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Anne Palmer-Dennis Duke Wed Sept. 14 In Double Ring Ceremony In Kodiak United in marriage in a double ring ceremony performed by Rev. Lewis White on Sept. 14 were Anne Palmer of Pisgah, Alabama, and Dennis Duke of Kodiak. The nup tial service was performed in the Community Baptist Church. Attending the bride was Vir ginia Carlson, while Graham Fish er was best man. The bride wore a beige brocade sheath gown with a tunic overskirt and a short halo veil. She carried a white prayer book with streamers of stephanotis and a removable white orchid corsage. Her attendant wore an ice blue satin princess style gown with a matching headband. Her corsage was of pink roses. Mrs. Mel Vega played “I Love You Truly,” ‘Because,” and Loh rengin’s “Wedding March.” A reception was held in the Church following the ceremony with candlelight and roses deco Elli McLaii^Jln At Beauty Kraft Elli McLaughlin is back at “Beauty-Kraft” in Kodiak, having returned from Norfolk recently. She is returning to work at the Beauty Salon with Beoma Kraft with hours on Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. and Mondays. Thursday, Fri days and Saturdays from 4 p.m. un til 9 p.m. Mrs. Kraft, Mrs. Anita Olsen and Mis. Barbara Scott returned this week after attending the second annual Alaska Beauty Show held in Anchorage at the Westward Hotel. rating the reception hall. Mrs. James Humphries presided over the guest table and Miss Kathleen Carlson the guest book. The groom is employed by Alas ka Packers Assocition as an ac countant. The couple is making their home at 1065 Hemlock in Kodiak. Three Day FBI School Is Set Tenth annual F.B.I. school will be conducted in Kodiak for police officers starting October 3 and ex tending through Oct. 6, Chief R. E. Vickery announced this week. There will be two days of class work and the third day will be spent on the range. F.B.I. instructors will be Bob Evans and Robert Stratton. Family Of Six Lose Home In Fire The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lexie Fadaoff, located off Mission Road was completely gutted by fire Wednesday morning about 9 a m. The F'adaoffs, who have four small children, lost all their per* sonal and household belongings in the blaze. Cause of the fire was not determined. Cannery Workers Select Nominees Nominations for officers of the United Cannery Workers of Kodiak Island have been made with the following persons nominated: President, Jean Alho, Frances Coles, Jess Brickenrich; vice-pres ident, Martha Molly Balas; secre tary-treasurer, Dorothy Chase Lovis Jackson, Margaret Norm; ex ecutive committeemen, three to be elected, Claudia Kilgore, Beu lah Ogborn, Millie Thompson, Sal ly Young, Mamie Shively. SAILING FROM SEATTLE Oct. 3, 1962 MS TANANA Womens Bay, Kodiak Port Williams, Seldovia, Homer jH|j|j^W ■ V fM vK<*■ ■ >V‘V * *JV 11 u ,Jh « I j * I I ^HlliliiiiASHBQHBBii^flBiinii “Glue-Sniffing” Among Teenagers Reports of “glue-sniffing” among teen-agers have caused concern among Kodiak parents, teachers and law officers it has been re ported to the Mirror. The young people are inhaling glue used in model airplane mak ing, giving them a temporary ex hiliarating effect, later offset by headaches and nausea. Doctors have warned of the per manent damage to the body caused by the sniffing. A snack at bedtime has become rightly known as sandwich spread. Watch Paper for Date—D & A GIFT iDEA I PUT A KODAK CAMERA % IN THE PACK HI brownie Raoul CAMERA OUTFIT Complete snapshot outfit . . . at low, low cost! Everything for indoor-outdoor pictures in one value-pocked outfit! Brownie Fiesta camera takes snaps in color and black and-white, even color slides. Just aim and shoot! For indoor pictures, flash holder slips right on top of camera. Outfit includes camera, flash holder, film, bulbs, batteries, neck strap, in gift box. Stuffed Animals Dolls Doll Clothes Charms Sea! Coin Purses KNUDSEN’S — Where Vi! Kodiak '■'hops A New Shipment Dresses CASUAL-COCKTAIL 1 WINTER GOATS For All Occasions SHOES New Styles - Women & Children’s 0 & A’s Ladies Wear