PROPOSITIONS TO BE VOTED UPON AT THE ELECTION (2): (a) The following offices will be filled at said election: 1. City Coun cilmen—3 year terms (Two to be elected) (b) The following propositions will be submitted to the electors of the City in accordance with State Law: Proposition No. 1. (a) Shall a Charter Commission be elected to frame a proposed new Charter for the City of Kodiak? b) Election of nine members of Charter Commission. Proposition No. 2 “Are you in favor of ratification of Ordinance No. 252, enacted on the 27th day of August, 1962, providing for the sale of the following described property by the City of Kodiak to Alaska Ice and Storage, Inc., for the sum of $7,000, payable One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) down and the balance at the rate of One Hundred Dollars ($100) monthly, said sale to be predicated on the construction and operation of a shrimp plant at that location?” A portion of the Kodiak City Dock lying between the Cold Stor age Building and the City Dock warehouse and within the boun daries of U. S. Survey No. 1086 and adjacent tide and submerged lands, as shown on the Plat of Ko diak Townsite, Alaska, U. S. Sur vey No. 2537B; as accepted Sep tember 11, 1941, and more par ticularly described as: Beginning at a point from which the Witness Corner to Meander Corner No. 2 of said U. S. Survey No. 1086 bears N. 81° 46’ W. a distance of 78.36 feet; thence N. 64“ 18’ E. a distance of 8.00 ft. to corner 2; thence S. 25° 42’ E. a distance of 190.00 ft. seaward over tide and submerged lands to corner 3; thence S. 64° 18’ W. a distance of 13.25 feet to corner 4; thence N. 24° 07’ W. a distance of 190.08 ft. shoreward over tide and submerged lands to corner 1, the Point of Beginning; thereby containing 2019 sq. ft. more or less. IV. REGISTRATION RE QUIRED: Registration shall be by signing a Poll Registration Book at the polling place prior to voting. V. POLLING PLACE: The poll ing place shall be in the City Hall. VI. NOMINATION OF CANDI DATES FOR CITY COUNCIL, MANNER OF. Any qualified elec tor of the City .having been a resi dent of Alaska for at least two years, and a resident of the City of Kodiak for at least one year next preceding the date of decla ration of candidacy, may be nomi nated for elective office by peti tion of any twenty-five (25) such electors, who shall be designated as his sponsors. No elector shall sign more than one petition (ex cept as to Councilmen in which case as many petitions may be signed as there are vacancies for the position of Councilmen), and should an elector do so, his signa ture shall be void except as to the petition first filed. With each sig nature shall be stated the place of residence of the signer, giving the street and number or lot and City block or other description suffi cient t» identify it. Nominating petitions shall be signed and filed with the City Clerk not earlier than twenty (20) days nor later than seven (7) days before the election, otherwise they shall be unacceptable. Petition Forms may be obtained at City Hall. VII. NOMINATION OF CANDI DATES FOR CHARTER CAM MISSION (Chapter 196, Laws of Alaska 1959). Candidates for the members of the charter commis sion shall be nominated by the City Council or may be nominated by petition signed by 25 qualified voters of the City. No person may be eligible as a candidate for such commission, unless he shall have been, for the three years next pre ceding, a qualified voter of said City. FOR THE CITY OF KODIAK Douglas G. Preston City, Clerk-Treasurer Publish Aug. 31, Sept. 7. 14, 21, 28, 1962 NOTICE OF PETITION TO VACATE STREET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 27th day of August, 1962, Herbert Heglin, Marlys Heg lin and Alice Bluhm, owners of all the abutting properties, filed a pe tition praying for vacation of a certain street lying between Lot 5, Block 4 and Lots 1 and 2 of Block 7 of the Leite Addition, U.S. Survey No. 1681, in the City of Kodiak, which street is named Kouskov Street. This petition is filed pursuant to Chapter 115, Session Laws of Alaska 1953, and is accompanied by a plat showing the proposed vacation. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a hearing on said petition will be heard before the City Council of the City of Kodiak at 8:00 o’clock p.m. on the 11th day of Oc tober 1962 at the City Council Chambers in the City of Kodiak, at which time the City Council will inquire into, and determine the merits of the relief prayed for, and make such order as justice and the public welfare require. ROBERTSONS RETURN Mr. and Mrs. William J. Robert son arrived back in Kodiak last Sat urday after spending several weeks visiting friends in Washington and Oregon. They were accompanied enroute by Mrs. Effie Matthews of Aberdeen, Wash., who will be vis iting several months with her son, Karl Armstrong. WITNESS my hand and the of ficial seal of the City of Kodiak this 28th day of August, 1962. City Clerk-Treasurer Douglas G. Preston Publish Sept. 21, 28, and Oct. 5, 1962. NOTICE OF PETITION TO VACATE STREET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 27th day of August, 1962, Herbert Heglin, Marlys B. Heglin, Eddie L. Franklin, Mary E. Franklin, Mrs. Alice Bluhm and John Katelnikoff, Jr., owners of all the abutting properties, filed a petition praying for vacation of a certain street lying between Lots 1 and 2 and Lots 25 and 26, Block 7 of the Leite Addition, U. S. Sur vey No. 1681 in the City of Kodiak which street is named Yanovsky Street. This petition is filed pursuant to Chapter 115, Session Laws of Alaska 1953, and is accompanied by a plat showing the proposed vacation. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a hearing on said petition will be heard before the City Council of the City of Kodiak at 8:00 o’clock p.m. on the 11th day of Oc tober 1962, at the City Council Chambers in the City of Kodiak, at which time the City Council will inquire into, and determine the merits of the relief prayed for, and make such order as justice and the public welfare require. WITNESS my hand and the of ficial seal of the City of Kodiak this 28th day of August, 1962. Douglas G. Preston City Clerk-Treasurer Publish Sept. 21, 28, and Oct. 5, 1962. NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that the annual election of the Kodiak In dependent School District will De held on the 2nd day of October, 1962, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., at the City Hall, Kodiak, Alaska, which election will be held in conjunction with the annual City Election. One Board Member will be elected to serve for the term of five (5) years, or until his succes sor is elected and qualified. Nominations will be accepted by Dorothy Clark, clerk of the beard, at the Kodiak Public School Office, from date hereof until 6:00 p.m., September 17, 1962. Nominations shall be made by party convention submitted in writing over the signature of the President and Secretary of such party or organization, or by peti tion by not less than twenty (20) qualified voters. Candidates so nominated may withdraw from the Ballot at any time prior to 6:00 p.m., September 24, 1962, by state ment acknowledged before a No tary Public and delivered at the Office of the Clerk in the Kodiak Public School building prior to said time. A candidate must have the qualifications of a voter: i.e., a citizen of the United States, nine teen (19) years of age or over, an actual and bonafide resident of Alaska, who has been such resident continuously during the entire year immediately preceding the election, and who has been such resident continuously for thirty (30) days next preceding the elec tion in such school district, and who is able to read and write the English language as prescribed by an act of the United States Con gress on March 3, 1927, entitled, “An Act to prescribe certain quali fications of voters in the Territory of Alaska, and for other purposes.” DATED this 5th day of Septem ber, 1962. DOROTHY E. CLARK Clerk of the Board Publish: Sept. 7, 14 and 21, 1962 Dutch Boy Paint at D & A KODIAK FISHERMEN KNOTTEliATpug "rLO" sPONGEX FLOATS PLYMOUTH POLV.n/i/> lead lines and POLvnii?^ ant* lines. a °LYDAC purse Braided Nylon Hanging "ARSON SEINE TWINE PLUS all the oth^r for first-rate gelr.eSSeniia,s BOPP»CIF,®"i‘»l*f c_ ran'Sco 0l,tato"' su» 3-9900